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Poetry : The Science of Celestial Silliness
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 9/6/2008 10:58 PM
The Science of Celestial Silliness
Play with puppies. Meow with cats.
Dance naked at night on beaches.
 Change your identity daily.
Go to an airport with a small backpack
 and then decide where to go.
Lie on the grass in a park
 and watch an ant examine your navel.
Lean on someone.
Uplift someone.
Fall asleep and count your blessings.
Kiss at red lights.
Press your face against the window
 at serious motorists.
Laugh at your own beliefs.
Don't apologize for eating a chocolate bar.
Give someone a belly-laugh hug.
Rest whenever you darn well feel like it.
Make tears of ecstasy a habit.
Run far.
Let go and dive.
Forget the trivial.
Ask ridiculous questions.
Laugh at the critical moment.
Think in a wink.
Expand your mind.
Explore emptiness.
Embrace absurdity and peace.
When you least expect--ssswoosh!
Another miracle.
Each of us is the fool,
stumbling and bumbling,
straining our minds
trying to understand
a universe beyond our minds.
Only the Self can be known.
All else is vanity and speculation.
"Reality" is the burden of the beholder.

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