The half an hour ICWA Pay Per View Pre Show hosted by Michael Cole has just drawn to an end and the screen slowly fades out on the ICWA Copyright information at the bottom of the screen. With that ‘Won’t Back Down�?by Fuel begins playing as the Royal Rumble video package plays.
Male Narrator, "And now without further ado, Gatorade and the ICWA are proud to present ICWA Royal Rumble TWO!"
As ‘Won’t Back Down�?continues to blast we go into the sold out Joe Louis Arena where the opening pyro explodes, setting the crowd into a frenzy.
JR, "WELCOME TO ROYAL RUMBLE TWO! I’m Jim Ross alongside Paul Heyman and tonight is gonna be a Slobber KNOCKER!"
Heyman, "Our smallest card of the year by match number, but perhaps, next to Thunderstruck, our biggest event of the year as tonight, 30 of the ICWA’s finest will battle for the opportunity to go to the single biggest event in this business�?ICWA Thunderstruck, and compete with the ICWA Heavyweight champion in the main event for the title!"
JR, "Absolutely no question, the ICWA Royal Rumble match is huge! Athletes the caliber of a Matt Matlock and a Bobby Johnson battling it out, plus we have 3 mystery entrants, and the boss himself, WallStreet, will be in the Rumble."
Heyman, "And let me say right now that Mr. McCallister is my pick to win it all."
JR, "Of course he is."
Heyman, "Well who’s your pick?"
JR, "It’s hard telling�?If ya go by heart you have to put the advantage to Blaze Inferno�?But if it comes down to experience, former ICWA Royal Rumble winner Brock Lesnar stands out�?Of course if it comes down to raw strength ya can’t look past Johnny Invincible, and if it becomes a battle of psychology, then I’ll admit that the ball ends up in WallStreet’s court�?But while I don’t know who will win the Rumble, I DO know that it’s gonna be one Hell of a Barn Burner!"
Heyman, "Speaking of "burning", the little torch Jacob Mitchell has lit for himself will be extinguished tonight!"
*Match banner*
The crowd erupts seeing the main event match banner as JR says, "Jacob Mitchell and Jimmy Stryker finally go head to head inside of a Three Tear Cage to determine just who is the very best in the ICWA. And ya have to look past just a man battling a man, this is so much more than that�?This is about the never ending battle between the young blood of this sport and the seasoned Vets who have entered a time of controversy in their career where arguments ensue over whether they have gone as far as they can go in this sport and need to withdraw, or if there’s still more that can be done. It’s the same battle that has been waging since the dawn of this sport, since an older George Hackendschmidt came across a young Frank Gotch, since an older Buddy Rodgers came across a young Ric Flair, an older Bruno Samartino and a younger Larry Zybsko, An older Hulk Hogan and a Younger Jeff Jarratt�?Folks this is the ultimate test for both these men. Is Jacob Mitchell in a position to cement his status as a legitimate competitor and champion, to officially climb over that first rung on that long ladder of his legacy, or is Jimmy Stryker right? Is Jacob Mitchell a fluke champion coasting on Beginners luck? And for Jimmy Stryker, is he still a prime time athlete? Does he still have what it takes to not only climb the mountain, but to then stake his claim at the top and remain there, strong as ever? Folks, this is as much a physical battle as it is an internal battle of ‘Do I Have it?�? Does Jacob Mitchell "have it" yet, and does Jimmy Stryker "have it" Still?!"
Heyman, "And most importantly�?Does JR EVER get tired of hearing himself talk?!"
<<<<<<<The Following Was Written By Matt Matlock>>>>>>>
"Dead Bodies Everywhere" by KoRn comes on over the PA system. The Lights go out except a single blood red spot light which makes it's way to the top of the ramp. Akasha comes out with her long black trenchcoat on out from behind the curtian. She makes her way down the ramp with the lights still out.
Howard Finkle: The following is the opening contest of the ICWA Royal Rumble. It is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the ICWA Women's Championship. Introducing first, from Dracula's castle. She weighs one hundred twenty eight pounds and stands at five feet seven inches. The queen of the vampires...AKASHA!
She climbs into the ring and she raises her arms up and Red pyro goes off threw out the arena. The lights come back on and Akasha Yels for them to shut of her music.
JR: Well we are just about ready to get started tonight folks. And tonight's opening match should be a very interesting one indeed.
Heyman: I still think its a joke that Brock Lesnar is holding the women's championship.
JR: Well he seems proud of it. And he is going to defend it here momentarily
The chords of the electric guitar sound and the familiar sound of "Next Big Thing" hits the PA system. From behind the curtain comes Brock Lesnar. He stands at the top of the ramp and soaks in the fan reaction, which isnt very positive, then he begins to jump from side to side to get himself pumped up. He then slowly begins to walk down the ramp.
Howard Finkel: And her opponent. From Minneapolis, Minnesota. He weighs in at two hundred and ninety five pounds and stands at six feet five inches. He is the ICWA Women's Champion...BROCK LESNAR!
He gets to the bottom of the ramp and the stops to do some more pumping up. He then leaps up onto the apron which sends pyro from each of the four ringposts. He then gets into the ring and hands the belt off to the referee. He and Akasha look at one another as the bell rings.
JR: Well here we go.
Heyman: It should be interesting to see a young woman get massacred at the start of the pay per view.
JR: Well don't count Akasha out just yet Paul.
The bell sounds, and Brock puts his arms up in the air, asking Akasha to tie up. She doesn't, and instead punches Brock in the face. She does so again and again and then makes an attempt to irish whip Brock to the ropes. However he's just to big, as he pulls her in for a massive clothesline, knocking Akasha to the mat. He bends down and picks her up by the hair and lifts her up into a military press, and then quickly turns it into a gorilla press slam. Brock hooks the leg and covers. One...two...Akasha kicks out!
Heyman: Stupid girl.
JR: Akasha showing her resolve by kicking out.
Lesnar picks up a dazed Akasha, and drives his knee into her stomach once...twice...three times. He irish whips her to the ropes. As she comes back she leaps and attempts a hurricanrana, which is easily countered by Brock into a hard powerbomb. Lateral press cover by Brock. One...two...Akasha gets the shoulder up! This doesn't please Brock, as he bends down and talks some trash to the "queen vampire". He slaps her a few times as the crowd boos. But then Akasha suddenly pokes him in the eyes. This buys her a few seconds to get to her feet. As Brock turns around, he gets a jumping roundhouse kick to the side of the head, actually taking the big man off his feet. Akasha runs off the ropes and hits a leg drop on Brock, followed by a cover. One...Brock powers out! Brock looks to get to his feet, but Akasha comes running and drives her knee into his face, knocking him back down.
JR: Well I think this match has become something Brock wasn't expecting.
Heyman: And what is that JR?
JR: A challenge, that's what. The challenger Akasha is putting up a great fight.
Heyman: I know Brock Lesnar, and this little comeback of hers won't last very long.
Akasha connects with a chop block to Brock's leg, keeping the former NCAA champion on his knees. She grabs his large legs and manages to get the ankle lock locked in. Brock is in some pain, but it's obvious the move isn't very effective due to the large size difference between the two. After a few moments of struggle, Brock kicks Akasha away sending her to the ropes. He gets to his feet as she comes running at him. Out of nowhere Brock connects with a massive powerslam. He hooks the leg. One...two...Akasha gets a shoulder up! Brock shouts at the ref, thinking it was a three count. All of a sudden the Dementa-Tron comes on, and we see Brock's wife, Torrie Wilson-Lesnar standing there. She looks up at the camera and in a shaking voice begins to read.
Torrie: "Brock�?Brock, Cali has me�?but so far I am unharmed�?Cali wants you to know that you and her have unfinished business. Win, Loss or Draw tonight against Akasha, Cali wants a match against you on the next demented"
The camera focuses in on Cali. She smirks and then winks at the camera.
Cali: "Just so you don’t have a coronary Brock, Torrie will be released after this message has been delivered. You will find her safe and sound, but I warn you Brock, try and screw me and see just how vengeful I can be. This time�?I’m being nice. Just scaring her a little, making you realise how serious I am. Cross me and next time I won’t play so nice. I’ll be waiting Brock"
The camera fades to black, as Brock is leaning on the ropes shouting. He doesn't notice that Akasha is back to her feet. She dropkicks Brock in the back of the head, which sends him to the outside. Akasha heads for the top rope and comes off with a shooting star press to the outside on Brock.
JR: Oh my! Amazing talent shown by the challenger. She nailed that shooting star press perfectly.
Heyman: JR, it doesn't matter. This skinny little woman can't beat Brock Lesnar.
JR: Didn't you also say Brock would never be able to F-5 The Big Show?
Heyman: ....
After a bit of struggle, Akasha gets the big man to his feet. She rolls him into the ring, and then goes for a cover.! Brock gets a shoulder up. Akasha doesn't let up at all, stepping right on Brock's face. She punches Brock several times in the face, before pulling him up to his feet. Running off the ropes she comes back and hits a spinning DDT and makes another cover. One...two...Brock kicks out again. It's Akasha's turn to be frustrated. She argues with the referee now, not paying attention to Brock. He gets up though, and as Akasha gets up she's lifted up for the F-5. But she worms her way out of it and slides down Brock's back. Showing that she a good deal of strength, she manages to roll him up with a sunset flip. One...two...Brock kicks out. They both get to their feet and Akasha goes for the big roundhouse kick again. This time Brock was ready and catches her leg and turns her over into the Brock Lock!
Heyman: This is the end JR.
JR: I don't see any way of Akasha getting out of this one, but you never know.
***Akasha fights the pain, and despite her flexibility it does hurt. But the move is locked in dead center of the ring, and Akasha can't seem to pull away from Brock to get at the ropes. She lasts several minutes, but finally she's forced to tap out.
Howard Finkel: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of match via a submission and STILL your ICWA Women's Champion...BROCK...LESNAR!
Brock doesn't let go of the move right away.
JR: Oh for gawd sakes. Thats enough. Let go of the damn move!
He finally does as the crowd boos. Brock is handed his woman's title belt as the ref checks on Akasha.
Heyman: Well what did I tell you JR? I told you Brock would come out with a victory, and he did.
JR: That he did, but Akasha put up a great fight considering what she was up against. It was an interesting match, and certainly a hell of a way to open up the royal rumble.
Heyman: Well we aren't done just yet. We have Alexis & DSL in an anything goes match coming up next.
<<<<<<<End of Matlock Writing>>>>>>
With that we go to the back where we see NLCS Standing around with a bottle of X �?Factor Berry Fruit Punch Gatorade in his hand. He takes a long drink before his eyes widen slightly and he’s forced to put the bottle down to the side.
No Limits, "What are you doing here?! I can’t believe you made it clear out to Detroit to support me for my Unified title match!"
"Yeah well, That isn’t exactly the only reason I’m here�?
The crowd pops thinking they recognize the voice as the camera slowly pans out�?/FONT>
The crowd explodes as JR says, "KAMA KAZI KAUKASIAN!! KK IS AT THE ROYAL RUMBLE!"
Heyman, "Here’s a man who I would have LOVED to of had in the ECW. If he’s not EXTREEEEEEEMEE, I don’t know who the Hell is!"
No Limits seems slightly confused as he says, "What’s on your agenda KK?"
Kamakazi, "The ICWA Heavyweight Championship."
The crowd erupts as Christian raises an eyebrow and says, "What?! You’re gonna run in on the headliner?"
KK Smirks, "Pfft, I’m gonna be the headliner�?At ICWA Thunderstruck, AFTER I win the ICWA Royal Rumble tonight!"
The crowd pops as JR says, "KK’S IN THE RUMBLE?!?!"
The cameras fade on KK’s smirking face to the ring.