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Paranormal Board : Ghosts: How Energy Factors Into Their Existence
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 10/15/2006 12:51 AM



How Energy Factors Into Their Existence  

As a child, my father always told us ghost stories. The stories were of experiences that he and our family had in homes that they visited or lived in. I was always fascinated by the thought that ghosts might be real.

It wasn't until I grew up and actually began having experiences myself that I decided that this was something I needed to know much more about. It seems the more I tried to get answers, the more I got questions.

Over the years I have come up with some answers after using the theories developed by scientists many years ago. Discovering these answers has made me more aware of what ghosts are and where they may have come from. Although I don’t have the “real�?or “true�?answers, this is not because the information is incorrect, it is because there are no experts in the paranormal field.

This includes me. I am not an expert, however, I have done as much research, if not more, than some of the paranormal investigators working today. After working on the research, performing the investigations and reaching a conclusion, I can bring you some honest answers to what we believe ghosts are and where they come from.

Probably since the beginning of time, ghosts have been the subjects of many conversations. Sometimes these conversations were done in a hush-hush manner because of the stigma associated with talking about this subject. Many had to talk behind closed doors and make sure that it was only with people they trusted. Nevertheless, talk of ghosts continued and has evolved into a trendy, get-a-thrill hobby.

So, exactly what is a ghost? Where does a ghost come from? Why are they here? Let me see if I can make some sense out of something we don’t understand. What is a ghost? It is thought that ghosts are people. They were once people who lived and breathed much like you and me and then for various reasons, they died. It could be a father, mother, brother, sister�?well, you get the point.

It could be anyone. Using the mechanics of physics we understand that people prior to being born, start as energy. When we are born, we are given a “shell�?or a body to live in although the energy is still within us. Some people or religions consider this a soul. When the body has finally become worn out due to years of use or, if something has happened that we die earlier than our years, the body dies and the remaining energy removes itself from the body.

Medical personnel have told stories for years of being at the bedside of a dying patient and at the moment that the person passes, seeing a “wisp�?of something or an energy of some type floating upward. There have always been stories similar to that from people who work in similar fields ranging from firefighters, paramedics, etc.

They have related amazing stories from dying people of seeing the “light�? seeing relatives long since deceased, going through the “tunnel�? etc. It is not possible from a physical point of view that dying patients are able to acquire the strength to physically open their eyes brightly, smile, move their mouths and talk or act as if talking, lean up out of bed when over the course of their illnesses they have lost the ability to do these things. If they have neared the end of their lives, it is said that relatives come back to retrieve their loved ones and “take them home�? From a paranormal standpoint and having witnessed this miracle myself, I must confess that it is true.

These actions do occur. A person who is nearing the end of their lives will, usually one day prior to their death, suddenly become alert, sit up, perhaps talk or at least knowingly acknowledge their loved ones still living and have a chance to say their goodbyes. It is on that next day that usually they will die. Could it be a blessing from God? What is it that gives these people the strength that they probably haven’t had in days, months, years to be able to perform these tasks? Again, more questions�?no answers.

So, why are ghosts here? What is it that compels ghosts to stay here? Do they have to stay? In my research we have discovered certain things that we can say with a good amount of certainty and that is, there are ghosts. Can I say that for a definite fact? I believe I can. Ghosts are here.

They are everywhere. Most have learned to live around the living without any problem. There are ghosts that cannot leave the earth. They are stuck on this earthly plane without the ability to come and go as they please. We believe that most ghosts are able to do that. We believe they are able to go from this earth to another dimension or place whenever they choose.

So why do they stay? Besides the fact that some may not be able to leave, we believe that they stay to try to communicate. Not that they have special messages or anything but most are trying to communicate with the living.

There are those that are family and wish to return to check on their families. There are those that return to assist. There are those that return to be mischievous. Some haven’t left because they are unaware that they have died.

In conclusion, the fact that ghosts exist is truly obvious to those who will see. The signs they leave are obvious. It is obvious to those who will see but they also attempt to make their presences known to those who won’t or can’t. We will never really know the messages they are trying to convey but we know they are attempting to do this.

If you are a person who is willing to allow paranormal activity occur in your household, having an open mind is a start to opening the lines of communication with them. It takes more than just desire to allow ghosts to begin communication.

There are many other things that can be done. If you are someone who is willing to allow these visitors into your home or your life, taking great care to make sure the “phone�?lines are openPsychology Articles, will truly help you both.  

About The Author ;   

Gloria Young has been a ghost hunter and paranormal investigator for over 10 years. She has dedicated her life to researching paranormal activity. She has written, "Faces of a Ghost Hunter" as well as three other books. She founded the paranormal research group, "Ghost Trackers".

She has co-produced two documentaries on ghost hunting. (  <<< Link

Thank You for sharing this Ghostmist* 

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