 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 9/1/2005 8:27 PM |

| Date: Tuesday August 30th, 2005 | Arena: Savis Center, St. Louis Missouri | Commentators: Jim Ross & Paul Heyman | Theme: Encore by Eminem w/ Dr. Dre & 50 Cent | Deadline: USA Eastern Time: 9pm Tuesday | Dark Match 1 | Kit "Da Shit" Damagio V.S. Kurt "The Squirt" Mangola | Winner: Kit "Da Shit" Damagio via "Da Shit" ((Modified 450 Splash)) | Crowd Reaction: 1 - The crowd found this the oppertune time to go purchase their ICWA Merchindice and refreshments. Other than an occasional "Who Are You" chant, the crowd didn't seem into this bout. The only real pop was when Damagio hit his modified 450 Splash, and even that didn't get over too well. | Heyman's Thoughts: WallStreet is a giving man, perhaps too giving as he was certainly over sharing ICWA Time with these two Pura Locura rookies. They need to get back in the ring with trainers the likes of KamaKazi Kaukasian and Kurt Angle, and really go to town if they expect to ever make it in the ICWA. | Dark Match 2 | Alexis Fullington V.S. Snake Eyes | Winner: Snake Eyes via the "Venom Touch" ((Hip toss Powerbomb)) | Crowd Reaction: 5 - The crowd wasn't hyped persay, but who can't get into two very attractive women fighting it out. Snake Eyes seemed to really draw most of the reaction from the crowd, but Alexis did contribute once or twice by getting her self in compramising situations that showed off her "goods" if you will. | Heyman's Thoughts: Let's be honest, in America Women's wrestling is a joke... It's used to show off some attractive women and draw the male crowd to the screen, but Snake Eyes really put on a good show. Alexis left a bit to be desired but, I think Snake Eyes could successfully carry her again. I'd promote WallStreet to go ahead and book the match on Demented with the Bra and Panties stipulation. Let's build an angle with Snake Eyes, and hey, if Alexis can get herself together, the oppertunity's there for her too. | Dark Match 3 | John Cena V.S. PWT Tag Team Champion Christian Michaels | Winner: Christian Michaels | Crowd Reaction: 7 - Christian Michaels mere presence gauranteed a minimum of a 5 reaction, but the fact that he actually put on a show brought the crowd even higher into the match. Cena disappointed a bit but CM seemed to carry him well enough that the crowd didn't even notice as they cheered both men. Christian Michaels got himself over more so than Cena, but the fans were clearly into this bout regardless. | Heyman's Thoughts: John Cena disappointed me a little, I really expected a better show from the self proclaimed Doctor of Thuganomics... Regardless, CM kept his normal level of high performance and as a result, carried this bout and really left a great taste in the mouth of the St. Louis fans who are awaiting the rumored merger between ICWA and PWT. It's time for WallStreet to offer the entire world the same show that St. Louis got and place Christian Michaels on Demented. | Match 1 | Scott Jensen V.S. Taz | Winner: Scott Jensen | No Disqualifications | The Winner Will Challange for The Hardcore Title next week | Match 2 | Cali V.S. Brock Lesnar | Winner: Brock Lesnar | Women's Title | | Match 3 | CANCELLED - Neither Showed Up | Akasha V.S. Steve Weigel | Singles | SDE Maybe dead and gone but the fans who remember the promotion get to relive it for one match only as we see former SDE Top Names in singles action. | Match 4 | No Limits Christian Skywalker V.S Blaze Inferno | Winner: No Limits Christian Skywalker | Singles | If No Limits can win he will finally be granted the oppertunity to meet the man who single handedly tipped his world upside down, WallStreet, in the ring next week... However, as an added insentive for Blaze, WallStreet has agreed to grant Miss Inferno a world title match next week on Demented should she be able to defeat NLCS and be the proverbial road block to WallStreet. | First Hour Main Event | Matt Matlock V.S. James | Winner: James ((Although read results when further posted for an Angled outcome)) | Singles | Matt Matlock was the last man eliminated in the Royal Rumble nearly 2 months ago, and as such he has earned much more respect amongst the executive committy of this organization. His bout with James is non-title but, a win over the CWA-nWWF Heavyweight Champion would be a huge step toward finding a short cut to the richest prize in the game... The ICWA Heavyweight championship. | Match 6 | ---- | The Bobby Johnson Royal Rumble Victory Party | Hosted By WallStreet | | Main Event - Match | SFM V.s. Jacob Mitchell | Winner: STORYLINE BASED ONLY!!! | ICWA World Heavyweight Championship | I am well aware that Jacob Mitchell quit the ICWA, this match is for storyline purposes only. Jacob Mitchell will not suffer a loss in this bout, it's simply a storyline I've formulated to kind of use the real happenings from the OOC board into a decent angle and explanation for the ICWA Heavyweight title suddenly being free. | Further Results Will Follow | | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 30th, 2005 | After a two month hiatus, the loyal supporters of the ICWA are once again glued to their television sets as finally, tonight, the ICWA Makes it’s triumphient return. As the clock strikes nine pm eastern standard time, we hear the oh so familiar tune of ‘Encore�?by Eminem as the Dementa-Tron plays. With that the pyro explodes as over 22,000 fans scream at the top of their lungs and the cameras begin to sweep the arena. JR, "AS SURE AS YOU’RE HEARING OVER 20,000 ROARING FANS, THE I.C.W.A. IS ON THE AIR AND BAH GAWD WE ARE BACK FOR GOOD!!! AND WHAT A WAY TO COME BACK BECAUSE TONIGHT�?" The Dementa-Tron kicks on showing a promotional shot of Jacob Mitchell V.S. SFM, Making the already erupting crowd grow even louder. JR, "THE SELF PROCLAIMED ICON SLAYER DEFENDS HIS HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE AGAINST ARGUABLY THE GREATEST ICON IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT HISTORY, SEAN FROST-MANN!!!" Heyman, "But I think you’re forgetting the most important part of the show�?Bobby Johnson is your 2005 Royal Rumble winner and tonight, Mr. McCallister is throwin a celebration, and I’m Invited!" JR, "Bobby Johnson, some are saying to be the greatest rookie since No Limits Christian Skywalker joined the game in 2003, he went into the Royal Rumble as number 1 and managed to out last 29 other superstars and win the ICWA Royal Rumble!" Heyman, "Of course he did, he’s under the tutelage of the Corporate Ico�? Suddenly The camers hit the stage as the Titiontron lights up with flames and a cross slowly fades in on the screen. Blue laser lights shoot out from the Titontron circling through the crowd. Acouple of seconds later red lasers shoot out from the stage hitting the ring. After a moment the arena goes black as a voice comes over the PA. Voice: I can hear what your thinking all your doubts and fears and if you look in my eyes in time you'll find the reason I'm here. And in time all things shall pass away and in time you may come back someday. To live once more or die once more, but in time your time'll be over As the words fade over the PA.blue and red smoke begins to role over the enterence way as six men walk out from under the smoke and line up down the ramp standing across from each other. They reach under there cloaks and each pull a single large cross out and hold it high above their heads as "Remedy" by Seether begins to play. The lights come on dimely in the arena as a figure appears under the red and blue smoke. Seether: The figure bows its head before stepping out from under the smoke and raises his hands hig in the air as the fans erupt at the sight of SFM on the stage. SFM looks left and then right as he lowers his arms and starts down the ramp walking under the crosses held above his head by the cloaked men. Seether: As SFM reaches the ring steps he goes two steps up before stopping and turning towards the fans and shooting them a cocky smile before continuing up the ring steps and standing on the ring apron. SFM turns once again resting his back against the ropes and raising his hands high above his head Seether: SFM turns and ducks under the top rope and walks to the center of the ring and shoots the fans another cocky smile as he raises his hand and points at a turnbuckle and red pyro explodes out of it. He points at a second turnbuckle and a blue pyro explodes. A red explodes from the thrid and a blue from the forth. Seether: SFM raise his hands above his head and lowers his head as his hair falls down covering his face. He brings his hands down as red and blue pyros explode from all four turnbuckles and his music fades and SFM makes his way over to the ropes and grabs a mic from one of the crew. He leans on the ropes and looks at all the fans as he brushes his hair back with his free hand. SFM nods approvingly at the chants before raising the mic up to his lips. SFM, "I suppose it’s about time that the Greatest Icon in Sports Entertainment History make his long awaited return to the fans of the I.C.W.A!" The crowd pops as SFM just smirks, knowing that he’s still got em in the palm of his hand. SFM, "A couple months ago I took the "legendary" Jimmy Stryker (crowd boos)�? And I tossed his ass off a three tear cage as if he was nothing more than a sack of potatoes�?As a result, I ALLOWED Jacob Mitchell to retain his ICWA Heavyweight Championship�?Then when I was ready to follow through and persue Stryker, I get a voice mail from WallStreet’s personal assistant Heather McMahon that says that the ICWA’s been pulled from it’s programming deals and as a result, will not be able to put on a show till the contracts got rearranged. So here we are now, two months later, and over the course of our little "vacation" if you will, all the egos relaxed, all the voiced died down�?save for one�?One mouth that never shuts, one ego that never deflates�?I’m talking about the ICWA World Champion Jacob MITCHELL! (Crowd pops)�?Jacob Mitchell is perhaps the only man I know who can make Street seem like he has low self esteem�?So tonight I do what I do best, stop a man’s jaw from running�?Tonight, I do what I do best, Take the crown as King of the ICWA Mountain�?Tonight, Jacob Mitchell, I have but one bit of advice�?BEWARE THE MEXICAN!!!" The crowd pops as SFM tosses the mic over to the Finkle at ringside and ‘Remedy�?by Seether blasts over the PA. SFM exits the ring, slappin a couple of hands as JR says, "Short and to the point was SFM�?I think it’s safe to say that we’re gonna have a slobberknocker on our hands tonight!" *Commercial Break* When cameras return from commercial we find none other than the Corporate Icon himself, The WallStreet Brawler walking around in the back with a bit of a skip in his walk. WallStreet, "Four weeks... Merely Four Weeks and the Entourage HEADLINES ICWA Thunderstruck! (Crowd pops), Four weeks and the Big Easy's Bobby Johnson goes toe to toe with nWs' Jacob Mitchell, for the World Heavyweight Title... Good GAWD I've still got it when it comes to pickin up rookies!" WallStreet turns the corner when he hears a very familiar voice say, "Hey! Hey Taylor!" WallStreet turns around as the cameras pan out and we see ICWA Heavyweight Champion Jacob Mitchell standing. WallStreet, "Mr. Mitchell... What can I do for ya Champ?" Mitchell, "You can tell me why I'm facing SFM for my title tonight." WallStreet, "You're the Champ, putting you in a title defense on our return show equals ratings my good man..." Mitchell, "I didn't ask why I was defending the title, I wouldn't of gone for the belt in the first place if I didn't intend on defending... Why SFM?" WallStreet, "Why not SFM?" Mitchell, "For one, what has he done to earn it? So he held the strap a couple years ago, what's that got to do with today? I mean a couple years ago people feared over hyped petting zoo rejects like Jakal's and Serpent's... I don't mind defending the title but why put me against another generic nobody, another Y2Jesus with a different wrapper when there's guys like Bobby Johnson who deserve it?" WallStreet, "Look Jake, I respect your opinion, I respect the way you handle yourself in the ring, but, at the end of the night you're the guy who does the wrestling and I'm the guy who books the matches. I don't pay you to think or anyalize, I pay you to go out in front of a few thousand drunkin nobodies who are dumb enough to forfit their life savings to watch guys like Y2Jesus attempt to give it "one last run"... All you need to do is just go out, take a lil beating, and then turn it around and keep your strap another week... Your job is mindless, so instead of questioning my decisions, why don't you make one of your own right now... Either you'll face who I tell you to face, when I tell you to face them, which tonight is SFM, or you can show yourself the door, now which is it Jake?" Mitchell's face gets tight as he seems very agitated at the blatant disrespect from WallStreet, but finally he takes a deep breath, nods, and says, "Aight... Fine... I guess I get paid the same regardless of who's ass I beat... You'll have your little title match tonight, but tread softly Taylor, you're starting to piss me off, and you know what happens to places when the nWs get's pissed off." WallStreet laughs as he slaps Mitchell on the shoulder and says, "I'm tremblin, really, I am... Now why don't you go get ready for your match and I'ma go back to getting the party rolling for Bobby, take it easy." WallStreet walks off as the cameras fade to the ring. JR, "An interesting exchange of words between the champ and the boss�? Heyman, "I told you the nWs was a bad idea�?I told everybody that bringing the nWs to the ICWA could do nothing but hurt us, but does anybody listen to me?! Does anybody listen to PAUL FRICKIN HEYMAN?!?! NO! OF COURSE NOT! I ONLY RAN ONE THE LARGEST DRAWING INDY PROMOTION OF ALL TIME, COMPETED WITH VINCE MCMAHON ON AN INDY PROMOTER BUDGET, AND REVOLUTIONIZED THE SPORT!! THAT’S ALL!!!!" JR, "I’m sorry Paul, I wasn’t listening�? Heyman, "KISS MY WHITE NEW YORK ASS YOU OKLAHOMA SWINE!!!" <<<<<<<<MATCH SUMMERY>>>>>>> Results are over a week late, Needless to say the matches will be summarized as I don’t have the time to write out real matches. Next week I may explore using a Match Simulator. In any event, this bout was a fairly generic hardcore match. The use of basic weapons, I.E. Steal Chairs, Trash Cans, tables, so on and so forth, were heavily used. There was a couple of high risk spots that got the crowd in a frenzy, but all in all it was very basic. At the end of the 6 minute match, Scott Jensen finished it off with the Pura Locura Slam through the table. <<<<<<<<End Match Summery>>>>>> Finkle, "YOUR WINNER, AND THE NUMBER 1 CONTENDER FOR THE ICWA HARDCORE TITLE…�?SCOTTT JENNNSENNN!!!!" JR, "Bah gawd, Jensen pulled the upset, and picked up a win in his ICWA return!" Heyman, "The sun shines on every dogs tail once in a while JR." The cameras go to the back where we find Michael Cole standing next to Cali. Cole, "Cali�?After threatening Lesnar’s wife and livelihood, now you have a women’s title rematch with the man they call "The Franchise", how do you feel about this bout?" Cali, "Pssh�?How do I feel? I feel like I’m gonna�? Before she can finish her sentence she is blindsided by what the cameras pick up as a leaping blonde woman, grabbing Cali’s hair and driving her to the ground. The crowd erupts as we slowly zoom in and see that Torrie Wilson-Lesnar is on top of Cali, slamming her head into the concrete repeatedly. JR, "BAH GAWD! She’s letting loose on Cali!" Heyman, "Must be that time of the month�? Torrie continues her assault on Cali till finally, a sea of ICWA staff and officials fly onto the scene and quickly separate the two. JR, "I’m not sure what kind of shape she’s gonna be in, but Cali goes one on one with Brock Lesnar for the ICWA Women’s Title�?NEXT!" *Commercial Break* When cameras return we see James leaned against a wall in the back, no shirt and a pair of black dress slacks makes up his wardrobe�?oh, and of course a rather arrogant smirk. James, "So I’m saying, after I get done beatin�?Flatc*ck, I might just think about letting you come and check out the ceiling of my hotel room�? The camera pans out and we see a very attractive brunette woman, who’s amply built. JR, "Well that’s our hair and make up woman, Melinda." Melinda blushes slightly and says, "I appreciate the offer, and under different circumstances I might answer differently, but, I’m happily committed right now�? James raises an eyebrow as he says, "And that has exactly What to do with me stuffin�?ya like a Thankgiving turkey tonight?" Melinda’s eyebrows flatten as she seems less enthused with James and says, "Look, I’m sorry, I’m just not interested." James nods, "I’ve always supported a woman’s right of choice�?
Melinda smiles, but out of no where James nails a devastating right hand across the jaw of Melinda, dropping her hard on the ground and making the arena erupt with boos. James smirks, "�?And I’ve always supported a man’s right to knock that woman on her ass when her tiny and feble mind makes the wrong choices�?." James smirks and walks off as the cameras stay focused on Melinda JR, "THAT NO GOOD, SONUVA�? Heyman, "GENIOUS!! I’VE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR YEARS!" Suddenly, however, a pair of black boots step into the scene, next to Melinda’s body. The camera slowly pans up and we see the same cloaked figure who’s been stalking Mitchell For past weeks, and as sure as he always has, he has a large monkey wrench in hand. The figure looks down at Melinda briefly, and then begins to walk away, going the same direction as James went. With that we go to the ring where Lesnar is already standing in wait. With that said Ostergelectric By Static-X blasts over the PA, making Lesnar smirk. Out from behind the curtain comes Cali, with a look of pure hate on her face. Cali jolts down the ramp, slides into the ring, and begins unloading right hands on Lesnar as the official has no choice but to call for the starting bell. <<<<<<Match Summery>>>>> Cali starts out strong of the adrenaline from being attacked by Torrie Wilson �?Lesnar, however, this rush of adrenaline is quickly "de-rushed" if you will, when Lesnar nearly clotheslines her head off her shoulders. From there it’s pretty much a one sided squash match. After about 4 minutes of relentless decimation, Lesnar finally shows a hint of mercy (if that’s what you wanta call it), and locks on the Brock Lock, allowing the official to hoist her arm, and then drop it 3 consecutive times, giving Lesnar a KO victory. <<<<<End Match Summery>>>> The bell is sounding however Lesnar still has the lock hooked. Finally, however, Lesnar drops Cali, smiling all the while. JR, "That is one sick puppy�? The cameras go to the back where we find Blaze Inferno stretching and getting ready for her match. She is quick to bring her warm up to a halt however, as she seems to notice someone out of camera range. She stands up straight, as if ready for a confrontation, and into the scene to a huge pop steps No Limits Christian Skywalker. JR, "There he is folks, without argument, the best United States Champion this company has had to date!" NLCS, "Listen Blaze�?We’ve gone back and forth a bit in the spirit of competition, but�?Good luck." Christian extends his hand as Blaze stares in his eyes, trying to read No Limits. Finally however, she takes Christian’s hand, albeit in hesitance, but all the same the two shake hands as Christian smiles, and then walks off. JR, "Now that’s sportsmanship! Don’t go away, when we come back, Blaze Inferno�?Christian Skywalker�?One on One!" *Commercial Break* Cameras return from commercial as we see Missy Bytch standing in the back, who surprisingly, draws a pretty decent ovation. Heyman, "When did the unemployment line start distributing checks backstage?!" Missy seems very contently focused on the monitor as we go to the ring and Blaze Inferno’s theme hits the PA. <<<This match was written by a Match Simulator that my lady friend pulled of the web and gave to me. It’s weak at best. It jumps around a lot, the way it inserts moves doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, and it’s very bland, I.E Christian Skywalker superkicks Blaze Inferno Blaze Inferno Superkicks Christian Skywalker�?BR>If you’ve ever been in a fast paced chat room based fed, it’s kinda like watching one of those matches. But it’s either simulator or match summery, and since Blaze and NLCS put forth more effort than any other pair of opponents on the card, I felt I should give this a try for em. I have inserted entrances, but other wise this is all written by the Match Simulator, which is named, Zeus. ((Please note that it is incapable of differentiating genders, so Blaze is referred to as "He" a lot, but I don’t really have the time to go through and edit the entire match.))>>> Finkle - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 135 pounds, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Blaze Inferno!!! (crowd cheers *******)
Blaze Inferno walks across the screen with flames in the backround. She comes to in front of a candle and sets her hand on fire. "Do you dare...enter my world" is said by Blaze as she blows out the fire on her hands. She laughs and smoke raises above her head. Her head comes out of view as the smoke spells her name. Then flames block the entrance. There is some space made but not enough for a person to go through. Then Blaze walks through the flames and the flames go high as Blaze lowers her hands. Then the flames die down and Blaze drops a black rose on the ground and walks down the ramp. She is introduced to the ring and she walks up the stairs. She cleans her feet on the apron and enters through the second rope.
Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Silver Springs New York, No Limits Christian Skywalker!!! (crowd cheers ********)
The arena goes completely black as an announcer with a deep voice comes over the PA system and begins to countdown. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... and then red, white, and blue pyro explodes from the stage as "No Limits" Christian Skywalker comes from behind the curtain. He smiles and poses while the crowd gives him a tremendous ovation. He then walks down the ramp towards the ring and he climbs the stairs. He walks halfway down the apron and then turns and poses for the crowd some more. He then gets into the ring and... Tim White is the referee for this contest. Blaze Inferno tests out the ropes. Tim White checks No Limits Christian Skywalker's boots and knee pads. (ding, ding, ding) Blaze Inferno superkicks No Limits Christian Skywalker. No Limits Christian Skywalker bounces Blaze Inferno off the ropes and clotheslines him. No Limits Christian Skywalker punches Blaze Inferno repeatedly. Blaze Inferno superkicks No Limits Christian Skywalker. Now No Limits Christian Skywalker standing. No Limits Christian Skywalker superkicks Blaze Inferno. No Limits Christian Skywalker punches Blaze Inferno repeatedly. Blaze Inferno executes a split legged moonsault on to No Limits Christian Skywalker. Blaze Inferno stands up. Blaze Inferno trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift No Limits Christian Skywalker. Blaze Inferno trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift No Limits Christian Skywalker. No Limits Christian Skywalker moves back to his feet. Blaze Inferno sends No Limits Christian Skywalker to ringside. Tim White starts the count (.1) Blaze Inferno chokes No Limits Christian Skywalker with a microphone cable. No Limits Christian Skywalker goes for a flying dropkick but Blaze Inferno dodges the attack. (..2) (...3) No Limits Christian Skywalker bounces Blaze Inferno off the ropes and clotheslines him. (....4) No Limits Christian Skywalker clotheslines Blaze Inferno. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Blaze Inferno superkicks No Limits Christian Skywalker. They lockup. Blaze Inferno sends No Limits Christian Skywalker to the corner of the ring. No Limits Christian Skywalker superkicks Blaze Inferno. Blaze Inferno goes for a fisherman suplex but No Limits Christian Skywalker dodges the attack. No Limits Christian Skywalker executes a swinging neckbreaker on Blaze Inferno. No Limits Christian Skywalker punches Blaze Inferno repeatedly. No Limits Christian Skywalker superkicks Blaze Inferno. Blaze Inferno gets up. Blaze Inferno superkicks No Limits Christian Skywalker. No Limits Christian Skywalker gets up. No Limits Christian Skywalker bounces Blaze Inferno off the ropes and clotheslines him. No Limits Christian Skywalker clotheslines Blaze Inferno. No Limits Christian Skywalker bounces Blaze Inferno off the ropes and clotheslines him. Blaze Inferno is back on his feet. No Limits Christian Skywalker superkicks Blaze Inferno. No Limits Christian Skywalker covers Blaze Inferno. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Blaze Inferno escapes. No Limits Christian Skywalker grabs Blaze Inferno's head and DDT's him on the mat. ]
JR - Good DDT by No Limits Christian Skywalker.
[Blaze Inferno climbs to his feet. Blaze Inferno superkicks No Limits Christian Skywalker. Blaze Inferno punches No Limits Christian Skywalker repeatedly. No Limits Christian Skywalker bounces Blaze Inferno off the ropes and clotheslines him. No Limits Christian Skywalker punches Blaze Inferno repeatedly. No Limits Christian Skywalker superkicks Blaze Inferno. Blaze Inferno trys for a fisherman suplex but is not strong enough to lift No Limits Christian Skywalker. Blaze Inferno and No Limits Christian Skywalker go to the floor Tim White starts the count (.1) Blaze Inferno throws a chair at No Limits Christian Skywalker. (..2) Blaze Inferno superkicks No Limits Christian Skywalker. (...3) Blaze Inferno punches No Limits Christian Skywalker repeatedly. (....4) Blaze Inferno superkicks No Limits Christian Skywalker. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Blaze Inferno and No Limits Christian Skywalker move back to ringside. Blaze Inferno takes No Limits Christian Skywalker into the ring. They lockup. Blaze Inferno sends No Limits Christian Skywalker to the corner of the ring. Blaze Inferno executes a split legged moonsault on to No Limits Christian Skywalker. Blaze Inferno chants start. Blaze Inferno stands up. Blaze Inferno drags No Limits Christian Skywalker to the floor. Tim White starts the count (.1) ]
JR - This is quality sports entertainment!
[(..2) Blaze Inferno clotheslines No Limits Christian Skywalker. (...3) No Limits Christian Skywalker bounces Blaze Inferno off the ropes and clotheslines him. Blaze Inferno gets back to his feet. (....4) Blaze Inferno superkicks No Limits Christian Skywalker. No Limits Christian Skywalker gets up. (.....5) No Limits Christian Skywalker and Blaze Inferno move back into the ring. No Limits Christian Skywalker superkicks Blaze Inferno. No Limits Christian Skywalker punches Blaze Inferno repeatedly. Blaze Inferno executes a split legged moonsault on to No Limits Christian Skywalker. Now Blaze Inferno standing. Blaze Inferno covers No Limits Christian Skywalker. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 No Limits Christian Skywalker escapes. ]
JR - Blaze Inferno almost won the match!
[No Limits Christian Skywalker stands up. Blaze Inferno Applies her trademarked "Cry Uncle" ((Fullnelson camel clutch)) No Limits Christian Skywalker. Tim White is checking for a tap out. ... ... No Limits Christian Skywalker is fighting the hold. ... No Limits Christian Skywalker trys to escape. No Limits Christian Skywalker escapes. Blaze Inferno and No Limits Christian Skywalker go to the floor Tim White starts the count (.1) (..2) Blaze Inferno superkicks No Limits Christian Skywalker. No Limits Christian Skywalker stands up. (...3) No Limits Christian Skywalker superkicks Blaze Inferno. (....4) They lockup. No Limits Christian Skywalker sends Blaze Inferno to the corner of ringside. (.....5) Blaze Inferno and No Limits Christian Skywalker move back into the ring. Blaze Inferno superkicks No Limits Christian Skywalker. Blaze Inferno punches No Limits Christian Skywalker repeatedly. Blaze Inferno superkicks No Limits Christian Skywalker. No Limits Christian Skywalker climbs to his feet. No Limits Christian Skywalker hits Blaze Inferno with the spinebuster slam. No Limits Christian Skywalker gets back to his feet. Blaze Inferno stands up. Blaze Inferno superkicks No Limits Christian Skywalker. No Limits Christian Skywalker climbs to his feet. Blaze Inferno superkicks No Limits Christian Skywalker. Blaze Inferno superkicks No Limits Christian Skywalker. No Limits Christian Skywalker is back on his feet. No Limits Christian Skywalker picks Blaze Inferno up and side suplexes him to the mat. No Limits Christian Skywalker gets back to his feet. No Limits Christian Skywalker goes off the top nailing Blaze Inferno with a flying elbow drop to the gut. No Limits Christian Skywalker hits a frog splash on Blaze Inferno. Blaze Inferno gets hit with a running powerslam by No Limits Christian Skywalker No Limits Christian Skywalker chants start. No Limits Christian Skywalker gets back to his feet. No Limits Christian Skywalker clotheslines Blaze Inferno. No Limits Christian Skywalker executes a neck breaker. No Limits Christian Skywalker goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]
JR - No Limits Christian Skywalker has won the match!
JR - The winner of this match, No Limits Christian Skywalker!!! <<<End of Simulator Zeus�?writing>>> NLCS gets up, seemingly exhausted, as Blaze lays on the mat, her eyes open and chest rapidly going up and down�?She’s conscious, but it’s sinking in that she just lost what may have been her biggest opportunity to date. JR, "That’s a tough break for Blaze Inferno�?She had a world title opportunity at her fingertips, but, there’s absolutely no shame in suffering defeat at the hands of a No Limits Christian Skywalker�?It doesn’t get much better than that fine athlete." Christian walks over and extends his hand down to Blaze, making the crowd pop. Blaze nods, reaches up, and allows NLCS to help her up. The crowd is going wild as Christian shakes her hand, and gives her a small pat on the back. Blaze grabs Christian’s wrist and hoists his arm into the air as the crowd is eating up every moment of two of their favorite superstars showing great sportsmanship. JR, "At this time in this sport, that’s something right there�?I tip my hat to both these young athletes�?Take a close look Paul, cause this is what it’s all about." Heyman, " (gags) GOD, IS IT OVER YET!?!?!" The erupting crowd suddenly begins to boo, as in the corner of the screen, behind NLCS and Blaze, we see what appears to be somebody sliding into the ring. Out of no where, the man, who’s face is covered by a Christian-like Hoody, grabs Blaze by the back of the neck and the trunks and tosses her out of the ring via the second and third ropes. By the wardrobe and build of the man, despite not seeing his face, we’re all but certain that it’s none other than former CWA champion Ryan Ross. No Limits turns around and is instantly met by "The Knockout Blow ((RKO))". JR, "Aww come on! What the Hell is this!! We haven’t seen Ryan Ross since his title defense at Resurrection, and if I had it my way, he could stay gone!" Heyman, "Your opinion is your opinion, however, my opinion is fact, and in-fact I’d simply like to say THANK GOD for Ryan ROSS!" The crowd boos as Ross simply smirks, looking down over an unconscious Christian Skywalker as ‘Shadows�?By 12 Stones blasts over the PA. We fade on Ross in the ring as the cameras cut to commercial *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live June 22nd, 2005 | As cameras return from commercial we once again find WallStreet running around backstage with the same whistle in his step he had earlier. As WallStreet walks down the hallway, he comes to a slow stop in front of two large doors which read�?/P> ::VIP Only:: WallStreet knocks. The door opens and out from behind it steps a rather large man, dressed in a pair of black jeans, a tight fitting black T shirt, and a very "A-Trainish" look. "VIP Only pal�?Oh, Mr. McCallister�?My apologies." WallStreet laughs and gives the man a pat on the shoulder as he walks around him and we enter this large room. Once inside we see what would appear to be at least a couple dozen incredible looking women, as well as carts upon carts upon carts of some of the best Champaign money can buy. There’s four large men, all dressed in the same attire as the Atrain lookin fella, and we can presume that they’re all WallStreet’s personally hired security for this "VIP room". WallStreet, "It’s good to see my dollar still gets it’s worth�?Ladies, Ladies, Ladies�?Tonight is a night of celebration�?It’s the night that we celebrate the success of The Entourage�?The brilliance of the Corporate Icon�?And of course, the greatest rookie in ICWA History, Bobby Johnson. Now Bobby-boy has no idea what his lil "party" has awaiting for him, so I want all of you to stay back here until I call for you. When I call for you, grab the Champaign, and waddle your scantly clad asses out to my ring and give the Entourage, and more specifically Bobby Johnson, a time that none of us will ever forget!" WallStreet glances around at the ladies, smirking at the product of a dollar well spent, and then heads out of the VIP room as the cameras go to the ring. Heyman, "I�?AM.. GOING�?TO�?THIS�?PARTY!!!!!!" With that ‘Sweet Dreams�?as redone by Marylin Manson blasts over the PA. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following bout is scheduled for ONEFALL, with a ten minute time limit! Introducing first�?From Philadelphia Pennsylvania�?JAMMMMESSSS!!!" The music continues to play but James fails to appear from behind the curtain. JR, "James seems to be running late�?He probably stopped off to trade stories with Ike Turner." Heyman gasps, "JR! Was that a controversial comment!?! As unfair as it may have been to both James and Ike Turner, I must say�?I like it." JR, "Never the less, It’d be nice if he could take the time out of his woman beating schedule to show up ontime for work�? Finally the music stops playing as the crowd seems slightly confused. Again, however, James�?entrance video plays on the Dementa-Tron and ‘Sweet Dreams�?blasts over the PA. JR, "Here we go�?I may not be a Matt Matlock fan, but I hope he shows James a thing or two in respect tonight!" Heyman, "Hold on a second�?You’re, to be hip, "Hatin" on James because he punched Melinda in the jaw�?Right?" JR, "You’re damned right I am! There’s absolutely no excuse for a man to lay a hand on a woman like that!" Heyman, "Okay�?So my next question�?You wanta explain to me one more time how Stone Cold Steve Austin is the greatest guy since Gandhi?" JR, "…………………………�?/FONT>" Again the music fades out and again we have no James. After a slight delay, James�?reel plays one more time and once again ‘Sweet Dreams�?blasts over the PA. JR, "We’re gonna try this one more time apparently�? The music continues to play but since once again, James is no where to be seen, an ICWA Camera man from ringside rushes up the ramp, camera in hand. JR, "Apparently we’re sending a camera guy to the back so that we can find out what’s going on and where in the Hell James is at." The music fades as the Camera man goes behind the curtain and the Dementa-Tron begins projecting the live footage from our wandering cameraman’s camera. He goes through the gorilla area, and only has to take a few steps into the back before we realize what the problem is. James is laying unconscious on the cement, and from his forehead, a steady stream of blood is trickling. Next to James is a blooded Monkey wrench. JR, "What the Hell�?It’s that damned stalker again! First Mitchell, now James�?Not that James didn’t deserve it, but�?This just doesn’t make any damned sense!" "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor�?Let The Bodies Hit The Floor�?Let The Bodies Hit The Floor�?Let The Bodies Hit The�?FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRR" ‘Bodies�?by Drowning pool blasts over the PA as red and black lights flash through out the arena. JR, "This is the ICWA theme, although I’m not sure why it’s playing now�? Out from behind the curtain steps none other than our cloaked assailant who has been wondering the back for the last couple months. For the first time to date, he is without his monkey wrench. JR, "I may not be a detective by trade, but I’d bet a barrel of barbeque sauce that that’s the man who just took out James." Heyman, "Another great tip by Captain Obvious�?Do you have an official cape? Or is that dumb hat your "cape substitute"?" Back on the ramp, the cloaked mystery man has made his way to ringside, and slowly walks up the stairs. We’ve yet to be able to ID the man as his face is too deeply buried in the cloak. He slowly bends down on the ring, holding the sides of his hood, and slowly steps between the ropes, being sure not to reveal himself. The man gets in center ring as the music fades and Finkle hands him a mic. The man withdraws a small black box-like object from his left pocket, and brings it up to his throat as he uses his right hand to hold the mic to his general face area. "Good-Evening" JR, "You’ve gotta be kidding me�?A Voice distorter�?Stop playin games, come out of the shadows already you coward!" ???, "Everybody keeps trying to figure out who’s been stalking Jacob Mitchell�?Who took out James�?Until Tonight the fingers all pointed to Jimmy Stryker�?But why would Jimmy Stryker take out James? Or am I really Jimmy Stryker, just playing you all for puppets like I have for so long�?Like I did back in BUD�?NRA�?and SDE�? The crowd begins to boo as JR says, "I’ll be damned�?It’s been Jimmy Stryker all along�? Crowd: JIMM-Y SUCKS, JIMM-Y SUCKS, JIMM-Y SUCKS, JIMM-Y SUCKS, JIMM-Y SUCKS�?/P> ??? " (Distorted laughter)�?You idiots�?I’m not Jimmy Stryker�?No, I’m far better than that�?I’m�? The man drops the voice distorter and the mic, and then slowly places his hands on the hood of the cloak�?He stays still, teasing the crowd as they wait to see whi it is�?Finally, he yanks the hood back revealing�?/P> JR, "I’LL BE DAMNED!!! MATT MATLOCK!! IT’S BEEN MATT MATLOCK ALL ALONG!!!" The crowd erupts with boos as Matlock smirks an evil smirk before bending down and grabbing the mic. Matlock, "Of course it’s been me! Who else?! Who else could make you dumb f*cks ask week in and week out ‘Who, Why, How?’�?Who Else has the perfect motive�?the perfect reasons�?I mean come on, think about it people�?I’ve been underpromoted my entire career, but the ICWA�?The ICWA was supposed to be different�?The ICWA was supposed to be my shot�?My time to shine, My time to be the "Top Guy"�?The ICWA had NOBODY! It was being rebuilt from the bottom up! WallStreet hired ME! I was supposed to be running main events with Jimmy Stryker! We were supposed to be the drawing names! Not Jacob Mitchell! Not Mace! And DAMNED SURE Not James! ME! MATT FU**IN MATLOCK!!! Yet as soon as WallStreet started waving his wallet around, the names came running and I got shoved to the bottom just like every other place I’ve worked! Well NO MORE! NO MORE! NO MORE Will Matt Matlock ALLOW people like WallStreet to chalk me off as a "mid carder"�?as just another guy�?NO MORE! No More will I forfit my push to some over hyped, undertalented NOBODY like JAMES! All I’ve heard all week is that I don’t deserve to be pushed against James�?I don’t deserve to fight the CWA-nWWF Unified champion�?I, MATT MATLOCK, Don’t deserve to fight JAMES?! JAMES DOESN’T DESERVE TO BREATH THE SAME FUC*IN AIR I BREATH!!!" At this point the anger is strongly etched on Matlock’s faces. The crowd boos as Matlock says, "You dumb f**ks still don’t get it do you?! I stalked Mitchell�?I attacked Mitchell�?I put James out�?And why? Because I’m tired of waiting to get mine�?So I’m TAKING MINE!" The fairly angry Matlock suddenly smirks, and then laughs before saying, "So now it’s all in the open�?There’s a new name to�?(thinks) actually, there’s not a new name to recognize�?It’s the same name that’s been around for years, but instead of it just being spoken in jest�?thrown around in the background�?Now it’s a name that each and everyone of you will recognize forever, a name that will make waves in this company from here on in�?And that name is Matt Fuc*in Mat-LOCK!" Matlock drops the mic as the camera fades on his unpleasant looking face. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 30th, 2005 | As the commercials draw to an end the Dementa tron lights up showing a Mountain Dew Amped commercial as a male narrator speaks. "This is the ICWA AMP of the Night�? ICWA Demented Live. ::Amp of the Night:: | <<<The Following Was Written by Bobby Johnson>>> Johnny Invincible and Matt Mattlock have Bobby Johnson in the corner, and they are pummeling him with rights and lefts, beating him down into the corner. Both men pick Bobby up and throw him over the ropes, and turn around and begin to fight each other, but Bobby grabs onto them as he goes over the top, and is able to keep his feet from touching the ground and rolls back into the ring. Bobby staggers to his feet and runs towards the men, and with all of his remaining strength, hits Johnny Invincible in the back with a Missle Dropkick, sending him into Matt Mattlock, and sending them back into the ring ropes. Purely on instinct, Matt Mattlock uses the mometum caused by Johnny falling into him and is able to flip him over the ropes. Matt leans on the ropes as he looks at Johnny Invincible laying on the ring floor, and turns and looks at Bobby, who is still, on one knee trying to regain his strength. Bobby stands on his feet and faces Mattlock, who has stood up off the ropes and walked towards the center of the ring. The two men face each other and stare each other down, neither man wanting to blink first. Almost simultaniously they start to throw lefts and rights at each other. Mattlock starts to get the better of Bobby, and is able to grab his arm and level him with a clothesline. Matt picks up Bobby and Irish Whips him into the ropes expecting him to bounce back off of them, but Bobby grabs onto the ropes and stops himself. Bobby seems to be in another world, and Mattlock sees this as a perfect time to end this match and starts to charge towards Bobby and finish him off with a clothesline. Bobby has been playing possum and as Matt charges, Bobby drops to one knee and turns to his side and when Matt reaches the ropes, Bobby grabs him and lauches him over in a modified Fireman's throw. Matt hit the floor of the arena and looks up at Bobby in disbelief, as Bobby is on both knees with his face in his hands as confetti falls from the rafters. JR: BY GAWD HE'S DONE IT!!!!! BOBBY JOHNSON HAS WON THE ICWA'S ROYAL RUMBLE!!!! Heyman: Even I'm impressed JR. Bobby put on one hell of a show tonight. JR: He was the first man in the Rumble, and the last man in the ring. One of the greatest performances in ICWA history. Heyman: No question about that JR, no question at all. By this time Bobby is one of the turnbuckles poiting towards the crowd as they chant his name: BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY!!!! JR: Celebrate now Mr. Johnson because your road to the ICWA World Heavyweight Title has just begun Narrator, "This has been the mountain Dew "Amp of the Night"�?Mountain Dew Amp, GET AMPED!" | With that we focus on the stage ever so briefly before the lights dim, baring the stage lights which go gold as �?11�?by Eminem, Cypress Hill, and D12 blasts over the PA. "WHOOOOOOOOOO WHO! GUESS WHO’S BACK�?MOMMY, WE’RE HOME�?SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIENDS�?DJ MUGZ, SOUL ASSASSIANS, CYPRESS HILL�?EVERYBODY, PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE MY EYES CAN SEE EM!!! Everywhere we go people know we roll deep as fuck 40, 50 Samoans ain’t knowing when we gonna bust 50, twizie, obie, there won’t be no ho in us They pop shit like they gonna do shit but noone does From New York down to Texas, back up to Los Angeles We changed the way we moved so man up If you can’t adjust You may end up getting rushed By too many to handle us It’s funny, I guess Money does have it’s advantages And it isn’t that we just think that we can’t be touched It’s not like we’re just feeling ourselves that much It’s just, if someone ever does put us in the clutch We just know that yawl ain’t gonna be the one to do it�?/EM> With that we see the rather Arrogant WallStreet step from behind the curtain. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?Please welcome�?Lead by The WallStreet Brawler, Mr. Taylor McCALLLLISTER�?/STRONG>�?Shane Douglas, Bobby Johnson�?The ENNNNTOURAGGGEEE!!!" The crowd erupts, albeit with a mixed reaction, as WallStreet arrogantly leads the way. Shane Douglas follows and then from behind the curtain to a huge pop with his Hardcore championship over his shoulder�?Bobby Johnson. JR, "There he is�?The man who went into the 2005 ICWA Royal Rumble as number 1, and out lasted 29 other competitors to earn himself the main event at the biggest spectacle in the sport, ICWA Thunderstruck!" As the Entourage approaches the ring we can see that there is a red carpet over the canvas and inside of the ring is a table with a bucket of iced Champaign. WallStreet gets up on the ring apron and yells over to Finkle. Finkle rushes over, sits down on the second rope, and lifts the top rope, making WallStreet smirk and nod. WallStreet bends down and gets into the ring as Finkle remains where he is, holding the ropes for Douglas, and then Bobby Johnson. The music continues to play as WallStreet grabs a mic and says, "Go ahead and leave that theme on�?Since this party is Entourage exclusive, I’d like to welcome�?for one night only�?The Honorary members of the Entourage�?ICWA Women’s Champion, BROCK_LESNNNNAR!" 911 continues to play as from behind the curtain to a chorus of boos steps Lesnar. Lesnar heads down the ramp as WallStreet continues, "�?BLAZE_INNFERNNNNNOO!" The crowd pops as Blaze steps from behind the curtain. WallStreet, "And Finally…�?PAUUUUULLLL_HEYYYYYMANNN!!!" JR, "You’ve gotta be kidding�? Heyman, "HA-HA! Of course not JR!" With that we hear Heyman’s head set hit the table as Paul gets up and climbs the stairs, entering the ring about the same time as Brock Lesnar. Finally Blaze slides in and the music fades as the lights readjust. WallStreet, "That’s right�?Tonight�?Tonight we’re havin a party! We’re having a party because it’s a time of celebration, and that’s what you do in a time of celebration, You party! Tonight, we celebrate Superiority, Supremacy, and Ultimate Success�?Tonight We celebrate, as the Entourage has taken over this business�?Before you stands one half of the ICWA Tag Team Champions, and I’d have my partner out here but considering prior events, that didn’t seem possible�?My tag partner, who may not be a member of the Entourage, but is certainly an ally, is the Unified CWA-nWWF Heavyweight Champion�?And of course, the man of the hour, Bobby Johnson�?ICWA Hardcore Champion, and in 2 months time, ICWA Heavyweight champion!" The crowd pops as Bobby smirks. WallStreet, "Bobby Johnson stands before us tonight as the first man in ICWA history to ever enter the Royal Rumble number 1, and win it all. Bobby, let me tell ya something, you became big time the minute you accepted my offer to ride with the Entourage�?That was my way of throwing you the ball, and son, you ran that son of a bitch 90 yards down the field and plowed it into the endzone! But now, now that you’ve won the Rumble�?You’re not just big time�?You’re an overnight Icon! You wanta know what kind of success�?what kind of riches�?what kind of spoils come from winning the Royal Rumble? The only other man in ICWA History to win a Rumble is my buddy over here, Brock Lesnar�?After winning the Rumble Lesnar, who was only getting IC Title matches here and there, went on to obtain the ICWA Heavyweight Championship from the Legendary Psycho, and then, in this very ring, Brock Lesnar cemented his name as an ICWA Legend! Brock Lesnar may be holding the Women’s title right now, and perhaps he doesn’t seem like he’s exactly the Top rung on the ladder, but that’s only because he chooses not to be. Brock Lesnar has opted to relax a bit, take time to bring up his family, and just collect a pay check�?But the Brock Lesnar who won the Rumble, he was hungry, he was a top competitor, and you�?You are wearing those same boots Bobby. ICWA Thunderstruck�?Bobby Johnson Verses Jacob Mitchell�?It all rides on you Bobby�?Bobby Johnson, let me conclude with simply this�?Very few hear me say it, but�?You sir have reached the top of the ladder, you’re in a class of very few�?A Class with names the likes of the legendary Jimmy Stryker�?The Immortal Seifer�?The Corporate Icon, The WallStreet Brawler Taylor McCallister�?Bobby Johnson�?You sir, are a "Top Guy". Welcome to my tear." With that WallStreet extends his hand, and Bobby proudly accepts. Brock, "Not to interject myself in the middle of this little torch passing moment, but in an arena that houses James, No Limits, And SFM, I think we should get the drinkin before the AA rejects bum rush the champaign�? WallStreet laughs as he nods and says, "Indeed�?This is party, so let’s party! But why kick it off with a mere bucket of champaign, and only one lady in the ring�?Bobby Johnson�?Don’t ever say that the Corporate Icon doesn’t watch out for you�?Boys, send out the WOMEN!" The male crowd erupts as ‘Pimpin All Over The World�?by Ludacris blasts over the PA and WallStreet smirks as he awaits his VIP room full of women. Shane and Brock can be seen in the background carrying a small conversation as Heyman is right next to WallStreet awaiting the ladies, Bobby is fairly close to Street as Well, and Blaze is right behind the three. WallStreet, "It’s not rocket science, one foot in front of the other, come on, get your over used asses out here!" Despite WallStreet’s fading paitince, no one appears from behind the curtain. Suddenly the music and lights both die. JR, "I’m not sure what’s goin on here�? From no where the opening cords of ‘Seek and Destroy�?by Metallica blasts over the PA, Making the crowd erupt in a frenzy that is shaking the arena. JR, "WAIT A MINUTE�? NO�?IT CAN’T BE�?CAN IT?!" A bolt of lightning hits the stage, which makes the lights come back on. WallStreet is staring up the stage with eyes wide open, till he hears something behind him. The camera pans back and in the ring, black bat in hand stands�?/P> JR, "STING! STING! BAH GAWD IT’S STING!!!!" Douglas and Lesnar rush for the Stinger, Sting swings the bat deep into the ribs of Douglas, making him double over, and then does the same to Lesnar. He then wraps his arms around the heads of Lesnar and Douglas, and delivers a double DDT Dropping both men and making the crowd erupt. Bobby gets ready to go after Sting but WallStreet grabs him and Blaze by the arms and signals for them to get out of dodge so to speak. Blaze and Bobby both hit the canvas and slide out of the ring as WallStreet exits between the second and third ropes. Sting gets up and sees that Heyman, who’s been looking on in shock the entire time, is still in the ring. Sting grabs his bat and steps forward, making Heyman quickly drop and roll under the bottom rope. He rushes up the ramp and gets behind WallStreet, Bobby, and Blaze. Sting walks to the ropes, looking down at the Entourage briefly before taking his bat, and pointing it directly at WallStreet, which makes the crowd erupts and WallStreet eyes widen in shock. JR, "THE STINGER’S BACK AND BAH GAWD HE MEANS BUSINESS! IT LOOKS LIKE HE’S GOT HIS SITES ON THE BOSS, YA’D BETTER WATCH OUT WALLSTREET!!!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 30th, 2005 | As the cameras return from the break we see Bobby, WallStreet, and Blaze all walking quickly in the back, WallStreet leading. Bobby, "Yo, Yo, Yo�?Why are we rushing out of here? It’s just a dude and a baseball bat�?I can take him�? WallStreet, "I know Sting�?He’s been in the arena this entire show without anybody knowing it�?Which means he’s probably sitting in my office right now, waiting to wrap me upside the head with his lil baseball bat�?To Hell with that�? Bobby, "Dawg�?I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but�?You’re not�?You know�? WallStreet, "Not what?" Bobby, "Afraid are ya?" The crowd pops as WallStreet glares at Bobby while replying, "HEY! You listen to me and you listen good, Taylor McCallister isn’t "Afraid" of ANYTHING! I am a predator to the highest level, not prey�?And as a predator, I attack on MY time, and MY terms�?Sting’s probably had this planned for months, I’ve known that Sting was around for five minutes�?Slightly unlevel playing field, no? I’m not afraid of Sting, I’m just playing smart�?Now if you wanta stick around this place and get wrapped upside the head with a bat for your troubles, more power to you�?I, On the other hand, said that I was gonna party tonight and By God I’m gonna party tonight�?When Brock Lesnar wakes up somebody can let him know that since he can’t party with us this week, he can party with Sting next week, and out of the kindness of my heart, I’ll let him do so in his favorite little toy�?The Steal Cage! (Crowd pops) So Bobby�?You wanta party, or you wanta go chasing the Crow?" Bobby stands, taking in all of what WallStreet has said before he finally nods and says, "Fair enough�?Let’s party." WallStreet smiles, nods, and the three continue to head off as the cameras go to the ring. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following bout is the ICWA Demented MAIN EVENT! It is scheduled for ONEFALL, and is for the ICWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPPPPIONSHIPPPPP!!!!" Introducing First�? The cameras hit the stage as the Titiontron lights up with flames and a cross slowly fades in on the screen. Blue laser lights shoot out from the Titontron circling through the crowd. Acouple of seconds later red lasers shoot out from the stage hitting the ring. After a moment the arena goes black as a voice comes over the PA. Voice: I can hear what your thinking all your doubts and fears and if you look in my eyes in time you'll find the reason I'm here. And in time all things shall pass away and in time you may come back someday. To live once more or die once more, but in time your time'll be over As the words fade over the PA.blue and red smoke begins to role over the enterence way as six men walk out from under the smoke and line up down the ramp standing across from each other. They reach under there cloaks and each pull a single large cross out and hold it high above their heads as "Remedy" by Seether begins to play. The lights come on dimely in the arena as a figure appears under the red and blue smoke. Seether: The figure bows its head before stepping out from under the smoke and raises his hands high in the air as the fans erupt at the sight of SFM on the stage. SFM looks left and then right as he lowers his arms and starts down the ramp walking under the crosses held above his head by the cloaked men. Seether: As SFM reaches the ring steps he goes two steps up before stopping and turning towards the fans and shooting them a cocky smile before continuing up the ring steps and standing on the ring apron. SFM turns once again resting his back against the ropes and raising his hands high above his head Seether: SFM turns and ducks under the top rope and walks to the center of the ring and shoots the fans another cocky smile as he raises his hand and points at a turnbuckle and red pyro explodes out of it. He points at a second turnbuckle and a blue pyro explodes. A red explodes from the thrid and a blue from the forth. Seether: SFM raise his hands above his head and lowers his head as his hair falls down covering his face. He brings his hands down as red and blue pyros explode from all four turnbuckles and his music fades. SFM stretches out on the ropes as the lights in the arena begun to flicker, as the commentators and crowd watches the titantron waiting for the upcoming superstars introduction movie to hit. Red and Gold colored lights fill the arena, as the small projector in front of the stage begin to flash with Jacob's face and one of his trademark tattoo signs. Finally, the guitar strums opening up "The Propaganda" by Limp Bizkit plays over the P.A. System. The crowd jumped to their feet, cheering Jacob anxiously waiting the arrival of The Prodigal Son. JR, "Here we go�?The ICWA Main Event�?Heyman fled the arena so it looks like it’s just me and you folks in TV land for this spectacular main event�?Jacob Mitchell, who a lot have compared to a younger Sean Frost Mann, now meets SFM himself in the ring in what I suspect to be a Barn Burnin�?SLOBBERKNOCKER!" The crowd is going absolutely nuts, although as the music continues to play and the tron continues to flicker, there is still no sign of Mitchell. JR, "I don’t like the looks of this�?I have a sneaking suspicion that Matt Matlock may have struck again�? The music continues to play, however, for those of us in "TV Land" as JR so kind refered, it becomes more of a sound of the background as the Mitchell entrance video is cut and we go to the back where we see the Prodigal one, not in his gear, but in a black and red nWs football jersey and a pair of black ‘Prodigal Wear�?windbreakers. Over his right shoulder is what appears to be a large gym back, and in his left hand is his ICWA Heavyweight title. Mitchell keeps walking as he sees a door that reads ::Exit:: The camera man follows Mitchell, finding that our exit lead him to the outside parking lot. Mitchell takes a few steps forward before we can hear the door re-open and re-close and hear a familiar voice�?/P> "Jake�?You’re on man�? Mitchell turns around and we see Scott Jensen, who still has on his leather pants but has thrown on a black and green "ICWA Demented" T Shirt. Mitchell, "Yeah?" Jensen, "Yeah man, they’re playin your music�?SFM’s waitin in the ring�?Dude, you’re not even dressed�? Mitchell, "Give me one good reason to go get into that ring right now�? Jensen seems confused as he says, "It’s your job�? Mitchell laughs, "Correct me if I’m wrong, but my job is to compete at the highest level possible and to entertain the masses as I do so�?Correct?" Jensen shrugs and nods, "I’d say that’s a pretty fair description." Mitchell, "Yet I’m fightin a washed up never was�?Y2Jesus in a different wrapper�?Come on man�?Look kid, truthfully, I like you�?You’re good when ya wanta be, so I’m gonna do you a favor and give you a dime’s worth of free advice�?You’re on a sinking ship, get to the emergency row boat, disconnect yourself, and go find land." Jensen seems confused so Mitchell sighs and continues, "Scott, be real�?WallStreet doesn’t care about You�?He doesn’t care about me, he doesn’t care about anyone but himself, and maybe a hand full of friends. SFM’s return match is a world title match, yet you opened the card with Taz, who can’t even be bothered to show up for work 90% of the time. Why? SFM and WallStreet are buddies. Jimmy Stryker’s forth match back to the ICWA was against me and he’d barely beaten any of his opponents set in his path�?Some he didn’t even beat�?But he got the shot, and why? He and WallStreet are best friends. I was dumb enough, at one time, to think that WallStreet was different, that the ICWA was different�?honestly, I was�?But when push comes to shove, it all comes down to what I said about SFM and Y2Jesus�?Same candy, different wrapper�?I may as well be holding the BUD Heavyweight title, because the ICWA is the same fed, just a different wrapper, although, at least BUD can get shows off when scheduled, so perhaps BUD is like a Kingsized ICWA Bar. And while neither of them will ever admit, WallStreet�?Foxy Roxy�?Same Person, Different wrapper. So until WallRox�?I mean FoxyStreet�?SyckStreet�?Serpstreet�?Ah whatever, regardless, till he can get his head out of his ass and turn this place around, I have no reason to be here. SFM can wrestle himself tonight, he should be used to that." With that said, a large, Black, Escalade rolls into the parking lot. The black tinted window rolls down and we see Seifer behind the wheel. Seifer, "You ready bro?" Mitchell nods, then turns back to Jensen and says, "I’m telling ya man, don’t drown with WallStreet�?I’ll be around the circuit, once you get to land give me a call, I’m sure I can get ya deal on a floating ship." Mitchell gives Jensen a pat on the shoulder and then walks over to the escalade, opening the driver’s side back door and tossing his bag in, then closing the door and walking around to the passenger side where he enters the vehicle. The Escalade slowly takes off as the camera goes around to the back and we see the vehicle stop at the end of the parking lot, the passenger window roll down, Mitchell stick his arm out with the ICWA Title�?Release the belt to the pavement below, and then, The Escalade takes off. Jensen stands, staring at the belt, his face emotionless as we go to the ring where SFM is leaning on the ropes shaking his head. JR, "I�?I�?I Think Jacob Mitchell just quit on national TV�?Folks�?What you just saw wasn’t something we had scheduled�?I know in this business ya hear a lot of terms like ‘Angle�?and ‘Work�?as a result of internet yahoos who can’t keep there nose out of our business, but that�?well that’s as real as real is�?Jacob Mitchell just walked out on the ICWA and I�?Well�?Honestly I’m shocked�? Back in the ring SFM has been handed a microphone, at ringside we can see crew workers rushing around, and a lot of communication between JR, who has apparently turned off his mic, and senior referee Tim White, as if perhaps the ending angles of the night are being adjusted around Mitchell’s unexpected leave. SFM, "It’s no surprise to me that we just saw Mitchell pick up his ball and go home�?That’s what cowards do. Jacob Mitchell knew that he didn’t have what it took to back up all the crap he’s spewed, so he left, well Jake�?And I hope someone sends you the tape because I mean this�?I mean this from the bottom of my Mexican heart�?Hey cameraguy�?Get in close, I want that punk to look in my eyes�? SFM is now face to face with the camera, staring through the TV set at millions of viewers. SFM, "What you just did is cowardice and weak�?One day we’ll meet again, I don’t know where and I don’t know when, but you can bet your nWs clingin�?ass that it WILL happen, and when it does�?Well son, we’re gonna ‘Toss Tequilla�?and then�?We’re gonna ‘Roll�? and when it’s said and done, I’m gonna show these people what they should have seen tonight, Me, over you." SFM backs off the camera now as he flicks the mic off and walks over to the edge of the ring where Tim White is relaying some kind of a message. SFM nods and then turns the mic back on. SFM, "In any event, that’s done and over with and you people paid for an SFM Main Event so By GOD you’re gonna get one! (Crowd erupts)……�?Open Challenge, anybody�?And I mean ANYYYBODY, who wants to step it up and get in the ring with me�?TONIGHT! (Crowd pops), Come and get ya some……�?Come on, there’s gotta be someone, for the love of Christ it’s the main event slot�?Whether it be a Ryan Michaels making that step into fame or a seasoned Vet like Brock, let’s get it goin……�?Don’t make me come back there and find som�? Before he can finish ‘Right Now�?by Korn blasts over the PA. The crowd pops as SFM’s eyes widen, but he quickly smirks. JR, "BAH GAWD! JIMMY STRYKER! SFM WANTED A FIGHT AND HE’S GONNA GET ONE!!!" SFM, "Well�?This’ll do just fine�? SFM drops the mic and gets ready for a fight as the curtain moves and none other than Jimmy Stryker comes flying from behind it. He zips down the ramp at impeccable speed for a big man, slides in the ring, and gets to his feet, immediately engaging in a fist fight back and forth. Jimmy seems enraged, but SFM refuses to die as the two keep exchanging right hands. "I’ve Been, Waiting a long time For This, Moment To Come I’m Destined, For Anything At All�? JR, "Wait, that’s�? Before he can even finish, DSL comes running from behind the curtain with a sledgehammer in hand. She bolts down the ramp, slides into the ring, and pegs Jimmy in the back of the right knee, dropping him to a knee. SFM stumbles back, grabbing the top rope as he tries to take this opportunity to figure out who and where he is. DSL stands in stalk as Jimmy slowly stands up, holding the back of his right leg as he turns around, only for DSL to leap and drive the sledge hammer across the forehead of Jimmy with enough force that she herself goes down with Stryker. \JR, "MAH GAWD! WHAT A HIT!" The crowd goes wild as DSL gets up and stumbles back as the sledge hammer probably weighs almost as much as she does. SFM steps forward, breathing heavy from the fist fight with Jimmy, and cocking an eyebrow in curiosity. DSL nods and offers her right hand, now using only her left to hold on to the Hammer. SFM is very hesitant, but, just as any "good guy" would, he nods and accepts her hand, shaking hands with DSL. DSL nods back in what seems like an exchange of respect, but then from no where, she delivers a stiff kick between the legs of the Mexican Messiah, then grabs the Sledge hammer with both hands, pulls back, and BAM! Sledge hammer right across the forehead of SFM, knocking him down to the mat as well. JR, "She got him right between the eyes!" Somewhere in all the action the music had faded, although we weren’t paying much attention�?DSL drops the hammer and reaches between the ropes as a crew member hands her a mic. DSL, "Look SFM, This has nothing to do with you, You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, sorry. But Jimmy�?This has EVERYTHING to do with you! How long�?How long have we gone back and forth�?Back and forth with the games, the one-upmanship, the running of the jaws�?Well Jimmy, I’m tired of talking, I’m tired of being put to the way side because you had "Bigger and better" things to deal with�?I’m sick of thinking I’m about to get my shot at you, only to have it yanked from me cause guys like WallStreet and Burnout want to kiss your ass by handing you all the headliner spots... Jimmy, you can run�?you can run your little heart out, but it’s not gonna do you any good because you can’t hide�?Until I get a one on one match signed against you, I’m gonna always be there�?The noise in the shadows, It’s gonna be me�?That feeling of paranoia that makes you think someone’s watching you�?It’s gonna be me�?Every corner you turn, every match that you fight, I’m gonna be there Jimmy�?You can bet your life on it." DSL drops the mic as ‘Waiting�?by Greenday blasts over the PA. JR, "What a night�?I�?I�?Well I don’t have a clue where we’re goin from here, the best I can say is catch us next week!" All Name and Copy Rights resevered to InterCountyWrestlingAlliance Inc. 2002 �?2005 unless otherwise reserved, I.E. Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Sting, BUD, nWs, etc. | |
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