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trying to find A ,John Lang (Bootmaker)b1837? in England& married A,Anna Wilner B1836?and also dont know where either of them where born or married some help would be very nice kind regards Albertus. | |
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Berti im not sure if i added all these before for you Mike List of Children for John Wilner and Elizabeth 3. JOHN WILLNOR - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: 03 OCT 1847 Saint Chad, Lichfield, Stafford, England 4. EMMA WILNOR - International Genealogical Index Gender: Female Christening: 18 JUN 1843 Saint Chad, Lichfield, Stafford, England 5. AGNES WILNER - International Genealogical Index Gender: Female Christening: 04 FEB 1840 Saint Chad, Lichfield, Stafford, England 6. ANN WILNOR - International Genealogical Index Gender: Female Christening: 21 FEB 1846 Saint Chad, Lichfield, Stafford, England . WILLIAM WILNER - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: 28 JAN 1830 Saint Chad, Lichfield, Stafford, England 9. MARGARET WILNER - International Genealogical Index Gender: Female Christening: 07 DEC 1834 Longdon By Lichfield, Stafford, England 10. ANNA WILNER - International Genealogical Index Gender: Female Christening: 13 AUG 1837 Longdon By Lichfield, Stafford, England |
 | | From:  Bertjl | Sent: 12/19/2007 4:23 AM |
HI MIKE,just A Bump up on John Lang & Anna Wilner Marriage Details any luck so far ,no I am nowhere near a History site or the like cheers Bertjl. |
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Hi Berti So Far no more found,But we will keep trying Mike |
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Hi Berti,I dont think somehow We are going to find John and Anna.I found yet another Person Who has searched Liverpool.Sherry also told me a Cousin Had searched Liverpool And found nothing... John Leslie Landlick Lang - Any advice? Posted by: Tania Lang (ID *****1347) Date: July 03, 2002 at 21:49:42 of 2176 I have reached a dead end tracing my family history. My Great grandfather was John Leslie Landlick Lang who married Lousia Helena Ellen Giese in 1901 in Geraldton, WA, Australia. On his marriage certificate He claims to have been born in Liverpool, England in 1873 but all efforts to find his records or his parents (John Lang and Anna Wilner) have failed. I have tried BDM England, Liverpoool Census records, Local resident and business directories for Liverpool at the time etc. Somehow, I think he was lying and that he was not born in Liverpool in 1873. There is absolutely no record of any Langs with this name in Liverpool between 1850 and 1900. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated as I am totally stumped as to where to go now. As you can see by this Message,The difficulty She had Mike |
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Berti in Ancestry There is a Member Who has a Tree with Ann Wilner from Lichfield,There is also a Mary Ann Wilner From Liverpool I will add the Three sections for you Mike 1851 England Census Census & Voter Lists View Image Name: Mary Ann Wilner Birth: abt 1837 - location Residence: 1851 - city, Lancashire, England Marg's tree Personal Member Tree Unsourced Name: Ann Wilner Birth: 1846 - Lichfield, Staffordshire England & Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index: 1837-1983 Birth, Marriage & Death Name: Ann Wilner Birth: Mar 1846 - Lichfield, Staffordshire |
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Berti One other Theory is he lied about his name for some reason,He may have been already Married.On searching i found this But a year after the Son would have been born.But this is only Theory not fact Marriages Jun 1874 (>99%) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horton John Birmingham 6d 268 Wilner Ann Birmingham 6d 268
Marriages Jun 1872 (>99%) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANG John Dewsbury 9b 903 POLLARD Ann Dewsbury 9b 903
There is also this possibility,I hope you can see what i mean Mike |
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There are also these Possibilities Name: John Lang Spouse: Ann Birth: abt 1840 - city, Yorkshire, England Residence: 1891 - township, city, Yorkshire, England 1881 England Census Census & Voter Lists View Image Name: John Lang Spouse: Ann Birth: abt 1839 - Coldridge, Devon, England Residence: 1881 - St Mary Church, Devon, England
 | | From:  Bertjl | Sent: 12/19/2007 11:47 PM |
HI MIKE,AS you can see on the Email it was
TANIA LANG Well gues s what Tania is my Niece and that is where I got all
my details from ,NOW got these,AllBorn to John Wilner & Elizabeth(could be
MOORE surname)william 1830,sarah 1832,margaret 1834,anna 1837,agnes 1840,
emma1843,ann 1846,&John 1847,All these Born Saint Chad Lichfield Stafford
England,Mike as far as I know were found on International Genealogical
Index,but got to find that John Lang &Anna Wilner so hope tha helps Mike
cheers Bertjl.<o:p></o:p>
 | | From:  Bertjl | Sent: 7/16/2008 12:35 PM |
HI Mike ,Bertjl Back again,if those Theory's are right what about hi son being named john lang,I have just about run out of ideas,his Father?many thanks for all the advise before Cheers Bertjl. |
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Berti This Site im Adding here s the Parish Records for Lancashire.It should come up with the search page.Type in John Lang Mike |
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Berti it comes up with a Pink Page.If you read the First few Lines it Says Click here to Search Whole County. It will then Bring up a search Page.Just Type John Lang.It will Bring up Loads Mike |
 | | From:  Bertjl | Sent: 7/18/2008 12:31 AM |
Hi MIKE, many thanks for that Pink Site will check it out cheers Bert. |
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Hello all Looking for my GG/Father John LANG b1837c,My niece &i though that he Married Hannah Wilner,(no dates)I have got Hannah Wilner birth date off IGI Files 13 Aug 1837 Longdon By Lichfield, Stafford ,England,Father John Wilner Mother Elizabeth Moore,also I have Hannah Wilner Death Cert ,Died on 20 Jul 1897 In King's Bromley,age 60 ,domestic cook ,Father General Labourer(Deceased),person in attendance John J Higgott,(Brother in Law)would very much like to find my GG/Father (sorry no date or place) Kind Regards Bertjl. | |
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Hi Berti Sorry for Not replying sooner,i needed to check out a few bits first.There is no record of the Marriage to Anna that i can Find. Nor Hannah.There are plenty of Langs in the Scottish Areas.Could NOT FIND HIM IN LIVERPOOL or Lancashire.Not sure where to look next Mike |