Success Stories . . . What you say about us
Hi Mike, just want to let you know and thank you for all your help - I found my grandfather!! We had a stroke of luck - a man that lived beside his parents in Ballindaggin gave us the info that was crucial (did this Hugh Murphy marry my grandmother?) and he said yes, so we went from there. Now have his birth cert, death cert, school register entries and even the ships manifest and their marriage cert. So just thought you would like to know some good news - we have been looking for nine years!!!! So thanks again Mike & Co:-) I really appreciate all your help.
Fiona xx
It was my lucky day when I ran into you and Carole! She has been simply fantastic to me. Many thanks
With ref to the Obituary found Mike this is GREAT! I have never seen this before. I thought Robert
Carroll was the attorney. Sure can't believe the census. Thank you so much, I will cherish this. After Easter I will concentrate on it and see if I can find some address to write to etc.
Fran I managed to open the Family Tree site (Rhodes.....).&I emailed the person who posted it. I am now waiting for a reply. Thank you very much for the lead. As I said before, you guys (meaning guys & gals) do a great job.
Many many thanks, Marian, for all the information you have posted. Because it is a lot to take in and study I have printed the page and will go through it all carefully. You must have put in such a lot of work and I really appreciate it. The name Bramston is very unusual - we dont know any other families with that name in it. At times, we wondered if it really should have been Branston and somebody at sometime misheard and wrote it down wrongly. Who knows. Anyway, I'm sure this is a very good start you have given me so I'll get through all the stuff and get back to you later.
Hi Marian
Thanks so much
to email my family! THANK YOU, THANK YOU MICHAEL.
Yours truly
HELLO to all managers. You people astound me. It seems to me that you are all on this site every time I come on, and that's a lot of time. Do any of you lovely people go to work or are you retired like me? I wish you all healthy and happy time for the rest of your lives. You are an asset to the sites.
Kind regards
I just read your reply regarding Clemishaw. For many years I've been trying to trace my roots. One click and YOU found so much. I am simply amazed about the information you obtained for ME. I'm a total stranger and there is no money involved. You did this for me without hesitation. Thank you for opening a door for me and generations to come. You are simply amazing.
Wow! You amaze me Jelora....
I have one question that I can think of right now. (Still trying to sort all your info out) If Henry/Harry Meade and Elizabeth Carroll were married on May 25 1916 then why did my grandfather write his mother down for nearest relative on his WWI draft card? The card is stamped with the Date June 5, 1916. I don't know if you can answer that one. I am going to put this marriage cert down on my list of certs to order.
Thank you Jelora. You're amazing.
Thank you all so very much for the great info (Kingsley family) ............
I was telling a friend about this as I was in touch soon after the "find" .She said that is friendly with a Darragh family who live in the area where my father was for a short while in the war and he visited family named Darragh so she is going to see if there is a connection. how exciting if there is as they are about 30 miles from where I live-
I feel that a lot of this is due to your encouragement--people like ourselves who put themselves out for strangers and help me along the way.
Thank you.
Hi and thanks for all the info that i have received it has been very exciting especially for the older generation of my family who have got me into tracing as much detail about this as poss. I couldnt have done it without your help. Brunnes Hi Kay many thanks for all your help once again its great you have now nearly got me back into the 1700's best wishes Dee You lovely people .... Its him !!! ... my ggreatgrandad Richard Cody died March 1930 in Rathbeg which is just on the outskirts of Urlingford. Yippeee! Now i can check out the others you sent. Thank you so much  Patsy Hi Marian.......... I have been trying to find my mums family for 10 yrs and am now with your help getting somewhere. Thanks again. Carol Suzanne is indeed doing a great job for me, as indeed you all are. David Mike, I dont know what to say. I feel you have outdone yourself and I am so thankful. It may have taken me sometime to read my messages, but boy I couldnt be happier. I will be very busy now for a while and you and all your helpers are just God-sends in my eyes. Thank You All again. Will keep in touch. Daffy Kay, I can't believe the progress you have made. I am truly excited about the results. Presently your research is up to the late 1700's......... I am truly appreciative of all you have done for me to this point. Does the search group accept monetary donations to offset costs? Thanks again Robert James Clarkson (Jim) I wish to thank Marian for all the help she has given me with regards to William Desborough, at long last I can put him to bed so to speak so once again. Marian thanks thanks thanks Marj Hello Kay I dont quite know what to say. You and Marian have certainly come up with some facts that I would never have found in a million years. Everything seems to fit together so well. I have printed myself a copy of all that has been said and will go over it again and decide what certificates I need to go any further. Many thanks for all your help don't know how I would have managed without both you and Marian kind regards Marjorie. Penrose WOW - is all I can say - if I could hug you I would. Devon makes sense as my Grampa Penrose and Great Aunt also had family connections there and Devon held a special place in there hearts. Your Cook connection corresponds to what I was able to "unearth" the other day but it is certainly more detailed than what I was able to find. Again, my (and my family's) heartfelt thanks. Donna Francis Wow, this is fascinating - I really appreciate all the effort you have put in trying to help me - an "imperfect" stranger. It looks like there maybe several tie ins to my family. I will let you know how the puzzle pieces fit together. You have the praise and thanks of my family - it is unfortunate that my Dad did not live to find out his biological heritage - he was raised by his maternal uncle with the last name of Hazelden. (which is what the family goes by these days). Donna |
Wanted to Thank You so much for all the work you have done for me it helps so much to know there are people out there like you This site has such wonderful helpers it makes me feel like I have to get strong just to come back on here and read all the things you have done for me and other people too. Just wanted you to know I am up and reading everything again. So God Bless You All and will try to do some of my geneology now. Daffy
Talbot - I am very grateful indeed for the searching that you and Marian have done on my behalf. In the space of a few days you have covered ground that took me 18 months to research and you have managed to provide me with several potentially useful lines to follow up. Many thanks. Mikey
Hi Kay, I would like to thank you for all the assistance you have given me, as you said there is a lot to digest .Iwould also like to say what a great site without you i would have not gone this far.I will digest it and get backif needed. Kind regards Mike
Hi Kay What can I say. Ol' Sherlock Holmes would be using your sleuth services if he was around. Fantastic work and even more importantly my sincere thanks. I will anxiously await any more info you uncover. Thanks again for you great work Jim
Hi there!! I just wanted to say (without sounding too cheesy) a HUUUUGE thank you to Mike for inviting me to join this site. The information he has found for me has helped in a big way. It would have taken me a very long time tofind even a smidgin of it by myself. So thanks again. You all do a great job for us!! Julie