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Paranormal Board : Orbs, Spirits, and Light Beings
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 10/14/2006 10:32 PM


Orbs, Spirits,and Light Beings


Orbs can be anywhere, cemeteries, homes, vacant parcels of land, or even at your local supermarket. You can’t see them, you can’t feel them, but they may be there nonetheless.

When they show up in photographs they generally appear as little balls of white light, although they can also be red, blue, pink, purple, or just about any other color. No one knows for sure how many colors orbs are capable of producing.

If you look closely at some orbs you will notice different patterns within the sphere itself. Like an intricately woven spider web, almost no two are alike. In other orbs there appear to be faces. It’s as if someone were looking at you through another dimension or a different place in time.   There are few theories as to what these mysterious balls of light actually are. 

Some people believe orbs are remote viewers used by aliens from another planet. The theory is that because orbs are very rarely visible with the naked eye, aliens are able to watch the events occurring on Earth virtually undetected. Followers of this hypothesis feel that through the use of orbs, aliens have discovered not only how to be stealth in their movements, but also a very economical means of traveling through space and time. 

Another theory is that the orbs are actually angelic beings watching over the people on earth.  Some followers of this theory believe that the angels come to heal the sick, comfort people in times of need, or act as guardians to soldiers fighting wars, or to protect the weak.

The most popular theory is that orbs are spirits of the dead in their purest form. It is a belief among some paranormal researchers that spirits, or ghosts, are comprised entirely of energy.

This theory does go a long way in explaining why, when being photographed, more orbs appear in pictures taken with a flash then without �?energy reacts to energy.

In fact, while photographing the pictures for this book, Linda and I both heard the crackle of electricity as the light from the flash hit the orbs. Keep in mind, we usually can’t see them with our eyes alone, but when the flash goes off the orbs, if present, light up the darkness like a thousand fireflies. 

In some cases the orbs were moving at the time the picture was taken and look like small comets racing across the landscape.

So the question remains, are orbs remote viewers for aliens?  Are they the spirits of those who have passed? Or are they something else, perhaps a natural anomaly?   No one really knows for sure, but one thing is certain �?they exist.

While orbs react to energy, such as the flash from a camera, spirits seem able to manipulate different forms of energy such as electricity.

For example, when my father was alive he was extremely fond of all types of electrical gadgets. My husband shared his passion and has wired all the ceiling fans and attached lights with dimmer switches.

Sometimes when I’m writing late at night, the light on my ceiling fan will dim to its lowest point, then brighten, then dim, brighten, and dim yet again and remain there, leaving me sitting in virtual darkness. Well aware it’s my father, I will say, “Hi Dad. Can you please turn the light back on?�?As soon as the words escape my lips the light goes to its brightest setting. I guess it’s just his way of saying he is here, doing well, and keeping an eye on me.

While researching and writing this book, I received several nasty electrical shocks through my keyboard. One or two strong enough to physically knock me backwards in my chair. I had my husband, who builds computers, thoroughly examine my computer, the wiring, and the keyboard. He could find no problem with any of my equipment. Not taking any chances, I bought a new keyboard. A week later, while making some notes for this book I received another shock that made my skin tingle and every hair on my body stand on end.

Linda reports similar events taking place at her house. These occurrences are outlined in further detail elsewhere in this book.

There are some people who define ghosts and spirits as two different things. They believe that ghosts are people who have died, but don’t realize they are dead, and that spirits realize they have died, have crossed over to the other side, but chosen to return for whatever reason.  In other words, ghosts are earthbound and spirits aren’t.

Ghosts can be earthbound for a variety of reasons. A person who died in their sleep might literally wake up dead. As funny as this may sound, they honestly wouldn’t have any recollection or be aware they are dead. They could virtually go for years carrying out their day-to-day routine as they had in life. Imagine their frustration at wanting to communicate with the people around them and not being able to, or having strangers move into the home they still think is theirs. 

Another, more complicated reason ghosts might remain earthbound is they may have unfinished business they are determined to complete. A murder victim, for example, might remain earthbound to avenge his or hers untimely death.  In some cases a ghost might choose to remain earthbound to ensure secrets they so carefully guarded in life, remain hidden long after their death.

A spirit, on the other hand, makes a choice to return to their familiar surroundings on earth from time to time. Whether it’s to check on the safety and welfare of loved ones, attend a special family event, or to communicate a message, they are not bound to do so, but rather, it’s at their option to do so.

When my children were babies, my Great Aunt Louise would check on them from time to time. I always knew when she was there because I’d catch a strong whiff of Chantilly perfume around their cribs. Being allergic to Chantilly perfume, I kept none in the house, but my great aunt wore it everyday of her life. I assume it was her way of letting me know she was there. 

There’s another classification of ghosts, or spirits known as poltergeists, or “noisy ghosts.�?SPAN>  They are also sometimes referred to as “mischievous ghosts.�?No one really knows if they are earthbound ghosts, or spirits. Quite frankly, given their behavior, they could be either.

Poltergeists, although rarely seen, are quite active and can be responsible for things that go bump in the night. They have been known to rap on walls and doors, or throw objects across rooms.  Lights turning on and off, stereos coming on at all hours of the day or night, are other examples of poltergeist activity.

Although they can put a good scare into you, most ghosts and spirits are generally harmless. However, some can be mean, vindictive, and downright evil.

There have been cases when a ghost or spirit has attacked a living person. Some people who’ve been victim of these attacks have been scratched, punched, choked, and have had objects thrown at them.

Little is known about what makes a ghost or spirit evil, but often the answer can be found by delving into the history of the house, or place being haunted.

It could be that someone was murdered on the property or there were cases of similar violence. It could also be as simple as a ghost not wanting trespassers in their home.

Whatever the reason, some of these evil ghosts can be hard to get rid of, and in some cases next to impossible causing people to flee from their homes never to return.

Throughout history people have come up with different ways to keep evil spirits out of their homes. Some people think that hanging crosses throughout the house works, others have had their house blessed by a member of the clergy. It’s also been said that by sprinkling sea salt around the outside walls of a house can ward off evil ghosts.

There’s a theory that for some reason, an evil ghost will not cross over the line of salt. As far-fetched as it may sound, I’ve known this to work for some people.

I was involved in one such case. A vengeful ghost was apparently attacking a child. My advice was to make several angels out of any type of material. Paper, cloth, whatever was handy, and as they were making the angels talk to the child about how God protects children. Once the angels were completed I told them to hang one on the outside of the child’s bedroom door, and at the foot and head of the bed. Recent contact with the family indicated that since they did this, the attacks on the child have stopped. Go figure.

Whatever means someone employs to rid a place of an evil ghost, all that is important is that it works.

The light creatures, or light beings, as Linda and I call them, are the most mysterious anomalies we’ve run across in our research.  No one is quite sure what they really are.

Some people think they are angels, while others think they are creatures from another dimension.  Still others attribute them to not being light beings at all, but rather light rods. It’s been suggested they could also be a vortex or portal opening or closing.  A vortex or portal is the method some people think orbs, spirits, and other beings travel from their dimension to ours. There is no apparent rhyme or reason to where they show up, or when, they just appear. Linda has photographed them in almost every location we’ve investigated.

So the debates rage on, yet one thing is certain; orbs, ghosts, spirits, and light beings can be anywhere at anytime, you just have to look and listen.

Thank You for sharing this Ghostmist* 

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 10/14/2006 10:33 PM
From: <NOBR>MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0</NOBR> Sent: 4/30/2006 9:05 PM
One night I was on puter checking out the boards, I noticed something from the corner of my eye, I looked and the butterfly from msn was in place right next to it was another butterfly, it's aura was blue and little orbs racing away from it.
Then another night same routine, I seen something a gain out of the corner of my eye,,,, it was two msn butterflies, only the one on the left again had agreen aura with orbs racing away from it........
By now, I am thinking what is up with that?
I haven't seen them since.. I couldn't believe it , ON MY COMPUTER?!!
Wholly Molly I guess I'd better take a break from reading for a couple days so I did and they haven't come back yet!!!
Has anyone else experienced this??!!