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Recipe Board : Romanian Maraturi ( Mixed Pickled Vegetables )
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/12/2008 10:54 PM
Romanian Maraturi
( Mixed Pickled Vegetables )

2 lbs. of vegetables  [ including ]
Green Tomatoes
Red Cabbage
Red Chili Peppers
Small Sweet Red and Green Peppers
Cloves of Fresh Garlic
A few Black Peppercorns
Bay leaves
Sprigs of Fresh Funnel
3 ½ oz.s Sea Salt
1 pt. Vinegar

Mason, Canning Jars ( pts or qts - your choice )

*   *   *   *   *

Clean and prepare vegetable, selecting them with one eye on the intended color and variety in the jar.

Divide the cabbage into wedges, and the cauliflower into
florets, slice the carrots, into rounds, the celery into thin slices and the sweet peppers into strips.

Leave the small hot chili peppers whole and divide them up
and each jar to taste.

Peal the garlic, but leave them whole.

Place the vegetables in a wide neck jar or jars, alternating varieties and color and dividing the herbs and spices between the jars.

Stand the jars in a tray of cold water.

Bring 1 /3/4 pts., of water, to a boil, with the salt and vinegar, and pour over the vegetables while still boiling.

Cover, seal and keep in a warm place until the liquid clears, then store in a cool airy spot.

NOTE: These are hot mixed pickled vegetables in a jar, that sounds really close to the same thing that is already made in glass jars at the market.

Close enough to be use as a substitute, if you don’t want to make it form starch.

In Bulgaeia, similar preserves are called “Turskia�?

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From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 1/13/2008 12:45 PM
thank you for sharing