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Paranormal Board : How to Use a Pendulum
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/6/2008 1:27 AM
How to Use a Pendulum
by Linda Johnson
27th November 2002

Can getting in touch with your own guidance be as easy as using dangling something off a bit of string? Can you bypass expensive psychics and gurus, and save yourself from the dangers of ouija boards by a bit of twiddling and twirling? YES YOU CAN! By following these simple exercises and grounding guidelines most people can learn to use a pendulum and be talking to their own guidance the same day!

Using a pendulum is a form of 'kinesiology' . As with muscle testing, your own 'body spirit' or 'body angel' who is in charge of moving the subtle energy around your body, responds to your thoughts and words using that energy to move the pendulum and answer your questions.

Your body spirit can answer questions directly in relation to the body, or be the intermediary for you to talk to your higher self and soul, your spirit guides, the souls of other people, the earth, animals, plants, minerals or elements.

Pendulums can be any small evenly weighted, symmetrical object on a string. I have pendulums that are brass, glass, crystal, wood and plastic and all will work once the technique is practised. The old 'wedding ring on a hair' trick for telling an unborn babies' sex is another form of pendulum use.

Generally I find smaller lightweight pendulums easier and quicker to use. The larger and heavier they are, the slower they turn. When you want to ask lots of questions it can be a bit tedious. Also, pointy ended pendulums are best for working with charts.

In order to connect to your own guidance earth and the ascending kingdoms it is very important that you be grounded first. Even though we are contacting our own guidance we are still living among a soup of energies and entities that we need to clear a space through. You are part of a 'hologram', along with Earth and all species, which is contactable through your heart. Before any contact can be made with your guidance or any other part of this hologram, you need to make a connection through 'grounding'. This will connect your energy field to the Earth and pull in your soul and higher aspects for guidance. If your soul is not present, the guidance that comes through could be just be your personality (or an outside entity) and may not reflect the desires and guidance of your soul.

Printed below is a suggested visualization for grounding and intents for protection. It is suggested that you use these each time you work with your guidance - especially grounding to anchor your soul. After you've done these exercises a few times you will be able to do them quickly without having to read the instructions. You can also intend to stay 'grounded' and protected throughout the day while you're working, shopping, driving etc.

To Read More Click Here  *There is a Grounding Visualization and information on Using a Pendulum here.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 1/14/2008 6:56 PM
good info thank you for sharing

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 2/10/2008 2:29 AM