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Pagan : Five Elements
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 10/15/2006 11:08 AM


Five Elements 

Each phase correspondence can be understood in positive, process- oriented terms reflecting the "ideal" attributes of each.

These ideal states are guidelines or objectives for balanced and integrated functioning.

They also reflect the relationships and interactions between phases.


Representing the heart as well as the Shen (Spirit), Fire corresponds with Opening - unconditional giving, responding to events with spontaneous resiliency and adaptability. Our ability to show compassion, experience joy, and share with others resides here, as does the aliveness in our eyes. Fire pathology shows as being too open-hearted (to the point of self- detriment), little or no sense of limits or boundaries in interpersonal relations, inability to give emotionally or to be spontaneous.


Corresponding with the spleen and Yi (Mind), Earth is associated with Connecting - patience, being in the moment, focusing thoughtful attention and making useful mental associations. It is also the ability to be clearly in the moment. Patience, stability, home, service and tasting Life belong here. Earth pathology manifests as obsessiveness, inability to be in the moment, acting in a scattered or distracted way (not present), lack of awareness of surroundings, or difficulty moving (stuckness).


Metal (Gold), lungs and P'o (Corporeal Soul), reflects Releasing - stepping back from an experience to evaluate and sort it out, refining goals and directions and the ability to let go of excessive emotional attachments to people and events. Inspiration, acknowledging self and others and refining one's character all show up here. Metal pathology is characterized by, chronic grieving & sadness, aloofness, obsessiveness, living in the past or extreme attachments.


Kidneys and Zhi (Will). Water relates to Aligning - setting foundations, maintaining integrity & balance, gathering energies, and storing reserves. It is the ability to keep rooted even in the face of chaos. It may be thought of as a rudder in the flow of life. There are times where we enter the Unknown and must allow Life to guide us without preconceptions, judgments or panic - Aligning is our optimal response. Water pathology might show up as lack of direction, not completing things, extremism, fear, or fixation on only one way of doing things.


Wood, liver and Hun (Heavenly Soul), is expressed in the idea of Trusting. Specifically this means trusting in God/Universal Flow/Great Spirit. Focusing intent, doing your best and transcending limitations, both inwardly and outwardly, all correspond to this phase. This is where we reach out into new territory, express creativity and focus our intention. Wood pathology might show up as timidness, depression, being overly cautious, lack of focus, "running on empty," impulsiveness, etc.

The Process Interactions;
The Phase interactions can be simply expressed thus:

Opening: is supported by Trusting is controlled by Aligning (prevents excess) controls Releasing (limits detachment) supports Connecting.

Connecting: is supported by Opening is controlled by Trusting (reaching beyond limits) controls Aligning (prevents stagnation) supports Releasing (being present to release past)

Releasing: is supported by Connecting (releasing the past) is controlled by Opening controls Trusting (tempers impulsiveness) supports Aligning (with Will)

Aligning: is supported by Releasing is controlled by Connecting (keeps it current) controls Opening (keeps balance) supports Trusting (foundation for further growth)

Trusting: is supported by Aligning (foundation) is controlled by Releasing (allows for focus) controls Connecting (allows for going beyond limits) supports Opening.

Applications Of The Five Phases;

Any comprehensive, self-contained, homeostatic system has so many possible permutations that it is difficult to fully describe them. Here are a number of illustrative examples of these ideas:

Example 1:  An aspect of Releasing is the quality of detachment. Healthy detachment is prevented from becoming excessive by keeping a sense of openness and adaptability (Releasing controlled by Opening). Similarly, since attachments are typically a function of past/future associations, a healthy releasing of such attachments is supported by being in the present (Connecting).

Example 2:  Aligning is also to a large extent the act of balancing and harmonizing all aspects of a situation. Since life is a flow of energy, a static balance is not healthy. Therefore balance must be an on-going process and is prevented from stagnating by: 1) Providing the basis for new expansion (Aligning supports Trusting); and 2) Staying in the ever-changing flow of the present moment (Aligning controlled by Connecting).

Example 3:  Just as each Phase is healthiest when supporting the following Phase in the nourishing cycle, it is also healthiest when applying limits to the following Phase on the controlling cycle. Trusting, as aspect of which is going beyond limitations, functions best when it can temper the tendency of Connecting to stay exclusively in the moment. When done appropriately, planning (another aspect of Trusting, i.e., going beyond the limited perception of the immediate here and now) tempers any tendency for imbalanced indulgence by Connecting to be only in the here & now, and stimulates the energy to move-on to Releasing where it can evaluate what is most important in the experience.

Effective Use;

The most important question regarding this or any model is, "How can this information be put to effective use?" Most essentially it is a tool for self- examination and personal evolution. The concepts are exceptional as a basis for meditation or incorporation into other yogic, meditative and/or affirmation practices.

Working with others the Five Phases may be used as a basis for evaluating personality traits and tendencies and, in the context of a complete holistic treatment, appropriate counterbalancing and supporting affirmations might be assigned, or suggestions given to the patient to enhance, at the level of the individual's beliefs, the idea of total balance, thus contributing to the overall effectiveness of treatment. 

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