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Native American : Goddess: Bear Woman
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 10/1/2008 11:11 PM
Goddess Bear Woman
Ute Bear Dance (Colorado)
Themes:  Health; Psychic Abilities; Fertility; Unity; Love; Kinship; Instinct; Nature; Rebirth; Energy
Symbol:  Bear
About Bear Woman:  Among Native Americans, Bear Woman's power is intimately intertwined with the earth, protecting its creatures and helping humans in hunting. 
Because of the way bears interact with cubs, Bear Woman refocuses our attention on the importance of family unity, warmth, and love (especially in extended families like that of the tribe).
To Do Today:  The Bear Dance was once held in February as bears emerged from their caves to commemorate the Utes's common ancestry with bears. 
Continuing the tradition ensures the tribe's health as well as ensuring ongoing communication with Spirit on important matters through Bear Woman. 
To adapt this custom, dress up in a furry coat or fuzzy clothing and imitate a bear. 
This acts as a form of sympathetic magic that draws Bear Woman's energy to you and helps you commune with it for positive personal transformation.
Also stop at a nature or science shop that carries stone carvings and get one today. 
Carry it to connect with Bear Woman's strength, endurance, and other positive attributes that you need in your life. 
Dreaming of bears today reveals a bear totem or spirit guide in your life offering guidance, or a special message of help from Bear Woman.
By Patricia Telesco~From "365 Goddess"

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From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 10/3/2008 7:30 PM
thank you for sharing