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Native American : Goddess: Genetaska
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 10/1/2008 11:49 PM
Goddess Genetaska

Crow Fair (Montana)

Themes:  Tradition; Unity

Symbols:  Amalgams (any item that mixes different components into a useful, harmonious blend)

About Genetaska:  Since this festival has become a meeting ground for various tribes, we look to Genetaska to make the day productive and celebratory. 

As the Iroquois Mother of Nations, she not only created human diversity but also maintains the peace within it.

To Do Today: Since 1918, a great gathering of Native American tribes has taken place in Crow Agency, Montana. 

Here people meet, dance, and revel in native traditions. 

While the event is hosted by the Crow Tribe, others attend from tribes as diverse as Inuit and Aztec. 

In keeping with this theme, and to invoke Genetaska's harmony in your life, make peace with yourself or someone from whom you've been estranged. 

Ask Genetaska to help you find forgiveness in your heart.

Also, listen to some Native American music today, or maybe visit a museum that includes Native American exhibits to enjoy Genetaska's diversity. 

She lives within her people's artistic expressions of individuality and vision.

Finally, make a stew that includes squash and corn (two traditional Native American foods). 

Stir the stew clockwise and invoke Genetaska, Saying,

Diversity and harmony, as I eat, abide in me!

The goddess will mix and mingle the food to magical perfection.

By Patricia Telesco~From "365 Goddess"

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 10/3/2008 7:27 PM
thank you for sharing