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Poetry : Mirrored Lives
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 9/6/2008 11:37 PM
Mirrored Lives
Upon wakening from her dreams,
portraits of a time unknown,
an image frozen, or so it seems,
images clear of a woman grown...

Reflections from a past life,
of a family, a home, a time,
a man, his children and his wife,
into her world it rang like a chime...

Upon winds of time swept out to sea,
mirrored lives, glimpses of the past,
familiar, yet unknown who it could be,
haunting images flashing ever so fast...

A child portrayed, waving goodbye,
as a mother, stands with courage tall,
smiles, yet holding back her cry,
a father, his life up against the wall...

Mysterious, as it is unique, but true,
pockets of memories hurling by,
a century passing, maybe two,
flashes of emotions that wouldn't die...

Pillars upon a veranda of old,
shrubbery sprouting forth in view,
it isn't a dream, or a fable told,
it's a past life seeping through...

Mirrored lives, one soul, two eras unfold,
Living in the present, in the past now,
living in the past, in the present untold,
mirrored reflections upon memories somehow...

Mirrored lives...
©Tammy Standup

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