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Poetry : Omniesicence
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From: MSN Nickname¤†∙Ġřäνìţíç∙Ţÿŕ∙†�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 10/20/2005 3:50 AM
I must have made a grave error in my calculations as to the omniesicence of the ancient ones whom used to roam the multi-verse on conquest and liberation to conquer and dominate... in regards to the fact of these ancients ones sencory input, omni-potential persceptiveness and oneness to the ever perpetual momentum of the ever so expanding sub-inertial, sub-astral, spirit streams of Gaia's "starry matter based material planor axis' enhabitants ability to literally crystallise anti-loop emphermeral anomalies within a uerophi-quasellullar-myriad of consciouss imprintations, or more simply defiened as the ability of the humans to "dream"....
As these human "dreams" have an imeasurable purpose to feed the prime based natural standard defualt multi-quantinual-celestial-spatial threads an ever expanding outer-heavenlly phorse, beyond that of any gods power anywhere especially including(Tiamas, Tiamat, Christ, Lucifer, Satan, and any accended dragon-ryu tribe master or any other higher vibrational omnicient beings.....ect) anywhere....thats the "hidden truth" behind this so called "frail" three-dimensional planet Gaia\Gaea that only a few kindered spirits and or prophets know of....although I'm sure by now there are omni-sentient all-knowing all-seeing entity eyes somewhere somehow, recording this data, and making great limitless power of the knowledge and wisdom aquired through the "harvesting" and "genetic-engineering" of the enviroments such as this terra-gaia-planet earth project that we are all on right now.
In fact I'm positive we are being nurtured and cared for by a "lower-higher" outer-heavenlly confederation of some kind by now(maybe the Paladieans & the the ancient evolved Dark-angels(whom became accended angels eons ago) of the hiearchy of the the upper governed Faenochian garden of empires and inner sanctums of the temples gates, and heavenly hallways)...whom might I add have accended beyond the tenth celestial spatial fibre of the pefect boundry "heaven"...into a semi-parallaxed, omni-somatic plane of existence composed of eleven "super-strings" or spatial threads in the seventh density, where machines and advanced-ancient technology and scientia are merged\fused\&synchronised with the advanced ancient arts of the crafts of magick(MAGI-TEK).
Although these omnicient species dont have any signiture of any kind anywhere of any quantumlly cross-sploven entanglement of any kind, relating to the aspects of "human-homo-sapian-terran" generated thoughts of personificational false or true ego mind generated energies or emotions pertianing to antipathy,hate, lust, deciet, greed, wrath, fury, anger, glutony, sloth,bigitry or "SIN" (although strangley and not surprisinglly some of these accended super-higher arch angelic species of ultra-ancient-sentient watchtower guardians of faenochian paladieans) do in some rare cases(like any other would naturally), posses MILD-KINDERD-TEMPERED aspects of psyche pertaining to pride, joy,& bliss. (and in some very sporaticly rare"almost in the worst case scenarios" , and mostly in the newly ancient accended, may or can posess or otherwise obtain aspects of psyche in corilation and semi-alignment to Envy, and a result of the humans young learning state of evolution, ability of choice, that they ever so long for from time to time. All of them do posses as a defualt standard, hard-written base prime-root-programed love, telesomatic resonance of "L" energy, as well as dilegence, sacred Divine Honer,& omni-somatical bi-polarised resonate sympathy & empathy, traveling through\in\out\and on 829921 simultaneous illuminarched emphermious' in regards to the "time" flow or floe(as an example of a standard persception) there of on that eleven dimensional spatial grid above the visible-measurable tree of life on the ten sephiroth, in the 7th, 8th, or even 9th prime-base densitys of the universal-quantiniums imphestructure. where I'm led to believe they may exist..... ~*~

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Sent: 4/3/2006 8:10 AM
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