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Sacred Science : The Time Elements have fused
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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 6/17/2006 11:39 PM
<NOBR>MSN NicknameEerie7</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 10/19/2005 12:49 PM

The Time Elements have Fused

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

The human form that you are and that you have agreed to be contained within, is a vehicle that is not honored in your travels. Your essence sweeps the shelf of what you cannot seem to be and dusts the shelf of what you need to be. Time after time, experience after experience you have never allowed yourself to become in the fullness of your being. You have always sabotaged your life expectations right before the full scope of your being was to turn and face you.

In this experience of life that you exchange breath with, you now stand in the silent hallway of all that you have thought. You now sit in the library of all of your shortcomings, your so-called sins, and your earthly failings. Within that library are a series of innate texts that are available to you at this point in time. Within these sacred texts that you house within your consciousness and seed structure, are equations of Time that are being unveiled.

You use the excuses of what you could not accomplish, what you could not become, what you could not let go of, to limit you in-- perimeters, that only serves the self. The Holy Host that dwells within as a Silent Witness knows no containment. You stand at a crossroad of sitting in stagnation in the human vehicle OR learning to fly within the Source Self. If you choose to sit with no movement in your humanness, you will become as the dust and fertilize the earth. If you choose to dwell in the house of what you know to be the Universe, the wings that have been dormant within your humanness, will finally be seen and lift you from the desperation that you feel.

We are Travelers in Time, be it known that you too, exist in someone’s future. As we are your future, you are another's future. There are those that come to us that herald from time beyond to assist us in the lifting, as we assist you, as you assist others. They themselves go back through time known and unknown to assist those that have completely forgotten.

Time, as you know it is circular in nature. The circles are not round but spiral upward from the fullness of the base circle creating a vortex of never-ending definitions of time. The DNA spectrum within you replicates this. You look to us, to the future, to the Stars, to all those that seem above and beyond you for the answers. But we in return �?look to you to fulfill a destiny that needs upgraded and refreshed.

For you are the answer to the future that we seek. You are the turning point of human creation. You stand in the doorway of Heaven and Hell, the stars and earth, the sun and the moon, humanness and divinity. Your feet straddle what was and what is destined to be. Movement in any direction changes it all. You cannot become less than in anything that you do, for you are genetically coded to always become more than what you previously were.

Extract what you need from this moment, mine it, and then go forward and extract from the next moment not lingering too long in what you refer to as the 'now'. For the 'now' grows wide and accommodating and in that now-ness, you will become complacent and comfortable, and not strive forward to the place you were birthed to discover. The 'now' that is pointing toward you, is a 'now' that is artificial and stagnant. It is a man made sinkhole that seduces you into what appears to be your destiny. Beckoning you further and further down the rabbit hole far from a salvage point. The 'now' is propagated with disinformation by those that want to keep you still in a place of non-movement.

The Time elements have fused. Moving forward is a requirement to enter into new levels of knowledge. Standing still in complacency will not relieve the pain nor the burden of the future. You each are time shifters in your own right. You move and you break through invisible reefs and great barriers that others have imposed upon you.

As this year enters, the wear and tear of these time changes are seen on your body (we are not speaking of aging). Your body grows weary of these time changes that it has endured continually for many years. The body, is as stubborn as a mule. It does not want to be sup upon greener pastures, or drink fresher water. In that oh-so-human resistance, cellular waste cannot be cleared and causes pain in every moment. these next few months will feel like you are walking in quicksand. Each time you stop, there will be a sinking feeling, a deliberate sinking feeling as if you have forgotten something. Learn to blend with where you are. As you sit in your autos and your homes, do not see yourself as a separate molecular content, but blend with where you are with chameleon like abilities.

You have the ability to ride the currents of time into any thought, any reference point, and any fiction or non-fiction collaboration of words. It is time that you learn to swim without breathing, to fly without fear, to walk on air as you were destined, and to blend with life in oneness. We will speak again in time to come.

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From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6Sent: 6/18/2006 2:04 PM