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Native American : Goddess: Corn Mother
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 10/1/2008 11:35 PM
Goddess Corn Mother

Seminole Green Corn Dance (Southeastern US)

Themes:  Abundance, Children, Energy, Fertility, Harvest, Health, Grounding, Providence, Strength

Symbols:  Corn, Corn Sheafs

About Corn Mother:  Literally the spirit of the corn in Native American traditions, Corn Mother brings with her the bounty of earth, its healing capabilities, its nurturing nature, and its providence. 

This is the season when Corn Mother really shines, bountiful with the harvest. 

She is happy to share of this bounty and give all those who seek her an appreciation of self, a healthy dose of practicality, and a measure of good common sense.

To Do Today:  Around this time of year the Seminole Indians (in the Florida area) dance the green corn dance to welcome the crop and ensure ongoing fertility in the fields and tribe. 

This also marks the beginning of the Seminole year. 

So, if you enjoy dancing, grab a partner and dance!  Or, perhaps do some dance aerobics. 

As you do, breathe deeply and release your stress into Corn Mother's keeping. 

She will turn into something positive, just as the land takes waste and makes it into beauty.

Using corn in rituals and spells is perfectly fitting for this occasion. 

Scatter cornmeal around the sacred space to mark your magic circle, or scatter it to the wind so Corn Mother can bring fertility back to you. 

Keeping a dried ear of corn in the house invokes Corn Mother's protection and luck, and consuming corn internalizes her blessings.

By Patricia Telesco~From "365 Goddess"

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From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 10/3/2008 7:29 PM
thank you for sharing