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 Message 20 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebird  in response to Message 19Sent: 9/6/2005 1:51 AM
Meeting Clay was by far my most amazing expierence as a Clayfan....I know nothing will top that, but the meet and greet left little to be desired!  First of all, the e-mail stated that all meet and greets will be one and half hours before show time.  As of 6PM we still had no clue what was going on!!!  Finally, at 6:15 we get our instructions. There were 10 fanclub winners, 2 or 4 stubhub winners, and some radio people to meet Clay!  We were escorted to the left side of the stage and we were told to stand in single file.  If anyone had anything they wanted to give Clay it had to be handed over and they would see that he would get it....we were so upset, because of course everyone had something they wanted to give him!  I had this tshirt, with a map of PA written all over was way too big for him (didn't have a smaller size), but I thought he would get a kick out of it. We then  waited in the sun about 20 mins more!!! OMG, are we ever going to meet Clay??? Finally, we are escorted around the back of the stage to where the buses were. There was a bar table right next to a dressing room and thats where Clay would sign your one piece of memorabilia.
Finally, he comes out....did I say he just sooooo FREAKIN ADORABLE????
As the line progressed you handed your camera to a security person, who in turn would give it to Nick to take the picture.  Then Mary, asks what you want Clay to sign and hand it to her.....then its my turn and this is what happened...
Clay:  Hi, whats your name???
Me:  Hi Clay....MaryAnn
Clay:  Is that two words?
Me:  Yes, no e on the end 
Clay:  So what part of the south are you from darlin?
Me:  He caught me off guard with that statement....Clay.....I'm not from the south!!
Clay:  Really?  You sound like you are from the south...
Me:  Nope, around Pittsburgh
Clay:  Oh, south Pittsburgh (laughs)
Me:  Yeah, laughing...south Pittsburgh
Clay:  MaryAnn....lets have Nick take our picture
His hand goes around my waist.....and CHEESE!  
Clay:  Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, MaryAnn
At this point, I don't know what I said.....I hope I said thank you, but who knows....I just floated away!
Well, thats it, short and sweet, but with all the hassel in the beginning, it was all worth it and  a moment I will never forget as long as I live.
As you all know, the concert was amazing and I am happy to report, that my friend that went with me is a bonified Claymate....(This was her first concert)....I happened to have his book in the car, and she is now reading it!
Below, is my picture of Clay and looks dark, but the original came out much lighter....a picture of the tshirt, and my friend Barb and me! 
Thats all folks!

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     re: CNC JBT Recaps   MSN NicknameKdeebird  9/6/2005 1:54 AM