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Pagan : The Mighty Goddess Hecate
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From: MSN Nicknamejennanidanu1  (Original Message)Sent: 2/24/2007 6:09 AM

This is for John as he does not understand this Goddess very well.  I got this off of another site I belong to called "web witch", please enjoy this as it is well writen and explains this wonderfull but often missunderstood Goddess, so well  

 The Magick Of Hecate


"Goddess of Witch's"

 *The Dark Goddess*
*Goddess of the Night*
*Goddess of The Crossroads*
*Goddess of Transitions*
*Goddess of Fertility*
*Goddess of Paths*
*Goddess of Child Birth*
*Goddess of Death*
*Spiritual Guide*
*Protector and Guardian*
*Queen of the Ghostworld*

The sound of barking dogs signal Hecate's approach
Hecate appears as a single figure or with three faces or bodies Three is a sacred number relevant to the mystery of Hecate
Hecate was often in the company of Erinyes "The Furies"
Who hounded those who broke the taboos
Insult; Disobedience or Violence
Witches invoke Hecate to make spells more powerful
Hecate and her dogs are said to journey
over the graves of the dead
to search for souls of the departed
and they carry them to refuge in the underworld
The owl was her messenger
The willow was her tree
She rode a chariot pulled by dragons



Symbolize the fertilizing power of moonlight

*A Key*
Hecate keeps the keys that open the Gates of the Underworld Hecate unlocks the secrets of the occult mysteries and knowledge of afterlife
The Dagger or Athame is a Symbol of Ritual Power

*Rope or Scourge*
Symbolizes the Umbilical Cord of Rebirth and Renewal
The Greek Cross, Cauldren


The potion in Hecate's cauldron contains 'slips of yew'
Yew berries carry Hecate's power, and can bring wisdom or death
The seeds are highly poisonous but the fleshy, coral-colored 'berry' surrounding it is not and if prepared correctly can bring inspirational visions

*Black Poplar*
The leaves of the black poplar are dark on one side
light on the other symbolising the boundary between the worlds

*Many other herbs and plant are associated with Hecate
Garlic, Almonds, Lavender, Myrrh, Mugwort, Cardamon,
Mint, Hellebore, Cypress, Hazel, Willow and Lesser Celadine

*Poisons and Hallucinogens associated with Hecate
Belladonna, Hemlock, Mandrake, Aconite and Opium Poppy.


Offerings are left at crossroads, places where three roads meet and you should leave there without looking back

*Dandelion Tea, Red Mullet, Sprat, Breadstuffs, Raw Eggs, Cheese,
Garlic, Cake, Honey, Flowers, Pomegranate, and Magic Mushrooms


Animals are sacred to Hecate she's known to appear
As a Three Headed Horse;
Dog and Bear or Dog; Snake and Lion
*Creatures of darkness and of the earth are sacred to Hecate

Guardian of the house, and childbirth at the front door
To stand watch this seems to relate to Hecate's role as guardian

Significantly a creature that can cross between two elements

Typically associated with the dead
With a close connection chthonic powers
And the uncommon wisdom of the Other world

*Ravens, Owls, Crows, Snakes, and Dragons 



"Goddesses Of The Wild Hunt"

"The Messenger of the Gods"
Hermes sometimes guided the dead to the Underworld
Hecate and Hermes were lovers and parents of Circe



Where three roads meet
The crossroads symbolise Hecate's triple nature
and all seeing ability
Go here to ask for protection
or learn of her mysteries

Significant to Hecate
*The 13th August*
Is the time to ask
For Hecate's blessing for the harvest
Goddess of Storms Hecate has the power
To destroy crops before they can be harvested

*January 31st*
The night Hecate hands Her torch to Brigid
Hecate carries the torch through the dark half of the year Brigid (Hecate's sister) takes it for the light half

*The 30th of the month*
Hecate's supper is prepared
The 30th is sacred to the dead
A time to purify the home and give offerings to Hecate


*Moon Phase*
Dark Moon


Black, such as jet, onyx and black obsidian

Almond, Willow

*Types of Workings*
Justice, Banishings, Protection, Prophecy,
Divination, Inner-self, Knowledge of: Death,
Lunar Magick, Magical Arts, Wisdom,
Night, Self 




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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License. This page may be used for religious education by nonprofit groups providing information content; copyrights and credits are not altered and/or deleted


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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/26/2007 8:07 PM