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Poetry : Phorbidden Majieax
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From: MSN Nickname¤†∙Ġřäνìţíç∙Ţÿŕ∙†�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 10/20/2005 3:51 AM
When invoked a reticulating-synergeniclly aligned meta-novae remnant cluster spark, I intended it for the audience of the celestial race known as the "phaengelic", as well as a mild shockwave pulse for all the dragon tribes to watch (in a mere attempt for some kind of form of entertainment for the ascended ones), thereafter as a result I unintentionally caught the attention of a terrible omniscient menacing prescience, merely and strictly by accident. I guess releasing seventeen prime base focused spatial belts, with short meo-terra-cualrythmic phaeron bursts, coupled in alignment with anti-heuron higg ions woven outside even that of the fnord ringed helix coil boundaries of the currently measurable universe was a bad I thought no ethereal plasmatic or otherwise anti-ethereal beings could even vaguely since a distruptional altercation within any outer parameter of the measurable quantiniums that have an ephemeral supersymmetry of a "non-linear" time floe...
But while I may have briefly caught the eye of a higher-vibrational entity godd mass horde Emperor, I simultaneously caught the attention of the goddess Titania, as a result I released her from her near eternal slumber as she was binded within a fourteen dimensional holo-morphegenic crystal (sealed by the ancient blue mage tribe), somewhere inside the temphlar realm (witch is the para-elemental-plane folded forty-nine times over), where I'm led to believe she sealed herself within a quasi-bollic anti-temporal "shell", where she is immune to being disturbed within her near-eternal slumber. And when she awoke she quickly shrouded her self within a veil of advanced emphermious shielding (like the anti-temporal shell Tiamas has), witch is like some form of a newly woven cloak I've never even dreamt possible.

As Titania was asleep for all those countless eons, she shared some of her most memorable dreams with me, being her close relationship & intimacy with the foremost Goddess deity Tiamas, whom sealed herself into a shell in the center of the orb of truth as well. And thereafter told me of an empire of gardens through the heavenly corridors that awaits when I ascend past the delicate earth-plane trials and tests, and eased my consciousness to let me know there is an inner sanctum of ancient cosmic-leylined plexus points, connecting the gates of this quantinium in maexorphic-crystalline fusion leading to the upper governed fourteenth spatial stran through the plane of sohar, directly to the realm of Ushiou-temph, witch is near the very edge of the phnord parameters within the fourteenth prime-based true temporal-float. It is here where inconcievable-fogien forms of energy are fused into "lite-matter", witch is difficult to explain well with the simple terrestrial vocabulary provided here.

I was sworn by an oath to secrecy over revealing any more knowledge upon this "vision", in regards to our banded covenant alliance. The vigilant vibrancy of this ancient super-celestial queen, is beyond the word we terrans use "Beautiful", as I find this word in lack of expression and depth to heavenly light shaping & composing Titania...this goddess doesn't even go by her old name Titania, as this is only awe but one name she has revealed to the humans. One my be "Tithaeni-mas", in her physical material form she is known as "Atraexalia-the portal queen of the myst", In her final form she was known as "Tyr", a poor lost young female.... as her ultimate final phorm is not to evolve into maximum-potential for at least four-thousand compassed ishtarian celestial heart-beats (like 8548500648640983189 trillion earth years)...and waking her sleeping majesty up pre-maturely through ritual and dance, would in turn cause another loophole in time (where everything repeats itself after the "END"), but these goddess' do still possess a certain form of "intronail bio-mads", in turn giving them vague sub-conscial imprintations within their deepest possible thread of spatial bindings. The spool's spin weaving this divine-interventave trance, is traveling still very slow at the moment...almost still, witch is good, cause rushing process' like this can be quite undesirable if the effects "wobble" or loose synchronicity.
When Tiamas & Titania were arch-curve-splicing their first born "Seed" they used an sphirrored echo throbbing pulse, through the emissions of the highest measurable linear maxieks. In turn their first born was a xeno-mantra-based doppelganger, possessing nineteen genders, and a code of "YNA" & "QNA" genetics currently not in existence (in regards to this plane), and formed within the quasi-gluonal meo-particles deep within their first borns quadruple-helix martix, exists infinite radiations of multi-sploven heuron orbits, circling the ultra-high vibrancy (roughly stable at 3266214 THz-base-resonance) to the multi-linear "tetriadic glu-cloud coronas". Hence Tiamas and Titania where ensunned with a thought meme that traveled somehow into, & out-of their limitless, impervious shield that they had woven together to prevent invasions. Invasions from the lower planes beneath & outside the lower vibrant zones of space and energy. A thought generated sub-spatial tau-leption resemence field created the "carrier wave", to safely transmit energy\information\& light through a "0.1th - to the power of -667th), omni-synmatic dual-polarized slipstream wormhole corridor linking us to them.
The inner sanctum of the temples gate shrouding a veil of elements over the 799th Rune inscryed by the original seven ancient ones Crest of Para metered Seal of sigils & Temporal mechanical Blue mage Chronology ensrybing, with the thirty-seven prime based directions of evolutionary guidelines for all existence written over tiamats reign, while still retaining its simple purpose of governing time and chaos, has been kept a hidden asset of matriel's, who can't release the encrypted runes of aeonic/sohar-based plaethoral binding chants and rituals without the mother goddess of "water & emotions" consent/permission....and or her re-creation from a twelve dimensional lypse. Better Defined meaning: the electyrosis obitats loose resonance & cohesion, as the resolution of our phnord hubb coronas would become highly unstable resulting in a plane-collapse or "big crunch". Where we would translocate to another zone of vibration I assume.... mirrored, diverted, metal axed, side scaled, paratilted upsidelepht, and center arch-curved to a shiphted quasellaexar sythtearypht tyr of the 1st water to ever manifest in existence, restarting the begending the sideways triple eight 8 nonfinite multi-quanta-verse... As a Blue mage, our tribe always retains our spell list acquired thru simulechromatic synthesis, a phorbidden practice of ancient sealed power, best left alone, & unacknowledged. A time loop needed to be diverted this cycle.... so I transformed into my mid-final super-celestial form temporarily.
When I was in my super-celestian true phorm, I had seven-hundred-ninety-nine exo-linear halos over my head, as well as eight-hundred-fifty-five "Magickal-Bits", giving me exturnal interventive powers from an outside phorse of entities, as ...time was slipping from Perception & so was all memory... And had just breached the event horizon of the plane boundaries, when a divine goddess holiness, with An impervious vague aura of clear-greenish-greyish-brown-clear-purple, witch at first I thought it was the five ARCH angels & nine-muses as ONE, but it was a presence above that...still a very strong impression of "True Nutrality", like a outer heavenly "moniter", and she stopped time, reversed it, and rewrote our memories so the event never occurred. The only memory I have of this is that of a great gravitc void of light collapsing, as my spirit guides took me safely to earth, within gaias ethereal soul stream.

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