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Qabala : adverse sephira
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameŋįģђŧmąŗę  (Original Message)Sent: 7/11/2006 10:00 PM
as in all things balance is a must
Demonic Orders or Adverse Sephiroth
What proceeds comes from the Notes on the Demonic Orders (Adverse Sephiroth) in Magical Corresspondences by Bill Heidrick.
Thamiel: Duality in God
"Thamiel represents duality whereas Kether represents unity. Thus Thamiel is the division of that which is perfect only in unity. As a demonic order name, the Thamiel were before their 'revolt'. This signifies, 'Perfection of God'. These angels sought to become more powerful by adding an Aleph to their name. They then became the , 'Duality of God', an order of the lesser demons. In the lowest state of their 'fall', they become the , 'the Polluted of God'. The cortex or outer form of the Thamiel is called Cathariel, , 'the Broken' or 'Fearful Light of God'."
Satan : Adversary and King
To Thamiel, "there are two demons that are attributed to stress the view that the demonic opposite of Kether is duality instead of unity and are Satan and Moloch or Malech."
Chaigidel: Confusion of the Power of God
"These are the confusion of that great power which, as Chokmah, goes forth at the beginning to give the vital energy of creation to the processes of Binah. The cortex of the Chaigidel is called Ghogiel, 'Those Who Go Forth into the Place Empty of God'."
Beelzebub: Lord of the Flies and Adam Belial: Wicked Man
To Chaigidel, "both Satan and Beelzebub are attributed as well as Adam Belial. The name Belial is often used separately as a demonic name."

Sathariel: Concealment of God
"Even as Binah is the great revealing one who bestows the structure of the Absolute onto the created, its opposite, the Sathariel, conceal the nature of The Perfect. The cortex or outer form of the Sathariel is called the order of Sheireil, , 'The Hairy Ones of God'."
Lucifuge: One Who Flees Light
To Sathariel, Lucifuge "is attributed and is probably a name made up to replace the name Lucifer, 'Light Bearer'."
Gamchicoth: Devourers
"Chesed is the source of bounty both in idea and in substance to the lower forms. Gamchicoth is the order of 'Devourers' who seek to waste the substance and thought of creation. The outer form is the order of Azariel, , 'The Binding Ones of God'."
Astaroth: One of the Flock
To Gamchicoth, "Astaroth is attributed. This is the name of the goddess Astarte, the Ishtar of the Babylonians and perhaps also the Isis of the Egyptians."

Golab: Burning Bodies
"Geburah is a going forth in power to rule in strength. The order of Golab is composed of those who burn to do destruction --- even on themselves. The outer form is the Usiel, 'The Ruins of God'."
Asmodeus: The Destroying God
To Golab, Asmodeus is attributed. "This name is half Hebrew and half Latin. Asmodeus is often mentioned in the literature of demonology. The name can also be translated as 'The one adorned with fire'."
Togaririm(n): Those Who Bellow Grief and Tears
"Tiphereth is the place of great beauty and rejoicing. The Togaririm build ugliness and groan about it. The cortex of the Togaririm is called the Zomiel, , 'The Revolt of God'."
Belphegor: Lord of the Dead
To Togaririm, "the replacement of Tiphereth, the sphere of the vitalizing Sun, with a place holding Belphegor, the lord of dead bodies, is most striking."
Harab Serapel: Ravens of the Burning of God
"Netzach is the openness of natural love. The Harab Serapel are the Ravens of Death who reject even their own. The outer form is Theumiel, , 'The Fouled Substance of God'."
Baal: Lord and Tubal Cain: Maker of Sharp Weapons
To Harab Serapel, "Baal is attributed, and is "a word which means Lord, much as Adonai means Lord. The word Baal or 'Bel' has become restricted in its usage to signify a 'Lord of Darkness'." Also attributed is Tubal Cain.
Samael: The Desolation of God, or The Left Hand
"Hod is the complex working of the will of the Absolute. Samael represents the barren desolation of a fallen and failed creation. The outer form is the Theuniel, , 'The filthy Wailing Ones of God'."
Adrammelech: Powerful King
To Samael, Adrammelech is attributed. "This name is found in Second Kings: XVII, 29-31: ' And the men of Babylon made Succoth-benoth, and the men of Cuth made Nergal, and the men of Hamath made Ashima, and the Avvites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burnt their children in the fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim."
Gamaliel: Polluted of God
"Yesod is the place of the final forms that become matter in Malkuth. The Gamaliel are the Misshapen and polluted images that produce vile results. The outer form is the order of Ogiel, , 'those Who Flee from God'."
Lilith: Night Spector
To Gamaliel, Lilith is attributed and "is the grand lady of all demons. The demons are sometimes considered to be the children of Lilith and is said to be the woman who comes to men in their dreams."
Nehemoth (or Lilith): Whisperers (or Night Spector)
"These are responsible for frightening sounds in strange places. They excite the mind and cause strange desires." This corresponds with Malkuth as well.
Nehema: Groaning
To Nehemoth, Nehema is attributed, "and is traditionally a demon and the sister of Lilith, possibly a remembrance of the Egyptian Nephthys and Isis. It is conceivable that Nehema is the same as Naamah, , the sister of Turbal Cain."

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemyckkiaSent: 7/13/2006 1:18 AM