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ICWA Resurrection Live August 13th, 2006 | In Demand�?Those bastards! ICWA Resurrection was scheduled to air on In Demand Pay Per View One week ago, but the bastards said that somebody at the front offices got the time slots confused and had us booked for this Sunday as opposed to the previous�?Fortunately for them, Jaymie is far kinder than her brother and she’s accepted this time slot. Now, why didn’t an additional episode of Demented air between last week and this week? FX Heard rumors that the ICWA Might be going to "The Fight Channel" and gave up our time slot last week for a re-run of Nip-tuck�?First of all, I’m not even positive that the Fight Channel really exists. As far as I know it’s just some channel that was created on Jack Choas�?EWR game (which despite not having the ICWA on it, we still highly recommend) but FX doesn’t have the sharpest suits so that was their way of handling things�?Fortunately the Internet community is huge, and in an attempt to make it up to the ICWA that FX is a bunch of retards who reacted without reason, they’ve been running commercials since Thursday promoting ICWA Resurrection on Pay Per View THIS weekend as has ICWA.com. Plus our sister network MSN has been advertising heavily for our re-scheduled PPV as well�?So perhaps all of this will work to our advantage�?ICWA fans are now going through withdrawl, FX is begging for us not to get mad and leave for real, We're on such good terms with MSG that they had no problem pushing our show there back a week and still honoring everyone's tickets, and in an attempt to assure that the ICWA will continue to provide Pay Per View action on In Demand, In Demand has agreed to lesson their normal percentage for Pay Per Views, which in turn means that the ICWA has been able to drop the coast of the Pay Per View by ten bucks. $19.99 For an ICWA Pay Per View Event? Pretty sweet deal if I do say so myself. So with that said�?Let’s get to the show�?/P> WARNING!!! | Warning: UNAUTHORIZED INTERCEPTION OR RECEIPT PROHIBITED!!! This Pay Per View event is the exclusive property of the International Championship Wrestling Alliance Inc. Only by paying a fee to a cable operator or other entity authorized by ICWA INC is the viewer granted a limited license to view this pay per view program. This Pay Per View may not be recorded, rebroadcast, retransmitted or otherwise distributed in any manner whatsoever without the expressed written consent of ICWA INC. Federal Law provides for civil penalties and criminal penalties against any violators. Unauthorized Viewers Beware and be forewarned!! | With that "Out of My Way" by Seether begins to play as we enter into the opening Video Package. Male Narrator, "And Now ICWA in conjunction with Pepsi Cola is proud to present ICWA Resurrection!"  The Resurrection banner suddenly shatters as Pyro begins to explode from the stage. The crowd is going nuts as "Out Of My Way" is still playing over the PA, the Pyro is concluding, and the camera begins to sweep the audience as the following box pops up in the higher right corner of the screen�?/P> Madison Square Garden Manhattan, New York | Busch, "BAH GAWD! A WEEK LATE BUT CERTAINLY NOT A DOLLAR SHORT, WELCOME TO EYE SEE DOUBLE_YOU EH RESURRECTION!! I’m Double B Bert Busch alongside former CWA Heavyweight Champion "Destructive" Jay Marshal and we WELCOME You to the most legendary arena in the world, Madison Square Garden, for what we can guarantee is gonna be a blockbuster, jam packed display of intense, ICWA Action!" Marshal, "No doubt Bee, The ICWA Is in the house and every time the ICWA comes to ya, it comes head on!" Busch, "Absolutely, but folks�?Tonight is the night�?The ICWA’s very first Pay Per View of the 2006 season and it very well may be our most anticipated Pay Per View ever because the card is stacked from start to finish with some very intense, well designed match ups�? Marshal, "It’s a great card and typically this is where we’d show ya some of the highlights of the night with some terrifically done graphics from the production truck, but MSN got sick of catchin crap from mid-carders and as a result we’re gonna take ya right into match one!" Busch, "Fair enough."  | Dart: The following contest is a Weapons Match, and is scheduled for one fall,for the W2K Championess Title...... "Some Bodies Gonna Get It", by Three 6 Mafia starts to play over the PA system: "Somebody gon' get they ass kicked Somebody gon' get their wig split Somebody gon' get they ass kicked Somebody gon' get their wig split Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck" The arena lights go off, all except the one over the ring, and on the rampway. Pink laser lights dance all over the arena, and Image makes her way onto the ramp. She makes her way down the ramp, and halfway down, she starts to run forward and slides in under the ropes. Image goes over to one corner and climbs the turnbuckle. She flexes her left bicep, then gives it a quick kiss. She jumps down and walks to the center of the ring, waiting for her opponent to arrive. Dart: Making her way to the ring, ICWA Women’s Champion, Image Johnsonnnnnnnn. Busch: Image has a pretty determined look in her eye. She looks as if she is ready to reclaim the title that she so graciously gave up. Marshall: She did a real ballsy thing by giving the W2K Championess title up because she felt that she didn’t deserve it. For all the success that she has attained so far in her short wrestling career, she doesn’t let it go to her head�?unlike her significant other. Busch: No comment. As "Hot in Here" by Nelly plays, Summer steps out from behind the curtain and stands on top of the entrance ramp with her hands on her hips. Dart: Making her way to the ring from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, she is the W2K Championess, Summer Stratus! She walks down the ramp with a smile on her face as she hears the cheers from the crowd. As she reaches the bottom of the ramp, she slides in the ring under the bottom rope. As she gets to her feet, she walks over to the ropes and points out into the crowd as cameras flash. She does this on the opposite side of the ring as well before her music cuts. Dart: Making her way to the ring, W2K Women’s Championess, Summer Stratusssssssss. Busch: This should be a good battle between these two champions. Marshall: Anytime two chicks get it on with weapons, it’s win win for everyone. Busch: Once again, no comment. Image, and Summer are already in the center of the ring jaw jacking when the ref signals for the start of the match. The jaw jacking continues, until Image gets tired of it, and slaps the taste out of Summers mouth. The crowd lets out a loud “oooooohhhh,�?as Summer grabs her mouth, and looks at Image. Summer wastes no time, and returns the favor to Image, and the two ladies let their fists fly at a furious pace. Image seems to be getting the best of Summer, and she stumbles backwards a little. Image takes advantage of the situation, and grabs Summers arm, and gives her a Irish Whip into the ropes,, and when she bounces off, Image gives her a Missile Drop Kick, that sends Summer flying backwards into the ropes. Image runs towards the opposite ropes, and bounces off of them to gain a little momentum as she runs towards Summer. Summer stands up out of the ropes just in time to go flying over them, as she is met by a huge Clothesline from Image. Image goes over to the corner, and climbs the turnbuckle, and sets herself up. As Summer slowly staggers to her feet, Image leaps out the ring post, and executes a perfect Ausi Moonsault, and lands on top of Summer, sending them both to the floor. Busch: Image has come out on fire in this match in the early going. Marshall: Well Summer better get her act together, or this match will be over early. The move has taken a lot out of both of the competitors, as they lay there on the floor, and the crowd is getting hype. HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT!!! The ladies begin to stir, and slowy start to make their way up to their feet. Image grabs Summer’s arm, and tries to sling Summer into the ring post, but Summer reverses the move, and sling Image into it instead. Image stumbles backwards, and Summer grabs her by the waist from behind, and gives her a belly to back Suplex, and sends her flying overhead. Image lays on the floor, and has that glazed look in her eye. Summer slides into the ring, then slides out of it to stop the refs count, and goes under the ring apron, and starts to look for something. Busch: Uh oh, here comes the weapons. Marshall: Finally this is starting to get good. As Image lays on the floor, Summer pulls two tables from under the ring, and a ladder. Image starts to make it back up to her feet, and when she stands up, Summer rams the ladder into her stomach. Image bends over, and Summer hits her in the head with the ladder which makes her fall back down to the mat. Summer sets the ladder up, and then sets up the two tables side by side. She slides back into the ring to stop the count once again, then slides back out, and walks over to Image, and guides her up to her feet. She walks Image over to the tables, and rolls her on top of it, and gives her a few punches to the gut to soften her up. Summer walks over to the ladder, and walks over to the ladder, and climbs up it. When she gets to the top, she plays to the crowd, and holds her arms in the air, as the crowd is going wild, urging her to jump. She looks down at Image, and smirks before jumping off the ladder, and going for a Body Splash on top of Image. At the last minute, Image rolls off of the tables, and Summer goes crashing through them. Busch: Oh my god, Summer could have just seriously injured herself. Marshall: That is what she gets for showing off. She should have just did the move without all the show boating. Now it has come back to bite her in the ass. Summer isn’t stirring, as Image slowly gets to her feet. She gets back into the ring, to stop the count, then slides out of it, and walks over, and guides Summer to her feet. She walks her back over to the ring, and rolls her back in, then looks under the ring apron, and pulls out a baseball bat. Busch: Image has brought out her favorite weapon of choice. I have been told that she calls it Sampson. Marshall: Well she and Sampson are about to go to work…�?.batter up baby!!! Image slides into the ring, and stalks Summer. Summer finally gets up to her feet, and when she turns around, she gets a shot to the gut from the baseball bat. She bends over from the shot, and Image hits her in the back, with the bottom of the bat, and knocks her down . Image drops the bat, and goes for the cover, as the ref drops to the mat, and makes the three count. One�?.Two�?Thre�?Summer gets her shoulder up in the nick of time. Busch: That was a close one. I was for sure that this match was over. Marshall: As was I. The fact that she got her shoulder up in time impresses me. Image gets up, and picks up her bat, and goes back over to Summer, and gets back on top of her, and starts to choke her with it. The ref makes his four count, and Image stops choking Summer, and gets up off of her. She drops the bat, and slides out of the ring, and looks under the apron, and pulls out another table. She gets it up into the ring, and slides in after it. She then sets it up against the corner, and walks back over, and guides Summer up to her feet. She goes to sling Summer into the table, but Summer reverses it, and slings Image into it instead. Image hit’s the table, but it doesn’t break. Image flips herself around, only to go crashing through the table, as Summer gives her a huge Spear. The crowd nearly tears the roof off, as the two women lay in a pile of broken wood. EYE SEE DUBBA YOU AYE, EYE SEE DUBBA YOU AYE, EYE SEE DUBBA YOU AYE, EYE SEE DUBBA YOU AYE!!! Marshall: And The sandman spears Tommy Dreamer into the table. Busch: Uh Jay……�?wrong promotion. Marshall: The way that the crowd nearly came to orgasm over that spear by Summer Stratus, you really couldn’t tell. Busch: That was a very extreme move by Summer Stratus. She nearly broke Image in half with that spear. Marshall: And she knocked herself silly in the process. The ref starts to make his count, and when he hit’s the five count, the women start to stir. They make it out of the rubble, and to their feet before the ref finishes his count, and Summer goes on the attack. She starts to hit a dazed and confused Image with lefts and rights, then slings her into the opposite corner, and finishes it up with a Body Splash. She bounces off of Image, and Image stumbles out of the corner from the impact, only to put down with a Snap Suplex from Summer. Summer goes for the pin, and the ref goes down to start his count. One…�?Two�?Three. Summer jumps up, and holds her arms in the air. Busch: The ref made the three count, but he didn’t signal for the bell. Marshall: Obviously Summer isn’t aware of that fact because she is jumping around, and making a damn fool of herself. The ref gets Summer’s attention, and points to where Image’s foot is on the ropes. She is irate now. Busch: Image got her foot on the ropes in the nick of time. Marshall: That was purely by instinct, I can bet you that much. She looks like she doesn’t even know that she is in a match right now. Summer starts to stomp on the body of Image, then slides out of the ring, and looks under the ring apron. She pulls out a lead pipe, and slides back into the ring. Busch: That lead pipe belongs to Lucky Falcon I am told, who has let Summer use it for this match. Marshall: A lead Pipe plus a dazed and confused Image equals big trouble for the ICWA Women’s Champion. Summer gets back into the ring with the pipe, and stalks Image, as she is starting to stir. Image slowly makes it to her feet, and when she looks up, she’s sees Summer raising the lead pipe above her head, and come down with great force. Image moves out of the way at the last minute, and gives Summer a Spin Kick. Image then rolls out of the ring, and throws two chairs back into it, and gets back in. She walks over to Summer, and gives her a few stomps to the midsection, then goes and gets one of the chairs, and lays it on the mat behind her. She reaches down, helps guide Summer to her feet, and walks her over to the corner. She turns her around, and climbs up the turnbuckle, and sits on it. She wraps her arm around Summer’s head, and leaps off the ropes, and executes a Tornado DDT, as Summer drops head first onto the chair. Image gets up, walks over and get the other chair then opens it. She places it a few feet away from Summer, then walks over to the ropes, and runs forward. She steps up on the chair, leaps High into the air, and comes down on top of Summer with a Leg Drop. Image goes fro the pin, as the ref goes down to make the count. One�?.Two�?Thre�?Kick out by Summer Stratus. Busch: Wow, another kick out by Summer. Marshall: She has heart, and I can respect that. Image has a look of shock on her face because she can’t believe that she didn’t finish Summer off. She gets to her feet, guides Summer up to hers, and gives her an Irish Whip into the ropes. When Summer bounces off, and comes back towards Image, Image tries to give her a Clothesline, but Summer ducks under her arm, and runs, and bounces off the far ropes. When she bounces off of them, she leaps into the air, and gives Image a Shoulder Block, that sends her stumbling backwards. Image regains her footing, and charges Summer, only to be put down by a Samoan Drop from Summer. Summer gets back up to her feet, and retrieves her lead pie,. She picks up one of the steel chairs that were in the ring, and takes it back over by where Image is laying. She places it on top of Images head, and draws the lead pipe back over her head, and brings it back down with great force on top of the chair, slamming the steel chair onto Images face. The crowd likes what it sees, and lets Summer know. HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT!!! Images body jerks like she is going into convulsions, and Summer takes the chair off of her, and throws it to the side. Images face is a bloody mess, as Summer goes for the pin, and the ref goes down to make the count. One……Two�?Thr…Kick Out by Image. Busch: And the ICWA Woman’s Champion refuses to go away. Marshall: After a hit like that, she should have been down for the count. It’s amazing what a person will withstand when they really want something. The same look of utter disbelief that Image had earlier is now on Summers face. She gets to her feet, and argues with the ref for a little bit before walking over, and guiding Image to her feet. She slings her into the corner, and goes for a Body Splash, but Image side steps it, pushes Summer into the corner, and gives her The Six Piece (2 kicks to the midsection, an uppercut, a left and right jab, then a Missile Drop Kick, while opponent is in the corner). Summers feet kick out from under her, and she hits the mat, with her back resting on the turnbuckle in the corner. Image gets up to her feet, goes over, and picks up the same steel chair that Summer used on her, and walks back over to the corner, and stalks Summer. Summer slowly makes it to her feet, and notices Image standing in front of her holding the steel chair. Without a moments hesitation, Summer charges Image, but all of a sudden, Image tosses the chair o Summer, and on instinct she catches it. Image takes a step forward, and gives the steel chair, a Mirror Image, which sends the steel chair flying backwards into the face of Summer with a sickening thud. Summer drops the chair, and she has a big gash on her forehead that is oozing blood. She drops to her knees, then falls forward, and hit’s the mat in a heap. Image goes, rolls her over, and goes for the pin. The ref gets down to make the count. One……Two……Three…Pin fall by Image Johnson. Busch: This was a brutal way to open up the Pay Per View, and this could be a sign of things to come. Marshall: If the rest of the matches are as half as good as this one was, then we are in for a real treat tonight people. Image is only up on one, as the ref hands her the ICWA and W2K Women’s titles, and raises her arm into the air. Dart: Your winner, and the new W2K Championess, Image Johnsonnnnnn!!! Bobby Johnson comes down to the ring, and slides in. he helps his wife to her feet, and helps her out of the ring, as Summer has slowly made it to her feet, and is leaning on the ropes while looking up the ramp, as Bobby, and Image slowly make their way up it. Busch, "There ya have it folks! Summer Stratus came to play�? Marshal, "But Image Johnson came to work and thus your NEW W2K Championess." Busch, "The ICWA Women’s champion and W2K Championess, no question remaining as to whether or not Image Johnson’s the real deal, that’s for sure." Marshal, "Well, I’m not sure how much the W2K Championesship proves�?Or why we still have that piece of crap on our show, but Image Johnson’s definitely the real deal." Busch, "Whether ya agree with the W2K methods or not �?and often times I don’t, especially with Hamid Ismali at the helm �?Ya can’t deny the legacy and prestige of a W2K Title. That’s ten years of blood, sweat, and tears no matter how ya slice the cake, and that Jay�?That means something." Marshal, "Too whom?" | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live August 13th, 2006 | With that the Dementa-Tron shows us in a fairly generic looking bar. It’s got a real Country and Western theme�?The bar tender is wearing a vest and a black cowboy hat and there’s only three people at the bar and two playing pool, otherwise it seems fairly empty. One of the guys at one end of the bar is dressed in blue jeans, a Leather bomber jacket with a sleeveless blue jean jacket over it (think Triple H 2002) and is heavy set with a long braided pony tail�?On the other end of the bar an older man with leather skin and a thick, grey beard dressed in brown cowboy boots, worn black jeans, and a black T Shirt with the number 3 in the right chest area and "The Intimidator" written under the three. But what really sticks out is the man in the center of the bar. He has on a pair of Black dress slacks and a plain white T Shirt�?His skin dark, his frame well chiseled and good sized, and his head shiny. The crowd pops, apparently they assume they know who it is sitting there, leaning back with a long neck Molson to his mouth. We pan out slightly as the door to the bar draws open and in walks MSN’s not-so favorite son, Shane Borden�?Obviously he’s not in his trunks�?He’s got on a pair of black combat boots, black jeans, and a Black T Shirt with the mSn logo in the center. Shane, "�?Hey Yo�?Cheeko�?You ready to get your ass whipped or what?" The bald man takes one last long swig on the Molson, empting it before he puts it back on the counter, stands up, and turns around drawing a huge pop from the fans as we see what we all suspected�?That it is infact James. Busch, "The Original Sadist scheduled to go one on one with Shane Borden in a Bar Room Brawl�?Apparently this is it." James gets face to face with Shane, both men talking a little trash before finally James grabs Shane by the back of the neck and raises his knee and thigh into Shane’s abdomen region ala Steve Austin. The crowd pops as we assume this one is un-officially underway. Busch, "Well, this is a basic bar room brawl, so there’s no need for an official, no opening or closing bell, it’s over when it’s over." Marshal, "Well then�? James still has Shane by the back of the head as he leads him over to the bar and bounces his face off the bar. The crowd pops as James spins Shane around and Borden plops down on a bar stool with his back against the bar. James grabs a hold of the neck of Shane’s shirt and viciously yanks downward, ripping the shirt down a little bit exposing his pectoral region. James then pulls back, and WHOOOOOOOO Big chop across the chest. Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOO Another WHOOOOOOOOOOO Another WHOOOOOOOOOO And then BAM! Hard round house kick sends Borden up and over the bar. James hops up onto the bar when Borden pops up with the soda dispenser and sprays a dark liquid up into James face. James closes his eyes and turns around trying to wipe what we can assume to be cola out of his face. Marshal, "Guess we’re not the only ones enjoying a Pepsi during the broadcast." Busch, "Pepsi’s good stuff but I don’t think James was looking for a cold, crisp cola right now." Marshal, "Shameless commercialism rocks." Back in the bar Borden’s hoping up onto the bar. He grabs Borden by the head and drops a big right hand into the top of his skull. He then hits a second…�?A third……�?He goes for a forth but James springs up straight and delivers a quick thrust to the throat of MSN’s drunk. Shane grabs a hold of his throat and turns his back to James. James grabs Borden, hoists him up, and slams him back with a high angle belly to back suplex right on the bar. Shane grabs his lower back and slowly rolls off the bar to his feet on the floor. James hops down off the bar and starts walking after Borden. We find ourselves heading over toward the Pool Table area. Shane gets over toward a wall with Pool sticks on it as James finally catches up to the MSN representative. James goes to grab Shane Borden but as he does Borden yanks a pool stick off the wall and swings it around shattering it across the abdominal area of James. James doubles over as we see the wooden splinters go all over the place. Shane quickly grabs another pool stick and THWACK! Right across the back of the head dropping the sadist. Shane smirks as he glances over at the pool table where he sees a couple of balls toward one end. Shane bends down and grabs James by the head, pulling him up to his feet. Shane hooks James in the Vertical Suplex grapple and goes for a lift, probably looking for a version of the vertical suplex, but the Original Sadist provides the block. James pushes Borden off and then quickly jumps up and around with what would look like a leaping backwards roundhouse hook kick. He lands the kick directly into Borden’s chest with enough power to make Shane fly up onto the pool table. James looks at Borden lying across the middle of the table, his head next to the middle side pocket and his legs hanging off the table�?The Sadist smirks as he bends down and grabs the stick that Borden had wrapped across the back of the skull of James. James walks over to the front of the table and grabs the Queue ball�?He chalks up his stick, measures his shot�?POP! He hits the ball and SMACK! Right into the side of the head of Borden and into the side pocket. James smiles before he hops up onto the pool table and walks over, grabbing Borden by the greasy hair and starts pulling him up to his feet. James hooks the Vertical suplex grapple and hoists him up into the air (apparently they knew we were coming cause there isn’t a light hanging over this table)�?James holds him there for a minute�?Then in an instant he drops down driving Borden skull first into the table with a devastating Brainbuster. The impact of the brainbuster makes the legs on the table give way as the entire pool table drops about two feet to the ground. Marshal, "Holy crapoli!" Suddenly out of no where we see some one come running by, slamming a black baseball bat into the abs of James. Busch, "What the Hell?!" The cameras pan back and standing with a black ball bat in hand is that big bastard Devon Monroe. Busch, "Awe son of a�? Devon begins stomping away at the chest and abs of James as Shane is slowly rolling over to his chest. Devon bends down and grabs James by the head, pulling him up to his feet. Busch, "So much for a one on one fight. I shoulda known better." Devon brings James head first between his legs, obviously getting ready for his trademarked Last Ride style Powerbomb. Devon runs a hand through his long hair before he bends down and goes to hoist James up�?Suddenly we see a beer bottle crack over the back of Devon’s head making him instantly release James and drop down to a knee holding the back of his head. The cameras pan back and we see Andrew dropping the remains of a broken bottle. The crowd erupts as Busch says, "YES! ANDREW! ANDREW! ANDREW Was there to make the save!" Borden has a Pool stick back in hand and comes running toward Andrew but James suddenly springs out of no where nailing a hard Superkick right into the chin of Borden�?Borden’s eyes instantly glaze over and he stands only momentarily before falling back like a red wood. Devon is now back on his feet although he’s staggering�?He slowly turns around and James hits a side kick to the gut making Devon double over. He then delivers a snap kick to the face making Devon snap back�?/FONT> Busch, "Final Call kick combo�? James then hooks Devon in the Rock Bottom set up, spins him and drops him with a massive modified STO. Busch, "CLOSING TIME! CLOSING TIME! HE JUST PUT MONROE DOWN AND OUT WITH THE CLOSING TIME!" James just shakes his head as he and Andrew share a high five. James walks over to the bar as he reaches into his pants pockets. He drops a ten on the bar and says something to the bar tender who we hadn’t seen since this bout started. The Bar tender reaches under the bar and pulls up to long neck Molsons, caps removed. James grabs em, walks toward the door and hands one to Andrew as the two walk out of the bar drinking from their beers. The cameras fade on the carnage in the bar. Busch, "I have a feeling this situation is far from over." | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live August 13th, 2006 | With that the cameras refocus on the ring which is currently set up for the No Remorse Match. Busch, "There ya see the Breif case with two million dollars of SFM's own money hanging high above the ring. This one’s gonna be unique�?Are those�?Barbwire ropes?!" Marshal, "Looks like." Indeed SFM has yet changed things again on MJ Storm by removing the ring ropes and replacing them with barbed wired ropes around the ring The fans are buzzing about. They're waiting for one of the combatants in the upcoming contest when 'Firefly' by Breaking Benjamin begins to blare over the pa system and the words to the opening verse is seen on the titantron: You my friend You're a lot like them But I cut your line And you know I did Now I'm lost in you Like I always do And I'd die to win 'Cause I'm born to lose The lights begin to flicker red and orange as we see some red smoke appear on the stage as it lingers there. The black curtain flicks open as the words And I'd die to win are heard, and appearing on the stage is M.J. Storm. He begins to walk down the entrance ramps as we then hear the ring announcer speak. Announcer: Making his way from Madison Wisconsin, weighing in at 256lbs... The Fallen Stuperstar MJ STORMMMM!! M.J. finishes walking down the ramp, and slides into the ring. He walks over to a set of ropes, and jumps on them, bouncing. He then hops down and turns to a stagehand and hands them his leather trenchcoat,and gets ready for his match The camers hit the stage as the Titiontron lights up with flames and a cross slowly fades in on the screen. Blue laser lights shoot out from the Titontron circling through the crowd. Acouple of seconds later red lasers shoot out from the stage hitting the ring. After a moment the arena goes black as a voice comes over the PA. Voice: I can hear what your thinking all your doubts and fears and if you look in my eyes in time you'll find the reason I'm here. And in time all things shall pass away and in time you may come back someday. To live once more or die once more, but in time your time'll be over As the words fade over the PA.blue and red smoke begins to role over the enterence way as six men walk out from under the smoke and line up down the ramp standing across from each other. They reach under there cloaks and each pull a single large cross out and hold it high above their heads as "King of Kings" by Motorhead begins to play. The lights come on dimely in the arena as a figure appears under the red and blue smoke. Motorhead: Behold the King, the King of Kings. On your knees dog. All hail. The figure bows its head before stepping out from under the smoke and raises his hands hig in the air as the fans erupt at the sight of SFM on the stage. SFM looks left and then right as he lowers his arms and starts down the ramp walking under the crosses held above his head by the cloaked men. Annoucer: And his opponent hailing from the South Park Section of Houston. weiging in at 238lbs... The self proclaimed Icon of Icons Sean Frost MANNNNN!! Motorhead: Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. As SFM reaches the ring steps he goes two steps up before stopping and turning towards the fans and shooting them a cocky smile before continuing up the ring steps and standing on the ring apron. SFM turns once again resting his back against the ropes and raising his hands high above his head Motorhead: The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze, Where the traitor lost both his name and his face. Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood, He tasted his grin and it tasted good. The King took his head. Left him broken and dead. SFM turns and ducks under the top rope and walks to the center of the ring and shoots the fans another cocky smile as he raises his hand and points at a turnbuckle and red pyro explodes out of it. He points at a second turnbuckle and a blue pyro explodes. A red explodes from the thrid and a blue from the forth. Motorhead: Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. SFM raise his hands above his head and lowers his head as his hair falls down covering his face. He brings his hands down as red and blue pyros explode from all four turnbuckles and his music fades as SFM leans in the corner glaring at MJ Storm who in return glares back Bert: This is going to be a great match Marshall.. SFM is about to get taught a lesson by MJ Storm Marshall: Please SFM is going to own MJ in this match and show him why he is the icon here in ICWA SFM goes for a tie up leading MJ in and quickly shows why the fans hate him when he suddenly and blatently kicks Storm in the nuts doubleing him over and quickly plants him with a ddt and standing up holding his hands in the air with a smug grin on his face as the fans boo .. SFM throws them the finger and as he does he is nailed from behind with a trash can via MJ.. SFM falls foreward to the mat as MJ hits him acouple more times before dropping the trash can and trying to walk off the pain from the nut shot.. MJ turns around and sees SFM starting to get up holding his back and sits there waiting.. As SFM turns around he is met with a clothesline.. and then a second... and then a third one.. MJ goes for a fourth but its met with one from SFM as his hits him knocking both of them down.. Both men lay there for a second before showing signs of movement.. SFM rolls out of the ring landing on his knees as MJ rolls out on the opposite side.. SFM staggers to his feet and grabs the steel chair laying on the floor as MJ also grabs a steel chair.. The two men make there way around the ring towards each other.. They both swing their chairs at the same crashing them togeather.. they swing again and hit them again.. they go for a third and as they connect SFM drops the chair.. only to be met with a shot to the head from MJ Storm.. SFM drops to the ground holding his head as MJ drops the chair .. He walks over and picks up SFM and looks behind him at the chair on the ground and hooks SFM for a suplex .. MJ lifts him up and lands SFM back first on the steel chair.. SFM arches his back in pain as MJ lets go and gets to his feet Bert: Looks like SFM isn't the king of the chair now is he Marshall Marshall: Shut up Bert.. its clear that MJ cant beat him by wrestling so he has resorted to a chair MJ Grabs SFM by the head and picks him up and rolls him into the ring.. SFM starts to get to his feet as MJ rolls in under the barbwire.. MJ starts towards him and SFM nails him in the gut with a right hand.. MJ stops and goes for him again and SFM hits him with another. .and then a third one knocking MJ back a bit.. SFM sits there not moving as he tries to catch his breath.. MJ comes at him again and SFM nails him hard with a low blow dropping him to the mat.. SFM gets to his feet and backs up a bit motioning for MJ to get up .. MJ slowly staggers to his feet and gets up with his back to SFM.. As he turns around he is met with a LETS ROLL from SFM dropping him to the mat.. SFM quickly goes for the cover Marshall: LETS ROLL ON MJ STORM.. There it is Bert.. the match is done and over with Bert: Come on MJ kick out of that The ref drops for the count.. 1........2........just as the ref's hand is about to his MJ's shoulder lifts up from the mat.. SFM gets up holding his hands in victory thinking he has taken the first round of the match.. The ref walks over to SFM informing him that it was only a 2 count.. SFM looks at him shocked.. unable to believe that MJ could have possibly kicked out of the LETS ROLL.. as SFM turns around he is met with a vicious spear by MJ Storm dropping him to the mat.. Both men lay there motionless trying to catch their breath.. SFM holds his ribs in pain from the spear .. MJ makes his way to his feet as SFM has got the ropes and uses them to pull himself up and rests himself in the turnbuckle.. As he does we see MJ come flying across the ring and jump into the air hitting a modified Jeff Hardy Poety in motions on SFM.. SFM looks like he is in a daze as he walks out of the turnbuckle and falls face first on the mat Bert: Looks like SFM's pulling a page out of the Ric Flair book with old man flop Marshall: Its all a mind game thats all just you watch Bert MJ quickly scales the top rope and looks down at SFM as he rolls onto his back still seeming to be out of it.. MJ positons himself for the Tsunami Leg Drop.. MJ leaps and as he is about to land it SFM rolls out of the way as MJ lands hard on his ass.. SFM slowly staggers to his feet as he grabs MJ and picks him up for the Tequilla Toss.. SFM hits the first suplex.. then the second.. and goes for the third but it is blocked by MJ as he quickly releases himself and launches SFM into the barbed wire ropes.. As SFM hits them his eyes go wide and he lets out a scream of pain and staggers foreward right into a Weather Advisory from MJ Storm Bert: Here we go this should put SFM down and out for this match Marshall: NOOO GET UP SEAN!! As SFM lays on the mat MJ quickly takes advantage and grabs SFM and goes to hook in the Tornado Strech but SFm quickly rolls MJ up for the pin as the ref drops down for the count 1...2... SFM puts his feet up on the ropes 3 Bert: SFM just stole that victory from MJ by using those ropes.. how low can you get Marshall: That was a brillant move on SFM's part.. its not his fault the ref was to dumb to catch it As SFM celebrates we see the cage lower as SFM is grabbed from behind by MJ and met with a right hand and then a second one and a third one.. SFM is rocked with the right hands and moves it right into an Impaler DDT driving SFM's head into mat as the cage finaly comes to rest around the ring.. MJ quickly climbs the top rope again and goes for the Tsunami Leg Drop landing it hard on SFM causing his legs to fly into the air.. MJ rolls out of the ring and drags the motionless SFM with him .. SFM falls in a lump on the floor and MJ picks him up and throws him into the cage.. SFM bounces back and grabs the barbed wire ropes as his eyes goes wide in pain.. MJ throws him into the cage and SFM bounces back again.. MJ goes for a third but SFM blocks it and throws MJ into it.. MJ bouncs back as SFM stumbles back against the ring and looks at the cage door .. SFM makes his way over to it and kicks it acouple of times trying to get it open.. SFM begins shaking it as he begins to get frustrated.. he turns around to recieve a second spear from MJ taking them both through the door of the cage .. SFM hits the barrier as SFM hits the ground.. Both men lay motionless Crowd: HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT Bert: OH MY GAWD MJ JUST SPEARED SFM THROUGH THE CAGE!! Marshall: THEY ARE BOTH DEAD BERT The two of them begin to show signs of life as SFM begins to crawl away from MJ as he is getting to his feet.. SFM makes it around the corner of the cage and begins to climb it as MJ comes around.. MJ grabs SFM and wasts no time hitting a back body drop landing SFM hard on the floor.. MJ gets up and looks at the cage and then at the cage and begins to scale it making his way to the top. .After a minute or two MJ gets to the top and looks down at SFM and then at all the fans .. SFM starts showing signs of life as looks up at the top of the cage dazed as MJ motions for him to come up.. SFM grabs the barrier dragging himself up to his feet shrugging off the touch of the fans as he makes his way to the cage and begins to scale it making his way up to the waiting MJ Storm.. SFM drags himself up and over the edge.. as he gets to his feet he is met with a European Uppercut from MJ knocking him back causing him to stagger on the edge and try to keep his balance and not fall Bert: SFM is in a dangerous situation Marshall Marshall: If he falls his career is over Bert MJ grabs SFM and pulls him back and deliver another and another keeping SFM from falling off the edge before delivering a snap suplex onto the cage.. MJ gets up and picks SFM up and hits another snap suplex.. MJ picks him up and sets him up for a powerbomb and looks out at the fans again.. He goes for it but SFM blocks it and stands up throwing MJ up and over his back landing him on the cage .. SFM falls to his knees trying to catch his breath as Mj holds his back in pain.. SFM slowly gets to his feet as MJ starts to get to his and nails him with a clothesline knocking him back to the cage.. MJ goes to get up again and SFM kicks him in the gut and sets him up for a powerbomb he points down as he hoists him up and slams him down the top of the cage causing it break.. MJ crashes to the mat below as SFM falls back onto the cage as MJ lays motionless onto the mat below Crowd: HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT! SFM looks down at MJ laying on the mat as a sadistic look grows on his face.. We see the ref motion for the EMTs to come down to the ring as SFM starts to make his way off the cage.. .. We see them come running from the back with a stretcher and make their way around the cage and in to get to MJ.. As they do SFM gets down from the cage and looks on.. He looks over to his right and sees one of the steel chairs from earlier and his smile grows wider.. he picks it up and makes his way around the ring and back inside of the cage.. he rolls inside and looks at the carnage with chair in hand.. one of the EMTs start to walk up to SFM to hold him back and SFM nails him with the steel chair dropping him to the mat.. the others quickly scramble out of the ring as does the ref and SFM walks up to the unconsious MJ Bert: Come on this is uncalled for.. the man needs medical attention Marshall: He is still in the match Bert so he is fair game SFM looks down at him and drops the chair.. He picks up MJ's lifeless body and slowly picks him and leans him in the corner drapping his arms over the ropes.. SFM looks at MJ as he just rests there and then at all his fans.. SFM begins to slap MJ repeatedly in the face Bert: Come on this is insulting.. the man cant defend himself and he is just slapping him in the face Marshall: SFM is just showing him who is boss Bert After another slap SFM pulls him out and hooks him like the million dollar dream and looks around nodding at all the fans Bert: Is he going for the Million Dollar Dream Marshall Marshall: I think he is taking MJ South of The Border Bert SFM suddenly face plants MJ into the mat and stands up looking at him as he rolls him over with his foot and covers him motioning for the ref to come into the ring and make the count.. The ref reluctly slides in and begins the count 1...2.......3 the fans erupt in boos as SFM gets up and smiles holding his hand up and then motioning for the rest of the cages to be lowered.. Bert: SFM takes a second victory over MJ after putting through the cage Marshall: SFM just took adavantage of an opportunity.. MJ would have done same thing We watch as the next to cages begin to lower and SFM slowly and mockingly struts to the ropes and rolls out of the ring taking his sweet time to get out of the cage leaving the motionless MJ Storm lying in the ring as it seems a given that SFM is going to take the final match SFM steps out of the cage and makes his way around the corner and looks up with a smirk on his face as he sees the two cages come to rest on the top of the Hell In The Cell.. SFM begins to slowly and cockily begins to climb up the top of the first cage... the crowd boos loudly as SFM finaly gets to the top of the cage and stands there looking around posing.. suddenly crowd erupts as we see MJ start showing signs of life as he rolls himself out to the floor and start crawling across the ground to the door.. SFM looks down in shock as he see MJ making his way out.. He goes towards the second cage and stops and turns to head back down and then back to the second cage Bert: Oh come on just climb the cage and end it already this is redictlous Marhsall: He just wants to bask is his victory thats all Bert As SFM tries to figure out what to do MJ begins scaling the first cage making his way up to SFM looks still in shock that he is even alive and breathing let alone scaling the cage towards him.. SFM shakes his head and gets ready as we see MJ come over the edge and get to his feet.. he seems like he is almost running on auto pilot.. He takes a couple steps towards SFM charges him going for a clothesline and MJ ducks.. SFM turns around and MJ nails him with a hurricanrana sending him across the cage just missing the hole from the powerbomb.. MJ makes his way towards SFM who is sitting up SFm looks at MJ as MJ delievers a dropkick to SFM face knocking him back against the cage.. SFM slumps over on his side as MJ begins to stomp him relentlessly Bert: I guess SFM didn't get the job done when he put MJ through the cage Marshall: MJ just doesn't know when he has lost Bert: No the man just has heart After a second MJ stops and picks SFM up from the cage and slams his head into the metal support beam of the second cage one.. twice.. three times.. SFM falls to a lump on the cage holding his head as MJ looks down at him and shakes his head as he begins to scale the second cage making his way to the top.. MJ gets onto the second cage.. As he does SFM begins to drag himself up the second one as well.. MJ starts up the third one as SFM gets to the top of the second.. Mj reaches the top of the third as SFM quickly begins scaling it as we see MJ reaching up for the briefcase.. SFM gets to the top and grabs MJ's foot dropping him face first on the cage.. SFM gets to the top as MJ gets back to his feet and both of them begin trading punches Bert: This isn't going to be good for either of these men Marshall: One wrong punch or step and one of them could be learning how to fly Finaly MJ manages to get a knee to the gut on SFM and goes to throw him over the edge but SFM was thinking the same thing and both men go over the edge.. SFM crashes on the top of the second cage and rolls off onto the third as MJ lands hard on the second and holds his side in pain as SFM holds his leg that seems to have on the edge of the second cage.. Bert: OH MY GAWD BOTH MEN JUST WENT FLYING FROM THE TOP!! Marshall: It looks like SFM may have reinjured his knee from that fall As SFM holds his knee we see Mj dragging himself using the cage as his face etched with pain as he makes his way up to the top as SFM still remains laying down holding his knee on the third cage.. Mj gets to the top and reaches up as suddenly we hear "Dirty Deeds" by ACDC blast over the PA and MJ quickly turns around towards the entrence trying to figure out whats goin on Bert: What is going on.. whos playing the music Marshall: I know that music.. but there is no way after the injury he sustained As he does we see SFM's brother Jax come flying over the barricade and start scaling the cage like a man possessed making his way up to the top while MJ looks at the ramp watching and waiting while we see SFM still down holding his knee.. The music stops and MJ shakes his head and looks down checking to see if SFM is still there.. He turns around and comes face to fist with Jax's right hand.. MJ stumbles back and Jax wasts no time kicking him and in the gut and setting him up for The Serenity (Reverse DVD).. MJ tries to struggle free but Jax manages to hit it throwing MJ off the top of the third cage and back to the second cage. Bert: COME ON!.. is there anything SFM wont do to win this match.. now he has his brother involved Marshall: He is just using everything at his disposal and its all legal Jax looks down at him smiling as he begins to climb down making his way towards MJ As Jax reaches the second cage he walks up to MJ who suddenly sits up and begins hitting Jax in the gut doubling him over and Then grabbing him by the back of his shirt and waist of his pants and throws him over the edge of the second cage landing him on the third.. Jax bounces and rolls of the edge of hte third cage to the floor blow.. MJ looks over the edge at the motionless Jax laying on the ring floor.. MJ looks back at where SFM was and doesn't see him there anymore.. He scans the area tryin to figure out where he went.. He gets to his feet and turns around Bert: MJ can't seem to find SFM anywhere Marshall: But he is about to find him in a minute Mj turns around to recieve a steel chair to the head knocking him down on the cage.. SFM goes for another swing but MJ hooks his feet with his causing him to fall face first on the chair.. SFM holds his face as MJ gets up and begins stomping the hell out of SFM before dropping down and beginning to punch SFM's head reapeatedly as SFM tries to fight him off but to no avail Bert: MJ looks like a man possessed with the wayhe is assaulting SFM Marshall: Wheres the ref to make the five count on MJ Storm he should be disqualified Bert: Anything goes remember Marshall Finaly MJ gets off and grabs the chair and begins to stalk SFM waiting for him to get up.. As SFM slowly gets to his feet holding his head he turns around to recieve a shot to the gut doubling him over and then a shot to the back from the chair dropping him to his knees.. MJ brings the chair crashing down on SFM's head.. SFM remains on his knees leaning back seemingly out of it as MJ looks at him and then the chair befor dropping it and making his way up the third cage and towards the money.. MJ gets to the top as we see SFM try to drag himself up.. MJ reaches up and unlatches the suit case as Fire Fly blasts over the PA.. Announcer: YOUR WINNER MJ STORM!!! We see MJ hold the case up high as SFM shakes his head and makes his way down the cages and to the ring floor.. The fans cheer as MJ celebrates his victory.. Is music suddenly stops as we hears SFMs voice SFM: Go ahead and celebrate MJ.. I only carried this match because it was diffrent.. and obviouslyif you can win it then its not to great of a match.. MJ holds up the briefcase showing his victory over SFM as SFM just shakes his head and laughs slightly SFM: Yeah you managed to get 2 million dollars MJ but you have yet to ever pin or make me submit.. so you have yet to beat me SFM drops the mic as MJ shakes his head and continues to celebrate Bert: He just won't admit defeat Marshall: he has a point though Bert.. MJ has never pinned or made SFM submit in a match | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live August 13th, 2006 | The cameras fade from MJ Storm celebrating his win to the backstage area where we see Greg Davidson standing by. Greg, "Hello wrestlin�?fans. ICWA Resurrection is on the air and going strong, but we’re barely breaking the ice because standing next to me right now is the ONLY Heavyweight champion in the ICWA right now�?He is the CWA and nWWF Unified Heavyweight champions and tonight he defends against former ICWA Intercontential champion Joey "The Enforcer" De�?Angelo in an ICWA Street Fight. How are you feeling going into this one Mr. Matlock?" By now the camera’s panned out and we see Matlock with the CWA Championship over his left shoulder and the nWWF Championship over his right. Matlock, "How do I FEEL?! I’m Matt F**KIN MATLOCK! I Feel like I’m gonna take this guido by his pizza makin�?throat and beat his ass from piller to post, all the way from the middle of that ring to Time Square and back AGAIN!" Greg, "Well�? Matlock , "WHOA! Don’t speak to me�?You ask stupid questions. You’ve OFFICIALLY had your speaking privileges revoked. Now (yanks the mic out of his hand) gimmie that damn mic and take your happy ass clear over to Staten Island to help Joey wipe my creamy load off his girlfriend’s face!" Greg, "………�? Matlock, "Do I LOOK Like I’m joking?! (Points to the side) GO!" Greg refuses to go. Matlock shakes his head�?Then delivers a kick between the legs of the Interviewing Icon, making him instantly drop to the ground. Matlock looks back into the camera, "Joey De�?Angelo, the time has come. You think Greg Davidson is in pain?! He hasn’t even BEGUN to feel the kind of pain that your leanin�?tower buildin�?ass is about to endure. I am the Lone Wolf and any Animal is deadly when it’s cornered, but a Wolf is especially deadly�?Anytime one of these belts is on the line, You’re putting the Wolf in the corner and that Joey De�?Angelo�?That’s where you’ve made the mistake of a LIFETIME. If you’d of been smart you’d kept yourself on the outside looking in�?This isn’t 2003, and I’m damn sure not SFM�?Joey De�?Angelo, get ready because the Cornered Animal’s out to defend his territory and that spells D-E-F-E-A-T for Joey D�?/FONT>." With that Matlock heads off as we come back to the ring which has been cleaned up and put back to normal from the No Remorse match. Dart: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and for the nWWF Championship...... The arena is in wait when suddenly the lights go out and three spotlights light up and begin to scan the arena in an oldschool Edge and Christian style as 'Just Another Victim' by Cypress Hill plays through out the arena. The spot lights are colored, one red, one green, and one white. As the beeping comes to an end the spot lights hit the top of the stage where Joey De Angelo is seen standing with his arms out like Jericho only Joey is facing the ring. In one hand is his stick ball bat and in the other he has a closed fist. The crowd cheers as Joey brings down his arms and raises his head. Joey is wearing a Black wind breaker jacket unzipped over his Italian singlet. He also has on a black cabby hat. Joey walks down the ramp slaping a few hands along the way as the crowd gives him a great ovation. Joey gets the the ring and then slides in, as he does Green, Red, and White pyros explode just like Kurt Angles pyro explodes when he points to the sky on the ramp. Joey then goes to the far turnbuckle and gets on the second rope raising his hands in the air in an Austin style as he still has his stick ball bat in hand. Joey Hops down and then begins to take off his jacket as his opponent's entrence begins. Dart: Making his way from Staten Island, New York, Joey DeAngelooooooooo!!! The entire arena waits in silence. They know who's coming, and they're saving their breath to boo. Suddenly, loud music comes blaring over the speakers of the arena, along with a voice...
Don't hate me, because I'm beautiful Don't hate me, because I'm the best Don't hate me, because I'm the champion Just love me, like all the rest...do The song picks up in pace, as we see Matt Matlock emerge from the backstage area, with his usual out of ring attire on and his CWA & nWWF Title belts over each shoulder. Pyros shoot off in a shower at the top of the stage, as Matlock slides each belt down to a hand and spins around, raising them up in the air. Following this, he makes his way to the ring and climbs inside. As he does, the song is coming to a close, with pyro blasting at all four corners once during each of the final lines.
Don't hate me (BOOM) because I'm beautiful Don't hate me (BOOM!) because I'm the best Don't hate me (BOOM) because I'm the champion Just love me, like all the rest do Love Me
BOOM! Each time the pyro blasts, Matt sticks his arms straight into the air, titles in hand of course. As the final explosion goes off, he hands his belts to the ref and then removes his hat, ring, cross and shades as he gets ready to tangle with his opponent. Dart: Making his way fromCape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, he is the current nWWF Championship, Matt Matlockkkkkkkkk!!!! Busch: This nWWF Championship match is set to get underway, and this should be a real good one. Both of these men have been wrestling in the squared circle for quite a long time, and know what is at stake. Marshall: This match takes me back to the old nWWF fays. I can’t wait to see who comes out of this on top. The ref takes the NWWF Championship away from matt, and the two men walk to the center of the ring, and the ref signals for the bell. They look at each other, and start to talk smack back and forth. Matt gets tired of the back and forth lip service first, and lays a punch across the jaw of Joey. Joey steps back, and rubs his jaw, then returns the favor to Matt. The punches between the two men start to come at a fast pace, and Joey stumbles back a bit , as Matt seems to get the upper hand on him. Matt grabs Joey’s arm, and gives him a Irish Whip into the ropes. When he bounces off of them, and comes back, Matt drops him with a Missile Drop Kick. He stands back, and stomps on Joey a few times, and then runs, and bounces off the ropes, and gives Joey a Leg Drop. He gives Joey a few punches to the face, and then guides him back up to his feet, and guides him by the neck over to the ropes, and throws him over. Joey hit’s the floor below. Matt runs back to the far ropes, and uses them as momentum to gain some speed. Joey finally staggers to his feet, only to be downed again by a Suicide Drop from Matt. Busch: Matt has the upper hand so far, in what should prove to be a brutal match. Marshall: Joey is an experienced veteran, and he’ll rebound, and get this thing back on track I can promise you that. The move took a lot out of both competitors, and they are laying side by side, and not moving. Matt is the first one to move, and he starts to slowly get to his feet. He looks down at Joey, and guides him to his feet, only to receive a punch in the stomach for his kind gesture. Matt bends over from the blow, and Joey, places his arm around Matt’s neck, and drops him with a DDT. Busch: Joey has reversed the match back into his favor with a nice reversal. Marshall: I told you that he would get his act together. He wants that nWWF title in the worst way. Joey gets back up, and stomps on the bdy of Matt. He then guides hm back up to his feet, and slings him into the barricade. Matt goes flying over it, and Joey walks over, and climbs over the barricade, and stomps on Matt once again. The security guards clear the two men some space, and the fans are going wild because the action has been brought to them. Joey guides Matt to his feet, and pushes him backwards up the steps, and follows that up with a Clothesline. Joey walks up the stairs, and straddles Matt, and is about to guide him to his feet again, but Matt raises his leg up with force, and kicks Joey in between the legs. The crowd lets out a collective "oooohhh," and Joey drops to his knees, as he is grabbing his crotch. Busch: Kick to the groin by Matt. Marshall: Ouch…�?that had to hurt. Matt sits up on the steps, and slaps Joey across the face. He gets to his feet, and takes Joeys head, and drives it into his knee. H doesn’t let go of his head, and helps him back up to his feet. He throws him up the stairs, and follows behind him. Joey turns around, and the two men start to lay punches into one another. They finally make it up to the top of the stairs, and Matt drops Joey with a Snap Suplex to the floor. Matt gets back up to his feet, and grabs Joey’s legs, and opens them. He gives him a Double Leg Drop to the crotch of Joey, which brings another collective "ooohhh" from the crowd. Joey rolls on his side from the pain, and Matt gets to his feet, and guides Joey to his. He grabs him by the back of the head, and leads him out into the concession area. He pushes him up against a wall, and when Joey bounces off, Matt grabs him by the waist, and gives him a Belly to Back Suplex. Instead of Joey hitting the floor, he lands on his feet. Busch: Matt better turn around, or he is going to be in trouble. Marshall: He’ll never know what hit em………I love it!!! Matt gets back up to his feet, and turns around. Imagine his surprise, when he sees Joey standing there. He has no time to react, as Joey gives him a Pump Kick, and Matt slams his body back into the wall. He bounces off the wall, and stumbles forward, and Joey grabs his arm, and slings him over the counter of one of the concession stands. Marshall: Hey Joey, bring me a large Dr. Pepper, and a large bag of popcorn back buddy. Busch: That‘s not right Jay. Marshall: What are you talking about, I’m hungry. Joey jumps over the counter, and guides Matt up to his feet, slams him up against the popcorn machine, which makes the doors fly open. He grabs him by the neck, and shoves his head in the pile of popcorn in the machine, and buries it deep in the pile. Marshall: Well there goes my popcorn. Matt struggles to get out, and finally Joey pulls his head back. Matt can’t really opens his eyes too well from all the popcorn salt burning them. Joey guides Matt over to the soda machine, and sticks his head under the tap, and turns it sideways, then pulls back on the taps handle. Marshall: And there goes my soda. Busch: That combination of Carbonated Soda, and Popcorn Salt can’t be good for his eyesight. Marshall: Who cares about that, I really wanted a snack. Joey takes Matt’s head from under the machine, as matt gasps for air. Joey looks over, and grabs a food tray, and hits Matt over the head with it, which makes him fall on the counter top. Joey grabs a few hotdogs out of the Hotdog machine, and tries to stuff them down Matt’s mouth. Marshall: I could of used one of those hot dogs too. Man I’m hungry!!! Joey rolls Matt off of the counter, and on to the floor, and then jumps over the counter, and helps Matt back up. Matt gives him and elbow to the jaw, which makes him stumble backwards a bit. Matt takes the advantage, and gives Joey a Fire Man’s carry, but holds onto him. He uses his knee as a brace, and starts to choke Joey. Joey struggles to get free, but Matt tightens the hold. Matt sits there for awhile, and asks the ref why he isn’t checking to see if Joey submits, and the ref informs him that it has to be on a paved or concrete surface. An irate Matt lets go of Joey, and stands up. He helps Joey up as well, and guides him over to the entrance, and pushes him outside. Joey bends forward, and tries to catch his breath. Matt notices a fan with one of his T-Shirts on, and walks over, and forcefully takes it off of him. Busch: Did you see that, Matt just took the shirt right off of that fan. Marshall: I guess that he wanted his shirt back. He pushes the fan back, and turns back around just in time to see Joey charging him. He is able to step out of the way at the last minute, and wrap the shirt around his Joey’s neck. Joey fights to get away, but Matt yanks him down to the ground, and places a knee on his back, and yanks the shirt upward, to tighten the choke hold. The ref asks Joey if he wants to quit, but he refuses. He struggles to free himself for a while, but then his body goes limp. Matt tightens his grip, as the ref raises Joey’s hand, and lets it go. It hit’s the ground, so the ref raises it, and lets it again, only to get the same result. The ref does it one last time, and when the arm hit’s the ground again, he signals for the end of the match. Busch: And Matt Matlock retains his nWWF Championship in a great match between these two men. Matt choked him out with one of his own T-Shirts. Marshall: Screw both of em…�?.they messed up all the food. Matt finally releases the hold, and throws the shirt into the crowd that has gathered outside the arena. Dart: Your winner, and still nWWF Champion, Matt Matlockkkkkkkk!!! The ref raises Matt's hand into the air. | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live August 13th, 2006 | Busch, "Matt Matlock retains the nWWF Championship but will DSL be able to say the same in reference to her United States championship as she has to face Jimmy Stryker in a Buried Alive Match." Marshal, "No�?No she won’t. And why? Because she’s a woman and he’s not." Busch, "Well, this one is an intense rivalry that’s been going on for years�?But let’s show ya how recent events brought this one to be." With that a customized ICWA Insturmental begins playing as we fade into the Dementa-Tron. | 4 Weeks Ago We open up in the midst of Jimmy Stryker V.S. NED in the opening bout of our return episode of Demented Stryker sends a kick to the midsection as he sets up NED for the Supreme Killing. Just as he is about to lift him up, DSL is seen coming down to the ring. She is seen walking very slowly to the ring, to a chorus of boo's. Stryker turns his head noticing DSL coming to the ring. He then smirks as he screams "Watch This" to her. He lifts up NED into the air, and is about to slam him to the mat, but NED is seen coming to and then pushes off away from Stryker and connects with a dropkick to the chest. Stryker is seen falling to the mat. DSL then makes her way onto the apron as Chris Martin is seen trying to get her off of the apron. NED then grabs a hold of Stryker. NED whips him into the rope, as he does, Stryker is met with a huge neckbreaker from NED. Busch: NED is back in control!!! Marshall: Yeah he is, but with Stryker as good as he is, how much longer? NED and Stryker are both down on the ground still, as Chris is seen still attending to DSL. Chris then stops fighting her as he starts checking on Stryker and NED. Just then DSL is seen taking off the cover of the top turnbuckle, as Chris happened to turn at the right moment, as he is seen going over to the corner and tries to fix the turnbuckle pad. As he does, DSL is seen running over and grabbing a chair. She then slides into the ring, as NED is seen over in the corner with Chris trying to get the pad back in place. NED then looks over his shoulder, as a thunderous chair shot goes down across the back of Stryker. Stryker is seen jumping a bit, but as he gets to his knees after the shot. DSL swings the chair as it connects into the face of Stryker. NED and Chris are seen still fixing the turnbuckle pad, as DSL places the chair in the middle of the ring, as she sets up Stryker in a front face lock, then grabs his pants and nails an Inverted DDT on the steal chair. She then grabs the chair from underneath Stryker and throws it out of the ring. She then slides to the outside of the ring as well, as NED is seen grabbing a hold of Stryker standing him up. NED then hooks up Stryker in the Deus Ex Machina and connects. Chris Martin now finished with the pad turns around as NED is seen covering Stryker. Chris Martin: 1......2......3!!!! DING DING DING!!! Dart: Here is your winner.........NIC E DANGEROUSLY!!!!!!! DSL is seen smirking at Stryker who is down on the mat as she exits ringside. NED then is seen on his feet holding his back and his body that is still affected from the abuse he took early on in the matchup. Chris Martin is seen raising the hand of NED... Busch: DAMN DSL!!! I cant believe she would cost him this match!! Marshall: Of course she would!! Dont you know they are ex-lovers? ____________________________________________________________ We fade from that clip to another clip of in ring action as we see Da Sweet Lunatic and Shane Borden in the ring going at it. It looks like Shane Borden has DSL ready for his version of the Crucifix Powerbomb as we catch up with the match�?/FONT> Just as he’s got her in finisher position, Jimmy Stryker comes out to the ring from the backstage area, carrying a steel chair with him. Busch: " It’s Stryker! Stryker’s here! Can’t he leave well enough alone? Hasn’t she suffered enough?" Marshal: " Stryker’s come to even the score, Bert. He’s plenty pissed that DSL cost him his match earlier on tonight. And from the looks of that steel chair he’s got with him, I think it’s safe to say that he doesn’t feel she’s suffered quite enough just yet." Stryker climbs inside of the ring, and Borden notices he’s got company. He grins and invites Stryker over to join in on the fun. Stryker gives him a thumbs up, takes two steps toward DSL, and raises the chair over his head. As Borden laughs, the chair comes crashing down, with Stryker slamming it into the skull of Borden instead of hitting Da Sweet Lunatic. Busch: " What the hell? What’s just happened here? Jimmy Stryker has just knocked out Shane Borden by slamming a steel chair into his head." Referee Shawn Cain instantly calls for the bell. Dart, " Ladies and Gentlemen�?Your winner via DISQUALIFICATION�?SHANE_BORDDDDDEN!" Busch, " Borden officially picks up the win but a title can’t change hands on a disqualification so DSL will remain as the United States champion�? Jimmy smirks as DSL looks up in confusion. Stryker points down to DSL and then does the "title taunt" around his waist. Marshal, " I GET IT!" \Marshal, "He just got DSL disqualified, still costing her the match, but made sure she kept the championship because Double B�?He’s�?HE’S CHALLANGING FOR THE TITLE!" Busch, "WHAT?! That’s huge! These two have a plethora of history but have never had that one match to bring it all to a head!" _____________________________________________________________ 3 Weeks Ago We hear Kevin Dart’s voice clearly as we see footage of the empty ring from a sky view�?/P> "The following match is a Tag Team Match!" We begin to see footage of Shane Borden coming from behind the curtain. "On his way to the ring�?Shane BORDEN!" It slowly fades to DSL "�?DA_SWEET_LUNNNNNATICK!" "BRODERICK JASON! And JIMMY_STRYYYYYYYYKER!" With that we fade into the match fnish. DSL is seen coming for Jason now, as she is back on her feet. The two then starts to annihalte the hell out of Jason. DSL is seen then exiting the ring, as she is tagged back in by Borden. DSL enters the ring, as the two opponents are not even paying attention as the fallen Stryker jumps up to his feet, and walks over and gets behind Borden and DSL. Borden then is seen backing off but running into something that seems like a brick wall. He turns around as Stryker smiles at him, clocks him one time in the jaw and then tosses him over the top rope and to the floor. Jimmy then grabs DSL and turns her around. Jason is seen laid out, as Stryker kicks her in the midsection and then connects with the Supreme Killing!! DSL is out cold in the middle of the ring now, as Jimmy is seen pulling Jason over to the corner. He then tags Jason, as he runs over and makes the cover on DSL. Martel: 1.....2.....3!!! DING DING DING!! Dart: Here is your winners, the team of Broderick Jason, and Jimmy STRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYKER!!!!! ___________________________________________________________ Two Weeks Ago We fade into the ring as we see Jimmy Stryker pinning Jamal Atkins. The ref hits the mat what we assume must be a third time as he jumps up and calls for the bell. We see Jimmy stand up as Jamal rolls out of the ring on the rampside. Jimmy walks over and leans on the ropes shaking his head as he smirks. Jimmy is leaning against the ropes looking down at Jamal who’s rolled out onto the floor by the ramp. Jimmy is smirking and shaking his head as the crowd erupts with boos and just out of the corner of the screen we see a figure jump the crowd barricade and slide into the ring�? Busch," DSL! She’s not supposed to be here!" DSL brings the US title up and waits. Jimmy shakes his head as he’s smirking toward Jamal till he finally turns around and his eyes open wide just as DSL Lunges forward and leaps up, nailing Stryker across the head with the championship belt and making Jimmy go backwards up and over the top rope and crashing to the floor below. The crowd boos as DSL just smirks and "Run if you want to" by Jimmy Johnson productions blasts over the PA. Busch, " DSL wasn’t supposed to be here in Philadelphia as a result of other contractual agreements but�?but�?well I guess she got here!" The cameras fade from DSL’s smirking face. ___________________________________________________________  Russ, "... what you see before you is a match contract for this Sunday�?Madison Square Garden�?One on One on ICWA Pay Per View for the ICWA United States championship but perhaps equally importantly, to try and conclude this lengthy grudge once and for all. So with that said, All that’s left now is for you two to sign the contract. But if you’d like to say something first, that is what the microphones in front of you are for." DSL smirks as she grabs her Microphone and leans forward with an almost menacing look in her eyes as her grin is a bit evil�?/P> DSL, "Go ahead Jimmy�?Come and get me (winks)." Jimmy nods as he picks up his microphone, "Oh, I’m gonna come and get you�?You can bet that constantly expandin�?ass of that!" The crowd erupts as Marshal says, "HA! I Knew she’d been usin�?Slim Slow!" Jimmy, "You want me to sign this contract? Is that what you want�?" Jimmy leans back and looks to the crowd, "You people want me to sign this contract?!" The crowd erupts. Busch, "The people have spoken and they’re fixin to wanta see DSL and Jimmy Stryker get it on!" Marshal, "Perverts." Jimmy stands up, bends over the table as if to sign�?But suddenly rips the contract off the clip board, wads it up, and then somewhat sarcastically he wines up like Randy Johnson at the plate and sends a paper fast ball into the tenth floor making the crowd boo. Busch, "What the Hell?!" RJ brings the mic back to his mouth and says, "What the Hell are you doin?! That was a well laid contract!" Jimmy, "You can take your well laid contract and stick it up your well laid ass!" The crowd pops and boos alike till finally Jimmy Stryker reaches into the inside pocket of his goat and withdraws a folded up paper packet. Jimmy Unfolds it and clips it into the clip board. Jimmy brings the mic back up to his mouth, "You run around calling your self The Sweet "Lunatic"�?Well you may be a "Sweet Lunatic" but I’m a "Chaotic MASTERMIND" and I’ll guarantee that my Japanese death matches down south with the reptile�?I’d bet those matches ALONE would trump anything "loony" that you’ve done! But since you want to run around and claim to be so damn Hardcore and such a "Lunatic"�?Well I say that’s right up the Chaotic Mastermind’s alley and I say You�?Me�?Resurection�?BURIED ALIVE!" The crowd erupts as Busch says, "A BURIED ALIVE MATCH?! That’s damn well hardcore! No rules, anything goes, and Jay�?You have too�?You have to be�?to be�?BURIED ALIVE!" The crowd is going nuts as they begin chanting "SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT�?/P> RJ, "Well surely her lawyers will have to review the contra�? DSL, "I Accept." The crowd goes through the roof as Jimmy smirks, bends down, grabs a pen and jots down his John Handcock. DSL Grabs the same contract, swings it around�?BAM! Da Sweet Signature is signed. Busch, "BAH GAWD�?WE�?WE�?WE GOT OUR SELVES A MATCH! A BURIED ALIVE MATCH!" | Dart: The following contest is a Buried Alive Match and is for the ICWA United States Championship!!!! In the aisle way, you can see the pit and the dirt that is to be used to cover your opponent. The objective is to bury your opponent alive by placing them into the pit and covering them with dirt. The first person to not be buried alive will be the ICWA United States Champion!!! "Right Now" by Korn hits as black, white and blue spotlights flicker all over the area. On the top of the stage you notice a good few puffs of smoke fly up, as the spotlights shoot throughout the smoke, a male figure appears on the rampway. The lights continue to flicker as the man makes his way down the rampway. The puffs of smoke shoot up every step that he makes, while on the way to the ring. While on his short walk. is a white spotlight that has shown about the halfway point to the ring as the big light and the flickers begin to work together. There you can see the man sliding in underneath the bottom rope as the lights continue to flicker over and over the dark black, the white bright color and the dark blue,as he is in the ring ready for his match to begin while the lights in the area, slowly make their way back to normal. Dart: Coming to the ring, is the challenger From Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 290 pounds, he is the Legendary Jimmy Stryker!!! A mixed reaction is heard for the Legend in this business which he helped build to where it is today. Jimmy then smirks as he is seen walking over to the ropes facing the entrance way, as he looks up with a smile, as he waves on DSL to bring herself to the ring....Jimmy not having to wait long,..... :"You Can Run" Billy Kidmans old theme hits as the lights flash off quickly. The fans start too boo and some start too scream for there favorite wrestler.. The lights slowly fade on as purple smoke begins too rise all around in the ring and along the ramp. On the titatron the words "I'm here, You better run" appear. As the lights go black again blue in the ring appears Da Sweet Lunatic as she raises her arms. She looks around as the fans continue to boo her. Dart: Making her way to the ring, from right here in NEW YORK CITY.....(Crowd pops loudly) She is the ICWA United States Champion....she is DA SWEET LUUUUUUNATIC!!!!! She then continues making her way to the ring, as she then walks up the steps as she is seen loosening the US strap from around her waist, as she points to it and then at Stryker who urges her to bring everything she has. DSL then is seen handing the title over to the timekeeper, but instead she then charges at Stryker clocking him in the head with the US title. DSL then watches as Stryker is seen crashing to the mat. DSL then begins to lay the boots into the head and chest of Stryker. DSL then is seen picking up Stryker as finally... DING DING DING!!! Busch: This match is now officially underway!! Marshall: We have been waiting for how long to see this match happen Bert? Busch: Too damn long, but here it is, Finally, and right here in the Eye See Double Yew A!!! DSL then takes Stryker trying to whip him into the ropes. DSL dosent seem to be moving the big man a bit, as he then looks at her smiling from ear to ear, as he then takes DSL and whips her towards the ropes facing him from the backside. As DSL comes charging, Jimmy is seen bringing up a right leg, and it connects to the back of the ear of DSL. DSL is seen dropping to the mat holding onto her head, as Jimmy is seen just pointing and laughing as DSL, just rolls over on her stomach. Jimmy is seen then exiting the ring, as he then goes to the outside, and lifts up the covering blocking the view underneath the ring. Jimmy is seen grabbing, chairs, a garbage can, anything he can find. Jimmy then is seen holding the garbage can close to his head, as DSL has got back to her feet, as she charges and dropkicks the garbage can into the head of Stryker sending him flying back into the announcers table which is at ringside. Jimmy then is seen grabbing his back, as DSL is seen exiting the ring, as she has now found a chain and is seen wrapping it around her right hand. Busch: What the hell is she going to do with that? Marshall: Who knows!! DSL then reels back and clocks Stryker upside the head, with the hand that is seen cradling the chain. DSL then smiles as she then lays the right hands into his head over and over, letting out alot of her agression towards Stryker she has had built up. Stryker is seen trying to find a way to get out of where DSL is standing now, as he is seen pushing back the oncoming DSL. Jimmy then a little rocked by the chain shots, is seen on his feet somehow, as he is seen walking away from DSL. He then waves his hands as he is seen making his way up the rampway walking out on DSL and the match. DSL not satisfied is seen coming up the rampway after Stryker, as she is seen clocking him in the kidney area with the chain, as Stryker is seen with full force of his body, heading towards the open pit by the stage. Jimmy is seen grabbing onto the guard rail, as he finally stops. Stryker then elbows the on coming DSL in the side of the head, as he grabs a hold of her. HE then rams her head into the guard rail a few times, as he is seen signalling for the end and the Supreme Killing. As he sets DSL up in between his legs for the move, DSL with some major power is seen pushing upwards, and back body drops Stryker about five feet from the opening of the pit. Busch: Holy hell, DSL is hanging right with Stryker tonight!! Marshall: Yeah she is. She must of eaten her wheaties this morning!! DSL then is seen grabbing the arms of Stryker as she then pulls him towards the black pit. She then gets Jimmy's body halfway in, as Stryker is then pushed into the pit. DSL is seen grabbing the shovel and takes a good load of dirt into the spout, as she is about to pour the dirt on Stryker. Up comes Stryker out of nowhere, and grabs a hold of the throat of DSL, as Stryker is seen pushing DSL back a bit, where he is seen getting out of the pit, and heads straight for her. DSL still with the shovel in her hand, as she has forgot for a moment, as to what happened, since she was just tossed back by the power of a three hundred pound man. Jimmy then comes running at DSL who now realizes what the hell is actually happening, she winds up like a baseball player at the plate and CRACK!!! right across the skull of Stryker with the shovel!! Stryker is seen crashing down to the floor on the outside of the ring. DSL then smirks, as she then takes the jagged edge of the shovel, and is seen driving it into the chest of Stryker. As she does this, she then holds onto a lunatic sized grin, as Stryker is seen screaming out a bit, as the sharp side of it, seems to be poking through his skin. Finally Stryker is seen trying to fight off whatever pain that this is inflicting, as he grabs the handle of the shovel and lifts up on it. DSL is then seen holding on to handle tighter and tighter, but she lets go and Stryker tosses the shovel away. He then sits up and grabs DSL, wraps his arms around her torso, and connects a belly to belly suplex on her, as he then pops up sitting on his knees, after a major desperation shot to get back into this matchup. Busch: Uh oh here comes Stryker!! Marshall: He looks pissed!! Busch: He should be, look at what DSL has done to him!! Stryker then picks up DSL, as he is seen taking her back to the ringside area. He is walking her down to the ring, as she is seen throwing elbows into the sternim of Stryker. Stryker now laying up against the turnbuckle as DSL charges at him. DSL then misses as Jimmy has moved out of the way of the oncoming attack. DSL is seen hitting the guardrail hard. Jimmy then picks her up and takes her to the ringside area one more time, as Stryker finds a chair. Jimmy then slams DSL to the canvas, as Stryker goes into the ring, and to the top rope with the chair. Stryker then comes off the ropes as the leg drop and the chair connect to the head of DSL as the crowd is letting out a gasp of air for their fallen hometown hero. Stryker is down on the ground for a moment, but now he is seen back onto his knees and now back to his feet. DSL DSL DSL....Pause....JIMMY SUCKS JIMMY SUCKS!!! Jimmy is seen giving the middle finger to the fans in New York, as Stryker smiles, as he is heard getting major heat from the crowd. Stryker stops and laughs a moment, as he soaks in the heat, and is enjoying every minute of it. He then grabs a hold of DSL who is still down on the outside as he then picks her up, and whips DSL and smack and a hard thud...right into the steel ring steps. DSL is seen cringed in half after that toss, as Stryker then is seen grabbing a hold of DSL one more time. He then leads her over to the ring announcers side of the ring. He then is seen ramming DSL's head into the announcers table a few times, as Bert and Jay are seen backing off a bit. Stryker is seen smiling at them, and then the fans in attendance, as he then leaves her head on the announce table, as he then goes up onto the ring apron. Stryker then is seen coming off the apron, and once again another leg drop to the back of the neck of DSL connecting with the announce table, as DSL falls to the mat, as Stryker is seen enjoying every single minute of this beat down on DSL. Jimmy then is seen getting a two by four from underneath the ring, as Stryker then places it up at the throat, of DSL. Jimmy then is seen pushing all of his weight onto the board, as DSL is seen choking for air. Jimmy then continues the hold the board pushing it harder and harder into the throat. A few moments later Jimmy removes the board from her throat, as Stryker then leaves her laying on the outside as he slides back into the ring, as he climbs up on the turnbuckle and sits there waiting for DSL to come to and get to her feet. Busch: What the hell is he doing? This is a match, not nap time!! Marshall: Shut up Bert!! He is just getting some time to himself!! He needs that during a match. Everyone does. Busch: So if DSL did this would you be so objective. Marshall: Yeah knowing that she would have to cheat to get a couple of minutes to get this kind of breather time. Jimmy is then seen getting heat from the crowd, as he just stares them down, with just a smile on his face. Jimmy dosent notice that DSL a few moments later is seen getting to her knees, as she then looks underneath the ring. DSL then is seen pulling out a ladder from underneath the ring, as she then takes a moment, and sets it up, pushing it into the ring. Stryker then turns around as DSL is now seen standing in the ring, as she has a ladder that she is trying to set up. Jimmy then walks over, and rips the ladder from her hands. He the takes it as he is, setting it up into the corner. DSL then is seen going towards Stryker. But Stryker is more concerned with what he can do with the ladder instead of worrying that DSL is right behind him. Just then DSL is seen jumping on the back of Stryker, as his mamoth frame seems to make DSL look like a midget. DSL then reaches her arms around his neck, as she then starts to claw at the eyes. Stryker is seen trying to break her hands from clawing at him, and he does throwing DSL off of him and to the mat. Stryker not being able to see, as DSL then is back on her feet. The creaks in the ring, are heard a DSL is seen running towards Stryker. Stryker then moves away from the ladder trying to get himself to where he can see again, as DSL not expecting him to move, as her body plancha attempt worked, but she landed square on the steel ladder instead, as the force from the ropes sends her flying backwards and back onto the mat of the ring. Jimmy now removing his hands from his face, as he opens his eyes, trying to completly focus on what is in front of him. He takes a couple of swings as he connects with nothing but air. Not knowing where DSL is at the moment. Stryker then turns looking around the ring, as he finds DSL. Jimmy then heads over to where she is, Jimmy picks her up and places her to where she is laying back first onto the ladder. Jimmy not sure what he is doing, head across the ring and comes sprinting, as DSL with her bearings on straight now, moves as Stryker is seen crashing into the ladder. DSL is now dows face first on the mat, as Stryker is now lying on top of the ladder not moving. The camera turns enough to notice that the left eye of Stryker has been cut open, as he is bleeding. Busch: Holy crap, look Stryker is bleeding!! Marshall: Had to have been from the rake of the eyes that cut him open Bert!! Busch: More than likely, and then that steel ladder didnt help none either!! | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live August 13th, 2006 | DSL then is sliding out of the ring, as she is still a little wobbly. She then finds the chair that Stryker used against her. She the slides the chair into the ring, as she slides herself back in as well. DSL then grabs the chair and fully stands up, as she then takes the chair in front of her body, and begins to take off at Stryker, jumping into the air, and swinging her body into a spinning heel kick with the chair up across the back side of the head of Stryker. Stryker is now seen rolling off the ladder as he is seen on his back now, not even moving after this hold. DSL then for good measure is seen forcing herself back to her feet as she grabs the chair. She walks over to Stryker who is not moving, as she sends a good four or five chair shots...three to the head, and then two to the gut. DSL being proud of herself, as New York City is seeming to explode, that she is taking down the monster Stryker!! As she then picks up Stryker in the middle of the ring, DSL then grabs a hold of Stryker as she then brings him over close to the chair one more time. As she does, she then takes down Stryker with a jumping ddt onto the the chair!! DSL then smirks, as the eye of Stryker is now busted open even more than before. Stryker is seen lying on the mat, as DSL then picks him up. She then musters all of her strength, as she lifts up the three hundred pound man and back suplexes him to the canvas. DSL who is sure of herself now smirks, as he is seen being lifted up by DSL again. DSL then is seen bending Stryker over backwards, with her arm around his neck, as she drops Stryker down into a modified version of a backbreaker. Jimmy is now down onto the mat, as DSL has brought an arsenal of sensational attacks to take the big man off of his feet. As the crowd is heard cheering for her loudly!! DSL DSL DSL DSL DSL!! She then smirks, as she now gets herself back into position, as now Stryker is seen showing some kind of life, as he pulls himself up to his knees and then to his feet by the ropes. As Stryker is seen getting back to being face to face with DSL. DSL comes charging at Stryker, but Stryker then moves out of the way and tosses DSL over the top rope and to the outside. DSL hits the floor on the outside of the ring hard as a loud smack is heard all over Madison Square Garden. Jimmy is seen in the ring, catching a small breather, and then is seen climbing to the outside of the ring, as he grabs DSL and lifts him up over his shoulder, and is carrying her back to where the pit is still awaiting one of the competitors. DSL not moving as Stryker is a few feet away. As Stryker is seen coming up to the grave site, he then drops DSL to her feet as he plans for a proper burial. He then crosses himself, as he places DSL inside of the pit. DSL not moving as Stryker is seen grabbing the shovel, one scoop of dirt goes in, then the second one....but for some odd reason, the bell does not ring. As Stryker is seen going for another scoop of dirt, DSL is now climbed out of the pit, and is laying the rights and lefts to Stryker. DSL fed up with what is happening, as she is just out of control. She is letting all of her emotions go, as she is just wailing the hell out of Stryker who is just a little shocked with what has gone on, and how she came back out of nowhere. DSL then wraps her arms around the waist of Stryker, as she then is seen kissing him and then ramming his back into the guardrail not once but three times. Busch: What is that? Like the kiss of death? Marshall: Who knows, Bert we will just have to wait and see!! Stryker's eyes as DSL kissed him was a look of shock, she then begins to take a few steps back away from Stryker as she then is seen showing off for her hometown crowd. They ignite into a loud cheer, as Stryker is seen folded up like an accordion against the guard rail. Stryker then pushes his body to where he is now flat on his gut, as he uses his hands to help him get back to his knees. Stryker then jumps up to his feet, as DSL then comes back for him. DSL and Stryker are seen standing toe to toe, staring one another down, as then Stryker and DSL just start throwing punches at one another. DSL a foot shorter than Stryker is seen reaching up extending her arm for the shots bringing all the power in her body with each punch. Jimmy not having much to worry about, swing one giant shot, right to the head of DSL, as DSL staggers back a bit, Stryker then starts sending body blows to the midsection of DSL, as DSL then starts throwing shots right back at Stryker not giving up. Stryker then brings his knee up, into the gut as it connects with DSL's abdomen. Stryker then jumps into the air and is seen nailing DSL with a huge spinning 540 kick as DSL is seen flipping through the air and down to the floor. Busch: There is the martial arts background of Stryker coming out!! Marshall: Yeah, but you have to admit, DSL being alot smaller than he is is giving him one hell of a fight. Stryker is seen dropping to the ground as well, as both competitors are down on the ground, not moving. DSL Slowly starts to pull herself up to her feet, the crowd still going strong for the hometown girl. DSL reaches down and grabs a fist full of Jimmy’s hair, yanking him up to his feet and then dragging him alongside the entrance way till they finally get to the large plot of land that’s been placed there especially for this match. DSL walks around to the back of the plot where we see that a set of wooden stairs have been placed to aid the performers in getting up to the plot. DSL releases Stryker and walks up the stairs but Jimmy follows closely behind. DSL steps onto the plot�?Jimmy then steps up as DSL raises a knee/thigh into the gut of Stryker ala Steve Austin. She hooks the big man in the grapple for a Vertical suplex, and then snaps back taking over the 300 pound monster with a snap suplex on the grass that makes the crowd pop.
Busch, "Big time snap suplex on the 300 pounder from Da Sweet Lunatic right on that unforgiving ground." DSL is nursing her lower back with her right hand as she rolls over to her knees and forehead, clearly in a bit of pain from this match. She slowly pulls herself up as Stryker is rolling over to his knees. DSL grabs him by the hair again and pulls him up. She gets him right in front of the rectangular whole and places his head between her legs making the crowd erupt. Busch, "Oh Mah Gawd�?You Don’t think she’s gonna attempt a Lunatic Virus Powerbomb on the damn near 300 pound Jimmy Stryker do ya?!" Marshal, "I’d hope not, he’s over twice her size, it’s simply not logical." Well in all fairness, she’s a Lunatic, logic isn’t exactly her first priority. Sure enough she goes to lift Stryker up for the powerbomb but no dice. She tries one more time but his feet show no sign of leaving the ground. Suddenly her eyes grow wide as we see her put her hands down on Stryker’s back and we see Stryker start to raise up. DSL goes up and over via the Backbody drop�?BUT DSL Catches Jimmy’s thighs on the way down and brings him down with her reversing the backbody drop with a Sunset Flip which ends up looking like a flying Sitdown powerbomb into the grave plot. Busch, "BAH GAWD! SHE MAY NOT HAVE GOTTEN THE LUNATIC VIRUS AS PLANNED, BUT IN A ROUND ABOUT WAY SHE JUST GOT THE MODIFIED LUNATIC VIRUS! ALL SHE’S GOTTA DO IS CLIMB OUT AND SHOVEL THE DIRT TO RETAIN THE US TITLE!!" Easy for Bert Busch to say, he’s not in a six foot hole with a 300 pound, nearly seven foot monster. DSL Pulls herself out from under Jimmy’s legs and gets up right as our camera man is zoomed right down on the hole. DSL glances around and sees that there’s some small holes in the wall of dirt on the right side, probably placed intentionally so that the superstars would have a chance to climb out. She climbs the wall of dirt and hops out of the hole. She walks over to the shovel and begins scooping up dirt, throwing it over the chaotic Mastermind. Busch, "Once his body is covered it’s over and DSL RETAINS!" One Lil, Two Lil, Three Lil Scoops-a dirt. Four Lil, Five Lil, Six lil-scoops-a-dirt, All on a Jimmy Stryker. (Whistles)�?Seven li�?Or not as we see that Jimmy’s up on his feet which sends this partisan New York Crowd into an uproar of boos. DSL looks shocked and Jimmy looks pissed�?Guess there’s something about someone buring you alive that makes ya a touch upset, who’da thunk it? Never the less Jimmy puts his hands up on the grass and pulls himself out of the plot as DSL begins delivering an onslaught of hard kicks to the higher back of the former ICWA Heavyweight champion. Jimmy pulls himself up through the kicks and gets to his feet with a look of rage on his face. He grabs a hand full of DSL’s throat as the crowd is still booing. Marshal, "Big man lookin for a Big Slam of the choke Varity." Indeed he may be, but DSL isn’t gonna find out as she delivers a hard kick between the tree like legs of Stryker. Stryker doubles over as DSL begins hammering right hands into his skull, making him go back little by little by little with each blow till finally, he’s teetering on the edge of that dark hole of death. DSL Leaps up, wraps her legs around Jimmy’s neck and swings around looking to deliver a swinging Hurrancarana to put Jimmy in the Plot but Jimmy grabs to fist fulls of her pants and holds on. DSL Hangs from Jimmys neck as the ICWA Hall of Famer is facing the grave�?He Hoists her out into the air, and Then�?BR>Busch, "Oh Mah Gawd (gasp)�? BAM! Busch, "He just�?He�?He Just Put Da Sweet lunatic in that grave via the�?the�?the supreme Killing! I’ve never seen such a�?a�?SICK landing in mah life." The crowd is booing, although Stryker has a small cheering section in the building. Stryker grabs the shovel and tosses it into the plot. Busch, "What the Hell�?How’s he gonna win with out the shovel?" Stryker walks off the dirt mound and heads toward the back as the camera stays on DSL who’s down and out in the grave. Busch, "DSL still down from that sick Supreme Killing and Jimmy Stryker, he’s�?Well I don’t know where the Hell he is." Doesn’t take long to find as we see a big, black, F-350 Pick Up Truck with a plow on the front. Marshal, "WHOA BUDDY! Go Big or GO THE F�?HOME!" The truck drives around the stage and gets in line with a dirt ramp that leads up onto the land. Stryker puts his arm out the window and does the old Desil taunt imulating a trucker pulling the string to his horn. He then shifts the Truck and puts the pedal to the metal as he drives up the ramp and hits the dirt head on�?The wheels are spinning and the plow is right in there as we’re moving slowly toward the hole�?still going�?still going�?WOOOOSH. There goes all the dirt right ontop of DSL. The bell sounds as the fans boo and Dart announces, "YOUR WINNER, AND THE NEW ICWA UNITED STATES CHAMPION�?JIMMY_STRRRYYYYYKER!!!" Marshal, "I TOLD YOU SO! I TOLD YA SO! I FRICKIN TOLD YA SO! Male supremacy!" We can hear "Right Now" by Korn blasting over the PA as a crew member rushes up the dirt mound to hand Jimmy Stryker (Who has exited the truck) the United States championship. Stryker takes the belt and climbs up onto the truck bed�?Then he climbs on top of the truck Bed and raises the belt high in the air as the crowd continues to boo. Busch, "Anywhere else in the world they’d probably be firmly behind Stryker as he’s grown quite the following here in the ICWA, but here in DSL’s homecity they were really looking to see The Lunatic retain. But the bigger story here is that DSL is under damn near six feet of dirt! Somebody has gotta get in there and get her out of there!" Marshal, "Bah, let her die." Busch, "JAY!" Marshal, "What? We can’t stop the whole show cause she’s mowin down on some worms. We got a TLC Match to get to!" Jimmy finally hops out of the truck and starts heading toward the back as we see a fleet of ICWA Crew members coming out to the Mound of dirt. Busch, "God I hope she’s alright�? | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live August 13th, 2006 | Marshal: Who cares. Coming up we have the second EVER TLC match in the ICWA's history. But it is only for the hardcore title and the competitors aren't exactly Brock Lesnar and Hope Cassidy. Bert: You can't compare Hardy & Black to Lesnar & Hope! Marshall: Exactly! Which means this match won't compare! BO-RING! Where's Nikki anyway, I'm hungry. Bert: I apologize for my partner's blatant sexism folks. Let's go to the ring! Dart: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match! The only way to win this match is to climb a ladder and grab the ICWA Hardcore Championship belt, hanging twenty feet up in the air! The lights in the arena dim, through the sound system, Fuel's "Won't Back Down" begins low .. I know what darkness means (and the void you left for me) The isolation stings (so thick it wants to bleed) The echoes in my brain (of the things you said to me) You took my everything .. (NOW I'M COMING FOR YOU!) Two pyro's explode simultaniously on either side of the stage, forming a thick cloud of smoke, as Nikki steps through the smoke, she stands motionless, letting her eyes roam over the crowd. She shoots her hand in the air and runs down the ramp. As she reaches the ring, she hops on the apron and turns and places her back against the ropes. After a moment she back flips on the ropes into the ring. She hits the four corner posts and plays to the crowd, then hops down and makes her way to the middle of the ring where she waits for her opponent. Dart: Introducing first, the challenger. She hails from Oklahoma City and weighs one hundred and forty-five pounds....NIKKKIIII BLAAACK! Bert: Well despite what my broadcast partner would lead you to think, Nikki Black is a hell of a competitor inside that ring. She's mixed it up many times with both the ladies and the gents, and I would say it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say Matt Hardy will have a handful here tonight. Marshall: Please. That kid wouldn't have the nuts to grope Nikki. Bert: Grope? Marshall: You said he's get a handful here tonight. Bert: That's not what I....forget it. Forget it! ["Live For The Moment" by Monster Magnet suddenly blares over the speakers as we hear lead vocalist Dave Wyndorf shouting "WHOAAAA YEAH!" The fans hop to their feet, as Matt Hardy comes through the curtains, itching for a fight.] Dart: And her opponent. He hails from Cameron, North Carolina, and he weighs two hundred and twenty five pounds. He is the reigning ICWA Hardcore Champion, the leader of the V1 Nation...MAAATT...HARRRRDY! Bert: And just for those fans watching at home, Matt Hardy is now the SOLE owner of the ICWA Hardcore Title. As many of us predicted, Jamal Atkins is a worthless pile of feces, told us all to screw off and said he wouldn't be competing anymore. And then he handed in his resignation earlier today. We don't wish Jamal good luck in the future, in fact we hope he retires to some little hole somewhere. Marshall: Whoa, Bert. Bert: What? Marshall: That was mean. Bert: So? Marshall: I loved it! But back to this match, I don't think much of Matt Hardy, despite his fairly good showing against Nikki's entourage. Then again, I can't argue the fact the kid's had plenty of top notch TLC matches, and he is in his environment. Bert: Well let's hope Nikki's prepared. *DING DING DING!* [As the bell rings, the two competitors circle around the ring, both trying to predict the other's first move. They lock up, and with Matt being the stronger of the two he pushes Nikki into the corner. He punches her in the gut, and lays in a few hard kicks to her midsection. He grabs her in a suplex position and sits her on the top rope. As he goes to do whatever it was he had planned, Nikki quickly shoves him off as he lands hard on the canvas. Nikki jumps off with a flying dropkick that's as beautiful as she is, and it connects square to Matt's jaw. Nikki stand at Matt's feet, and hooks him up into an Indian Deathlock.] Marshall: What is she doing? She can't win the match that way. Stupid broad. Bert: Actually Jay, she's using some very sound strategy. If your legs are messed up from that move, you can't very well climb the ladder can you? Marshall: Well....I uh.... Bert: Just shuddap and admit I'm right for once. Marshall: Alright alright. You got a point there Busch. [Nikki leans into the move, as Matt's in obvious pain. She lets go, as Matt rolls to the outside. Nikki slides outside the ring and folds up the ladder. She slides it into the ring, and then gets in herself. She picks it up and looks to set it up, but then Matt slides back into the ring with a steel chair in hand. He swings it and smashes it right over Nikki's head. She falls back onto the canvas with the ladder on top of her. Matt throws the ladder down, leaps up to a nearby turnbuckle and dives off with a splash, landing hard on the ladder and driving into Nikki's body as well as his own. Matt rolls to the side, in more pain now then he was before. Nikki isn't in such good shape either.] Bert: And there's that 'Live for the Moment' psychology of Hardy coming into play. Without even thinking about the risk to himself he dove onto that ladder in order to try and subdue Nikki Black. But right now I can't tell who suffered more from that move, Jay. Marshall: See that's the problem with the Hardys. Wrestling requires more then agility and brawn. You gotta think things through. You don't think, you do crazy stuff like that and injure yourself. [As Nikki is getting up to her feet, we can see she's been busted wide open already. Matt is getting to his feet as well, and he grabs the ladder and sets it up. He sees Nikki getting up to her feet and he runs and clotheslines her over the top rope. He turns around, but what he doesn't notice is that somehow Nikki landed on her feet out on the floor. Matt starts to climb the ladder, while Nikki sneaks in behind. She takes the steel chair that was used on her, and then jams it hard up into Hardy's crotch!] Marshall: Ohh man...that ain't right! No man should have to deal with that. Bert: I have to agree with you there. [Despite the nut shot Hardy is still hanging on. Nikki climbs up the other side of the ladder, and then leaps off, and grabs Matt by the hair, driving him facefirst into the canvas from at least 10 feet up in the air. Nikki gets to her feet and wipes away some of the blood from her face, as she takes the ladder and sets it up in the corner.] Marshall: Rather hard to win the match if the ladder's over there. Bert: Rather hard to win the match if your opponent isn't incapacitated either. [Nikki grabs the dazed Hardy, and irish whips him hard to the steel ladder. Matt crashes into it and falls in a heap. Nikki takes advantage of this and grabs the ladder, laying it down on the canvas. She rolls Matt onto it and then heads up to the top turnbuckle. Nikki jumps off, landing in a stomp, driving both feet into Matt's torso and driving his body into the hard steel of the ladder.] Bert: Well it's safe to say Nikki Black has Matt Hardy pretty well reeling here folks, and I'd say in a few moments we're going to be crowning a new champion! Marshall: Yeah, well for a chick, she has some talent, I'll admit. She still belongs in my kitchen or my bed though. Bert: Don't you ever give up? ...Don't answer that. [Nikki rolls the practically KO'ed Matt Hardy off the ladder as she sets it up in the center of the ring and starts to limb. She takes it slowly, wiping the blood from her face and holding her head in pain as she ascends. She's just about at the top, but Matt is up to his knees and he pushes the ladder with a lot of force. It starts to tip and falls over, ending up having Nikki Black straddle the top rope, as the ladder leans against it.] Marshall: You rarely see a chick straddle the top rope. That's gotta hurt. Bert: You think? [Nikki falls off from her straddled position and falls to the floor in a heap. She crawls along the floor, as Matt sets the ladder up. The people are cheering, as Matt looks up at the title. But then he looks over towards Nikki and gets a wily look on his face. He pulls the ladder over towards the side of the ring, as he slides out and attacks Nikki. She fights back though, as the two wind up in another slugfest. But Matt sends her facefirst into the ring post. He reaches under the ring, and pulls out a table, which he then sets Nikki upon. Matt heads back into the ring and climbs the ladder. He rips off his shirt and makes the 'V1' sign, as he leaps off the ladder with a leg drop, crashing down on top of Nikki and through the table.] 'Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!' Bert: Holy stuff is right. Once again Matt Hardy taking any sort of risk and this one again payed off! Marshall: Yeah but what kind of shape is he in to continue? Bert: Well take a look for yourself! [Indeed Matt is up, as he salvages himself from the wreckage. He looks to head into the ring but something is stopping him. He looks down to see Nikki Black grabbing at his foot. Matt reaches down and grabs her by the hair, but then Nikki swings hard with her right hand and connects right to the family jewels! Matt holds himself in pain, as Nikki stumbles around and gets up to her feet. She finds herself another chair, and swings hard as Matt goes down to the floor. Nikki kicks him a couple of times, and picks him up and irish whips him to the crowd barrier. She smiles as she unfolds the chair, takes a few steps back, and runs, leaping off the chair and dropkicking again right in the jaw.] Marshall: Damn. Two dropkicks and both of them right to the jaw. I'm starting to like this chick. Bert: So you've tasted some of her food? Marshall: It's not always about how well she can cook. Sometimes, a woman who can kick ass is just as good. [Nikki grabs another table and slides it into the ring. She goes to climb in but Matt dives at her, sandwiching her between him and the ring. He lands a couple of hard blows to her back, and slams her bloody face on the apron, all the while wiping the blood from his own face after being busted open from the chair shot earlier. He climbs into the ring now and sets the ladder up for the climb. Matt begins to climb, and climb, and climb some more as he's nearly at the top. But then the lights go out, and the 'tron turns on. Matt turns around on the ladder to look at it, and gets a rather horrified look on his face as he sees Ashley bound and gagged somewhere backstage!] Bert: Oh come on now! This isn't right! She's not even part of this! Let her go already! Marshall: This is actually good strategy. It's head games, you get in your opponent's head and you got 'em beat for the most part. [We see Ashley crying, as the 'tron shuts off and the lights come back on. Matt seems pissed as he goes to climb back down the ladder. But then Nikki nails Matt with a stiff chair shot to the head, which knocks him off the ladder as he goes straight through a table!] Marshall: What the? Where'd that table come from? Bert: Nikki must've set it up while the lights were out! Then she grabbed a chair and nailed Matt with it when he wasn't looking. [The two turn to the ring now as Nikki stands atop the ladder and leaps off with a swanton bomb onto the fallen Matt Hardy. Neither competitor is moving now, as the cameras go to the stage where we see Nikki's Entourage making their appearance. One of them as Ashley over his shoulder, and he throws her on the floor next to Matt. The other picks up Nikki and puts her over his shoulder.] Bert: Oh come on now, not like this! [The B.E. member slides into the ring, and puts Nikki on his shoulders. He basically pushes her up to the top of the ladder, where Nikki still has enough in her to look up towards the ceiling and grab the title. The bell rings, as "Won't Back Down" begins to play.] Dart: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner and the NEWWWW....ICWA Hardcore Champion, NIKKIIIII.....BLAAACK! Bert: Well that was just disgusting. These two were having a highly competitive match and then these goons come in and help Nikki pull of a cheap victory. Marshall: Blow it out your ass Bert. No rules, people are going to do whatever they can to win. We aren't all clean, tidy, by the book mamma's boys like you. Bert: Shut your damn trap Marshall, seriously! Ugh, anyway folks, tha--- Marshall: Don't tell me to shut up! You keep your trap shut before I put it in the ICU. Anyway, folks...I hope ya enjoyed that match. But the night ain't over yet. Because up next is the triple threat, best of five falls match that will crown us a brands new ICWA Champion. Take a look at how this came about, while I rearrange Bert's face." | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live August 13th, 2006 | With that we fade into the Dementa Tron as a cutom made Insturmental begins playing�?/FONT> ICWA Resurrection | June Sixth, 2005: ICWA Royal Rumble Johnny Invincible and Matt Matlock have Bobby Johnson in the corner, and they are pummeling him with rights and lefts, beating him down into the corner. Both men pick Bobby up and throw him over the ropes, and turn around and begin to fight each other, but Bobby grabs onto them as he goes over the top, and is able to keep his feet from touching the ground and rolls back into the ring. Bobby staggers to his feet and runs towards the men, and with all of his remaining strength, hits Johnny Invincible in the back with a Missile Dropkick, sending him into Matt Matlock, and sending them back into the ring ropes. Purely on instinct, Matt Matlock uses the momentum caused by Johnny falling into him and is able to flip him over the ropes. Matt leans on the ropes as he looks at Johnny Invincible laying on the ring floor, and turns and looks at Bobby, who is still, on one knee trying to regain his strength. Bobby stands on his feet and faces Matlock, who has stood up off the ropes and walked towards the center of the ring. The two men face each other and stare each other down, neither man wanting to blink first. Almost simultaneously they start to throw lefts and rights at each other. Matlock starts to get the better of Bobby, and is able to grab his arm and level him with a clothesline. Matt picks up Bobby and Irish Whips him into the ropes expecting him to bounce back off of them, but Bobby grabs onto the ropes and stops himself. Bobby seems to be in another world, and Matlock sees this as a perfect time to end this match and starts to charge towards Bobby and finish him off with a clothesline. Bobby has been playing possum and as Matt charges, Bobby drops to one knee and turns to his side and when Matt reaches the ropes, Bobby grabs him and launches him over in a modified Fireman's throw. Matt hit the floor of the arena and looks up at Bobby in disbelief, as Bobby is on both knees with his face in his hands as confetti falls from the rafters. JR: BY GAWD HE'S DONE IT!!!!! BOBBY JOHNSON HAS WON THE ICWA'S ROYAL RUMBLE!!!! Heyman: Even I'm impressed JR. Bobby put on one hell of a show tonight. JR: He was the first man in the Rumble, and the last man in the ring. One of the greatest performances in ICWA history. Heyman: No question about that JR, no question at all. By this time Bobby is one of the turnbuckles pointing towards the crowd as they chant his name: BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY!!!! JR: Celebrate now Mr. Johnson because your road to the ICWA World Heavyweight Title has just begun _______________Slow Fade To More Recent Events________________ July 13th, 2006: ICWA’s Return Episode Of Demented We fade into a ring as we see Stryker and NED face to face. Busch, "The winner of this match is goin to the main event later tonight to face Christian Skywalker to determine who’s gonna face 2005 Royal Rumble winner Bobby Johnson for the ICWA Heavyweight championship�? With that we begin fading through scenes of the match Busch, "Jimmy's got him over in the corner... OH! What a series of shots!" Busch, "Stryker sends him into the ropes.... DANGEROUSLY REVERSES with the Swingin' Neck Breaker!" Busch, "BIG BOOT Right in the face of Dangerously! Stryker may be on his way to the main event after that one!" Busch, "Dangerously with a massive clothesline sending the Choatic Mastermind up and over the top rope to the floor below. That's no man's land when you're dealing with a guy like Ned..." Busch, " BAH GAWD WHAT A SHOT! Stryker's goin for the cover... 1...2... HE KICKED OUT! Nic JUST KICKED OUT!" Busch, "What the Hell... DSL Just leveled Stryker with the steal chair and Dangerously ain't wastin' no time capatlizing....... 1.........2.........3! DANGEROUSLY HAS WON IT! By hook or by crook Dangerously is headin' to the ICWA MAIN EVENT!" ________Slow Fade Into Christian Skywalker In The Ring________ Busch, "Dangerously beat Stryker earlier tonight and now he faces a mainstay face here in the ICWA, Perhaps the staple of the ICWA in Christian Skywalker." Busch, "Nic Dangerously making a strong debut tonight and now debuting in the ICWA Headline..." Busch, "There ya see these two young work horses sizing each other up..." Busch, "Referee Tim White making these two stallions break the grapple... AWE COME ON! Nic with the damned thumb to the eye of Skywalker!" Busch, "Skywalker back in control as he sends Dangerously bouncing off the ropes... BIG TIME Powerslam by the former Safty outta Syaracuse!" Busch, "NED's lookin for the big right hand... SKYWALKER DUCKS and swings around... GERMAN SUPLEX! He Held the bridge... 1........2..... AWE DAMN IT HE KICKED OUT!" Busch, "Both guys down on the mat, what a contest this has been thus far... These two really pushing each other to their limits." Busch, "Skywalker off the ropes... DANGEROUSLY with the coner... OOO! What a sick thud did Skywalker's body make upon the connection with the floor!" Christian goes in at NED and hooks him as if he’s hoping for a Northern Light’s suplex but as he hoists Dangerously into the air, which as he does the back of NED’s boot blasts Tim White in the face, making him drop and roll out of the ring, Nic wraps NLCS in a front face lock and then leans back, forcing Christian to fall frontward as Dangerously hits the mat back first but keeps the front face lock hooked and adds a body scissors turning his reversal into a "guillotine submission". Crowd: CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! Busch, " The crowd strongly behind Christian Skywalker but this doesn’t appear to have too far left to go for the Western New York native." NLCS places his hands under the lower back of NED and pops him up, rolling him so his shoulders are on the mat, and then drops to his knees letting NED’s ass fall back on the thighs of NLCS keeping him propped. But NLCS seems to be fading. Rephrase�?He’s faded. Busch, " SKYWALKER’S OUT! NED’S SHOULDERS ARE ON THE MAT! AND WE DON’T HAVE A REF!" Almost on cue Chris Martin comes flying from behind the curtain and whips down to the ring. However, on the otherside Tim White has just gotten himself up as well. Both officials slide into the ring from opposite sides of the ring. Chris grabs NLCS’s arm and raises it�?And then lets it drop as he declares ONE! But at the same time Tim White slaps the canvas for ONE. Martin quickly raises the arm again, and again it drops as he declares TWO and Tim White counts TWO! Martin lifts the arm a final time as Tim White’s arm raises perhaps a final time�?Simultaneously Tim White’s hand hits the mat as NLCS’s arm drops down! Both officials call for the bell. Busch, " WHAT?! WHO WON?! WHO’S GOING ON TO MEET BOBBY JOHNSON!?" …�?Tim White goes over and gives Dart his official ruling. Kevin Dart, " Ladies and Gentlemen�?No Limits Christian Skywalker DID Pin Nic Dangerously! (Crowd erupts)�?/FONT> HOWEVER (Crowd boos)�?Nic Dangerously DID Force Christian Skywalker into an official Knock Out and as a result, This contest has been officially decided as a DRAW!" The crowd erupts with boos as Beer cups and plates and other objects of that sort start flying toward the ring. NLCS has barely began to move but Nic is on his feet and seems just as pissed off as any of these fans. " Em�?Es�?En" The MSN (Modified nWo) Theme blasts over the PA as the crowd actual pops, hoping this means that somebody’s coming to re-start this match. They could be in luck as Russ Johnson is on the stage with a microphone in hand. The music fades as Russ says, " I am NOT going to restart this match. (Crowd boos) BUT�?What I AM going to do is book a return match for next week’s main event, Right here on Demented! And I am guaranteeing a winner as Nic Dangerously will face Christian Skywalker in a bout never before done on Network TV�?They will perform in a Last Man Standing match right here on Demented! (Crowd is still booing as they want the restart right now) And the winner of THAT Match will go on to ICWA Resurrection to face Bobby Johnson for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship!" The crowd is still booing as Russ Johnson goes back behind the curtain and "King Nothing" by Metalica blasts over the PA as NED seems unreadable in the ring. _______________Slow Fade into The Next Scene_______________ July 19th, 2006: ICWA Demented We fade in on Christian Skywalker in the ring with a microphone Christian, " Tonight�? Crowd: WE WANT NICK-E (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap) WE WANT NICK-E (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap) WE WANT NICK-E (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap) WE WANT NICK-E (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap) Busch, �?/FONT>No where else on earth will you hear that chant�? Marshal, "San Antonio, The 7th circle of Hell, And the democratic primary�?Well and maybe "Parts Unknown", rumor has it they’ll cheer anybody there." Christian nods, " That’s fair. Nic E Dangerously appears to be a Hell of a competitor and I can understand why so many San Antonians would want to see their hometown hero. See I’ve heard all the rumors of Nic E Dangerously. How he’s sick and twisted�?depraved and angry�?How he has a heart as black as night and cold as ice�?Well that’s all fine and good, I’ve faced monsters before, I’ll face more in my future. But the fact of the matter is that there’s something on the line tonight that I have worked my whole LIFE for! It’s the reason for the hardships, the reason for the bumps and bruises and the day to day abuse my body takes, and THAT�?That is the ICWA Heavyweight Championship. Now I realize that Nic Dangerously wants that title in a bad way so he can solidify himself as a marquee guy and prove all the neigh sayers wrong�?But that’s exactly where the difference here lyes�?He "Wants" it, but regardless of how bad he "wants" that title, I NEED that title. Which is exactly why I’m out here right now�?Tonight, I have no choice but to put it all on the line for that championship, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. And I’m going to beat Nic Dangerously and progress to the ICWA Championship and for that�?I want to sincerely apologize to each and every one of you here in San Antonio tonight." Christian brings the mic to his side momentarly as the crowd is loud but deeply mixed. Busch, " A lot of sincerity in the voice of Christian Skywalker but I’m not quite sure where this is going�? Christian draws the mic back up his lips and says, " I love my fans�?The No Limit Army keeps me going each and every day�?And I know that under different circumstances the vast majority of you people would be reping the NLA hard, but this isn’t normal circumstances. Nic Dangerously is your hometown hero�?The small fry turned big, and he represents this city proudly. Now if the ICWA Title weren’t a factor here, I’d never get in the way of that. I’m not a guy who can’t share the stage with someone else. I think it’s great that you people are so loyal to Nic and I thank God each and every day that I have fans who are as loyal to me as you people are to Nic E Dangerously. But tonight, I can’t factor that in�?Tonight has to be for me, and as a result, I can not apologize for doing everything in my power to win the ticket to the ICWA Title, but I WILL apologize for having to do it against your hometown hero when you so badly want to see a fairytale return." We hear the GOAT Play as we fade to Bobby on the ramp Bobby, " Whoa, Whoa, Whoa�?Ya know Chris, to be quite honest with ya playa, you’re starting to piss me off. sorry to say playa, but if you beat Ned �?and that’s a really big damned if- then all you’re heading too is the ass kicking of a life time cause whether you like it or not�?Whether these tools like it or not (crowd boos)�?And no disrespect to the man, but whether Ned likes it or not, I’m going to be the inaugural ICWA Champion for 2006, The End." Christian smirks and shakes his head as he says, " Is that so?" Bobby, " Oh yeah son, that’s so. You can cry all damn day about how much you’ve busted your ass, how hard you’ve fought, but you know NOTHING until you lace up (points down to his feet) THESE ________’N BOOTS!" No Limits, " ...you bring your "F’N Boots" down to the Liminators "F’N" Ring and we’ll settle this right here, In San Antonio Texas!" Bobby tosses the mic to the side and starts walking down the ring with a Steve Austin style BMF walk as Christian gets into a shoot wrestling stance in center ring and the crowd is on their feet going wild. The crowd is going nuts as Bobby is marching down the ring�?But suddenly a fleet of men in black jeans and black polo shirts with MSN Logo On their right chest surface. The sea of what we can assume is MSN security comes flying down and gets in front of Bobby Johnson. Skywalker seems nearly offended by this as he hops out of the ring via the second and third ropes and heads for Bobby, but the security holds him off too. Devon (On the stage), "�?/FONT>I’m telling you right now, if there’s any physicality between Bobby Johnson and Christian Skywalker tonight, neither one of you will see an ICWA Championship in the next 360 days. So you do what ya got too fellas, but just keep that in mind." __________Slow Fade to The Main Event_________ Busch, "Hold on to your seats folks because for the first time ever we've got a Last Man Standing match for ya LIVE On Network Tv as Nic E. Dangerously and Christian Skywalker rematch from last week." Busch, "Right from the starting gun Dangerously cuts him off with a big right hand... Another... Another... this thing's startin out brawlic!" Busch, "Skywalker's got him down on the mat... He's workin those legs, he may be looking to set up for the Texas Cloverleaf." Marshal, "Ya can't get a submission win in a last man standing match!" Busch, "No but ya can't win a Last Man Standing match without any legs either." Busch, "Skywalker lookin for a Tiger Suplex on Dangerously... DANGEROUSLY REVERSES! Inverted Backbody drop by the Paradigm!" Busch, "What a match thus far... Looks like No Limits is lookin for... YES! He hooked on the Boston Crab and these San Antonio fans are none too happy!" Busch, "This has spilled outside... Tim White gettin' right in the face of the Ref Assassian Nic Dangerously... That takes some courage." With All of NED’s might he drives the Crown of Thrones across the skull of Skywalker from the right side but at the exact same time, from the left side, Skywalker uses all of his might and drives a Schalaleigh (Fit Finley’s weapon of choice) across the skull of NED as both men drop. Busch, " BOTH MEN HAD THE SAME IDEA AND BOTH MEN ARE DOWN AND OUT!" We can see that shot busted NED open and we can imagine it didn’t help the wounds of Skywalker either as Tim White starts the count ………………………�?1………………………�?…………………………�?……………………�?……………………�? Busch, "NEITHER MAN IS MOVING!" …………………………�?………………………�? Crowd: LETS GO NICK-E, LET’S GO CHRISTIAN, LETS GO NICK-E, LET’S GO CHRISTIAN, LETS GO NICK-E, LET’S GO CHRISTIAN, LETS GO NICK-E, LET’S GO CHRISTIAN, LETS GO NICK-E, LET’S GO CHRISTIAN, LETS GO NICK-E, LET’S GO CHRISTIAN, LETS GO NICK-E, LET’S GO CHRISTIAN�?BR>…………………………�?……………………�? Busch, "THEY’RE BOTH STILL DOWN!" ……………………�?0! The bell rings as the arena fills with boos and trash begins to come flying toward the ring. Busch, " ANOTHER DRAW?! OH MY GOD! THIS IS UNREAL!" Buffer, " THIS Contest has ended in a DOUBLE COUNT OUT! As a result it is a DRAW MATCH!" | | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live August 13th, 2006 | ICWA Resurrection | _________________Slow Fade Into Next Scene________________ July 26th, 2006: ICWA Demented Main Event Busch, "The ICWA Main Event is under way as we have two young bucks in Bobby Johnson and Christian Skywalker going one on one..." Busch, "The ICWA Main Event is under way as we have two young bucks in Bobby Johnson and Christian Skywalker going one on one..." Busch, "Strong grapple... Skywalker taking the advantage as he breaks out with the side headlock..." "Johnson's on the return... Irish Whip sending Skywalker against the ropes... SPINEBUSTER!" "Christian on the rebound as he hoists Bobby into the air and... High Angle belly to back suplex!" "BOBBY OFF THE TOP... BEAUTIFUL CROSSBODY!" "Big time suplex by Skywalker..." "SUNSET FLIP! THIS COULD BE IT RIGHT HERE!! 1.............2............. SKYWALKER KICKS OUT!" Busch: Holy hell!! He nailed Bobby with the Red Scare this could be over!! Marshall: PIN HIM NLCS!! NLCS then rolls himself over as he makes the pin fall attempt. . White: 1......2.....3!!! DING DING DING Dart: Here is your winner....NO LIMITS CHRISTIAN SKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYWALKER!!!!! Busch, "NO LIMITS! NO LIMITS! NO LIMITS CHRISTIAN SKYWALKER HAS DONE IT! HE HAS PICKED UP THE PINFALL OVER THE NUMBER 1 CONTENDER!!!!" Marshal, "So did he just earn himself a spot against Bobby Johnson for the title at Resurrection?!" Busch, "Or did he just bump Bobby Johnson out of his spot?! Bobby won a Royal Rumble over a YEAR ago�?One could argue that with NLCS drawing Dangerously two straight and then beating Bobby that PERHAPS he just carried both himself and Nic to the Pay Per View headline!" " Em Es En�? The MSN Theme begins blasting over the PA as Christian Skywalker has just crawled to his feet, leaning against the ropes, and Bobby is still down from the massive Red Scare. The music slowly fades as we see that Russ has a mic in hand on the stage Russ, " Ladies and Gentlemen�?Everyone’s been waiting to find out who would go on to Resurrection for the ICWA Championship. Nic Dangerously and Christian Skywalker have all but killed themselves two weeks straight with draws against each other, clearly showing them as being in-ring equals�?That said, despite not picking up the win here tonight, Bobby Johnson is clearly no side dish to the main meal of Nic and Christian�?That said, Nic has drawn even with Christian two straight yet here tonight Christian defeated Bobby Johnson which stakes reasonable claim that If the man who drew Nic two weeks straight can defeat Bobby�?Nic himself very well may be able too as well�?Then again, flukes happen all the time in this business and tonight could have been simply that; a fluke. So what better way is there to find out then to stick all three of em in the ring at the same time�? The crowd erupts. Johnson, " That’s right�?At ICWA Resurrection the International Championship Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Title WILL be decided in a first ever ICWA Best Of Five Falls Triple Threat!" Busch, " BEST OF FIVE FALLS TRIPLE THREAT?! OH MAH GAWD!!" ________________Slow Fade Into Next Scene______________ August 2nd, 2006: ICWA Demented Main Event Fade in on Image and Bobby Johnson standing on one side of the ring, NLCS and Summer Stratus on the other, and Nic Dangerously in the center with the Zebra Skin. The bell sounds and we slowly fade to late in the match�?/FONT> NLCS then is seen going for the eyes of Bobby, as now the two women have come to life, as they are seen battling their way through the crowd, going deeper and deeper into the crowd, as the main focus is in the ring at the moment. NED then comes over to stop NLCS from continuing the eye rake, as NLCS is seen stepping back. NLCS the goes to nail Bobby with a side kick, but Bobby moves out of the way as Bobby revs up and swings at NLCS for the Killa Kick. NLCS is seen moving out of the way as NED is seen standing right in the way after trying to get NLCS off of Bobby, as NED drops to the mat. Bobby covering his face with his hands, as he is upset at what has just occured. As he is not paying attention to NLCS, Skywalker, comes up from behing Bobby and bends him over wrapping his arm around the neck of Bobby. NLCS then drops Bobby nailing him with the Red Scare. NLCS is seen covering Bobby, but then looks up as he notices, NED down and out on the mat from the Killa Kick earlier. Busch: This match would have been over with if, this wouldn’t of happened!!! GET UP NED!!! Marshall: Yeah but now what will happen. There is no one to make the count!!! NLCS a bit pissed off at what has happened as he knows that he had this match won. NLCS then climbs over slapping the face of NED. NED is then seen coming to, as NED is now back on his feet. As NLCS is seen turning around, NED pulls him in and nails NLCS with the Deus Ex Machina as NLCS is seen coming down hard with a thud. Bobby is seen coming back to life, as he then notices NLCS down on the mat, as NED is back to his feet. Bobby then is seen trying to capitalize, as he then makes the cover on NLCS. NED is seen about to drop, but throws his hands into the air, then bringing them down flipping off Bobby Johnson. Bobby with a look of shock on his face, watches as NED is seen exiting the ring and heading towards the backstage area. NED is then seen heading through the curtains, as there is now no referee left for this matchup!! Busch, " WHAT THE HELL?!" Marshal, "How’s a match gonna finish without a referee?!" Busch, "Well Image Johnson and Summer Stratus�?They’re rivalry has gotten so intense that they brawled their way into the back and we’re being told security is finally separating them somewhere near the women’s lockeroom�? Marshal, "Let’s get a camera back there!" Busch, "But�?What the Hell is going on with this match now?!" Back in the ring Bobby is leaning on the ropes yelling up toward the Dementa-Tron, obviously trying to figure out what’s going on. In the background NLCS has finally found his feet. NLCS runs from behind and hits a hard forearm into the back of Bobby Johnson. Johnson spins around and there’s no hesitation as Skywalker and Johnson both start unloading rapid right hands. Busch, " GOOD GOD!" The screen splits as someone must have taken Marshal’s advice. Image and Summer are destroying the Women’s lockeroom as they’re beating the holy Hell out of each other. Back in the ring Johnson and Skywalker are going like them damn Rock Em, Sock Em robots. Busch, " NIC DANGEROUSLY WALKED OUT ON THE MAIN EVENT! He basically told BOTH En El See Es AND Bobby Johnson to go screw themselves�?Bobby and En El See Es are destroying each other! That combined with the fact that neither can be thrilled with how Ned left this match�?How intense is the main event gonna be this Sunday as Nic Dangerously, Christian Skywalker, and Bobby Johnson go at it in a best of Five falls match for the ICWA Heavyweight championship?! �?GOOD GOD WHAT A NIGHT!" The cameras fade as all four performers are still destroying each other. | With that the ring focuses on center ring as we see Kevin Dart. The Bell rings once�?Twice�?Three Times. Kevin Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?The following contest is a BEST OF FIVE FALLS TRIPLE THREAT! �?There will be NO Time Limit! And there MUST BE A WINNER (Crowd pops)! …………�?This Match IS For the International Championship Wrestling Alliance HEAAAAAAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP�?OF THE WORLD!" The crowd erupts as we pan up and back as a championship graphic hits the screen.  We then fade to the Stage�?/P> The G.O.A.T., by LL Cool J, starts to play over the P.A. system. Single words start to flash up on the big screen�? THE……�?HEAD………MAN………IN………CHARGE Various scene from past matches involving Bobby starts to play. Bobby giving Ricky Carter a 450 Splash off the top of a ladder, while Ricky’s laying on a table. Bobby giving Matt Matlock a Bourbon Street Blues�?in The Elimination Chamber. Bobby with a tight Bourbon Street Blues�?on Chris Stlyes. Bobby giving Demented 3 straight Killa Kicks�? with the last one knocking the big man over the top ropes. Bobby jumping off the top of the turnbuckle, and giving MJ Storm a Body Splash, while he is laying on the announce table. Bobby giving Luther Aldridge The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time�? Bobby giving Matt Collins a Killa Kick, and going for the pin. Bobby standing up on the turnbuckle with his arms raised in the air after winning the ICWA’s Royal Rumble. Bobby in the middle of the ring, holding up the PWT Titanium Championship after beating Jimmy Stryker to become the Titanium Champion. Bobby Standing over a fallen Christian Michaels, while holding the PWT Peoples Championship Bobby makes his way out from behind the curtains, and stops on the top of the ramp. He’s wearing a black wrestling singlet with the wide green stripes down the sides of it and the Grim Reaper symbol on the front of it, a black and green Team Johnson pullover jersey, black and green wrestling boots, a black and green fitted Team Johnson baseball cap. He gets down in a Shawn Michaels type pose, then stands back up and starts to jump from side to side a lot like Brock Lesnar used to, and the crowd gives him a huge pop. He stops jumping, and starts to make his way down the ramp. Dart, "INTRODUCING FIRST! Making His Way from New Orleans Louisianna, he weighs in this evening at 255 Pounds and is the 2005 ICWA Royal Rumble WINNER!... He is The HNIC BOBBY_JOHHHHHHNSONNN!" He stops in front of the ring, and leaps up onto the rings edge, and then grabs the ropes, and leap frogs over them, and lands inside the ring. He walks over to the far corner, and climbs up the turnbuckle, and flexes his biceps for the crowd, and gets back down, and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle, and repeats his flexing routine. He finally jumps down, and takes the pullover and hat off, and sets them down in the corner. Busch, "This is the biggest match of this young man’s career�?It’s the culmination of all his heard work, his intensive training under his elder brother Ahmed Johnson, His former mentor Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister, and continued on his own�?It’s for all the marbles here tonight as he takes on two of the all time greats in this company’s history." Marshal, "All three men working this match tonight are future ICWA Hall of Famers, I’ll guarantee ya that." The arena goes completely black as an announcer with a deep voice comes over the PA system and begins to countdown. 10�?/STRONG> 9�?/STRONG> 8�?/STRONG> 7�?/STRONG> 6�?/STRONG> 5�?/STRONG> 4�?/STRONG> 3�?/STRONG> 2�?/STRONG> 1�?/STRONG> As we hear the triumphant sound of the trumpets blasting from the PA we see red, white, and blue pyro explodes from the stage as "No Limits" Christian Skywalker comes from behind the curtain. Busch, "There he is, the inaugural ICWA United States champion and if lady luck is on his arm tonight, he could very well be the inagaral ICWA Heavyweight champion of 2006." Marshal, "Yeah, but I doubt very highly it will be�?Rumor backstage is that Christian Skywalker’s Helluva sick. He’s competing with a hundred-one degree temperature." Busch, "That’s no rumor�?I saw him tossing his cookies throughout the day�?Ya gotta give the young man a lot of credit for being here tonight, and he’s doing his damndest to keep his flu under wraps from the fans here in New York." He smiles and poses while the crowd gives him a tremendous ovation. He begins walking down the ramp, his eyes locked on those of Bobby Johnson in the ring as Dart announces, "NEXT! Hailing from Silver Springs NEW YORK, He weighs in on this evening at 250 Pounds, he is the Longest Reigning and VERY FIRST ICWA United States Champion�?He is NO LIMITS, CHRISTIAAAAN_SKYYYYYYYYWALKERRR!" Skywalker gets to ringside and climbs the steal stairs up to the apron. He walks halfway down the apron and then turns and poses for the crowd some more. He then gets into the ring as he never takes his eyes off of Bobby Johnson. Busch, "There’s no love lost between the Future of the Franchise and the General of the No Limits Army, but there is a lot of respect which are the key elements of a wrestling clinic for the ages. I believe that’s what we could see here tonight." Bobby and Skywalker are staring a hole through each other as "King Nothing" rumbles across the PA, as a woman's voice repeats "Danger... danger... danger..." over and over. Red and white strobes flare across the rampway, and the song kicks in just after the woman says "You have just entered... the dangerzone!", at the chorus, and Nic E Dangerously walks out on stage, with arms extended parallel to the floor and He spins as he walks down to the ramp. The crowd erupts as Busch says, "Nic E Dangerously is in the house and a lot of the Philadelphia Dubbya Two Kay Fatefuls have made there way into MSG Here tonight!" Dart, "AND FINALLY�?Coming to us from SAN ANTONIO TEXAS�?He weighs in at 258 Pounds and is a SEVEN TIME DOUBLE-YOU TWO KAY CHAMPIONNN (Crowd pops)�?FONT color=#00ccff> He is "The PARADIGM" NIC_E_DAAAAAAAAAAANGEROUSLYYY !" Once he hits the ring, he walks up the steps, holding the top rope with his left hand, as his right arm extends up, with a fist. He turns to the ring and enters as Skywalker and Bobby slowly switch from glaring at each other to staring at NED. Dangerously takes his corner and looks from one opponent to the other, like a Lion sizing up the competition in his Den. The lights slowly readjust as Tim White is standing in the center of the ring with the ICWA Heavyweight Championship in hand. Busch, "For the first time since August 30th of 2005 when then ICWA Heavyweight Champion Jacob Mitchell walked out on this company, the ICWA Heavyweight Championship is present at an ICWA Event. Nearly one year without the championship being in circulation or even on Television�?That’s crazy." Tim White holds the championship into the air letting all three men know exactly what this one’s for. Busch, "That’s what it’s all about folks�?The pinnacle of this business lye’s within that so prestigious championship. In four years it’s only seen Eleven Holders and most of them have retired from in ring action to work other positions within the company, been inducted into the ICWA Hall of Fame, or both. Guys like Brock Lesnar, Hope Cassidy, Jimmy Stryker, Jacob Mitchell, Psycho, X Bomb, Black Warrior�?They’ve all held the ICWA Championship at one point or another and bar Jacob Mitchell, every one of them are ICWA Hall of Famers." Marshal, "The ICWA Championship is as rich as it gets�?My only regret is that I never saw that championship before I chose to retire, but at my time in this business holding another heavyweight championship made you eligible to compete for the ICWA Championship and since I held the CWA Championship the majority of my career, that never happened." Back in the ring Dangerously, Skywalker, and Johnson are all ready to go as we see Tim White finish explaining to all three men the rules of this bout. White calls for the bell and time keeper Mike Eaton happily obliges. Busch, "Here we go, this one is officially underway." All three men walk out of their corners cautiously, eager to see who lays the first strike. Suddenly NLCS lunges forward and hits a short clothesline droping Bobby Johnson. Johnson pops up and NLCS hits a second�?He pulls himself up again as NED bounces off the ropes and lunges out with a huge Powerline nearly knocking the H-N-I-C Out of his B-O-O-Ts. Dangerously bends down and picks up Johnson by the head as he looks at Skywalker and says something. Dangerously grabs BJ’s right arm as Skywalker grabs his left and the two go ahead a few steps, press Johnson against the ropes, and deliver a double Irish Whip sending him across the ring. Bobby bounces off the ropes and returns as Chris and Nic meet him at mid ring with a double back elbow dropping the 2005 Royal Rumble winner on the spot as the crowd erupts. Busch, "A little comrodery between Dangerously and Skywalker�?Ya gotta wonder how long this is gonna last." NLCS drops down and hooks the far leg of Bobby Johnson as Dangerously puts his hands on his hips and raises a curious eyebrow. White counts ………�?………�?Almost two as Bobby kicks out. Skywalker gets to his feet and looks at Nic as NED gives him a "WTF" look. Christian shrugs�?Dangerously Shrugs�?Dangerously points down to Bobby and says, "Get him up�? Skywalker bends down to pick up the Future of the Franchise when Dangerously quickly grabs a fist full of Christian’s hair, runs forward, and sends him flying up and over the top rope to the floor bellow as the crowd explodes with a mixed reaction. Busch, "I guess Dangerously didn’t appreciate Skywalker trying to pick up the first fall." Marshal, "Can ya blame him? The first fall’s OBVIOUSLY the most important." Dangerously leans on the ropes shaking his head at the nieve youngster he just chucked. Dangerously turns around only to take a boot to the gut from a now recovered Bobby Johnson. Johnson grabs the right arm and presses Dangerously against the ropes before springing him off with a hard Irish whip. Dangerously zips across the ring, bounces back as Johnson catches him and swings around slamming the Dangerous Icon via the Powerslam. Johnson hooks the far leg as Senior Referee Tim White drops down and counts ……………�?………………�? Barely two as the Paradigm powers out. Johnson props up Dangerously and instantly hooks the rear chinlock Busch, "Bobby Johnson had a rough start but he’s reset the pace and taken control right now." Marshal, "So what? That’s like declaring a football team in control because they’re on the oppositions forty yard line with a decent drive two minutes into the first quarter. Wait till Halftime and let’s see where we’re at." Johnson’s still got that rear chinlock applied but Dangerously is fighting as best he can�?He slowly gets himself to a knee forcing BJ to start standing up in order to maintain his leverage over Nic. Dangerously continues fighting and gets to his feet but the HNIC refuses the relinquish the hold. Nic pulls back, and then strikes hard with a big elbow into the ribs of Bobby Johnson, elevating him slightly but still not breaking the hold. Dangerously again with a hard elbow, but again no dice�?Finally a third elbow and Bobby has no choice but to make the break. Dangerously runs back, bounces off the ropes and looks for another of those devastating Powerlines but BJ ducks under and swings around hooking a rear waist lock and quickly executing a German Suplex release. The crowd boos as Bobby pops up and snickers as he makes the motion to brush his shoulder off. Bobby begins heading toward Dangerously when he glances over just in time to see Christian Skywalker come flying off the center of the top rope with a big time missile drop kick finding it’s mark on the chest of Johnson and making the crowd erupt. Skywalker quickly pops to his feet and pulls Johnson up by his head. Christian takes BJ to the rampside ropes and bounces him across the ring via the Irish Whip. Johnson hits the far ropes and comes back as Skywalker Drops back and delivers a deep arm drag to the HNIC. Busch, "Shades of Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat�? Skywalker gets up quickly as Dangerously (who’s obviously back to his feet) comes from behind and hammers Skywalker with a big forearm between the shoulder blades making him stumble forward. Skywalker turns around and Dangerously delivers a hard kick deep into the gut of No Limits which leads to a twisting Snapmare Take over. Skywalker lands on his ass holding his neck as Dangerously runs to the ringside ropes, bounces back and delivers a low drop kick into the mid back of No Limits Christian Skywalker. Skywalker extends his arms as the look of pain is etched on his face before he drops over to his chest with his right hand nursing his mid back. Dangerously gets up as Johnson is heading his way. Dangerously goes to cut Bobby off at the pass and swings with a hard right but Bobby puts up a strong forearm block and delivers a hard right of his own that sends Dangerously staggering back�?A Second right, a third�?Finally forth makes him stumble back and fall with his arms wrapped around the top rope. Shelton steps back a couple of feet and then lunges forward and extends the arm looking for the clothesline but at the last second The Seven time W2K Champion rolls across the rope and hugs it as he drops down, lowering the top rope and thus sending the Future of the Franchise up and over the top rope to the floor infront of the commentary table. Skywalker is now back up and comes running from the side and catches Dangerously with a big swinging neckbreaker that draws a mixed reaction from the crowd. | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live August 13th, 2006 | Busch, "Dangerously lowers the bridge on Bobby Johnson sending him out to the floor, but Skywalker caught Dangerously off guard with the spinning Neck Breaker." Skywalker has the far leg as Time White counts ……………�?…………�?�?Only two as Dangerously kicks out. Skywalker gets up and pulls Dangerously up to a sitting base as to accelerate his arrival to his feet. Skywalker runs to the ropes as Dangerously is getting up�?NLCS Jumps to the top rope as Nic turns around, Skywalker leaps backwards looking for a moonsault but NED ducks and runs toward the same ropes NLCS leaped from�?To Skywalker’s credit he notices Dangerously’s move and lands on his own feet as Nic bounces off the ropes and comes flying back looking for another clothesline�?NLCS Ducks and catches Dangerously’s head looking for a Neckbreaker�?Dangerously spins around and in turn forces Christian to do the same�?Dangerously hooks Christian and delivers a side belly to belly suplex. The crowd erupts with another mixed reaction as Nic E Dangerously hooks the far leg and Tim White drops down�?……………………�?…………………�?……………�?Christian Skywalker just kicks out. Dangerously slaps the mat, obviously not to pleased as he stands up and happens to glance outside, seeing Bobby Johnson is on his feet. The Pardigm runs and drops looking for the baseball slide but Johnson side steps and grabs a hold of Nic’s trunks, making sure he comes all the way out onto the floor. Bobby delivers a hard kick to the gut of the artist formerly known as Jason Hartnell�?A second kick, a third kick, a right hand, second right hand, Then BAM! Busch, "STANDING SPINNING HEEL KICK TO DANGEROUSLY ON THE OUTSIDE!" The crowd is booing as Bobby gets up and raises his hand, threatening to back hand a few fans at ringside who are shouting obscenities. The crowd suddenly erupts as Bobby looks up and sees Christian Skywalker on the top rope. Skywalker leaps as a load of camera flashes begin going off. Johnson darts out of the way and Skywalker lands hard, chest first across the fan barricade. Crowd: HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT�?/EM> Busch, "BAH GAWD! He just landed Sternum first across that security barricade! He may have just shattered his entire chest cavity!" Marshal, "I bet he’s thankful we don’t use the steal guard rails anymore! GAH-HA!" Bobby goes back over and grabs Skywalker by the hair. He pulls him down off the barricade, walks over to ringside and rolls him into the ring. Bobby starts to slide into the ring himself but is stuck as Dangerously has a fist full of the back of his singlet. Nic brings him back out of the ring as the crowd pops. BJ turns around and Dangerously nails a hard knife edge chop across the pectoral region of Bobby Johnson. Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOO Another Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOO Another Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOO Busch, "The fans here at Madison Square Garden paying homage to sixteen time heavyweight champion "Nature Boy" Ric Flair as Nic Dangerously delivers those Flair like Knife edge chops..." Dangerously follows up with a thumb to the eye of Johnson making him spin around, turning his back to the seven time W2K Champion as he holds his eye. Dangerously grabs a hold of the lower singlet of Johnson and his neck and slides him under the bottom rope where Skywalker is on his knees and forehead holding his chest. NED climbs up onto the ring apron and re-enters the ring between the second and third ropes. Dangerously walks over and pulls Skywalker up with a fist full of Golden locks and grabs him by the arm, quickly delivering an Irish whip across the ring and into the corner. Dangerously comes back over to the corner and grabs the top rope as he extends his leg and begins choking the former US Champion in the corner, drawing a pretty strong chorus of boos from the fans. Tim White rushes over and begins slapping Dangerously’s shoulder, demanding the break�?Realizing he’s getting no where he applies his count ……………�?…………�?…………�?…………�?Dangerously breaks the hold. Busch, "That tells the story right there. Nic Dangerously is a ten year veteran and he knows exactly how far he can push that five count, but in this case there’s so much on the line�?So much up for grabs that he removed himself just shy of four instead of trying to draw another second’s worth out of the choke." Skywalker holds his throat as Dangerously goes to throw a right hand�?Suddenly Bobby comes from nowhere and hooks a rear waist lock, falling to his back and rolling through till NED’s on his shoulders and Bobby appears to be squatting over his rolled up legs. The crowd erupts with boos as White counts ………………�?…………………�?………………�?Two and three quarters as Dangerously kicks out making the crowd erupt. Dangerously quickly gets to his feet, his eyes wide and his face showing annoyance as Bobby flashes his arrogant smirk and taps his temple with a finger. Dangerously darts forward but Bobby cuts him off at the past with a hard right hand followed by a second followed by a quick scoop and a quick Spinebuster. Busch, "Similar fashion to that of former Seven time WWE Heavyweight champion "The Rock"." Bobby springs up and sees Christian coming out of the corner. Bobby springs out with his patented Killa Kick (Superkick) but NLCS ducks. Johnson spins around and goes for a kick to Skywalker but Christian catches the leg�?Bobby quickly jumps up looking for the Enziguri but Christian ducks that too�?Johnson’s attacking foot lands on the canvas but quickly springs back and finally nails NLCS in an Unorthodox Enziguiri ala RVD. Bobby quickly turns, grabs the top rope on either side of the turnbuckle, jumps up to the top rope, leaps backwards sending off another spread of flash photography, and lands a high moonsault to Christian Skywalker. Tim White drops down and counts ………………………�?…………………�?……………………�?Dangerously grabs Bobby’s leg with both hands and viciously yanks him off of No Limits Christian Skywalker as the crowd erupts. Busch, "BAH GAWD! BAH-BY JOHNSON WAS A HEART BEAT AWAY FROM THE FIRST FALL!" Marshal, "Can you believe we haven’t seen a single fall yet?! Somebody has to get three to win it, we’ve yet to see ONE!" Bobby gets to his feet and goes for a hard right hand on Dangerously but Nic E. Ducks the shot and swings around with a rear waist lock making the fans pop�?Dangerously quickly goes from the rear waistlock to what appears to be a high angle belly to back suplex, but Dangerously takes a step forward and drops to a knee dropping Bobby Johnson tailbone first across the knee in an Atomic drop. Bobby springs forward and leans on the top rope at rampside in pain. Dangerously runs forward and clotheslines Bobby Johnsons across the shoulders, sending him up and over the top rope as Bobby hits the ring before rolling to the floor. Dangerously offers a one finger salute to Bobby on the floor drawing a huge pop from the fans. Busch, "God bless the first amendment�? Marshal, "Does that apply to hand gestures too?!" Busch, "Sign Language is a form of speech too�? Marshal, "Fair enough." Dangerously turns around just in time to see NLCS leap into the air and nail a missile drop kick that sends him up and over the top rope, landing on the floor right next to Bobby Johnson as the crowd is a bit mixed in their reaction. Bobby and NED are both on their knees pulling themselves as Skywalker watches from inside the ring. Both men slowly get to their feet and begin to turn around as Skywalker grabs the top rope, leans back and then flies up and over the top rope, landing a big cross body across both Johnson and Dangerously at ringside and making the crowd erupt. Busch, "SKYWALKER! SKYWALKER! Christian SKYWALKER Hit the Crossbody to the OUTSIDE! We’ve got a heap of bodies on the floor!" Tim White slides out of the ring to check on the three Heavyweight title contenders as the crowd is on their feet and going wild. Obviously NLCS is the first to start pulling himself up. He crawls over to the fan barricade and starts pulling himself up as Bobby and Nic both start rolling to their knees. Christian pulls himself to his feet as Dangerously and Johnson are starting to do the same. Skywalker walks over and grabs Dangerously by the back of the head and leads him over to the steal stairs. Skywalker attempts to slam Nic face first into the stairs�?/FONT> 
| �?FONT color=#ff0000>But Dangerously puts his arms out with the block. Nic springs up and grabs Skywalker by the back of the head and goes to slam him face first into the stairs but NLCS puts his foot on the stairs providing a block of his own. Suddenly Bobby Johnson comes up from behind, grabs a hand full of both guys hair and slams them both down face first on the stairs making the crowd pop with boos.
Marshal, "Guess that settles that." Both guys dropped to a knee from the face smashes into the stairs. Bobby grabs NLCS by the back of the hair and brings him back over to rampside and rolls him back into the ring before sliding into the ring himself. Bobby pulls Skywalker up to his feet and kicks him the gut making him double over. Bobby runs back looking to bounce off the ringside ropes but Dangerously rushes up the apron, grabs the top rope and drops with it making Bobby go flying over the ropes to the floor bellow. The crowd erupts as Dangerously quickly releases the top rope and rolls under the bottom rope. Dangerously rushes over to Skywalker and hoists him up looking for the Deus Ex Machina and making the crowd go nuts but Skywalker escapes and lands on his feet behind NED. He grabs a rear waist lock and runs forward, making Nic’s chest collide with the top rope. Christian drops back looking for a roll up but The Paradigm keeps hold of the top rope so Skywalker just drops on his back hard. Christian quickly gets up but Nic is even quickler as he rushes behind Christian Skywalker and again, hoists him up into the air, spins, Leaps, and drops down, this time nailing the modified Burning Hammer. Busch, "DEUS EX MACHINA! DEUS EX MACHINA! BAH GAWD HE HIT THE DEUS EX MACHINA!!!" The crowd is going nuts as Dangerously hooks the far leg and rolls so the majority of the weight is on Christian’s Shoulders�?Tim White drops down and counts ………………………�?…………………�?……………………�?! Bobby (who just slide under the bottom rope) quickly begins laying in the stomps to Dangerously like a rabid dog. Dart, "NIC DANGEROUSLY NOW LEADS This contest ONE FALL to NONE!" Busch, "Bobby Johnson’s all over Nic E. Dangerously, but the fact remains that the self proclaimed Paradigm HAS obtained that so important FIRST FALL!" Marshal, "And that sets the pace now�?Skywalker and Johnson still have to get three falls, Nic’s only got to get two�?He can work a little bit more of a defensive pace now as he’s spaced himself a little from his challengers." Dangerously is at the commentary side ropes trying to pull himself up as BJ is still laying in hard with the boots. Dangerously is on his feet but bent over with his hands on the second rope, still trying to get up when Bobby leaps up and delivers a drop kick to the ass of NED that sends him flying between the second and third ropes and landing right in front of the commentary table as the crowd boos. Bobby seems far less than pleased at the fact that Dangerously secured the first pinfall. Bobby turns around and sees that Christian Skywalker is on his chest trying to pull himself up with the rampside ropes. Busch, "Christian Skywalker hasn’t been at his usual intensity level but ya gotta believe that it’s a combination of the fact that 1.) He’s competing with two of the greatest competitors on the globe, and 2.) He entered this contest with a hundred-one temperature, we can only imagine it’s probably raised up a bit." Bobby Stalks Skywalker as Christian slowly gets to his feet�?Christian turns around and Bobby springs forward looking for the Killa Kick but Skywalker pulls a NED and drops down, taking the top rope with him so Bobby over shoots and ends up with the ropes between his legs. No Limits releases the top rope much to the fans approval as Bobby’s eyes draw wide and he grabs the top rope which he’s now straddling. Skywalker grabs hold of the top rope and begins shaking it with as much intensity as Batista or the ever so fag-a-rific Ultimate Warrior of Douchy-ness. No Limits finally stops, jumps up onto the very same rope that BJ’s straddaling and delivers a modified Shinning Wizard as we hear a loud SMACK from the connection of Skywalker’s foot to the back of Bobby’s head. The HNIC gets a faraway look in his eyes and drops off the top rope, hitting the outside of the ring before he nails the floor. Christian, who had landed on the outside ring apron, rolls under the bottom rope and see that NED’s pulled himself to his feet in front of the commentary table on the opposite side of the ring. Christian Leans back, bouncing off the ropes before he darts across the ring, leaps up onto the top rope, and flies with a modified Swanton Bomb as he Nails NED with a huge Back to chest collision making the crowd erupt. Crowd: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Busch, "BAH GAWD! They’ve been DESTROYED right in front of US!" Tim White is now by the commentary table trying to make sure Skywalker and Dangerously are still able to compete. NLCS rolls off of The Paradigm and holds his lower back as NED is clenching his chest. Skywalker slowly crawls over to the Spanish commentary table where Carlos Colon and Mil Mascaras are calling the commentary for our Spanish speaking fans. Skywalker pulls himself up with a small assist from Carlos Colon as he finally gets to his feet, but he looks pale and a bit rough. Christian turns around and starts to head toward Nic Dangerously who’s still down infront of the American commentary table. No Limits drops to a knee and takes a deep breath before he pulls himself back up and grabs Dangerously by the head, lifting him up to his feet. Nic gets up but he’s still suffering the effects of that big time dive from the first ever ICWA United States Champion. NLCS wraps Dangerously in a side headlock and begins dragging Nic around the side of the ring. Busch, "Where’s he leading Dangerously?" He starts to round the corner of the ring to go to rampside when he suddenly releases Dangerously and his eyes draw wide as we see Bobby Johnson spring out of no where with a Double clothesline dropping both NED and NLCS. The crowd boos but Bobby doesn’t seem to be paying him any mind as he reaches down, grabbing Skywalker by the tights and the hair, lifting him to his feet, and rolling him into the ring. Skywalker slowly starts getting up in center ring as Bobby slides into the ring and is once again stalking Skywalker from behind�?Christian gets up, turns around�?SMACK! Busch, "GOOD GAWD! HE JUST LEVELED NO LIMITS WITH THAT KILLA KICK!" Skywalker drops back as the Future of the Franchise drops down, hooks the far leg and awaits as Senior Official Tim White drops down and counts …………�?……………�?……………�?! Dart, "THIS CONTEST IS now TIED at ONE A PIECE Between Bobby JOHNSON and Nic E. DANGEROUSLY!" The crowd is booing loudly as Marshal says, "Whether these people like it or not, Bobby Johnson just picked one up which means that he and Nic are going to have to claw for two more and Christian Skywalker’s really in the hole as he has to win three straight to still walk out of here as the ICWA Heavyweight champion!" Busch, "We all know that Skywalker works the best under adversity�?He’s like the NFL’s Steve McNair, but this may be too much for any man." Marshal, "Michael Jordon lead the Chicago Bulls to victory with a flu back in the 90s BUT, This is NOT The NBA�?This is full contact, no time outs, no half time, no substitutes and nobody here is gonna coddle Skywalker like Phil Jackson and Scotty Pippin would Michael Jordon. I don’t like Christian Skywalker, BUT, Even if he doesn’t win a single fall tonight, he’s already surpassed Michael Jordon in my book and that says a lot considering what a sports Icon Air Jordon was and still is." That’s all fine and good but the Bulls blow now, so let’s get off the Craptacular Windy City and back to our match. The cameras pan back and we see Bobby (who had stood up) dropping back down and hooking the far leg of Skywalker again. Not having much of a choice Tim White drops down and counts ……………�?…………………�?………………�?Before he can get to three Nic E. Dangerously drops with a running axe handle breaking the 3 count. Dangerously picks up Johnson and begins driving the hard right hands into the face of the HNIC. After about the third big right Bobby puts up the block and starts swinging with right hands of his own. Bobby and Dangerously are in a fist-to-fist brawl next to the ramp side ropes with no signs of stopping as we can see Christian Skywalker pulling himself off in the corner of the screen. Busch, "A lot of bad blood between Bobby Johnson and Nic E. Dangerously coming out in this match�? Marshal, "It’s definitely hard to tell that they’re stablemates�?It’s like Kevin Nash and Hulk Hogan when the nWo separated into two entities�?Of course we all know how that ended so perhaps there’s not as much bad blood as we think, but they’re doing a damn good job of keeping up the façade if that’s the case." Springing from the side Skywalker delivers a double clothesline sending Johnson and Dangerously up and over the top rope and back to the floor at rampside. Skywalker still doesn’t look too great but he shakes it off as he begins climbing the ropes. Bobby and Dangerously both start slowly getting up right next to each other�?Bobby gets to his feet and turns as Skywalker leaps off the top looking for a HUGE Missle drop kick�?Johnson darts out of the way and Christian ends up nailing Nic Dangerously, but the move still draws a huge reaction. Crowd: HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT�?BR>Busch, "BAH GAWD! What Elevation! Bobby Johnson was his intended target but I guess one’s as good as the next." Marshal, "In this kind of environment as long as you hit SOMEbody it’s all good." Bobby looks at Skywalker and Dangerously down at the edge of the ramp. Bobby seems to be debating on which performer to pick up when he finally makes up his mind. The Future of the Franchise bends down and picks up Skywalker by his long golden locks. Bobby pulls him up to his feet and locks him in a side headlock as he begins walking him up the ramp. Busch, "Now where’s he goin?! Ya gotta get the pin in the ring to win this thing." Marshal, "Yeah, but the ramp and stage offer a much more deadly canvas to perform on and as long as everything goes his way, he could potentially eliminate one of his opponents from the equation in the process." Bobby gets about midway up the ramp when he finally relinquishes the side headlock and hooks Skywalker in the Vertical suplex grapple. The crowd is on their feet as Bobby hoists Christian into the air, and then with limited hesitation drops down nailing a brainbuster in the middle of the ramp. Busch, "Good GAWD!" Marshal, "The inside of his head’s gonna look like one of those "Your brain on drugs" commercials with the egg and the frying pan after a couple morea those." Bobby slowly pulls himself up, holding his back from the impact the suplex had on him as well. Bobby reaches down to pick Skywalker back up and probably head back toward the ring when Nic E. Dangerously hits him hard from behind with a big running axe handle. Bobby stumbles a few steps up the ramp and turns just in time to see a big right hand from Dangerously nail him right upside the head. Bobby stumbles back a few more feet as Dangerously continues the assault, battling the Head Nigga in Charge all the way up to the stage. Tim White is following the carnage trying to convince them to start heading toward the ring but no dice. Nic grabs Bobby by the head and goes to ram him head first into the ICWA Resurrection set but Bobby puts up a leg to provide the block. Bobby drives an elbow into the ribs of Dangerously making him release the hold on Johnson’s head. BJ comes out with a couple hard punches of his own as has been a major theme in this bout�?Dangerously finds himself teetering on the edge of the left hand side of the stage (looking down from the entrance ramp) with the big dirt mound from the DSL/Stryker Buried alive match a few feet behind him. Bobby suddenly jumps back then Leaps forward nailing a bigtime Killa Kick that sends Dangerously flying off the stage and landing hard on the dirt about 3 quarters of the way up to the top of that Buried Alive set. Busch, "OH MAH LORD! HE just put it through the uprights like Adam Vinatarie with that Kick!" Bobby turns around to take off when Christian Skywalker (who obviously has gotten up and was behind Bobby) nails the Bayou Warrior with a superkick of his own which has similar effect as Johnson goes flying but apparent put more into his jump as he ended up landing ontop of the Buried Alive set. Skywalker backs up a couple of steps, then goes running, leaps off the stage, Extends his body to it’s fullest extent, draws his body in, and then re extends as he nails a crossbody frog splash across Dangerously making the crowd erupt. Crowd: HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT�?BR>Busch, "THAT CRAZY SON OF A BITCH JUST JUMPED OFF THE STAGE!" As he hit NED he bounced up and over ala RVD but he slips and rolls down the dirt mound and ends up dropping hard on the ground about ten feet down. Busch, "OH GOD! He may be broken in half!" Back ontop of the Buried Alive set Bobby’s pulled himself to his feet. Bobby comes over , drops down onto his stomach, and reaches down�?He has to struggle a bit but Dangerously’s JUUUUUUUST in reach. Johnson grabs two fist fulls of his hair and starts pulling him up the side of the land as NED instinctively does a modified crab crawl to go with the force of Bobby’s pull. Bobby pulls Nic E. Dangerously up onto the Buried Alive set and pulls him up to his feet. He pulls Nic a few feet in to avoid the risk of him falling off the edge, and then scoops the Dangerous one onto his shoulders, probably looking for a Samoan drop�?But NED’s kicking furiously and finally pushes off and slides down Bobby’s back, quickly applying a rear waste lock and hoists Bobby up into the air with a bit of a struggle�?He gets Bobby to the peek height one can obtain with a rear waist lock based suplex or slam and then turns and drops him hard with the Sambo Suplex right on the grass. Suddenly out of no where a man in suit covered arms grabs a hold of Dangerously’s arms from behind as the crowd erupts with boos. Busch, "What the Hell’s he doin here?!" The cameras pan back and as suspected it’s Hamid Ismali. Suddenly up the dirt mound comes W2K Champion Kutter Flash. A lot of the crowd boos but an ample enough crowd begins to chant�?BR>"DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY�? Hamid moves Dangerously forward slightly as Kutter comes rushing in�?Dangerously suddenly breaks Hamid’s hold and dives out of the way as Kutter nails a HUGE Gore on Hamid Ismali which sends him falling down into the grave hole that had held DSL earlier and nearly goes in himself till he hits the breaks�?Kutter glances down and sees Hamid lying motionless in the plot�?He smirks and shrugs as he then turns around to see that somewhere, somehow, Nic Dangerously has obtained the Crown Of Thorns. Dangerously comes at Kutter but Flash wastes no time as he rushes forward and nails a huge GORE on Dangerously, dropping him hard on the ground. Busch, "BAH GAWD WHAT A GORE! KUTTER JUST GORED NIC DANGEROUSLY STRAIGHT TA HELL! SOMEBODY GET THIS MONSTER OUTTA HERE!!!" Kevin Dart, "Due to a DISQUALIFICATION�?Nic DANGEROUSLY now leads this bout TWO FALLS to ONE to NONE!" Bobby Johnson, who’d just gotten to his feet, has his eyes go wide as intense anger reaches his face�?BR>Busch, "Tim White’s back in the ring and he’s called the disqualification for Kutter’s interference on Dangerously but the damage may have been done�?Dangerously’s all but dead from that Gore." The crowd suddenly erupts as we see�?/P> WallStreet come flying from behind the curtain. WallStreet runs to the side of the stage and leaps onto the dirt mountain and almost slips but manages to get on top. WallStreet runs over where Kutter is getting up from decimating Dangerously. WallStreet grabs the Crown of Thorns which had gone flying from NED’s hand when he got gored, and begins slamming it over the back of Kutter as he’s getting up. Crowd: WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET�?/P> Kutter gets up write and WallStreet wastes no time as he begins slamming the barbwire covered kendo stick over the forehead of Kutter. Kutter instantly starts juicing the hardway as he staggers from the repeated shots. Finally WallStreet tosses the Kendo Stick and grabs Kutter in the set up for the Stock Market Crash (Rockbottom)�?The crowd is going wild till Kutter begins slamming his huge elbows into the side of the head of WallStreet. WallStreet staggers back and Kutter runs through, nails the GORE and keeps going but WallStreet hooks Kutter in a front facelock (set up to the DDT) and refuses to release so Kutter just keeps running assuming that eventually he’ll hit something to knock Street off him�?Bad call as they both go flying off the back of the mound of dirt�?The fall off the mound as we see a Table set up with a lot of switches and technical equipment�?They crash right through it as sparks begin flying, the arena lights all dim and start fluttering and the Dementa-Tron goes to the following �?/FONT> Crowd: HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT�?/P> Marshal & Busch simultaneously, "HOLY S**T!" Busch, "I�?I apologize for that but�?good God�?Kutter Flash and WallStreet are both lying motionless in a heap of some kind of ICWA technical equipment�?I’m assuming it was hooked up to the Dementa-Tron as it’s currently out and thus so too are our monitors�? Marshal, "If the fall didn’t kill em�?they may have just been electrocuted to death." | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live August 13th, 2006 | Bobby Johnson is the only guy on his feet right now�?He looks down at Flash and Street in a heaping mound and just shakes his head. He then walks over to where NED is just starting to stir, holding his ribs and chest. Johnson gets down on his knees and pushes NED over the edge, making him roll down the side of the chunk of land and hit the ground fairly hard near the fan barricade. Bobby stands up and runs down the side of the land, getting off on the floor and putting on the breaks before he runs into the fan barricade himself. He pulls up a lifeless NED and throws him over his shoulder as he begins walking down the narrow pathway next to the entrance ramp. He brings him down to the ring and rolls him into the ring. Busch, "Well we’re getting word from the back that after that brutal landing from the frog splash to Dangerously on the dirt, Skywalker began vomiting purfusly on the otherside of that dirt mound and was throwing up quite a bit of blood in the process�?The medics are fixin to rush him to the hospital so it looks like this has broken down to a singles deal between Dangerously and Johnson�?But after that Gore from Kutter Flash it’s instrumental from here." Marshal, "Too bad for Skywalker but he put forth a Hell of an effort and should be proud of himself." Bobby climbs up the ropes on the outside and gets to the top. He puts out his arms before he leaps up and rotates in the air but JUST as he’s about to nail Dangerously with a 450 splash NED brings up his knees making the HNIC land chest first right across em�? The crowd erupts as Busch says, "CRASH AND BURN! Bobby rolled the dice with that Crescent City Connection but he drew SNAKE EYES!" Now both men are down in the ring, breathing hard as Tim White checks on them both�?Tim White must not like what he sees as he begins to apply his count …………………………�?………………………�?………………………�?……………………�? Busch, "Wait�?Dangerously’s up by a fall�?If Tim White calls this a draw then�?Then they’d both pick up a fall which would put Bobby at two and Dangerously at�?AT THREE!" ………………………�?………………………�?……………………�? Marshal, "Johnson HAS To get Up�?If Dangerously’s smart he WON’T get up!" ……………………………�?………………�?BR>The crowd suddenly erupts as out from the back shoots�?/FONT> Busch, "SKYWALKER! SKYWALKER! NO LIMITS CHRISTIAN SKYWALKER’S COMIN BACK!!" Marshal, "That’s completely stupid! The guy’s on his damn death bed!" Busch, "You�?You�?You may be right but�?but�?STRONG> DAMN IT if that ain’t the HEART of Christian SKYWALKER!" 9………………………�?Just before ten Skywalker slides in the ring and half tackles-half falls on Tim White. Skywalker’s pale and boy does he look like crap, but he’s here. His chest pumping from exhaustion as Tim White (who’s still conscious, he wasn’t tackled with any real force) is looking at him as to say "WTF"? Christian, "YOU (Breath)�?YOU (Breath)�?You Can’t (Breath.)�?You Can’t stop this match�? White pulls himself up as Christian gets to his knees and uses Tim White’s legs to pull himself up. White, "Jesus Christ Chris�?You’re dyin�? These two are both down and out�?It’s over." Christian, "NO! I’ll be GOD DAMNED if my FIRST ICWA Heavyweight championship match is endin�?on a count out�?I may only have hopes of a 2 �?2 draw at best and yeah, they may seem slim, but even if I don’t do it, the fans deserve more than another cheep finish�?I’m begging�?(Tears begin welling in his eyes) Don’t do This�? Busch, "What a class act is Christian Skywalker�?But�?Tim White may not have a choice�? White looks Christian dead in his eyes and swallows hard�?/P> White shakes his head, "You son of a bitch�?You better not die on me before this damn thing is over!" Christian gets a plesently surprised look on his face and turns his head to the side enough to ask "Are you serious?" When Tim White motions to Bobby and Nic who are both starting to get up and says, "What the Hell ya lookin�?at me for. You can’t try and win this thing by staring at me!" Skywalker gives Tim White a hug before he goes over and grabs the performer nearest him (which happens to be NED) and starts delivering hard right hands to the head as the crowd erupts. Busch, "TIM WHITE�?The ICWA Senior Official�?He’s�?He’s LETTIN IT GO!" Marshal, "He just Screwed Dangerously! Had he done his job and counted it out Dangerously would be ICWA Heavyweight champion!" Busch, "Maybe he did, but if he hadn’t he’d of been screwing the fans!" Marshal, "If Nic Dangerously doesn’t win the championship now this will go in the record books as the biggest screw job since Eve got Adam kicked out of Eden!" NLCS grabs Dangerously by the wrist and presses him against the ropes before whipping him across the ring�?Dangerously bounces back as NLCS Stops him dead in his tracks with a kick to the gut. Skywalker ducks and swings around to the back and then sinks a hard forearm into the lower back of Nic Dangerously�?Skywalker hooks his head like a reverse DDT, raises his right arm and lets out an all mighty roar before he swings around and drops Dangerously with a huge dropping forearm Ala the modified Eye of the Hurricane. Busch, "RED SCARE! RED SCARE! NO LIMITS JUST PUT DANGEROUSLY DOWN WITH THE RED SCARE! HE MAY STILL BE IN THIS THING!" Skywalker crawls over Dangerously and hooks the far leg with as much strength as he can (which isn’t much) as Tim White drops down and counts …………………�?…………………�?………………………�? But JUST as his hand’s about to hit for three Bobby delivers a hard kick to the head of Skywalker breaking the pin. Busch, "YES! SKYWALKER’S STILL IN THIS!" Marshal, "I don’t think he�?I could be wrong but�?Nope, Tim White’s sayin it’s two, Bobby broke up the pin." Busch, "DAMN IT NO!" Bobby Pulls Skywalker up and delivers an Irish whip into the corner. Bobby backs up�?Runs across the ring, flys up and delivers a hard "Future of the Franchise Splash" (Stinger Splash) to NLCS. The crowd erupts with boos as NLCS Stumbles out a few steps and then drops face first ala Ric Flair. Skywalker slowly gets to his knees and turns about so he has the corner ropes to pull himself up with, thus turning his back to Johnson�?Bobby puts his arms out obviously stalking for the Burboun City Blues (Tazmission)�?/FONT> Marshal, "It’s about to be lights out, not quite Gorilla radio, for your buddy Christian Skywalker." Busch, "It ain’t over yet�? Crowd: CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN Christian pulls himself up in the corner and starts to stagger back but suddenly drops to his knees and rolls under the bottom rope to his knees on the floor. Bobby walks over to the ropes and looks over the ropes just in time to see Skywalker yank a mop bucket out from under the ring and start vomiting like crazy. Crowd, "EWWWWWWW" Bobby’s eyes grow wide as he himself starts to get a little pale�?Dangerously is now up in the back ground and comes running forward, nailing a clothesline to the back of Johnson. BJ drops to a knee and Dangerously happens to glance outside as he sees Skywalker tossing his cookies too.. NED looks disgusted, but then perplexed as the camera’s close enough to hear him say, "Oh shit, that’s where the rest of my sub went�?That son of a�? Before he can wrap that sentence up Bobby’s snuck around behind him and delivers a low blow. NED doubles over, his eyes wide in pain as Bobby rolls him up with a school boy�?Tim White drops down and Bobby grabs a fist full of tights since he’s out of White’s vision as Tim White counts …………………�?………………�?…………………�?! Bobby releases and falls to the mat. Dart, "THIS BOUT is now TIED at TWO FALLS a Piece for Bobby JOHNSON and Nic E DANGEROUSLY!" Marshal, "Alright. Skywalker officially has no chance of even tying, let’s get him out of here, I’m about to lose my lunch." I think they were one step ahead of Marshal as we see referees Shawn Cain, Chris Martin, and Darren Thomas all coming around the ramp and walking around the ring toward Skywalker. Back in the ring Bobby’s gotten to his feet and Dangerously is headed that way�?Bobby’s got his arms out stretched behind Dangerously as he once did Skywalker�?/FONT> Busch, "The officials are tending to Christian Skywalker but�?Bobby Johnson’s stalking Nic Dangerously�?I think this one’s about to be put in the bag with the Bourbon Street Blues�? Dangerously gets up and stumbles back and sure enough Bobby comes up from behind to apply his version of the Tazmission but as Dangerously feels Bobby trying to hook him he ducks and slides back�?Grabs Bobby the arm and leg, hoists him to the air, leaps and spins�? Busch, "DEUS EX MACHINA! DEUS EX MACHINA! BAH GAWD IT’S OVER!" The crowd erupts as Dangerously hooks the near leg and rolls back as Tim White drops down ……………………�?……………………�?………………………�?! Busch, "NIC DANGEROUSLY! NIC DANGEROUSLY! NIC DANGEROUSLY IS ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!!" But wait�?Back in the ring Tim White’s waving about and pointing down at Bobby’s far leg which is under the bottom rope. Marshal, "NO HE DIDN’T! IT’S A ROPE BREAK! BOBBY’S STILL ALIVE IN THIS!!" NED crawls to his feet with a huge look of accomplishment on his face as he looks to Tim White and does the Championship motion around his waist, obviously asking White where his belt is. Tim White begins shaking his head and points down at Bobby’s leg as the realization of what he’s saying starts setting in to Ned�?/FONT> Nic’s eyes grow small, rage coming on his faceas he violently shoves Tim White. Nic, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN I DIDN’T WIN?!" Busch, "Calm down Nic�?The last thing you need to do is get disqualified this close." Nic Dangerously’s right in Tim White’s face when suddenly Bobby Johnson hooks the rear waist lock and pops back with a German Suplex release. The crowd erupts with boos as Bobby gets up and takes down his straps, letting out a loud "AHHHHHHHHHHH" Busch, "BOBBY’S READY TO END IT!" Bobby goes to the outside and begins climbing the turnbuckles with authority. Busch, "He’s gonna try and do it with the Crescent City Connection again�? Bobby gets up there and extends his arms when suddenly NED Kips up ala Shawn Michaels, runs up the ropes, grabs the arm and flies back making the crowd erupt. Busch< "DEUS EX MACHINA! DEUS EX MACHINA! HE JUST DELIVERD A SECOND DEUS EX MACHINA AND IT WAS OFF THE TOP ROPE! GOOD GAWD ALL MIGHTY!" The crowd is on their feet going nuts Crowd: N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D�?/EM> Busch, "BOTH MEN ARE DOWN ON THE CANVAS�? Yes the are�?But NED�?NED’s slowly rolling to his knees�?He crawls over�?He barely hooks the far leg as he’s clearly grown exhausted himself as Tim White drops down and counts …………………………�?………………………�?………………………�?! This time the bell sounds as "King Nothing" Blasts over the PA and the crowd erupts. Dart, "Your Winner and the NEW ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORRRRRRLDD�?NIC_E_DAAAAAAANGEROUUUUUUUSLYYYY!!!!" Busch, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?On this 13th day of August in the year 2006, Nicolas E. Dangerously has won the International Championship Wrestling Alliance Heavyweight Championship Of The WORLD! Nic Dangerously, after TEN DAMN YEARS�?Has FINALLY Culminated all of that hard work, dedication, and effort and has obtained his very first, Mainstream Heavyweight Championship�?He has FINALLY reached the Pinnacle of this Business." As "King Nothing" bellows over the PA Confetti begins to fall from the sky as Red Pyros begin exploding from the stage. The crowd is going nuts as suddenly from behind the curtain a fleet of performers pour out�?Christian Michaels leads a troop consisting of Damien Destruction, Amber Michaels, Ace Hart, Damien Collins, Jimmy Stryker, Russ Johnson, and Jaymie Leigh. They all enter the ring as The confetti is streaming�?CM has a bottle of Champaign in hand�?/P> Busch, "Folks, it simply doesn’t get any bigger or better than this�?Not only for Nic Dangerously, the self proclaimed and now PROVEN Paradigm of this business, but for the ICWA�?One Year�?STRONG> ONE YEAR we have waited for a Heavyweight Champion�?For someone who can carry the name of this great company to the promised land�?And on this day, that great champion’s name is Nic Dangerously." Nic almost looks like he has tears in his eyes�?Of course CM’s a bit of a jackass from time to time so he probably nailed him in the eye with the cork of that Champaign bottle while we weren’t looking. Never the less�?The crowd is going wild�?When suddenly, hobbling from the back we see�?/P> Busch, "WallStreet was taken out earlier by Kutter Flash�?Apparently Kutter Flash walked away from the rubble but was escorted out by several armed officers�?WallStreet was taken back on a stretcher but he’s making his way down the ramp now and with the history of Dangerously and WallStreet there’s no telling where this might lead." WallStreet slides into the ring and gets face to face with Dangerously as "King Nothing finally fades and a microphone is passed to Street from a crew member. WallStreet, "Nic Dangerously�?The Decade of Danger�?The Paradigm�?Seven Times the W2K Champion�?Some say a Self Denying Legend�?Nic, all bullshit aside�?All the nicey-nice crap aside�?I’m gonna shoot straight with ya Dangerously. That little strap you’ve got on your shoulder�?That’s the symbol of my Blood�?My Sweat�?MY FU**ING LIFE! Nic E. Dangerously�?You don’t just hold three grand worth of Leather and Gold�?You hold the Four year Legacy of this company�?The company that *I* BUILT From the Ground UP. The Company I Sacraficed for, I worked for, I ALMOST DIED FOR! �?Nic Dangerously, on your shoulder you hold something that stands for something right in this God forsaken Business�?You hold something that represents Every great performer who’s come and gone, who’s sacrificed, who’s blood has stained (points down) this mat, who’s tear soaked faces have been slammed and pounced around�?So Let me tell you something Nic E. Dangerously�?If Anybody in this business is gonna carry that belt around……�?All the shit aside�?I’m damn glad it’s you. I’m stealing your spot light right now so I’m gonna bow out�?But I felt the need to come down here and personally hand you the ICWA Torch�?Personal feelings aside, I respect the Hell out of you Nic, and I’m happy for you." With that WallStreet, who’s been staring Nic dead in his eyes the entire time, extends his hand as the crowd is still going wild. Busch, "YES! This is what it’s all about!" Nic has been pretty emotionless infront of Street�?He glances to his hand, then back to his face�?Then�?He grabs Street’s hand and gives it a firm shake making the walls quiver in Madison Square Garden as the capacity crowd erupts louder than Time Square on New Years Eve. Busch, "I Never thought I’d say this, but, what A Class act is Nic E. Dangerously." With that "King Nothing" Begins blasting from the PA again as WallStreet turns around and raises NED’s arm high in the air, pointing to the new symbol of International Championship Wrestling Alliance. Damien Destruction hoists NED Up on his shoulders as all the wrestlers in the ring are applauding and pointing towarad NED�?/P> Busch, "Well folks, it’s drawn to that time. Thanks for inviting us into your home and we urge you to catch a very special Saturday edition of ICWA Demented on FX This Saturday�?For Jay Marshal, I’m Bert Busch saying GOOD GAWD What a Show!" With that we hear the headphones hit the desk and see both Bert Busch and Jay Marshal heading into the ring as the cameras fade on Nic Dangerously being hoisted high into the air with the ICWA Championship over his shoulder and "King Nothing" bellowing over the PA. | |
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ICWA Resurrection Credits ICWA Resurrection Banner Created By Jan AKA Nikki Black Match 1 W2K Championesship Weapons Match Image Johnson V.S. Summer Stratus Written By: Rob AKA Bobby Johnson Match 2 Bar Room Brawl James V.S. Shane Borden Written By: Taylor AKA ICWA Managemnt Match 3 GWC No Remorse Match SFM V.S. MJ Storm Written by: Casey AKA SFM Match 4 nWWF-CWA Unified Championship Match ICWA Street Fight Joey De' Angelo V.S. Matt Matlock Written By: Rob AKA Bobby Johnson Match 5 ICWA United States Championship Match Buried Alive Match Jimmy Stryker V.S. Da Sweet Lunatic Written By: Jimmy Stryker (Finish by Taylor) Match 6 ICWA Hardcore Championship TLC Match Nikki Black V.S. Matt Hardy Written By: Matt Matlock Main Event ICWA World Heavyweight Championship Best Of Five Falls Triple Threat Bobby Johnson V.S. Christian Skywalker V.S. Nic E. Dangerously Written By: Taylor AKA ICWA Management Judges For This Event Include (Please not that NOBODY Voted on their own match) Nic AKA NED Johnathan AKA ICWA's Matt Hardy Rob AKA Bobby Johnson Rufus AKA PWT Legend Legacy Big John AKA Former PWT Champion Georgia James Carly AKA ICWA Hall Of Famer Hope Cassidy Casey AKA Sean Frost Mann Special thanks to Rob for stepping up and writing an extra match this week. Special thanks to Matt Matlock for stepping up in an attempt to take over and get results up in my absence. That shows true character and dedication to this fed and I Thank you for that. Also, extra props for getting a hold of Hardy and Black and doing your part to try and make sure your match got written... Too many people need someone to hold their hand, thank you for not being one of them. Special thanks also everyone who was prepared to aid Matlock with taking care of this fed had I not been able to return. Again, that shows great character and I thank you. EXTRA Special thanks to all of the Role Players who have paitently waited through this series of extenuating circumstances that pushed this show back a week later than it should have been. Finally, Thanks to Nic Dangerously for creating the graphic that we close the credits page with and that I shall leave you with now. 
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