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I am looking for my GGGrandmother Frances Firth, born c 1830 d 22 August 1864, lived in Mudgee and had 2 daughters Agnes & Mary Ann, both were "adopted" by Walter Sherry and his wife after Frances died. Agnes married William James Baker and Mary Ann married John Long. I know Agnes and Mary Anns father was said to be an aboriginal boundary rider, but have not been able to find any infomation at all on him or where Frances was born, what year she came to Australia etc, or what her "husband/partner" name was. Other family members have been to Mudgee and searched cemetaries, libraries etc but have not been able to find any information. I would appreciate any help with this family. Lyn | |
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Hi Lyn I will see what I can do to help you on this side of the world. So please check back on here for any findings that I make. Marian Manager |
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Firth is a Yorkshire name, but I need more info from you if I am to help you find Frances Firth. You do not mention what documentation you already have. If you have Frances' marriage certificate then you will know her father's full name. Can you tell me if Firth was her maiden name? Did she marry? If so, who was her husband? I assume she was born in England? When did she emigrate? Marian |
 | | From:  ableliz | Sent: 7/28/2008 2:41 AM |
Marian & Lyn, I did a quick search of bdm records in NSW with no luck for Firth surname I also checked immigration records with no success However there is a record on the 1828 census in NSW of a William FIRTH who was a convict who came on the Marquis of Hastings in 1827 aged 34 years Government servant, living in Prospect in 1828, protestant religion - 14 year sentence Maybe Frances father? It was not compulsory to register births until 1856 so Frances may have been born here and her birth not registered Her death has no parents listed just her age of 34 years She did not marry is is buried under the name of Frances Firth Not sure if any of this may help but I can do some further checks on William Frith if needed liz
 | | From:  ableliz | Sent: 7/28/2008 2:46 AM |
Marian, I have also found several convicts with surname Firth who all came from York or Yorkshire to NSW. If needed can check further Liz |
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Thanks Liz. When we hear from Lyn with more info then we may be able to take it further. Don't want to waste your time on a possible "wild goose chase". Marian Manager |
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Lyn - Do you have Agnes and/or Mary Ann's birth certificates? They will give the parents' names. I presume they were born in Australia? Marian Manager
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Lyn - This is the only Frances Firth on the IGI listings who was actually born in 1830. FRANCES JANE FIRTH Birth: 29 JAN 1830 Christening: 13 OCT 1834 Old Church, Saint Pancras, London, England Parents: Father: CHARLES FIRTH Mother: ELIZABETH |
 | | From:  ableliz | Sent: 7/30/2008 2:59 AM |
Marian, No problems - will wait until I hear from you if any further checks needed Liz |
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Hi Kate, Liz I do have Frances death certificate, as well as Agnes and Mary Anns birth certificates, on both the birth certificates states father unknown, and same goes for Frances death certificate. I can only assume that Firth was her maiden name, but have not been able to find anything further, both her daughters were born in Mudgee. I have no information on their father, apart from he was a boundary rider. I will follow up on your suggestions and will let you know if I find anything else. Lyn |
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Lyn - please see my note to Liz below. Liz - I don't think I can take this further my end at the the moment with so little information to go on. I would only be making a guess, which is not the way to do things. So please feel free to continue searching "down under" if you have time. Appreciate your help on this. Marian |
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Hi Marian Thanks so much for your help and suggestions. This family has been causing a lot of frustration for a while now, I can only assume from family stories etc that she was at one time working for Walter Sherry or knew him for a long time because he did look after the 2 girls after Frances died. He and his wife had no children of their own, he was the local mayor in Mudgee at one point and owned his own business with another man whose surname was Nelthorpe. Other members of my family have been to Mudgee and spent countless hours at the library and even at the old cemetaries there but still no luck. Again though thank you to everyone who has been helping I have attached 2 files which may be of help, as you will see on Agnes death cert it states father as Firth and a boundary rider and on Frances certificate it states she was born in Ireland but no mention of her parents names or where she was married. Lyn |
| Frances Firth death cert.PNG Agnes Firth death cert.jpg |
 | | From:  ableliz | Sent: 8/6/2008 2:45 AM |
Marian, No problem will see if I can find anything relevant but I do know that it is very difficult to track down aboriginal people in those days unless they were registered as receiving government help They couldn't vote and we not considered at all important which I know is disgusting We had the same thing in my husbands family with a great grandmother who was a half caste aboriginal Lyn, Sorry I cannot read the little print on the death certificate as too small to decipher Somtimes it is just impossible to find out this sort of info when the fathers name was not listed on a birth certificate Liz |
 | | From:  ableliz | Sent: 8/6/2008 6:25 AM |
Lyn, I have checked NSW, victoria, queensland & south australia for her Frances FIRTH arrival with no luck. I have also checked if she arrived as a child of a convict. It is also possible that the info on her death certificate stating she was born in Ireland may be incorrect It is not always possible to find every immigrant as often if they came steerage class they could be listed as a number on board and no names in some cases which makes it impossible to track them down Sometimes steerage class were listed by name but not always. Sorry unable to find anything either on Frances Liz |
 | | From:  ableliz | Sent: 8/6/2008 7:25 AM |
Lyn, Mike has kindly transcribed what the certificate said as I couldn't read it If there was an inquest into her death then the records would be available at the state archives NSW There just might be extra info but possibly only why the inquest was done and the results. Just in case you wanted to check this out if you havn't already done it I think they are in the Kingswood archives near Penrith but you could check first to make sure What an awful end for Frances and she was so young I hope you have some luck finding more info Liz |
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Hi Liz, Marian, Mike etc Thanks so much for your help with Frances, I will keep on digging and hopefully one day will find some more information on her. I appreciate your help and will keep you updated if I can find out anything else about my branch of the Firths. Lyn |
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