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Universal Laws : The Cosmic Laws
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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 8/4/2006 2:40 AM
<NOBR>Eerie7</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 12/2/2005 3:31 PM

The Cosmic Laws Of Cosmic Awareness

Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed itself through Edgar Cayce, Jesus of Nazareth, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, and other great avatars who served as channels for the "heavenly father." Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels. The information contained herein was received from deep trance states. "Awareness" suggests to all of us that we believe nothing, but question, explore, doubt and discover what the truth is and that includes "Who in fact we really are."

Wisdom of Awareness

Each and every one of us has access to this Awareness, wherein we move deep enough within ourselves, laying aside judgment, hostility, frustration and move into ourselves to find that pool of consciousness which emanates Peace, Tranquility, and Love for all living things.

The Giving of these Laws

It is suggested that you take each of these Laws and spend approximately one or two weeks of meditation on them. Think about what has been given; look deeply at what has been said. In this manner, you shall begin to discover levels of consciousness that few have ever glimpsed. By studying these Universal Laws, you will open your consciousness to a level likened unto the finest college education in comparison to a first or second grade education. Your wisdom shall expand ten fold by studying these Laws with deep attention keeping in mind; this is only the beginning of the many changes one will experience on all levels of your being.

The Law of Actuality is a very different idea. It is that Law which exists in the mind but not necessarily in the material form. It does not have to have dimension. It does not have to have form. It is what is believed.

The Law of Awareness

There is that Law of Awareness wherein this Awareness may observe that which is the illusion of separateness, yet not be confused by this illusion; whereby this Awareness may be aware of that which is the illusion of death, yet not be caught in that illusion; whereby this Awareness may observe that which is the illusion of Free Will, yet not be caught in that illusion. There are certain limitations placed upon this Awareness which it cannot break. One of these being It cannot break Its own Principles and Laws. It cannot deny or reject those who would appear to separate themselves from this Awareness nor the movement and illusion of Free Will whereby they would do so.

The Precepts of Cosmic Awareness

Judge Not

Be Humble

Never Do Anything Contrary to the Law of Love

Resist Not Evil

Do Nothing Contrary to the Law of Mercy

The Law of Affection

The Law of Affection states that affection is a beam of love, which may light upon a subject and create an object of adoration. The Law of Affection holds closely but with open arms; one wishing to see all creatures free beings by freeing others from oneself, then from themselves, their fears, their guilts and inhibitions, and from those blocks that hide their preciousness. The Law of Affection possesses not, yet sacrifices nothing of itself, for it gives without an expectation - even from the joy of giving. As the sun must shine to the sun, so affection must be given if one is to be affectionate. The Law of Affection cannot be manipulated or controlled, for its only purpose is to give. Nor can it be possessed or used, but when one's heart is open, it enters and possesses it and uses it to shine its warmth of love upon the world.

The Archetypal Law

The Archetypal Law is that Law which is the prototype for the echoing reflections of other Laws. The Law of Archetypes as that which serves as the skeleton or framework for other Laws. The first Archetype Law is the Law of One. The second as the Law of Two, the third as the Law of Three. This apparent division as never-ending so long as the Law of Description is in effect. Concepts and personalities, numbers, shapes, forms, situations that serve as patterns for others to follow are archetypes, even as the pyramid was an archetype for the hierarchy systems.

The Law of Authority

The Law of Authority states that whoever is liable has the authority, and to the degree of that liability the degree of authority should be given. The author of an action or work who is liable for that work has the authority over that work, to dispose of as they wish, along with the liability.

The Law of Cause and Effect

Wherein the individual, the entity, the vibratory rate, the force, begins to move toward its own personal growth and fruition, in expressing itself through its own Will and volition, through its own creative energies there comes about a time wherein that force becomes aware of resistances to its energies whereby the force becomes aware that its energies and its expression is being hindered. This as the beginnings of the experience of the Law of Cause and Effect.

The Law of Chance

The Law of Chance is that Law that results when the Law of Magic is initiated without being in harmony with the Law of Unity. The Law of Gratitude is that Law which does bring justice and balance for those actions which occur under the Law of Chance.

The Law of Change

There is a Law, which governs all things, and allows no thing to remain unchecked, and allows no checks to remain unchanged. That is anything seen, done, experienced or known, you may look at it and say with absolute certainty: "This too shall pass." This is what is known as the Law of Change.

The Law of Chaos and the Law of Order

The Law of Chaos is that Law which states that chaos exists when the observing mind can accept what is. The Law of Order exists when the observing mind can accept what is, regardless of the appearance of chaos.

The Law of Co-Creation

The Law of Co-Creation states that two working in co-creative action have the power of four working individually; and three working in co-creative activity have the power of sixteen; and one-hundred and forty four working in harmony can change the world. Wherein large groups of entities believe and agree on certain images as being real and being stable, this agreement does hold the power of many times that number of energies, if such energies were held by individuals working separately. Wherein groups of entities agree upon certain images, these images do tend to manifest and hold their being in a magnified manner.

The Law of Courage

The Law of Courage states that courage is the ability to not only face a danger but to risk an action to defuse that danger. Fear departs when action enters. The degree of courage is in proportion to the degree of danger, risk and fear a courageous action must defuse.

        The Law of Correspondence

An ancient axiom of Hermetics so states:

"As above - so below."

In ancient times this Law of Correspondence was clearly understood by entities as entities were not bombarded by thought, words, and ideas to the extent that they are today in this present plane. "As above, so below" in ancient days was a clear and meaningful experience. For prior to the multiplication of words, where few words were used and the words were simple, like the times, entities knew how to look beyond the words at the inner meanings, whereby the words stood halfway between the seeker and the sought, and the words themselves were like signposts pointing toward a city, rather than the final destination for the questioner, as in present time, whereby the question is asked and the words are answered, and the answer is the final movement of the mind which perceives no further than the word which was given as an answer. The true meaning of the Law of Correspondences: "As above, so below" teaches you, as it is above, so likewise there is a corresponding action below. As it is within, so likewise there is a corresponding action without. As it is in the past, so likewise, there shall be a corresponding action in the future and in the present. Yet these correspondences are not exact; are distorted, likened unto a reflective mirror which does not have a perfectly flat surface. As the cycle of one level is in correspondence to the cycle of another level, so likewise, the souls of one entity have a correspondence to the souls of humanity. For each face is every other face.

The Law of Credibility

The Law of Credibility is the ability of entities to earn, receive and accept credit for what they do, and to refuse credit for anything they have not done. Your credibility is the standard by which others may evaluate you to determine how they will relate to you.

The Law of Description

The Law of Description is that Law which serves as a tool for creative purposes. This as likened unto the paintbrush of the artist, the chisel of the sculptor. Description is that, which carves out images, creates boundaries, creates shapes and forms, creates limitations, creates confinements, and creates also those concepts which expand those boundaries to release from confinement. The Law of Description knows no morality. The Law of Description is capable of creating anything for any entity. This relates unto the Law of Magic in that anything described is on its course toward creating a manifestation to the degree of impact on its description. The nature of that manifestation depends upon the intensity of the collective or disruptive energies involved.

The Law of Dharma

The Law of Dharma is that which may be described as the principle of 'right action' this refers to that which is universally right, right for all who are affected by the action. An action by an individual, a group, a nation or culture is right only when everyone is rightly served by the action according to his or her needs and earnings. Dharma brings about that which may be called 'good karma' or 'right results'.

The Law of Currency Exchange

The Law of Currency Exchange states that energy flows like water or electricity in currents which may be tapped for use elsewhere, and may be exchanged for other energies, or may be stored in containers such as bottles, cups, foods, batteries, notes, valuables, ideas, bodies, properties, words, monies, contracts, friendships, banks, gardens, arrangements, music, titles, talents, and all other areas of consciousness to be used or exchanged at another time or place. An excess of energy in a container unable to handle it, creates heat, friction, temper, fever, combustion, rashes, rash behavior, an over-load on the circulation or circuitry, or an inflamed, short-circuited or explosive situation. Containers vary in nature, purpose, durability, dependability, utility and adaptability as they may leak, lose, use, transform, diffuse, absorb or deplete energies. Containers may give, take, store or deny energies from others, but energy in movement serves to move other energies. Energy currents are alive; while stored energy is dead until moved. A few small energies, carefully placed, can tap into greater energies in such a way that multitudes are fed, clothed and sheltered, and entire civilizations are raised to higher energy levels.

The Law of Divine Manifestation

The Law of Divine Manifestation requires a manifestor to believe in the principle that whatever is needed for one's growth and fruition, will be supplied by the Universe, for whatever price the manifestor truly believes is fair. But the manifestor must believe they truly have the right to receive the manifestation at the price or energy cost the entity believes is fair. If it is a worthy request, and the manifestor believes it is allotted at the time of asking, it will come. A worthy request expressed through prayer, imaging, ritual or whatever method, is anything that harms none, but benefits all involved. It is a win-win relationship. Anything that harms another, either in the process or the outcome of manifestation, is not of the Divine and will carry a karmic debt.

The Law of Grace

The Law of Grace states that any Divine Being can apply the Law of Mercy to grant a pardon to one who has made a mistake, so that the Karma may be set aside. But such an act of pardon is entirely at the discretion of the Divine Being and though individuals may request and seek or beg, they have no right to demand Grace, Mercy or Forgiveness when other karmic justice is their due

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From: MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0Sent: 8/17/2006 7:56 AM

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From: MSN NicknameAspirtloneSent: 8/19/2006 3:24 PM