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PC Tips.. : How to Clean a Computer Keyboard
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/8/2007 10:05 AM
How to clean a computer keyboard
Tools & Chemicals:
Soft cloth, Computer cleaning fluid, compressed air, pre-treated computer wipes, vacuum and computer vacuum attachments. Before cleaning the keyboard, shut down your computer, and unplug the keyboard.
1. Turn the keyboard upside down and shake so loose dust, dirt, and food crumbs will fall out. Spray between the keys with compressed air or vacuum the keyboard. If you are vacuuming the keyboard, leave it key side up and work in a well lit area. Specialized vacuum attachments are available that slip onto a regular sized vacuum hose which reduces it to a very small opening with a variety of dusting and crevice attachments. This is the most efficient method because the vacuum becomes not only more powerful, but you will actually remove the offending debris as opposed to redistributing it with compressed air.
2. Wipe down the keyboard with a soft cloth dampened with your specialized computer cleaning fluid or plain water. Never spray any kind off chemical directly onto your office equipment, always spray a clean cloth and wipe the hardware. Use a cotton swab to clean between the keys. For hard to remove stains such as ink, use a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol or an alcohol saturated wipe.
3. If you spill cola or coffee in your keyboard the first thing to do stop working. Save your data using the mouse instead of key stroke commands, if possible, and quickly turn the keyboard upside down and unplug it. Allow as much of the fluid as possible to drip from the keyboard, and wipe it down as described above.
4. Although not recommended for the faint of heart, there are more extreme measures you can take to rescue a liquid saturated keyboard. Unplug the keyboard and borrow a co workers for the next couple of days. If the keyboard has an old, or dried spill, you must first saturate the dried liquid. This means submersing it (yes, completely underwater) in a pan of water for a few hours, press any sticky keys to help loosen the dried material. When the dried spill has dissolved into the pan of water, or if the spill is fresh, rinse off the keyboard with distilled water. Use distilled water, as tap water contains minerals that can affect performance even after it is dry. Allow the keyboard to air dry for at least a day or two.
5. Single sticky keys can be removed on most keyboards. Just use a small flat head screwdriver to pry the offending key off and after cleaning they snap right back on. Use the corner of a soft cloth or a cotton swab and to clean the key socket as best you can, using a special computer cleaner, rubbing alcohol, or distilled water. If you remove more than one key, remember where it belongs! In fact, it was someone cleaning a typewriter decades ago who wasn't paying attention, that left us with the jumbled Qwerty mess that we have today.
6. Remember keyboards are inexpensive and plentiful, with each upgraded computer there is usually a lonely unused keyboard sitting in a box in the IT department.
How to clean your Computers CPU
Tools & Chemicals:
Soft cloth, Computer cleaning fluid, compressed air, pre-treated computer wipes, vacuum cleaner, and special cleaning attachments.
1. It is best to store the CPU off the floor, on a solid surface to minimize dust and permit proper cooling (carpet will not allow for airflow beneath unit). Vacuum all cooling slots. Do not use compressed air on these openings, as it moves large amounts of dust inside the CPU, which is akin to pouring fine sand into the processor. Conversely, if you are trying to kill your computer, this, water, and blunt impacts are the quickest methods. Keeping the vents clean maximizes airflow for cooling, which is very important for the longevity of the CPU. Processor failures are most commonly associated with the expansion and contraction of connections and components. By keeping the overall operating temperature low, the extremes between operating and shut down temperatures is reduced, lowering the magnitude of the cycles, and increasing life span. Wipe down the casing with a soft cloth dampened with a specialized computer cleaning fluid or plain water. Never spray any cleaner directly onto your office equipment. Always spray the cloth and wipe the equipment.
2. If you feel you need to remove the casing and clean inside, use compressed air only. A slightly errant brush, cloth, or vacuum can cause permanent damage, and without even touching the boards, a zap of static electricity can destroy a processor. Check your warranty before taking any office equipment apart.
How to clean your Computer Screen
Tools & Chemicals:
Soft cloth, anti-static cloth, water, specialized screen cleaner
1. Conventional wisdom is that you should only clean a screen with a damp cloth, as many screens have an anti-glare coating that you risk damaging if you use a harsh household cleaner. Even traditional window cleaners can damage some coatings and screens, especially on laptop computers. Always check your manual.
2. Screen wipes are also available which are also great for the keyboard and general cleaning. Wipe your screen first, then the keyboard, mouse, and casing. Stop your computer from getting dirty in the first place by having them handy to wipe the grease off your fingers after eating junk food.
3. If you are using just a damp cloth to wipe the screen, be sure to dry it off as well to prevent streaking.
4. When cleaning the monitor casing use a soft cloth with your cleaning fluid. Always spray onto the cloth, not the equipment!
5. Antistatic sprays and other specialty cleaning chemicals are very common, and are formulated so they will not cause damage to even the most sensitive screens. Their effectiveness is questioned by some, but others swear by them. The theory is that as the product cleans it leaves a neutral charge, whereas a positive or negative charge will attract dust. The effectiveness is likely more a result of environment, but considering the insignificant cost it is probably worth it.

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