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Native American : Goddess: Chup
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 10/1/2008 10:57 PM

Goddess Chup

Miwok Acorn Festival (California)

Themes: Harvest, Reason, Weather, Providence

Symbols: Acorns, Oak, Rainwater, Fire

About Chup: Native American Goddess of food, Chup is the founder of our feast today. 

She oversees nature's energies, specifically those of wind, rain, and fire, and teaches people to use a combination of reason and their emotions to solve difficult problems.

To Do Today: This is an event of the Miwok Indians, who gather today as they have for thousands of years to celebrate the harvest through ritual and feasting.

Acorns get made into breads and soups, having been a regional staple for early peoples.

Therefore, I advocate finding some creative uses for acorns, perhaps making them into runes or using them to mark the sacred circle in the east, west, or south (the elemental regions that correspond to Chup).

To increase your reasoning skills, especially for a pressing situation, try this

Chup spell: The next time it rains, gather the rainwater and warm it, gently blowing over the top of the pan three times and saying, By Chup's sensible winds, let this magic begin.

Say; "Within this water I bind keenness of mind.

By the fire actuate, all confusion abates."

To this water add some spearmint leaves and a pinch of rosemary to augment conscious thought, then drink the tea to start the transformation process.

By Patricia Telesco ~ From "365 Goddess" and GrannyMoon's Morning Feast 

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