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Pagan : Today’s New Moon in Sagittarius
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 10/15/2006 10:20 AM


Today’s New Moon in Sagittarius
New Moon Phase:  December 1st AM—December 4th PM
  It is in the dark of the New Moon that we plant the seeds of our aspirations and are awakened to the summons of a new lunar cycle. 
Aspirations are different from goals because they often carry the quality of the Heart’s yearning for ‘something more.�?SPAN> 
They are indicative of your soul’s desires. The Sagittarius New Moon particularly can revive your zest for life. It is a fire sign Moon, and as such it thrives on spontaneity, adventure, broad perspectives, and generosity.   
Where this New Moon operates in your natal chart is the place where you will want freedom and chose to gain greater knowledge.  It is where you will want to believe in an ideal and can focus on abundant possibility. As the sign of the archer it is now important to have your sights aimed towards the target of your essential self. 
To get in touch with this aspect of self, take a minute to get pen and paper. Now breathe deeply for a several moments to slow your mind down.  Imagine yourself on a mountaintop with a panoramic view before you. 
Feel the sun on you face, smell the cool wind, allow your mind to absorb and expand in the spacious view before you.   Ask yourself,  “What I really want to do is…�?SPAN>  Relax, continue to breathe deeply and then quickly write without further thinking about it. 
Be silly, be spontaneous and most of all, imaginative.  In the days ahead when you look at this list of spur-of-the-moment writings you will find a message from your essential self.
The New Moon Abundance Check
Ingrid Jefferies 303-697-8309
Sagittarius carries the spirit of abundance and generosity.
As the ‘Rising Sign�?a.k.a. Ascendant of the <st1:country-region><st1:place>United States</st1:place></st1:country-region>, is it any wonder that Americans tend to go overboard when it comes to Christmas shopping. 
This is a sign that loves to indulge. The Sagittarius New Moon is the perfect time to celebrate your spirit of abundance through this popular ritual that reminds you to be open to creative and abundant possibility.
Imagination lays the tracks for the reality train and there is magic in taking the time to contemplate the magnificent prosperity of the Universe coming to you. 
This ritual is known to bring amazing results—increasing abundance in the area of ones life where it is most needed.
This ritual has been handed down through so many people that its origin has become unknown.
The Ritual: 
  1.Within 24 hours of a New Moon, take a check from your checkbook.  Where it says “Pay to.�?SPAN>  Write your name.  If you don’t have a checking account, draw a check on a piece of paper and fill it out the same way. 
  2. One the same line, in the little box (or line) where you would fill in the dollar amount write, “Paid in Full.�?/SPAN> 
  3.On the line underneath your name, where you would write out the dollar amount, write, “Paid in Full.�?/SPAN> 
  4. Sign the check “The Law of Abundance.�?/SPAN> 
  5. Don’t put a date on the check.  Don’t write a specific dollar amount on the check.  When you’re done, put the check in a safe place and then forget about it.  The rest is up to the Universe.
If you enjoy this ritual, do it for the next three New Moons and see what happens.
Offered to you by: Ingrid Jeffries 303-697-8309
If you want to receive regular postings from Ingrid, about the moon phases, send an email to the link at the bottom of the article.

Love and light, Maggie The Global Spiritual Network itt

Thank You for sharing this Eerie*

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