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Native American : Goddess: Awehai
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 10/1/2008 11:21 PM
Goddess Awehai
Strawberry Festival (New York)

Themes: Harvest; Tradition; Growth; Longevity; Community

Symbols: Turtle; Seeds

About Awehai: In Iroquois tradition, this goddess reigns in the sky and the heavens, watching diligently over family life and the community.

Mythology tells us that Awehai grabbed seeds and animals as she fell from heaven, landing on the back of a great turtle.

From here, Awehai scattered the seeds and freed the animals, resulting in a growing, fertile earth filled with beauty.

To Do Today: This festival takes place nearly in my backyard, having been instituted by the Iroquois Indians of Tonawanda, New York.

Here people come to the longhouse to enjoy ritual dancing, chanting, and the sounding of turtle-shell rattles, a symbol of Awehai.

So, if you know any type of traditional ritual dances or chants, consider enacting them outside as you scatter grass seed to the wind.

This will manifest Awehai's productivity in your life and in the earth.

Another custom is simpler asd a lot of fun: consuming strawberries in as many forms as  possible.

In Iroquois tradition, these pave the road to heaven, and eating them ensures you a long life and Awehai's feritlity.

Share strawberries with a loved one to inspre Awehai's community-oriented energy in your home, and comsume fresh strawberries to harvest her powers for personal growth.

By Patricia Telesco~From "365 Goddess"

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