 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 1 of 26 in Discussion |
Could you please give me information regarding Marmaduke Walker? I have some details for you. He was born in Croydon England in 1844. Died in Whangarei New Zealand on 7th February 1923.Arrived in NZ about 1866.He married Elizabeth Dent, who was a widow.She was born in Gibraltar on 5th February 1839.Died on 15th August 1839.She had been married previously to Robert Dent. Her maiden name was Burns.Her father was Henry Burns. They had two children. Marmaduke (Jack) born 2nd October 1881, died 23rd June 1958 & Emily Florence born 12th September 1879 died 19th April 1955. Many thanks , Marion | |
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Hello Kay, I do feel you have the correct family. I would appreciate if you could find out more details. I am so pleased at what you have found .Thank you. Regards Warren& Marion. |
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Good morning Warren & Marion Well I do think there will be more information I can find. I will check for you and post as necessary. Do check back soon to see what I have! Kay Manager |
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Here's the rest of what I found: I can find no record for Fanny Walker but believe the following to be correct (though I'm sure it should be FRANCES): Births Mar 1845 (>99%) | WALKER | Francis | | Pocklington | 23 | _6 | Births Dec 1846 (>99%) | Walker | Henry John | | Pocklington | 23 | _83 | You will notice previously Henry was listed as Henry I Walker in the 1851 census - this proves his name had been mistranscribed and he was in fact Henry John. Kay Manager |
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By the 1861 census there were two more children, the records of which follow: Births Dec 1852 (>99%) | Walker | Arthur | | Croydon | 2a | 139 | and Births Dec 1854 (>99%) | Walker | Alfred | | Croydon | 2a | 134 | However, by the time the 1861 census was taken, Robert was recorded as a Widower. Alas I can find no death record for Emily in Croydon between the birth of the last child, Alfred and the 1861 census. The residence at the time though was Park Farm, Addington, Surrey and Robert is recorded also as Farmer of 627 acres of land. Thomas W Walker b: 1837 is recored as "Clerk in an East India House". Robert Walker b: 1842 is recorded as "Apprentice to an Upholsterer". The other children, except Martha who has no occupation listed, are all recorded as scholars. Also residing with the family are: Mary Howley (Visitor) b: 1853c Hamsey Green, Surrey. Margaret Crowley (Servant) b: 1845c Cork Clonakilty, Ireland. Margaret Foley (Servant) b: 1842c Cork Bandon, Ireland. I will see if I can ascertain the whereabouts of the other children and post below. Kay Manager |
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In 1861 Royston Walker and Henry Walker are recored as "Pupil" at what appears to be a boarding school of some sort (no school name listed unfortunately) in Aylesbury, Wendover, Buckinghamshire. Fanny is recorded as "wife's sister" to Joseph Shoesmith b: 1834c Skircoat, Yorkshire (Occupation: Cabinet Maker). His wife is indeed listed as Elizabeth b: 1839c Pocklington, Yorkshire. They have a son, Henry J Shoesmith b: 1860c Halifax, Yorkshire. They are residing at 2 Ferguson Street, Halifax and have a servant also living with them - Hannah Birdwestte b: 1837c Halifax. Incidentally, this is the marriage record I have found for Elizabeth & Joseph: and what I believe to be the birth record for their son bearing in mind it was quite usual for children to be known, generally, by their second Christian name: Births Jun 1859 (>99%) | Shoesmith | James Henry | | Halifax | 9a | 384 | Kay Manager |
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In 1871 Robert Walker is residing at Grove House, Croydon, Surrey and recorded as "Malster". Children Martha (no occupation recorded), Robert Hy (Occupation: Corn Factor), Arthur (Occupation: Clerk at Corn Merchants) and Albert (Occupation: Clerk at Corn Merchants) are residing with him, together with a servant, Elizabeth Brewer born 1849c Kingsland, Hampshire. I have found no entry for Robert on the 1881 census but did find the following death record: Deaths Dec 1878 (>99%) | WALKER | Robert | 74 | Croydon | 2a | 151 | Kay Manager |
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Hello Kay, We are amazed at what you have found for us.We would like to no if possible the relationship Marmaduke had with the Overton family.We belive that the Walker family were associated with the Overtons.We have been told it was Henry Overton who owned the Royal Oak Brewery Surrey street 1854. in 1892 it merged with with Page Shirley Brewery ,which closed in 1903. Marmaduke had Esq after his name.When he and his brother came to NZ a Mrs Overton sent money to Marmaduke all the time.When Mrs Overton Died she left everything to him. Thanks again Regards Marion & Warren |
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I've found Henry Overton born 1790c Croydon, Surrey on the 1851 census residing at 17 Surrey Street, Croydon and recorded as "Brewer" with his children, as follows: Charles Overton b: 1822 Croydon, Surrey Frederick Overton b: 1828 Croydon, Surrey Frances Overton b: 1830 Croydon, Surrey Rosa Overton b: 1836 Croydon, Surrey. In 1861 he was still residing at the same address, with the same occupation but with daughter Rosa and a servant. However by 1871 Henry had died: Deaths Mar 1864 (>99%) | OVERTON | Henry | | Croydon | 2a | 135 | I will see if I can find any marriage records between any of the Overton and Walker chidlren. Kay Manager |
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Out of curiosity I've checked and found Henry Overton on the 1841 census with his wife Mary who was born 1801 in Surrey and their address is still Surrey Street, Croydon and Henry was indeed a Brewer. The only other children not mentioned in the later census was Mary born 1826 and George born 1836 in Surrey. Kay Manager |
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In the 1881 census Charles Overton born 1822 is recorded as "deriving income from lands" - this implies he went into the farming occupation, rather than following is father's footsteps in the brewery trade. I wonder if we will find a connection via Charles - I will dig deeper for you! Kay Manager |
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Hi Kay, I had a reply from the "Local Studies Library" Croydon Council.They told me that they do hold information on the Overton Family and Page& Overton Brewery.Also plenty of material on Croydon airport.They couldn't find anything on a Walker map but the Surrey History Centre has old reference mapsWalker,J and C. London,Croydon and Brighton Railways and Walker. J. and C .Surrey.Map of showing railways. They can not send me the info,you need to be able to visit them. Cheers for now , Warren. |
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Oh, what a shame they can't provide you with information other than if you actually visit. This following link may be of a little interest to you though on the Page & Overton Brewery: Another, regarding Croydon Airport, that you also may like to take a peep at: Kay Manager |