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Poetry : Dying to Live
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 9/6/2008 10:50 PM
Dying to Live

Life is about dying, about burning away every trace of misunderstanding. The secret is that there is no secret. Flying and dying are so simple that only a simple-fool-of-a-wise-wizard understands. Wizards are dragons-in-training.


And how dieth the wise man? As the fool. --Ecclesiastes 2:16
And how dieth the wise wizard? As the dragon.
--M.M. 197

Dying to past and future is the art of meditation. Discover the present, then meditation dies along with the false self.

When you "die," something lives. You are not liberated because it is the personality, "the person," that dissolves. Only life survives.

The personality feels the agony of letting go of its last addictive impulse: its belief in its separateness.

The "I" must be crucified, crossed out, so that the "me" (body-mind-emotions) can dissolve into the big "Me" (God). Emotional confusion becomes mystic love.

The Person awakes, the kundalini ascends into light, and the body bathes in immortal bliss.

The Secret to Life

is to find death before death finds you all at once the mystery the sorrow and joy the complex infinity the simple

living in harmony dying in light of the Paradox

Now die by your own will

fly beyond your will

give up what is not you

find what you essentially are.

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