 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 6/8/2005 7:39 PM |
ICWA Demented Live May 8th, 2005 | As Nash Bridges draws to a conclusion on USA the screen fades to black ever so briefly before coming back as ‘Burning Bright�?from Shinedown plays over the PA and we begin seeing Black and white still pics from the PPV  JR, "After a year's hiatus Jimmy Stryker is making his in ring return tonight against Scott Jensen!" |  JR, "MAH GAWD, SHE'S JOINED WALLSTREET! THAT JEZABELL!" |  JR, "WHAT THE HELL?! IT'S... IT'S... IT'S DESTRUCTIVE JAY M,ARSHAL! WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING BACK?!"
|  JR, "What a bout this has been thus far and... OH! It's the first elimination of the nmight! JESUS Just pinned Ryan Michaels!"
|  Crowd: 1........2.........3!" JR, "Y2Jesus just put away Bobby Johnson, now it's down to the Prodigal Son and the self proclaimed Savior for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship!" |  JR, "PRDIGAL DROP ON JESUS, PRODIGAL DROP ON JESUS!!! AFTER ALL HE'S SUSTAINED CAN JESUS GET UP?!" 1....... 2...... JR, "IT COULD BE OVER..." ......3! |  JR, "HE HAS DONE IT!! JACOB MITCHELL HAS DONE IT! HE'S BEATEN THE ODDS AND HAS OBTAINED THE ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHA,PIONSHUP!!! BAH GAWD, AFTER A YEAR THE ICWA FINALLY HAS A WORLD CHAMPION AND HIS NAME IS JACOB MITCHELL!!!" | With that ‘Encore�?by Eminem with 50 Cent and Dr. Dre blasts over the PA as the Dementa-Tron plays the Demented reel. After the pyro show the cameras begin to sweep the arena as we hear good ol Jim Ross and Paul E. Heyman from ringside. JR, "On the heels of the ICWA’s return from a one year Hiatus on Pay Per View�?Ladies and Gentlemen, If you did not see ICWA Resurrection I STRONGLY recommend catching the encore presentation tomorrow night as it was a complete success. We crowned a new ICWA Heavyweight Champion and his name folks, Is The Prodigal Son Jacob Mitchell!" Heyman, "And even more importantly, Taz has become Mr. McCallister and the Entourage’s personal servant!" JR, "Also tonight, for the first time in 3 years two of our heavyweight championships have been brought together to form a unified heavyweight title, which WallStreet will be naming and presenting a unique heavyweight championship for tonight!" Heyman, "Speaking of Unique�?Tonight Jimmy Stryker books Scott Jensen’s match, I wonder who he’ll face?" JR, "And speaking of tonight�?In what should be a UFC style classic�? The crowd erupts as they see the promotional image for Mace and Taz, two of their favorites in the business. JR, "�?FONT color=#ffff00>nWs�?Mace meets the Human Suplex Machine Taz!" Heyman, "And after Taz shows why he was the most dominate force in ECW, Perhaps Mace and his nWs buddies will find their exit�? JR, "Why? They’re not hurting anything�?Hell, Jacob Mitchell’s our heavyweight champion�? Heyman, "THEY’RE EVIL JR! And not in the good way�?Like Me�?But the bad way, like PBS!" Before JR can reply The lights in the arena begun to flicker, as the commentators and crowd watches the titantron waiting for the upcoming superstars introduction movie to hit. Red and Gold colored lights fill the arena, as the small projector in front of the stage begin to flash with Jacob's face and one of his trademark tattoo signs. Finally, the guitar strums opening up "The Propaganda" by Limp Bizkit plays over the P.A. System. The crowd jumped to their feet, cheering Jacob anxiously waiting the arrival of The Prodigal Son. The black curtain was seen pushed to the side as Jacob slowly struts out and stopped at the top with his head cocked a bit to the back and around his waist was the ICWA Championship. Jacob stopped on the top of the ramp, right before the walk down begun and held both arms out to his side with an cocky smirk on his face while he waves the crowd down. A few seconds past, nothing but a reaction that was phenomenal if anything. Jacob dropped his arms back down to his side as he begun his path towards the ring Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?Please welcome the NEW ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WOOOOOORRRRRLLLLLLDDDDDD……�?JACOB_MITCCCCHHHHHELLLLLLL!" Mitchell continues down the ramp, that ICWA Championship shinning and glimmering with every flash from the fans cameras, every light in the arena�?/FONT> JR, "At Resurrection Jacob Mitchell became a part of history as he became the first heavyweight champion in over a year�? Heyman, "Look, I’m not gonna sit here and say that Jacob Mitchell sucks or anything like that�?Truthfully, I kind of like the kid�?I mean anybody who smacks the barbecue out of your mouth is a friend of mine, all I’m saying is that it may have been a better situation of Bobby Johnson had been able to bring the championship to the Entourage." JR, "Oh yeah, that’d of been a wonderful situation�?Like the Entourage doesn’t have enough power and gold, let’s give em the heavyweight title too�? At ringside Mitchell is slowly climbing the steal stairs, his back really feeling the effects of the last few weeks. He slowly bends down and enters the ring between the second and third ropes as the fans are going wild. Mitchell walks over to The Fink and shakes his hand as Finkle hands him the microphone and the music begins to fade as the lights readjust. Mitchell, "Well, HELLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOO Cincinnati!" The crowd erupts as JR says, "Listen to this capacity crowd�?" Heyman, "Wrong line JR, this is the part where you say (uses JR accent) The Cheap pop! Shades of the Hardcore Legend Mick Foley with that one�? Back in the ring Mitchell is grinning from ear to ear as 20,000 strong chant his name in a way that they never had for the generations of Mitchells before he. Mitchell, "It’s kind of funny, a month ago 15 people ran their mouths about how the ICWA Heavyweight championship was as good as theirs�?Heading into Resurrection 6 people ran their mouths about how the ICWA Heavyweight Championship was as good as theirs�?The first show following Resurrection, and one Man stands here and the ICWA Heavyweight Championship isn’t as good as mine, IT IS MINE!!!" The crowd goes wild as Mitchell unbuckles his belt and throws it over his shoulder. Mitchell puts three fingers in the air and says, "3�?That’s how many matches it took for me to obtain ultimate glory in the ICWA, that’s how long it took for me to neuter a "Lone Wolf", to get Extreme with a "Hardcore Champion", to Franchise an "ICWA Franchise", to Out heart a Rookie with an "Immeasurable Heart", and to re-crucify a "Savior"�?Then when it’s all said and done, when everything is over and it’s my moment to celebrate�?Seifer, Mace, Omen, and even Kill Switch came out and gave me my props and congratulations and all was swell�?Until someone who wasn’t invited to the after party decided to disrupt the festivities�?Jimmy Stryker, you lurk in the shadows playing your little games and doing your little parlor tricks, trying to intimidate me and bully me into giving you a heavyweight title shot? Well damn old man, if you wanted a shot at the strap so bad all ya had to do was ask�?I’m a fighting champion, if you want me, you got me! (Crowd pops)�?FONT color=#0000ff> Hell, if ya really want me, I’ll give ya the shot right here, right now, TONIGHT!" The crowd erupts as JR says, "BAH GAWD, THAT’S HUGE!! STRYKER AND MITCHELL FOR THE TITLE TONIGHT!!!" Mitchell, "So what do ya say oh "Legendary one"�?You got the brass or�? Suddenly the lights in the arena dim and the Titan Tron flickers to life with the symbol for the Inter County Wrestling Alliance . A few heartbeats later and some hard guitar riffs begin pulsating through the PA system. Up atop the entrance ramp, in the middle of the stage a bright collum of gold light shoots up from underneath, illuminating the darkness. The rythmic guitar riffs continue and 36 seconds into the song ICWA symbol is crushed by a falling graphic that says Y2Jesus. The crowd erupts in a mixed reaction, the lights around the Titan Tron begin strobing bright white and gold as the tempo speeds up again. The climax of which shows the Y2Jesus graphic explode as his tron video begins playing. " Desire" by rock icon Ozzy Osborune is heard blasting over the PA system. " I always knew what I wanted to be I knew for sure, I knew for sure! Always knew it was them or me I wanted more, more and more! It's alright! it's OK! None of them people gonna take it away! They don't know like I know, And I can't stop 'cause it drives them crazy! It drives them crazy! Cause I won't be cool! It's too late baby..." -()- As the song plays you see the Self Appointed Savior of the ICWA rise up from underneath the ramp like how the Brood used to do way back when. He pauses with his back turned to the audience, he hands in prayer before spining around and holding them out in a grand fashion. -()- " It's the same old desire Nothing has changed, nothing the same Burning like fire Don't you ever take my name in vain, oh yeah!" JR, "I RECKON BUSINSS IS FIXIN TO PICK UP HERE!!" Jesus spins around, a microphone in hand as the music slowly fades and the lights readjust. Y2Jesus, "Don’t worry about Jimmy Stryker just yet kiddo�?This is the ICWA, not WCW, You don’t get a title match just because you’re older than Sin�?No, you earn it�?Just like you earn titles�?Well except for in your case�? The crowd begins to boo as Mitchell raises an annoyed eyebrow and JR says, "What does he mean?" Jesus, "What Mitchell, You don’t grasp what I mean�?Fine, let’s show the world then�?Monkeys in the truck, roll that beautiful bean footage!" With that the Dementa Tron Kicks on�?/FONT> ICWA Resurrection | Mitchell slowly gets up, still holding himself and stumbling forward as Jesus decides to follow up the nut shot. Y2J reaches down and scoops up Mitchell looking for the Atomic drop, but in the air Mitchell spins around and BAM! JR, "PRODIGAL DROP ON JESUS, PRODIGAL DROP ON JESUS, BAH GAWD HE HIT THE PRODIGAL DROP!!!" Jesus landed with a foot on the bottom rope but Mitchell doesn’t have the energy to bother grabing the leg as he simply drapes his own body over Y2J’s. Since a rope break is irrelevant in an Elimination chamber, Tim White drops and counts ……………�?…………�?………………�?! Finkle, "Your winner�?AND THE NEW ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION�?JACOB MITCHHHHHEEELLLLL!!!!" The crowd goes nuts as Chauffers by the Deftones blasts over the PA and�?/FONT> | Y2Jesus, "As you can perfectly see, My foot was on the rope the entire time, but because WallStreet has NO CLUE how to book a title match and decided to put a flashy gimmick match over what a title match really should be�?Two WRESTLERS, WRESTLING till one has dominated the other enough to force their shoulders down for 3 consecutive seconds WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE RING or forcing them to submit, again, WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE RING�?I suffered a hose job loss, and now here I stand trying to determine just how this place is any different than the Hell hole I just left�?Plus let’s not forget that earlier in the night I was attacked by�? Mitchell, "Good God Jesus, do I have to stand here and hear your excuses till the Royal Rumble or what�?Face it, You got your ass Prodigally dropped, and as such, you stand their a miserable failure who has nothing to his name but disgrace, embarrassment, a bum knee, a tag partner who hasn’t seen action since your ass was sleeping in a manger in Bethlehem, and a busted ass marriage, where as I stand with everything in the palms of my hands�?Now if you’re trying to butt in a title shot before Stryker, hey, like I said, I’m a fighting champion�?I can beat your ass tonight just as easy as I could of beaten Stryker’s ass tonight. So instead of standing 50 feet away from me running your mouth, why don’t ya hop in the ring and we’ll handle our business." Jesus goes to step forward and almost falls over, clearly his knee is still feeling the effects of Resurrection. Jesus seems annoyed as he says, "Ah to Hell with it�?Look Mitchell, I’m not throwing out excuses, I’m throwing out facts, and in a following of that pattern, the fact of the matter is that I can’t hardly get to the ring tonight, let alone wrestle�?Yeah, I have guts, and I have heart, but I also have a kid on the way and if I can’t walk I can’t exactly support it, SO�?Tonight, I’m going to decline your challenge (crowd boos)�?But next week, while my knee STILL won’t be even remotely close to a hundred percent, it’ll be close enough and NEXT week, you will find your Prodigal Ass at my feet begging for forgiveness, and it will be at that time that You will indeed feel the Pearly Gates and obtain a Divine Intervention!" JR, "If this is a sign of things to come, tonight could be a barn burner!" The two glare a whole through each other as the cameras fade to commercial. | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 26th, 2005 | As the cameras are returning from commercial we fade to black ever so breifly before we begin seeing footage of past events in the ICWA as 'Remedy' by Seether can be heard playing in the background. Long time ICWA fans recognize such scenes as Black Warrior inside of a Flaming Steal Cage with SFM and Bret The Hitman Hart at Royal Rumble I. Brock Lesnar being bulldoged off the top rope clear across the floor and through the commentary table by former ICWA Champion Hope Cassidy. X Bomb powerbombing Jeff Hardy off the top rope and obtaining the ICWA Heavyweight championship... As these scenes are playing we can hear a male narrator say, "Every millinium there comes a Hero whose heart is so big that he refuses to be brought down by even the strongest of Kryptonite... Every lifetime a Legend is created whose leadership and determination forces forth the new era and legacy of a new breed of Icons and Legends and forces that of yesterday to forfit their position... It takes the heart and drive of an unbeatable Champion As heros rapidly fall to the way-side and corruption infects the world, one stands a level above the rest... One stands as our only Remedy to the evil and corruption that has poisoned this great organization that was once lead by heroes and is now clearly being ran by sheer evil... June 26th, 2005 - ICWA Royal Rumble The Remedy is Coming <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The Following Was Written By Shantell Travis>>>>>>>>>> With that we fade back to the ring as The arena goes entirely black as the first bass beats of "Walk Into The Darkness" begin to play over the p.a system, a blacklight begins to glow, and two bright red strobe begin pulsing with the songs bass. The aisle leading to the ring suddenly bursts into flames, and through the center of the stage at the top of the ramp rises the Dark Goddess…She comes through the floor arms raised and two immense red pyros shoot from the ceiling shaking the building as they hit they spot next to her feet on the ramp. She makes her way down to the ring..
Howard Finkle : Ladies and Gentleman..The Following Contest is a 6 Woman Elimination Match.. Making her way to the ring.. From Boston Massachusetts.. Daisi DARRRRRRRRRKSIIIIIIDE!
Daisi Stands in the ring, not moving much..remaning silent. "Doubt Me Now" Blasts over the PA System. The crowd jumps up to its feet, immediatley booing as they hear that one of a kind music. Shantel Travis could only come to mind as they watch 'The Blonde Bomb's various situations and photoshoot flashes flip over the large screen. Hearing the talented rapper begin to spit in her theme song, as Shantel pushes the large long black curtain from her path as she paces from behind the stage. With an immediate smirk.. staggering some biting her lip as the smirk leaves her face. Reaching the end of the stage where the ramp starts.. the Girl everyone loves to Hate stand still at the top of the ramp, placing her small tender hands at her full waist looking forward over the large arena.. Beginning to make her way down to the squared circle which lies directly in front of her as she looks down at the lit up ramp below her, receiving no positive pump from the crowd as they know nothing good could come of her at all. As she walks by blowing kisses at all of the fans who of course yell back at her with an even meaner cold hearted insult, of course she flips her hair looking and laughing at some of the old wrinkled tanned wives who sit and watch they're husbands and sons cover up they're complete utter lust by booing at her.
Howard Finkle: Ladies And Gentleman..The Second member in the first team..From Memphis Tennesee.. SHANTEL...TRRRRRRRRAVIS!
Gracing the steel steps with one small foot, pushing her weight upwards and placing another foot on the second step.. as she climbs she grabs the ring post to help guide herself across the ring apron. Ducking down into the ring under the second rope.. Standing up straight and expanding her arms outwards with a evil smile on her beautiful face. Shaking her head slightly at the rowdy crowd, Standing there looking around as all the pathetic ICWA fans yell at the diva. Shantel rolls her eyes once more..Strutting around the ring with her hands rested right in front of her..as she slightly circles the ring. Looking in the face of her Partner..Daisi Darkside. Then Akasha's Theme song comes on over the PA system. The Lights go out except a single blood red spot light which makes it's way to the top of the ramp. Akasha comes out with her long black trenchcoat on out from behind the curtin. She makes her way down the ramp with the lights still out. She climbs into the ring and she raises her arms up and Red pyro goes off threw out the arena. The lights come back on and Akasha Yels for them to shut of her music. As Howard Finkle Introduces her..
Howard Finkle: And The Third member of this team..hailing from Unknown Parts.. AKAAAAAAASHA!
As the cameras were once again set on the ring the arena started to slowly grow darker. The light slowly faded from the left side all the way to the right side leaving the fans in complete darkness. An out burst of screams were heard as the camera quickly focused upon the titantron, just at the right time to see a bright white line come across the titantron. Leading the theme of Bullets by creed to blare over the Personal address system giving all the fans a pretty good idea of whom was about to arrive on the scene. The line started to move up and down like those tune lights on an old radio that keep in time with the beat, but it came to and abrupt ending as the line started to spell out the word M E G A N before disappearing only to return to spell out the word L E E. Causing quiet a stir with the live fans Boos and some cheers started to fill the arena as Meg’s main titantron began to roll. It’s started off with the bright white line darting off into a million little dots that phased out to make a black and white picture of Megan lee that soon turned into a colourful display of Meg kicking ass in CCW and other federations she has been in. Coming in closer to the curtains the cameras watched as Megan Lee made her way from out behind them, looking directly at the camera’s lens Megan’s blue eyes squared up sizing the camera man up, before looking out towards the thousands and thousands of fans. Stopping at the very top of the ramp Megan’s hands fell upon her hips as she looked out at the fans more closely. Taking very little time she made her way down to the ring, the cameras were showing a low shot of her making her appear Dominate. She was looking over at all the fans that were desperately trying to touch her, A few lucky fans got to touch Meg’s soft skin but she didn’t budge she acted like nothing happened. Making it to the bottom of the ramp Megan stopped and surveyed the ring before her it wasn’t new to her looking over at the steal steps she smirked before making her way over towards them.
Howard Finkle: Ladies and Gentleman..Their Opponent...The First Member of the Second Team...From Honolulu Hawaii.....MEGAN LEE!
Quickly walking up the steal steps Meg’s boots clunked against the steal. Standing up high on the ring apron Megan flicked her left leg over the middle rope slowly entering herself into the ring allowing the guys behind her take a few photos before guiding her right leg in. Taking a cocky bow Megan lee walked around the ring watching the fans and the lights flashing around the arena. Not taking anymore time Megan walked over and learnt up again the ropes closets to the back of the ring keeping a close eye on her competition as her titantron and theme faded to nothing. Blaze Inferno walks across the screen with flames in the backround. She comes to in front of a candle and sets her hand on fire. "Do you dare...enter my world" is said by Blaze as she blows out the fire on her hands. She laughs and smoke raises above her head. Her head comes out of view as the smoke spells her name. Then flames block the entrance. There is some space made but not enough for a person to go through. Then Blaze walks through the flames and the flames go high as Blaze lowers her hands. Then the flames die down and Blaze drops a black rose on the ground and walks down the ramp.
Howard Finkle: And The Second Member on the Second Team.....Blaze...Infernnnnnno!
After She is introduced to the ring and she walks up the stairs. She cleans her feet on the apron and enters through the second rope. "One More Road To Cross" By DMX blasts over the speakers..and Dark Angel Makes her way out to the ring. The bell rings loudly in the back ground as these 6 divas stand..on both sides of the ring. Megan Lee stands in between Dark Angel and Blaze Inferno.. Shantel stands Next to Akasha..and away from but looks over at Daisi Darkside. The crowd begins to chant things as the ref circulates in his own way.. Taking the first step forward Akasha rushes over at Megan Lee.. Taking her down with a hard clothesline. Before she can even fully connect with the clothesline.. Dark Angel rushes at Shantel Travis..As Blaze Does Daisi Darkside. The 6 divas battle it out in the ring as the cameras frantically rush to catch all of the action. Dark Angel had Shantel against the turnbuckle..Jamming her shoulder in her Gut.. Shantel capitalizes with a hard knee..which goes into her Shoulder. Shantel Rakes her nails down the face of Dark Angel and rushes at her..Irish Whipping her into Blaze Inferno who falls foward ontop of Daizi Darkside.. Who mind you..were the only two divas so far who seemed to be wrestling fairly against each other. Akasha swings her fist going for a right hand at Megan Lee who ducks out of the way..only relalitating with a back hand slap across her face.. She begins constantly slapping her.. aswell as grabbing her by the hair.. and tossing her over against the turnbuckle. Slapping a right against her chest. She nails her with another one as the crowd gets into it.. Responding with every had welt against the bare chest of Akasha. Shantel Travis is watching as her two other partners battle it out with Blaze Inferno Across the ring. She rushes at them..taking them both down with a double clothesline. The fans react rather loudly as in shock of Shantel litterally attacking her own team.
Jim Ross:OOoo.. Look at the relentless..careless attitude of Shantel Travis. I tell you what..this is gonna come back to her later in this match up.
Paul Heyman: Its simple..Shes doing exactly what she said she would..You don't have a clue what your talking about.
Jim Ross: Well I'm getting a hell of a clue..That Akasha and Megan Lee are sadistically going at it in the corner..
Akasha grabs both of Megan Lee's wrists..Jamming her foot in the stomach of her blonde..Ripping her back by her wrists so she leans forward between the legs of the Queen of The Vampires..She leans forward grabbing her under the stomach..lifting her up so she flips onto her shoulders. She then falls back pushing Megan upward as she lands on her back.. Making Megan land face first onto the mat. Blaze Inferno on the other hand has took initiative over Shantel Travis.. as the cameras pan over to the other side of the ring.. They see the blonde get lifted and dropped backwards onto her neck/head.. The crowd gets more into it.. 'Oo'ing when Shantel hits the mat. Dark Angel has now gotten back into the match..coming at Daizi Darkside.. As she runs at her she leaps turning her body in mid air sideways..connecting her feet into the knees of Daizi.. nailing a rough drop kick type of Maneuver..Dropping Daizi Instantly. As the cameras move over to the other side of the ring..We See Megan Lee Connecting with a hard suplex, dropping Akasha flat on her back..who sits up instantly..yelling out in pain. Megan gets up.. walking up behind Akasha..who is still sitting on the mat holding her back.. She grabs her hand..ripping her up and she wravels her own hand behind the neck of Akasha..down around the other side of her..using her free hand to lace all of her ten fingers together..She puts on foot between both of Akasha's legs..And pulls upwards..Locking in a Harsh Triangle Stretch. The ref trumbles over to the two diva's asking Akasha if she has had enough..Akasha yells back violent refusing to give up. We get back to Shantel..who know has a two handfuls of Blaze's hair..She jams her knee upwards directly into her face..letting her fall down onto the mat in pain. You can See the pain look on Shantel's face as she holds her neck...yelling over at the referee as she gets down..trapping Blaze under her...1.....2.... Kick out. Shantel slams her fists on the mat getting up.. As we focuse our attention on Daizi Darkside and Dark Angel. Daizi successfully nails a hard and crucial standing drop neckbreaker on her... Dark Angel holds the back of her neck aswell in pain.. Suddenly the cameras roll back over to Megan and Akasha.. Akasha has managed to push one foot off of the ground..swinging it back up..nailing Megan in the chin..making her fall back.. Akasha is on her knees..at Megan's side..she has a handful of her shirt..and has ripped it up over Megan's head sortof..She applies Pressure on the face of Megan..almost sufficating her..stopping now and then to hear her cough and choke..getting back at it soon enough. The ref screams at Akasha to stop this at this very momeny.. And Dark Angel has somehow managed to get Daizi Darkside down. She's ontop of her smacking her hand against the ground signalling for the ref to come over and count the fall.. The ref looks at Akasha who is still at her sick twisted scheme of strangling Megan..who is doing a hell of a Job fighting her off of her every so often for those much needed breaths. The ref looks over at Dark Angel..and back at Akasha..not wanting to let Akasha push Megan into any real danger..but is obligated to count this fall. He begins to yell some outloud..walking over to the ropes..yelling for the bell to be rung. Getting Howard Finkle to come over to the side of the ring..As Akashe looks over at the ref and Howard.. All of the Diva's stop what they are doing...
Jim Ross: Well it seems to me either the ref has disqualified Akasha.. or couldn't get over to Dark Angel quick enough..but counted it as a pinfall anyway.
Paul Heyman: God You have such a creative Mind.. NOT. Why don't you listen to what he has to say...
Howard Finkle grabs the Mic..lifting it upwards as the Divas stare at him.
Howard Finkle: Ladies and Gentleman.. I have been ordered to rule this match as strictly a touch tag match up. In other words.. There can only be TWO legal divas in the ring at the same time..
JR and Heyman at the same time "WHAT?"
Obviously the ref couldn't handle all 6 of them at the same time.. He directs Akasha and Shantel Travis..who both put up a slight argument about the ordeal..to the outside apron. Aswell as Megan Lee and Blaze Inferno. Leaving Dark Angel and Daizi Darkside the legal Women in this match. Daizi wastes no time rushing over towards Dark Angel tackling her down. She sits on her chest slapping and scratching her.. As Dark Angel squirms underneath her violently. Daizi holds Dark Angel by the Neck beggining to jam her fist directly into the face of Dark Angel. Who struggles. The Ref..now in full control..warns Daizi about her fists.. who looks at him with a harsh grim..Standing up... nailing her with a rapid array of short term kicks to the side.. Not doing so much damage..but leaving Sharp annoying pains. Dark Angel scrambles to get up.. Which when she finnally does.. Daizi swings at her again nailing her in the side of the face with a hard right. Coming at her with a swift left aswell.. Dark Angel begins to stumble..As Daizi grabs her arm.. Irish whipping her into the opposite corner of the ring. Running at her..And leaping lightly not leaving the ground to much..but a enough smashing a hard elbow right into the forehead of Dark Angel. She shoves Daizi back falling against the turnbuckle holding her head in pain.. clenching her teeth together feeling rather horrid from the hard blows directly to the head. Daizi reaches down with a sick smile..sliding her hands into the hair of Dark Angel..Ripping her up and along the ring.. Dark Angel screams in pain as she is ripped across the ring. Daizi drops her.. Looking at her two partners. Akasha just stands there..with a plain deadish look on her face. Shantel rolls her eyes turning her head as Daizi shrugs leaning over to grab her 'victim' up once more.. But she stumbles as Akasha had stepped up on the second rope and hit Daizi in the back of the head..obviously signally in her own mean way.. a tag.Akasha gets in the ring with a sickening smile as the ref directs Daizi out of the ring who shakes her head..Watching as Akasha begins to get to work over the sore Dark Angel. She start stomping and kicking Dark Angel..not noticing her roll closer and closer to her partners corner each time. Akasha bites her lip in fury..obviously taking her anger out on Dark Angel. Stomping over her Neck and Face, she reaches down grabbing Dark Angel and rips her upward..nailing her in the gut with a hard knee..She rips her around..so Dark Angel's back is against Akasha's chest..Akasha then locks her into a Full Nelson type of Manuever..only to switch it up quickly lifting Dark Angel in the air..Slamming her down. The force hits her harshly..and Akasha drops down over Dark Angel's sore body..getting the pinfall as the ref slams his hand down...1....2....3!
Jim Ross: Well we have our first elimination..after a devistating Full Nelson Slam Dark Angel is officially out of this match Ladies and Gentleman..We See Daizi Darkside tagging Akasha.. as they both switch..Blaze Inferno is taking Dark Angel's place in this match up now..as we see these two ladies locking up in the center of the ring.
Paul Heyman: This is Getting good.. I've placed some bets on this match..don't Let me Down Ladies!!!
JR and Heyman continue chatting somemore. As Blaze Inferno and Daizi Darkside lock up in the center of the ring. They both rapidly squeeze the pressure points in the lower neck/shoulder area..trying to gain dominance in this battle of Strength. Daizi breaks as Blaze takes control..immediatley sending Daizi across the ring.. she bounces back as Blaze scoops her up spinning slightly keeping a tight grip on her..She then narrows her stance..dropping down on her ass..sending Daizi..crushing back first into the mat hitting a inverted sidewalk slam. She jumps up immediatley..now dropping an elbow over the throat/chest area of Daizi..rolling over slightly..hooking her leg..going for a pinfall attempt..1....2.. kick out. Daizi holds her throat coughing as she rolls over..getting up as Blaze Does. Blaze rushes at her and Daizi jumps out of the way. Blaze bounces against the ropes but is litterally stopped as she was in Akasha's reach..who didn't hesitate to grab a handful of her hair making her drop down on the mat. Daizi has partially recovered..running at the diva jumping slightly dropping down over Blaze returning the elbow to her gut..going for another pinfall..1...2... Kick out. Both divas get to their feet and they begin to exchange blows in the center of the ring. They go from one side of the squared circle to the other.. Daizi finnally attempts to get the upper hand using force to grab Blaze Inferno.. ripping her close to her..and lifting her backwards completely over her.. nailing a belly to back suplex. It Doesn't affect Blaze as much as it does Daizi..who after the move went through..dropped down holding her leg..obviously sore from Dark Angel's missile Dropkick earlier in the beggining of the match. They both lay in the center of the ring.. slowly recovering from it as the ref checks on Daizi's Leg.. Blaze is up once again..shoving the ref out of her way.. deciding to run with this moment.. Grabbing the sore leg of Daizi..she start stomping on it..each stomp gets closer to her knee. She rips it back out of the grip of Daizi's hands..slamming it down against the mat. Stomping on it. Daizi's teeth grit together in pain..as Blaze only makes her sensitively sore leg much worse than it already is. Blaze stops walking around the ring as the crowd gives her a mixed reaction..looking at Shantel and Akasha..and back at her now only partner Megan Lee. Daizi begins to crawl over to Shantel and Akasha's corner..dragging her knee like it was dead weight.. sucking in air through her teeth with every desperational pull..trying to get a tag. Akasha rather enjoy's watching Daizi drag herself across the ring in pain. Blaze comes up behind Daizi..bending over..grabbing a handful of Hair.. ripping her head backwards..forcing her up on her feet.. She then quickly ends it..putting her arm over Daizi's neck.. falling backwards..nailing a 'Paralyzer' as its often called..going for the Pinfall..1....2.....3! Daizi is officially eliminated from this match! As Blaze raises her arm taunting the crowd Breifly..Shantel Travis rushes into the ring. She runs forward coming up behind Blaze.. Grabbing the back of her head..jumping..and landing on her butt..crushing Blaze's face into the mat. Nailing her finisher..she quickly pin's Blaze.. 1....2...3! Shantel smirks at Megan Lee.. as Blaze is being helped by the referee out of the ring.
Jim Ross: Well folks at home..if You don't know..at this point in the match..it becomes a triple threat bout! The first pinfall is the final elimination leaving the two divas as the winners who survive this!
Paul Heyman: What he means is..this is where the action starts!
Howard Finkle gets the mic..getting everyone's attention..letting them know its now triple threat rules. Cut Throat rules..first pinfall..Final Elimination. Megan Lee..aswell as Akasha get into the ring. Shantel looks at both of them..not nessecarily being on the best of terms with either of them..She backs up into a corner looking quite frightened. Both Akasha and Megan inch closer to Shantel.. looking as if They will double team her. Akasha breaks any sort of a chance of that.. immediatley suprising everyone..nailing Megan Lee..as Shantel just leans back against the turnbuckles watching. Megan Returns the blow..as the divas sort of let it slip into a fist fight. They both swing on each other nailing punches..trying they're best not to show pain they recieve from the punches.. Which takes us back to earlier in the match up when Akasha was sufficating Megan with her own shirt. Megan gains the upper hand..nailing a viscious slap across Akasha's chest..sending her into the turn buckle with a fierce irish whip.. lifting up her long leg as Akasha bounces back.. Rushing head first into Megan's boot. Shantel wastes no time rushing and pouncing on Megan.. she start slapping at her.. grabbing handfuls of hair..ripping and pulling..slamming Megan's head on the mat. Megan rolls over ontop of Shantel returning the destructive negativity to her face and Head. Akasha is up by now.. she rushes over to the two Divas.. Pulling Megan back off of Shantel.. bending over.. grabbing Shantel by the legs..hooking them under her arms..lifting Shantel's back off the mat..She falls back pushing her legs up.. Pulling a successful slingshot.. the two ladies are on such an Angle Shantel hits the ropes..leaning into them..stumlbing out of the ring. Megan of course.. who had patiently waited.. rushing up next to Akasha..dropping a elbow into her gut. As she does this..she slides forward..getting out of the ring. Shantel is still trying to get up.. as Akasha is now in the ring holding her stomach..feeling the sharp pain push through her stomach. Megan shoves Shantel..who stumbles falling onto the hard metal floor on the outside. She gets up trying to get Megan to slow down..obviously still startled by that Slingshot she received earlier.. Megan walks as Shantel backs up.. holding her shoulder.. Megan rushes forward taking Shantel down with a clothesline.. Immediatley turning back around grabbing Shantel.. ripping her up on her feet.. and Irish whipping her into the steps. Megan smirks walking up as Shantel screams from the forceful impact of the steel.. Megan begins kicking Shantel in the face and chest some.. Shantel rolls over on her hands and Knees.. Megan grabs a handful of Shantel shirt..pushing her into the security wall. The crowd is going Crazy as we see Akasha who's in the ring.. getting out..walking over by the ring announcer as if she was about to get a chair. Our focus comes back to Shantel and Megan..hearing Shantel scream as she holds her chin in pain.. Megan repeats herself..slamming Shantel..face first into the security barrier. Laughing as she does this.. She grab's her hair to do it again.. But Shantel elbow's her in the mouth desperately. Shantel wipes the blood from her now busted lip off of her chin.. Shoving Megan from behind against the ring.. Megan falls against the apron..holding onto it. Akasha is in the ring now.. she drops the chair near the turnbuckle on the other side.. The ref doesn't notice the chair in the ring as he stands near Shantel and Megan yelling out at the two to take it back in the ring. Shantel..who's red in the face jams her foot into the knee of Megan making it buckle backwards almost.. not noticing Akasha bouncing off the ropes in her direction. As Megan falls.. obviously in excruciating pain. Akasha drops down..nailing Shantel directly with a baseball slide..sending her flying sideways into the security wall..Akasha slides down out of the ring..Grabbing Megan and tossing her into the ring.. watching as she rolls over..still in pain from the blow to her knee. Akasha jumps up on the ring apron..gripping the third rope tightly with her hand.. She leaps over it twisting her body.. She lands successfully.. Her calf smashes into Megan's throat. She then turns over going for the cover.. 1...2... Akasha is yanked backwards out of the ring by Shantel Travis..who crawls in slumping over Megan Lee.. 1...2.. Megan Kicks out.
Jim Ross: Well I don't See the Point of that. I Guess Shantel wanted to keep her 'ego' up by making the last pin..
Paul Heyman: Thats the whole Point! In a Match like this.. Eliminating the past person is all that counts!
Jim Ross: Well Maybe it does, but it won't matter in the long run. Megan Lee back on her feet..tussling it out with Shantel Travis now..
Megan doesn't seem to affected by Akasha's move. Akasha sneaks around the ring, unnoticed to the corner of the ring where the chair is laying. Megan Shocks Shantel By trapping Shantel into her finisher.. 'Designed Ending'. She pushes Shantel slightly swinging her leg up on an almost impossible angle.. Nailing Shantel directly in the face. Shantel drops.. As Megan reaches down to top off the move with a hardy STF.. Akasha springs in..Grabbing the ref by his foot.. Making him stumble onto his face. It doesn't do much damage..but gives her enough time to rush in with the chair. She smacks Megan over the back with it.. Dropping it behind her.. She scoops Megan up on her shoulder quickly nailing a Falling Back Drop.. Megan's neck and head impacts onto the Chair. Shantel lay on her back motionless.. The ref is coming to his senses.. getting up onto his feet.. Seeing Akasha laying over the now broken body of Megan Lee. He slumps down next to them.. bringing his hand up slowly.. 1..... 2..... The crowd says the "3" as his hand slams against the mat one last time. Megan Lee was elimnated from the match.. Leaving Shantel Travis and Akasha as the winners. The bell sounds.. The ref Helps Akasha up.. lifting up her arm. She shoves him off of her.. quickly escaping from the ring. Shantel still lay there next to Megan.. motionless. Finkle, "Your winners, and the NUMBER 1 CONTENDERS to the ICWA WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP... SHANTELL_TRAAAAAAAAVISSS and A-KASSSSSSHAAA' Howard Finkle announces that Akasha and Shantel advance.. as officials run out to check on the two ladies. Akasha staggers up the ramp with a sick smirk on her face.. not looking around to much.. .... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<End of Shantell Writing>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | |
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ICWA Demented Live May 8th, 2005 | With that the cameras fade to the back where we see Bobby Johnson with his head hung low. Johnson, "I was so close... It was right in my grasp..." "Only to be ripped from your hands as you are bitch slapped across the face with the power that has left your face still stinging today as if it was as fresh as the inner thighs of the Olsen twins." Bobby's head snaps up as the cameras pan out and we see James leaning against the door frame of what appears to be a very decent dressing room. Johnson glares, "What the Hell do you want?" James, "I want to slap the taste out of your mouth and then repeatedly slam your face off of the nearest table until you shut up and stop crying about lossing your little title match at Resurrection." Johnson, "So what's stopping you? I'm not WallStreet, there's no title stipulations or contracts that force us to keep our hands off each other, why don't you get the slapping slappy." James laughs slightly, "Because of that... The fact that while you may keep spineless company, you have a set that would make Hef. Jealous. Up until a few weeks ago you were nothing more than just another nobody using their tounge to carass Street's sack, but when you chose to do what none of your running buddies had the fortitude to do and attempt to charge through 3 armed men, especially myself, in an attempt to get in the ring and save Street from the Tazmission... Well that showed me alot about your balls, and your loyalty... Now mind you, Loyalty to anyone but yourself is pure stupidity BUT, your testicular fortitude is something to be respected... So I've decided that since Street has said that I can't defend till the Rumble because he has a 'Special surprise' for me... Probably some big name he thinks can take my strap (laughs)... Same story now running for the last 4 years, but never the less. After I beat whoever Street decides to toss at me, I'm gonna give you a shot at the CWA-nWWF Title... So get ready cause when we get in the ring the Elimination Chamber will seem like a walk in the park, but, if your smart, it'll be worth it." With that James gives Bobby a pat on the shoulder and walks off as the cameras fade on Johnson's face which shows slight annoyance but certain confusion. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live May 8th, 2005 | As the cameras return from commercial the crowd pops, seeing Michael Cole standing by with No Limits Christian Skywalker. Cole, "In the past you were recognized as the hottest rookie in this companies history, obtaining the United States title in one of your first bouts and retaining it flawlessly for well over a year, until you met Alexis Davis in the ring. Since the bout where Alexis managed to obtain your title, your success here in the ICWA has been limited to say the least and you seem to have found yourself in a bit of a rut... Now tonight you have been booked in a rematch against Da Sweet Lunatic which has been a year in progress, Do you feel that your seeming rut has in anyway effected the possibility of this rematch differing from last years end result which saw you victorious over the Lunatic?" No Limits, "Dude... Michael... This is my interview, you just killed like 2 minutes, you're 58 minutes shy of cutting a typical WallStreet promo, relax... (laughs) Besides, I'm over my "rut" as you called it and I'm ready to go. DSL is a true competitor with all the talent one could hope for, but as proven before, when she's stalked up to me she just doesn't quite get the job done." Cole, "With DSL as the number 1 contender to the United States championship are you looking at this as an oppertunity to thrust yourself right back into the US Title hunt?" NLCS, "Actually, I have no interest in the US Title at this point. Do I love the US Strap? Sure I do, but, when push comes to shove, that stage of my career is over. Lossing that title was a blessing in disguise, now I can go for bigger and better things... Now I can go for James." The crowd erupts as Cole says, "What?!" NLCS, "Let's face it, No Limits Christian Skywalker without a title is like Alexis Davis without a vaginal disease, it just doesn't seem right (crowd pops)... So at the Rumble, I am issuing a challange to James for his newly unified CWA-nWWF championship." Cole, "I take it from that last comment that you didn't take too kindly to Alexis joining forces with WallStreet at Resurrection..." NLCS laughs, "It's too be expected, Alexis Davis has No Good, Trechiours, Backstabbing, HOE-BAG..." The crowd erupts with such volumne that No Limits is forced to pause. Crowd: HOE-BAG, HOE-BAG, HOE-BAG, HOE-BAG, HOE-BAG... No Limits laughs slightly, "... Written all over her..." With that No Limits smirks and heads off as the cameras head to the ring. The scene is back to Finkel, he has the microphone raised to his lips, he begins to announce the first team which is the challengers. Howard Finkel- Introducing first, the challengers. From Detroit, Mi. at a height of five feet seven and weighing in at one hundred and fifty pounds, she is accompanied by ''The World's Most Dangerous Man'' Ken Shamrock. THE RRAAVVIISSSSSHHIINNNGGG PPIITTBBBUUULLLL. The lights go out, then they flash on and off changeing from blue to red. Lies by Evanescence hits the PA and The Pitbull steps out from behind the curton with her manager Ken Shamrock at her side. She is in a black trench coat with a black tight top and black leather paints. Her manager stands in a sute and his hands folded before him looking around at the crowed of people that are watching them. She stands there for a second looking left then right before bowing her head and letting her hair fall in her face. Pitbull looks back up and walks from one end of the stage to the next taunting the crowed by pointing at them and yelling back at them. She returns to her managers side and he offers her his arm. She takes it then Pitbull and her manager walks down to the ring together. Shamrock climbs the steps first then sits on the middle rope. Pitbull smiles up at him and climbs the steps after him and crawls threw the top and middle ropes, once she is over the ropes her manager is soon threw the ropes behind her looking around protectively. She slowly takes off her coat and hands it over to her manager who in retuns passes it to someone waitting to take it out side the ring. She walks around the ring a few times and glares at everyone before retreating to a corner. She and her manager have some words before he slips threw the ropes to the out side of the ropes. She turns some and talks to him a little bit more before focusing on the entrence to the ring. Shamrock walks down the other steps and takes a set ring side to watch the match. Howard Finkel- And her partner, at a height of six feet three and weighing in at two hundred and fourty three pounds, from Boston, MA..... FATHER DDDRRRAAAKKKLLLYYYNNN. The lights dim to darkness and you hear a mix reaction of cheers and chants of anti-christ as the sound of thunder and lightning echos threw out the arena then Father Draks makes his way threw the black gorilla curtains but it is hard to see him in the darkness, all you see is a shadow of his body holding a microphone as he walks from side to side at the top of the ramp. F a t h e r . D r a k s -.x.- Then I saw another mighty angel comming down out of heaven. He was wrapped in a cloud and had a rainbow around his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like columns of fire. He had a small scroll open in his hand. He put his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, and called out in a loud voice that sounded like the roar of lions. After he had called out, the seven thunders answered with a roar. As soon as they spoke, I was about to write. But I heard a voice speak from heaven, "Keep secret what the seven thunders have said; do not write it down!" John didn't write it down but here I am, what the seven thunders spoke of, "the true horror of the Revelation shall start with the Holy One on earth, a man that out ranks the man in white(pope) and he shall write a new passage in the bible. Be prepared for the end." Draks stops talking and, "Blow Me Away," by Breaking Benjamin starts playing as the sound of thunder and lightning fades to nothing. A spotlight is then shined down on Father Draks. When the sound of the bell in the theme music stops and the guitar hits, Lightning strikes all four corners of the ring putting each post on fire. He makes his way down the ramp but stops half way. He makes the symbol of the cross and then runs towards the ring rolings into it. He grins at the crowd while people from backstage are running out with fire extinguishers to put out the flames. He motions his hand to say he wants the music to stop. Then once the music stops the lights go back on. Howard Finkel- And the challengers, at a height of six foot six and weighing in at three hundred and two pounds, he is from Philadelphia, PA., one half of the ICWA Tag team Champions.... JJJAAAAMMMMEEEESSSS. main lights suddenly go out, leaving only red and blue spots to light the stage and the ramp. The first few chords of Sweet dreams Play as six beautiful women dressed in catholic schoolgirl outfits strut sensously down the ramp taking positions along it, three on each side. James slowly struts from behind the curtain, white pants and shirt adonning his body as he slowly walks out both hands crossed infront of his chest, the ICWA tag team title belt resting upon his shoulder, his hands resting by his throat as he stares at the ground. Pyro erupts from the stage as the first chorus ends, james slams his hands apart easily tearing the shirt from his body to the roar of the crowd. he grins as he slowly walks down stopping and posing for a few pictures. he walks by each group of women and they quickly step in behind him. he climbes the steps slowly and hops the ropes walking to one side and slowly running his hand over his head then down his body sugestivly. he walks to the center of the ring, as the girls slowly run their hand over his body, he smirks as they slowly get out of the ring, raising his hands into the air and turning slowly before hopping up on the turnbuckle and sitting on it, leaning back relaxedly and flirting with some women in the audience. Howard Finkel- And his tag team partner, at a height of six feet four, he weighs in at two hundred and ninety seven pounds, one half of the ICWA Tag team Champions. The ICWA Owner/Chairman... WALLSTREET BRAWLER...TAAYYLLOOR MCCAALLIISSTTEERR. The lights go out, the sudden color of green filling the ramp as ''Piggy bank'' by 50 Cent blasts across the public address sound system, an immediate booing beginning as Wallstreet steps out onto the ramp, the ICWA Tag team Title strapped around his waist. WallStreet begins walking down the ramp to multiple color pulsating lights, he gets to the apron and hops up on it then looking towards the crowd, he leans back against the ropes and flexes his muscles showing off to the crowd. WallStreet then steps through the ropes and walks over to a turnbuckle, he climbs atop the second rope and flexes his muscles to the thousands of fans, he climbs down as the lights come on and his song shuts off, each member deciding on who will start off for there team. James will start against Pitbull. Pitbull and James start off with a collar and elbow tieup, James obviously the stronger one, he picks Pitbull up scoop slamming her, he quickly puts her in a headlock on the ground. Pitbull reaches over grabbing the ropes, James releases the hold before the ref even warns him. Pitbull shakes it off as they once again do another collar and elbow tieup, this time however, Pitbull uses her speed and gets under James tripping him then trying to apply the ankle lock but James grabs ahold of the ropes. Father Draklyn yells that he wants in as Pitbull reaches over tagging him in, James then slaps the hand of WallStreet tagging him in. WallStreet merely smirks, he awaits a move as Father Draks comes in but gets grabbed and scoop slammed hard on the mat, WallStreet gets down ontop of him and begins unleashing hard right hands to the head of Draks, the ref begins the count but WallStreet stops at 4. WallStreet picks Draks up but is caught by a very surprising T-Bone suplex, he arches his back in pain as Draks climbs ontop of WallStreet and begins pummeling him, merely giving him a taste of his own medicine persay. Draks gets off and tags Pitbull, she comes in and grabs the head of WallStreet, she puts her hands under his chin and applies a chin lock, the ref begins asking if WallStreet quits, he says no and begins to power out. WallStreet gets to his feet still overpowering Pitbull as he slaps her in a side standing headlock, she struggles to get free but fails, however, she shoves him to the ropes but is met with a shoulderblock on his way back thus knocking her down. Pitbull holds the back of her head reaching up to tag Draks, he tags and gets in. WallStreet and Draks tieup as Draks begins hitting some hard rights and lefts, he irish whips WallStreet but gets countered, on Draks way back ge gets implanted with a nasty spinebuster. WallStreet begins blatantly choking Draks as the ref begins counting. Referee- 1...2...3...4.. WallStreet lets go and merely just smiles, he walks over to James and tags him in. James gets in and looks very focused on Draks. Draks comes in with a hard knee to the gut followed by a hard uppercut, James hits the mat as Draks drags him to his corner, he tags the lovely Pitbull in as she grabs James ankle and applies the ankle lock. James screams out in pain and rolls over on his back and uses his other leg to kick Pitbull off, she hits the ropes as Draks slaps her on the back in a blind tag. James gets a roll up on her way back but only to be stomped on by Draks. James lays on the mat holding the back of his head as Draks begins stomping on the knee of James. JR- Draks really looking good here Paul. Heyman- He is looking ok, nothing like WallStreet. JR- Can you not kiss WallStreet's ass for just 5 minutes? Draks grabs the legs of James trying roll him over for the boston crab, however, James gets ahold of the bottom rope just before being turned over. Draks picks James up but is met with some hard rights followed by a knee to the midsection, James rushes over and tags WallStreet who gets in rushing at Draks but is caught by a big boot dropping WallStreet hard, he holds his jaw as Draks tags Pitbull back in, she stalkingly awaits WallStreet to get to his feet, as he does so she gets behind him and hits a german suplex following it up with a pin. Referee- 1...2... WallStreet gets the shoulder up, Pitbull grabs his arm putting it between her legs then trying to apply the crossface but WallStreet gets out hanging all over the ropes making Pitbull release the hold. WallStreet and Pitbull are both back there feet, she goes for a stiff kick to the gut but WallStreet catches her foot, he shakes his index finger no no and then spins her leg around but instead of her just stopping when he was behind her, she goes a full 360 nailing him with a hard dragon whip to the head. WallStreet lies dazed on the mat as Pitbull rushes over tagging Draks who climbs the turnbuckle quickly, he jumps off hitting the frog splash hooking the leg. Referee- 1...2.. WallStreet gets the shoulder up barely, Draks seems angered and argues the count with the ref but is suddenly rolled up by WallStreet. Referee- 1...2... Draks kicks out and looks angered, he begins throwing punches at WallStreet while he is getting up, Draks irish whips WallStreet to the ropes hitting a spinebuster but James slapped WallStreet on the way down. WallStreet is holding the back of his head as Pitbull rushes in hitting the pitbull charge on James taking him down. Draks and WallStreet roll to the floor beginning to fight. The referee has lost all control of this match. Draks shoves WallStreet against the barricade then rushes over as Pitbull tags him in, Draks climbs the top rope as WallStreet from out of nowhere pulls Draks off, he kicks him in the balls and stuffs his head inbetween his legs, he hooks the arms and nails the Nasdaq Plummit on the padding outside, Draks is out cold as Pitbull takes her eyes off of her opponent. James gets up and spins her around, he throws her to the ropes then hits my roots hooking the leg. Referee- 1...2...3 The bell rings as Howard Finkel announces the winners. Howard Finkel- Your winners and STILL the ICWA Tag team Champion's. James and WallStreet. ''Sweet Dreams'' blasts across the public address sound system, James and WallStreet are given there titles as they have successfully defended there belts <<<<<<<<<<End of Snake Writing>>>>>>>>> With that we go to the back where Jacob Mitchell is seen walking through the hallway, his ICWA Championship slung over his right shoulder and his gym bag slung over his left as he's obviously realized nobody's coming out of the wood work to take him on tonight. Jacob walks through the halls when suddenly from behind he feels something slam across the back of his head and neck, making him drop like a bag of bricks to the cold cement floor below. The camera pans back and standing with a wrench in hand is a man in a long black cloak which covers his face. JR, "STRYKER! THAT LOW DOWN SON OF A......" The cloaked man delivers a couple of kicks to the back and neck area of Mitchell and then drops the wrench to the floor and walks off as we fade to commercial. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live May 8th, 2005 | As the cameras return from commercial we see a good portion of medical staff surrounding the fallen Jacob Mitchell as well as WallStreet who is still in his wrestling gear and is a little sweaty since he just got out of the tag match. WallStreet, "What the Hell happened?!" Crew Member, "Jimmy hit him with a monkey wrench..." WallStreet, "HE WHAT?!" Crew Member, "He hit him with a..." WallStreet, "I heard what you said you nit wit! Damn it!" WallStreet points at another Crew member and says, "You! Find me Jimmy Stryker and tell him I want to speak to him immediatly!" The crew member nods and darts off as WallStreet looks at head trainer Danny Young who is kneeled over the Champion. WallStreet, "Is he gonna be alright?" Young, "I don't know, we've gotta get him to the hospital and..." Before he can finish WallStreet feels his arm being pulled and finds himself stumbling away a bit. He turns and sees Missy Bytch standing with DSL who is in her gear and getting ready to go out and wrestle NLCS. Missy has her Women's title slung over her shoulder and a small booklet worth of papers in her hand. WallStreet, "Can't you see I'm a little busy at the moment..." Without a word Missy withdraws a lighter and lights the papers on fire, droping them to the floor and letting them insinigrate. Missy, "Aww, isn't that a shame, I'm so hot my contract burst into flames." <<<<<<<Most of this was written by Missy in an rp>>>> A wicked and twisted laugh escapes her crimson lips. She purses them and raises her eyebrow. Missy, "Respect is a two way street, and your side of the road just hit a dead end.. perhaps you should return it around and bring it back this way." She takes a step closer, now presenting herself toe to toe with him. She looks him up and down cockily and breaths him in deeply... Missy, "I always knew you were full of sh*t, I just thought you were smart enough not to show it. Looks like I overestimated you. You're as sad and pathetic as the company you keep Wallstreet. Here I turned up the heat and all you're going to feel is a cold shoulder.. " She crinkled her nose in disgust and leaned in whispering something lowly into his ear. Missy, "Clean yourself up, you're a sad and pathetic little mess...You always wanted to know what it would be like to go up against me..unfortunately for you.. even on my worst day.. Id still give you a sex change bare handed. You want to disrespect me? Give me the cold shoulder in things? Well guess what its about to get alot colder in here... Ive had it with you.. Ive had it with the lack of respect for the womens division...Ive had it with the lack of respect for me... and Ive had it with this damn company!......Dont call me.. Ill call you..." Leaning back out, she raised her eyebrow and nodded her head before turning on her heels. Just steps away she met DSL in the hallway and chucked the womans title at her Missy, "Here.. you take it.. I dont need it.." DSL caught the belt and looked down at it, then to Missy, Wallstreet, and back to Missy with a confused look on her face. Without stopping at her locker room for her things or even pausing, she walked straight down the hallway and out the door... <<<<End of Missy Writing>>>>>> WallStreet, who let her say her piece finally raises an eyebrow, looks at DSL and says, "What the Hell was that?! More importantly, who the Hell was that?!" DSL, "Don't be such a f*ck, you know damn well who it was..." WallStreet, "You'll never hear me say this in regards to you and ANYONE else, but you are the relevant member of your little team, how would I know her?! She's the Women's champion, the Women's Championship is the nearly the most irrelevent thing in the ICWA, It's second only to Y2Jesus' career..." Before anything further can be said Brock Lesnar comes into the scene and seems less than thrilled. Lesnar, "WHAT THE HELL!? WallStreet takes a deep breath and says, "And now what's your problem?!" Lesnar, "You should have just handed me the ICWA Title in the first place, you know damn well nobody in this place deserved it like I did... But no, you had to throw it in an elimination chamber match and look what happened.. I had to keep my eyes peeled on Y2Jesus while I was fighting Mitchell, I turned my head to quick, got sweat in my eyes, was blinded, and as a result Mitchell was able to pull a reverse to the F5! Now I'm STILL Title less.." WallStreet, "That's your problem?! My world champion is getting put on a stretcher, my Women's champion put her tampon in the wrong way, and this is the time you pick to come at me with this crap?!" Lesnar, "If I was world champion you can bet your ass I wouldn't be on a stretcher right now." WallStreet goes to say something when he looks at DSL who has an annoyed look on her face. WallStreet suddenly smirks as he says, "Fair enough... You want a title handed to you, and I need an irrelevent championship to be worth a damn so I have a solution for both of us Brock... Since my last champion couldn't do it..." WallStreet walks over and yanks the Women's title off of DSL's shoulder. DSL raises an eyebrow as WallStreet tosses the strap over Brock's Shoulder. WallStreet, "As of right now Brock Lesnar, You are the ICWA Women's Champion." The crowd laughs as Brock says, "Are you fu*king sh*ting me?!" WallStreet, "HEY, WATCH YOUR G*D DAMN MOUTH! We're on USA! And yes... yes I'm serious." Brock, "We may be friends but your pushing it now..." WallStreet, "Relax Brock, I realize the strap says "Women's Title', but look at the women in ICWA History, Alexis, Hope, Layla, Star, Krystin... I need this belt to be worth a damn, so Brock... Make this strap worth a damn... I'm not handing it to you as an insult, I'm handing it to you because I know your the one person in this company who can make that title worth having. Now get it done!" With that WallStreet gives Lesnar a big pat on the shoulder and follows the medical team who is carting Mitchell out on the stretcher as the cameras fade back to commercial *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live May 8th, 2005 | The cameras return from commercial as we see a man standing On the Stage, wearing a pair of black dress pants and a white tank top which is being mostly covered by a unbuttoned, black button up dress shirt. Hanging from his neck is a golden crucifix with an image of Jesus Christ wearing the crown of thorns and being nailed to the cross. In his hand is a microphone. , "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life... That is perhaps the most popular verse in the bible, John, Chapter 3, verse 16, and it is true... Jesus gave his life so that we could all share an eternity of bliss in a place where the streets are paved in dreams and you may have all that which you ever dreamed... An eternity of bliss and riches that surpass any that could be aqcuired here on earth... But that's just not enough for most of you is it? No, see most of you can't look beyond your sins of greed and lust to see the big picture, to see that beyond all of it could rest an eternity fit for a king... Instead you go around, demoralizing yourself at the sake of an extra dollar and telling your wives you're working late as you proceed to engage in sexual acts that would disgust the most vial of prostitutes!" At this point the crowd is growing rather displeased with the man who stands in the ring, but he lets it effect him none as he proceeds with his speach. "All of you are vial and disturbing sinners of the worst degree, the only people who have you beat are the filth and degenerate scum that lyes upon the other side of that blackened curtain... A Curtain that is not black by coincidence, it is black to represent their filty and blackened souls! 'And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.' The leader of all of you, Satan... Even he shall be casted into the lake of fire and forced to suffer the same eternal damnation as each and every one of you, yet you follow him anyway, KNOWING as the book of Revelations CLEARLY states, that you will ALL suffer ETERNAL DAMNATION!! You shall all be casted into the lake of fire! And of all the sinners I see, one stands out, one who represents everything wrong with this world! He represents Greed, he represents Lust... The man has fornicated with more women than I have even MET! He would slit his mother's throat for an extra dollar! It says right in the bible 'Love Thy Mother and love Thy Father', yet for a SINGLE, SOLIDARY DOLLAR, He would slit their throats! He..." <<<<<<<<<<<<<The Following Was Written Primarly By Snake or Stryker... I can't remember at this point , Anyway I simply Adjusted some thing so it'd work with the previous segement>>>>>>>> The time is yet set for another match, the man, Howard Finkel is standing in the ring holding a microphone, he has it raised to his lips getting ready to announce our first competitor. Howard Finkel- Making her way to the ring, accompanied by the ICWA Women's Champion Missy Bytch. She stands at a height of five feet nine and weighs in at one hundred and thirty five pounds.... DDAA...SSWWEETTT...LLLLUUUUNNNNATTTIICCC. The public address sound system suddenly comes on playing "waiting" by greenday as the lights flash off quickly. The fans start too boo and some start too scream for there favorite wrestler.. The lights slowly fade on as purple smoke begins too rise all around in the ring and along the ramp. On the titatron the words "I'm here, You better run" appear. As the lights go black again blue and purple fireworks go off in the ring appears Da Sweet Lunatic as she raises her arms. The picture goes back to Fink who still has the microphone raised to his lips, he looks at the entryway and announces the next opponent, his voice booming loudly like usual. Howard Finkel- And her opponent, he stands at a height of six feet two and weighing in at two hundred and fity pounds..... NO LIMITS...CCCHHHRRIISSTTIIAAAAAN SKYYYWAAALLKKEERR. The arena goes completely black as an announcer with a deep voice comes over the PA system and begins to countdown. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... and then red, white, and blue pyro explodes from the stage as "No Limits" Christian Skywalker comes from behind the curtain. He smiles and poses while the crowd gives him a tremendous ovation. He then walks down the ramp towards the ring as the man on the ramp seems irrate that he has just been disruppted and completly ignored to boot. Christian climbs the stairs. He walks halfway down the apron and then turns and poses for the crowd some more. He then gets into the ring. Immediately the staredown begins, both competitor's wanting this match, Christian with a hard time as of late and Lunatic returning. The match starts off with a collar and elbow tie up, Christian getting the upper hand backing Lunatic into the corner, he slowly backs away as the ref forces him to. The miund games seem to be coming rather soon. Lunatic gets out of the corner and charges at Christian, she extends her arm out going for a chlothesline but Christian ducks and springs off the opposite ropes, he waits until she is headed back and hits a dropkick putting Lunatic down on the mat. JR- What a textbook dropkick there Paul. Heyman- Agreed there JR. Christian walks over to Lunatic and picks her up by her long dark auburn hair, he lifts her up onto his shoulder and backs up, looks like a running powerslam. Christian charges forward but Lunatic squeezes her body out and pushes Christian face first into the corner, he hits and bounces off as Lunatic rolls him up, the ref gets down to count. Referee- 1..2.. Christian kicks out before the 3, Lunatic gets to her feet first standing aways behind Christian, as he gets to his feet she charges forward and grabs Christian by the head under her arm, she hits a bulldog on Christian immediately hooking the leg. Referee- 1..2. Christian once again kicks out, he is not ready for this thing to end just yet. She lifts Christian back to his feet by his golden locks, she stuffs his head under her arm in a DDT manner. Christian grabs her by her waist shoving her off to the ropes, as she comes bouncing back he nails a vicious Spinebuster causing Lunatic to hold her back riving in pain. Christian reaches down grabbing her legs in a Texas Cloverleaf, he tries turning her over but what a counter. Lunatic reverses with a small package, the ref gets down quickly counting. Referee- 1..2.. Kick out by Christian, such a close match. Christian is the first to his feet followed by Lunatic, he runs to the ropes attempting a massive chlothesline from hell but Lunatic ducks. Christian stops himself as Lunatic catches Christian with a quick Inverted DDT, after that she falls as the ref begins the standard ten count. Referee- 1...2...3...4...5...6...7..8... They both begin getting to there feet, Lunatic kicks Christian in the midsection then grabs him for a bear hug, the ref checks on everything seeing if Christian wants to quit, he shakes his head no then does an ear slap to Lunatic causing her to release the hold, he grabs her tossing her to the ropes then springs off the opposite side ropes, he connects with a nasty chlothesline from hell laying Lunatic out, Christian covers her. Referee- 1..2... Just as the ref grazes his hand on the mat, Lunatic gets her foot on the bottom rope, Christian seems annoyed. JR- What great ring tactics by Lunatic, she knew where she was and saved herself this match. Christian gets to his feet and reaches down, he grabs Lunatic's legs and crosses the left one behind her right one, he turns her over applying the dreaded Texas Cloverleaf. She screams in pain as the ref checks to see if she quits, she screams no and crawls her way to the ropes, she reaches out for the bottom rope but gets dragged away by Christian. Lunatic's hand rises above the mat, could she tap? She suddenly clinches a fist and begins her descent to the ropes again. Lunatic reaches out and grabs the ropes, the ref makes Christian break the hold as he stands up thinking he was victorious. Christian gets his arm lowered by the ref, he cannot believe she did not tap. Christian reaches down picking her up, he irish whips her to the turnbuckle then climbing it beginning the top rope ten punches, he strikes about 5 times when Lunatic strikes him in the midsection with a punch then reaches under his legs in a powerbomb position, she slams him down hard. JR- The Lunatic Virus... The Lunatic Virus, it could be over. Lunatic covers Christian, she seems very hoping to get the win, the ref counts. Referee- 1...2... Christian somehow kicks out, Lunatic can't believe it, she seems angered as she reaches into her tights and withdraws a small pair of brass knuckles. The Official doesn't seem to be in a good position to view this and as NLCS gets up and turns around, THWACK! Right across the head. DSL Drops over NLCS and hides the knuckles under his back as the referee drops down... Referee- 1.. JR- NO DAMNIT, IT CAN'T END THIS WAY. Referee- 2..3. The bell rings as Finkel announces the winner. Howard Finkel- The winner of the match... DDAA SSWWEETT LLUUNNAAAAATTIICC. The public address sound system begins playing ''Waiting'' by Green Day. <<<<<End of Whomever's writing>>>> JR, "That was a Hell of a match and that was a Hell of a nut job out here preaching before the match! Thank God he's gon..." Back in the ring DSL is having her arm raised by the offical only to be blindsided across the head with a bible. The crowd boos as the man from before stands over DSL with a look of rage on his face. NLCS Slowly pulls himself up and staggers about until he eventually turns and he two gets leveled by the good word. NLCS and DSL Both lay motionless as the man gets a grin on his face and drops the bible. As it hits the ground it flops open reviling a brick hidden within it's pages. The man grabs a microphone from a crew member and says, "Sinners... All of you, but ESPECIALLY YOU (Points down to DSL)... So long as I, Angelous Christian Cartwright, Stand here as a disciple unto the Lord all mighty above I shall wash you all of your sins, but I shall wash you and baptise you in your own blood! Jesus spilled his blood for each of you, and now, Ye` shall spill thy blood for him!" With that Angelous grabs DSL and pulls her up off the mat. He Irish whips her across the ring and sends her back first into the turnbuckles. Angelous yells something out of the ring to a crew member who just looks at Angelous like he must of just smoked a whole rock of crack. Angelous reitterates his command with much more force and the crew member drops down to a knee and lifts the ring appron as if he's looking for something under the ring. He digs about breifly but seemingly finds what he's looking for as he withdraws a... JR, "Is that... A Cat of Nine Tails?!" Sure enough our Oklahoma native is on the ball as the crew member slips the cat of nine tails ((which is an insanly devistating whip with nine lashable extensions (order yours now at ICWAShopzone.com 19.99 plus shipping and handling))) . Angelous grabs DSL and brings her over to the center of the ropes, then wraps her arms around the top rope, reaches down, and brings the middle rope up, trapping her arms in the ropes and basically invertedly crucifying her on the ring. He then grabs the Cat of Nine tails and steps back as he glares at the scarlett. Angelous draws the mic to his lips with his left hand and says, "Now pay for your sin!" WISSSSSHH CRACK! JR, "BAH GAWD! SOMEBODY GET THAT DAMNED THING AWAY FROM HIM!" WISSSSSSSSSH CRACCCCCCCK! The camera is focusing on Angelous and isn't actually showing the whip lashing the skin of DSL, but we can hear her screams loud and clear and judging by the crowd reaction which is silent but their faces are shocked, one has to assume it's a very legitimate attack. Angelous pulls back and goes to release the whip again but as he goes to lunge his hand forward he finds it stuck. Angelous turns his head and sees that NLCS has gotten up and has a hold of the Cat of Nine tails and seems less than pleased. Christian goes to lunge forward but Angelous drops back to his back and rolls under the bottom rope, escaping NLCS's attack. Christian glares into the ring but slowly begins to smirk as he walks backwards and ends up heading up the ramp. The cameras show DSL who has cuts all over her body and is bleeding quite a bit, and NLCS who is trying to free Da Lunatic. The crowd is silent as JR says, "I... Well... I'm not quite sure how to call this..." The cameras fade as officials rush down the ramp. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live May 8th, 2005 | When the cameras come back from commercial we see WallStreet in his locker room lacing a pair of Gucci dress shoes. He appears to of just showered and changed himself into his regular clothing and out of his wrestling gear when the door to his off gets a knock. WallStreet says without looking up, "Yeah..." The door opens and in steps the crew member who he'd sent to find Stryker. Crew Member, "Um sir..." WallStreet, "Yeah?" Crew Member, "Jimmy Stryker is no where to be found, Security says he hasn't been to the arena all night, he's not even on the logs..." WallStreet, "Why would Jimmy come in here, attack Jacob, and not sign himself in..." Crew Member, "Perhaps he didn't want Mitchell to know it was him, perhaps he was afraid of Mitchell's retribut..." WallStreet "HEY! Jimmy Stryker isn't Afraid of any one or thing, now shut your mouth! If Jimmy Stryker didn't sign in then he wasn't here, end of story. Which means he's been frammed for the assult on my world champion, which means that somebody out there may have just cost me a lot of money if Jacob Mitchell can't be a hundred percent by this time next week... And if someone cost me money, I think it's only appropriate that I get back my finances in trade, whether they wish to bargin or not... Say, do you have a family?" Crew Member, "Yes sir?" WallStreet, "Ever wondered what it'd be like to be on wellfare?" Crew Member, "Uh... Not really..." WallStreet, "Good, and you may not have to wonder, because if you don't find out who attacked Mitchell by this time next week, You'll be on Wellfare. Now get to work!" The crew member rushes off as the scene goes to the ring. <<<<<<The Following was written by Snake... I Think...>>>>>>> The main event of the evening, Howard Finkel stands in the ring once again holding the microphone, he begins announcing in his thunderous voice. Howard Finkel- Making his way to the ring, at a height of five feet ten inches and weighing in at two hundred and fourty pounds, from the red hook section of Brooklyn, NY.... He Is ''The Human Suplex Machine'' TAAAAAAAZZZZZZ. The lights go out in the arena as the fans grow loud with anticipation. War Machine by KISS echos through the arena as Taz’s video plays on the Titan Tron. An orange spot like sweeps the arena like a prison light searching for an escaped convict. This makes the crowd get even louder as they now believe that Taz could be coming from anywhere in the Arena. At nearly a minute into the song a blast of orange pyro explodes on the stage and then with a black towel over his head comes Taz at the same time that the singer says �?Better Watch Out, Cause I’m A War Machine! Taz walks down the ramp with his aggressive bad ass walk as JR and Heyman can be heard arguing over the abilities of the man labeled the Human Suplex Machine. Taz gets to ringside, climbs the stairs, and enters the ring. As he bends over to enter the ring the towel falls of his head. He stands in the corner of the ring with his arms crossed, just waiting for the referee to ring the bell so that he can chalk up Just Another Victim. Howard Finkel- And his opponent, at a height of six foot and weighing in at two hundred and ten pounds, from Chesterfield, England. Representing and the leader of the New World Slaughter, ''The God of War'' MMMMAAAACCCCCCEEEE. The arena is covered by pure darkness. Not like pure as in pure evil, that'd be absurd! We're talking pure as in no light. Yeah, no impurities of any kind, even French people! Well that's until the white search lights roam the arena, kind of ruining my build up and push of the pure darkness. They pass over the crowd members, who recognising the entrance, chant the name "Mace, Mace, Mace!" The spotlights tentatively pause on each exit to the arena, giving the illusion that Mace could appear from any one of them. Suddenly the darkness, and crowd's cheering and shouting are torn apart by three massive explosionson the stage. (Total bodycount: 4 dead, 3 injured.) The lights are back at full brightness as "Third Reich From The Sun" by Hanzel Und Gretyl rages through the room. The intensity of the song picks up the tempo of the whole arena, as everyone is more and more pyshced. In the damage cretaed by the over the top explosions, stands Mace, hands out to his side, one one knee. His cocky smile blazes, as he lokos up to the sky, and then around the arena. The decibels are louder than a jet engine as Mace rises to his feet, and walks slowly down the entrance ramp. "The One" sways from side to side, not due to alcohol intoxication, but to slap and shake the hands of all the dfans clamouring for the attention of their hero. Mace calmly punces onto the ring apron, looks at the crowd, and raises an arm. The crowd's cheers are like thunder clapping, as mace somersaults over the ropes, and lands in the middle of the ring on both knees, arms outstretched to soak up the fans adulation. Taz and Mace go face to face as Mace's theme dies, Taz slaps Mace in the face causing him to smile, Mace looks back to Taz as they begin exchanging lefts and rights, Mace begins to get the upper hand as Taz hits a hard knee to the gut followed by a belly to belly suplex. Mace holds his back as Taz grabs Mace to pick him up, Mace connects with a high extended kick to Taz's head knocking him down. Mace climbs ontop of Taz and begins pummeling him repeatedly with lefts and rights, Mace the aggressor right now. Taz covers up and reaches out grabbing the bottom rope to save himself from getting pummeled anymore. Mace climbs off and just looks out to all of his adoring fans, they cheer Mace's name loudly, they love him. JR- Listen to the crowd, they love Mace. Heyman- Who wouldn't, he is a tremendous athlete. JR- No doubt Paul. Taz gets back to his feet and comes in from behind putting on the Tazmission. Mace looks to be in pain as he charges backwards ramming Taz into the turnbuckle, the hold has been released. Mace turns around and begins throwing flurries of punches, very professional looking punches, his combo is deadly. A right hook then a left, a right jab then an uppercut then another right hook as Taz's body just falls lifeless hitting the mat. Mace rolls Taz over and hooks the leg. Referee- 1...2...3 The bell rings, Mace stands up as the referee raises his arm victorious. Howard Finkel announces the winner. Howard Finkel- The winner of the match, ''The God of War'' MMMAAACCCEEEEEE. Mace merely just looks at the crowd, they deafen the arena in his name as Mace just sucks it all in. <<<<<<<End of Snake Writing>>>>>> JR, "On what has been a contraversial night to say the least, you have to wonder where this is all going... What is the condition of Jacob Mitchell... Of DSL... And is Brock Lesnar really our women's champion?! I'm not sure what the Hell is going on around this place lately, but I am sure that we're gonna be back next week and you don't wanta miss it!" All Name and Copyrights Are Reserved to InterCountyWrestlingAlliance Inc. 2002 - 2005. Baring only copyrights which are legaly owned by other affiliates or non-affilates, such as Jim Ross and Paul Heyman which is copyrighted to World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. 2005. | |
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