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Pagan : Laughing Dragons and Star Travel
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/5/2008 11:22 PM

Laughing Dragons and Star Travel

 Laughing Dragons are boiling infernos of passion and lightness. They feel the equality of all life, and bow down to each moment in such absolute reverence that, to mortals, they seem to be stuck in the moment--or walking backwards through time.

After millions of years of wandering through dark forests, Laughing Dragons realize they create their own worlds, their own dreams, their own mountains to climb-their own joys. They know that a tree can either be a knight to be slain or a circus canopy--or simply a tree.

While humans have been struggling for eons, Laughing Dragons have been quietly learning about themselves and enjoying life. They decided long ago that they prefer pleasure to suffering, freedom to slavery, love to separateness. Now they simply stay centered in a happy life.

 For Laughing Dragons, smelling a flower is a holy ceremony.

 Looking at a cloud is a celebration. Talking to a friend is a rebirth. Anchored in life, Laughing Dragons see beauty everywhere.

 Above all, Laughing Dragons love to fly.

 Then they fly, they feel most whole, most free. But they are not content with flying only through the atmosphere--they want to travel to the stars. Why? Because they can, and because they want to share laughter with the myriad Laughing Dragons scattered across the heavens.

Even when they fail to break through the atmosphere, the very attempt at the so-called "impossible" is the most life-affirming experience they know. It requires them to use every aspect of their being in a perfectly harmonized way. They have found a fascinating connection between their love for all of life and their success in ascending in ecstasy to the stars. Perhaps you've heard them sing,

"Lightness of Heart equals lightness of body.
Aim for the moon. Miss and become a star."

 And to the degree that they feel lightness in the Heart, and divine laughter in the belly, they can transfigure their bodies into light; they can travel away from this planet and explore the playground of the whole universe.

Laughing Dragons prefer to listen and learn rather than talk. When asked how they discovered their own freedom, they become dumbstruck, unable to grasp something that never really started and will never really end. But when asked how to fly, they have no problem speaking--for you have touched their soul.

In the twinkling of an eye, they may leave and converse with other Laughing Dragons light years away, then return with fiery wisdom. Then they will suggest giving up all concepts so that you may fly--all by your Self. "Open your Heart and smile" is their magic formula.

 "This universe is a

wonderful shining playground.

Dedicate your life to flying.

Practice the art of dying."

Author Unknown~

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 1/15/2008 2:21 PM
thank you for sharing

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From: wingnutSent: 2/10/2008 1:03 AM