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Surname C : CUMMINGS Catherine
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 Message 10 of 17 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemickym1951  in response to Message 9Sent: 10/7/2008 11:54 AM
Anne i found two early Records of the Nye family From Horsham .They may not be linked but Living in the Horsham area.There were loads of Nye family living in Horsham
Also found 3 Wills From late 1700s
County Sussex
Place Ifield
Church St Margaret
RegisterNumber 424
DateOfBirth 16 Jul 1837
BaptismDate 13 Aug 1837
Forename George William
Sex M
FatherForename William
MotherForename Elizabeth
FatherSurname NYE
Abode Horsham
FatherOccupation Labourer
FileNumber 4272

County Sussex
Place Ifield
Church St Margaret
RegisterNumber 560
DateOfBirth 07 Jun 1843
BaptismDate 22 Oct 1843
Forename Elizbth Jane
Sex F
FatherForename William
MotherForename Elizbth
FatherSurname NYE
Abode Horsham Parish
FatherOccupation Bricklayer
FileNumber 4272
Anne i will add Will in case any link
This is the last Will and Testament of me Martha Nye of Horsham in the
County of Sussex Widow (thanks to say) As touching such Worldly Estate
as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this Life I Give devise and dispose
of the same in Manner and form following First my Will is that my Debts and
funeral Expences be Paid and Discharged Also I Give and bequeath unto my
Son John Nye One Shilling  Also I Give and bequeath unto my Son
Thomas Nye One Shilling All the Rest and Residue of my Estate (my Debts
Legacies and funeral Expences being first paid as aforesaid) Goods Chatteles
Creditts and ready Money I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Martha
Nye And if my said Daughter Martha Nye shall happen to dye without Issue
of her Body lawfully to be begotten then I give and bequeath the said
Residue of my Estate to my said son Thomas Nye And I do hereby Constitute
and Appoint my Brother John Pope and Walter Gatford of Horsham
aforesaid Hatter Executors In Trust to this my last Will And I do hereby
Give unto them the Guardianship and comit unto them the Care of my said
Daughter Martha Nye and of the Goods and Chatteles herein and hereby
bequeathed hereby Giving them full Power and Authority to demand and take
up all Moneys to me belonging and the same to be put out at Interest or
otherwise to employ for the use and benefit of my said Daughter as to them
shall seem most proper and convenient And my Will and meaning is that my
said Executors in Trust shall be Allowed and paid all reasonable Charges and
Expences which they or either of them shall be at in the said due Execution of
this my Will And I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannul All and
every other former Wills Legacies Bequests and Executors by me in any way
before this time Named Willed and bequeathed Ratifying and confirming this
and no other to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said
Martha Nye the Testatrix have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal the
Seventeenth Day of July in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven
Hundred and Forty Six  Martha Nye
Elizabeth Sharp
John Tasker
Proved 5 January 1753/4 (John Pope and Walter Gatford renouncing) to
Martha Nye
Sussex Record Office
STCI/32 228
In the Name of God Amen I Jane Nye of Horsham in the County of
Sussex widow being aged and weake in body but of perfect memory I
prayse God therefore doe make and ordaine my last Will and Testament in
manor and forme following ffirst & principally I comit and Comend my soule
into the mercifull hands of Allmightie God my Creator & redeemer and my
body to the earth to expect a joyfull resurrection And as touching my Worldly
goods I give bequeath the same as followeth Item I give and bequeath to the
poor people of the parrish of Horsham aforesaid the sume of fforty shillings of
goods & lawfull money of England to be distributed amongst them by my
overseers hereafter named Item I give order and appoint the some of Eight
Pounds of like lawfull mony to be expended in and about my Buriall by
Elizabeth Stone my grandaughter whom I make full and whole Executrix
of this my last Will and Testament shee paying my debts legacies and funeral
expences Item I give & bequeath to John Stone my Grand sonne all and
every my goods household stuffe and Chattells whatsoever wh I left in or
about my Sonne John Stone?s house called the nunnery And further it is
my will and meaning and I doe direct in case the said John Stone shall
fortune to die without heires of his body his sister Elizabeth my Grandaughter
being then liveing all the said goods household stuffe & Chattells to her the
said Elizabeth All the rest of my goods household stuffe and Chattells in
whose possession soever they are I give and bequeath to my Grandaughter
Elizabeth Stone And further it is my will mind and meaning and I doe give in
case the said Elizabeth Stone shall fortune to dye without heires of her body
(my grand Sonne John Stone being then liveing) all the said goods household
stuffe & Chattells in whose possession soever they are to him the said John
Stone And whereas Thomas Ward hath ?..and of mine thirtie pounds for
which he hath given bond my mind and meaning is that the said Thirtie
pounds shalbe paid into the hands of my Overseers of this my Will there to
rest and remaine until such tyme as my said Grandaughter shall have a child
of her body And that my said Overseers shall pay the yearly interest for the
said Thirtie pounds for soe long tyme as they shall have the same after the
rate of Twelve pence for every pound And in case my Said Grandaughter shall
happen to dye without issue of her body that then the said Thirty pounds
shall remayne and be paid to the Children of my kinsman Roger Parkhurst
and of my kinsman Thomas Edghill of Horsham to be between them
equally divided Item I give and bequeath to Jane the wife of Bryan ffoyce
my old ???..and to Anne Blundon servant to Michaell Woodgate my
red petticoate and all the rest of my wearing apparell I give and bequeath to
the children of my kinsman Roger Parkhurst And lastly I doe Intreate my
loveing kinsmen Michaell Woodgate and Henry Woodgate of
Horsham aforesaid to be the overseers of this my Will and to be ayding and
assisting my Grandaughter Elizabeth Stone my Executrix in and about the
execution of this my Will and I give & bequeath to each of them for their
paines theirin to take Twenty Shillings apiece In Wittness that this is my last
Will and Testament revoking all former wills by me made I have hereunto put
my hand and seale the first day of ffebruary in the yeare of our Lord one
thousand six hundred and sixtie eight??.Jane Nye
Sealed published & declared in the presence of Nicholas Sheppard 
William Hater
Proved 29 June 1670
West Sussex Record Office
STCT/24 fol: 12.06

This is the last will and Testament of me Thomas Nye of Horsham in the
County of Sussex Husbandman being Sick in Body but of sound and
disposing mind memory and understanding Imprimis I give and bequeath
unto my son Thomas Nye and to my Grandson (his son) the Sume of five
Pounds a peice Item I give and devise unto John Leggatt of Horsham
aforesaid Tailor and Phillip Jenden of Horsham aforesaid Cordwinder
and to their Heirs and Assigns All that my Messuage or tenement together
with the Garden and Backside thereunto belonging situate lying and being in
the North Street of the Burrough of Horsham aforesaid and now in the Tenure
or Occupation of me the said Thomas Nye and Christopher Howard with
the Appurtenances thereunto belonging To have and to hold all and singular
my said Messuage or Tenement Garden Backside and Premises with the
Appurtenances unto the said John Leggatt and Phillip Jenden or the Survivor
of them and the Heirs and Assigns of such Survivors shall and do as soon as
conveniently ,ay be after my Decease sell and dispose of my said Messuage
or Tenement Garden Backside and Premises to the best Purchaser or
Purchasers that can be gotten for the same and for the money the same will
yeild and the Moneys arising by Sale thereof to pay and distribute to and
amongst my Sons Thomas Nye and John Nye and my Daughter Eve the
Wife of Brian Chasemore of Horsham aforesaid Butcher in Equal manner
share and share alike Provided always and my will and meaning is and I do
hereby will direct and appoint that my said Daughter Eve?s share of the said
Moneye so arising by Sale of my said Messuage and Premises (as also of my
household Goods Utensills and Implements of household hereinafter by me
directed to be sold and the Moneyes to be equally Divided between my said
sons and Daughter) shall be placed out at Interest upon good Security and
Securityes ac cording to the good Discretions and in the names of the said
John Leggatt and Phillip Jenden their Executors and Administrators to be
approved by my said Daughter by her signing such Security and Securityes
from time to Time and the Interest arising therefrom to be from Time to Time
paid by the said John Leggatt and Phillip Jenden to my said Daughter Whose
Receipt in Writing under her Hand shall be a Sufficient Discharge to my said
Trustees for the same from Time to Time and the same so to what Time
during the Naturall Life of my said Daughter and from and after her Decease
her said share shall go to and be equally Divided amongst such Children of
her Body lawfully begotten or to be begotten as shall be living at The Time of
her Decease It being my will direction that the said Brian Chasemore shall not
Intermeddle Or have any thing to do with any Part of my Estate and effects
Item I give and bequeath unto the said John Leggatt and Phillip Jenden my
household Goods Utensills and Implements of household and my linen Plate
and Gold Rings and whatsoever else I shall Dye possessed of upon Trust to
sell and dispose thereof as soon as Conveniently may be after my Decease
and the moneys arising by sale thereof to pay and Distribute in the same
Manner and to place out at Interest for the same intents and purposes as the
Moneys arising by the Sale of my said Messuage Premises as is herein before
directed and appointed to and for no Other use Intent or Purpose whatsoever
and I do make ordain and appoint my said Sons Thomas Nye and John Nye
and my said Daughter Eve Wife of the said Brian Chasemore joint Executors
and Executrix of this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and making
void all former Wills in Witness whereof I the said Thomas Nye the Testator
have to this my last will and Testament Contained in Two Sheets of Paper set
my hand and seal at the bottom of each Sheet thereof the five and twentieth
Day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and
Thirty Two The Mark and Seal of Thomas Nye
Tho: Parham
John Carpenter
Tho: Stedman
Proved: 14 December 1732
Sussex Record Office
STCI/35 fol 191


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     re: CUMMINGS Catherine   MSN Nicknamemickym1951  10/7/2008 12:14 PM
     re: CUMMINGS Catherine   MSN Nickname®Bushie™�?/nobr>  10/7/2008 12:18 PM