Thank you Mike for your kindness, time, effort and skill in locating information on behalf of my family. You have found the names and dates of long lost Milker and Nefin ancestors, as well as locating their townland and parish in Sligo which I would have thought was impossible! The findings date back to about 1870 and we are now able to work out their family relationships. You also identified the name and possible Scottish origins of my husband's great grandmother, Susan McElroy from Fintona, Tyrone. We also greatly appreciate the work you have done on the Myers connections in Cork, identifying a long list of people who share the same name and locating a mention of my great grandfather on the Cork/Waterford border. Your recommendation of ways to locate documents relating to leased land is very helpful and we will certainly follow up your advice Thank you also for the fascinating information on the Dublin McGuinness connection. We are in your debt! Thanks to you and your great team. Best wishes - Maureen.
Hello - To all the team at English and Irish Family Search - I would like to thank everyone, especially Marian, for all their ongoing help in tracing my mother's side of my family tree. You do seem to make miracles, I would never have found out what I know now without your help, and I will be always be grateful for your help. I make sure I let everyone know how helpful you have been.
All the best to everyone Carol aka gypsie46
Hi Mike - Thank you so very much for the info on Christopher Brennan's site. I got in touch with Christopher Brennan and it looks very much like there is a connection. Once again thank you. I would not have made the connection if it wasn't for your kind help. Be in touch soon.
All the best - Di
Wow Mike. Thank you big-time!
I've just spent two weeks looking up this family and have found about half the descendants in the BD&M indexes for Victoria, Australia. But this tree has full dates for some people, and has included ones I couldn't find. It doesn't include William's two youngest children including my friend's mother who was his youngest, adopted out when her parents both died. And a few of the details for other descendants in this tree are not what is shown in the indexes, so I'll contact Rhiannon as you suggest.
The best bit with your find here Mike is getting the parents of both Henry and his wife Sarah. Yippee! Thanks again.
Thanks Marian for all the info, wow you are doing well, I am saving all these.
Thanks Jelora ,for your work in locating the Jefferson family connections in Skuylkill, Pensylvannia in the late 19th century. You helped complete the picture which we have been able to put together with the help of Mike and Marian too. What a brilliant team! Your combined information has made it possible for us to send for death and marriage certificates and a sad but interesting story has emerged. We are grateful for your kindness in making history "come alive" for our family.
Best wishes,
All I can say is WOW, what a great job you've done, Kay. I'm going to have to check back here and fit onto my family tree. Great job. Keep it up
Marian - The work that you and others do to help us is amazing..........
Robyn (in Sydney)
Thanks Marian, you have done brilliant work (Russell family). I think I will now attempt to put it in a family tree. Thanks for all your hard work, this has been a very enjoyable time thanks to you. Wayne
Dear Mike - Thank you for yet another success! Some time ago you were kind enough to trace the name and address of someone with the name I was researching. I recently contacted this lady and it seems we are indeed distantly related. Some of her stories confirmed theories within my own family but she had a great deal of information to fill the stories out. Her family had researched their roots some time ago and she told a story of two immigrant brothers arriving in Ireland from Germany 200 years ago. There was a family quarrel and a rift and their subsequent families were unaware they were related. It seems my family were connected with one strand of the family although neither group knew of my grandfather's link to them. It's going to be a very interesting time getting to know the people involved. Thank you for all you have done to make this possible.
Hi Marian,
Sorry I haven't been back for a few days. But THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
I don't know how you found them or where, but you and your site are amazing. I had come to a complete stop on this family. So thank you again. Wish I could help you in some way. I live in Australia, need anything found out here?
Thanks again Mike and Jelora for all you have done in helping me locate information relating to my merchant seaman grandfather. Jelora traced several ships manifests and two of these contained information about him, including his seaman's reference number and the names and dates of both ships and their voyages. These lists also contained descriptions of his physical appearance. I was able to follow up the leads you provided and contacted Southampton Archives who had a long list of his voyages and - best of all - a photograph of him aged 40 in 1918. The next step will be to contact the Newfoundland Maritime History Archive for copies of Crew Agreements relating to his voyages. None of this would have been possible without all your initial hard work. I am so grateful to you for pointing me in the right direction. Thank you very much for all your help.
Hi Kay,
WOW!!! How can I ever thankyou for all this information? Like you said, I'll have to digest it all a little then get back to you as to where to go from here. That's simply amazing - I've been stuck on this for so long - I never thought I'd ever get a break through! I'll be in touch again soon
Thankyou so much
Hello Marian,
Thankyou so much for all your time and's amazing! I went to bed last night knowing very little about my family and have woken this morning to find all this wonderful information gathered on my behalf from total strangers!
Wow...I'm simply overwhelmed. I'll go through all this and be in touch again soon.
Thankyou again 
Hello Mike - Wow!!! I am constantly amazed at the information you have found for me. You're a SUPERSTAR..
Thank you once again.
Thanks yet again to Jelora for all her hard work in locating information about the death of my grandmother's first husband in New York in 1910. Jelora discovered the actual date and location and even sent maps and information about the area. She also located interesting information about the relevant Church and its Minister and advised us on how to obtain the death certificate. We were very pleased with the information this document provided us with. She has checked Census records and left no stone unturned. Only two days ago she also located the cemetery, grave details and grave number . All the work she has done has helped make the individual concerned seem very real to us. We feel he can now rest in peace.
Thank you, Jelora, for your personal interest, time and astonishing skill. All my family are very grateful to you.
Mike, I just opened my emails & went directly to the site, its been two days since I have been able to, caring for my dad after op. I am overwhelmed with all the work you have done, this is all so amazing!!!! How can I ever thank you?
In just over two months, you have found a side of my family I would never have found! This all started because I was frustrated with the only information on my ggg/grandmother was Violet? Once I found her full name a few things fell into place. I also wanted to find out more about my gg/grandmother Florella Violet, having known and loved her granddaughter (my Nanna Playford). This is all so wonderful!!!!!
Thank you so much for contacting those in Canada. I'm going to email Darryl today!! I could use a few Aussie terms like 'Gob Smacked' about all this, but you probably wouldn't know what I mean. Mike, thank you so much. I still have a lot of work putting it all together, and I have more work to do here on James Sturgeon's children and grandchildren in Australia, but it is all a "Labour of Love". Goodness, we have crossed two oceans, or more. This is wonderful! I can't imagine trying to research without belonging to these sites. Liz and Charlee helped so much with Aussie side, and I am so grateful to her for suggesting your wonderful site!
Thank you
Hello Marian, Thank you so much for passing on the message about my relative - James McCabe ....... I am just so overwhelmed that Hibee1981 took the trouble to post the message from his work colleague, Gordon McCabe. I have emailed Gordon and will let you know the outcome. I must admit I never thought I would find James, as I knew so little about him, except the address that was on my father's birth certificate. My grandmother and James were not married, but had 3 children together. I am still reeling from the shock of getting your message today.
I am sorry I don't get in here very often, but since May I have only been home for a total of 3 weeks, but have now got myself mobile broadband, so I can access groups when I am away - it has more than earned it monthly cost today!!!!!
Many many thanks, as you don't know just how much this means to me - I feel quite choked up at the moment as I never thought it would happen.
Thanks everyone for your help with my search for Ellen McEvoy. I am currently away from my home computer/scanner so will take up your offer Marian to help decipher the certificate as soon as I return. Also thanks Liz for the extra web addresses. Must add that this site is very helpful...thanks again.