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Poetry : Wind & Rain --- Written By HyperWhiteKitty
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 9/7/2008 1:46 AM
 Wind & Rain

Standing on flaming dunes, he watched the winds circle before him; eyes creased in concentration as the figure approached. 
Wiping away the taint of moisture streaking across his brow, he hardened his visage as the mirages lifted its arms.  Intently gazing at the wind blown man, the figure raised its arms calling rain to this desolate isle. 
Lifting his parched skin to the sky, the figure sank unnoticed into the sands, leaving a settling pool of crystalline water before him.
As the shifting sands whirled around him, he stepped cautiously to the pool; its surface mirroring his anger and confusion. 
Crouching on the deep red sand, his fingers trailed the calm surface, eyes widening at the first shock of cold.  Head tilted, he regarded the water as it resumed its seemingly passive wait. 
The sun pelted him with heat; his clothes becoming drenched in the perspiration of indecision.  As his eyes unfocused and limbs became heavy, he stripped off his shoes and gingerly placed them within the water. 
Instant was his relief and he closed his eyes in unconscious pleasure.  The pale still rippled around his ankles and alarmed, he withdrew to the safety of the dunes. 
The sunlight hit its zenith, forcing him back to the water's edge where he contented himself to wait and watch.  As heat steamed against his will, he succumbed to the ice water, cautiously sliding his legs against the impervious fluid. 
 Crested between the pool and the dunes, his mind flickered to the figure that brought the rain and as the water continued to cool him, allowed himself a small dream. 
Leaning back, he seemed to drift into the oasis before being raised on a small pinnacle of earth just below its surface.  Alarm turned to contentment as the ground held him and at last, his eyes closed in relief.
Flaming towards its relief, the sun descended paving the way for his bride to course across the speckled sky. 
The man's eyes twitched in sleep; dreams caressing his mind as silver light bathed the beautified oasis.  Plants rustled with the moon's vibrant rays and the figure appeared amongst the lush growth. 
She remained unmoving, studying the man that called her from her hearth.  Sliding silently into the weightless fluid, she drifted to where he rested.  Pupils dilating in recognition, she gasped before scattering to the sanctuary of the plants.  The man rolled over, instincts perked to an intruder. 
Crouching beneath the shrubs, skin luminescent as she melted into her surroundings, she watched him as he rose and began his curious approach. 
He peered at the wet faint footprints marking the sand and with a soft touch, traced their outline.  She could feel the faint scent of animal rise from him and squeezing her eyes closed, willed herself elsewhere. 
He rose suddenly, grasping her wrist as she attempted to vanish.  His eyes blazing in the moonlight, she swallowed her fear and stared back defiant. 
A slight lilt of his lips brought confusion and struggling against the iron grip piercing her, she sagged slightly.  He released her arm cautiously watching her reactions. 
Eyes wrought by confusion, she sank gratefully into the soil and drifted towards the refuge of water.  He watched her antics with a mixture of bemusement and love as she resurfaced to glare balefully at him. 
Feet dangling within the silver liquid, he smiled and waited.
She studied him as he hummed a quiet tune to himself; his demeanour filling her with a knowledge she had forgotten. 
 She sank below the clear water as his eyes met hers and the familiar smile washed through her mind.  He raised a knee, leaning against sand covered legs and watched her dive to the further depths of the pool, twisting with the invisible currents that played over her. 
His eyes hardened as he watched, knowing her and yet, conflicted as to how.  Her hair waved sinuously as she smiled in her aquatic playground and his face softened. 
Suddenly, as if aware of his scrutiny, she opened her eyes to watch him through the veil of liquid, her eyes no less cautious than before. 
Rising to his feet, he cast an ambiguous look in her direction before finding a soft bed of grass to lie on.  Resting his hands behind his head, he turned his head to watch her and closed his eyes.
She lingered in the safety of water until his chest rose with the deep breaths of one sleeping. 
Rising from the pool, she waited a moment before stepping closer, water dripping behind her until the ground became saturated with her trepidation.  Kneeling, hair hiding her face as she leant forward and watched the hash lines caused by the agony of his delusion. 
A shaking finger reached out and feathered across his brow as he struggled in his sleep.  Instantly he settled, peace sighing from him as she watched, curious to his transformation. 
She sat on the moist earth and touched the deep tan of his skin yet watching for any signs of his awakening.  Her eyes still held the vestibule of fear yet she smiled as he brought an unconscious calm to her psyche. 
Feeling suddenly timid, she withdrew and watched him as the moon began its slow descent to the earth.  And feeling abashed by her brazenness, hide amongst the plants.
He woke, stretching to the morning rays and scanned the pool for signs of the woman.  A shadow passed his eyes before returning to the foliage near him. 
Leaning on a leathered elbow, he watched the faint rise of her chest as she huddled against the tree, hair matted with twigs and dirt.  Her eyes flickered in dreams and he felt a deep sense of need rise from within. 
 He closed the distance between them and regarded her innocent form.  Even in the depths of her dreams, she felt him and gasped awake as he caressed her cheek.  Scurrying against the rough bark, her eyes wide as she looked for a way out, he withdrew his hand and sat. 
Watching him perfectly serene, only filled her with fear as she knew in staying, she would remain trapped by him.  Her eyes filled with tears as helplessness covered her.  Burying her face in her palms, she turned away from him and regarded the water's compassion. 
Tears dripped unnoticed as she faced him and inhaling deeply, regarded him.  Swallowing the thickness of emotion building within, she attempted a smile before hiding within her curtain of hair.
"I am Rain," she managed to whisper.
He rose and walked towards her, pushing away her shield and touching her chin, lifted her face to meet his.

"I am Wind," he rasped as his eyes opened to hers

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