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 Message 21 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebird  in response to Message 20Sent: 9/6/2005 1:54 AM

Hello,  well I finally have a few minutes to tell you about my exciting day last Thursday in Toronto.  

I met so many nice people during the day.  I was talking to a girl about 18 years old in line who was just so excited to be seeing Clay again she could hardly contain her excitement.  She was so adorable to watch.  She told me that last Christmas  her mother gave her tickets to see Clay's Christmas tour in Arizona.  They flew from Toronto to Arizona for the concert.  And guess what happened during the concert.  Clay actually sang to her and held her hand.  She said she just about died.  He was so gorgeous!!   

 I was just so happy for her and she still seems like she is in dream land over that 8 months later.   I was also talking to a bunch of other great Clay fans while waiting in line. I saw Clay's bus and I was just so excited.    Let me at him, let me at him..   So close but so far away.  Darn security people.   We heard the meet and greet people scream when Clay came out to meet them.  They sure sounded excited!  I also saw Jacob walking around near the buses when the security guard had the gate open a bit but I did not see Clay.      


Clay was amazing.    I just sat there and savoured every single moment.   UM, BOTW, Mandy, ICMYLM, Sailing, Alone blew me away. The chills were back, and the tears of happiness were back.      Back for More was awesome and I liked the new song he did that night.   The Canadian banter was a nice touch.  I was impressed that he knew his Canadian geography.  Yes,  he did his homework.     Clay told us we were too polite.    When Clay went into the audience to find someone for carwash he was in my section for a minute.  He was close to me but not close enough.  However, I still couldn't breath for a minute being that close to him.   We made him an honorary Canadian for the evening.  Stump the band was great. Crying, Sweet Child of mine and Oh Canada.  The look on Clay's face when a fan asked for "Oh Canada" was priceless.  So cute. He did okay with our Anthem.  I was impressed that he knew all the words.  When he sang Oh Canada.  The crowd was on there feet singing right along with him.  It was a very special moment I will not forget.   Afterwords he said to us.. "Well we do get hocky in North Carolina"     When the fireworks started going off Clay stopped the show and just chatted with the audience.  He is such a natural at entertaining his fans.  I was hoping the fireworks would have lasted longer than they did.   I should have slipped a twenty dollar bill to the guy setting of the fireworks and told him to make them go off longer Thursday night.    

There was lots of men in the audience.  I was sitting beside two men that were there with their wife's.  I asked them at intermission if they were enjoying the show and they were very impressed with Clay's concert.  I don't think they were expecting to have a great time.   The security guard in my section also seemed to be enjoying the show.  He was laughing when Clay was in the audience to find someone for carwash.  And he seemed to be dancing a bit during the show.     The show was almost 3 hours long. But that was still not long enough for me.  I did not want the night to end

On my way to the go train station after the concert some strangers stopped me.  They had been at the concert and they had seen Clay for the first time.  They told me that they were blown away.  His voice was amazing and oh those glory notes.. (Well they didn't call them glory notes but that is what they meant).   They wanted to know where they could buy a copy of the concert CD.  I told them that there was no official concert CD.  However, I did point them in the direction of some sites they could download from.  They were so excited that they could download the music from the internet.  They had many questions about Clay and I was able to answer all of them.   They were definitely Clayverted in Toronto.    

And finally on the go train coming home I was talking to people from the Clayboard.  We were talking the Clay lingo.  I think the guys sitting behind us probably thought we were nuts. 

It is just amazing how Clay fans can talk forever about him in our own language and completely understand each other!! 

I think I have covered all the highlights.  I had a terrific night and I am very sad this tour is coming to a close.   However, I am very grateful that Clay brought us this tour.        I am thankful  that I have had the opportunity to finally see Clay live not once but twice.  I hope I don't have to wait that long before seeing him again.  He certainly leaves you wanting to come "Back For More"   .. Jackie