 | | From:  nanny-gai (Original Message) | Sent: 6/26/2008 1:26 PM |
Hi!, I'm searching for information re my greatgrandfather. John PARKINS born abt 1843, Plymouth England. I purchased my grandfather's birth & death certificates to find information, this is what I have, on one certificate he was listed as John PARKINS, & the other John Jacob PARKINS. From his age on certificates, he was born abt 1843.It also states born Plymouth England, & from this info I have found he died in Glebe, Sydney NSW 1938 He married Ada Maria Fuller,born 1865 Kennsington London, in Sydney 1883. Between 1884 & 1906 14 children were born to the couple. The Fuller family came to Australia 1870, Crusader, John was certainly not on board. They were Unassisted Passengers. I have searched Assisted & Unassisted passenger lists for John (Jacob) Parkins without success. Also tried BDM on Ancestory.com. I found only one John Parkins on census that was close to age, but birthplace incorrect. But realise that could be error from here in Sydney. I'm sorry that the only real information is from here in Australia. I will purchase his death certificate if necessary, but think the information will be same as what I have. Thank you very much Gai |
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Mike, thank you for your continued help. I have searched LDS, there is a John PARKINS listed, but on viewing file seemed he went to America. I appreciate the information you have given me, & will certainly use it. The Playford site is wonderful, I found it via google some time ago. Great to have the photos of my gg/grandparents Richard & Lydia. In the large family photo of their wedding anniversary, I see all the babies & wonder which is my grandfather. Wouldn't it be so helpfull if all our families had their own website Gai  |
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Hi Gai Yes your certainly right there with what you said.What was strange was i had the Playford rootes site.In my Favourites for some reason.and the Weld one.There are some rootes family on that if you use the search. Nice when Pics are Shown. I made up a Webpage about 3 years ago,On some of my family.Cant Finish doing it because i lost the details of how to. But a friend found it and sent me the pages,Ive come a long way since doing the page.Take a look and you will see what i mean Mike |
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Mick, its wonderful, I really believe our family's lives are more than names & dates, I was so excited when I found Lydia (nee ROOTES) & Richard Playford's grave, not long after, I found Lydia's parents grave, my ggg/grandparents grave James & Anna, I was able to return the day before Christmas Eve to leave violets for Anna, Christmas Day was her 203rd birthday. I enjoy finding stories about my family, & adding them to my family tree. I feel closer to them & also feel I know them! When I started looking for my family, I thought it would be a short journey, my immediate family very small. I certainly was in for a suprise, & know it will take a very long time, but having the stories to go with names, I hope it will encourage an interest in my grandchildren. Thoroughly enjoyed your family site. Gai  |
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Thank you Gai,t was a shame i could never Finish it,But at least i have it now. When my old comp went bust Lost everything,I had backed my tree up luckily enough but lost about 1000 found family Members,I unfortunately never re bzcked the tree up after finding the others. So a little tip.If yoy find new members about every 3 to 4 months use a disc to back it up Mike |
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Gai can i ask you is this the same fuller family.If i is they were from Jut outside Threadneedle street in London.Registery in Kensington ADA ELLEN MARIA FULLER Pedigree Female -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event(s): Birth: 27 JUN 1865 Christening: 23 JUL 1865 St Margaret Lothbury, London, London, England Death: Burial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents: Father: JAMES FULLER Family Mother: EMMA SUSANNA 3. JAMES FULLER - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Birth: 08 NOV 1871 4. JAMES FULLER - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: 22 NOV 1871 Old Church, Saint Pancras, London, England 5. GERTRUDE EMMA FULLER - International Genealogical Index Gender: Female Birth: 16 NOV 1867 6. GERTRUDE EMMA FULLER - International Genealogical Index Gender: Female Christening: 29 DEC 1867 St Margaret Lothbury, London, London, England 7. ROSA ALICE FULLER - International Genealogical Index Gender: Female Birth: 21 FEB 1870 8. ROSA ALICE FULLER - International Genealogical Index Gender: Female Christening: 08 MAY 1870 St Margaret Lothbury, London, London, England 9. ADA ELLEN MARIA FULLER - International Genealogical Index Gender: Female Birth: 27 JUN 1865 10. ADA ELLEN MARIA FULLER - International Genealogical Index Gender: Female Christening: 23 JUL 1865 St Margaret Lothbury, London, London, England
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Dont worry Gai i know its not Same one i forgot Born 1864 Kensington Mike |
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Mike,I didn't know my g/grandmother's name until I ordered a copy of my grandfather's birth certicate hoping to gain information on his parents. For a long time all I had for his mother was Ada, possibly Ada Maria, got more info from from certificate. With the help of our wonderful Liz & Charlee on NSW site they found Ada Maria Fuller, then researching our BDM etc come up with the information. Then Charlee & Liz found a couple of FULLER trees, as yet I haven't really researched them. I have been trying to find Ada's husband John Parkins & have also been searching for other gggg/grandmother Florella STURGEON, & her parents, who I now have names of James STURGEON , & wife Sussannah Violet Boyce. Expecting transcripts any day, hoping I will find out exactly where in Ireland they came from. The FULLER'S you spoke of could certainly be part of the family: John FULLER, wife Jane birth death marriage yet unknown Stephen Augustus FULLER (son) b. abt 1838. Residence 1861 Middlesex England. Died 1938 Paddington NSW, Married Sophia Jane CROMLEY b abt 1841 England. Died 1908 St Peters Sydney NSW. Stephen & Sophia sailed to Sydney, Unassisted passagners aboard "Crusader" arrived May 1870 with English born children. CHILDREN 1 Ada Maria FULLER b 3/1864 Kensington London, died Auburn NSW 1932. Married John PARKINS 1883 Sydney ( by the time she was 32 had given birth to 9 children, 5 deceased & 4 living including my grandfather) she gave birth to a total of 14 children 2 Louisa Jane FULLER b abt 1860 England, m1878, d 1893 Newtown Sydney 3 William FULLER b abt 1868 England d.1929 Granville Sydney 4 Charlotte M FULLER b 1871 Glebe Sydney d 1876 Glebe 5 John FULLER b 1873 Glebe D 1873 Glebe 6 Mary FULLER b 1873 Glebe d 1873 Glebe 7 George FULLER b 1877 Sydney, d 1878 Sydney I haven't searched the family, but told a lot of research already done. Gai  |
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Hi Gai,liz is a real Wonder,You can tell her that from me.Will see if i can find anything on the Others for you with Marians help Mike |
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Hopefully We can say that Susanna Boyce was one of these 3 More likely the first one Mike Action Source Surname First Name Year County Civil Birth Boyce Susanna 1869 Co. Armagh Civil Birth Boyce Susanna 1878 Co. Antrim Civil Birth Boyce Susannah 1909 Co. Antrim |
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Gai i found the 6 trees in rootsweb with Florella in Mike |
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Gai What i can see of the sturgeon family they were also found in antrim,down and tyrone.No Florella is listed in the Foundation records Mike |
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Mick, would you like me to change thread to Sturgeon, I received transcripts of Susannah Boyce & James Sturgeon's death certificates today. Susannah Boyce was born abt 1823, parents David Boyce (occ. farmer) & Mary Williamson only info of birth, & marriage is Ireland. James Sturgeon, has almost no info on life in Ireland, father ...Sturgeon,( market gardener) mother unknown., born Clare, Ireland abt 1822 Children listed on certificates, certainly 2 deceased before they left Ireland, Edward 6 years deceased, Sarah Jane 2 1/2 deceased, & young Florella (her name is never spelt correctly, on passage lists Prunella & Pruella, even on her parents D/C listed as Yorella, & Florilla, Eizabeth Jane & Thomas where born in Ireland. Gai |
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Hi Gai,If you Require us to help With James,I will Ask Marian To run a New Thread for you SO dont worry Mike |
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Mick, I would very much appreciate any help I can get for the Sturgeon, but as James has no parents listed, only wife Susannah Boyce has parents names, but only Ireland for her birth & marriage. Gai |
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Hi Gai if you check i have already found the Family its under S Mike |