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Paranormal Board : Ghost Types
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 10/14/2006 9:20 PM


~Ghost Types~

Ectoplasm, Ecto-mist, vapor, ghostly mist;

Appearance & Characteristics:

Cloudy vaporous mist. This term was originally used to describe the substance that oozed from spirit mediums during a séance. Now it is associated and referred to as a mist or fog, and it usually displays a swirl effect within a vaporous cloud. It normally appears several feet off the ground and can linger or travel quickly at will. It's usual colors are gray or  white but has also been seen and photographed in several other colors. Ecto-mist;  has been caught on both video & all types of cameras.

It's important to note that a camera can inadvertently create this effect artificially in cold weather by a person exhaling to close to the lens when taking the picture.

The exhaled breath looks similar to ectoplasm but without the swirls. There are several strange charactoristics associated with ectoplasm. It is warm to the touch and has a wax like composition with weight and mass. It is sometimes a gelatinous rubbery substance that disappears suddently when exposed to bright light.

Locations spotted;
All locations but most generally spotted outdoors and most particularly at cemeteries, battlefields & historical sites.

Present Theories;
Believed by many to be the soul or spirit of those that have passed on from this life. It has been speculated that the spirit will transform to this vaporous state before appearing as a full-bodied apparition.

 Globes, Orbs, Balls of Light:

Appearance & Characteristics:

Orbs are the most photographed anomalies captured on film by ghost hunters. They most often show up as transparent or translucent balls of light hovering above the ground. Another feature is  when they are captured on film they have a lingering trail. This trail indicates they were traveling at a fairly fast rate of speed at the time of the flash, which further indicates it's authenticity. Some experts say that 85% of photographed orbs are created inadvertently by circumstances and weather conditions at the time of the flash. Orbs have also been seen on video hovering in the same position for short periods of time but most often are caught traveling erratically through the air in a rather care free pattern.

Locations spotted;
They have been seen in every location imaginable. Temperature changes and different climates do not seem to affect them. They are most often seen outdoors and especially seem to be drawn to historic surroundings.

Present Theories;
Believed by many to be the soul or spirit  of those that have passed on from this life. Some theories claim that a orb is the basic form of all ghostly phenomena. From this state they change into ecto-mist and then apparations. They are known to emit small electro-magnetic fields. There are other theories about orbs as well. One would be that they are a separate life form all together and are undetectable to the human eye  because of their finer tissue.

Vortex, Funnel Ghosts:

Appearance & Characteristics:

A vortex is a very strange and mysterious phenomena. They usually take on the appearance of a swirling funnel shape when moving about. They can also appear in pictures as being long and narrow and having a tread design within their make up. They are readily confused with a speeding orb when they slow down and take on this straight & narrow look. They are often felt as a cold spot.

Locations spotted;
They are most often spotted inside homes & old buildings. At times they can also be spotted outdoors, mostly near historical sites.

Present Theories;
There are many theories as to what vortices are exactly, including a visiting relative or a former resident of the home. It is also believed by some that it is a vehicle to transport spirits in the shape of orbs from their realm to ours.

Apparitions,Disembodied Spirit:

Appearance & Characteristics:

Catching an apparition on film is what every ghost hunter aspires to but seldom, if ever sees. They show up in forms ranging from a transparent  to solid human form and wear the clothing of their period. Some may appear faint and disfigured as in being incomplete. There are four classes of apparations;

Class 1: Partials. Apparations that show up incompletely, having no legs for example.

Class 2: Invisible.These are invisible to the naked eye, but will show up on film when photographed.

Class 3: Visible.These are visible to the naked eye. Usually transparent in nature.

Class 4: Solids.Appear very solid. Witnesses commonly mistake them for real people, until they vanish before their eyes.

In addition, there are Three subtypes to each of these classes;

Type 1: Historical Apparations.They typically haunt older buildings and appear in solid forms acting natural.

Type 2: Recurring Apparations.Ghosts that occur in regular cycles over a period of time.

Type 3: Modern Apparations.The spirits of present day ghosts. they are relatively new, looking and sounding like modern people.

Locations spotted;
They are most often reported being seen in older homes, hotels, theaters and cemeteries.

It's unsure why they are able to show up on these rare occasions. Your opinions on this will be most helpful. Some comments will be posted. It should be noted that visiting relatives from the spirit world could also be considered an apparition.

Ghost Lights:

Appearance & Charactoristics:

They have been seen on video hovering in the same area for short periods of time but most often are caught traveling rather erratically through the air in a rather care free pattern. Gaseous materials often accompany them. Observers reportedly hear buzzing or humming sounds.They seem to react to both lights and noise. Gaseous materials sometimes accompany them. They are very elusive and can only be seen from the proper distance and angle.

Locations spotted;
They generally appear in remote areas. They are elusive and can only be seen from the correct distance and angle.

Present Theories;
They seem to react to both lights and noise. darting, weaving and disappering.  

Shadow Ghosts,Dark Entities:

Appearance & Characteristics:

These ghosts usually appear as  shadows. They look a bit like Ecto-mist but with form and are normally reported to be two feet in length or longer and tend to travel at a height of two to ten feet. In photographs it's easy to confuse them with natural shadows so be careful. They are usually sneaky and evasive. When they are spotted it's usually out of the corner of your eye or as they are darting through a wall. They are often spotted in mirrors.

Locations spotted;
Most often spotted in homes. Have also been seen outdoors at a distance.

Present Theories;
I guess the general consensus would be that they are ghosts in one of their forms. Some would say that they are demonic spirits but that doesn't seem to be the case. See the demonic spirits category for more on that.

Globules, Ghost Energy:

Appearance & Characteristics:

This type of phenomena appears as translucent balls which show up on film. They have been  photographed using a IR camera they vary in size, from a pinpoint of light to a clear globe the size of a basketball.

Locations spotted;
Just about anywhere paranormal phenomena has occured.

Present Theories;
All theories on globules are very much speculative. Are they a by-product of the phenomena or are they the phenomena itself. They are often confused with orbs, but the patterns of activity seem to vary.

Author Unknown

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