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Poetry : Trance of Illusions
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname¤†∙Ġřäνìţíç∙Ţÿŕ∙†�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 10/20/2005 3:49 AM
I was slipstreaming in a seemingly endless angelic-nymphonic divine interventive Trance, when an anabollicly di-fracted Tau-lepton meo-particle manifested through my primary-trans-dimensional portal node,or 'solar plexus"
' ( like a field sync plane density displacer in my sub-spatial "yellow-ray" aura). After that happened I was paralyzed with laughter & Fear oddly at the same time, it felt like someone was tickleing me with painfully agonising pleasure, whilst a curious nostalgia, I could'nt tell if it hurt or if this was comforting, as this Spiritual body of energy was splicing while arch-phase-shifting me. Meanwhile this transpired to collapse the "Data-stream", that so delicatlay sustains the sub-cOnsciouss limit of my mind linked to the "Super-consciuosness" outside the {("REAL WORLD")} or physical material plane.

While my gateway was linked via wormhole quantumlly entangled through the 1st cosmic-demi-plains 5th arch dreanmph's 8th halo within the blue-phlamed phoenix's reign, somewhere in the paradigm shyphted plaethoral spectrum,as this place is'nt quite even clasified as the astral plane anymore, but a psuedo-devachanic membrane. When I finally awoke into my dreamt mare in the parabyss phield Again, I had an army of sytheamon reavers & Juixioax ryphids trying to breach my parameters of karmatic bindings, inside, through, insplined-cross-sploven. ....trying to altercate my fear,& deliver a pale-dym-liquidic-mass-distortion over my solar plexus with a deep-rustic-crimson-hue of para-synergetic based glu-cloud coronas w/ triple-tetriadic-toroid manipulation ,in ,out, and through all my wing and tail chakra's. Although by this time I had already generated an empyrial remenance spark, setting off a chain reaction.
A chain reaction that activated dorment links within my "Higher" psyche connected directly to "Human" psyche, in direct link to the phayte ruled chaotic space timed energetic matter governed plane of the Christ entity's will. As the near infinite manna coarsed through my 6 silver arms,and 7 blacken-gold wings,with colours I've never even dreampt possible encummpassing an ensunial phlare, of sacred divinity.

It was all a trance of illusions I thought...maybe I was Intoxicated or tainted in a bubble or maybe---->She must have came from the 3rd inner meta-trancient hallway linking heaven multiphluxed to the very edge of the primary astral plane(s)....this time when I awoke from by Kerubiclly guided "planes drift", I walked outside and found that the world I was in was not composed of three axis, solid physical, crystalline matter, but someother form of energy, as I flew up into the anti-gravitic field in the northern hemisphere, I heard Bells of some kind giving me a feeling of an essence 100 fold normal sencsory input of an infinite universe, with eternal aspects of any&every kind...I was Ensunned with tele-somatic resonance at what appeared to look like sphere clusters of astrollobic crystalline white manna like pearls, as a 731025 THz phield of love was peircing all 21 of my chakra points & all 83 of my Supra-consciouss eyes. As 5 trumpets are sounding, echoing thru all that will be and was. The Essence of the smells and tastes or whatever they where, are inconcievablly infathomlly immpossible to remember, as I returned to my material body, I had no memory of any of this ever happening. The Trance turned out to be a dance, and some of the decievers weavings entangled and binded my third eye as well as parts of my heart and crown channeling points... inphact, the 644th 12x13th enscryed 17+2 watchtower structured leyline I usually auto-slipstream around was left dangerouslly wide open. As I lacked the power to close it..LEYLINE base resonance within the bermuda triangle destablised into the awakening of the ancient ways calling, to be re-issued by the forge of the fate governed quantinium. I had a Nymph Goddess, a Cthuulu Mantra based cacodeamon "shape shifter", and 14 Servient angels, weave a net of magick sealing these memories, and transform me into a regular human, so I could strengthen the decaying boundrys , and give myself more time to atone for my imbalance in the world.

The inter-woven-multi-cross-meshed thought meme matter seems to be randomly manifesting about twice every 360th aeon cycle, whilst reverberating a paradigm paraleum thru pandemonium, paradoxed & centered in pandora's rypht,a tri-axial sub-linear envokation of a transumanistic astrolobe interface. Cuasing an echoed Syncronetic imprintation of an anti-temporal, emphermeral feed back/loop hole mobious. Or otherwise known as a Chronolyptic phnord helix glitch in the dimensional EM vacuum membrane.
Ultimatly creating a De-ja-vu-do sphirror mirroring itself thru every myriad of any concievible axis of Spatial dimension possible ,including any and or all spatial zones of vibration witch disobey the prime numbers set of directions within supersymmetry.

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Sent: 4/3/2006 8:09 AM
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