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Pagan : THE MOON
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/3/2008 2:31 AM

You can learn to use your natural bio-rhythm in considering the moon phases for your activities magic or not.

The different phases are:

New Moon or Dark Moon the Moon is not illuminated by direct sunlight
Waxing Crescent the visible Moon is partly but less than one-half illuminated by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is increasing
First Quarter one-half of the Moon appears illuminated by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is increasing
Waxing Gibbous the Moon is more than one-half but not fully illuminated by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is increasing
Full Moon the visible Moon is fully illuminated by direct sunlight
Waning Gibbous the Moon is less than fully but more than one-half illuminated by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is decreasing
Last Quarter one-half of the Moon appears illuminated by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is decreasing
Waning Crescent the Moon is partly but less than one-half illuminated by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is decreasing

How to use the main phases:

WAXING MOON If you want to gain something (friendship, money, job, intelligence) do your magic during the WAXING MOON (when the moon is getting full). The Waxing Moon is the time of the Maiden - period between New Moon and Full Moon. This is a time of new beginnings when one project ends and another begins. The Virgin aspect of the Goddess would be used for invocations, prayers and chants. This is a time for bringing positive works and energies into view.
WANING MOON If you want to banish or lose something (bad habits, negative energy) do your magic during the WANING MOON (when the moon is getting small). The Waning Moon is the period of time between the Full Moon and the New Moon when the Sun and Moon are once again at right angles. The Crone aspect of the Goddess watches over us at this time. She gives us the wisdom to decide what should be ended. In my tradition of Stregheria, the Crone rules the Waning Moon, not the Dark Moon, so this is when I would banish.
FULL MOON The FULL MOON is a good time for magics of all kinds, for the full moon brings great power to all magics. The Full Moon is when the Sun and Moon are opposite of one another and the full light of the Sun can shine on the full sphere of the Moon. This is when the unconscious, instinctual processes are at their peak. The Full Moon is the time we set aside for the worship of the Goddess in her Mother aspect. Projects begun at New Moon are reaffirmed or positive works are engaged in.
NEW MOON or DARK MOON The NEW MOON or DARK MOON is the time of the Enchantress. The Dark Moon begins when the Sun and Moon are in the same place, or conjuct. At first the Moon is not visible, since it rises at the same time as the Sun. This is the time when I can explore things I do not understand. It is a spiritual opportunity to explore our sexuality.

For further accuracy, you may also use the moon energy according to the astrological signs.
To know the exact moon phase, you need a moon calendar or an appropriate informative web site.
The moon remains in each sign 2-3 days.
You will notice that each Dark Moon "meets" the Sun at the same sign.

Aries Good for starting things, but lacks staying power. Things occur rapidly, but quickly pass. Good for fight, competition, short „win�? but also for strong blessings
Taurus Things begun now last the longest, tend to increase in value, and become hard to alter. Everything that related to material property will be safe, for durability, security, satibility, profit, but also sensuality, physical love
Gemini Things begun now are easily changed by outside influences. To create a new alternative or a new choice, path..., for communication, business, for ruse or tricks, to break the day to day rythm, for social life, an official good reputation or image, acceptance
Cancer Supports growth and nurturance. To improve creativity, home and family life, partnership, to look into the future, study the mysteries, develop the Sight
Leo Showmanship, favors being seen, drama, recreation. To increase prestige, „the shine of glory�? for luxury, rewards, good marks, but also to help others
Virgo Favors accomplishment of details and commands. Good for business, healing, communication, for the harvest time, for organization, clarity, flexible structure
Libra Favors self-examination and interaction with others. Good for justice, balance, happiness, discipline, positive feelings, to forget something
Scorpio Increases awareness of psychic power. Ends connections. To discover deeper mysteries, for sexual magic, occult work, to increase power and influence
Sagittarius Encourages flights of imagination and confidence. Good for conquest, agressivity, to go beyond your limits
Capricorn Increases awareness of the need for structure, discipline. For stability, durability, to „freeze�?a situation, for reliability, long term prosperity, slow structural changes
Aquarius Favors activities that are unique and individualistic. Good for ideals, human rights and goals, realization of big projects, initiative, new ways and solutions, creativity, imagination
Pisces Energy withdraws from the surface of life, hibernates within, secretly reorganizing and realigning. To keep secrets, to discover deep mysteries, enjoy life, for long term changes

Full Moon Names

(according to the Old Traditions)

January Full "Wolf" Moon (American Indian -- from wolf packs roaming in the dead of winter.) Also "After-Yule" or Full "Old" Moon.
February Full "Snow" or "Storm" Moon (American Indian -- from blizzards at this time of year). Also known as Full "Hunger" Moon.
March Full "Worm" (American Indian -- from earthworms coming to soil surface during Spring thaw), or "Chaste" Moon. Other names: Full "Crow" Moon, Full "Crust" Moon, Full "Sugar" Moon, Full "Sap" Moon.
April Full "Pink" or "Seed" Moon (American Indian--from profusion of pink wildflowers). Also "Grass" Moon, "Spring" or "Full Egg" Moon, Full "Fish" Moon.
May Full "Flower" or "Hare" Moon. Also Full "Corn Planting" Moon, Full "Milk" Moon.
June Full "Strawberry" or "Dyad" Moon. Other names: Full Rose Moon, Full Hot Moon.
July Full "Buck" or "Mead" Moon. Also, Thunder (American Indian-from fierce storms common at this time), and Full Hay Moon.
August Full " Green Corn" Moon, Full "Sturgeon" Moon, Full "Grain" Moon , Full "Red" Moon (American Indian--from the heat and haze of August).
September Full "Harvest" Moon. Also, Full Corn Moon, Full Barley Moon.
October Full "Hunters" or "Blood" Moon (defined as the first full moon following the harvest moon; from hunting practice of riding over the stubble of reaped grain fields pursuing foxes by the light of the moon.); also Full Travel Moon, Full Dying Grass Moon.
November Full "Beaver" or "Snow" Moon (from the beavers busy building their winter homes). Also, Full Frost Moon.
December Full "Cold" or "Oak" Moon. Also, Full "Before-Yule" Moon and Full "Long Nights" Moon.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 2/3/2008 7:58 PM

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 5/6/2008 1:42 PM
thank you for sharing