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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname¤†∙Ġřäνìţíç∙Ţÿŕ∙†�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 10/20/2005 4:53 PM
ZANTETSUIKAIKUKIBA:"I would like to take this time to call upon a request of mercy from the high goddess-celestial priest-hoods in the angelic quadrat's of the empyrial layers, and the hierarchy within the upper furthest governed nirvanic bio-spheres of the Illumidescent serraphic elohim halo's, and the Buddhist tribes of seventh density, to send a barrage of glimmering illuminarched terra-phaeron flare's of sympathetical based-lucid thought-meme-intervention's, into a ribbon of resonating cosmic Logos, directed primarily to all those individuals & groups who require the releasing & healing of severe-emotional trauma's,I would aslo like to devote special attetion to those with massive internal memory-complex damage's within the "bio-etheric essence" to be enveloped in a sympathetical resonance of compassionate love.
The demonic & devachanic thought-incurred astral realms of atomic light are beginning to develope a hazy-myst of anti-pathical energies, as well as a new form of highly-volitile anti-etheric-toxic-pollutants, and even this tarnishes & corrupts the finely tempered polish of the lower Empyrial and Etheric spatial belts, halo's, globes & ribbons that primarily compose our entire super-celestial empire's of gardens.
These "terran-wars" aslo effect the higher-Etheral and upper Empyrieal floats of higher planor threading.
The 11th axial spatial grid(The twin heavens) is where the duality of the static vacuum centers itself in a fnord-like cusp, where ten axes of opened membrane curvitures of petrubitary spatial boundries meet at one single point, into the corona of the all of one in ohm ....
It is at this point within the octople-helix-toroids that a fourteen dimensional psuedo-platonic based singularity of translocated & transdimensional strong force exists, with less than 1D as a field parameter. It is this very source that the founders of all existence use for incurring "big-bangs" into the spherical handles of true-empty space/time zones in existence, also known as the primary eternal-pull or "negitive-quasi-plane" weak-force.
It is this fnord-like cusp of static duality that safely transfers energy from one true-null-space/time "hub" to another. This self inflicts an eternal paradox of creation and eventual re-translocation and uncreation due to the perpetual momentum and constant quantinual inertia of the outer-outer spatial planes that are cloathed within an imeasurable fnord claok of "anti-space"...((non-accessible by any being thats vibration is lower than the triple F "17 - 17 - 17" code of silicon-crystalline structured vibrancy.
The average life span of a primary 12 Dimensional "continium" is usually around 334 terrillion "ishtar-compassed cycles", and the eventual collapse into a "big-crunch" is cuased by the gravimetric and magnetic flux synchonisity's to the 13 & 14 dimensional "outer" curvitures that house non-paralell strings.
An eternal draw point nexi linked directly to the intelligent infinity within the 8th and 28th density spheres of super-consciousness. Basiclly this eternal draw point is the core-root essence within the orb of truth in the center of the universe, that literally breathes life and soul into manifestation and crystallizes silicon-carbon "para-elements" into a holo-morphegenic cohesion of solid-fluidic-gasious-plasma that shape's & form's & transmutes any & all the possible varible elemets and aspects of energy using the "source-code of all creation" aslo known as the "Empyrial Phyre" to open authentic paradjascent-spatial-strings for a triple ten dimensional poly-holo-lypse incurrsion, using thought generated neutrino's through glu-cloud splicing in the dance of the devine interventive transcient accended master's tribe of arcturians and enoch. Where we literally carve newplanes drawn from the membrane of the created singularity of the eternal "push" of energy streaming endlesslly in from the "fnord-point EM static vacuum field" (or the true white-hole of the positive quasi-plane within the all of one in ohm).


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Sent: 4/3/2006 8:11 AM
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