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Poetry : Leaders and Followers
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 9/6/2008 11:13 PM
Leaders and Followers
Some are content to follow where others are destined to lead.
Some proclaim to know the truth yet others just believe...
Leaders fear not to forge ahead where followers fear to tread.
Followers accept what they are told and as passive sheep are led, afraid to question yet strongly defend time worn beliefs now dead.
I was once a follower of beliefs that were taught to me...
But I outgrew childish stories learned at my mothers knee...
when I questioned the obvious fallacys designed to control a Soul that is free...
So I sifted thru the Holy books and debated so called Holy men and found so many versions of Truth
I was forced to look within...
and realized I was no more a follower for there I was given proof...  
And as a student ready my Teacher appeared who taught me the way to my Truth...
Along this spiral journey I've learned my lessons well...
that those who tell don't really know and those who know can't tell....
So if you are content to follow...  
the course is up to you...
but if you really wish to know 
'to thine own Self be True!'
~Eerie 4/4/05

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