 | | From:  Chloe-Cat (Original Message) | Sent: 9/28/2008 8:53 AM |
Hi there,
Since this involves the letters O & P (and maybe C) I thought it might be best to post here. I may be on the right track, may be on the wrong track, but I would dearly love to find out more re these 2 people. They would be my gggg- grandparents.
This is what I know:
Patrick O'Connor/Connors married Mary Prittie. They were possibly born in the early 1800's/late 1700's and lived in Mucklin which is in Silvermines. Apparently Patrick was dead by 1859 but the Griffiths valuation published in 1850 shows that Mary Connor was in house #1v of Mucklin. At the time (1846-1849) Mucklin was a small village owned by a Lord Dunalley.
From some papers I have received from another family member (results of research carried out by the Tipperary North Family History Foundation) it has been suggested that Mary Prittie was a close relative of Baron Dunalley (I think it would have been the 2nd baron - Henry Prittie).
They had 3 daughters (that we know of) - Ellen, Margaret and Catherine (my ggggrandmother). Catherine married Denis Ryan and they had 7 children - born between 1857 and 1868. Ellen & Margaret both came to Australia and I have their details from there. 2 of Catherine's daughters, Bridget (1860) and Susan (1858 - my gggrandmother) came to Aus in 1884-1886.
I am now looking to find out more about the Prittie connection. I have found numerous Prittie's but can't figure out where Mary might fit in.
I know this is not much to go on but I would be most grateful for any advice/suggestions as to where I might look next. I would love to be able to share info with my cousin who provided me with this lead.
Cheers Julie | |
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We are right with the link to Francis,It was his son Adam Married Mary sr Francis Aldborough Prittie Pedigree Male -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event(s): Birth: About 1779 , Tipperary, Ireland Christening: Death: 08 MAR 1853 Burial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents: Father: Henry Prittie Family Mother: Catherine Sadlier |
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you can now see where Adam Francis Name Came from Adam his Father Francis his Grandfather Mike |
 | | From:  poi986 | Sent: 10/9/2008 11:22 PM |
Hi Mike, I'm so glad you found all this. I was having trouble getting my head around it. This certainly clarifies the information you had already found. I am really, really grateful for all your help. Also, please accept my apologies for being so tardy with my replies. Unexpected family pressures can be a problem can't they? I'm at work at the minute so had better go. I'll certainly be having a good st down in a quiet place this weekend to take this all in. Thank you again. Cheers, Julie |
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Hi Julie i really just needed to resort.Once i Found Adams Line,Life was a bit Easier.I was able to explain it easier.It was Knowing If Marys mother went to Canada or not. Well we at least Know Marys Mother and Father were Adam and Mary. Wonder Why they Decided to go to Canada. Francis Alborough was very high in irish politics.Quite a story on its own. So your Friend who Originally gave you Henrys info was 100% correct in some ways.As francis was his Son Mike |
 | | From:  poi986 | Sent: 11/21/2008 10:05 PM |
Hey there Mike, Well, this dude is really driving me nuts. Apparently Adam arrived in Canada about 1819 so that's one more bit of info we didn't have. Now, looking at the dates I am wondering whether he might be FrancisA's brother? FA was born in 1775(ish) and we know from IGI and Ontario Death records that Adam was born in 1772/died 1870. I'm soooo confused! Back soon. Julie |
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Well julie I SUPPOSE that is a possibility,Hes definately Related EITHER way. Mary his Wife Was DEFINATELY YOUR marys mother. thing is how can we prove this. I do see your problem.You would need to look at Burkes gentry to find this out. We know the line is the Correct line.as francis was born 1779.If he was born 1772 then you can say Francis Pritty is his Brother. Very Confusing If im not Wrong without rechecking Henry Prittie was the Father of Francis Mary was His Cousin ADAM must have been Henry Pritties son. But this is strange as he is not Listed. as being Henrys Son. Will Check it out Over the Weekend to see if i can find any more Mike |
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Julie This site will explain the Early Prittie Family But Adam is not Listed ittie Anne Maria Louisa Catherine Catherine d. 3 Dec 1730 Catherine b. c 1710, d. 21 Mar 1779 Deborah d. 3 Nov 1760 Elizabeth d. 11 Jan 1849 Elizabeth Emily b. 1794, d. 10 Feb 1884 Frances Eliza d. 17 Apr 1901 Francis Aldborough Hannah d. Jun 1819 Henry d. Jan 1691 Henry b. 18 May 1683, d. 1738 Henry b. 1708, d. 1768 Henry Desmond Graham, 6th Baron Dunalley b. 14 Oct 1912 Henry Sadleir, 2nd Baron Dunalley b. 3 Mar 1775, d. 19 Oct 1854 Henry, 1st Baron Dunally b. 3 Oct 1743, d. 3 Jan 1801 Henry, 3rd Baron Dunalley of Kilboy b. Jan 1807, d. 10 Sep 1885 Janet d. 24 Sep 1901 Maria d. 15 Oct 1819 Martha Martha Elizabeth Mary b. c 1802, d. 25 Jul 1887 Mary Philippa b. 31 Mar 1922 |
 | | From:  poi986 | Sent: 11/22/2008 12:35 AM |
Do you think he might have been born on the wrong side of the blanket??? Maybe he was born to one of the sisters and took her maiden name??? Questions questions questions!!!!! You're right, Francis was Henry's son. Julie |
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Julie what does not fit is the fact there is no mention of him,So you could well be right.Seems like henry had a few young ladies on the go. Everything else fits in,Land etc Now what i believe is ,Adam may have been told to Emmigrate to hide this fact. Henry was way up in the Irish Parliament.And i suppose he did not want it leaked. ok we are only Summising this.It seems strange how it mentions nothing of him. I will check further on this as maybe,We have missed something.OR HE MAY HAVE BEEN DISINHERITED. Burkes gentry i think will probably have more info.You should be able to find the book at a library. I will get back to you on this. I know a few Sources that might give some info Mike |
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Julie i have Tracked back a stage and found there was A Captain Henry Prittie,who married Elizabeth Alcock they had a Daughter Catherine Born 21 dec 1681 in Silvermines Tipp.Catherine Married a William Percival 5th apr 1708 We know Henry had a son Henri who Married Catherine Sadlier. Henry in turn had 2 sons Henry Sadlier Prittie Gender: Male Birth: 1775 Nenagh, Tipperary, Ireland 2. Henry Sadlier Prittie Gender: Male Death: 1854 Nenagh, Tipperary, Ireland 3. Francis Aldborough Prittie Gender: Male Birth: About 1779 , Tipperary, Ireland 4. Francis Aldborough Prittie Gender: Male Death: 08 MAR 1853 Again no mention of Adam.But the thing im thinking was he another Son of Captain Henry in curiosity fox there is another person seaching for a Prittie From Silvermines Prittie, Oliver or Benjamin (Apr 08 Red) I am looking for any information as to the birth of Benjamin Prittie, son of Oliver and Tryphan(e) or (ia) who lived in both this county and Silvermines in the Tipperary area. Or, if you have any information regarding this Oliver, please respond. One of the daughters Married a John Hodgins This is the site that Mentions the Silvermine Pritties Mike
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Julie i found him in Google books Adams wife was Mary Caswell taken from the caswell family bible printed 1886 Mrs Adam Prittie; came from Limerick, IRE, Burke's "Peerage" reports that Henry Prittie, who lived from 1708 to 1768, ... Adam, the youngest son of the family, Hope this helps Mike |
 | | From:  poi986 | Sent: 11/22/2008 10:36 PM |
Mike, Yay, a reference to Adam. Thought we'd never find one. My local library doesn't seem to have a copy of Burke's so I'll see them tomorrow and find out if they can get it on an inter-library loan. Thanks for the curios fox ref - I'll have a look and see what happens. I know I've said this before but, again, I am most grateful for your help with this. I would never have got this far without it!!!! Back soon. Julie |
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Somewhere along the Line i think the Caswells were related to the Prittie family Mike |
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I tried everywhere julie then went to google books FOUND there was a book about emmigrants to canada from Tipp. He was listed among them.But first mention of who father was Mike ps this may help to trace any further back PRITTIE, Henry Kilboy, Co. Tipperary Esq. Catherine BURY? w St. Annes Dublin 24 Dec 1765 Henry Prittie was born in 1708.2 He was the son of Henry Prittie.2 He married Deborah Neale, daughter of Venerable Benjamin Neale and Hannah Paul, in 1736.3 He died in 1768.2 Henry Prittie lived at Dunalley Castle, County Tipperary, Ireland.3 He held the office of Member of Parliament (M.P.).3 Children of Henry Prittie and Deborah Neale Hannah Prittie+ d. Jun 18191 Henry Prittie, 1st Baron Dunally+ b. 3 Oct 1743, d. 3 Jan 18011 The eldest son, The Rev. PETER TURPIN, matric. T.C.D. 2 Feb. 1761, B.A. Vern. 1765, M.A. Aest. 1781, ordained deacon 27 April 1766 at St Luke's, Dublin, by the bishop of Killaloe, celebrated marriages in St Andrew's 1772 and St Anne's 1783. It is apparent he became tutor to Charles William, son of John Bury of Shannon Grove, Co. Limerick, whose matriculation at T.C.D. in Oct. 1781 shows he was educated by Mr Turpin. Charles Bury was largely responsible for the development of Tullamore, King's Co., and was created Baron Tullamore in 1797 and Earl of Charleville in 1800. Peter Turpin seemingly became private chaplain to the Bury family; in 1785 Charles Bury granted him at least four annuities of £100 secured on certain rents, one of which was later converted into an annuity for the life of his wife. 1790 Bury leased him the estate of Broodville at £61 p.a., consisting of the house and 175 acres, which is now part of the Tullamore golf course, the house having been destroyed. The Rev. Peter m. 19 Jan. 1790 Henrietta eldest dau. of the Rev. Philip Homan of Surock, Co Westmeath, by his wife Mary Anne dau. of Rev. George Thomas of Rathfarm, Co Dublin: legal documents at this time describe the Rev. Peter as of Killboy, Co. Tipperary. Killboy was the seat of the Prittie family, and Charles Bury's mother had married secondly Henry Prittie, later Lord Dunally, so it is possible Tuplin had been chaplain to the Prittes and tutor to young Charles Bury. It is clear from Bury letters that Peter Turplin acted as agent to Lord Charleville and was also a personal friend; there is mention of Charleville guests staying at Brookville with the Turpins, and to Peter Turpin's severe gout preventing him completing the accounts. The letters slso contain greetings to be passed on to the Turpins and condolences to Lord Charleville on the loss of his old friend when Peter died in Dec. 1809. His will remained unproved until 1825. He had issue, Bowen Family History The Bowen family of Welsh origin settled in Cork after Henry Bowen, a colonel in Oliver Cromwell's army, received land there in 1653. In 1716, Henry Bowen of Kilbolane, Co. Cork married Jane Cole, heiress to the Ballymackey estate, and thus began the family's Tipperary connection. This alliance greatly enhanced the fortunes of the Bowen family. hearthThe Ballymackey estate had originally been granted to Robert Cole during the Cromwellian period and unusually he chose to take up residence in his allocated lot. The Cole estate in Co Tipperary was situated in the Roman Catholic parish of Toomevara, which was comprised mainly of the civil parish of Ballymackey, and some smaller portions of the civil parishes of Templedowney and Aghnameadle. Legend has it the nursery rhyme 'Old King Cole' owes its origin to this Cole family. Both the Hearth Money Records of 1666/7 (see below) and the late seventeenth century Book of Survey and Distribution attest to the extent of this valuable estate: One may mistakenly believe that Cole Bowen is actually a double barrel surname but in fact each member of subsequent generations took Cole as a Christian name. Both Jane and her husband died young and Henry Cole Bowen was heir to the Tipperary and Cork estates by the time he was only a year old. He eventually succeeded to the estates when he was twenty-four years old. He was responsible for the completion of the mansion, Bowen's Court near Doneraile. After his death in 1788, his son Henry Cole Bowen succeeded and he in turn married Catherine Prittie, Kilboy House, Co. Tipperary. There were no children from this marriage and so the estate passed to one of his brothers, Robert Cole. The lands of Ballymackey continued to pass from generation to generation and were always valuable source of income to supplement the smaller Cork estate.
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