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Paranormal Board : Spirit Removal
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 10/15/2006 3:08 AM


 Spirit Removal~

The spirit of those who have made a transition are usually kept to the earth through an energy connection...this connection can be with things, places, people, etc. 

It is a difficult job trying to find out the intent and purpose of one but experience has taught that the one being harrassed is probably the one supplying the energy and therefore must turn it off (having said that...this can often happen without the conscious knowledge or intent of the person who is involved!) 
Therefore, let's just look at the fact that you may be the energy in a situation like this.
What is your connection with or use of any spiritual energies? 
What can we do to change his unconscious reach that is attracting this spirit entity? 
Having solved this problem, now how do we address the entity and encourage (insist) that it move along to its proper perspective and place? 
The suggestion at this point (only after the source has been willing to shut down the energy) would be to talk the spirit into its new habitat.  
Identity of the spirit contact is not of uppermost importance...what is important in this situation is the understanding to get it to move along.  
You must be a part of the solution.
Sit down (do not do this when in the bedroom, in bed or lying down) and quiet the body, mind, spirit....just a light meditation type of thinking for a short period of address the entity! 
Begin with acknowledging its presence...then tell it that it is dead to the earth life....the house, the person, the energies.
Are no longer up to them to manipulate and control.....speak softly, firmly, and in charge of the whole you are talking out loud to a wayward spirit. 
It is important to give the exiting spirit a 'place to go' and for this a white light is used.
Confirm for the spirit that he/she is to move into the white light (it may appear blindingly to the spirit) and that their own loved ones and angels are waiting their attention. 
There is somewhere to be, people to meet/greet!
Fill the empty space that the entity has left with Joy and Love.

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