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ICWA Demented Live July 26, 2006 | Good GAWD! The ICWA is on a role! Week one our ratings were great, but after our second straight week of Dangerously/Skywalker in the headline we drew an unprecedented 4.2! Now has the WWE Drawn beyond a 4.2? Yes. Has WCW? Yes. But on their second cable broadcast? NOPE! Dangerously and Skywalker are carting the torch and the people love it. Of course we can’t attribute the entire show to the headline�?James, Matt Hardy, Nikki Black, Jamal Atkins, Jimmy Stryker, Shantel Travis, Summer Stratus, Image Johnson, Matt Matlock, MJ Storm, SFM�?They’re all drawing big. Matt Hardy’s merchandise sales have nearly doubled since signing with the ICWA, Image Johnson’s more popular than Lita in her prime, and Jimmy Stryker’s been America’s favorite badass since Steve Austin retired. Although I think now’s a great time to point out that Nic Dangerously’s merchandise is starting to sell heavy and Christian Skywalker right now is out selling anybody on the show, which tells me that he’s cemented himself as the flagship hero of this company. Never the less, why am I holding you up with information you can get on most internet wrestling news sites�?Let’s get to the action pimpin! The Cops credits conclude and the screen fades to black briefly before "Straight Out of Line" (already a minute-four into the song at the start of the first chorus) begins playing over the PA as the ICWA Dementa-reel plays With that the cameras begin sweeping the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia Pennsylvania as we see the following box pop up in the higher right corner of the screen. ICWA Demented LIVE San Antonio Texas | Busch, "WELCOME TO ANOTHER JAM PACKED TWO HOURS OF INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ALLIANCE’S DEMENTED!!! Two weeks of HUGE SUCCESS and FOLKS, We are NOT Puttin�?The Breaks on NOW! Because tonight, one on one�? The headline match banner hits the Dementa-Tron as the crowd erupts. Busch, "Former US Champion and the man who’s drawn with the unparalleled Nic Dangerously, "No Limits" Chrsitain Skywalker goes one on one with former ICWA Hardcore champion and Royal Rumble winner "The Future of the Franchise" Bobby Johnson!" Marshal, "Get with the times Alberta! He’s not "The Future" anymore, he’s taken over which is why he told me this afternoon that he’s�?Well he’s got a new moniker and he’s callin�?himself the H.N.I.C!" Busch, "What the Hell is an Ech Nic?" Marshal, " He’s the "Head N**ga In Charge!" Busch, "Can we say that?" Marshal, "Apparently not if I just got bleeped out." Busch, "Well regardless, that head fella in charge has to go against a man who’s a leader in his own right and he’s going to have his hands full tonight, I guarantee." With that the cameras switch to ringside where we see Busch and Marshal at the commentary position. Marshal, "Let me tell ya something about our head negro�?" We suddenly see a few men dressed in black jeans and Yellow shirts that read On the back. They surround the commentary table and one of them starts addressing Busch and Marshal although we can’t hear him. Marshal slowly grows agitated as he says, "What the Hell do you mean we can’t call the action at ringside?! ……………�?I don’t give a crap if Jesus himself sent you down here, I’ll make his ass tap just the same as anybody else." Security starts to close in as if they’re trying to be intimidating which makes Marshal slam his headphones down and jump up. We can just hear Marshal declare abruptly, "I’LL BITCH SLAP YOUR THOUGHT PROCESS BACK TO THE BIRTH CANNEL PAL!" They’re about to throw down as we see Bert holding his earphones and nodding as he says, "You sure? …………�?Alright Mr. Johnson, you’re the boss." Bert gets up keeping the headphones and puts a hand on Marshal’s shoulder. Marshal, "WHAT?!" Bert, "We’re supposed to stand down. They want us to relinquish the commentary table to W2K." Marshal, "What?! F**k W2K!" Marshal is clearly pissed off as he pushes the lead W2K security guard back and marches through the yellow shirts, pushing his way back and talking smack the whole time. Busch sets down his head set and follows behind, a bit more humbly although not much more gleefully then Marshal. They walk around the ring and start heading up the ramp as we see Hamid Ismali’s video start over the Dementa-Tron making the crowd both pop and boo as Hamid comes out without theme music. Hamid simply smirks as he walks down the ramp arrogantly yet in a determined fashion as well. He gets to ringside and walks up the steal steps and into the ring via the second and third ropes. Hamid enters the ring and is handed a microphone as "W2K" Security have left behind the ICWA Commentary team. Hamid: "Philadelphia, like San Antonio... is W2K country!" [ The W2K fans in attendance today are definately vocal... ] Crowd: "DUB TWO KAY! DUB TWO KAY!] Hamid: "Tonight, you are going to see a ICWA Presentation of a W2K Title match and I assure you that it will live up to the name of Wrestling... 2000.... because it's my company, my title and it's defended how I say so, where I say so, with whom I say so and I'm not going to have this called by ICWA commentators that know d**k all about W2K, and so I twisted arms until I got what I wanted and this match, this match will be called by.... JOE.... E..... KEWWWWWWL!" [ Hamid raises on arm out and heads out of the ring as "Welcome to the Jungle" starts, and the W2K loyalists know this is the W2K universal theme by Guns N' Roses. Joey walks out, waving his hand as he steps up into the ring and is handed a mic. Hamid takes a spot in the commentator’s booth. "Bodies Floating in Darkness" by Fear Factory explodes with thundering drums after the liquid like twangs, as out comes Kutter Flash, a beast of a man and obviously with his own mix of fans. Some boo, some, ICWA fans, don't know what to make of this opening match to Demented, but the Kutter fans still throw fists up in the air as the epic song gets to climax, and he slides into the ring and onto the ropes... perched like a vulture waiting to pick the meat.... It fades away and is replaced by the rumbling of "King Nothing" by Metallica... as some more fans get even more vocal... ] Crowd: "N E D! N E D! N E D! N E D!" [ Dangerously steps out on stage with Amber in tow. He's looking straight at the ring, and hits his stride as Amber keeps up. He walks up the steps, eyeing Kutter every second, and steps into the ring between the ropes. Joey lifts the mic. ] Joey: "Tonight we have a one fall to finish match up for the vacated Wrestling 2000 Championship. Introducing the first challenger, from Hell if I know, people... the six foot six, three hundred pound steam roller, the man who eats raw meat, the man who had to trade in his Ford Festiva because he couldn't damned well fit in it... the man who ate his gym teacher... he is the killing machine... the thoughtless hardcore Ikon.... the man who can down the Devil himself... a former one time W2K Champion in his own right...this... is.... KUTTEEEEER FLAAAAAAAASH!" [ Kutter raises his arms and arches his back like he's already got this won. His eyes are closed and even he can feel the emotion emanating from this match. For all the marbles. ] Joey: "And his opponent and second challenger... from San Antonio Texas... the six foot two, two hundred and sixty pound Man Who Can, No Hype Needed... the former Seven Time W2K Champion... too damned good for his own damned good and damned if he stops now... the Paradigm.... the God of Wrestling.... I give you... NIIIIC! EEEEEEEE! DAAAAANGEEEROOOUUUUSLYYYY!" [ The crowd erupts as NED spins and full realization hits him that he's still in W2K country- as San Antonio and Philadelphia were the two big cities they headquarted. when he turns around, Kutter has come at him full blast, and Joey tumbles himself out of the ring and to the announce booth with Hamid. Amber slides out and Kutter mashes a shoulder into NED's gut, and goes to lift, but NED tightens his arms around for a gut wrench but the heavier Kutter is amble to lift NED- NED swings his knee in and collides with Kutter's own gut, and then brings him chest first down to his knee when Kutter drops him... ] Hamid: "You fool, you gave Dangeorusly a much better introduction." Joey: "I thought they were fair and even." Hamid: "You think what I pay you to think!" [ Kutter pops up and NED goes to lariat, but Kutter falls back on an arm and lets NED's momentum carry him over, Kutter rolls and pounces and shoves NED face first into the corner, NED's head rolls and Kutter immediately grabs his arm and whips him in a hard release to the opposite corner- so hard Kutter lose shis footing and heads again full blast- jumping for an avalanche but NED shoots up a foot and flings Kutter back in a flop. ] Joey: "This is a clash of two styles between two men. In a straight match, Dangerously has the advantage as his ground game can wear Kutter down, but that's only if Kutter can't beat Dangerously's body into jelly before that happens!" Hamid: "I hand picked Kutter Flash to lead the new W2K... he will not fail." Joey: "And if he does?" Hamid: "He. Will. Not." Joey: "Okay geez." Hamid: "If he does, though. I have a plan B." [ NED soars onto the second rope and down with a driving elbow that cuts Kutter right in the forehead. Kutter kicks his legs, but NED grabs his hair and pulls him up- Kutter grabs a front waist lock and swings NED like a rag doll... ] Joey: "A simplistic bear hug made into a back twisting barrage!" [ NED's head bobs back and forth violently, until his hands clap on Kutter's ears, and NED bends down and grabs Kutter's foot, and twists it in an ankle lock that in turn twists Kutter around and flops him face first onto the canvas... Kutter crawls, easily pulling NED to the ropes with him and grabs it. ] Joey: Teddy Longfeather doing his job and breaking the hold. Dangerously seems to have a counter for everything!"
Hamid: "How will he counter a broken body Joey?" [ Kutter takes his foot up for a kick but NED backtracks. Kutter whisks up and swings in a lariat that NED ducks, NED goes for a waistlock, but Kutter dips forward, flipping NED form the sheer speed and power ofit... NED's on his feet, but Kutter hugs his head for a bulldog and plants him down hard... He come sup and drops a leg, and another, and another, and NED pushes up to all fours, and Kutteer drops another heavy leg, rolls NED over and covers- ONE! TWO! NO!!! ] Hamid: See, you fool? Kutter has the first pin attempt. The man who makes the first attempt ALWAYS wins. Fool. We can stop the match now because anything else is just delaying the inevitable." [ NED powers up a shoulder, but Kutter swings around, spinning him onto his stomach, and powers him up into a gutwrench over his shoulder, and nails a shoulder breaker. NED bounces off Kutter's knee, and Kutter holds him in a hangman's piledriver postion, swinging him up for a powerbomb... NED fights with with some wild swings of the fist, but Kutter spins wildly, flailing NED's limbs, and sends him back first with an Awesome Bomb into the turnbuckle... NED slumps over, and Kutter sends a knee, and a second into NED's gut, and then goes for a shoulder block... it hits and NED spits from the force, and Kutter backs off and goes for a corner GORE.... but Amber slips NED a chair... and he holds it as Kutter runs... he lifts it to hit Kutter in the back, but the knees and shoulder blocks knocked air out of him and he's too slow to hit Kutter in the head- Kutter connects the GORE, but as NED stepped out, he nailed Kutter in the back, as both fall to the canvas, and roll from each other. ] Joey: "Now, ICWA fans might be confused but W2K has no real disqualifications and no countouts when it's in the original form. Thus, the chair is legal." [ NED's huffing air, and Kutter rolls to all fours, then puts his hand on his back. He pulls himself up and looks down at Amber, shaking his head. He turns to NED and nails a punt like kick to the ribs, and rips him up to his feet, and goes for a Fisherman's brainbuster... NED twists bid pick up and is able to fall on Kutter; but Kutter presses him off before Teddy can even get a one. Kutter rolls to a three point stance, and goes for NED, who gives him a drop toe hold and rolls it into a Half crab... Kutter instantly comes to life... ] Joey: "Dangerously, always knowing exactly where he is!" Hamid: "But Kutter isn't in there without a clue..." [ Kutter reaches and reaches, but NED sinks back... he can't reach the ropes this time, but he does get his fingers around the leg of the chair... He pulls it close, and then NED sinks back, shaking his head wildly as Kutter tries and tries to roll to his back... little by little, until he gets his other leg to the other side, and NED's grip lessens, and Kutter brings the chair across NED's back... HARD.. and NED arches.. and Kutter gets to his feet and slams him again in the back and NED takes a step forward and turns- Kutter tosses him the chair and goes for the GORE, using the chair, and NED sees him as he comes off the ropes and tosses the chair, hitting Kutter in the head, it bounces off, NED catches it as the crowd goes "OOOOH!" Kutter spins and comes right back and NED crashes it down on his head.. Kutter spins again and comes back and NED hits him again- the crowd shutters and Kutter spins and comes back and this time digs his feet in and launches and hits his shoulder into the chair which in turn goes into NED for the XGORE.... ] Joey: "THREE CHAIRSHOTS! And he still came!" Hamid: "He's a tarnation machine, Joey. A damned machine!" NED is laids out, and Kutter is on his stomach. The chair still lays on NED, as Kutter makes a hurry crawl on top of NED and gets an arm slung around- ONE! TWO! NO! ] Joey: "Too much time! Dangerously got the shoulder up!" [ The crowd is getting into it, as "DUB TWO KAY! DUB TWO KAY!" chants go up... as does Kutter, as he goes to pick up NED... NED brings his legs up in a scissors around Kutter's head, and is spun as Kutter tries in vain to get out and NED goes for the chair, but Kutter doesn't fight it and rips NED off his back and into the air, slamming him back down in a powerbomb that breaks the scissors... Kutter stumbles back some into the ropes and comes back and standing in the ring is none other than Amber Michaels. Joey: " Oh no. She needs to get out of there before she's ran down by that beast Kutter." Hamid: "It couldn't happen to a better wh*re!" [ Kutter licks his lips and starts to stalk toward Amber. She backs into a corner and is scared for her life as she screams for NED to get up. Doesn't look likely, but the fans go nuts anyways. Hamid: "What the hell is that infidel doing here? Shouldn't he be in Michigan?" [ Indeed folks, Christian Michaels has made an appearance once again in ICWA. He charges down the aisle and leaps onto the apron. CM quickly ascends to the top rope and waits for Kutter to turn around. He does and Michaels leaps off looking for some move. What it is we'll never know as Kutter explodes into the air, catching CM with a massive GORE!!! The fans boo loudly as both men crash to the mat. However ole Hamid is happy as a pig in sh*t! Meanwhile Amber rushes over to NED and tries to rouse him back to life. Hamid: "What is going on? Kutter should be up by now." Joey: "You actually have a point there Hamid. I've never seen a GORE take this much out of Kutter. His opponents are usually the ones neraly dead, not Kutter too" [ Finally we see signs of movement as CM rolls out from under Kutter. The fans are cheering like hell again as Michaels takes off his shirt and reveals that he was wearing a metal plate underneath. Many of the fans are somehow even more pumped as they remember when CM borrowed this tactic from Bret Hart back in 2001 when he himself had to face Kutter in a match. Hamid though is pissed. He actually leaves the announce position and climbs into the ring. Hamid giving CM a real piece of his mind until Michaels points behind him. Slowly Hamid turns around and he's blasted by Amber with a chair! Joey: "Amber Michaels just dropped Hamid! She dropped him like a bad habit!" [ The plans now seems to be put NED on top of Kutter for an 8th W2K title reign. But that big assed man beast Kutter is getting to his hands and knees. CM takes the chair from Amber. But he looks at Kutter then the chair and back to Kutter. Christian decides to drop the chair and takes off that metal plate he's wearing. he then slams it across Kutter's back a good five times before he's put back down. He turns around upon hearing Amber squeal, seeing Hamid shove her down. CM is ready to save the day for his big sis, but there's a big reaction behind him. CM whips back aorund expecting to see Kutter back up but its none other than the longest reigning W2K champion ever....Black Widow!!! Joey: "What!? What the hell is Widow doing here?" [ Widow tells CM that they should go and get Hamid. He falls for it and turns round to go after Hamid. Then he's whipped back around and takes a hard kick to the gut. Widow then hits her finisher the "Sweet Dreams" (X-Pac's facebuster)! Hamid smiles, but Widow doesn't. She walks past him to NED, taking Dangerously and tying him up in the ropes. She then just starts beating his forehead with hard right hand fists. Eventually Nic's skin splitting and blood pours out.. Joey: "Wait a minute! Widow has razorblades in between her fingers! Dammit! I know she has that vendetta against NED for what happened to her father but she needs to let it go!" [ Hamid directs traffic until somehow Michaels, Christian that is, manages to get up and throw himself shoulder first into Widow. Hamid hops out of the ring as Widow is knocked down into a corner. CM starts working on getting NED free when hes grabbed by Kutter, snatched into the air, and tossed to the outside right over NED's head. Dangerously shows signs of life and raises a kick right between the legs of Mister Kutter Phuken Flash! He staggers away as NED manages to get the rest of the way free of the ropes. Widow comes at him but her clothesline is ducked and NED gives her a Deus Ex Machina right over the top rope! Joey: "Its looking good for Dangerously now! He's got a new wind and...HOLY CRAP!!!!" [ NED turned back around and was GORED so hard by Kutter that he was turned a complete flip and landed face down! Kutter is snarling as he rolls Dangerously onto his back and goes down for the pin. One........Two...........Three!!! The fans booing like hell as Kutter's theme replays over the sound system. Joey: "Dammit if it hadn't been for Widow, who has a vendetta against NED for the death of her father, he may have saw his eighth reign as W2K champion begin tonight. But instead we get to see Hamid and that damned beast Kutter gloat over Nic! This.....this just makes me sick!" [ Hamid coming back into the ring and presenting the title to Kutter as he stands over NED *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live July 26, 2006 | The camera comes back as the Dementa-Tron lights up and We see CM and Amber on either side of NED working as human crutches helping NED through the gorilla position toward the back. Suddenly out of no where we see a large forearm come flying across the back of Nic’s neck making him stumble a few steps before dropping to the ground. The crowd erupts as we see Kutter Flash run through and start stomping away at Dangerously. Busch, "Aww come on! That’s enough!" Before CM or Amber can help him out Black Widow comes flying from behind and grabs Amber by the hair, driving her down with a hairgrab face plant as Hamid wraps Michaels across the back with a steal chair. Crowd: DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY�?/P> Busch, "That’s enough damn it!" Suddenly out of no where we see the illustrious "Crown of Thorns" (a Kendo stick wrapped heavily in barbwire at the end) crack over the head of Kutter. The crowd erupts as Kutter gets up and stumbles back and the cameras pan back revealing�?/P> Busch, "NO LIMITS CHRSITIAN SKYWALKER! SKYWALKER! THANK GOD CHRISTIAN’S MAKING THE SAVE!" Kutter looks pissed but Skywalker wraps him over the head again. Kutter staggers only slightly�?He wraps him Again and again and again and AGAIN! But the big man’s still on his feet�?/P> Finally NLCS puts the tip of the kendo stick on the floor and gets in a golfer stance only to swing back, then swing through like Tiger Woods at the Tee, and THWACK! Right between the man beasts legs. Kutter’s eyes grow huge as NLCS actually drops the Kendo stick and we see it hanging realizing that the barbwire’s stuck through Kutter’s spandex singlet and is probably stuck in the monster’s testical sack. Kutter drops back, even he can’t withstand that. Meanwhile CM took the advantage over Hamid, probably with a low blow of his own and is just about to nail the "Just Like That" (Twist of fate) as Widow and Amber are brawling on the floor, but ICWA/MSN Security floods the area and starts restraining everybody. The crowd boos as Busch says, "FINALLY! Security is finally taking charge!" They pull everyone apart and help NED to his feet. Nic raises a questioning eyebrow as he, CM, and Amber all look at NLCS suspiciously. Skywalker simply nods toward Nic and heads the other way as Security continues to restrain the other performs involved and is keeping "Team W2K" (For lack of a better name right now) separate from Synergy. Marshal, "W2K Is a pile of crap! When will we get this garbage off the ICWA Program?! I didn’t bust my ass for as long as I did to come into a company as prestigious as the ICWA so that a bunch of second rate Indy guys who have been scrapping the bottom of the barrel for damn near ten years can come in here and Shove US AROUND! The ICWA Is superior to anything out there, which makes me HAVE to ask why the HELL are we giving up OUR air time to these out of work nobodies?!" Bert, "Well�?I agree with you for the most part but I’m not sure that I’m quite as anti-W2K as you are�? Marshal, "You wouldn’t be! But answer me this Bert, What the Hell did ANY of this have to do with Christian Skywalker?!" Busch, " Well that’s a question that only Christian Skywalker can answer. Maybe his two straight draws gave him a new found respect for Dangerously, maybe he was just evening the odds since it was a sneak attack and we all know that Skywalker’s got a very strong level of integrity. I don’t know, but what I do know is that he couldn’t have come at a better time." With that we fade to the parking lot where we see A long black limousine pulls up. The crowd is buzzing, trying to guestemate who may be coming to the arena. Finally the limo draws to a stop as the driver’s side door opens and the chauffer steps out and walks along the limo to the back. The chauffer opens the door and out from the limo to a strong reaction steps Image Johnson in a very attractive silver ensemble and of course the ICWA Women’s championship over her shoulder; and then to a chorus of boos follows her husband Bobby Johnson who’s sporting a pair of black Armani Pants and an open Black Short sleeve button up which exposes his well shaped chest, and a pair of black sun glasses. The two walk into the arena as the crowd is mixed�?Most of them enjoying Image as who can’t appreciate a four month rookie who’s out shined every female on the circuit�?Every female on the circuit. Let’s take a second to really understand just what that means. All the women who we’ve heard so much about for the last few years�?Not So Foxy Roxy, Angelique, Whisper, Isabel Taylor, Georgia James, Rebecca Rancid, Trish Stratus, Alundra Blaze, Missy Bytch�?She’s surpassed each and every one of them. But, as much as they love Image for her rookie success (just as they had grown to love Bobby in his rookie year), they loath Bobby Johnson. Not because he’s successful, but because he’s willing to throw that success in anybody’s face to prove a point. Never the less, the controversial couple goes into the arena as we hear Bert Busch say, "Well folks�?When we get back former "Originator" stablemates Jimmy Stryker and Jamal Atkins go one on one!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live July 26, 2006 | When cameras come back from commercial break we see find ourselves looking out in the parking lot one more time, but we find ourselves focused on a red Mazda6 five door. Behind that Mazda we see a Sign that says "Reserved: ICWA Chairperson" Busch, "Well, that’s the vehicle of ICWA Chairperson Miss Jaymie Leigh. A Bit more of a humble carriage then a lot of our performers and staff would drive but then again, Miss Leigh is used to a more humble, family based lifestyle." The camera slowly pans back and as it does we notice that there’s a big black ball being held by a cable attached to a crane. Busch, "What the Hell�? Suddenly a release is apparently hit as the ball comes flying down and crushes the top of the car, shattering the windows and destroying the roof. The crowd erupts (cause massive destruction equals ratings any which way you slice it) but only briefly as the camera pans out and we see a smirking SFM sitting in the crane. SFM Smirks, "Heh�?Another day another dollar�? He shakes his head and hops out of the crane as the cameras come back to the ring. Busch, "Ya know, why doesn’t he get a hobby or something." Marshal, "I guess tormenting the powers that be is his hobby." Busch, "Yeah well, he should find a new one cause the last time I looked the Austin era was left back in the 90s and this whole "rebel without a cause" crap has been played to death. Let’s go watch Nick at Nite cause I guarantee ya I find something fresher there then SFM’s "Fight ‘The Man�? Crap!" Marshal, "Meh." Dart: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. The lights in the arena begin to flciker as Jamal Atkins music begins to play. The fan explode with booing. He then comes out flipping everyone off as he just walks down the ramp and gets into the ring.. Jamal Atkins flips off everyone and then goes ans stands near the corner looking up towards the enterance ramp. Dart: In the ring from New York City, weighing two hundred and twenty pounds....JAMAL ATKINS!!!! He continues to flip off the crowd, as the continue to boo him. Just then the lights drop, as a huge guitar riff begins to play. "Right Now" by Korn hits as black, white and blue spotlights flicker all over the area. On the top of the stage you notice a good few puffs of smoke fly up, as the spotlights shoot throughout the smoke, a male figure appears on the rampway. The lights continue to flicker as the man makes his way down the rampway. The puffs of smoke shoot up every step that he makes, while on the way to the ring. While on his short walk. is a white spotlight that has shown about the halfway point to the ring as the big light and the flickers begin to work together. There you can see the man sliding in underneath the bottom rope as the lights continue to flicker over and over the dark black, the white bright color and the dark blue,as he is in the ring ready for his match to begin while the lights in the area, slowly make their way back to normal. Dart: Making his way to the ring From Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing two hundred and ninety pounds, he is the Legendary Jimmy Stryker!! The crowd is seen giving him a mixed reaction as he slides into the ring, and stops as he stands across the ring eyeing Jamal, as he just smiles. He removes his sunglasses as he smiles his cocky smile. Atkins is seen getting loose on the other side of the ring...as Stryker turns and starts in his direction but stops as Atkins backs off nearly falling through the ropes and to the outside. Stryker laughs, as the crowd is heard with a small chuckle. Just then Chris Martin is seen shaking his hand as the bell rings. DING DING DING!! Busch: Here we go folks. Were in for another Jimmy Stryker possible mauling? Marshall: No way!!! Atkins has been on fire taking down the Bobby Johnson, and this will make one more week taking down Stryker too. Atkins and Stryker lock up. Stryker is then seen quickly pushing off, and taking a thumb to the eye of Atkins. Atkins is seen back off holding his eye, as he is trying to shake it off. As he does Stryker is seen across the ring from him laughing his head off. Atkins, keeping his cool, charges at Stryker. Stryker moves away as Atkins is seen coming off the ropes. He then tries for a clothesline, but for some reason Stryker dosent budge. Busch: How do you expect to get a almost three hundred pound guy with nothing but muscle down with that kind of clothesline? Marshall: There is always a way Bert!! Atkins then comes off the ropes one more time, as Stryker is seen smiling. Atkins, then nails him with a clothesline. As Atkins turns around from the shot he gave Stryker, Stryker is seen shaking his head, and then falling to the mat, with a thud. He then holds the back of his head for a moment. Atkins, then goes over to grab Stryker, but Stryker is seen pulling Chris Martin in the way. Atkins pulls his punch in time that was aiming for the head of Stryker. Martin backs off Atkins, as Stryker is seen trying to push Martin back towards Atkins one more time. As Chris goes towards Atkins, so does Stryker, as Martin is seen getting out of the way as a spinning heel kick is given to the head of Atkins sending him down hard. Stryker then bounces off the ropes, and drops a knee into the throat of Jamal Atkins. Atkins is seen trying to catch his breath. Stryker then grabs a hold of Atkins and sits him up. Stryker then comes off the ropes one more time, as a huge shinning wizard is seen coming acros the head of Atkins sending him back down. Busch: Stryker in some major offense here!! Marshall: Yeah but Stryker cant do it all in one match!! You watch Atkins will make it back. Just as MArshall speaks, Stryker is seen bending down to pick up Atkins, as a rake to the eyes is given to Stryker from Atkins. Atkins now gets to his feet as Stryker is seen hurdling backwards. Stryker then starts swinging towards the location of Atkins. But he is seen swinging at nothing but air. Just as Atkins thinks he is in the clear, Stryker turns and swings a quick powerful roundhouse kick, as Atkins didnt see it coming, as Atkins is seen pushing Chris Martin in the path, as Martin is seen being laid out. Stryker thinking he got Atkins, as he walks forward. Stryker only seeing double at the moment, is the grabbed by Atkins, and is nailed with the low blow, sending Stryker down to his knees. Atkins then walks a couple feet away from Stryker but turns and nails Stryker with a superkick to the head sending Stryker down to the mat. Atkins is seen making a cover. But there is no referee, as he is pissed off about doing what he did since he knows he could have pulled off an easy win. Busch: What the hell? Atkins thinks he is going to get a win now? Marshall: GET UP MARTIN YOU PILE OF CRAP!!! Stryker is seen pushing Atkins up and off of him, as Stryker then does a back summersault up onto his hands, lands on his feet, as Atkins is getting to his feet. Atkins not expecting what is coming as Stryker and one of his roundhouses connects with his jaw sending him flying through the air and landing hard to the mat. Stryker then grabs Atkins, as he slams his foot into the midsection, and then in honor of WallStreet nails Atkins with the Stock Market Crash. Busch: What the hell he just nailed Atkins with the Stock Market Crash, that is WallStreet's finisher!! Marshall: I dont know!!!! Atkins then lies on the ground as Stryker is seen slapping Martin to wake him up. Jimmy gets Martin to his feet, as he sets him against the ropes. Martin not sure of what was going on while he was down, as Atkins is seen being whipped into the ropes and now nails Atkins with The Greatest Of All Time sending Atkins down hard to the mat one more time. Busch: That was Bobby Johnsons move? What the hell? Marshall: I dont know, but this is getting majorly strange. Jimmy finally after playing with him a bit, picks up Atkins. Atkins is seen being whipped into the ropes again, this time a kick to the midsection. Stryker picks him up to attempt the Supreme Killing, but Atkins a little dazed not knowing where he is, pushes off and delievers a kick to the back of the head. Stryker a bit dazed, as Atkins spears Stryker into the corner turnbuckle. Atkins then goes to work on Stryker by nailing him with right hands in the corner. Atkins is about to climb down, but all of a sudden Stryker pokes him in the eyes, and sets him up in a powerbomb stance. He then lifts up Atkins, and drops him, but with more power in a sitdown powerbomb, a addition to the Supreme Killing. Stryker is seen covering Atkins. Martin: 1.....2.....3!!! DING DING DING Dart: Here is your winner......Jimmy Stryker!!!!! Busch: After using two finishers, and laying out Atkins, some how makes a small comeback out of nowhere, but BOOM!! Marshall: A supreme killing and that is all she wrote Bert!! Busch: What will WallStreet and Bobby have to say about this? Marshall: This is what happens when you get involved in something you shouldnt right Atkins? Busch: I dont get it!!! Marshall: You never do!! Jimmy is leaning against the ropes looking down at Jamal who’s rolled out onto the floor by the ramp. Jimmy is smirking and shaking his head as the crowd erupts with boos and just out of the corner of the screen we see a figure jump the crowd barricade and slide into the ring�? Busch,"DSL! She’s not supposed to be here!" DSL brings the US title up and waits. Jimmy shakes his head as he’s smirking toward Jamal till he finally turns around and his eyes open wide just as DSL Lunges forward and leaps up, nailing Stryker across the head with the championship belt and making Jimmy go backwards up and over the top rope and crashing to the floor below. The crowd boos as DSL just smirks and "Run if you want to" by Jimmy Johnson productions blasts over the PA. Busch, "DSL wasn’t supposed to be here in Philadelphia as a result of other contractual agreements but�?but�?well I guess she got here!" The cameras fade from DSL’s smirking face to the backstage area where we see Jaymie and Russ walking through the hallway talking back and forth. Russ, "�?I’m not sure what that deal with Hardy was to be honest. But I know it must have been big if your brother got involved." Jaymie, "Yeah; Well then again, Taylor’s always thought fairly highly of Matt�?It’s Jeff who he can’t stand. But what can ya�? Suddenly someone in a pair of black jeans and a black polo shirt with "ICWA" Written in green on the higher right chest area rushes into the scene. Man, "Miss Leigh!" Jaymie stops and raises her brow enough to say "Yes?" Man, "Your car�? Jaymie, "What about it?" Man, "Your car’s been�?Well�?It’s been totaled." Jaymie, "What?!" With that Jaymie and Russ begin power walking toward what we can only assume to be the direction of the parking lot. Marshal, "This is gonna be entertaining." Busch, "I don’t think Miss Leigh looks like she’s gonna be in a real entertaining mood but I guess we’ll find out when we come back!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live July 26, 2006 | When the cameras come back from commercial we find Jaymie, Russ, and the crew member from before all standing before the destruction that was Jaymie’s car. Russ sarcastically says, "Gee-wilikers Batwoman, I wonder who did this." Jaymie sarcastically slaps her face as her jaw drops in "shock" and she says, "Gee, I don’t know RJ Robin! Maybe it was the Joker and his evil henchmen!" RJ, "The guy who did it is a joke alright." Jaymie rolls her eyes, "I don’t suppose you can give me a ride to the Hotel after the show?" RJ, "Of course." Jaymie shakes her head in agitation as she turns and heads back for the arena. Marshal, "I’ll give ya a ride in your hotel, ha-ha!" Busch, "That’s our boss�? Marshal, "And?" With that the cameras fade to the ramp as The lights in the arena dim, through the sound system, Fuel's "Won't Back Down" begins low ..
I know what darkness means (and the void you left for me) The isolation stings (so thick it wants to bleed) The echoes in my brain (of the things you said to me) You took my everything .. (NOW I'M COMING FOR YOU!)
Two pyro's explode simultaneously on either side of the stage, forming a thick cloud of smoke, Nikki steps through the smoke, she stands motionless, letting her eyes roam over the crowd. She shoots her hand in the air and runs down the ramp. Kevin Dart, "The following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL and is for the ICWA HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, making her way from Oklahoma City Oklahommma�?NIKKI_BLAAAAAACK!" As she reaches the ring, she hops on the apron and turns and places her back against the ropes. After a moment she back flips on the ropes into the ring. She hits the four corner posts and plays to the crowd, then hops down and makes her way to the middle of the ring where she waits for her opponent. Busch, "Nikki Black laid waste to one half of the Hardcore champions last week as she went one on one with Jamal Atkins. If she can do the same here tonight against Matt Hardy in this no disqualifications contest she’ll be the ICWA Hardcore champion." Marshal, "Unless there’s a kitchen sink or a diaper changing table under the ring Nikki’s gonna be lost in a hardcore environment." Busch, "You obviously haven’t done your homework on Nikki Black." Marshal, "Homework’s for greasy, pimple covered highschool punks, not former heavyweight champions with a stable of wives bigger than Godfather’s ho collection." "WHOOOOOOA YEAH!" blasts through the speakers! The fans come to their feet instantly popping for Hardy. And its just a second later before he appears from behind the curtain and throwing up the familiar V1 hand gesture. Dart, "And the opponent�?Making his way from Cameron North Carolina, he weighs in this evening at 225 pounds and is one half of the ICWA HARDCORE CHAMPION…�?He is MATT_HAAAAAAAAAAAAARDY!" Matt then makes his way down to the ring as his video an music play. He even slaps hands with some of the ringside fans before climbing in the ring. Busch, "Well folks, the interesting thing about this contest is that should Nikki Black defeat Matt Hardy here tonight, then she takes full possession of the ICWA Hardcore championship, which means that despite not being involved in the bout, Jamal Atkins would lose claim to the Hardcore championship should Black go over Hardy in this bout." Marshal, "Yeah well, Jamal Atkins is as hardcore as a wet fart and Matt Hardy isn’t exactly captain hardcore either. Frankly, nobody actively competing in our hardcore division has much going on. I’d break em all in half." "Live for the Moment" by Monster Magnet is fading as ICWA Senior referee Tim White calls for the bell. Hardy and Black circle slowly, sizing each other up. Hardy and Nikki are both playing a cautious game as they’re fairly evenly matched opponents�?Finally they both lunge forward and lock up into a neck and elbow grapple. Hardy quickly charges forward and ends up pressing Nikki back first against the turnbuckles which makes referee Tim White call for the break. Busch, "I’m not sure why there’s a demand for a break in a Hardcore match." Marshal, "Give the guy a break, you’d be a little out of it if your last big gimmick was trying to blow your brains out too." Busch, "Fair enough." Despite it being a Hardcore contest Hardy ever so graciously backs off from his opponent of the evening. As he releases the neck and elbow grapple Nikki Black quickly jabs a thumb into the right eye of Hardy. The crowd boos as Version 1 staggers back holding his eye and Nikki pulls herself up onto the second rope. Nikki quickly jumps off and delivers a high axe handle across the forehead of Hardy, sending the Sensei of Mattitude to his back. Hardy rolls to his stomach holding his forehead as he slowly pulls himself up to his feet. Hardy staggers around and BAM! A stiff kick between the legs making Version 1 double over�?SMACCCCK! And a Bitch Slap puts the icying on the cake as Hardy drops to his knees like a bag of bricks. Busch, "That’s as legal as a wristlock in this bout." Marshal, "Wristlocks are lame." Nikki drops down and rolls under the bottom rope to ringside. She bends down and lifts up the ring apron, tossing it up on the ring as she’s apparently looking about for some goodies. She must have found something as she pulls out a shinny aluminum trash can (which appears to have other random items in it) and tosses it up over the top rope and into the ring. She continues looking under the ring and withdraws a broom which she slides into the ring. Marshal, "Here’s a weapon she should be well acquainted with from her time of sweeping the Kitchen floor." By now Hardy’s started to get up in the ring but he’s still got a hand nursing his "fellas". Nikki pulls back and goes to swing the broom right across the face off the Sensei of Mattitude but Matt Hardy quickly throws up the right hand and catches the broom stick. The crowd erupts as Nikki’s eyes grow wide. Hardy then delivers a stiff kick into the gut of Black, making her double over and relinquish the broom to the Hardcore champion. Matt tosses the broom to the side, apparently not feeling right about wrapping a woman not named Amy Dumas upside the head with a broomstick. Hardy hooks Nikki and with great speed executes a snap suplex, making the fans pop. Hardy floats over and hooks the far leg as Tim White counts …………………�?……………�?2………�?Just beyond two as Nikki kicks out. Hardy gets up and throws up the V1 drawing a huge pop and a chant from the fans. Crowd: HARDY, HARDY, HARDY, HARDY, HARDY, HARDY�?/EM> Busch, "This near capacity crowd clearly behind the Hardcore Champion tonight." Marshal, "I bet if we gave each of these fans an IQ Test they’d all come back negative." Busch, "Oh come on!" Nikki black brings herself to her feet as Hardy applies a side headlock only briefly before rolling his back across the top of Nikki’s head, grabbing her arm, and swinging behind with a well applied hammerlock. The crowd pops as Nikki slaps her shoulder in pain�?After a few seconds Nikki reaches up and wraps her arm around Hardy’s head as if she was looking for a stunner, but instead of dropping she squats down, Leaps up almost flipping backwards over Hardy, then swings down and drops to a knee bringing Hardy over with a well applied inverted snap mare take over. The crowd boos as Black hooks on a reverse chin lock. Hardy quickly swings out to a knee and then stands up as apparently the chin lock wasn’t applied extremely well. Hardy hoists Black into the air and then SLAM! He drops back delivering a high angle belly to back suplex to Nikki Black. The crowd pops again�?But before long their pops turn to boos. Busch, "Who the Hell�? The camera goes to the ramp where we see a couple of large men in black suits The two men slowly start walking down the ramp, keeping their faces expressionless and their eyes hidden behind their glasses. Matt Hardy doesn’t even notice as he gets up and grabs Nikki by the head and arm, guiding her to her feet. Hardy Delivers an Irish whip, shipping her across into the turnbuckles nearest the commentary table. Matt bends down and grabs the trash can, tipping it up and dumping the contents (a 10MPH Road sign, a cookie sheet, and a baseball bat) onto the Mat. Hardy then charges with the Trash can, throws it at Nikki (who catches it on instinct) and leaps up into the air doing somewhat of a flying summersault as his ass and legs crash into the trash can making it smash into the rib area of Nikki Black. Hard holds his lower back as Black collapses down onto the mat and the crowd is going wild. Meanwhile, our two suits have made it to ringside. They both reach up simultaneously and grab the top rope, pulling themselves up onto the ring apron before bending down and entering the ring between the second and third ropes at the exact same time. They both walk over as Hardy is pulling himself up holding his lowerback. Hardy staggers a bit and turns around only to have both of the suits grab Hardy by the throat at the same time. Busch, "What the Hell?!" They both hoist Hardy up into the air, and then BAM! Busch, "BAH GAWD! What a double chokeslam from these goliath like twins!" One of the men places his foot across the windpipe of Hardy, making sure he stays down (gasping for his breath I might add) as the other exits the ring and reaches under the ring apron. He withdraws a table which makes the crowd pop. He slides the table into the ring and then he grabs another and slides that one into the ring as well. Busch, "Who the Hell are these guys and what are they doing?!" Marshal, "I don’t know who they are but I think it’s pretty clear what they’re doing�?They’re whoopin�?Matt Hardy’s internet lovin�?ass!" Busch, "But WHY?!" Marshal, "Why’s water wet or clouds white?! What do I look like, Socrates?!" The man who was standing on Hardy’s throat finally stops as they both start setting the tables up in the ring. By now Nikki Black has recovered from her attack and she’s just leaning in the corner watching intently. They set the tables next to each other and pull Hardy back up to his feet. One of the large bald men sits up ontop of the top turnbuckle (facing the tables) as the other grabs Hardy in what looks like a high angle belly to back, but ends up handing him up to his brother on the top rope. It looks like a potential top rope power bomb when the fans erupt and we look at the ramp Busch, "JEFF HARDY! JEFF HARDY! JEFF HARDY’S COMIN�?TO HIS BROTHER’S AID!" Jeff slides into the ring and pops up, instantly going after the standing suit with hard right hands to the face, making the crowd go absolutely nuts. Hardy hits right after right after right although they don’t seem to be doing a hole lot of damage. Finally the Suit delivers a swift kick between Jeff’s legs making him double over slightly as the suit wraps both hands around Jeff’s throat, hoist him up into the air, and swings around nailing a Spinning sit-down double handed choke slam (or a Baldo bomb) to Jeff Hardy. Hardy rolls under the bottom rope and flops on the floor from the impact as finally the man on the top rope stands up, seemingly ready for the powerbomb from the second rope. He’s just about to leap when we see Matt Hardy suddenly start delivering hard right hands into the skull of the large suit. After a series of hard rights, Hardy hooks his legs and drops back, sending the suit flying off the second rope via a hurrincarana that sends him CRASHING through the tables, sending the fans into a frenzy. Crowd: HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT�?BR>Matt Gets up just in time to see the other suit lunging forward looking for a powerline but Hardy ducks quickly. The big man goes over Hardy’s head and turns around just in time to be met by a stiff right hand, followed by a second, a third, forth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth�?He’s reeling, leaning on the ropes as the crowd is going nuts�?Hardy pulls back for a big haymaker and WHAM! The crowd boos as Busch says, "DAMN HER!" Just as Hardy was about to send the big guy up and over Nikki Black dropped to a knee behind hardy and nailed a hard uppercut style low blow. Hardy is doubled over as the big man shoves Hardy’s head between his legs. The crowd is booing as we see the suit hoist Hardy into the air, and then BAM! Big time powerbomb. Nikki smirks as she drops down to her knees and covers Matt Hardy, making the ref count …………………�?………………………�?…………………………………�?! But wait! Just as his hand was grazing the mat for three Hardy popped the shoulder up! Busch, "NO! I CAN’T BELIEVE SHE JUST WON THE HARDCORE TITLE THAT WAY! THAT�?THAT�?JEZABEL!" Marshal, "Hold on a second�?A Woman is hardcore champ?" Well according to Tim White who’s got two fingers in the air and is slapping his shoulder to indicate that Hardy got the shoulder up, apparently not. Busch, "Well�?It appears that Matt Hardy got the shoulder up but it’s pretty much instrumental from here." Nikki points to the big guy then down to Hardy and yells "FINISH HIM!" He nods and bends down, grabbing a couple of fist fulls of Hardy’s hair and pulling him up when suddenly we see a figure slide under the bottom rope with a�?a�?SLEDGE HAMMER! Busch, "IT’S JAMAL ATKINS AND HE’S GOT A SLEDGE HAMMER!" The big man turns around and BAM! Atkins drills him across the forehead with the Sledgehammer making the big man drop and roll out of the ring. By now the other big man who was hurrincarana’d through the table has found his feet and is staggering over. He shakes it off and runs toward Atkins quickly darts forward and meets him with the sledgehammer across the skull, making him drop and roll out of the ring as well. The fans are going wild. Busch, "JAMAL HAS COME TO THE AID OF HARDY!" Marshal, "Get smart Busch! He’s not "aiding" Hardy, he’s saving his Hardcore championship!" Jamal turns around and WHACK! Nikki black swings and smashes him across the skull with the wooden baseball bat we’d seen fall out of the trash can earlier. Jamal’s hit with such force that he literally spins through the air before landing face first on the mat and rolling out to the ringside floor nearest the ramp. Nikki shakes her head and turns (baseball bat still in hand) only to be met by a kick to the gut. She keeps the baseball bat as Hardy quickly puts her in a front face lock, throws out the V1 Making the fans erupt, and then Busch, "TWIST OF FATE! TWIST OF FATE! HARDY HAS HIT THE TWIST OF FATE ON NIKKI BLACK!" The bat goes flying as Hardy uses all of his power to crawl over and lay across Nikki as the ref counts ……………………�?………………………�?……………………�?! One of the big bald men suddenly dives from nowhere and just hits Hardy but apparently not in time as Tim White jumps up and calls for the bell. Busch, "HE DID IT! HARDY RETAINED THE TITLE!" "Live For the Moment" blasts over the PA as Dart announces, "Your winner and STILL ICWA CO-HARDCORE CHAMPIONNN�?MATT_HAAAAAAARDY!" The crowd is going wild as Hardy is barely conschious. The two bald men, who are both bleeding from the sledgehammer shots, get in the ring, grab Nikki Black, and pull her out. One of them carries her in his arms as the other walks by his side and they both make their way up the ramp. Back at ringside Jamal is out on the floor nearest the ramp as Jeff is just starting to stir on the left side of the ring and Hardy is having the Hardcore title drapped over his shoulder as he leans against the turnbuckles. Busch, "Hardy retains but what carnage! And who were those guys?! Marshal, "If I had to guess I’d say they were the "people" that Nikki Black has mentioned having under her employment." With that we go to the back where we see Christian Skywalker walking through. The crowd erupts for their hero as Busch says, "There he is! The man who’s drawn with Nic Dangerously for two weeks straight and is looking to pick up his first main event win here tonight verses Bobby Johnson!" Marshal, "He can look all day, that damn sure don’t mean it’s gonna happen." Busch, "Well I guess we’ll find out later tonight!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live July 26, 2006 | When the cameras return from commercial break we open up on the commentary table where we see Bert Busch, Jay Marshal, and now the beautiful Image Johnson. Busch: "Welcome back, folks! Joining us here at the commentary table for our next match is the current ICWA Women’s Champion Image Johnson. Welcome, Image!" Image: "Thanks, Bert. Glad to be here." " Never Be Me" Blasts over the PA System. The crowd jumps up to its feet, immediatley booing as they hear that one of a kind music. Shantel Travis could only come to mind as they watch Wrestling's Very own Marilyn Monroe's various situations and photoshoot flashes flip over the large screen. Hearing the talented rapper begin to spit in her theme song, as Shantel pushes the large long black curtain from her path as she paces from behind the stage. With an immediate smirk.. staggering some biting her lip as the smirk leaves her face. Reaching the end of the stage where the ramp starts.. the Girl everyone loves to Hate stand still at the top of the ramp, placing her small tender hands at her full waist looking forward over the large arena. Kevin Dart: "This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the W2K Championess Championship title. Making her way to the ring…from Nashville, Tennessee, and weighing in at an undisclosed weight…she is the self-proclaimed Marilyn Monroe of wrestling…Shantelllll Travis!" Busch: "For those of you who missed last week’s show, Image relinquished the W2K Championess Championship title. Right, Image?" Image: "That’s right, Bert. I certainly did." Marshal: "Why the hell would you do something like that? Management hands you the coveted title, and you thank them by tossing it back in their faces? Sort of like, ‘Thanks. But no thanks�?" Image: "Has anyone ever told you that you are a ginormous jackass?" Busch: "All the time, Image. All the time." Image: "Look, I decided to give the title up because I want to WIN it. When that belt is around my waist, I don’t want anyone to be able to say it was just handed to me; that I don’t deserve it. So I handed it back, and the winner of this match will be crowned the new W2K Championess. Too bad for them, though; it’s only temporary." Busch: "That’s right. Tonight’s winner will win the title, but they’re gonna have to turn right around and defend it against you at Resurrection." Image: "You’re absolutely correct. They’re get the belt PLUS an impending beat-down. Make no mistake about it…Image Johnson WILL leave Resurrection with the W2K Championess Championship." Beginning to make her way down to the squared circle which lies directly in front of her as she looks down at the lit up ramp below her, receiving no positive pump from the crowd as they know nothing good could come of her at all. As she walks by blowing kisses at all of the fans who of course yell back at her with an even meaner cold hearted insult, of course she flips her hair looking and laughing at some of the old wrinkled tanned wives who sit and watch they're husbands and sons cover up they're complete utter lust by booing at her. Gracing the steel steps with one small foot, pushing her weight upwards and placing another foot on the second step.. as she climbs she grabs the ring post to help guide herself across the ring apron. Ducking down into the ring under the second rope.. Standing up straight and expanding her arms outwards with a evil smile on her beautiful face. Shaking her head slightly at the rowdy crowd, Standing there looking around as all the sad ICWA fans yell at the diva. Shantel rolls her eyes once more..Strutting around the ring with her hands rested right in front of her..as she slightly circles the ring. Marshal: "Well, Image. There’s potential opponent number one. If she wins tonight, do you think you can take her?" Image: "Dude, do you not pay attention when people speak? I just said that I’ll be walking out of Resurrection with the title. It doesn’t matter which one of the two I’ll be going up against. Seriously, start listening; I’d hate to have to bitch slap you." Busch: "She’ll do it too, Jay. Just ask Fecca over at PWT." Marshal: "Yeah, well…I’m not Fecca. I’m not getting my ass kicked by some girl." Image: "Wanna put money on that, Jay?" Busch: "Oh, look; here comes potential opponent number two." Summer stands in the gorrilla position, listening to the crowd as they wait for something to happen. As "Hot in Here" by Nelly plays, she steps out from behind the curtain and stand on top of the entrance ramp with her hands on her hips. Kevin Dart: "Now making her way to the ring…from Toronto, Ontario, Canada and weighing in at 120 pounds…Summmerrrr Straatusss." Busch: "I’ve got to say I’m surprised at just how confident Summer looks heading into the ring. You’d never think she was the underdog in this match." Marshal: "It’s called being naïve. Poor little girl actually thinks she’s got a chance at beating Shantel." Image: "Does it really matter? Neither one of them stand a chance against me." She walks down the ramp with a smile on her face as she hears the cheers from the crowd. As she reaches the bottom of the ramp, she slides in the ring under the bottom rope. As she gets to her feet, she walks over to the ropes and point out into the crowd as cameras flash. She does this on the opposite side of the ring as well before her music cuts and she paces the ring. Referee Ken Martel holds the title belt up above his head and the crowd cheers. He hands it off to someone down on the floor, and signals for the bell. It’s all Summer as she gives Shantel a Chick Kick to the side of the head. Shantel is knocked to the mat. Summer gets down on the mat and gets Shantel in an abdominal stretch. Busch: "There’s an abdominal stretch by Summer. She’s going right to work on Sbantel’s midsection." Image: "She better think of something else to do, Bert. That doesn’t seem to be working." Summer loosens her grip and gets to her feet. Once Shantel is standing, Summer Irish Whips her off the ropes and hits her with a dropkick. Marshal: "That’s a hell of a dropkick, don’t you think, Image?" Image (laughing): "If you say so, Jay. Come on, Shantel. Are you really gonna let this girl beat you without even a fight?"
Summer is climbing the turnbuckles as Shantel still lies on the mat. Once she gets to the top, she leaps off. Busch: "Here we go, guys. A flying cross body�? Shantel moves right before Summer lands . Marshal: "She missed! Summer missed! Shantel lured her in and caused her to land face first on the mat." Image: "She’s finally starting to participate. It’s about time." Summer is still lying on the mat, so Shantel picks her up by the hair. Still holding onto her hair, she throws her back down to the mat. Busch: "A little Hair toss by Shantel." Image: "God, I hate this girly crap. Come on, ladies. Can you stop looking so pathetic and get to kicking some ass?" Shantel picks Summer up once again by the hair and nails her. Marshal: "You gotta love a Woman’s Special Slap." Image: "Who’s gotta love it? I sure as hell don’t. It’s moves like that that give women wrestlers absolutely no credibility in the ring." Shantel figures she’s got the best of Summer now, so she Irish Whips her off the ropes and plans on getting her with a German Suplex. Summer meets her with a kick to the face. Busch: "It looks like Summer is still in this one, folks." Just as Shantel is recovering from the foot to the face, Summer hurls herself off of the ropes and hits Shantel with a clothesline. Busch: "Summer just nailed Shantel with a Clothesline from hell." Image: "I don’t believe this. Shantel’s really going to let this little girl beat her. Damn." Summer picks Shantel up from the mat, grabs her by her shorts, and lifts her over her head. Marshal: "Dammit, Shantel�?fight!" But there’s no fight left in her. Summer hit’s the German Suplex and holds her for the pin. Busch: "A Summer Breeze! This might be over, folks." Image: "Thank God! I’m bored out of my mind." Referee Ken Martel drops down for the count. One�?/FONT> Two�?/FONT> Three�?/FONT> Summer jumps to her feet, and Ken Martel hands her the belt and raises her hand in the air. Kevin Dart: "Here is your winner and the new W2K Championess Champion�?Summmerrrr Stratussss!" Busch: "Well, Image. It looks like you’ll be facing Summer Stratus at Resurrection for the W2K Championess title. What do you think?" He looks over to Image but she’s no longer there. Busch: "What the hell? Where’d she go?" Marshal: "Just watch this." Image has gone into the ring while Summer has been celebrating her victory. She taps Summer on the shoulder. Busch: "Uh oh…this can’t be good." As Summer turns around, still smiling, Image nails her with a Mirror Image.
Marshal: "Now THAT’s how you do damage, Bert!" Image asks for a microphone and is immediately given one. She stands over Summer as she speaks. Image: "Congrats on your win, Summer. Now what was that you were saying about me staying out of your way? Did you think I was just going to let you run your mouth and not do anything? You’ve got me confused with these other women around here, babe, cause that just isn’t my style. Put up or shut the fuck up, Summer…I’ll see you at Resurrection." She tosses the mic down to someone on the floor and leaves the ring. Busch: "Summer’s still knocked out. Someone needs to call a doctor." Marshal: "A warning has been given by the real W2K Championess, Image Johnson. She’s coming back for her title, Summer. Be afraid…be very afraid." With that the cameras go to the back where we see James in his lockeroom with Anderw�?/FONT> Andrew (who has a bottle of JD Whiskey in hand) says, "You ready?" James, "Born ready!" Andrew pours a shot and slides it across the counter. James puts it back, slams the glass on the table, and then turns and throws the door open as Andrew follows close behind. Busch, "Well, when we get back it’s gonna be interesting as we see James go one on one with MSN’s Shane Borden in the first ever "Shot Til Ya Drop" match!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live July 26, 2006 | When cameras return from commercial we see Hamid Ismali walking through the back. Busch, "He’s still here?" Marshal, "Of course he is. I can smell the towel head from here." Busch, "JAY!" Marshal, "Facts are facts. Somebody outta go shove him, Saddam Hussein, and Osama Bin Laden in a deep hole, turn on a hose, and let em drown." Busch, "I Think that’s a bit harsh�? Marshal, "I don’t. Saddam’s a piece of crap. Whether we found weapons of mass destruction or not, they’re there. And EVEN if they’re not, Bush isn’t a dumb as you jerkoffs make him out to be. He knew just as well as anybody with a brain should, that Saddam was involved in nine-eleven one way or the other. Osama lead the attacks of nine-eleven so he certainly deserves it, and Hamid’s crimes against humanity far surpass that of either of those guys." Busch, "What "crimes against humanity?" Marshal, "Making the ICWA carry that W2KRAPFEST!" With that we see Hamid approach a door with a grin. Never bothering to knock he twists the knob and enters. As the door closes we see the name plate. Busch, "Oh God, somebody get back there! That man has no class and I dread to think where this is gonna go!" The ring is seen set up as the boxing ring small wooden benches are seen in the two sides where the opponents will be starting. Dart: The following contest is a Shot Till You Drop Match. this match will contain five rounds. The first man to be pinned, submit or vomit will be the loser. Therefore all rules of wrestling will still apply but in 3 round incraments. Both men after the three minute time limit, must take a triple shot of Vodka as they enter their corners. "Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers" by Motorhead blasts over the PA as three shots of Purple and white pyros blasts from the stage. Once the pyro concludes out from behind the curtain struts Shane Borden with his arms out as if he was a plane. Devon Monroe is of course following close behind. Busch: This match is going to be more funny than brutal!! Marshall: I dont know there Bert, two drunk guys fighting it out would be pretty brutal!! Scott continues his plane strut down the ramp a few steps before he gets up right and runs his hands over his oil slicked hair and gives a cocky smirk. Kevin Dart, "And now on his way to the ring... Hailing from Redmond Washington and weighing in at 273 Pounds... He is a represenitive of the Microsoft Network (crowd boos)... SHANE_BOOOOOOORDENNN!!" Shane brings the backs of his fingers over what appears to be his sweaty chest and flicks the sweat at the fans in the front row as he rounds the corner of the fan barricade and heads for the stairs. Busch: There he is, MSN's own Scott Borden!! Marshall: As I have said before, the town drunken idiot. Shane climbs the stairs as Devon climbs up onto the ring apron. Shane enters the ring between the second and third ropes on the left hand side as Devon steps over the top rope in the center. Shane makes a couple of fists infront of himself and shakes before poping his arms out sideways as Devon similtainiously throws the Microsoft "M" in the air (basically the Snuka hand jesture only his palms face out instead of the back of his hands) which sets off a set of Shawn Michaels style pyro behind them in the ring. Finally they conclude their posing and go over to the corner as they await their opponent. The lights dim as "Mr Torture" Blares through the speakers, the Dementa-tron lighting up with images of people screaming and James taking care of past opponents in the ring. a single spot-light hits the ring end of the ramp, the red-light casting an errie glow as the next one slowly fades in, each light moving more and more up the ramp until only the stage is Dark. Three Crimson spots slamming on full to show James standing there, his head down as one hand slowly plays over his bald scalp. his head rising slowly looking out at the sea of fans with an arrogant smirk. laughing as he shakes his head, slowly making his way down the ramp, ignoring the fans reaching out to touch him before sliding into the ring. jumping to his feet and holding his arms wide, the boos and jeers of the fans causing his smile to widen as he chuckles, shaking his head and slowly walking to the corner. Dart: In the ring from Philadelphia, PA (CROWD IGNITES) weighing two hundred and thirty pounds, .....JAMES!!!!!! Darren Thomas is seen showing both men to their respective corners, as they both dont take an eye off of one another. The Clock above on the tron is seen showing three minutes. Darren then rings the bell as the clock begins ticking down. Busch: Here we go folks!! Marshall: Dear lord!! Shane and James lock up. Shane really wanting to drink the vodka, kicks James in the midsection four or five times before executing a snap suplex sending James down to the mat. James not happy with what has happen, quickly pops to his feet. James then goes back after Shane, as he punches Shane hard in the jaw. Shane backs off as he smiles at James knowing that would not stop him. James then goes onto the attack, as he is met with a clothesline from Shane Borden. James on the ground as Borden bends down and trash talks James, as he then pokes James square in the eyes. Darren Thomas is seen warning Shane about the thumb to the eye, as Shane pays no attention to him. Shane then drops to his knees, as he then starts digging into the eyes of James. Shane not worrying about any kind of DQ since all he wants to do is hurt someone. Shane then smiles as he stands up after Darren's five count ceased at four. Busch: Raking the eyes, what the hell? Marshall: You cant see a damn thing for a while after that is done. Busch: We have a minute and a half left in the first round. Shane then goes back for James. James not knowing where he is smirks. Shane picks up James, but there is James. He swings his elbow in the gut of Shane, James then shakes his head, as now he can see somewhat better than before. He then bounces off the ropes and nails Shane with axe kick to the back of the neck. Shane goes down to the mat, as James is seen standing up. James is seen climbing on the back of Shane, as he locks in the very painful cobra clutch. He continues to keep the hold on tight. The clock is ticking down further and further. James is now see sitting down on Shane, as his back is now arched backwards from thee hold James has put on him. James then stands up, and jumps into the air, and lands down hard onto the back of Shane Borden James then locks him back into the cobra clutch. James then continues to put pressure on the back, as finally Darren Thomas is seen stopping the round since the bell just rang signalling that the first round is over. James breaks the hold as he is seen going back to his corner, as Shane is seen being helped back to his corner, and placed on a stool. James and Shane are seen being handed a triple shot of Vodka. They both drain the vodka, as Shane is seen standing up with the help of the ropes. James on the other hand is ready to go!! Busch: The first triple shot has been given Marshall: Now with both of them with alcohol in their system, they should be ready to burn it all off. DING DING - Round 2 James is seen barreling out of his corner, just as Shane stands up, Shane is seen being splahed into his corner of the ring. James back on his feet, as Shane is seen wobbling out of the corrner as James is seen nailing him with the clear out. Shane hits the ring, as James comes crahing down on him. James is seen with his normal smirk, as Borden is now down holding his chest and throat. Borden not worrying about anything as James is seen picking up Shane. He then grabs a hold of Shane with one arm as he connects with the slip-trip, sending Borden back down to the mat with a thud. Borden not knowing what just happened as James just thrusted himself into position and took down James. James smirks as he then goes back after Borden. James then kicks Borden in the jaw, as he then picks him up one more time. James then belts Shane in the gut with a fist, and then goes to work on the head of Shane with knee after knee until Shane crashes back down to the mat. Busch: A minute and a hal left in round two has come. Marshall: It's over this fast? Just then Shane is seen holding on to his jaw. James is then seen going to the top rope. James comes off the ropes, as Shane greets him with a foot to the jaw. Shane then gets to his feet slowly, as James is seen a little shocked after that surprise foot. Shane is seen checking his head for any blood after the knee shots but finds none. Shane then whips James into the corner. As James hits, he comes barreling out of the corner, and is met with a clothesline by Shane taking James down. Shane then goes to the second rope and off he comes in a Bret Hart fashion and crashes down with a bionic elbow to the throat. Shane then tries to make a cover. Darren: 1....2....Kickout by James James still grabbing his throat, as Shane is seen picking him up. Shane then locks his hands arond the waist of James, and connects with a gutwrech suplex. James not moving, as Shane then tries for another cover. Darren: 1....2.....DING DING DING!! Shane is seen celebrating as he thought he won, as Darren is looking over at the time keeper telling him the round is over. Just then Darren is seen pulling down the arms of Shane Borden from the air thinking that he won, telling him the round has ended. Shane pissed off is seen going over to James and poking a thumb into his eye before making his way to his corner. Darren Thomas walks up to Shane and starts yelling at him. Shane pays no attention to him as he takes a seat. James is now seen to his feet, as he is wobbling back to his corner. Both men are seen being handed their shots. As James swigs his down first, as Shane is seen taking his time. James not wasting time as he had a breather, walks over to Shanes corner, and pours the shot down his throat, as Darren Thomas is seen fighting with James to get the shot glass out of his hand. Darren gets it away as he hands it to the person in Shanes corner. As Darren's back is turned you see Shane giving the low blow to James. James falling to his knees, as Round 3's bell has begun ringing. Busch: Here we go with round 3. What is coming next? Marshall: Who knows, but that was a clever way for Borden to take advantage. DING DING - Round 3 Borden after the low blow, is seen coming from his corner, as Darren Thomas's view is back on the match. Borden happy with what he has done drops to his knees to do it again, as he is ready to swing but Darren is seen right there, right on top of the match. Darren warns him if that happens this match is over. Shane is seen getting back to his knees, as he is looking a bit tipsy as he is stumbling around the ring a bit as James is seen showing some of the buzzing he is feeling. James is seen trying to still recover from the crotch shot, but there is Shane and takes out the leg of James. Shane is seen picking up James over his shoulder, as he nails James with a huge shoulder breaker. James is seen holding his shoulder a bit, but the alochol in his system is seen holding off the pain a bit. James then gets back up as Shane is seen a little woozy from the hard alcohol, as he gets a angry look on his face and charges towards James. James unfortunantly is a little slow in his movements after the shoulder breaker, that Shane connects with a wek version of a body plancha. Shane then laughs as he stands up holding onto the ropes, as the fans are seen chanting at him. DRUNKARD DRUNKARD DRUNKARD!! Busch: That's what you got to tell someone who drinks for a living. Marshall: That's not nice!! Busch: Who said anything about nice, and since were down to 48 seconds left in round 3. James is seen coming up from behind Shane and rolls him up in a pinning predicament. Darren is seen dropping to the mat. Darren: 1......2....James lifts up the head of Borden as Darren is seen asking why he did it. James laughs a bit, as he then takes the head of Shane and rams it into the mat of the ring a good few times. Shane is seen trying to sit up but falls back down as the alcohol is seen finally getting to his head as he is unable to move. James knowing that this is too far from over, as James bends down, dropping to one knee since he is a bit tipsy, but manages to get himself back up to both feet, as he helps Shane get to his as well. James then connects with an elbow to the head of Shane. Shane now wobbly trying to stay on his feet, as James then grabs the hair and begins to slap him across the face very hard a few times trying to knock some sense into him. James then smiles as the hometown crowd of Philadelphia is chanting his name as he then sends shane down with a huge super kick. Crowd: JAMES beat the DRUNKARD!! JAMES BEAT THE DRUNKARD!!!! Busch: I cant believe how much they are behind James!! Marshall: It's his hometown, come on Bert, I thought you of all people would know that!!! DING DING DING!! Busch: Round 3 is over, as both men are already tipsy, what the hell is this next shot going to do to them? Marshall: We are going to find out soon enough. Both men are seen back in their corners momentarily. James once again drains his shot, as Shane pissed off even more now just drains his shot, and then comes back after James. As he does James sweeps the legs out from under Borden sending him neck first into the ropes. James even more tipsy now runs towards the ropes, as he rebounds, he lands square on the back of the neck of Shane. Since he is not able to stand well, James is seen falling to the outside of the ring, hitting the floor hard. Shane is seen lying on the inside of the ring coughing, as James is seen trying to pull himself back to his feet long enough to get himself back into the ring. Darren Thomas is now seen ringing the bell for round 4. DING DING DING - Round 4 James, is seen to his feet, as he decides to pull Shane to the outside by one of his feet. As Shane gets to the outside, James is seen sending punches to the head. Shane a little out of it, as James flips himself around. Whipping Shane into one of the nearby ringposts. Shane is seen hanging from the post as James starts to run, and does a huge body splash helping Shane hit the post one more time. Shane then backs away from the corner, as his head is now busted open from the shots delieverd to by James. James then falls to the ground but finds a way to pull himself over to Shane. James then picks him up and rams his head into the guardrail. Shane falls back, as James grabs a hold of him and tosses him back into the ring. Shane is now back into the ring, as James slides back in as well. James then stands up a little too quickly, as he gets light headed. He then falls head first into a nearby turnbuckle sending his body limp hanging off the ropes. Busch: Holy crap!! That Vodka really messed him up!! Marshall: Yeah no kidding, and look one minute even left in round 4. Borden still not with it, as he is out cold, as James is seen out in his corner of the ring. The time continues to count down, as Darren is seen at a 3 count for both men. There is only 8 seconds left in this round, as the time clicks down. Darren is now seen at 9 as the bell sounds. DING DING DING!! Busch: Holy hell they got lucky!!! Marshall: Yeah they did!! I was wondering if both men were to be counted out!! Busch: That would have been terrible with no winner. Marshall: They are both drunk!! Look at them. Its taking the people in their corner to just keep em going as they are handed their last shot!! Busch: Yeah no kidding!! Darren is ready to sound the bell, as the two have been helped with their shots, as they both are seen being helped to their feet. DING DING DING �?ROUND Five!! Shane is seen stumbling towards James, as James does the same. Both out of their minds, James seems like he is on top of the world, as he starts swinging for no apparent reason, as the crowd is heard trying to point him in the right direction to where Borden is. James is only a few feet from Borden. The crowd continues to get louder as James and Borden touch, as James whips around and nails him with a short armed clothesline sending Shane crashing to the mat. James is seen stumbling around as he is trying to find the ropes to hang on to. James succeeds, as Shane is now seen trying to get back to one knee. As James is seeing straight for a moment he grabs Shane off the ground and whips him into the corner turnbuckle. As he does, James is seen making his way there trying to stay on his feet long enough. James then grabs the half empty bottle of Vodka, and then swings it smashing it over the head of Shane Borden. Shane is now bleeding more than what he was to begin with. Busch: Holy crap!! That was a DQ. Marshall: Do you think Darren Thomas wants to get into it with two drunk guys? Come on Bert!! Busch: He seems to be letting the match continue. Marshall: Dont know why he wouldnt!! James is then seen backing up a bit, as he takes off. James then connects with a spear to the gut of Shane Borden. Shane holding his gut, as he cant hold it anymore, as Shane is seen puking all over James at the two men fall to the mat, as Darren Thomas is seen calling for the bell. DING DING DING!!! Busch: Gross!! Someone get out here and clean this ring up. We have more matches tonight!! Marshall: Yeah no kidding. It smells like bad booze in here. Both men are still seen lying on the mat, as both are covered in vomit, as the security are seen with rubber gloves on trying to remove both men from the ring. Kevin Dart is seen standing up. Dart: Here is your winner..... JAMES!!!!! | |
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ICWA Demented Live July 26, 2006 | Busch, "That could be the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen." All of a sudden Shane sits up through his own vomit and pops to his feet with a smirk on his face. Devon tosses him a fresh bottle of Vodka and Shane twist the top and begins pouring it over himself to rinse the vomit off himself. Marshal, "Is he seriously using Vodka to wash up?" Busch, "It would seem that way�? Shane uses about three quarters of the bottle before he tosses it out to a smirking Devon. Shane then comes over and begins sinking hard boots into James. Devon is seen outside walking around to the commentary table. Devon hands the bottle to Marshal and says, "Here, enjoy." Marshal, "Bet your ass I will!" We watch Marshal twist the top off as Bert says, "You can’t drink that!" Marshal, "Why not?" Bert, "You’re on the job!" Marshal, "So what! I was handed a bottle of Vodka by my boss for Christ sakes!" Jay tips the bottle back and drinks some before pulling the bottle back with a perplexed look. Marshal, "What the Hell?! That’s not Vodka!" Busch, "What is it?" Marshal, "WATER!" Busch, "WHAT?! You mean�?Borden wasn’t drinking?! He’s still fresh?!" Seems that way as we look into the ring where Shane has gotten James propped in the corner and is just pummeling him with hard right hands. Devon just grins and watches Shane going to business when the fans finally erupt and we flash to the ramp where we see someone running down the ramp. Busch, "ANDREW! JAMES�?BEST FRIEND ANDREW! He’d been barred as James�?corner man by MSN but BAH GAWD here he comes!" Andrew slides into the ring and at the same time Shane drops down and rolls out of the ring just before Andrew can catch him. Shane smirks sarcastically as The MSN Theme (nWo theme edited) blasts over the PA and the two MSN members walk backwards up the ramp with smirks on their faces. Busch, "It was all a damn ploy! A Way to beat down James!" Marshal, "And what a brilliantly executed ploy it was!" Busch, "Thank GOD Andrew was in the building!" As you’ve already assumed our cameras have switched from the ring to the backstage area where we see SFM Watching the monitor. Busch, "Here’s a guy, however, that I’d rather wasn’t in the building." Marshal, "Well, whether ya like him or not, he’s teaming up with Matt Matlock tonight against MJ Storm and the returning Joey De’Angelo and he’s doing it�?NEXT!" SFM gets up and heads toward the door as the cameras follow... We fade as he begins walking down the hall toward the gorilla position *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live July 26, 2006 | When cameras return from commercial we find ourselves in Jaymie’s office with Hamid pressing Jaymie against the wall, holding an evil smirk on his face. Hamid, "So Jaymie, do we have a deal?" Jaymie looks disgusted as she says, "You’d do well to get off me Ismali." Hamid brings the back of his hand to Jaymie’s cheek, brushing it softly as he says, "Ismali? My dear, I feel we’re on a first name bases now�?Such a pretty woman�?But truly Jaymie, I’m an honorable man�?All you have to do is grant me the match I want next week and I’ll bow out gracefully�?And trust me Jaymie, you want me to make a graceful exit because I don’t believe in doing anything small, including forgetting my manors." Jaymie, "This was supposed to be a one time deal. That’s it. We did the W2K Title match for Nic, it didn’t work out as we hoped but regardless, it’s over. W2K in the ICWA is over." Hamid laughs softly as he presses himself tighter against Jaymie, "Oh no, it’s just begun Jaymie. I’m not sure what you expected to happen here. Perhaps you figured you’d pluck the juicy and�?(nearly slithers) lusssscious W2K Fruit from the forbidden tree of Eden and that’d be it�?You’d enjoy it’s sweet nectar and be on your way�?But if that is what you thought, then you are so�?(whispers softer) *so*�?Sadly mistaken. You begged me for the fruit and I brought it unto thee�?Now you pay the price and I run Eden. So give me my match before I’m forced to have you casted out as if you were Adam and Eve." Jaymie glares at Hamid briefly before she spits in his face. Jaymie, "Go die." The crowd actually pops despite being firmly behind the W2K Product. Hamid smirks as he says, "You’re truly quite the sight when you’re feisty�?It’s a shame really." All of a sudden the door comes flying open as Kutter Flash comes running at full force and the SMASSSSSSSSSH! Hamid just gets out of the way and Kutter gores Jaymie through the wall she was pressed against. Busch, "OH MY GOD! NO! SOMEBODY GET BACK THERE! SHE NEEDS HELP!" Kutter gets up from the rubble as Hamid just smirks. Kutter, "We get the match or what?" Hamid nods, "Devon signed off on it thirty minutes ago, I just wanted to test which of these tools would be cooperative and which wouldn’t." Kutter, "Huh?" Hamid sighs, "It doesn’t matter. Let’s go, we need to prepare. Next week we’ve got Nic Dangerously three on one." Hamid grins as he and Kutter make their leave. Busch, "WHAT?!" With that the cameras go to the ring where Kevin Dart is standing. Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?The following bout has been scheduled for ONEFALL and it is a Tornado Tag Match! Introducing First�? The fans are buzzing about after getting back to their seats with their drinks and food items. They're waiting for one of the combatants in the upcoming contest when 'Firefly' by Breaking Benjamin begins to blare over the pa system and the words to the opening verse is seen on the titantron: You my friend You're a lot like them But I cut your line And you know I did Now I'm lost in you Like I always do And I'd die to win 'Cause I'm born to lose The lights begin to flicker red and orange as we see some red smoke appear on the stage as it lingers there. The black curtain flicks open as the words And I'd die to win are heard, and appearing on the stage is M.J. Storm. He begins to walk down the entrance ramps as we then hear the ring announcer speak. Kevin Dart: Making his way to the ring, from Madison, Wisconsin, weighing in at two hundred and fifty-six pounds, he is "The Fallen Superstar" M.J. Storm!!!!!!!! M.J. finishes walking down the ramp, and slides into the ring. He walks over to a set of ropes, and jumps on them, bouncing. He then hops down and turns to a stagehand and hands them his leather trenchcoat,and gets ready for his match The arena is in wait when suddenly the lights go out and three spotlights light up and begin to scan the arena in an oldschool Edge and Christian style as 'Just Another Victim' by Cypress Hill plays through out the arena. The spot lights are colored, one red, one green, and one white. As the beeping comes to an end the spot lights hit the top of the stage where Joey De Angelo is seen standing with his arms out like Jericho only Joey is facing the ring. In one hand is his stick ball bat and in the other he has a closed fist. The crowd cheers as Joey brings down his arms and raises his head. Joey is wearing a Black wind breaker jacket unzipped over his Italian singlet. He also has on a black cabby hat. Dart, "And his partner�?Making his way from Staten Island New York�?He weighs in at 267 pounds�?"The ENFORCER" JOEY_DE_ANNNNNNGELLO!" Joey walks down the ramp slapping a few hands along the way as the crowd gives him a great ovation. Joey gets to the ring and then slides in, as he does Green, Red, and White pyros explode just like Kurt Angles pyro explodes when he points to the sky on the ramp. Joey then goes to the far turnbuckle and gets on the second rope raising his hands in the air in an Austin style as he still has his stick ball bat in hand. Joey Hops down and then begins to take off his jacket as his opponent's entrance begins. Busch, "Joey De�?Angelo getting a pretty strong reaction from the ICWA Fans as he makes his return to action." Marshal, "A Three year hiatus, can you say "Ring Rust"?" As the words fade over the PA.blue and red smoke begins to role over the enterence way as six men walk out from under the smoke and line up down the ramp standing across from each other. They reach under there cloaks and each pull a single large cross out and hold it high above their heads as "King of Kings" by Motorhead begins to play. The lights come on dimely in the arena as a figure appears under the red and blue smoke. Motorhead: Behold the King, the King of Kings. On your knees dog. All hail. The figure bows its head before stepping out from under the smoke and raises his hands hig in the air as the fans erupt at the sight of SFM on the stage. SFM looks left and then right as he lowers his arms and starts down the ramp walking under the crosses held above his head by the cloaked men. Kevin Dart: "This match is scheduled for one fall, and is for the nWWF Championship title. Making his way to the ring…the challenger…from the South Park section of Houston, Texas…at 6�?" and weighing in at 238 pounds…he is ICWA’s only undefeated World Champion…Sean…Frost…Maaaannnnn!" Motorhead: Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. As SFM reaches the ring steps he goes two steps up before stopping and turning towards the fans and shooting them a cocky smile before continuing up the ring steps and standing on the ring apron. SFM turns once again resting his back against the ropes and raising his hands high above his head Motorhead: The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze, Where the traitor lost both his name and his face. Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood, He tasted his grin and it tasted good. The King took his head. Left him broken and dead. SFM turns and ducks under the top rope and walks to the center of the ring and shoots the fans another cocky smile as he raises his hand and points at a turnbuckle and red pyro explodes out of it. He points at a second turnbuckle and a blue pyro explodes. A red explodes from the thrid and a blue from the forth. Motorhead: Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. SFM raise his hands above his head and lowers his head as his hair falls down covering his face. He brings his hands down as red and blue pyros explode from all four turnbuckles and his music fades as SFM waits for his opponents The entire arena waits in silence. They know who's coming, and they're saving their breath to boo. Suddenly, loud music comes blaring over the speakers of the arena, along with a voice... "Don't hate me, because I'm beautiful Don't hate me, because I'm the best Don't hate me, because I'm the champion Just love me, like all the rest...do" The song picks up in pace, as we see Matt Matlock emerge from the backstage area, with his usual out of ring attire on and his CWA & nWWF Title belts over each shoulder. Pyros shoot off in a shower at the top of the stage, as Matlock slides each belt down to a hand and spins around, raising them up in the air. Kevin Dart: "And The Partner…from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada�?weighing in at 235 pounds…he is the current nWWF Champion�?Matt…Mattttlock!" Marshal: "Here he comes, Bert. The nWWF champion. Check out the look of sheer determination on his face; there’s no way in hell he’s letting Mister Mann walk out of here with his title." Busch: "He may not have a choice in the matter, Jay. Sean looks as though he’s ready to kill. And the prize for homicide tonight is the nWWF Championship title." Following this, he makes his way to the ring and climbs inside. As he does, the song is coming to a close, with pyro blasting at all four corners once during each of the final lines. "Don't hate me (BOOM) because I'm beautiful Don't hate me (BOOM!) because I'm the best Don't hate me (BOOM) because I'm the champion Just love me, like all the rest do Love Me" BOOM! Each time the pyro blasts, Matt sticks his arms straight into the air, titles in hand of course. As the final explosion goes off, he hands his belts to the ref and then removes his hat, ring, cross and shades as he gets ready to tangle with his opponent. DING DING DING All four men are seen in the ring. SFM and Matlock not wasting a moment go to work on MJ and Joey. SFM is seen sending Joey into the ropes. Joey is seen coming back as a belly to belly suplex sends him down to the mat. On the other part of the ring, Matlock is seen delievering hard knees to the gut of MJ Storm. Storm however fighting back, as he is see throwing elbows to the face of Matlock. Joey not sure about what is happening is finally getting to his feet, as SFM and Matlock are seen beating on MJ Storm now. MJ now a little overpowered has now been backed up into the ropes. Matlock is seen pushing SFM away, Matlock is seen lifting up Storm and sending him crashing down onto the mat with a huge powerful falcon arrow. Joey now back onto his feet is seen attacking SFM from behind. Joey is seen sending forearms to the back. Joey then picks up SFM and bodyslams him to the mat. Matlock noticing what is happening comes out of nowhere and picks up Joey over his shoulders as he drops him into a samoan backdrop. Joey is seen holding his back, as Matlock, is seen getting back to his feet. With Storm and Joey down, SFM is seen getting back to his feet as well. As Matlock and SFM are seen trying to figure out what to do next. Up to his feet comes Storm. SFM goes to work on him, sending kicks to the head, and fists to the lower jaw. Joey is seen getting some senses knocked into him, finally gets up to his feet. He then grabs a hold of the referee. As the ref is seen fighting off Joey, Storm out of nowhere brings his hand and arm up and nails, SFM square in the balls. Busch: What a cheap shot!!! Marshall: Yeah nothing like trying to take an easy win. Matlock watching what happened decides he is finally going to show himself, as Matlock finally kick Storm in the head sending him crashing down. Joey now letting go of the referee is now seen moments later getting picked up by Matlock and thrown to the outside. SFM still on the ground holding his balls, as Matlock is seen going for MJ. As he gets to where MJ is, Storm reaches up and gouges the eyes, he is quick to his feet. Storm, then grabs a hold of Matlock and picks him up high into the air and nails him with a huge spinning sitdown powerbomb. Storm then pushes Matlock off of him, as Matlock only twitches from the hard shot. MJ finally notices that his partner is on the outside, as he goes towards, SFM. SFM finally coming too after the crotch shot, is seen getting picked up by Storm. Storm then coming from behind as he locks in tightly a neatly executed sleeper hold. SFM is seen trying to fight to get out of the hold, but when he realizes that he cant, he stops fighting. Joey now back into the ring, this time with a chair in hand. Shawn Cain is right there to stop him, as he rips the chair out of Joey's hands. Instead of getting rid of the chair, by pulling so hard Shawn Cain socks himself in the throat with the top part of the chair, sending him gasping for air. Joey, then goes after Matlock as the chair drops onto the mat of the ring. Joey, then grabs a hold of the chair. Matlock is seen getting to his feet but not for long, SMACK!! A chair shot across the foehead of Matlock, sending him crashing back down to the mat. Joey still with chair in hand, as he is watching MJ with the sleeper hold on SFM. Joey then takes the chair, ramming it into the gut and throat of SFM. SFM is seen dropping like a ton of bricks, as Storm lets go of the hold. Busch: Oh MY GOD!!! Marshall: They are taking every advantage in this match to win Bert!! Busch: I can see that Jay!! Joey is seen holding up Matlock, only to tie his arms up. Storm is seen ready as he takes off from across the ring, only to see Matlock move out of the way, and Joey being speared to the mat from Storm. Storm then gets up to his knees, as he cant believe what just happened. Storm then is surprised, as Matlock is seen face to face with him. Matlock sends a kick to the midsection but Storm is right there to stop it, as he waves a finger, saying that isnt going to cut it, but Matlock swings his body, as his other foot comes crashing into the face of Storm sending him down to the canvas. SFM now knowing where he is, is seen coming to, as he reaches down into his tights. He is seen mashing up some sort of white powder. SFM is then seen throwing it into the eyes of not only MJ but Joey as well. Storm and Joey both being down on the mat, now unable to see as a result of SFM pulling off some kind of move. Just then SFM and Matlock tie up Joey, who Matlock single handedly picks up from the mat, as the two whip him into the ropes. As Joey is seen rebounding, SFM and Matlock are right there for two shots to the abdomen, and then a thunderous doubleteamed DDT sending Joey's head hitting the mat, as he flips over. Storm not wanting the match to go the way it is going is now seenm getting up slowly. He then goes after SFM, but as he charges SFM, Sean's foot comes up fro mthe ground nailing MJ down hard to the mat with a super kick to the lower jaw. Storm goes crashing to the mat, as SFM is seen slimbing on top of him. SFM punches him a few times, as he then picks up Storm. He then nails Storm with a quick and efficient snap suplex. He then quickly gets to his feet, as SFM is seen going to the outside and to the top rope. SFM jumps off the top and nails Storm with a huge flying leg drop off the top rope. MJ is seen holding his neck,as he is gasping for air. Busch: This match has been absolute Chaos. I mean come on!!! Marshall: They all have completlytaken each other to the limit at everyone would say!! SFM then grabs a hold of Storm who was down on the mat, but he is now to his feet. SFM then slips quickly behind him, as he wraps his arms around the waist of Storm, and picks him up nailing him with a perfect German suplex. Finally Shawn Cain is seen coming around after taking the shot from the chair as SFM still with his arms securely fastened rolls both of them over and connects with another German suplex. As he is seen rolling to attempt the third, Storm elbows SFM in the face. Storm turns around in desperation and starts throwing hard shots to break free away from SFM. SFM shocked as to Storms potential, as now MJ is seen swinging his arm upwards, and connecting with a european uppercut, helping SFM fly backwards a bit. Joey and Matlock are seen still going at one another on the other side of the ring, as Joey has nailed Matlock with a side slam, sending him down. Joey is seen sitting on his ass. Trying to shake it all off. Storm and Joey finally grab a hold of Matlock as SFM is seen trying to come to after that uppercut stunned him pretty good. Storm and Joey, then pick up Matlock, only to put him back down with a huge double snap suplex. Joey is seen making a cover on Matlock. Cain: 1.....2...Save by SFM. SFM then drops on to Storm and starts to pummel him, but there is Joey right there to start on his attack on SFM to help out his partner. Joey and Storm, are seen high fiving one another, as they now grab SFM. They are seen whipping him into the ropes, as SFM is seen coming back, both men grabs under one arm of SFM each, lift him up and nail him with a double induced, spinebuster. SFM sits up as he holds his back as Matlock now tries to mount a come back. Matlock grabs a hold of Joey as he tosses him into the corner. Matlock is seen taking off to the corner, as he seends a knee to the gut of Joey into the corner. As Joey is seen dropping to the mat, Matlock then starts mudhole stomping the hell out of Joey. Storm is trying to get over to his partner, but now SFM is seen grabbing the tights holding back Storm. SFM instead rolls up Storm for a pinfall attempt, but Storms shoulders werent all the way down, and SFM couldnt hold on to the move. MJ still trying to break free, can't as SFM rolls MJ over and connects with the Camel Clutch. Mj is seen screaming out a bit in pain, as the camera turns from them as Matlock is seen catapulting, Joey off the top rope nailing him with a perfect plex, that completly shakes the ring as he hits. Joey, not moving after that move, as Matlock is seen lying there for a moment, before he rolls over and starts trash talking MJ Storm. SFM is seen getting a little annoyed with Matlocks raving, as he lets go of Storm who falls to the mat. Matlock and SFM are seen talking to one another, until SFM is seen pushing Matlock a bit. Busch: What is this? They are supposed to be partners Marshall: You know how people get sick of the other person when they cant get the job done. Matlock is seen pushing SFM back, as the two stare one another down. Storm is seen raising his head however, and still holding his back. Storm then watches on, as finally SFM is seen ready to leave the match, after he and Matlock shared some words. As SFM is almost out of the ring, he is seen grabbing SFM wondering where in the hell he is going, as SFM pushes Matlock off of him, and then nails Matlock with the Lets Roll. Matlock is stunned by the move, as he falls to the mat not moving. SFM is seen smiling at Matlock who is now down on the mat. SFM then exits the ring through the middle and top ropes, as is seen not looking back as he heads up the rampway and to the back leaving Matlock out in the ring, by himself. Storm wondering what had just happened, as he takes advantage and crawls over to Matlock, and makes the cover. Cain: 1......2......3!!!! DING DING DING Dart: Here are your winners...MJ Storm and Joey De'Angelo!!! Busch: What the hell did SFM do that to Matlock for? Marshall: Besides the fact that SFM’s a repetitive dick and does this to 90% of his partners in tag matches, I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that he and Matlock straight out don’t like each other. Busch, "That’s a definite possibility." SFM, who is now just shy of the stage, has his back to the curtain as he’s smirking toward the ring. Storm is up on the ropes challenging SFM to come back down but SFM just taps his temple and shakes his head. Suddenly the crowd begins booing as we slowly pan out and notice that Devon Monroe is standing behind SFM. Busch, "What the Hell is he doing here?" SFM shakes his head, still smirking, and turns around, but just as he does Monroe lifts his huge leg and delivers a huge Big Boot planting SFM down on the ground and making the crowd erupt. Busch, "Well I’m not a Devon Monroe fan by any means but it’s nice to see SOMEONE Shove their boot down his damn THROAT!" Monroe bends down and grabs a big fist full of Frost-Mann’s hair, yanking him to his feet. Devon keeps a hold of the hair and charges down the ramp forcing SFM to follow. They get down to ringside and Devon reaches down with his other hand, grabbing a fist full of SFM’s tights, and sends him flying in under the bottom rope. The crowd goes nuts as MJ is standing back, prime and ready. SFM gets to his feet with a look of shock on his face as he looks down and sees Monroe just smirking on the floor. SFM turns around and BAM! Storm Hoists him up, spins him around and NAILS The "Storm Chaser" (Bossman Slam AKA Black Hole Slam) Busch, "YES! STORM CHASER ON FROST-MANN! STORM CHASER ON SEAN FROST-MANN!" The crowd is going nuts as "Firefly" by Breaking Benjamin blasts over the PA. Only a few chords in we see Devon has a mic in hand, "Whoa, Whoa�?Turn that off for a minute�? The music fades. Devon, "Hey Sean, originally Jaymie was going to handle this herself but as we all see she’s not quite in the shape so I figured that I’d be so kind as to let you know that effective immediately�?You are suspended indefinitely WITHOUT pay. And should you ever get reinstated, there’s an ADDITIONAL 30 days added on to your 30 day suspension from championship matches. What’s that mean? It means that if Jaymie’s ever gracious enough to decide to let your busted ass work in an ICWA Ring again, from that point you’re gonna get to way 60 days for any kind of title contention. Now when you wake up you have a grand time getting your crap together cause if you’re not out in twenty minutes security’ll put you out�?By Any Means Necessary." Devon drops the mic as "Firefly" by Breaking Benjamin blasts over the PA again. Busch, "BAH GAWD! THAT’S HUGE! SFM Is gone and his title chase has just been pushed back even further!" Marshal, "I don’t know if people noticed but this isn’t the WWE and nobody’s last name here is McMahon. The Powers that Be aren’t gonna take a bunch of repetitive BS for the sake of a mild ratings boost, which might I add isn’t even there anymore. I applaud the Microsoft Network and Miss Jaymie Leigh for this decision." Busch, "We don’t agree on much but we damn well agree on this!" | |
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ICWA Demented Live July 26, 2006 | With that the cameras go to the back where we see MSN’s Russ Johnson on his cellphone. Russ, "Yeah�?3 on 1 against Nic Dangerously? No, that’s not going to happen. If W2K wants a piece of Nic then more power to em, but not like that…………�?Oh yeah, I’ve made all the proper adjustments and next week on Demented it’s gonna be Hamid Ismali, Kutter Flash, and Black Widow (crowd erupts) representing W2K in the ring�?But on the opposite side of the ring is gonna be Nic Dangerously�?Amber Michaels, and for one night only making a return to the ICWA�?The Official King of MSN Wrestling Christian Michaels (crowd erupts)�?Oh yeah buddy, six man tag action, Nic Dangerously and Synergy on one side of the ring�?It don’t get much bigger than that�? Busch, "Good-GOD! What a huge match next week!" Despite Russ still talking on his cellphone the cameras cut to�?/FONT> Marshal, "A huge match next week indeed, but we’ve got a bout of equal perportion coming up next!" Busch, "Absolutely�?The ICWA’s homegrown Hero "No Limits" Christian Skywalker going one on one with the self proclaimed Head Fella in Charge, Bobby Johnson�?And folks that�?is�?NEXT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live July 26, 2006 | The cameras fade in. The crowd on there feet, the whole arena seeming as if it’s going to explode. The cheers and chants already starting and no one has even been introduced yet. The camera pans around showing all the people in the arena. Most of which are already on there feet. Everyone near the ringed crowded against the control barricade. The atmosphere is absolutely electric as the picture switches quickly to Bert and Marshal. Bert ," Dear god the whole stadium is already on it’s feet. This match has been highly anticipated since it was announced and the crowd certainly seems as if it doesn’t want to wait even one more second for it to get started" Marshal, " what a damn shame, it will start when it starts and these people can damn well wait until that." As if those very words were the cue the crowd suddenly erupts. The Cause of their reaction being overpowered by their reaction as finally "The G.O.A.T" is heard over the P.A. system The screen switching to a close-up view of the screen as the words. "The future……Of�?.The Franchise…�? flash across the screen. The shot going black for a moment. BOBBY. JOHNSON........ The Screams of the crowd are deafening. The camera making another pan around, showing almost the entire crowd on it’s feet, every sign and every little kid raised as high as possible as the Screen shows a Multitude of Bobby’s Wins and highlights. Bobby makes his way out from behind the curtains, and stops on the top of the ramp. He’s wearing a black wrestling singlet with the wide green stripes down the sides of it and the Grim Reaper symbol on the front of it, a black and green Team Johnson pullover jersey, black and green wrestling boots, a black and green fitted Team Johnson baseball cap, and his ICWA Hardcore Championship fastened around his waist. He gets down in a Shawn Michaels type pose, then stands back up and starts to jump from side to side a lot like Brock Lesnar used to, and the crowd gives him a huge pop. He stops jumping, and starts to make his way down the ramp. Dart, "The following bout is the ICWA DEMENTED MAIN EVENT! It is scheduled for ONEFALL with a One HOUR Time Limit! Introducing first, from New Orleans Louisianna, he weighs in this evening at 255 Pounds... BOBBY_JOHHHHHHHNSON!!!!" He stops in front of the ring, and leaps up onto the rings edge, and then grabs the ropes, and leap frogs over them, and lands inside the ring. He walks over to the far corner, and climbs up the turnbuckle, and flexes his biceps for the crowd, and gets back down, and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle, and repeats his flexing routine. He finally jumps down, and takes the pullover and hat off, and sets them down in the corner. He gives his Title to the referee. Bobby’s Music is actually cut off as "Final countdown" takes it’s place, Blaring loud through the Arena, the crowd exploding again as NLCS Stands at the top of the ramp, one hand stretched out, pointing a single finger at the ring and the Ready form of Bobby. Slowly Chris makes his way down the ramp, a hand extended, slapping the fans who are almost falling over the ramp trying to get to him. Dart, "And the challanger... Making his way from Silver Springs New York! He weighs in at 252 Pounds, he is "NO LIMITS" CHRISTIAN_SKKKKKKYYYYYWALKERRR!" Slowly he makes his way to the bottom of the ramp, his hand still extended and pointing right at his opponent. Slowly he raises the hand. The single finger pointing to the rafter. 1�?2�?3 BANG!!, the ring posts exploding with Red white and blue pyro. The crowd exploding again as he quickly steps into the ring, both men slowly walking around sizing each other up. The adrenaline rush obvious as both men bounce lightly on their feet, watching each other intently.
Bush ," Well it seems as if no man wants to waste any time here, Jay that was amazing, I could barely even hear myself think due to that crowd. They want this match almost more then those two men in the ring do and you can see the intensity in both their eyes, this match is what it means for them" Jay, " well maybe if you ever set foot in the ring you’d know exactly what it’s like. Both of these guys are watching, neither one wants to make the first move because they both know just how good the other one is when it comes to countering. The fans might like what there seeing but just like you they have no idea what is actually going on between those two men right now" Back in the ring both men are still walking around, slowly closing in, their arms spread slightly as they both quickly step forward, tying up almost dead center of the ring. Both men quickly push together and pull back, trying hard to find something to catch the other off guard, the crowd growing more fiery by the second as neither man can seem to gain the upper hand on his opponent. Finally Christian steps in, raising himself as tall as he can, using the small height advantage to pry his arms apart, looking for the almost customary headlock. His hands comes down as he tightens, his arms coming completely together as bobby is suddenly no longer there, having taken the split second to duck and spin around behind. He clamps the hand around the waist, looking for a german right at the outset. Christian reaches down, quickly gabbing the hands and flexing, slowly prying them apart grabbing one wrist and ducking under it, spinning and using the arm to throw Bobby towards the ropes. Dropping down as he comes back, bobby hopping over him to bounce of the other side, quickly being thrown across the ring by a deep arm drag from Christian. Bobby bounces to his feet and charges, getting quickly taken down by another arm drag. He gets to his feet just as Christian comes charging forward, grabbing his arm and again sending him to the roped. Bobby comes off just as Christian sets his stance, looking for another arm drag. Bobby throwing his arms wide, catching Skywalker in a hug as he steps around, pulling off a quick belly to belly suplex. Christian rolls over out of the way and quickly gets back to his feet, both men staring at each other from across the ring. The crowd in a frenzy at the action that has just taken place. Sky walker nodding a little to himself, a smile spread wide over bobby’s face as they slowly start to walk around again. Bush ," both men are certainly trying to think there way through this match. They both obviously have respect for their opponents or they would not be this cautious" Marshak, " it’s not caution it’s strategy, both men are trying to assume they know what the other one is going to do, if you can predict your opponents moves. Even once it gives you an edge for the entire match."
Both men quickly come together again, locking up, skywalker dropping to a knee, his arms clenching the head off bobby as he drops, bringing him down. Bobby’s one arm slashing out, knocking the tensed leg from under Chris and sending him off balance. Bobby grabbing one of the arms around his head and pulling, giving a small shoulder toss which send Skywalker to his back. Bobby being in no position to do anything else drops his body across Chris�?not even a one count as he kicks out with authority, rolling to his feet just in time to be taken down by a quick Arm drag from bobby. Bobby quickly steps forward, grabbing the arm and wrenching up powerfully, twisting the hold in tighter. Slowly he pulls up, working hard on that shoulder as Chris shakes his head at the ref, his one leg pounding on the ground as he tries to focus his way through the pain. The leg hitting with more and more force, finally hitting and catching as he vaults to his feet, spinning under the arm to relive some tension before kicking Bobby hard in the gut. Grabbing him for a quick Snap suplex. Both men a little slower to their feet. The crowd once again impressed as neither gives the other time. Bobby running forward, grabbing Skywalker and flinging him off the ropes. Dropping down looking for the Back body drop. Skywalker drops down, baseball sliding between Bobby’s legs and popping up behind him. Bobby turning just to Take a beautifully executed dropkick hard in the chest. The blow sending him reeling to the corner, his arms locked around his chest as he fights off the pain. Managing to get his senses just as Chris charges him. Dropping the shoulder quickly he catches him and sends him up and over the ropes. Christian holds on, managing to catch himself on the edge as Bobby jumps onto the middle rope, swinging his foot around and Looking for chris�?head. Which just barley manages to get out of the way. Chris watches as Bobby hits the ground, his arms vaulting him over the top rope looking for an elbow drop but finding nothing but canvass as bobby rolls at the last second.. both men quickly roll to their stomachs, scrambling forward and grabbing onto each other. Both of them fight for position, hoping to get that little extra measure out of him opponent as they push hard against one and other. Both of them rising slowly to their feet. Bobby reacts quickly, stepping forward and locking his hand around Christian tighter, his hips popping as he throws off a perfect Overhand belly to belly suplex. Sending Christian flying across the ring. The crowd pops as Bobby runs over, his body soaring through the air as he lands a hard cross body on Christian who has just managed to stagger to his feet. Both men hit the mat hard, the Crowd exploding as bobby rolls up one leg, the ref dropping quickly. 1..2 hell no as Christian kicks out again. Bobby hops back, his arms spread wide, the smile across his face gone, replaced by a look of pure concentration as his eyes size up Christian looking obviously for another powerful suplex. Slowly Chris manages to find his feet, his eyes wide as he feels bobby’s hand lock around his waist. His next move one of sheer desperation as he reaches back, grabbing Bobby’s head and throwing his feet from under him. Sitting down, nailing a viscious jawbreaker. Bobby reeling back in pain and surprise as Christian slowly gets to his feet. Regaining his senses simply by relying on his experiences in the ring. Stepping in and locking his forearm against Bobby’s jaw, his foot kicking Bobby’s from underneath him as he falls back, bringing bobby’s head hard into his arm. The crowd erupts as Bobby holds his head in pain, knowing enough not to just lye there he rolls, slowly trying to find his feet as Chris stalking him around the ring Busch: Skywalker just watching him, stalking him like prey! Marshall: He has to Bert! Bobby Johnson is no slack off of a wrestler. He has the skill to beat you in an instant if need be. Christiian is seen continuing his plan of attack as Bobby stands up. He is able enough to stand on his own long enough before NLCS charges at him and takes out the knee. Bobby falls to the ground holding his knee as NLCS then crawls his way over next to Bobby who is more focused on the knee, as NLCS, slaps the taste out of his mouth. Christian, then picks up Bobby. Bobby is seen not trying to put much pressure onto the knee. Christian, then grabs the arm of Bobby, and takes a swift kick towards the knee connecting very efficiently. Bobby is seen being held up by his arm, as NLCS takes Johnson down with a russian leg sweep. NLCS, grabs Bobby, and pulls him over to the corner turnbuckle. Christian, then pulls Bobby hard enough where his grapefruits, slam hard against the unforgiving steel. Bobby is now seen more focused on the pain in his groin that he is now from his knee. Bobby is seen with his eyes shooting wide open still from the shot he just took. NLCS grabs the bad knee of Bobby and is seen wrapping it around the steel post as Bobby is seen screaming out in a bit of pain. NLCS is now looking out at the crowd, as they roar in anticipation of what is to come next. NLCS grabs a hold of the leg one more time, but Bobby with his good leg is seen sending kicks the the face and head of NLCS, sending him back into the guardrail. Bobby then grabs onto the ropes and pulls himself to his feet, still in agony from those knee and crotch shots. NLCS's head hit the guardrail hard, as he is not even moving lying flat on his stomach. Bobby is seen helping himself to the top rope. As he reaches the top. Bobby takes off as he connects with a huge leg drop to the back of the head and neck of NLCS. Bobby and NLCS are both seen down on the outside, as Bobby is still attending to the knee, since he is now in more pain for attempting that move. Busch: Holy crap, Bobby took a major risk to pull that move off!! Marshall: Yeah he did, and with that knee now, who is to say that he wouldnt of take a bad fall and injured himself more? Busch: Well that is what you get when you are in this match, you have to put up or shut up!! Marshall: Both men are extremely exhausted from this matchup!! They have been going at it non stop!! Busch: Look Bobby is seen raising his head, and he just dropped again. This match has taken so much out of both of them!! Tim White is seen counting. He is already up to a five count. Just out of nowhere, Bobby is seen climbing back to his feet. Bobby is seen sliding into the ring, as Tim White''s count has been stopped. He then begins counting out NLCS. Bobby not done with this match up, goes back to the outside. He is seen limping, over to NLCS and picking him up. Bobby leads NLCS over to the ring apron, and is about to throw him in, but instead, wraps his arms around the waist of NLCS, and his shoulder into the gut and rams NLCS into the ring apron. Bobby now down to one knee, as NLCS is seen swaying side to side, but on his feet. Bobby pushes himself back up to both feet, as he grabs NLCS and tosses him back into the ring, and quickly slides back in himself, as Tim was about to call the ten count and end the match. Both men are now down on the inside of the ring. Bobby then looks up as NLCS is still out of it. He then takes one arm, and throws it over the chest of NLCS. White: 1..........2..........NO!!!! Kickout by NLCS!! Busch: How the hell did he do that? Marshall: I dont know!! Its a miracle!!! Bobby a little upset that the match isnt over, lays his head back down on the mat, as NLCS is seen shaking his head as he is trying to push himself at least to his knees. NLCS gets to his knees, as he turns himself around, facing Bobby Johnson. He then grabs Bobby by the head, as he lifts up Bobby to his knees as well. NLCS then swings at Bobby connecting with his jaw. Bobby rocks back, as he then comes forward with a right hand of his own. NLCS and Bobby are seen trading blow by blow with one another, until NLCS is seen falling backwards down on the mat. Bobby then falls forward one more time, as he is seen hitting the mat one more time. Both men extremely exhausted, as this match continues to happen. NLCS finally is seen moving. He gets over to the ropes where he is seen helping himself up. Bobby on the other hand seems to only be at his knees. NLCS lets out a deep breath, as Bobby wipes the sweat from his brow. NLCS then heads over to Bobby, as he helps him to his feet. Bobby a little weary but swings his elbow into the gut twice of NLCS. NLCS is seen backing off a bit, but comes back with a kick to the midsection, backs off a bit, and runs and connects with a swinging neckbreaker on Bobby. Bobby crashes down to the mat hard holding his neck, as NLCS is seen sitting right back up. He moves the hair from his face, as he screams out loud that this match has not ended as of yet. NLCS then grabs a hold of the injured knee of Bobby's as he picks up the leg into an ankle lock. NLCS then drops scissoring the leg and knee putting Bobby into excruciating pain. Bobby is seen screaming out loudly, as NLCS is tightening the hold. NLCS smirks a bit, as Bobby is seen moving his body towards the ropes, dragging NLCS with him. Bobby then reaches out for his arm, as he grabs a hold of the ropes, forcing Tim White to break the hold. Tim White is seen waving his hands in the air, as NLCS celebrates thinking that he has won the match. NLCS then starts parading around the ring as much as he can being as exhausted as he is, But as he is Bobby is now getting back to his feet. Tim White is explaining to NLCS that he has not won the match, and it is continuing. As he does Bobby is right there, as he is seen nailing a turning around NLCS with The Big Easy!! NLCS crashes to the mat, as Bobby is seen making the cover. White: 1....2...Thr...NO!!!! Busch: NLCS with the shoulder up just in the nick of time!!! Bobby with a look of shock on his face with the kickout, as NLCS is getting back to his knees. NLCS is still trying to catch his breath after the shot he just took. Bobby then pounces on NLCS as he nails him with a double axe handle to the lower back. NLCS is still seen on his knees, as Bobby continues the blows to the back, and then a hard shot to the midsection even with NLCS facing downwards towards the mat. Bobby then gets to his feet, as he sends a kick to the ribs of NLCS, as NLCS flies into the air and crashes down to the mat. Bobby showing the exhaustion on his face, as he goes and grabs NLCS. As he does NLCS is seen grabbing the tights of Bobby Johnson, and turning him enough to send him into the turnbuckle smashing his head hard into it. NLCS gets onto his feet, as Bobby is seen coming out of the corne backwards, as NLCS bounces off the ropes and nails Bobby with the clothesline from hell sending Bobby down hard. His fall looking like it folded Bobby up into an accordian, as NLCS is seen making the cover. White: 1.....2....NO!! Kickout by Johnson!! NLCS then gets to his knees once again. NLCS is then seen going to the outside of the ring. He is seen climbing up to the top rope. The fans are now on their feet and have never stopped standing during this whole match. NLCS then takes off from the top rope, and collides with the body of Bobby Johnson down below with a thunderous, elbow drop. Bobby is seen sitting up from the shot he took like a reflex in his body forced him up. NLCS then picks up Bobby, as he then whips him into the ropes. NLCS is seen ducking to hit a back body drop, but Bobby with the leftover strength he has, grabs the ropes. As NLCS looks up to see where Bobby is, Bobby comes charging at him. As Bobby reaches NLCS, he picks up Bobby lifts him high into the air, and slams him down in a huge desepration spinebuster. Bobby is now down and not moving, as NLCS is seen trying to get himself some breathing time. Tim White is seen shaking his head, as this match has gone on so long and the competitors have not showed any signs of quitting no matter how exhausting this match may have made them. Busch: This match has blown the roof off of the place. Listen to this capacity crowd!! Marshall: Yeah and my ass is getting a cramp!! I have been sitting too long. Busch: Are you sure your mouth isnt as well!! Marshall: Very funny!!! NLCS now to his feet, as he scans for an opening to Bobby Johnson. Bobby now getting to his feet as well. NLCS is seen going after Bobby. He then raises his knee, but Bobby raises his hands pushing NLCS back a bit. NLCS then comes back for more. NLCS then ducks a clothesline from Bobby as Bobby turns around and is met with a superkick to the jaw. Bobby drops like a heavy weight, as NLCS is seen standing and stalking him one more time like he did earlier in the matchup. NLCS, then puts his foot on the chest of Bobby as Tim White drops. White: 1....2....Bobby easily gets the shoulder up from the cocky pin position. NLCS then picks up Bobby, he then whips Bobby into the ropes, as Bobby rebounds he stops what NLCS was going to attempt as he locks his arms around NLCS and connects with the Greatest Trademark Move of All Time. NLCS bounces off the mat a bit from that version of a tbone suplex. Bobby then slips to his feet one more time as he seems to have caught a second wind all of a sudden as he picks up NLCS. He then sets NLCS up for a rude awakening, since Bobby is about ready to call this match quits. Bobby then picks up NLCS, as he nails him with a huge brain buster, as the head and neck of NLCS nails the mat hard. Bobby then stands up in the corner, as he is seen taunting that this match is over. He then gets his leg ready as he is about to attempt The Killa Kick. NLCS is seen wobbly as he gets to his feet. NLCS then stops for a moment, as he shakes his head. He then smirks a bit, as he turns around still wobbly and out of it from the match itself. Bobby comes at him with the killa kick, but NLCS moves out of the way and send a fist to the gut, as he then leans Bobby's body backwards and nails him with the Red Scare!! Busch: Holy hell!! He nailed Bobby with the Red Scare this could be over!! Marshall: PIN HIM NLCS!! NLCS then rolls himself over as he makes the pin fall attempt. . White: 1......2.....3!!! DING DING DING Dart: Here is your winner....NO LIMITS CHRISTIAN SKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYWALKER!!!!! Busch, "NO LIMITS! NO LIMITS! NO LIMITS CHRISTIAN SKYWALKER HAS DONE IT! HE HAS PICKED UP THE PINFALL OVER THE NUMBER 1 CONTENDER!!!!" Marshal, "So did he just earn himself a spot against Bobby Johnson for the title at Resurrection?!" Busch, "Or did he just bump Bobby Johnson out of his spot?! Bobby won a Royal Rumble over a YEAR ago�?One could argue that with NLCS drawing Dangerously two straight and then beating Bobby that PERHAPS he just carried both himself and Nic to the Pay Per View headline!" "Em Es En�? The MSN Theme begins blasting over the PA as Christian Skywalker has just crawled to his feet, leaning against the ropes, and Bobby is still down from the massive Red Scare. The music slowly fades as we see that Russ has a mic in hand on the stage Russ, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?Everyone’s been waiting over a week to find out who would go on to Resurrection for the ICWA Championship. Nic Dangerously and Christian Skywalker have all but killed themselves two weeks straight with draws against each other, clearly showing them as being in-ring equals�?That said, despite not picking up the win here tonight, Bobby Johnson is clearly no side dish to the main meal of Nic and Christian�?That said, Nic has drawn even with Christian two straight yet here tonight Christian defeated Bobby Johnson which stakes reasonable claim that If the man who drew Nic two weeks straight can defeat Bobby�?Nic himself very well may be able too as well�?Then again, flukes happen all the time in this business and tonight could have been simply that; a fluke. So what better way is there to find out then to stick all three of em in the ring at the same time�? The crowd erupts. Johnson, "That’s right�?At ICWA Resurrection the International Championship Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Title WILL be decided in a first ever ICWA Best Of Five Falls Triple Threat!" Busch, "BEST OF FIVE FALLS TRIPLE THREAT?! OH MAH GAWD!!" "Em Es En�? The MSN theme blasts over the PA as we can hear Busch announcing, "I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! WHAT A HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!! WHAT’S THIS MEAN FOR DEMENTED NEXT WEEK?! How’s Bobby Johnson gonna react when he comes too?! How’s Christian Skywalker gonna react when he has the energy to do so?! What about Nic Dangerously?! Not to mention we know we have that HUGE Six man tag match pitting the W2K Fatefuls against Synergy! BAH GAWD WHAT A SHOW WE HAVE LINED UP! I’m Bert Busch alongside "Destructive" Jay Marshal�?GOOD GAWD We’ll see ya NEXT WEEK!" | |
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ICWA Demented Credits Main Event Banner designed by Jan AKA Nikki Black Match 1 W2K Championship Nic E Dangerously V.S. Kutter Flash Written by: Nic AKA NED & Johnathan AKA ICWA's Matt Hardy Match 2 Jamal Atkins V.S. Jimmy Stryker Written by: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Match 3 Nikki Black V.S. Matt Hardy Written by: Taylor AKA ICWA Management Match 4 W2K Championesship Shantel Travis V.S. Summer Stratus Written by: Jenny AKA Image Johnson Match 5 "Shot Til Ya Drop" Match James V.S. Shane Borden Written By: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Match 6 Matt Matlock & SFM V.S. MJ Storm & Joey De' Angelo Written By: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Main Event "No Limits" Christian Skywalker V.S. "Head Nigga In Charge" Bobby Johnson Written by: James & Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Judges (Please not NOBODY Judged their own match) Nic AKA NED John AKA ICWA's Matt Hardy Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Jan AKA Nikki Black Big John AKA Georgia James Matt AKA MJ Storm David AKA David Van Dam Thanks to everyone who rped this week. Those who did rp did a great job. Special Thanks to Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker. I wasn't feel well this week and alot of people bailed on writing assignments but Aaron was a trooper and picked up the vast majority of the slack. Not only did he pick up most of the slack, but he did it voluntarly and never so much as uttered a single complant. Thank You, Your help in the ICWA Is greatly appreciated. 
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Prior to this show's broadcast the live fans got two dark matches. In Dark Match 1 Blaze Inferno went toe to toe with Jeff Hardy in what was an extremely exciting bout showing off a lot of high flying moves based of speed and agility mixed with the technical prowese of Blaze Inferno. In the end however, Jeff Hardy just pulled out the win via the Swan-ton-bomb into the pin. Match 2 Another very close bout as two beautiful women went at it in hopes of getting on TV and persuing the Women's division championships. The two divas went for a strong ten minutes and exchanged a lot of great holds, but in the end Lizzie Pryce just BARELY picked up the win with a well executed small package roll up. 
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