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Hello, I am searching for information on the Edward Kingsley family in Templemore, Co Tipperary in the 1840s. In Pigot’s Directory and Griffith’s Valuations an Edward Kingsley is listed as a surgeon there during this time and I believe he is probably my g-grandmother Fanny (Frances) Kingsley’s father. I have a death record stating that her sister Lizzie (who was married to a doctor) was born in 1848 in Templemore and I’m guessing that at least some of the other Kingsley children were born there also. Since civil birth records weren’t recorded until 1864, is there a way to trace earlier events? I have reason to believe they were probably Church of Ireland and I have been told that these records are spotty at best. Thanks so much for the kind offers of help. Carole | |
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Carol This site Has A picture And Information Of A William Kingsley From Tipperary.Now On him I really dont know where he fits in.But as only the one Family In Tipperary He has to be Linked Mike |
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I have Added These Incase You Find any Mistakes Mike Samuel Cleburne Father Richard Cleburne And Elizabeth KINGSLEY Spouse Mary Kinksley Marriage 1786 Killaloe Diocese, , Tipperary, Ireland Elizabeth Kingsley Born 1731 Killaloe Diocese, , Tipperary, Ireland Father Samuel Kingsley Mary Kingsley Birth 1784 Annaghbeg, Tipperary, Ireland Death: 1852 Father Nicholas Toler Kingsley Married Joshua Minnit Marriage 1805 Susan Kingsley Birth 1722 Killaloe Diocese, , Tipperary, Ireland Father Samuel Kingsley Ursula Kingsley Birth 1779 Ballyhogan, , Tipperary, Ireland Father James Kingsley Mother Ursula Mellsop Dora Kingsley Birth: 06 MAR 1875 , Tipperary, Ireland Father: Samuel Kingsley Family Mother: Susanna McFarren Frances Kingsley Birth: About 1791 Of Ballykinsmican, , Tipperary, Ireland Death: 02 JAN 1878 Nenagh, Tipperary, Ireland Father William Kingsley Married James Wolfe Marriage: 24 APR 1823 Nenagh, Tipperary, Ireland Jane Kingsley Birth: 22 JAN 1864 0560, Clonmel, Tipperary, Ireland Parents: Father: JOSEPH KINGSLEY Family Mother: ANNE CONDON Eleanor KINGSLEY Birth 1749 Spouse William Cleburne Marriage: 1787 Killaloe Diocese, , Tipperary, Ireland William Henry Bell Kingsley Birth: 28 AUG 1835 Riverview,Nigh, , Tipperary, Ireland Death: 30 OCT 1901 Father: James Kingsley Family Mother: Eliza Adamson Ursula KINGSLEY Spouse: Nicholas MAUNSELL Marriage: 1813 Killaloe Diocese, , Tipperary, Ireland Margaret Kingsley Birth: 1779 pouse: Michael MARTIN Marriage: < 1800> <Ballyhogan, , Tipperary, Ireland> Eleanor KINGSLEY Birth: 1799 Spouse: William GRAY Family Marriage: 1822 Killaloe Diocese, Tipperary, Tipperary, Ireland Susan KINGSLEY Birth: < 1722> Spouse: Richard POE Family Marriage: 11 JUN 1743 Killaloe Diocese, , Tipperary, Ireland Charles KINGSLEYSpouse: Maria Russell Marriage: 1829 Killaloe Diocese, , Tipperary, Ireland Elizabeth Kingsley Birth: 18 SEP 1784 <Annaghbeg, , Tipperary, Ireland> Death: 24 OCT 1852 Nicholas TOLER KINGSLEY Birth: < 1743> Ballyhogan, , Tipperary, Ireland Father: James KINGSLEY Family Mother: Eleanor TOLER JOHN KINGSLEY Christening: 1828 Modreeny, Tipperary, Ireland Father: JOHN KINGSLEY Family Mother: ANNE EVENS THOMAS KINGSLEY Birth: 17 MAY 1867 , Tipperary, Ireland Father: JOSEPH KINGSLEY Family Mother: ANNE CONDON Anne Kingsley Birth: 16 APR 1873 , Tipperary, Ireland Father: Joseph Kingsley Family Mother: Anne Condon |
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Mike - Thank you all so very much for the great info. I have been away from home (and my computer) so was unable to reply sooner. It will take me a little while to sort all this out but I think it must be my Kingsley family. Could you clarify your reference to Lds. I am not familiar with this unless you mean Mormon records of some sort? The only other information I have about this family is that my g-grandmother's name was Frances Georgina Kingsley, that she married Edgar De Burgh Norman, and that she had the first of her four children in 1867 in Seefin (near Birr), Co Offaly where Edgar Norman was the Station Master. I'm assuming they were married a year or two before this but can't find a marriage record. According to my grandmother Elizabeth, their youngest child, they both died around 1881. Frances had several sisters, the only one of whom I have any info on (from her DC) was Lizzie Eugenie Kingsley, b. 1848 in Templemore. She married an Englishman, Dr. Joshua Stallard, and came with him to San Francisco where they lived until her death in 1892. I will carefully study the information you provided. My hope is that I can find the identity of Frances and Lizzie's mother as well as establishing that their father was indeed Edward Kingsley. Again, many thanks. Carole |
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Hi Carol, i Know I made a few Mistakes But I have tracked Most Of the FAMILY The Lds is the Morman Site.I know That it Will take time Running through.But It does Look like The Complete Family.ITS just time resorting it,Thats why i added the Ones In case of Mistakes.If you Go on Lds I can See one i definately know i Did.But hopefully you can correct.You may be a distant Relative of Marian on this Site Via the Minnitt one. I will check out your other ones to see what i can find for you.Well Our Managers will Help im sure Mike |
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carol This Is The Mormon Site |
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NORMAN Pedigree Female -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event(s): Birth: 07 SEP 1865 0636, Parsonstown, Offaly, Ireland Christening: Death: Burial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents: Father: EDGAR DEBURGH NORMAN Family Mother: FANNY GEORGINA KINGSLEY KINGSLEY NORMAN Pedigree Male -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event(s): Birth: 14 APR 1867 , Offaly, Ireland Christening: Death: Burial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents: Father: EDGAR DEBURGH NORMAN Family Mother: FANNY GEORGINA KINGSLEY
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EDGAR DEBURGH NORMAN Pedigree Male -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event(s): Birth: 14 JAN 1867 0664, Parsonstown, Offaly, Ireland Christening: Death: Burial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents: Father: EDGAR DEBURGH NORMAN Family Mother: FANNY GEORGIANA KINSLEY WILLIAM HENRY NORMAN Pedigree Male -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event(s): Birth: 21 APR 1871 , Offaly, Ireland Christening: Death: Burial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents: Father: EDGAN NORMAN Family Mother: FANNY KINGSLY ISABEL MATILDA NORMAN Pedigree Female -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event(s): Birth: 26 MAY 1869 , Offaly, Ireland Christening: Death: Burial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents: Father: EDGAN DOBURGH NORMAN Family Mother: FANNY GEORGINA KINGSLEY |
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Carol These Are The Family But Ignore Spelling of Surnames Its The Submitters Fault On how They Read info Mike |
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This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager. |
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Hi again Mike This latest info is so very helpful. I am familiar with the FamilySearch site but failed to make the connection with your reference �?sorry, dumb of me. I had completely missed this birth record: 07 SEP 1865 Parsonstown, Offaly Father: EDGAR DEBURGH NORMAN Mother: FANNY GEORGINA KINGSLEY, and so had my mother who began our search many years ago. We always thought Edgar Jr. was Fanny and Edgar’s first child. Perhaps this little girl didn’t survive. Anyway, now I know to look in the earlier indexes for a marriage record. Many thanks! Carole | |
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Hi Carol Just one thing,If you can Find the parish church,You can always Contact them and Ask for a Baptismal Record Or a Marriage cert.This would Clarify the Parents,Or at least one On either side.Normally if You offer the Priest a Few Euro's.They are willing To help.Ok you do get Odd one.But in your Case i feel,You really need to Get hold of one. Alternative Is to Contact The Gro[General registers Office]There is a link On Our site you can use.It will give Details of Costs.Again only About 11 Euro.So think About it. Mike |
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Hi Carol,I have checked out Parsonstown Offaly It comes under the Parish of Birr,Now i have added some info on here for you,there is an e mail Address so hopefully you can make contact after seing the section on parsonstown,yes i do believe it is the correct family line.As all the Kingsleys Originated from Tipperary area.EITHER WAY IF YOU CONTACT via the e mail they should be able to give you the correct parish priest Mike Parochial registers of Birr, 1838-1880. (R.C.) The Catholic Parish of Birr includes the civil parishes of Birr, which is often called Parsonstown, in county Offaly and Loughkeen in county Tipperary. Baptisms and marriages, 1838-1880. 9 This comes under the Killaloe Diocese Catholic Diocese of Killaloe Killaloe Diocesan Office, Westbourne, Ennis, Co Clare, Ireland The Diocese of Killaloe is the second largest diocese in Ireland, comprises the greater part of County Clare, a large portion of Tipperary, and parts of Offaly, Laois, Limerick stretching from Birr Parish in the north of the diocese,to Toomevera Parish in the East and to Carrigaholt Parish in the south of the diocese.There are 58 parishes in the diocese served by 133 priests and a population of 114,000 approx
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Carol Have you Ever Heard of a John De Burgh Norman.He is an Author.Of Medical Books,There are two books for Sale On the Amazon site Mike Color Atlas and Text of the Salivary Glands by John Edgar De Burgh Norman and M. McGurk (Hardcover - Sep 1995) Textbook and Colour Atlas of the Temporomandibular Joint: Diseases, Disorders, Surgery by John Edgar De Burgh Norman and Peter Bramley (Hardcover - Dec 1989) |
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Carol There are two children born in uk to a Joshua Stallard and Elizabeth 1. JOHN STALLARD - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: 09 FEB 1828 Avenbury, Hereford, England
| <INPUT onclick=onClickRecord(this) type=checkbox value="100435852658*2*CAROLINE STALLARD*Gender: Female Christening: 12 MAR 1830 Tonbridge, Kent, England" name=r1-2> | 2. CAROLINE STALLARD - International Genealogical Index Gender: Female Christening: 12 MAR 1830 Tonbridge, Kent, England | |