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Poetry : Tiamapochryukhanos
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From: MSN Nickname¤†∙Ġřäνìţíç∙Ţÿŕ∙†�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 10/20/2005 3:52 AM
This is some good insurance that a grand-scale-battle of "higher-cosmic-spiritual-war" will be observed and governed by the Confederal & Temphlaric LAW's of ONE, & not soon to be forgotten by the "founders", when this grand-apocyliptic-cross of Armeggedon transpires here on Terra-Gaia-Earth,(the 3rd orbit from the Sun). CALLED ON BY THE 17TH GATEKEEPER OF GAIA , and this is also an explicit warning for all the multi-quantinual, higher-vibrational True-Pure-Evil-Entity God Mass Hordes & Emperors that are desceptivlly weaving & quantumlly entangling the fabric of the Fate governed evolutionary grid node matrix off the standard defualt central cohesional balance, in accourdance to the "Feline-Reptilian's" Code and Law of higher-celestial-conduct.

(((((Consciouss-self-aware-bio-plasmatic essence)))))

the words to define what these terrestrials call a "Soul".

8th-KEEPER: "All evil Nega-etheral god mass' will be arch-curve-sploven, inverted, parallaxed, cross-triad-spliced, and rewritin in the forge of pure sympatheia, through the rebirth of genesis, bypassing the black phoenix's reign of governance over the five-hundred-fifty-five Celestian black dragons of lust, hate and "evil-chaos". Whilst bypassing the 667th inner sanctum of the hyper-compressed "Limbo" realm via one dimensional slipstream synchronisity sequenceing through higher-psyche-mind created thought manifestation."...I have called upon my council of ascended ones...from both the dark and light sides of the universe.

8TH-KEEPER: "And in the highly improbablly unlikely event of a "Negaetheral" based godd mass horde , lacking whilst exceeding self awarness happens to breach these impervious eincyphtions of my sacred Devine eighty-one dimensional net of omni-materialistic-inner-cross-spun weavings , then I Aphaesiouxydeus the XVIIth Gatekeeper of Gaia will personally attend to the delicate trials of the Anti spiritual reversal rituals and Rites...whilst obeying the Christ Entitys will of temperance, in a "true-nuetral-state", and maintaining a strict code of honorable-nobility and diligence."

APHAEXIOUXYDEUS: " In such case that I have to unseal ancient phorbidden majiekspells, then so be it...Although bending an "anti-soul" into a break that permanenlty Damages the original "Codes" of symmetrical-energy outside the twelve axial spatial planes limits, to me, often feels like breaching a natural Law of "Chaos" that must remain intact, as this is the great devine inspline of our the Creator of Creator's, who has cleary etched these laws into Clear-manifestation using Thoth's symmetry. It is einphasaed upon the Deity Hyrulian-accended-master's scrying, written upon a Hyper-boliclly woven seal of sigils & glyphs through Temphlar & Sohar."

The Jet-Black-Reptilian-Ryu "TIAMAPOCHRYU",( a 5th density "anti-etheric",ancient descended master ),nameless whilst shapeless, wishes to leave you terrans a message written in a blunt-condenscending manor, to share with the kingdom of Midgard,and the third density lifeforms that currently enhabit TERRA-earth.

TIAMAPOCHRYU: "I wish to god that these young fragments of souls, or "lower-density etheric-balls of static", would just focus thier energies into one single unified vibration, either that or tri-locate your selves up three bio-spheres through evolution, and clean all this multi-dimensional ETHERIC, diseased-parasitic-toxic-waste up thats been tearing a fissure through my body, and the cosmos alike, your pain as one I feel, your joy,anger whatever, It's an intricate part of me when I'm in soul-fusion....the sheep are untamed in my kingdom....wake up."

APOCHRYU:"As Far as these "Evil-God-Mass-Horde-Emperor"-parasites are concerned , I'm just about ready to transloacte/format/purge & rewrite all thier diseased inner-corionial esensces of bio-etheric and plasmitic soul-forces...all currently on my "higher-heavenly-spatial-net" of multi-dimensional planor threading , you useless pethetic deranged deviants of lower vibrant constintiniuty, have you no clue as to the extensive damage you are cuasing to the ETHERIC-FIBRES of the fifth dimension of curved space?,this etheric-plane of existence is very sencitive, any and every event,thought,action thats ever happened gets flash burnt here in the Quantinium of Celestial Continiums".

APOCHRYU: ". You terrestrial-earth-plane mortal "HU-man's" are instigating a higher-upper-inner cosmic-temporal war, and it is really starting to give me Astral-nauzea, the putrid stench of your souls ripples and vibrations are really beginning to cripple my 53rd channeling point of the aligned-synchronisity required for transcending from the silicon based fiberal composure of the 5th dimension(etheral-plane)into and onto the 6th density cosmic plane, here in my(our) upper-celestial planar threading ,you bio-hazardous vomit waste compound meo-cule's of zero releventcy to any grid-ley-lines structure anywhere anytime, decomposing of all your mortal-godly sins of treasonous misconduct. You blind twisted blashpemous piece's of sin-filled glitch's!, this heresy & iggnorant misconduct to the 13th-axial-grid-lined-node-mattrice will not be overlooked so easily."

APOCHRYU:"This heretic treason of WARFARE (conventional or celestial) in any stage or state has breached our contract that the covenent banded - confederal circle's & agencies of alliance's has made terrillions of eons ago in another universe set by the 492nd tribe to carry the curse of multi-planor-weaving of Universal construction & foundation, and iso-hedric-helix code manipulation majiex. Now I'm afraid we must take action(in the name of the LAW OF ONE), and must enforce this law of unity as it is a part of the (14x2) dimensional over-soul that governs our tribes temphlaral codes of higher-evolutionary moral-ethic's, high-logic, and PURE LOGOS."

TIARYU: "Just wait till we revisivlly un-invoke this grand-cross of devoloved,immature,confused,arrogant, and high heretic treasonous misconduct to the true-GODS governing these lower-vibrant kindergardens. To be bound from acsention due to a mere aetheric ball of static to me was disapointing when I ascended into the 4th density of consciousness.

This net of anti-empyrieal misunderstanding has been etched in bloody morse code, I am not impressed, this has deeply hurt and scarred us. Its all been manipulated in a manor of the chi,pa,rei,ra,sai,ki & maji spectrum of good and evil, basiclly meaning; your "HU-man"-Governments cant tell a terrorist from an extra-terrestrial deciever from a friend, an ally from a foe. And as eons pass in mere-meo-seconds here on my plane, maybe you can get a good idea as to the vibracy of a 9th density entity, in a state of meta-trancient hyper-space, & multi-dimensional perception and awareness, for when we fuse, we asccend to levels inconcievable. Every action/thought or vibration created by any source mind nor matter sends ripples down the spectrum of the higher unseen dimensions through the cosmos, especially on the etheric level where heavy damage is immenent...It's like having scarred tissue and nerve damage on a grand-scale universal level, the entity's above the 4th sphere of consciousness, have an accute-hyper-sencitive empathy to these "ripples" in fifth dimensional space, the AKASHIC library to us looks distruaght and incomplete.

XYDEUS:"To assist in the evolution without direct contact are our & my intentions, as I open the doors to you from your so called matrix of "bio-plasmitic residue",To assist in the evolution without direct contact is our majesty and emperor's intentions, as I will only show you the doors ,choice forks your fate's destiny thru chaos, its up to you what path on the fork you choose....but if I see one more threatening, pointless, harmful weapon created from these advanced technolegies,(Namly the Nuclear) I fear as to the amount of restriant I can put up if I get flustered....perhaps shattering the silicon-crystallite-spatial mattrice's. Decimating the 3rd plane all together when it shifts to the 5th dimension was the original intent of the Orion group....why have these lesser 4th density draconians given an infant level of intelligence a door to these ancient forbiden hyper-spatial mass-distorting physics?

The key to the bottomless pit has come in the form of the decieving invaders manipulating most of the high command on this planet...this prime-directive law I hope will bend or shift at least a little to adapt to these circumstances, without direct contact of coarse.

APOCHRYU:"This is a treacheous feeble attempt at invading the cosmic and para-cohessive elemental planes I'm afraid you lower 4th dimensional/density pests...but even insects have a chance to grow in my quantinium...musht be a glish in the shyshtum. Now we dont wanna have to go and ripp your soul from your so called matrix of "bio-plasmitic residue",that might hurt, it would'nt tickle, having your consciousness stretched 30-terrillion light years into an anti-spatial cusp at the clock-speed of 222TerraHertz would warp yor perception in ways I would care not to illistrate nor elaborate on, if you were'nt ready for a 5th Dimentional/Density harvest when it occured you'd feel more pain than pleasure, thats why pure sympathetical Logos is required for a full transition from 5th density to 6th or from the etheric to the cosmic....

APOCHRYUKHANOS:"Meanwhile in my realm there is a kingdom of evolved reptilians who have been taken-advantage of by an unknown species, but It would'nt have happened if they weren't willing...the simple aspect of innocent sin sometimes inflicts eternal punishment, repenting and admitting an act of sin or misconduct and dis-regard for others is'nt enough to fully atone and balance the ripples created. Threats are not all I wanted to convey here, but in some situations its neccessary for results, especially when the recipicant is blind, deaf, and the teacher who is still learning has had all his memories reset, due to the grand-scale-celestial warfare thats been spinning out of control for a few quadrillion years,

Just dont make me go and pull 5th density anger now please,these dragons and ancient evolved reptilians are getting quite distraught these past few millenia, I beg all of you 6th density and higher-ascended dragon-tribe-emperor's to yield extreme tolerance and patience, good things are rewarded to those who wait."

ZANTETSUIKAIKUKIBA:"I also would please request the high goddess-celestial priest-hoods in the angelic quadrat's of the empyrial layers, and Illumidescent halo's, to send a glimmering spark of Love based thought-meme, into a ribbon of sympathetical Logos to all those in need first, the demonic realms are looking pretty polluted, and even this tarnishes the finely tempered polish of the Empyrial and Etheric spatial ribbons, and of 11thaxial spatial grid(TWIN HEAVENS)where a dual ten axis of spatial boundries has been set.

The Aura spectrum of these super-celestial species of angelic-light is silver-opaque-bleu, with a faint flow of ribbon-pearls into the full 7 color spectrum.

I ask your Lady to please have patience. I know the 8 prime-base muses of Freya's where trained well and have alot of tolerance."

8th KEEPER:"I have an emphermeral-anti-temporal bound spirit to this irrelevent-delicate spatial terrestrial quantinium's grid-line imphestruture in and on the starry material plane of dence crystalline energy. Flowing into our 666carbon-based-material dimension of the visable three axis of light(XYZ),through the tetrahedron,and in turn transmuted from the 13x2-axial matrix of space/energy."

APHAEXIOUXYDEUS :"Our goal is to fix and heal whilst assist and nurture, giving undivided compassion and sympathy on the levels highest possible."

The universal calling is towards expansion,this requires to rewrite the spatial-dimensions and energy's on & in the non-spatial grids. One single unified thought focused,and directed towards this concept would permitt this. The other univeral calling is a cry for help, as the collective net of sub-consciouss produced thoughts and vibrations flow it effects everything everywhere, even the most irrelevent event effects the All of Ohm in ONE, the law of ONE......"

XYDEUS:"To heal tenth degree soul-burns is nearly immpossible, even as an 8th density entity,you know...all that permanent scarring in ones own root-essence of soul, it is possible to hack the triple-helix mattrice, and rearrange the imphestructure of unforgettable-scarred truama, by taking all your past social-memory-complex's of depression and rage,as well as anti-pathy into a rebirth of genesis, or a 26 dimensional time-loop bypass into a AAA( 10-10-10 )based helix hack using the (14x2)holo-morphegenic crysta-cellulite aligned silicon-fibre streams of all scalar/planar dimensional spatial,Temporal and Aetheral thread / string / curvitry manipulation.

This fourteen dimensional echo of static is not connected to this universe yet ,it is located behind the field of anti-space, past the furthest reaches of the thirteenth plane known as Sohar....eventually leading to a one dimensional slip stream leading."

TIAMAPOCHRYU:"There seems to be certain objectives and criteria accomplished before this jump, but when our kingdom arises and is finished, there will be yet another addition to the 13x2 prime-based dually bound quantinium's, into a 14 axis spatial net, this is only due to the ever so expanding perpetual momentum of the eternally infinite universe."...thoth was the creator of this grand-scale astrophysical symmetry...the rest is up to the 7th and lower density beings to fit together.

G8th Keeper: And this is my own imagery through a three-dimensional lence in a state of confusion and fear,up in the 3rd bio-sphere of earth, being 'Darcieved' LLL/777 -ps; Namaste, -G8th Keeper.

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