 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 6/9/2005 8:13 PM |
ICWA Demented Live May 15th, 2005 | As Nash Bridges draws to a conclusion on USA the screen fades to black ever so briefly before ‘Encore�?by Eminem with 50 Cent and Dr. Dre blasts over the PA as the Dementa-Tron plays the Demented reel. After the pyro show the cameras begin to sweep the arena as we hear good ol Jim Ross and Paul E. Heyman from ringside. JR, "WHAT A WEEK WE HAD LAST WEEK! The ICWA is on quite the kick as it has a new Women's champion in Brock Lesnar, and we have got some stuff to show you!" Heyman, "More importantly however is that tonight we get to see Jacob Mitchell and Y2Jesus destroy each other!" JR, "That's right folks, tonight the Prodigal Son and the self proclaimed Savior go toe to toe in the main event in a non-title match, but that's not all as tonight we also have the long awaited Rematch as No Limits Christian Skywalker will finally meet once again with The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels, and that's gonna be a slobberknocker!" <<<<<<<<The Following Was Written By Snake>>>>>>> With that Howard Finkel is seen standing in the ring, he holds the microphone to his lips as he begins announcing the competitors. Howard Finkel- Making her way to the ring, from Edmonton, Alberta Canada, at a height of five foot eight and weighing in at one hundred and thirty five pounds..... BBBLLLAAZZZZEEEE IIINNNFFFEEEEERRRRNNNNOOO. Blaze Inferno walks across the screen with flames in the backround. She comes to in front of a candle and sets her hand on fire. "Do you dare...enter my world" is said by Blaze as she blows out the fire on her hands. She laughs and smoke raises above her head. Her head comes out of view as the smoke spells her name. Then flames block the entrance. There is some space made but not enough for a person to go through. Then Blaze walks through the flames and the flames go high as Blaze lowers her hands. Then the flames die down and Blaze drops a black rose on the ground and walks down the ramp. She is introduced to the ring and she walks up the stairs. She cleans her feet on the apron and enters through the second rope. Howard Finkel- And her opponent, at a height of six feet five, weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds, from Washington, D.C. he is....... CCHHRRISSSS DDEMMEENNTTEEDD. Suddenly ''Don't give a WHAT?'' by the murderers hits the public address sound system, Chris comes walking out and immediately heading to the ring. He gets in as Blaze starts off strong immediately attacking Chris, she kicks him back out of the ring and slides out after him. Chris is stumbling off holding his face as Blaze clube him in the back then grabs him by the arm tossing him shoulder first into the ringpost, the ref tells them to get back into the ring as Blaze picks Chris up and tosses him back in the ring. Blaze bends down to pick Chris up but gets raked in the eyes causing her to stumble backwards, Chris gets to his feet as Blaze runs at him but is hit with a quick superkick dropping Blaze. Chris covers Blaze but uses the ropes for leverage, the ref doesn't see it as he counts. Referee- 1...2.. Blaze gets the shoulder up, Chris seems angry as he lifts Blaze up by her long brown hair, he scopps her up and slams her hard. Chris grabs ahold of Blaze's feet and steps through trying to lock on The Punisher, Blaze however fights out grabbing the ropes before the hold gets locked on. Chris jerks Blaze off of the ropes and into the air making her land hard on her back. Chris gets down and blatantly begins choking Blaze, the ref begins the standard five count. Referee- 1...2..3...4.. Chris lets go smiling evily, the ref warns him as Chris gets to his feet stalking Blaze, he waits till she gets up and grabs her attempting the Demented bomb, Blaze knees Chris in the gut and gets a small package, the ref counts. Referee- 1...2...3 The bell sounds as Chris seems shocked, he is on his knees as Blaze has already rolled out of the ring, the ref raising her arm in victory. Howard Finkel- The winner of the match.... BBLLAAZZE IINNFFEERRNNOO. <<<<<End of Snake Writing>>>>> JR, "It looks like Blaze Inferno has won the right to select a tag team partner to meet James and WallStreet for the titles two weeks from now!" Heyman, "She had better be close, personal friends with The Terminator because that's about the only chance in Hell she has of taking those tag titles." With that the camera goes to the back where we see a lavish dressing room/Office which is being populated by the members of the Entourage. On the couch sits Bobby Johnson with his Hardcore championship slung over his shoulder as he appears to be watching the monitor waiting to see something of interest. In the side chair reading the most recent ICWA Magazine (which has Jacob Mitchell on the cover) is Shawn Allen, and behind the desk is WallStreet with Alexis in his lap. WallStreet, "Damn it!" Allen and Bobby both glance back. WallStreet, "Taz had traveling complications.... I need an opponent for James, I can't give him the night off.. If I give James the night off than he gets to freshen up and we'll never lose those damned tag straps... Shawn!" Allen looks up. WallStreet, "You're gonna face James tonight." Shawn, "Say wha..." WallStreet, "You heard me... Don't worry, Bobby and I will be at ringside, just take him out." Shawn, "Why me?" WallStreet, "Because the last time I told you to take somebody out was over 2 months ago and Y2Jesus still can't walk worth a damned." Allen laughs and says,"Fair enough." WallStreet smirks as JR Says, "Well it looks like it's gonna be James and Shawn Allen... TONIGHT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live May 15th, 2005 | As the cameras return we go to Jim Ross and Paul Heyman at ringside. JR, "Well folks, we told ya about having a new Women's champion and some footage to show but that's gonna come just a little bit later, however, last week during the ICWA Womens Title contenders match, Shantell Travis managed to seriously injure her vertibra without even realizing it till after the match." Heyman, "Blaze Inferno scooped her up and over and then Bam, right on her neck and head." JR, "We've got the footage right here folks, but be warned it's a touch graphic..." With that the Dementa Tron lights up. ICWA Demented Last Week | ...Blaze Inferno on the other hand has took initiative over Shantel Travis.. as the cameras pan over to the other side of the ring.. They see the blonde get lifted and dropped backwards onto her neck/head.. The crowd gets more into it.. 'Oo'ing when Shantel hits the mat | The Dementa - tron re-shows the footage one more time, slowing it up into slow motion so you can actually see the way Shantell lands right on her head, and watch her entire spinal column shift as you can practicly feel the neck snap. With that the Dementa-tron goes back to projecting the crowd as we go back to JR and Heyman. JR, "So as you can tell, Shantell Travis will not be with us for quite sometime as she is currently looking at her surgical options. With that in mind, let's take you to the Living Legend Larry Zybsko who is standing by with the number 1 contender to the Women's championship, Akasha." With that the scene goes to the back where just as JR had states, Larry Zybsko is standing by with Akasha. Zybsko, "With Shantell Travis injured it seemed that your chances of obtaining the Women's championship had improved, but then with the events of last week with Brock Lesnar becoming the ICWA Women's Champion... Well you have to ask yourself if obtaining the Women's title is a realistic goal at this point..." Akasha, "First of all, Brock Lesnar is a 300 pound Monkey on Steroids, WHY is he the WOMEN'S champion?! I understand that Missy Bytch is upset because da big bad bullies pick on her on the pwayground (laughs), But WallStreet's gonna replace her with BROCK LESNAR?! Come on... But ya know what, it doesn't matter, because after I beat Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble it's gonna look just that much better than if I had beaten Missy Nobody." With that Akasha walks off and we fade to the ring. <<<<<<<<<The Following Was Written By Jimmy Stryker>>>>>>>> Finkle stands in the middle of the ring as finkle raises the mic to his lips when "Blow Me Away: by Breaking Benjamin hits. The lights dim to darkness and you hear a mix reaction of cheers and chants of anti-christ as the sound of thunder and lightning echos through out the arena then Father Draks makes his way through the black gorilla curtains but it is hard to see him in the darkness, all you see is a shadow of his body holding a microphone as he walks from side to side at the top of the ramp. Father Draks drops the mic and runs to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope/ Draks then smiles a bit, and starts yelling to the crowd as Finkle speaks- Finkle: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring from Boston Massachussets weighing in at 243 pounds....He is the Holy one FATHER DRAKLYN!!! -The crowd decides to give a mixed reaction as Father Drak is seen staring down the entrance way. :"waiting" by greenday hits as the lights flash off quickly. The fans start too boo and some start too scream for there favorite wrestler.. The lights slowly fade on as purple smoke begins too rise all around in the ring and along the ramp. On the titatron the words "I'm here, You better run" appear. As the lights go black again blue and purple fireworks go off in the ring appears Da Sweet Lunatic as she raises her arms. Finkle: And his opponent.....From the streets of New York City, weighing in at 135 pounds...she is the Ultimate Extreme Hardcore Queen......DSL!!!! DSL quickly enters the ring as she is seen wearing a cross around her neck. DSL who is smiling from ear to ear waves off Father Draks signs of sin and guilt. DSL then turns to face the people who are booing her more than ever this time. Father Draks then turns around as DSL immediatly comes from behind him and nails him with a shot to the kidney area sending Drak towars the turnbuckle nailing his head into it. Drak is then seen standing straight but stumbles a bit as you see him fall to the mat as the ring shakes a bit. DSL who seems proud of herself, looks on as Drak is lying on the mat. DSL then goes over to get him now that the bell has rung as Father Drak swings a foot up nailing her in the head as she bent down to pick him up. DSL then lands onto her back as Father Drak smirks as his sucker play had paid off. JR: DSL A little rough for wear after the beating she recieved last week at the hands of the man we've come to know as Angelous Cartwright Father Drak then sands up and goes to work on DSL who is just lying on the ground. DSL is then seen jerking as Father Draks foot continues to batter her midsection. DSL then rolls to her stomach as Father Draks tries not to laugh at he damage he has done so far. Draks then picks up DSL and nails her with a huge uppercut sending DSL crashing back down to the mat holding her jaw. Draks then smirks as he then puts DSL in the Boston Crab. DSL is seen with her mouth open and screams coming out of her mouth of pain. Draks continues to push the hold on stronger than he did a moment ago. DSL then grab onto the referees pants and pulls him close only to have the referee falls down face first . The ref gets up slowly as Draks releases the hold and DSL is seen grabbing he back. Draks not finished with her yet, pick DSL up and nails her with a huge T-Bone Suplex as DSL goes flying across the ring. Draks proud of himself walks over to where DSL is but DSL pushes Drak into a corner when she hands him a hidden shot to his groin area, where the ref could not see it happen.. Draks the ngets up after dragging himself from the mat to his feet. DSL who is awaiting Drak runs up and nails him with a bulldog. Drak gets up only to get a kick in the midsecton and a huge DDT!! JR: Did you see his head hit the mat...OH MY GOD!! Heyman: Well yeah I did, but this should be a finish to a great match. DSL stands up immediatly seems Drak on the mat holding his head as she kicks his hands away from his face, then kicking him in the head laying out Drak.The referee then goes over to check on Drak and is about to call the match, but "Right Now" by Korn plays but no one comes out to the music as DSL looks up to the rampway in pure anger!! Heyman: Jimmy Stryker? Where is he? JR: Who knows The music dies down as Drak is seen rolling up DSL into a school boy...but there is no count from the referee. Drak is seen looking around as he notices the referee being distracted by a man who is outside the ring. DSL then gets up and sets herself up against the turnbuckle as Drak is walking over to the referee. As the ref turns around the other man tries to enter the ring. The referee stops him as he smiles and waves at DSL who it seems to be none other than Jimmy Stryker himself!! Jimmy exits through the gorilla curtain as DSL then goes and distracts the referee, by talking to him. DSL then slides out of the ring to get a chair as the referee follows her and starts to take the chair from her. As Drak is in the ring, out runs a man from backstage. However this man is unknown as he gets into the ring and then shakes the hand of Father Drak. While DSL is still on the outside fighting to keep the chair. The man then grabs Father Drak and nails him immediatly with a version of the F5 which knocks out Father Drak cold. DSL then slides back into the ring where she quickly rolls up Father Drak as the man leaves the ring. Ref: 1.....2.....3!! Bell rings Finkle: The winner of this match D S L!!!! <<<<<<<<End of Stryker Writing>>>>>>> JR, "What the... Who the... Who the Hell was that?!" Heyman, "Jimmy Stryker..." JR, "I Saw Jimmy, I meant the Other guy!" Heyman, "What other guy?" JR, "Oh give me a damned break!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live May 15th, 2005 | When cameras return we see Shawn Allen walking toward the gorilla position in the back, and right behind him is Bobby Johnson and WallStreet. The Entourage walks as if it has a true purpose, until from no where we can hear a voice... "MR. McCALLISTER, Mr. McCALLISTER..." The three stop as WallStreet glances over and we see the crew member who's job was threatened last week. WallStreet, "What?" Crew Member, "I found out who attacked Jacob Mitchell last week..." WallStreet, "Really... Who?" The crew member leans up and whispers in WallStreet's ear as WallStreet's eyes grow wide. WallStreet, "You're positive?" Crew Member, "Yes sir, I found video proof..." WallStreet, "Have it in my office by the time I get back." The Crew member nods and runs off as the Entourage proceeds toward the Gorilla position and we come back to the ring where finkle is standing. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, The following bout has been scheduled for one fall, it has no time limit and is a NON-Title contest... Introducing first..." main lights suddenly go out, leaving only red and blue spots to light the stage and the ramp. The first few chords of Sweet dreams Play as six beautiful women dressed in catholic schoolgirl outfits strut sensously down the ramp taking positions along it, three on each side. James slowly struts from behind the curtain, white pants and shirt adonning his body as he slowly walks out both hands crossed infront of his chest, his hands resting by his throat as he stares at the ground. Pyro erupts from the stage as the first chorus ends, james slams his hands apart easily tearing the shirt from his body to the roar of the crowd. he grins as he slowly walks down stopping and posing for a few pictures. Finkle, "Hailing From Philadelphia Pennsylvania and weighing in at 302 pounds... He is The Original Sadist, JAMES!" he walks by each group of women and they quickly step in behind him. he climbes the steps slowly and hops the ropes walking to one side and slowly running his hand over his head then down his body sugestivly. he walks to the center of the ring, as the girls slowly run their hand over his body, he smirks as they slowly get out of the ring, raising his hands into the air and turning slowly before hopping up on the turnbuckle and sitting on it, leaning back relaxedly and flirting with some women in the audience. As he does so, 911 By D12 and Cypress Hill blasts over the PA as the arena is light up by Gold lights. Out from behind the curtain, lead by Shawn Allen, comes the Entourage. Finkle, "On his way to the ring, he is accompanied to ringside by Entourage members Bobby Johnson and The WallStreet Brawler Mr. Taylor McCallister, He is The Walking Legacy, SHAWN_ALLLLENNNNN!" The crowd boos as WallStreet and Allen both Smirk and Johnson keeps a fairly serious look about him. The three walk down the ramp and Allen slides in under the bottom rope as the lights slowly adjust and the music fades away. Referee Nick Patrick calls for the bell as James puts up his finger as to say 'Hold on a minute'. James then unstraps the nWWF Title from around his waste and tosses it to Patrick. Patrick hands it down to a crew member as James then takes the tag strap from his left arm and hands that to Patrick. Patrick hands that title down to a crew member as well. James finally grabs the CWA Heavyweight title from his left shoulder and extends it out to Patrick. Patrick goes to grab it but James suddenly lunges forward and nails Allen between the eyes. The crowd gives a mixed reaction as The Entourage slides in the ring. James steps face to face with WallStreet, daring him to hit him. WallStreet seems annoyed but suddenly smirks as he says, "Bobby, handle it." Bobby cracks his knuckles and his neck as Allen is slowly pulling himself up on the ropes. JR, "This isn't gonna be a match, it's gonna be a muggin!" Bobby grabs his Hardcore championship from his shoulder and arms himself as James backs up and gets into a fighting stance. Bobby goes to spring forward but suddenly spins around and wraps Allen upside the head with his title. The crowd cheers as WallStreet's eyes grow big. WallStreet looks up and sees James and Bobby both stalking him. WallStreet suddenly springs his back off the ropes and lunges forward, looking for a double clothesline but as he comes across James and Bobby he wraps em up and is actually giving them both a hug. The crowd begins to boo loudly as all three men get smirks on their faces. WallStreet looks at Bobby and points down at Allen, "Pick that sack of shit up!" Bobby bends down and hoist Allen up as WallStreet says something to Bobby and James. Bobby Irish whips Allen across the ropes, as Allen bounces back James catches him and nails the 'My Roots' (Diamond Cutter off the ropes). At this stage the crowd is starting to throw things toward the ring. JR, "What the Hell is this?! I can't believe this... James has just... he's just... well he's turned his back on the fans and on everything he's faught for over the course of the last FOUR years is what he's done!" Heyman, "No, He FINALLY got a BRAIN!" Back in the ring James and Bobby pick Allen up and hold him by the arms as WallStreet yells at one of the outside ring crew members. They hand him up a black steal chair. JR, "Oh come on... Don't do this! The man's had enough!" WallStreet pulls back, then... CRACK! WallStreet plasters him across the head but just as he does the lights in the arena go out JR, "Now what the Hell is goin on?!" When the lights come so does the Dementa-Tron where we see Alexis Davis laid out in the Entourage locker room, soaked in blood... So much blood in fact that it can't possible be her own as she'd clearly be dead. WallStreet's jaw drops as his eyes widen while the cameras slowly pan over to the wall, where written in blood it says. Next Week - ICWA Demented Old School Returns...
Johnny Invincible WallStreet glares at the screen and begins laying numerous hard stomps into the back of Allen until eventually Bobby and James pull him back. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live May 15th, 2005 | As the cameras finally return we go to the back where WallStreet, Johnson, and James are just arriving to the Entourage Locker room where Alexis is out on the floor. WallStreet, "That son of a bitch!" James glances over to WallStreet's desk and says, "I see he left ya a tape..." WallStreet glances up, "No, that's video footage from our servalance cameras of the attack on Jacob Mitchell last week... Apparently it wasn't Jimmy Stryker at all." James, "Ah..." Bobby, "Shouldn't we be focused on what just happened to Alexis?" WallStreet, "Don't worry, I am... Go grab a medic team, I need to set up a little welcoming party for Mr. Invincible next week." WallStreet smirks as the scene fades to the ring. <<<<<<<The Following Was Written By Snake>>>>> The camera focuses on the rampway as everybody hears Howard Finkel announcing the competitors. Howard Finkel- Making his way to the ring, at a height of six feet two and weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds, from Silver Springs, New York... NO LIMITS..... CCCHHHRRRIIISSSTTTIIIAAANNN SSKKYYYWWAALLKKEERR. The arena goes completely black as an announcer with a deep voice comes over the PA system and begins to countdown. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... and then red, white, and blue pyro explodes from the stage as "No Limits" Christian Skywalker comes from behind the curtain. He smiles and poses while the crowd gives him a tremendous ovation. He then walks down the ramp towards the ring and he climbs the stairs. He walks halfway down the apron and then turns and poses for the crowd some more. He then gets into the ring and awaits Shawn Michaels. Howard Finkel- And his opponent, from San Antonio, Texas... The Heartbreak Kid....SSSHHAAWWN MMIICCHHAAEELSSSSS. ''Sexy Boy'' begins playing over the public address sound system, HBK comes walking out in his traditional ring attire, he gets on the ramp and gets down on his knees in his usual manner as fireworks explode everywhere. HBK gets up and gets to the ring, NLCS immediately starts off with attacking HBK, he clubs him in the back and stomps on him while he is on the ground, he lifts him up by his hair and tries tossing him to the ropes but HBK reverses and tosses NLCS, on his way back he hits a large back body drop on NLCS. HBK takes off his vest as NLCS gets to his feet, HBK comes in with immediate chops to the chest of NLCS causing him to rive in pain while holding his chest. HBK grabs NLCS out of the corner and hits a scoop slam then getting down slapping on a sleeper hold, NLCS grabs the ropes as HBK releases the hold. HBK goes to kick NLCS but gets his foot grabbed and tripped, NLCS begins kicking the knee of HBK causing him to try getting to the ropes, NLCS gets to his feet fully while dragging HBK away from the ropes, he kicks the knee again then grabs his legs turning him over into the dreaded Texas Cloverleaf. HBK reaches for the ropes in great pain, he shakes his head no to quitting and crawls for the ropes, he grabs the bottom nylon rope causing NLCS to break the hold. HBK struggles to his feet by using the ropes, NLCS comes in landing some hard right hands and irish whips HBK to the ropes, he goes for a chlothesline from hell but HBK ducks and bounces off the opposite ropes and hits a flying lariat as both men fall on the mat. The ref goes to start the standard ten count but HBK kip's up and begins getting that adrenaline pumping, he slaps his leg signaling for the band, he walks to the nearest corner and begins stomping on the mat, the sign of the Sweet Chin Music. NLCS gets to his feet as he turns around, HBK lunges forward trying for the Sweet Chin Music but NLCS ducks under the kick, HBK turns around and gets hit with a brutal spinebuster, NLCS gets to his feet and climbs the top ropes, he jumps off hitting a frogsplash hooking the leg of HBK. Referee- 1..2.. HBK gets the shoulder up showing great resillience, NLCS looks surprised as he gets to his feet smiling widely, he backs up and begins mocking HBK's signaling for the band. HBK gets to his feet and turns around only to get hit by his own superkick. NLCS quickly covers HBK. Referee- 1...2...3 The ref signals for the bell, he then raises the arm of the victorious NLCS as Howard Finkel announces the winner. Howard Finkel- The winner of the match.... NO LIMITS.... CCCHHRISSSTTIANNN SSKKYYWWAAAALLKERRR. <<<<<<<<<End of Snake Writing>>>>>> JR, "Well folks, when you're ICWA Women's champion there are certain commitments out of the ring that you have to uphold and when Brock Lesnar took over for Missy Bytch, he got all of her pryer commitments as well... Let's take a look at Brock Lesnar's week." ICWA Demented Over The Past Week | The scene opens up showing the bright afternoon sun shinning down on what appears to be a local high school. The cameras fade into the school and we see Brock Lesnar in a pair of black jeans, a black 'Here comes the pain' T Shirt, and the Women's championship slung over his shoulder. He has a set of index cards in his hands from which he is reading and in front of him is a large room of senior and junior high school girls. Brock, "Ladies, I am the ICWA Women's Champion place your name here and... erm.. I mean Brock Lesnar, and I am here to talk to you about Breast Cancer. Now as a woman myself ( a few girls giggle) this is a subject that is near and dear to my heart... I was actually just about your ages when I started checking myself for lumps... This is the age where you need to become informed and aware. So I will now demonstrate how to perform a self examination of your breasts for cancerous lumps..." Brock, who looks less than ammused and a little unsure on how to do this, begins poking and rubbing at his chest. Brock, "Okay, will ya look at that, Brest cancer free... anyway..." With that Lesnar goes back to the index cards and says, "Don't let yourselves become a victim ladies... Even though you now know how to self examine yourselves, you should get check ups regularly. Now I know some of you may not feel comfortable having a male physician check you for breast cancer but I have to say that my doctor is a whole hunk of sexy if you know what I mea..." At this point the women are laughing pretty hard and Brock's about pissed off... Scratch that, he is pissed off. Brock, "Ah to Hell with this horse sh*t!" Brock walks out as the women continue to laugh and we fade to break | *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live May 15th, 2005 | With that the cameras return and we see The Fink standing in the ring. <<<<<<The Following Was Written By Snake>>>> The bell sounds as the camera shows Howard Finkel, he has the microphone pressed to his lips as he begins announcing the competitors. Howard Finkel- The match is scheduled for one fall, on his way to the ring, at a height of six feet and weighing in at two hundred and thirty five pounds, he is The Self Appointed Savior....YY22JJEESSUUSS. -()- Suddenly the lights in the arena dim and the Titan Tron flickers to life with the symbol for the Inter County Wrestling Alliance . A few heartbeats later and some hard guitar riffs begin pulsating through the PA system. Up atop the entrance ramp, in the middle of the stage a bright collum of gold light shoots up from underneath, illuminating the darkness. The rythmic guitar riffs continue and 36 seconds into the song ICWA symbol is crushed by a falling graphic that says Y2Jesus. The crowd erupts in a mixed reaction, the lights around the Titan Tron begin strobing bright white and gold as the tempo speeds up again. The climax of which shows the Y2Jesus graphic explode as his tron video begins playing. " Desire" by rock icon Ozzy Osborune is heard blasting over the PA system. " I always knew what I wanted to be I knew for sure, I knew for sure! Always knew it was them or me I wanted more, more and more! It's alright! it's OK! None of them people gonna take it away! They don't know like I know, And I can't stop 'cause it drives them crazy! It drives them crazy! Cause I won't be cool! It's too late baby..." -()- As the song plays you see the Self Appointed Savior of the ICWA rise up from underneath the ramp like how the Brood used to do way back when. He pauses with his back turned to the audience, he hands in prayer before spining around and holding them out in a grand fashion. -()- "It's the same old desire Nothing has changed, nothing the same Burning like fire Don't you ever take my name in vain, oh yeah!" -()- As he stands proudly atop the ramp as a shower of gold pyro erupt behind him from atop the Bud Vision (think Christian's old entrance), and some firework like pyro explode above him in a teardrop type fashion. He pauses and soaks up the crowd reaction, the light from beneath the ramp shutting off. His reknowed smirk graces his face as he looks about the jam packed arena. -()- "Always moving, somewhere else to be Moving on, moving on! Scream at you and you scream at me Right or wrong, right or wrong! It's alright! it's OK! No one's ever gonna take us away! 'Cause they don't know, like I know I gotta keep rocking, 'cause it makes me crazy! It makes me crazy! Who needs to be cool?! Life's amazing..." -()- Y2J smiles widely as he spins around on the top of the ramp. Y2J begins walking in a very cocky manner, his flowing brown locks trail behind him as the golden specs from the fireworks fall all around him. He struts and primps, tossing his hair, pausing and jabbering with the fans a few times as he approaches the ring. -()- "It's the same old desire Crazy train, crazy train Burning like fire Don't you ever take my name in vain!" -()- Y2J gets to the ring and stomps up the steps one at a time, getting up on the apron. He pauses and wipes his shoes on the outside before stepping through the ropes. -()- " Same old desire Nothing has changed, nothing the same Burning like fire Don't you ever take my name in vain Oh, yeah!" -()- He goes to the center of the ring and holds out his arms motioning up and down his body playing to the crowd as a shower of flashbulbs rains down on the arrogent Y2J. He smirks at his opponent before climbing atop the nearest turnbuckle and posing again, the long guitar solo in the song accompnaying him as he poses for the fans. Y2J hops off the turnbuckle and walks over to the ropes as the song begins to fade and the house lights return to normal. Y2J takes off the top part of his old robes he used to wear and hands it to a tech guy at rinside. -()- The voice of Howard Finkel heard again announcing the next competitor in this match, his voice booming loudly. Howard Finkel- And his opponent, from Honolulu, Hawaii, at a height of six foot six and weighing in at two hundred and sixty five pounds, he is the ICWA World Heavyweight Champion, The Prodigal Son.... JJAACCOOBBB MMIITTCCHHHEELLLLLLL. The lights in the arena begun to flicker, as the commentators and crowd watches the titantron waiting for the upcoming superstars introduction movie to hit. Red and Gold colored lights fill the arena, as the small projector in front of the stage begin to flash with Jacob's face and one of his trademark tattoo signs. Finally, the guitar strums opening up "The Propaganda" by Limp Bizkit plays over the P.A. System. The crowd jumped to their feet, cheering Jacob anxiously waiting the arrival of The Prodigal Son. The black curtain was seen pushed to the side as Jacob slowly struts out and stopped at the top with his head cocked a bit to the back and around his waist was the ICWA Championship. Jacob stopped on the top of the ramp, right before the walk down begun and held both arms out to his side with an cocky smirk on his face while he waves the crowd down. A few seconds past, nothing but a reaction that was phenomenal if anything. Jacob dropped his arms back down to his side as he begun his path towards the ring. He had on his black tights, and tribal design on the back of his tights, which was outlined with a gold stroke, and in silver letters 'MITCHELL' which was also stroked with a gold outline. Once he reached the middle of the ramp he looked towards the ring for a split second and then slowly dropped down to his left knee while bracing himself with his left arm and looked down towards the ramp under him. Jacob's eyes was seen closing asa slight spotlight beamed down onto him, giving him the eerie site of the light bouncing off his body making it seem like you were in the presence of a God. Sparks fell from the top of the titantron as the crowd grew more hectic. Cheers boomed through the arena as after a few seconds, Jacob pushed himself back up scowered the remainder of the ramp. He walked towards the ring apron and pulled himself up, slowly. Jacob got into the ring and walked over to the ring post in the far right-hand side, while rubbing the ICWA Championship from smudges. He pulled himself up and extended his arms again while a few gold and white lights beamed down on Jacob, exposing his deep muscle definition. The light now not just beamed off of him, but shot off the ICWA Championship. Jacob's eyes travelled through the crowd as camera flashes and more cheers filled the arena. He dropped his arms back down to his side and let himself fall back back down to the mat landing on both feet. He then begun to make his way to the turnbuckle in the opposite side from where he stood at the moment. Jacob climbed up the turnbuckle again and held his arms out, gathering much more cheers this time around. He moved his hands behind him and unstrapped the ICWA Championship and held it by it's strap to his side. He hoisted the title into the air as chants of "Prodigal Son" begun to start up, that only fed his ego more, bringing a wider smirk upon his face. He dropped down to the mat and back over towards the first turnbuckle he taunted in and perched himself up onto the turnbuckle. Jacob handed the title to the ref. The bell rings as Jesus and Jacob walk up to eachother, they have a brief staredown as Jesus immeditely locks up with Jacob, they have a power struggle as Jesus starts off with a standing headlock, he wrenches back as Jacob struggles to get out but Jesus keeps on the pressure. Jacob tosses Jesus to the ropes and hits an arm drag as they both get up and then Jesus hits an arm drag combining it with an armbar. Jacob struggles and rives in pain, Jesus applies more pressure, his knee rested on Jacob's shoulderblade. Jacob begins getting back to his feet but is dropped by a kick to the midsection, Jesus holds the armbar back on as Jacob looks in pain, the ref checks to see if Jacob will give up. Jacob begins building up strength and gets to his feet, he begins back elbowing Jesus in the gut with his free arm causing him to release the hold. Jacob runs to the ropes as Jesus attempts a chlothesline but Jacob ducks under his arm, he bounces off the other rope and jumps hitting a crossbody pinning Jesus, the ref counts. Referee- 1..2.. Jesus kicks out, Jacob gets to his feet and clubs Jesus in the back keeping him down, he grabs him by his blonde hair pulling him up hitting a hard scoop slam, he sits Jesus up and applies a sleeper hold. Jesus struggles and gets to his feet, he drops to his butt hitting Jacob with a jawbreaker. Jacob holds his jaw rearing in pain as Jesus hits a hard kick in the gut then hits a hard snap suplex causing Jacob to arch his back in pain. Jesus goes to grab Jacob but gets tripped, Jacob grabs Jesus's leg and puts on a half crab, he begins working on the right knee of Jesus, Jacob obviously did his homework for tonight's match. Jesus rives in pain as the ref checks up on him to see if he quits, Jesus refuses to quit and begins crawling towards the ropes to try and get a rope break. He gets right there and reaches out but Jacob drags him away from the rope keeping the pressure applied on the right knee, Jesus's weak knee. Jacob lowers his position making Jesus have to work harder to try and get out. Jesus crawls towards the ropes again, he reaches out and gets ahold of the bottom nylon rope, the ref immediately makes Jacob break the hold, he does so and grabs Jesus leg but Jesus gets a small package. Referee- 1...2.. Jacob kicks out, he is now angry as he sees Jesus holding his right knee, Jacob knows that is his weak knee. Jacob suddenly stomps on Jesus right knee causing him to rive in pain, he immediately puts on a leg lock working on the right knee again. Jesus screams out in pain and tries reaching for the ropes but is too far away, Jacob keeps the hold locked on as Jesus begins his descent to the ropes, he somehow gets to the ropes as Jacob lets go, he gets to his feet taunting Jesus to get to his feet. Jesus stumbles to his feet as Jacob charges in for the Prodigal Drop but Jesus shoves him away then on his way back hitting a hard DDT onto Jacob. Jesus begins building up stamina as he begins climbing to the top rope, he needs the desperation diving headbutt. Jesus dives off but Jacob rolls out of the way, he quickly gets to his feet taunting Jesus to get up again. Jesus gets up and turns around and is hit with The Prodigal Drop, Jacob hooks the leg. Referee- 1...2...3. The bell rings as everybody hears Howard Finkel declaring the winner. Howard Finkel- Here is your winner, The Prodigal Son....Jacob MMIITTCCHHEELL. <<<<<<End of Snake Writing>>>>> Y2Jesus rolls out of the ring in disapointment of his loss as senior referee Tim White raises the Prodigal arm of our heavyweight champion. Suddenly the lights begin to flicker as 'Right Now' by Korn begins blasting over the PA. JR, "What business does Jimmy Stryker have out here?!" Heyman, "He is the number 1 contender JR." Mitchell leans on the ropes looking up the ramp, waiting for Stryker to make his appereance.. As Mitchell waits the crowd begins to boo and the cameras pan out as we see Our dark cloaked figure stalking Mitchell. Mitchell can hear the crowd so he glances behind him and then BAM! Right across the forehead with the Monkey wrench again. The music fades and the lights readjust as the cloaked figure stands over the lifeless Mitchell in victory. JR, "DAMN YOU STRYKER! DAMN YOU STRAIGHT TO HELLLLL!!" Suddenly Right Now hits the PA for its's second time and out from behind the curtain comes a second man who looks the same as the first. This man however, stands on the ramp and pulls his hood down to revile that he is infact the NRA Legends champion and former ICWA Champion, Jimmy Stryker. JR, "Wait... If that's Stryker than... Than... WHO THE HELL IS THAT?!" The music fades as Jimmy brings a mic up to his lips, "The man who stands before you is merely a false image... I did not attack Mitchell last week, and I didn't this week either... Why would I? I want our young prodigal friend at a hundred percent for the Rumble as it will make it that much sweeter when I regain my World championship... Now, whomever you are... You will revile yourself, or I will walk down there and uncloak you myself..." The cloaked figure in the ring remains as he is and Jimmy nods, drops the mic and starts walking down the ramp as the fans are actually cheering. Jimmy gets to the ring, pulls himself up, and gets into the ring but as he does, the cloaked figure exits the ring between the second and third ropes. Jimmy shakes his head and steps over the top rope, giving chase as the cloaked man hops the crowd barricade and rushes off. JR, "What the Hell... What's going on around here?!" All Name and Copyrights Reserved to InterCountyWrestlingAlliance Inc. 2002 - 2005. | |
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