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Poetry : A Babble-Rant-Rave
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From: MSN NicknameGateguardian799  (Original Message)Sent: 6/14/2005 9:42 AM
 Knowing what I know, my Ego mind has inflated my minds filter of soul to a point where it has sickened(if not detoured) the higher-vibrational forces governing, evolving, and protecting these lower vibrant humans here on planet earth, and realising this...I kindly decline my "false-aspects" of Ego terrestial bound parameters, as I find myself overwhelmed by my blindness and general "stupidity"....I'd be a fool to assume I even knew a fraction of 1% of everything everywhere.  For this bigitrous blasphemy, I must sinscerly deeply apoligise...The beauty of all this is so blinding that even I have overlooked the simplistic pure beauty of it ever try to look an angel in the eyes?'ll find it is nearly impossible due to the ultra-high vibrant field of Love piercing your souls perception.
  As this gaping, yawning void to eternity extracts the abysmall chaos from my tereestrail bound mind,(trans-composed of Omni-Serrestrial-terraphic inbauolations from the 337th meta-descently folded mirroralax  axes of spatial dimensionality,thats tetriadiclly thirty-six times folded over)...and as this gaping yawning void to infinity extracts my "puny-terrestrial-mortal-minded based meo-matrix" of inner coronial spatially bound meo-scopic soul-redidue of self aware bio-aetheric plasma, thats bound to the starry matter based physical material plane quantiniums currently limited symmetrical laws of super-stringed dimensionality...
 These "extractions" feel like an inner-outer breach of multi-dimensional ogduadlly,(81-times folded) Chronolyptic resemence....and makes me question if these "miexieks" are even legal....but simply outer-super-natural-force of intelligence has and is reading my thoughts on a level I cannot explain....perhaps for the purpose of merely extracting "data" for some kind of a "survey", to further advance thier research in regards to these genetically engineered homo-sapians enviroment here, currently walking the three dimensional earth plane as we speak....(yet again, I'd be a fool to assume any being would even remotely care what I think)....I should not flatter myself.
 The serene trans-clairsentience of the fourteenth paradjascent angelic oasis' heavenly coridoors linking the super-celestial gateways through the clairsentient realm of "Temphlar's" multi-cross-laticed portal node matrix's, is at a stage of early inner-celestial carbon atom alignment in regards to fulifilling the universal callings of true tempered peace through eons of endless bloodshed and the forge of destinys will through the abysmal spectrum of the random events transpiring here in Mother Gaia's aetheral soul steam....
 The inter-cross-laticed Heavenly (rainbow-reflective) "white manna pearl-globe-ribbons" materialising from the upper-governed super-celestial-Garden of Eden, have sustained a solid-stable (tri-quintescent-polarised-multi-slipstream-wormhole) linking our current material planes enhabitants minds(on a sub-conscial-level), to the extra-outer-inner-fourteenth prime-based spatial dimension of "Super-string" measurment.
 In Leymans terms better put as; the current "prime-base" twelve Super-strings of spatial axial measurments, have expanded themselves outside thier linear in the thirteenth, fourteenth and even fifteenth "prime-base" super-strings of symmetrical universal dimensionality have already expanded themselves outside current advanced quantum mechanical physical regards to "cellular-time"...outside normal human-mortal-terrestrial comprehension and grasp....And have made crucial, critical links bound to all living bio-plasmatic-soul energies here on the third planet from the Sun.

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Sent: 4/3/2006 8:07 AM
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