 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 3/3/2007 11:09 AM |
ICWA Demented Live February 28th, 2006 | What a huge return the ICWA Had last week. The return episode drew a huge 4.2 in hour one and a remarkable 5.4 in hour two, Demented’s highest rating in the history of the broadcast. Now with all the hype behind the marketing machine that is the ICWA, We come back yet again to FX and folks, get ready because this week is going to be off�?Thee�?Chain. The time is 8:59 pm eastern standard time. The syndication of "That 70s Show" has just concluded on the FX network and now, for only a brief moment, There’s simple blackness�?/P>  | Last Week On Demented | With that we hear a deep instrumental as we can hear Bert Busch say, "GOOD GAWD IT FEELS GREAT TOO BE BACK! WELCOME! WELCOME TO EYE_SEE_DUBBYA_EH DEMENTED!!!!" We Hear "Burning Bright" in the background (although the ICWA Instrumental is still there as well) as we come in on Drew Stevenson standing in the ring with a microphone. Drew, "So I looked through the ICWA and I realized there’s a division that needs to have a strong champion. A Division that you fans want to see succeed, but can’t get behind because it’s so poorly contested. And that Division is the ICWA TAG TEAM Division." Drew, "So what that means�? We can hear a booing crowd as we switch images over too MJ Storm. MJ Storm, "What that "Means", Drew Stevenson, is that you need to really reconsider your decision. Because I don’t know if you noticed or not, but the ICWA Tag Division is already spoken for by Remorseless Storm, Sean Frost-Mann and Myself!" Drew Stevenson, "Maybe you don’t understand what I’m saying�?I am officially applying the contract awarded to ME from when I beat YOUR ass�?As of right now, I am officially declaring myself number 1 contender for the ICWA Tag Team Titles, Period!" Storm, "HOLD ON A DAMN MINUTE! How the Hell are you laying claim to the tag team titles! Do you even have a partner?!" Drew, " Don’t you worry about who my tag team partner is MJ�?You and the rest of the world will find out soon enough!" ___________________________________________________________ With that we fade to the backstage scene and see the image of MJ Storm face to face with Bobby Johnson�?/P> MJ Storm, " Hey Jackass! Why don’t you watch where the Hell you’re going!" Bobby, " Do�?I Know you?" The crowd pops as MJ Sucks his teeth and says, " Oh yeah, real cute! Yeah, you know me Bobby�? Bobby, " Huh�?Sucks to be me then. (Crowd pops)�?And uh, next time you proceed to bump into me, waste my Gatorade, and proceed to throw out a sophomoric insult, it’s gonna really suck for you playa." MJ, " Oh yeah?" Bobby laughs only slightly as he says, "Yeah." MJ, " Well oh grand US Champ! I guess we’ll see exactly what sucks for who when you’re suckin�?the bottom of SFM’s Boot (claps hands) SMACK From a Let’s Roll and proceed to hear the referee count One (extends index finger), Two (extends middle finger), Three (extends ring finger)." _______________________________________________  Dart, "The following contest is for the ICWA UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP!" We fade to an image of MJ and SFM in the lockeroom�?/P> MJ jumps up, " Where the Hell have you been all night?!" SFM, " Well See�?Even at 43 Years of Age the Mexican Messiah’s still a chick magnet. So I�? MJ, " So let me see if I’ve got this right�?I’ve been here trying to protect our shot at the tag team titles and having to fend off jackasses like Drew Stevenson and Bobby Johnson, while you’ve been out feeding some dumb _____ your meat for her lunch?!" SFM contemplates, then nods as he says, " Sounds about right." MJ, " YA KNOW WHAT�? The Million Dollar Man suddenly pops in between the two of them and says, " HEEEY�?Calm Down�?" We now cut back to the ring where we see Bobby and SFM staring each other down We see various images of Bobby and SFM in different holds and locks. Busch, " I’m impressed�?I can’t believe we got a clean break out of SFM." Image, "Well he let everyone know that Bobby’s one of three guys SFM has any respect for, so I guess he’s letting that reflect here as he just wrestles Bobby straight up." Marshal, "It’s stupid if ya ask me!" We go to an image of Bobby Johnson applying a spinning toe hold to SFM as SFM has a wide eyed expression of pain and shock. Busch, " SFM has a storied history with his knees, especially his right knee. He had to have that knee surgically repaired back in 2003 and has had a history of knee problems long before that. SFM’s really been fully charged all match, which means that knee’s gotta be feeling the running and rushing and now with that spinning toe hold applied, no doubt the tork on the knee’s gonna get to SFM quick, fast and in a hurry!" Image, "My baby does his homework!" Marshal, "Oh real nice! SFM wrestles a clean match and this is how he’s repaid?!" Busch, "What? It’s a very intelligent strategy. It’s classic wrestling at it’s best." Marshal, "It’s crap!" We go into Bobby holding SFM in a rear waist lock as SFM holds the official, detracting his attention. We then see the mule kick to the testicular region of Johnson and we hear a "Boo" from the crowd. Busch, " Aww! There’s the REAL SFM! What a low down�? Marshal, "Heh-hmm�?It’s a very sound strategy�?Classic Wrestling at it’s best�? Busch, "IT’S CHEAP!" We then switch off to SFM On the floor, waving Bobby off as Bobby stands in the ring, egging Frost-Mann on to get back in the ring. We then watch SFM turn around as we see MJ come out of no where, looking for a big spear. Bobby instantly frog splashes and MJ goes soaring through the ropes and lands hard on the outside floor. We then see Ted Dibiase running toward Bobby with a steel chair, only to get said chair kicked back into his face ala the Killa Kick. Finally, however, we see SFM successfully drop Bobby with a hard steel chair shot. ………………………�? Busch, " No Damn It! Not this way!" ……………………………�? Image, " KICK OUT BABY!" …………………………………�? BUT WAIT! Just as the official’s hand grazed the canvas Bobby popped a shoulder up. Busch, " HE GOT HIM! DAMN IT!" Marshal, "GAH HA! THIS IS THE GREATEST DAY IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES TITLE!" Image, "Cram it Schavonie!" SFM is up, leaning on the ropes as the crowd is booing�?But Cain’s doing the "safe" sign, which in our sport suggest that the pinfall didn’t occur. SFM is calling out for the championship but Vice Senior referee Shawn Cain comes over, attempting to explain that a pinfall DIDN’T occur. The crowd erupts as SFM seems infuriated. Busch, " WAIT! HE�?I�?I GUESS HE DIDN’T GET HIM!" Marshal, "WHAT?!" Image, "YES!" Busch, " JOHNSON’S UP! HE’S ON HIS FEET!" SFM turns around�?B> WHACK! Busch, " KILLA KICK! KILLA KICK! BOBBY JOHNSON JUST CONNECTED WITH THE KILLA KICK!" Cain, Busch, Image & Crowd: ……………………………ONE…………………………TWO……………………………THREE! Cain hops up and calls for the bell as "G.O.A.T" By LL Cool J blasts over the PA. Busch, " YES! BOBBY JOHNSON! BOBBY JOHNSON! BOBBY JOHNSON HAS RETAINED!" We hear the crowd go wild, but then the reaction changes to a deep boo as we watch Bobby get speared damn near out of his boots by MJ Storm. We then proceed to watch the vicious attack on Bobby by Remorseless Storm, right up until SFM is holding a steal chair as Ted and MJ are holding a lifeless Bobby Johnson�?/P> Busch, " Come on!" "Ammmmericannn�?Drreeeaammm" The crowd erupts as Dusty Rhodes�?theme blasts over the PA. Busch," YES! WE ALL KNOW WHO THAT IS!" We then see Drew Stevenson and Dusty Rhodes slide into the ring as Remorseless Storm slides out. We see Drew check on Bobby as Dusty stands at the ropes, staring down the retreating Remorseless Storm. Busch, " LOOK AT EM! Look at em runnin away like scolded dogs!" Marshal, "They’re not runnin! Why stay?! They made their point!" Image, "What? That they’re cowards?" Marshal, "That Remorseless Storm Equals Greater Than You." __________________________________________________________________ We flip over to MJ Storm in the ring with Dusty Rhodes. We see MJ sinking hard right hands into the cranium of the American Dream. But then we see Dusty drop MJ on his ass with a hard right hand. We hear the crowd’s pop as we see MJ roll out of the ring. We switch to MJ have way up the ramp, still looking at the ring as Dusty looks on with a mic in hand. Dusty, " What’s da matta MJ, Ain’t there no SPINE in dat there back of yaws?!" MJ starts to walk back down the ramp now saying " You want Spine? I’ll show ya spine!" We then see someone in a black coat come up from behind Dusty and get him hard with a low blow. Dusty drops down and we see the attacker stand up right as the crowd erupts with boos. Busch, " That’s�?That’s DUSTIN RHODES! DUSTY’S SON! BUT WHY?!" Dusty is down on the mat and the crowd is booing loudly as we hear the bell ring, signifying the disqualification. Marshal, " I’ll tell ya why Bert! Because Everybody’s got a price! And tonight Dusty had to pay!" We fade on the image of MJ Storm, Dustin Rhodes, and Ted Dibiase ______________________________________________________ The previous instrumental concludes as a more championshipish beat picks up in this new Instrumental. We see footage of Matlock and Van Dam in a lockeroom conversing. Matlock, " Hey man." DVD Stands up and flicks off the TV as he says, " Hey. Where ya been?" Matlock, " My Girlfriend’s here. I was spending sometime with her before the show." DVD feigns shock as he says, " Why Mr. Matlock! Is it possible that my schovanistic pig of a partner’s maintaining a steady relationship?" Matlock, " Shhhh! If anybody found out I’d be ruined!" Both DVD and Matlock look at the camera with a very straight face before looking back at each other. DVD, " I’ve never seen Street as on fire as he’s been this week. That’s gonna be a tough World title match when the time comes." Matlock laughs, " Well he promised he’d wait till after Resurrection, so you should be in the clear." DVD chuckles, " Aww�?That’s cute. You really think your gonna win our match." David walks out of his lockeroom as Matlock stands there, looking annoyed. Busch, " Looks like some tension might be starting to brew between Pure Perfection�? ___________________________________________________________ The crowd pops again as Davidson says, " Christian, Let me ask ya, here tonight you’re in the ICWA Main Event against the Worlds Heavyweight Champion DavidVanDam (Crowd erupts) and the Number one contender, Matt Matlock (crowd goes loud albeit a mixed reaction). Beside you for this epic contest, your long time rival suddenly turned tag partner, Our fearless leader himself, The WallStreet Brawler Taylor McCallister (crowd erupts). What’s running through your mind at this time?" Skywalker, " Well ya know Greggy Brother�?Taylor McCallister’s a real psychologist. As physically threatening as he is, he’s even more mentally threatening because ya never know what’s going on inside of that head of his. One minute he’s a typical corporate big wig, the next he’s an egomaniacal psychopath Hell bent on destruction. So the sad truth of the matter is, I’m just as concerned, if not MORE concerned about my tag team partner’s motives and thoughts in this match then I am my opponents." Davidson, " That’s not good, and certainly not against a team the caliber of "Pure Perfection." The crowd pops at the mention of Pure Perfection as Christian takes a second to turn his head to the fans one way, then the other. NLCS, " You’re right about that Gregster�?There’s no question that Pure Perfection’s one of the greatest teams that ever held the tag rope, Perhaps THEE greatest team in ICWA history if I dare to say so. But just because I have it in the back of my mind that my partner may be the biggest predator in the match and I very well may be his prey, does not mean that I don’t have plenty of room at the front of my mind to focus on Pure Perfection.." Suddenly we go back and hear what Skywalker just said in slow motion�?/P> Skywalker, " just because I have it in the back of my mind that my partner may be the biggest predator in the match and I very well may be his prey�?/FONT>." ______________________________________________________ WallStreet just inhales through his nose. DVD sucks his teeth. WallStreet nods. DVD nods. The two continue on about their respective ways as the cameras come back to the ring. Busch, " Ho-boy! Not a word exchanged but what an intense conversation! WallStreet and DVD just sized each other up, acknowledged a level of respect, and said "I’ll see ya in the ring" and they never uttered so much as a word! The main event is going to be off the charts!" Image, "No question!" __________________________________________________ We proceed to see various scenes from the main event. We see the dramatic duel tag that brings in WallStreet and DVD and makes the crowd spike. But our last clip is as follows�?/P> Wallstreet leaps off the top rope all of a sudden and floats through the air with the grace of a swan before raising his large, muscular arm up and bends it, driving his elbow straight into Matlock's chest. Wallstreet grabs at his elbow and rolls in agony before rolling over to make the cover. ONE TWO THRE . Busch: "MATLOCK KICKS OUT! MATLOCK KICKS OUT! MATLOCK KICKS OUT! MY GOD! MATLOCK KICKS OUT OF THE FLYING ELBOW DROP!" [Wallstreet rolls off of Matlock and begins to crawl towards No Limits. Matlock kicked out, but he can't move from the lack of oxygen in his lungs. McCallister reaches his hand out and makes the tag to Skywalker. Skywalker leaps over the top rope and lands on the mat. Skywalker begs Matlock to get up. Matlock gets up and gets kicked right in the gut before lifted onto Skywalker's shoulders. Skywalker is going for the F-5 as Matlock slides off of Skywalker's shoulders and rolls him up, grabbing a handful of tights. ONE [Wallstreet is laying on the mat, his eyes facing away from the pin. TWO [Wallstreet turns his head to face the pin and tries to get up, diving for the roll up. THREE [The pin is counted, and Wallstreet gets there half a second too late. Matlock rolls away as the bell sounds. Dart, "And your winners PURRRREEEEE....PERRRRFFFFFEEEECCCCTTTIIIIOOOONNNNN!!!!!" [Matlock and Van Dam raise their arms in glory. Busch, " Pure Perfection has done it! They’ve picked up the win over Christian Skywalker and WallStreet! But Bah Gawd what a match! All four of these impressive athletes should be proud of themselves!" We can hear the crowd going wild as we then see the intense face off between Pure Perfection and team Skywalker-McCallister. We see Perfection extend their hands and then we see the adversaries accept the hand shake drawing another pop. Busch, " What a great display of sportsmanship!" "Don’t Say Nothin" by The Roots blasts over the PA as WallStreet raises DVD’s arm and NLCS raises Matlock’s. Busch, " Well folks, I think that’s all we’ve got�?I’m Bert Busch along sid�? Suddenly Christian drops Matlock’s arm and kicks WallStreet in the small of the back, making him fall a little backwards as the crowd erupts with boos. Christian hooks WallStreet’s head like you would for a reverse DDT, and then quickly spins and drops the forearm across the chest of WallStreet nailing his version of the "Eye of the Hurricane" as the crowd boos. Busch, " WHAT THE HELL?! CHRISTIAN SKYWALKER JUST HIT THE RED SCARE ON WALLSTREET!" Christian Rolls out of the ring quickly as Matlock cocks his head to the side, watching Skywalker leave with a perplexed look and David drops to a knee to check on WallStreet while also glancing out to the floor with a look of misunderstanding. Busch, " WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Marshal, "STUPID! THAT’S WHAT IT WAS! STUPID! HE’S A DEAD MAN!" Christian looks nervous, almost a little scared as we see him on the floor, looking around almost like he’s not sure what he’s done. Busch, " Well they had a great match�?But I�?I don’t know! Maybe it’s the Frustration of the big loss? I don’t know but I reckon we’ll find out next week! I’m Bert Busch alongside Image Johnson and Destructive Jay Marshal�?Bah GAWD What a Night!" | ………�?/P> With that we go into the Opening Video for ICWA Demented as "Straight Out Of Line" by Godsmack blasts over the PA. As the video concludes we draw back and watch as the trademark green pyro begins to explode from the stage�?The cameras then begin to sweep the arena as "Straight Out Of Line" continues in the background and the crowd goes wild. Busch, "Welcome to another episode of Eye See Dubbya Eh DEMENTED! Coming to ya live from the HSBC Arena in Buffalo New York and what a show we have lined up tonight! I’m Bert Busch alongside of the former women’s champion Image Johnson and the former CWA Heavyweight Champion "Destructive" Jay Marshal and folks, we have got a cram packed two hour set of incredible action on the way!" Marshal, "No doubt Busch, No Doubt. The first Demented was a huge success, but it left a lot of fall out and created a lot of tension between a lot of people. We’re going to see the result of all of that here tonight." The lights dim out with and then "Dangerous" by Pillar begins to echo throughout the arena. Busch, "And it doesn’t look like we’re going to be wasting anytime�? | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 28th, 2006 | Busch, " Looks like we are about to start the first match of the night when Dark Child looks to avenge his loss last week to DSL while Ryan Ross looks to try and impress the ICWA management and allow him to be booked back on Demented next week" Image, " Yeah these two have NO history against each other unlike myself.. I hold one victory over DC!" Marshal, " What did you do to get that, threaten to have him get beaten up by your husband?" Image, ".No but that can be arranged in our situation?" Marshal, ".Well Im not afraid of him, I'll take him on right now.. come on where is he?" Busch, ". GUYS! We have a match thats about to start would you please stop and act professional?" " Making his way to the ring from Philadelphia Pennsylvannia weighing in at 220 Pounds... RYAN 'The RUSH' ROSS!! Ryan Ross steps out from behind the curtain, and makes his way down the ramp. the fans boo and hiss with anger over this arrogant heel. He walks up the ringsteps, and then enters the ring.... . Busch, " Ryan Ross one man who thinks Management is holding him down but tonight he has a chance to prove that theory" Marshal, " and I think he will prove that point and be on the next show. " Image, " Yeah thats if he can beat DC?" Marshal, " OH he will !" After Ryan Ross is in the ring he begins to wait for Dark Child to make his enterance. Then the lights begin to flicker in the arena. The crowd gets REALLY loud and cheers because they think that ICWA is having electricity problems but they ALL know now who is coming out. All the lights shut off, and half the crowd that smokes pulls out a lighter and lights it up. Then a loud Siren comes across the PA System.. followed by " Relax and Take Notes While I take tokes, off the marijunna smoke Relax and Take Notes GUN SMOKE, GUN SMOKE I just want the Paper, I just want the Paper! I just just want I.. I just want the the PAPER RELAX AND TAKE NOTES!!" A loud BANG can be heard echoing through the arena as all the fans jump to their feet and then the theme music continues as all the fans continue to cheer right up until Dark Child walks out on the ramp. Their tone changes from cheers to a low roar of booing. Dark Child begins to walk down the ramp flipping the entire crowd off. Not caring about what they think or what they do. As you look around there are some signs that are cheering for Dark Child and some that are negative towards Dark Child. He happens to walk by a person with a negative sign towards him, he then takes it away and rips it up right infront of them. He grins from ear to ear, he then walks to the apron and jump on it. He runs around and SPITS water everywhere something like Triple H usually did but didnt take as long to do so. He grins some more and then gets into the ring. He walk over to a rope and jumps onto the ropes. " Making his way to the ring from New York City, New York! Weighing in at 220 pounds.. DARK CHILLLLLLLLLLLLD!" As Dark Child jumps on the ropes he flips off the entire crowd once again. He then jumps off the ropes and then goes to a corner and takes his chains and shirt off. He then goes and turns around, he waits patiently for the bell to sound. Image, " Dark Child looks confident and the crowds not really booing they have a mixed reaction!" Marshal, "Well I think this guy!" Image, "Shut up nobody wants to hear what you think?" Busch, " HAHA.. she got you good partner.. just like the rock?" The bell sounds and Dark Child and Ryan Ross get into the center on the ring and stare at each other. Both on a mission for a win, they get nose to nose eye to eye talking crap into each others face. Its an intense moment. right up until they look away from each other and they both have the same idea punching each other in the fact fast.. both connecting with right jabs. Ryan Ross gets the upper hand and then keeps punching him to the ropes. HE grabs Dark Child and then whips him to the other side he jabs at Dark Child as he comes running back, but Dark Child ducks and hits the other ropes, he then rushes back and gets hit with a dropkick from Ryan Ross. Dark Child lands hard on the mat. He holds his chest in pain. Ryan Ross then taunts raising his hands, the crowd boos him. He then jumps on Dark Child and begins to punch him in the face, the ref begins to count1...2...3....4 break it up. So Ryan breaks it up and then lifts DC up to a knee. He then runs to one side of the ring then runs back kneeing DC right in the face. He falls backwards, holding his chin in pain. Ross goes back onto the attack and then lifts DC up. he then gives him a hard suplex. DC hits the mat and holds his lowerback. Ryan Lifts him holding on and suplexes again HARD.. he then lifts him yet again and suplexes him completeing the trifecta. Busch, " Ryan Ross seems to be in complete control of this match?" The crowd suddenly starts to boo as we flip to the ramp and see MJ Storm and Ted Dibiase standing on the stage. Busch, "Aww, What the Hell do they want?" Marshal, "They probably just want to watch the match." Busch, "Not likely." Ryan Ross then stands up and lifts DC to his feet. He gives him a few jabs and then DC falls into the corner. Ross climbs up and gives DC a 10 punches on the top rope. As Ross is about to get off DC shoves him off the ropes. Ross goes crashing to the mat and DC falls to a knee. Ross catches himself and runs to attack DC.. looking as if hes gonna try and shoulder thrust right into the corner. As he runs DC catches him on the corner up his eye and lifts himself high enough for Ross to go under.. he Ross catches the ring post running his shoulder into it. DC then wraps his legs around Ross and then tries to go for the three count as the ref goes down for the count.. 1...2.. and a kick out by Ross. Dark Child is getting upset as he in his mind makes a slow count. He tells the ref to make a faster count.. Dark Child stands to his feet and takes a few jabs at Ross himself.. backs him into the corner and begins to choke Ross. The ref counts..1....2.....3......4. get off. So DC lets go for a second then applies the choke again.. the ref counts again 1.....2.....3.....4 GET OFF! DC backs up and the ref begins to warn DC that he will not give him another warning.. DC shoves him aside and runs to the corner and clothslines Ross. HE falls to the bottom turnbuckle. DC stomps a mudhole in his and the ref begins to count.. as he stomps.. 1....2.....3....4 DC.. Dark Child turns to the ref and flips him off and stomps one more time for good measure. he backs up and then ross slowly makes it to his feet. DC goes to jab Ross but its blocked. Ross hits him with a jab of his own.. DC gets a hit a few times then pokes Ross in the eye.. Ross holds his eye and then DC rolls him up for 1.....2... KICK OUT.. DC gets pissed and slams his fist into the mat and begins to yell at the ref.. for what he thinks is another slow count.. Image, " DC is not really happy about the refs counting." Busch, " Would you say thats a slow counts?" Image, " I wouldnt say it was a slow count.." By now Ted and MJ have reached the floor at the bottom of the ramp and are watching the contest, chatting quietly back and forth at various parts. Dark Child then picks up Ross and slams him into the corner. HE then grabs the ropes and shoulder trusts him in the gut. The ref pulls DC off him, just as DC shoves the referee, the ref shoves him back, then the crowd really gets into it. The ref and DC are about to get into it.. DC looks as if hes about to punch the ref and then Ross gets in between it. He then jabs DC right in the chin. Ross gets the upperhand and begins to battle DC> he then smacks him so hard DC turns around.. he turns back and Ross comes back with the running enziguri.. he connects DC falls to the mat holding the back of his his head. Ross goes for the pin 1....2.. Kick out by DC. Ross gets mad this time.. he then picks up DC.. he grabs dc and drop kicks him into the mat.. He climbs to the turnbuckle and then jumps off trying to hit the Adrenaline.. but DC moves out of the way and he crashes and burns smoking the ground. Both competitors laying on the mat and the ref counts...1.....2.....3.....4.....5......6....7.. both make it to their feet just barely.. Image, " DC and Ross make it to their feet.." DC swings wildy and Ross ducks.. he swings so hard thast DC literally spins out of control.. Ross see the opertunity while DC is dizzy and he rolls him up just as the ref goes down to count Dark Child reverses the pin to one of his own.. he rolls him up pulling the tights and the ref does even see it.. he begins to pin him...1.....2... 3 The bell sounds as KEvin Dart comes on to the microphone and announces the winner of the match. Dart, "YOUR WINNER... DARK CHILD!" Dark Child rolls out of the ring quickly with a grin on his face. He turns and sees MJ and Ted. They both walk toward DC, But pay him no mind and ultimatly go right past him. Dark Child shrugs and heads off as the Rush is in the ring, slapping the mat, clearly pissed off and frustrated. MJ Storm MJ storm and Ted Dibiase both enter the ring. Ted Dibiase with a microphone in hand. Dark Child's music draws to an end as Ted says, "Ryan... You're a crossroads in your career right now son." Ross pulls himself up to his feet and raises an eyebrow. Ted, "What just happened... What just took place in this ring... It should have never occured. You should have never been put in a position to wrestle a guy as low on the ladder as Dark Child, and you certainly shouldn't have lost. It was a fluke. The man cheated ya. Now if you had the right support system... The right collection of ICWA Ultra stars to support you... The right career management... Things like this wouldn't happen. And they certainly wouldn't happen like this. Ryan Ross... What I'm trying to say son, is, You need that support system. You need... The Million Dollar Corporation." MJ Storm, "You mean Money Inc?" Ted, "Money Inc was a tag team MJ. So what do ya say Ryan. Join us and respark your career, or don't, and stay on the bottom of the card gettin' cheated by guys like Dark Child. What's *Your* Price Ryan?" Ross reaches out and requests Ted's mic. The Million Dollar man happily hands it over. Busch, "Ryan Ross doesn't need a bunch of money hungry lackies, he needs to get this chip of his off his shoulder and remember what brought him to the dance." Ryan Ross, "Ted... I don't take orders, and I don't follow leadership. I'm my own man." Ted reaches between the ropes and is handed another microphone. Million Dollar Man, "Whoa Ryan... I'm not saying anything about takin' orders. I'm talking about fighting along side men with common goals and common sites." Ryan, "Look Dibiase... I respect you and what you've done in this business. I respect MJ Storm for his in ring abilities and the fact that he woke up and realized playing to these (motions toward the crowd) people doesn't get ya anywhere. (Crowd boos)... But the stable scene really isn't my thing." Ted Dibiase, "Well I tell ya what Ryan... Let's not make any hastey decisions. I'll give you one week to the day. Next week in Albany, right here on Demented, You let me know. That gives you a whole week to think it over, and really consider the pros and cons of this thing... And Ryan, there are NO cons to joining the Million Dollar Corporation. Everybody has a Price Ryan Ross, You've got a whole week to name yours. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Money Money Money, Moneeeeyyy Everybody's Gotta Price... Everybody's Gonna Pay Cause The Million Dollar Man... ALWAYS Gets his way HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Some Might coast a little, Some might coast a lot But I'm the Million Dollar Man, and you WILL BE bought HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" With that we fade to the back where we see Drew Stevenson and Dusty Rhodes standing in front of a monitor, both shaking their heads. Drew, "MJ Trying to get new recruits huh? Well I got news for Storm, he can call in the whole Al Quida for all I care, we’ll chop em down to size just like our brave solders are over seas." The crowd erupts. Dusty, "I know that’s right! The American Troops are kickin ass and takin names Daddy�?They’re getting real funky daddy, and tonight we fixin to get real funky on some MJ Stawm and some S-F-Emmah�?And then�?My Son�? Dusty lowers his head as Drew says, "I’m sorry that happened Dusty." Dusty raises his head with fire in his eyes, "Don’t be Sowwy for Dusty Rhodes! Be Sowwy for the son! Because the American Dream’s got something real special for his boy. It’s gonna be funky, ya understand? Dustin made a choice, ya understand? He chose to bite the all important hand that fed him�?He chose to bite the hand of Dusty Rhodes. Now he suffah’s the reprucussions of the sins against da fatha�?Tonight daddy, I will have no mercy, I will have no fo-giveness in mah hea-t daddy�?I love my son�?I LOVE My son�?But it says that you must diciplin your son with a firm hand, and trust me Drew Stevenson�?Tonight I WILL Discipline my son with a firm hand. And if Ted Dibiase wants to get him some, then that’s all right by Dusty Rhodes! I’ve faught Dibiase many-a-times before Daddy�?I’ve gone all ova�?the world battling the million dolla�?man Daddy�?This ain’t nothin�?new to Dusty Rhodes, ya understand? Dusty Rhodes has no problem�?Has no PROBLEM�?Getting reeeeal funky with Teddy Dibiase, Money Inc, The Million Dolla Corporation, WHATEVA AND WHOEVA wants ta bring it�?Just Bring It Daddy!" Drew puts his hand on Dusty’s shoulder and nods, clearly motivated by the fire in his mentor�?/FONT> Busch, "MJ Storm and Ted Dibiase trying to recruit Ryan Ross to their team and it looks like for good reason�?He better recruit a whole lot more than Ryan Ross because the American Dream and Drew Stevenson are hyped and ready to go tonight! And ya know our US Champ’s going to be ready to go after that vile attack from Remorseless storm last week." Image, "I Know that’s right!" Busch, "Well folks when we return Jay Styles goes one on one with Hope Cassidy�?Don’t change that dial!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 28th, 2006 | The Following Video Footage was provided courtesy of Fans Wrestling Alliance. Check out FWA Conflict on Sunday Nights at 10pm Eastern Standard Time. Earlier This Week | We open up in the vehicle of Hope Cassidy. She’s traveling and with her is a very attractive blonde who long term ICWA Fans would recall as former ICWA Women’s champion Destiny Cassidy, and a young boy who some ICWA Fans may remember from his brief spots on ICWA Television in 2003, Connor, son of Hope Cassidy. We find them turning into a driveway when Hope’s face turns to panic. "Oh God no�?NOOO!!!" Hope slammed on the brakes as tears streamed down her cheeks. Destiny sat next to her completely gob smacked and Connor pushed himself between the two from the back seat with a look of sheer awe in his eyes. In front of them was disaster�?pure disaster. Hope’s house, the home she had spent so much time and money on renovating�?was burnt to the ground. ___________________________________________ The proceeding was courtesy of Fans Wrestling Alliance�?"A Touch of the Paste�?A Taste of the Future." 
| The cameras come back on the Busch, Johnson, and Marshal at ringside. Busch, "Folks, that was of course the home of ICWA Hall of Famer Hope Cassidy. Needless to say her mind state has been shaken to say the very least by this catastrophe, but she’s still here tonight and she’s getting ready to compete in this up coming contest verses Jay Styles. On behalf of the ICWA, we’d all like to extend our most sincere and heart felt condolences to Hope Cassidy and the Cassidy family in these trying times." Image, "Absolutely. Hope Cassidy is a very special part of the ICWA Family and it’s trying to see a fellow family member suffer such a calamity. Our prayers are with you and your family, but we know how strong ya are Hope�?We know you’ll get back on your feet. And the ICWA’s here to help you anyway possible. Everyone from the front office all the way to the ring crew, we’re all here for you whenever you need for whatever you need." Busch, "Absolutely. And with that our Chairman, Mr. McCallister, has provided the following statement in regards to this situation�? Bert looks down at a piece of paper in front of him. Busch, "The ICWA was awe-stricken at the news of this tragic occurrence in the life of our very own, Hope Cassidy. We were further awe-stricken to find out that this was not an accident, but an act of arsine from a very deranged and psychotic detester of Miss Cassidy’s. Further more, we were disgusted and dismayed to find out this was not a sole act of hate toward Miss Cassidy, but one of many very sick and disturbing acts. With that in mind, the ICWA is offering it’s full support to the Cassidy family in this trying time. But beyond that, The fortune 500 hundred "Pentex Inc" Corporation will be offering their support, and I, Taylor McCallister, am extending my full resources to Hope’s disposal toward finding out who this depraved individual stalking and mentally torturing Miss Cassidy is. A Full scale, federal investigation has been arranged and will be launched pending miss Cassidy’s approval. I have the very best prepared to investigate and I *Personally* can guarantee a resolution to these issues if Miss Cassidy is interested in using these resources. Once again the ICWA sends it’s best wishes and offers it’s full support during these trying times for the Cassidy family. Sincerely and Thoughtfully, ICWA Chairman: Taylor M. McCallister." Image, "I think that’s great. I hope Hope accepts that offer and finds the sick bastard who burned down her home. You know I heard that somebody actually left a headless bird in her car too!" Marshal, "I heard some crafty fella scheduled her home as a hosting place for a funeral wake on her kid’s birthday." Busch, "Crafty Fella? This individual is a sick son of a bitch, not a "crafty fella." Marshal, "Can’t he be both? :( " Busch: “Welcome back, folks! I’m Bert Busch, sitting along side my esteemed colleague, Jay Marshal, as well as former ICWA Women’s Champion and MSN’s Mommy-to-Be, the lovely Image Johnson. We’ve just seen Dark Child and Ryan Ross maul each other; what a match!�?/P> Marshal: “Pfft…whatever. If you ask me, there seems to be a growing number of chumps in the ICWA these days. What’s the matter…is there some shortage of available talent out there?�?/P> Image: “First of all, nobody asked you, Jay. Having said that, however- and I can’t believe I’m saying this-, but I’ve got to agree with you to an extent. Without question, there’s some phenomenal talent here in the ICWA. Unfortunately, there are busters like Ryan Ross stinking up the rosters as well.�?/P> Busch: “On that note, let’s head on back to the ring for our next match.�?/P> Kevin Dart: “This match is scheduled for one fall.�?/P> "Enter Sandman", by Metallica, starts to play over the PA system. The arena goes pitch black dark, as a red light takes over the darkness, Smoke fills the ramp area.. And a video of Styles starts to play.. Kevin Dart: “Introducing first…from Memphis, Tennessee…weighing in at 212 pounds…the Icon of Wrestling�?.Jay Stilessss!�?/P> As the smoke continues to consume the entire ramp.. Jay emerges through the smoke and on the ramp. On his way down to the ring, Jay ignores the fans and gets a determined look in his eye as he awaits the arrival of his opponent . Marshal: “Take a good look at the next ICWA Heavyweight Champion, Berty Boy. That man right there’s gonna take this company by storm!�?BR> Busch: “Well, he certainly looks like he’s more than ready for action here tonight, Jay. But Heavyweight Champion? I don’t know about that.�?/P> Image: “Styles is a great competitor, I’ll give him that. But he’s got a habit of his mouth overloading his ass, and that’s not going to help him win a championship.�?/P> As Image talks, Marshal rolls his eyes and moves his lips mockingly. Marshal: “Why don’t you stop all the yakking and go feed your face? I’m sure there’s some nachos or some hot wings at the concession stand that you could be shoveling into your piehole instead of trying to talk shop with us.�?/P> Image sneers at Jay Marshal. Image: “Keep it up, Jay. I might be pregnant, but I can still kick your scrawny white ass!�?/P> Busch: “Sorry, Jay, but I believe she’s right on that one. Now let’s meet Styles�?challenger.�?/P> The opening beats to the Pussycat Doll’s “Dontcha�?hit the sound system and a large base with a silver pole starts to descend slowly from the ceiling above the stage. As the music continues Hope is seen wrapping herself around the pole slowly, teasing the crowd by slightly opening her long black trench coat and leaning right over for a great cleavage shot. As she reaches the stage she throws her coat to the floor, swings around the pole and slides down with her back to the pole one last time. Kevin Dart: “And now…making her way to the ring…she is the only female wrestler to date to have ever been crowned the ICWA Heavyweight Champion…from Boston, Massachusetts…Hope Cassidyyyy!�?/P> The chorus kicks in and a stunning Hope Cassidy in her usual wrestling gear makes her way down the ramp as the crowd chant her name. Hope flashes one of her winning smiles before hopping up into a sitting position on the ring apron, facing the stage. After a quick Basic Instinct style flash Hope rolls underneath the bottom rope, stands up and poses for the fans before returning her attention back to the match. Busch: “Hope Cassidy is a legend of this company in every sense of the word. And boy, does she look ready to get down to business!�?/P> Marshal: “A legend? Pfft…gimme a break, Bert. She’s a chick; her biggest contribution to the company is that rack of hers.�?/P> Image looks at Marshal, disgusted. Image: “You’re an ass, Jay! Hope Cassidy is one of the greatest female wrestlers in the business. She’s laid many of her male counterparts, these so-called ‘superstars�? to waste. She worked long and hard to get to the top.�?/P> Marshal: “I bet she did.�?/P> Image: “Pig.�?/P> Marshal: “Fatso.�?/P> Image: “I’m pregnant, you sexist schmuck!�?/P> Busch: “Enough, Jay. Image doesn’t need to get all worked up in her condition.�?/P> Referee Chris Martin signals for the bell and the match is under way. Styles holds out his hand to hope, looking as though he wants to shake hands with her. She eyes his extended hand carefully, not really sure of what to make of the gesture. After awhile, she reaches for it. He grabs her hand tightly, smiling. Then, without blinking, he comes down hard with the other hand. Hope falls to her knees, looking a bit dazed. Busch: “So much for being a gentleman. The gesture was just a ruse to catch Hope Cassidy off guard.�?/P> Marshal: “Serves her right. She wants to get in there with the big boys, then she’s gotta expect to get manhandled.�?/P> Image: “That was a real bitch thing to do. Styles must know he can’t beat her on the up-and-up, so he’s resorting to cheap shots like that to get the upper hand. What a man!�?/P> Hope begins to get up, but Styles doesn’t wait for her to get back on her feet before he makes a move. Grabbing her by the hair, he stands her up and winks at her before throwing her into an Irish Whip. She bounces off of the ropes, and is met with a Missile Drop Kick. Hope Cassidy falls hard to the mat . Busch: “Styles delievers a Missile Drop Kick right to the chest of the former heavyweight champion. She’s had to have had the wind knocked out of her with a kick like that.�?/P> Marshal: “Be careful, Styles…you don’t wanna pop one of her fun bags!�?/P> Image looks at Marshal, shaking her head sadly. Then, she turns her attention back to the ring without saying a word. Styles isn’t showing Hope Cassidy any mercy. He scoops her up off of the mat, then drives her back down with a DDT. Hope lays there, not moving at all. Busch: “A DDT from Styles! My god; why is he punishing this woman like this?�?/P> Marshal: “To put her ass in check, Bert my boy. All women need to be reminded of their place in this world. It’s not in a ring with a world-class athlete; their place is in the kitchen making us men a sandwich.�?/P> Image: “He DID NOT just say that. Tell me he didn’t just say that, Bert.�?/P> Busch: “I wish I could Image, but unfortunately, I can’t. However, allow me to apologize for him. His opinion does not represent the opinion of all men on the matter.�?/P> Image: “Oh, I know that, Bert. And you don’t need to apologize for him because, truth be told, there’s just no excuse for him.�?/P> Back in the ring, Hope Cassidy is starting to regain her bearings. She’s back up on her feet, doing her best to shake off the effects of the DDT. Styles is too busy whooping it up with the crowd to even notice her. His back is turned, so he doesn’t see Hope approaching him until she taps him on the shoulder. He turns around slowly, as if he’s not quite sure of who he’ll see behind him. This time, it’s Hope’s turn to smile at him. She gives him a little wave, then nails him with a Spinning Heel Kick. Styles drops to the mat. Busch: “What a kick by Hope Cassidy! Just that fast, she’s gained the upper hand in this faceoff for the first time since the match began.�?/P> Marshal: “Not for long, though. Styles isn’t gonna let some dame get the better of him.�?/P> Image: “That’s not some ‘dame�? you idiotic twit; that’s one of the greatest female athletes in the business in that ring.�?/P> Hope lies on top of Styles for the cover as the referee begins to count. One�?/P> Two�?/P> Th- kickout by Styles! Busch: “A close one there for Styles, but he manages to get a shoulder up before the three count.�?/P> Now it’s Hope’s turn to return the favor to Styles. She’s on him before he can regroup. She drives her boot down into Styles�?chest over and over again. Once she grows tired of trying to crack a few of his ribs with the kicks, she helps him to his feet, but only to drop him once again with a FameAsser. Styles lies on the mat for awhile, writhing in pain. Hope decides to capitalize, and hits him with an Elbow Drop. She gets up quickly, then whips herself off of the ropes and nails Styles with a Flying Crossbody. She goes for the cover yet again. One�?/P> Tw- kickout by Styles! Busch: “Another kickout by Styles! What deternination on his part to stay in the match!�?/P> Marshal: “Are you kidding me? Styles isn’t hurt; he’s toying with Little Miss Hop-Along Cassidy. Just watch…�?/P> Image chuckles sarcastically. Image: “You know, Jay, you give Styles way too much credit. He’s not plotting some sort of ultimate scheme to win the match; he’s just getting his ass kicked.�?/P> Looking a bit irritated that Styles was able to kickout of the pin, Hope stands up and gives him a couple of hard kicks to the chest. Then, she pounces on him with an Ankle Lock. Apparantly in immense pain, Styles yells out. The referee drops to the mat, getting face-to-face with him. He asks Styles if he wants to quit, and Stules shakes his head ‘no�? Hope Cassidy locks the hold on tighter, and Styles once again screams out in agony. Once again, the referee asks him if he wants to quit. Yet again, Styles�?answer is ‘no�? Hope is really losing her patience now. She releases Styles�?ankle, giving him instant relief. She takes only a split second to think about what she’s going to do next, but it’s a split second too long. Styles jumps to his feet and grabs ahold of Hope, turning her around and giving her a Spinebuster. She lies on the mat, groaning. Busch: “Styles delivers a devastating Spinebuster to Hope Cassidy! My God! She’s hurt!�?/P> Styles is going to work on Hope Cassidy in the ring. He gives her a Belly to Back Suplex, followed by a Snap Suplex, then finally a Triple German Suplex. Hope looks like she’s had enough; she just lies there as Styles goes for the cover. One�?/P> Two�?/P> Thre- kickout by Hope Cassidy! Busch: “She kicked out! Where could she have found the strength to kickout after that devastating succession of Suplexs?�?/P> Marshal remains silent. Image: “She’s a champion, Bert. That’s what champions do.�?/P> Figuring the kickout was just one last bit of luck on Hope Cassidy’s part, Styles moves in for the kill. He goes a Bodyslam, but she’s got him fooled. Instead , she rolls him up into a Modified Small Package. Now, both wrestlers�?shoulders are on the mat. The referee drops down and makes the count. One�?/P> Two�?/P> Three! Hope Cassidy thinks she’s won, but soon learns otherwise. Kevin Dart: “As a result of a double countout, this match will end in a draw!�?/P> Busch: “I don’t believe it! Hope Cassidy and Jay Styles were both counted out! This one’s gonna be a draw!�?/P> Marshal (sarcastically): “What a perfect ending to a perfect evening.�?/P> Image: “Well, it’s not the ending I would have liked, but what can you do, right? This one’s going to have to be continued at some date down the line. Now if you‘ll excuse me, fellas…it’s about time for me to make a chicken run.�?/P> Bert Busch laughs. The cameras fade from Cassidy in the ring to the back where we see�?/FONT> Heather McMahon sitting with ICWA Chairman Taylor McCallister. The crowd erupts for these two huge fan favorites. WallStreet, "You ready?" Heather, "I’m ready." WallStreet, "You remember everything we’ve been going over?" Heather, "Of course!" WallStreet, "Excellent. Then you get out there and you work that ring like ONLY you can and you beat whoever the Hell Summer’s gotten to come and face you here tonight. You deserve that ICWA Women’s championship match, Now you go out there and TAKE IT!" Heather seems pumped as she and WallStreet both stand up. Heather, "Oh I’m gonna take it Taylor, don’t you worry about that. Summer Stratus can get all the road blocks she wants, but at the end of the night this is one ride to the top she can’t stop." With that Heather and WallStreet both walk out of the locker room. They start to head down a hallway when ICWA Interview Ron Taylor comes up to them. Taylor, "Excuse me�?Mr. McCallister�? WallStreet stops and tells Heather, "Go on ahead. I’ll catch up with you after your match." Heather nods and proceeds toward the Gorilla position. WallStreet, "Yeah?" Taylor, "Last week the world saw Christian Skywalker drop you dead center in the middle of that ring via the Red Scare. This week you’re demanding an explanation. What goes through your mind as you realize you’re going to come face to face with the very same guy who left ya looking at the lights last week?" Busch, "He got some sort of a career-suicide wish?" WallStreet steps forward, getting right in Ron’s face, looking down into his eyes�?He glares deep into Ron’s eyes, making Ron slightly intimidated as WallStreet’s nostrils begin to flair. WallStreet takes in a quick breath through his nose before he turns and walks away, leaving Ron Taylor standing their, trying to regain his composure. Image, "Apparently last week’s a bit of a sore spot for the boss." Busch, "Well, sore spot or not we’re fixin to see it come to a head later tonight when Christian Skywalker and Mr. McCallister come face to face in the center of the ring for a public explanation of last week’s actions. But when we come back, Heather McMahon takes the "Summer Stratus Invitational" against a "World Class Athlete" of Summer’s choice. Don’t go away." We hear "Straight Out Of Line" in the background as we fade to commercial. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 28th, 2006 | ICWA Home Video Presents: ICWA World Championship History�?2002. | We hear a deep instrumental as we begin seeing the prepared video. X �?Bomb Male Narrator, "X Bomb tore through the ranks of the ICWA Like a tornado Hell bent on destruction. At ICWA Thunderstruck, the very first ICWA Pay Per View event, he solidified his place in ICWA history as he laid rest to Jeffery Nero Hardy and became the very first�?ICWA World Heavyweight Champion." Shane McMahon "nWWF Owner Shane McMahon shocked the world when on an episode of ICWA Demented he managed to obtain the victory of a lifetime when laying defeat to the monster that was and is, X �?Bomb, for the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship." Sean Frost Mann. "The World questioned if Shane McMahon’s Main Event title victory wasn’t the fluke of the century, so to prove his legitimacy he challenged the top hero of that time in Sean Frost Mann on an episode of ICWA Demented for the ICWA World Championship. It was a grueling contest based highly on breath taking, high flying action and high risk wrestling, but in the end SFM became a wrestling Icon when he sealed the deal with his patented "Lets Roll" superkick, granting him what’d become an undefeated ICWA World Title Reign." Black Warrior. "SFM had a very successful reign that saw several great highlight bouts, one of which was a triple threat inferno cage match verses Bret "The Hitman" Hart and Black Warrior. During this contest Warrior obtained a high level of respect from then champion, Sean Frost Mann, so as a result when Frost Mann was forced to drop the championship to compete with his personal demons at home, he requested Black Warrior take over the legacy of the championship. Black Warrior accepted and began making an un-replicated legacy as ICWA Champion." Mystical "The most sadistic, destructive force to ever hit an ICWA Ring. Over seven feet tall, three hundred plus pounds of amoral beast. He was, and may still be, the most controversial character in ICWA’s grand history. He’s eatin the flesh of infintes and at one time consumed his deceased bride to be’s corpse�?His agonizing path of destruction finally found it’s way to Black Warrior and the ICWA Championship in November of 2002 at the ICWA Heat in the Street Pay Per View. Mystical knocked the Warrior unconscious and obtained his ICWA World Championship, albeit very briefly as the ICWA Powers that Be stripped Mystical of his championship and replaced it upon Black Warrior, declaring that the title could not change hands on a Knock Out and even if it could, Mystical’s actions leading to the contest were not acceptable for a world champion. If you thought he was angry before, that didn’t help." 
| Busch, "Well that’s a look at a collection of some of the former ICWA Champions here in the ICWA to aid people in guessing exactly who has been set as the roadblock for Matt Matlock. Also, there is a poll on ICWA.com where you the viewer can go and cast your vote on who you think will be facing Matt Matlock in the main event. We’ll take a look at that a little later on." The cameras suddenly go to the back as we see Heather arriving to the Gorilla position. "Hey Heather." Heather stops as she turns around and sees Jay Styles, who's coming back from his previous bout with Hope Cassidy. Heather, "Hey�? Styles smiles, "I just wanted to wish you luck." Heather, "Oh�?Alright. Thanks." Heather smiles back at him as we go back to the ring. Busch, "Hmm�?I think Jay Styles might be a little smitten ." Busch: Alright ladies and gentlemen, coming up next is the inaugural "Summer Stratus Invitational". Our current Women's Champion Summer Stratus has apparently found a world class female athlete to go one on one with Heather McMahon. Heather must win in order to get a championship match at Ressurection III. Marshal: I really can't see how she'd find a female athlete. They're all in the kitchen or in the bed. Image: What did you say?! Marshal: You heard me. Busch: Now's not the time you two! Anyway, let's go to Kevin Dart for the introductions. Dart: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the Summer Stratus..Invitational! "Brackish" by Kittie hits and Heather McMahon appears on the top of the ramp. She smirks as she looks around at the cheering crowd. She then puts her hands in the air and lowers them as she starts to make her way down to the ring. She smiles and waves at the fans as they hold up signs with her name on them. She gets patted on the back a few times. She then walks over to the steel stairs and walks up them. She walks onto the side of the apron and gets into the ring through the bottem ropes. She walks into the middle and holds her hands high as the crowd cheers. Dart: In the ring, from Greenwich, Conneticut and weighing one hundred and thirty two pounds....Heather McMahon Busch: Heather McMahon a former ICWA Women's Champion and looking to get back into the Women's title picture here tonight. This is a must win situation. Image: I've seen here do her thing inside the ring Bert. I know she can get it done, regardless of who Summer chooses. Marshall: No matter who Summer chooses I vote this to be the "Piss Break" Match of the night. We have a washed up women's "champion" against a a reject from Dubya Dubya E's Attitude Era. An--- Image: Oh shut up Marshall! "Brackish" cuts out as Nelly's "Hot In Herre" starts to play. The Demented audience showing their disproval by showering her with boos. Summer just stands on the ramp, not dressed to wrestle, and with microphone in hand. Summer: Welcome to the Summer Stratus Invitational ladies and gentlemen! Heather, are you ready to face your first challenge? Fine then. Without further ado, I present your first opponent. She is a former World Wrestling Entertainment Women's Champion....Lisa Moretti! Sure enough, former WWE Women's Champion Lisa Moretti, better known as Ivory, makes her way out from behind the curtain. Her and Summer shake hands as Ivory makes her way down to the ring, followed close behind by Summer. Heather has her eyes on Lisa, knowing how high the stakes are. Summer has a big smirk on her face at ringside as the referee calls for the bell. Busch: And here we go! Marshall: Oh joy.... Image: ...Come on Heather! The two women size each other up. They pace around the ring, before locking up. Heather pushes Moretti to the corner but the referee gets her to break it up. Moretti then comes running out with a hard clothesline that takes Heather down to the mat. The fans let out some boos, as Lisa grabs Heather by the hair and lifts her up for a suplex. She holds her in the air for a minute before dropping her to the mat and floating over into a cover. One...tw---Heather kicks out! Busch: Well here in the early going Lisa Moretti with the early advantage over Heather. If she can keep it up then Heather is out of luck. Marshall: Thanks for the news flash Einstein. Busch: Why are you suck a prick? Marshall: Why are you such a mama's boy? Image: Ha ha...I'm sorry Bert but that was just funny. Meanwhile in the ring Moretti has a sleeper locked in on Heather. Heather tries to get to the ropes but each time Lisa pulls her back to the center of the ring. But Lisa has the sleeper locked in tight. But Heather struggles and eventually she does make it to the ropes. The referee counts one...two....three..four...Lisa breaks the sleeper. She irish whips Heather to the ropes and looks for a clothesline, but Heather ducks, comes back off the ropes and nails Lisa with a spear as the crowd pops. Meanwhile at ringside Summer takes on a look of shock and horror, screaming "No!. Heather drops an elbow on Lisa, one, two, three times. Then she floats into a cover and hooks the leg. One...two... Image: ...and Lisa get's the shoulder up, dammit! Marshall: This is boring. I'd rather watch Nic E Dangerously, or Brock Lesnar as Women's Champion Busch: Surely you enjoy watching the former Women's Champion Jay? I mean she's a hell of a talent. Marshall: I will give her that but she's fighting some wash up from the early nineties for crying out loud! Heather has Lisa in the corner and has been throttling her with kicks and punches for at least a minute. She sets Lisa on the top rope and looks for a superplex, but Lisa shoves her off down to the canvas. Heather gets to her feet but Lisa connects with a beautiful missile dropkick knocking Heather down as she rolls out of the ring. Image: Still think that she's just a wash up? Marshall: That was a nice dropkick, but it still doesn't change anything. She's washed up! Busch: Simmer down Marshall and just enjoy the match! Marshall: How can you enjoy a women's match?! Heather gets to her feet as Lisa attempts a baseball slide. Heather dodges though and grabs Lisa's legs and pulls her from the ring. She takes Lisa by the head and slams her into the ring apron. Then she whips her into the barricade that seperates the fans from the ringside area. Summer tries to approach but Heather takes a few steps towards her and Summer backs up. Heather turns around and Lisa gouges her eyes before rolling her back into the ring. Lisa goes for the cover but she only gets a two count. Summer starts to slam her hands on the canvas and shouts to Lisa to finish her off. But Heather gets up to her feet and kicks Lisa hard in the gut. An irish whip to the ropes by Heather is followed with a back body drop as Lisa hits the mat hard. Heather drops a leg on her, then lifts her up and drops Lisa to the canvas with a powerbomb. The fans are getting really pumped now as Summer is getting frustrated at ringside. Heather hops up to the top rope and comes off with her trademark "Nightmare" maneuver! Image: BOO YA! Busch: Heather may have it here! Marshall: Meh. Heather rolls into the cover. One....two....THREE! Busch: Yes! Heather gets through round one of the invitational! Dart: Here is your winner....Heather...McMahon! "Brackish" hits the speakers again, as Lisa rolls out of the ring in pain. We see Summer slapping the canvas as Heather glares with her arm raised in the air. Busch, "An impressive selection by Summer Stratus but Heather McMahon was in prime shape. It looks like Summer’s going to have to work just a little bit harder on who she selects if she hopes to keep Heather McMahon away from that Coveted ICWA Women’s championship." Marshal, "Coveted? I think that’s a bit of an over exaggeration. It’s just the Women’s championship. That’s like being the king of Ethiopia, So what?" Image, "’Scuse you?!" We fade from that into a video presentation�?/FONT> Last Week - ICWA Demented Live From Cleveland Ohio | Matlock charges towards Wallstreet but then stops and nails Wallstreet with several vicious body shots before raising Wallstreet to the top rope. Matlock climbs onto the top rope and hooks both of Wallstreet's arms. Pulling Wallstreet into a standing position on the top rope, Matlock looks like he's going to go for The Matlock Drop. Wallstreet pulls his arms back and pushes him off the top rope and onto his back. Wallstreet leaps off the top rope all of a sudden and floats through the air with the grace of a swan before raising his large, muscular arm up and bends it, driving his elbow straight into Matlock's chest. Wallstreet grabs at his elbow and rolls in agony before rolling over to make the cover. ONE TWO THRE . Busch: "MATLOCK KICKS OUT! MATLOCK KICKS OUT! MATLOCK KICKS OUT! MY GOD! MATLOCK KICKS OUT OF THE FLYING ELBOW DROP!" [Wallstreet rolls off of Matlock and begins to crawl towards No Limits. Matlock kicked out, but he can't move from the lack of oxygen in his lungs. McCallister reaches his hand out and makes the tag to Skywalker. Skywalker leaps over the top rope and lands on the mat. Skywalker begs Matlock to get up. Matlock gets up and gets kicked right in the gut before lifted onto Skywalker's shoulders. Skywalker is going for the F-5 as Matlock slides off of Skywalker's shoulders and rolls him up, grabbing a handful of tights. ONE [Wallstreet is laying on the mat, his eyes facing away from the pin. TWO [Wallstreet turns his head to face the pin and tries to get up, diving for the roll up. THREE [The pin is counted, and Wallstreet gets there half a second too late. Matlock rolls away as the bell sounds. Dart, "And your winners PURRRREEEEE....PERRRRFFFFFEEEECCCCTTTIIIIOOOONNNNN!!!!!" [Matlock and Van Dam raise their arms in glory. Busch, " Pure Perfection has done it! They’ve picked up the win over Christian Skywalker and WallStreet! But Bah Gawd what a match! All four of these impressive athletes should be proud of themselves!" The crowd is going wild as WallStreet’s on his knees, leaned back, looking up at the lights in clear frustration. NLCS slaps the mat in frustration as well. But both men stand back up and find themselves back face to face with Pure Perfection. All four men are sweaty, they’re all breathing hard, and DVD and WallStreet are face to face as too are Matlock and Skywalker, The crowd in a frenzy. Busch, " All four of these guys gave us all they had. They left it all on the mat. The crowd clearly showing their appreciation." DVD and Matlock both extend their hands as the crowd erupts. WallStreet and NLCS both seem a little hesitant and begin looking out to the fans for advice. Crowd: SHAKE THEIR HANDS! SHAKE THEIR HANDS! SHAKE THEIR HANDS! SHAKE THEIR HANDS! SHAKE THEIR HANDS! SHAKE THEIR HANDS! SHAKE THEIR HANDS�?/P> WallStreet and NLCS look at each other and nod in agreement before they both turn and accept the hand shake from Pure Perfection, making the crowd go wild. Busch, " What a great display of sportsmanship!" "Don’t Say Nothin" by The Roots blasts over the PA as WallStreet raises DVD’s arm and NLCS raises Matlock’s. Busch, " Well folks, I think that’s all we’ve got�?I’m Bert Busch along sid�? Suddenly Christian drops Matlock’s arm and kicks WallStreet in the small of the back, making him fall a little backwards as the crowd erupts with boos. Christian hooks WallStreet’s head like you would for a reverse DDT, and then quickly spins and drops the forearm across the chest of WallStreet nailing his version of the "Eye of the Hurricane" as the crowd boos. Busch, " WHAT THE HELL?! CHRISTIAN SKYWALKER JUST HIT THE RED SCARE ON WALLSTREET!" Christian Rolls out of the ring quickly as Matlock cocks his head to the side, watching Skywalker leave with a perplexed look and David drops to a knee to check on WallStreet while also glancing out to the floor with a look of misunderstanding. Busch, " WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Marshal, "STUPID! THAT’S WHAT IT WAS! STUPID! HE’S A DEAD MAN!" Christian looks nervous, almost a little scared as we see him on the floor, looking around almost like he’s not sure what he’s done. Busch, " Well they had a great match�?But I�?I don’t know! Maybe it’s the Frustration of the big loss? I don’t know but I reckon we’ll find out next week! I’m Bert Busch alongside Image Johnson and Destructive Jay Marshal�?Bah GAWD What a Night!" | | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 28th, 2006 | The crowd pops upon seeing Christian Skywalker who just rewatched the footage from last week, and is clearly seeming regretful. He takes a deep breath, smacks the top of the Monitor and begins to march off toward the Gorilla position�?/FONT> Busch, "Well folks, when we come back "No Limits" Christian Skywalker explains his actions last week on ICWA Demented to a less than ecstatic Mr. McCallister." Marshal, "I don’t envy ol�?LIONHEART!" Image, "Lionheart?" Marshal, "Oh right, that was the other guy." "Straight out of Line" plays as we fade on the promotional banner for the up coming segment. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 28th, 2006 | ICWA Home Video Presents: ICWA World Championship History�?2003. | We hear a deep instrumental as we begin seeing the prepared video. Psycho Male Narrator, "In 2003 the ICWA returned into it’s second season, but when it did the previous champion was no where to be found. This meant that a pair of worthy contenders had to be chosen, and they were. The unbeaten previous champion Sean Frost Mann challenged a hot young up and comer who’d been finding much success in the persona of "Psycho". These two great competitors challenged in one of the most ominous structures in wrestling history�?The Three Tear Cage. It was a grueling contest fit for no man’s survival, but in the end it would be Psycho who’d get the impressive victory and become the first ICWA World Heavyweight Champion of our second season in February of 2003. Brock Lesnar "Psycho’s reign of terror would be short lived, however, as he had a huge road block waiting up ahead. ICWA Royal Rumble winner Brock Lesnar. Lesnar had won the Royal Rumble in 2002 guarantying him a title opportunity at a future ICWA Pay Per View event. In April of 2003 Brock Lesnar cashed in that opportunity and went one on one with Psycho in what was billed a Battle Of Beasts. These two decimated each other as they were virtual equals in the power and strength department, as well as the sick hunger for destruction area. Psycho saw a huge advantage in the Ariel and quickness area, but Lesnar out matches him in grappling and pacing. As a result one of our longest, active, title reigns would begin as Brock Lesnar became ICWA Heavyweight Champion. Hope Cassidy "Brock Lesnar maintained his status as ICWA’s King of the Mountain for Five straight months. It wasn’t until September of 2003 that he’d suffer defeat at the hands of Hope Cassidy in a first ever for the ICWA, TLC match at the ICWA Betrayal Pay Per View. This bout was the 2003 match of the year and some say it may still stand as the greatest match in ICWA History. Hope Cassidy made history on this night becoming the first and only female competitor to ever hold the ICWA World Heavyweight championship. 
|  | We hear the sound of a phone dialing�?/FONT> Kid, "Yeah�? Man, "Yeah." Kid, "I Wanta be a Rockstar When I Grow Up�? Man, "A Rockstar huh?" Kid, "Hell Yeah�?Just Like You." *Drumbs* YEEEEAH! EEEEEEEEHYEAAAAAAAAAH YEAAAAAAAAAAAH�?/FONT> As Superstar II By Salvia blasts over the PA, the capacity crowd in Buffalo goes nuts�?/FONT> Busch, "THERE HE IS FOLKS! The CEO and Chairman of our organization, The Corporate Icon Taylor McCallister!" Image, "And he looks as focused as ever." Busch, "Well folks, let’s take ya pack and show you one more time what it was that brought this about�? Last Week - ICWA Demented Live From Cleveland Ohio | "Don’t Say Nothin" by The Roots blasts over the PA as WallStreet raises DVD’s arm and NLCS raises Matlock’s. Busch, "Well folks, I think that’s all we’ve got�?I’m Bert Busch along sid�? Suddenly Christian drops Matlock’s arm and kicks WallStreet in the small of the back, making him fall a little backwards as the crowd erupts with boos. Christian hooks WallStreet’s head like you would for a reverse DDT, and then quickly spins and drops the forearm across the chest of WallStreet nailing his version of the "Eye of the Hurricane" as the crowd boos. Busch, " WHAT THE HELL?! CHRISTIAN SKYWALKER JUST HIT THE RED SCARE ON WALLSTREET!" Christian Rolls out of the ring quickly as Matlock cocks his head to the side, watching Skywalker leave with a perplexed look and David drops to a knee to check on WallStreet while also glancing out to the floor with a look of misunderstanding. _________________________ They replay the previous footage again, but in slow motion starting from where Christian begins raising his leg for the kick into the small of the back of WallStreet. The slow motion clip plays till WallStreet hits the mat from the Red Scare. It then restarts once again from the raise of the leg, but this time goes in super slow motion. It only speeds up when Christian’s arm hits the chest of WallStreet, thus making the impact off the drop look devastating. | By the time that footage concludes WallStreet has reached ringside and is climb the stares. Busch, "The shot heard round the world if you will, as Christian Skywalker shocked the nation and attacked our leader at the conclusion of Demented last week. Christian Skywalker’s not a guy who’s had any kind of a history for being a poor sport or dishing out unprovoked attacks. He’s always been the ultimate sportsmen, the true professional. He’s always been a role model of sorts, the kind of guy you can point your kids toward when they seek out a hero. Last week was completely uncharacteristic for the man they call Skywalker." Image, "Definitly a different Christian Skywalker than what we’ve grown accustomed too. Hopefully he didn’t bury himself beyond redemption with his actions last week." Marshal, "Pfft. He buried himself further than Osama." Busch, "Well, our chairman’s in the ring with the microphone in hand so I reckon we’re fixin to find out." WallStreet, "Ya know, last week Christian Skywalker did something that I upset me quite a bit�?He did something unjust, unexplainable, and nearly unredeemable. Now I’m not going to replay the footage because you’ve all seen it plenty over the course of this broadcast. No, What I’m going to do instead, is skip all the crap and get right to the reason I’m here�?CHRISTIAN! Christian Skywalker! You may not be Lucy, but boy have you got some ‘splainin�?to do! Because I let ya be in the show and I don’t kike the way it turned out�?So Get your ass out here and let’s get to it." The crowd pops as Busch says, "He ain’t fixin to waste anytime fellas�?" The crowd is soaring as the triumphant sound of the trumpets blare from the speakers and "Final Countdown" by Europe blasts over the PA while the Dementa-Tron kicks on. Busch, "I reckon business is about to pick up." Marshal, "Business is gonna pick up alright. Ol�?Anikan better watch himself or he’s gonna get his light saber placed in an unforgiving way in an unforgiving region of the human anatomy if ya catch my drift." Image, "Eww." Busch, "It certainly has to be assumed that after that unexplained attack from Skywalker to McCallister last week, he’s treading on thin ice this week. The Chairman does not appear to be beaming with joy in the middle of the ring." Image, "Well ya know, I once heard Jerry Lawler say that it’s best to keep your words soft and sweet incase you have to eat em�?later. I’m not sure what kind of a similar analogy would suffice for a kick in the back followed up by a Red Scare, but Skywalker probably should have taken it under consideration." Marshal, "Ya know, I know I’m retired�?But if our fair boss truly wanted, I think I could muster up one more match to drop this jackass through the canvas." Busch, "I think we’re jumping the gun a little on Skywalker. He’s a young athlete going through a difficult time. He felt the pressure of the main event last year and didn’t adapt as well as I’d imagine he’d of liked to of. The man’s biggest break came during a time he was suffering the effects of a horrid flu. I mean the man vomited in the middle of the ring. And now this year he saw the opportunity to rectify all of that and he instead ended up suffering defeat at the hands of Pure Perfection. I think Christian’s young, confused, a bit frustrated and reacted on it last week. Having had a full week to think about it I can’t help but believe that he’s gotten his head screwed on straight and will solve this the right way here tonight." "Ten�?Nine�?Eight�?Seven�?Six�?Five�?Four�?Three�?Two�?One�? The music picks up as the curtain moves to the side and to a huge pop comes�?/FONT> Christian Skywalker. Image, "I think you’re right Bert. He looks like he’s really vested some serious time thinking about this moment." Marshal, "He didn’t have much else to do all week, he suffered a week suspension from the ICWA." Busch, "I think that probably was distributed to give Skywalker the opportunity to calm down, collect himself, and figure out exactly where his mind and heart are at, at this stage in his ICWA Career." Marshal, "Or WallStreet just wanted to take a week’s pay out of his pocket as a small payment back for getting a sucker shot from a real sucker." Busch, "That’s certainly a possibility, although I wouldn’t refer to the former United States champion as a "Real Sucker"." Marshal, "Oh he’s a sucker�?Now can you DIG THAT�?SUCKKKKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Busch, "…………………�?/FONT>" Image, "…………………�?/FONT>" Marshal, "Heh-hmm. Did you see Booker T just run in and steal my head set? The bastard." Busch, "In any event�?Folks this part of our show is being brought to you by�? Subway. Get twice as full as those other fast food places with half the calories. Subway, Eat Fresh." Image, "Emm�?Subway." Marshal, "And you can enjoy that subway at home while watching�?/FONT> Any one of millions of great titles from Blockbuster Video. Go to blockbuster-dot-com to see information about "Blockbuster Total Access" so you can order movies online with the flexibility to exchange movies in store so you never have to wait for a movie. Never be without a movie, go to Blockbuster-dot-com." Busch, "And I just may sit down and watch some blockbuster at the Hotel tonight after this show. I rented a few movies yesterday and I just haven’t had the chance to watch em yet." Image, "I’ll bring the subway." Marshal, "Yeah, we’re gonna trust Tubby with the food." Image, "MOTHERFU" Busch, "FUN IN THE SUN! That’s where she was going with that�?Fun in the Sun. Which we certainly aren’t seeing much of here in Buffalo. Boy is it cold up here in Western New York. Definitely not what I’m used to being from Missouri, but somebody who is used to it is Christian Skywalker as he hails from a rural town about forty five minutes from here. I got an interview with him about coming home to Buffalo earlier today." Earlier Today | We open up on Bert Busch sitting with Christian Skywalker backstage. Busch, "Christian Skywalker, tonight you’re back home in Buffalo New York (crowd pops)�?What’s it like to be back where ya grew up?" Skywalker, "Oh man�?It’s incredible. There’s no place in the world like Western New York. I grew up here, I went to high school here, I love it. It’s home." Busch nods, "Tonight ICWA Demented comes live from the HSBC Arena. What’s it like to be performing in that arena?" Skywalker, "I can’t even explain it. I’ve been to the HSBC arena so many times. I can take you all the way back to when it was the War Memorial. I’ve watched many-a-Sabers games take place in the HSBC Arena. I was at the HSBC Arena for one of Eddie Guerrero’s last Pay Per View appearances, Great American Bash 2005. I remember one of my first live wrestling events was a WWF �?At that time �?House show. It was the "Hart Attack" Tour. A lot of great memories came from this very arena Bert, and it’s a real honor to be in the middle of the ring at the HSBC arena tonight. A Real honor." Busch nods, "I bet it is. Thank you for your time Christian." Christian and Bert both stand up and shake hands. | Busch, "So ya can see Christian Skywalker’s real proud to be home, real proud of where he came from. A real great interview with Skywalker today." By now Christian’s up on the ring apron, looking cautiously at WallStreet in the ring. WallStreet gestures for him to come on in and take the floor so Christian bends down and enters between the second and third ropes. Christian gets handed a microphone from a ringside crew member as his music slowly fades�?/FONT> Crowd: CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN�?/FONT> We go to a shot in the 200 hundred section where a bunch of fans have One Letter signs that span three rows (One row below the other, below the other) that spell out "W-E-L-C-O-M-E H-O-M-E C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N" Christian, "First and Foremost�?STRONG> HEEEEEEEEEEELO BUFFFAAAAAAAALOOOOOOOOOOO!" The crowd erupts as Skywalker brings the mic down and flashes that trademark smile. Busch, "They certainly love him in Buffalo." Marshal, "They love anybody in Buffalo, the Bills have lost four super bowls and are still over in Buffalo." Skywalker, "It feels great to be home, great to be back in snow country, Bills-Country (crowd pops)�?And even more so, In SABRE COUNTRY!" The crowd erupts again, causing WallStreet to step up into Skywalker’s face. WallStreet raises the mic, "While I appreciate Buffalo (crowd pops) as much as the next guy�?While Buffalo was a huge starting point for my career (crowd pops)�?Why don’t you cut the kissing ass portion from your routine for one night�?Just one�?And let’s get down to business. You’re here for a reason and it’s not to get the fans all giddy over Maxim Afinogenov (crowd pops), Daniel Briere (crowd pops), or Chris Drury (crowd pops)�?It’s not to talk about Buffalo’s newest acquisition in Guard, Ty Conklin�? Busch, "Some fine Buffalo Sabres hockey players folks." WallStreet continues, "�?FONT color=#00ff00>It’s because I am Demanding a public explanation of your actions in this very ring last week. Christian Skywalker, cut the crap and get to the explanation." Skywalker nods as he picks up the mic and says, "Alright�?You’re right. I wasn’t asked out here to talk about Hockey, I was asked to give an explanation. Now WallStreet�?You have every right to call me out here as you have, and you have every right to be a little angry�? WallStreet, "Damn right I do!" Skywalker, "And I’m going to do the best I can to explain what took place last week�?Ya see Taylor, all last week when I should have been focusing on David Van Dam and Matt Matlock, I wasn’t. I wasn’t nearly focused enough�? WallStreet, "Obviously." Skywalker ignores that and continues, " Because, Taylor McCallister, I was more focused on YOU." Busch, "This could get ugly�? Skywalker pauses, then continues, "I was more concerned with the fact that for years�?STRONG> YEARS�?You’ve done NOTHING but try and make my life a living HELL. You’ve done NOTHING but try and push me down and kick me while I’m there. Which fine, that’s all said and done with. And this isn’t going where everybody probably thinks it’s going. I didn’t do what I did last week for retribution, I’m bigger than that Taylor. I did it, because�?To be absolutely honest�?Well Taylor, I believe you’ve been one too always preach that the best defense, is a Good Offense. And that’s what it was last week Taylor. I expected you to attack me after that match. I said it all week, I simply couldn’t trust you. And last week I reacted to my instincts and I put you down before you could put me down. Now I look back and maybe you were genuine. I mean the WallStreet I remember wouldn’t have called for a public explanation, he’d of put me in a three on one handicap or made me run a gauntlet for my job, so I’m sorry man�?It was wrong, I just was so convinced that you were going to attack me that I�? WallStreet interrupts, "Hold on a second�?You think I’m mad about the post match attack?" | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 28th, 2006 | Christian seems slightly confused�?/FONT> Christian, "Uh�?You’re not?" WallStreet laughs and shakes his head, "No Chris, I don’t care about that. All the crap I’ve put you through over the years, I expected that. Hell, I told David before the match "When this is all said and done, Skywalker’s going to lay me out, don’t worry about it. Let him." Hell, if you’d of caught me at this time two years ago I would have done the same thing. My experiences in San Antonio and Michigan made me realize that at one time, I really wasn’t a very good person. I wasn’t the kind of person I needed to be or wanted to be. And now at this stage in my career, I don’t need to be that guy anymore. That guy who rakes everyone over the coals to make his name, I’ve already made it. But I didn’t expect you to believe that just because I said it was so, You needed to test the waters a bit. I get it." Busch, "That�? Image, "�?FONT color=#ff00ff>Wasn’t what I expected�? Marshal, "�?FONT color=#ff9900>At all �? Christian sighs a sigh of relief, "Oh man, that’s great to hear because I was really worried all week." WallStreet laughs, "Really?" Christian, "Oh yeah man. I was telling everybody that I was probably gonna get my�? WallStreet, "GOOD! BECAUSE I’M STILL PISSED OFF!" Christian stops, confused. WallStreet now seems angry as he says, "I don’t give a crap about some after match attack. Fine, you hit me with the red scare, big deal, so what. I’ve taken it before, I’ll probably take it again. It hurts, Life hurts, get a fluckin helmet. What I DO give a crap about, however, is this�?Dunn, roll the footage." Busch, "Talking to Kerry Dunn, our executive producer�? Earlier Today | Skywalker leaps over the top rope and lands on the mat. Skywalker begs Matlock to get up. Matlock gets up and gets kicked right in the gut before lifted onto Skywalker's shoulders. Skywalker is going for the F-5 as Matlock slides off of Skywalker's shoulders and rolls him up, grabbing a handful of tights. ONE [Wallstreet is laying on the mat, his eyes facing away from the pin. TWO [Wallstreet turns his head to face the pin and tries to get up, diving for the roll up. THREE [The pin is counted, and Wallstreet gets there half a second too late. Matlock rolls away as the bell sounds. Dart, "And your winners PURRRREEEEE....PERRRRFFFFFEEEECCCCTTTIIIIOOOONNNNN!!!!!" [Matlock and Van Dam raise their arms in glory. | Christian seems slightly perplexed as WallStreet says, "I want an explanation for why you let yourself get pinned!" The crowd boos a little as Skywalker raises an eyebrow and Busch says, "What?" Skywalker, "An explanation�?For getting�?Pinned?" WallStreet, "Do I speak Japanese�?Well yes, I do, But am I speaking it now?!" Skywalker, "Well no, but�? WallStreet, "Ya know something Chris, that’s my problem with you right there. That’s ALWAYS been my problem with you. "But"�?You know why I asked for an explanation? An excuse, if you will? Because I knew if there was anybody in this business who could give me a great one, it’d be you. Because that’s what you’re good at Christian. Excuses. You’ve got an excuse for everything. "Well I Know I lost the title to Alexis but I uh�? "Oh, I know I didn’t win the World title but I uh�? "Oh, I know I didn’t win that match but I uh�? NO MORE! The excuses stop here Christian. I WANT TO PUSH YOU! Do you not understand this?! Yeah, I put you through Hell, but I do it because I know you thrive on it. It makes you stronger. Yet, everytime I put you into a big match situation�?Everytime I throw you the ball, you make my completion record look as bad as JP Lossman’s! (Crowd boos)�?Maybe JP’s content with a 62.5 Completion percentage, but I’m not. I don’t lead a team that can’t make the playoffs, I don’t lead a team that fumbles four straight superbowls, I Lead breed of champions!" Crowd: ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE�?/STRONG> Busch, "These Buffalo fans a bit touchy about their football. Letting our boss know exactly what they think of him." Marshal, "Hey, if ya can’t handle raw truth go watch Figure skating." WallStreet looks to the crowd who’s "Asshole" chant has taken over the arena, "Yeah, Maybe I am�?But I’m honest about it and even more so I’m honest about what I want." WallStreet looks at Christian, "And what I want, is to win. Because that’s what I am Christian. I’m a winner. I win everything I play�?Whether it be at our game, or the game of life. I am the ULTIMATE Winner, Christian. And for whatever damn reason, maybe because you and I and SFM all share roots and SFM’s become obnoxious for me to deal with anymore�?I want to see you do the same. I want to see you at the top of that mountain with me. So Here’s what we’re going to do Christian�?Next week on ICWA Demented, you are going to join me YET AGAIN in this very ring. And you are going to ONCE AGAIN be my tag team partner. And ONCE AGAIN We’re going to fight the ICWA Number One Contender and the ICWA CHAMPION DAVID VAN DAM�?PURE PERFECTION!" The crowd erupts as Busch says, "BAH GAWD! WHAT A RETURN MATCH!" WallStreet, "So start counting, because one week from today in Albany New York, you and I are teaming up, and this time, You WILL NOT get pinned. We are going to win, Christian, because that’s what I do, I win. You’re being given a second chance of sorts, an opportunity to redeem yourself. Because if you don’t Christian�?I’m done. I refuse to try and carry a man to the mountain top when that man can’t use his own legs to stay there. So if you get pinned next week, you’re going back to the bottom of the card and you can fight your own way up, because I’m thru giving you opportunity after opportunity. But if you don’t get pinned next week�?Than Christian�?I guarantee you, that there’s a big match on the horizon�?A HUGE match on the horizon�?You keep yourself from getting pinned next week Christian, and the biggest match of your career will be on the horizon, whether Matlock or Van Dam like it or not." The crowd pops at that idea as "Superstar II" By Saliva blasts over the PA and Christian just looks at WallStreet quizzically as WallStreet nods before dropping the mic and rolling out of the ring. Busch, "What a huge announcement!... Next week we see the rematch as Taylor McCallister and Christian Skywalker team back up once again to take on Pure Perfection!" The cameras go to the back where we see (from left to right) Monica Swhear, David Van Dam, Matt Matlock, and a petite, brunette female in a pair of designer jeans and a pink belly shirt that says "Abercrombie" Across the chest. David, "Huh�?A rematch next week�? Matlock, "No biggie�?I mean yeah, it was a great match, but I’ll just pin Christian again (Buffalo crowd boos) and send him back to the bottom card. I like Christian, but might as well have one less guy on the heels of the title." David, "Actually, I’m thinking this time we need to send a message and pin WallStreet." Matlock nods, "That’s true. When I pin him after pinning a former champion tonight and Skywalker last week, any doubt people may have about me going for the title will be erased." David laughs, not snidely, but softly, "Well, that’s a nice goal. But if we’re going to get a pinfall over McCallister, I’m sure it’ll come when I’m in the ring." Matlock seems a little annoyed as he says, "Ya know David�?All due respect, I’m getting a little fed up with your ego lately." David laughs softly and smacks Matt on the back, "Aww lighten up kid, I’m just messing around. I’m sure you’ll get in your licks. Besides, it’s a tag match, regardless of who gets the pin, the team wins, not the individual. But never the less, you have a match to get ready for and I’m going to go grab a quick bite to eat before I go down and call the commentary for it. Good luck pal." David nods and he and Monica walk out of the scene as Matlock seems to be even more peeved. Girl, �?FONT color=#cc33ff>What’s wrong baby?" Matlock, "Did you hear him? "Lighten up kid"�?Is that all he thinks of me? All anybody around here thinks of me? That I’m just some�?Some�?KID?! Yeah, I may be young Jessie, but I’m just as capable and just as good in that ring as anybody else. And I’ll prove it next week when *I*, Not David, *I* Pin WallStreet, and I’ll prove it this week when I pin whatever ICWA Champion is making their return!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 28th, 2006 | ICWA Home Video Presents: ICWA World Championship History�?2004. | ICWA Home Video Presents: ICWA World Championship History�?2004 And Beyond. We hear a deep instrumental as we begin seeing the prepared video. Jimmy Stryker Male Narrator, "After 2003 a pattern began as from there on in those fortunite enough to call themselves Heavyweight Champion of the World would rule their title reign with an iron fist, allowing no one to defeat them. The first to begin this trend was ICWA’s Legendary Jimmy Stryker. Stryker laid defeat to Hope Cassidy on an episode of Demented in 2004, capturing the ICWA Championship early in his ICWA Career. He proceeded to defend that championship in one of the most brutal, inhuman match concepts in ICWA history; The Shock Therapy match." Jacob Mitchell. "When coming back from the off season in 2005, a war was in place. The Ultimate Domain in Chicago verses the ICWA. Solders were recruited to fight the good fight, one of those solders was a young Jacob Mitchell. Mitchell a forth generation wrestler from Hawaii, came in with a lot of heart and desire, prepared to prove that he could break the chain of mid-carding that his previous generations had been stuck in and that he could rise to the top. Plus he shared a distain for BUD that was matched by very few. These traits combined saw him sky rocket to the top. Although it wasn’t until nWs�?leader Mace grew ill from a bad hot dog at a midget rodeo that Mitchell truly sored as he was given Mace’s spot to contend for the ICWA Championship. Mitchell made the most of it and laid defeat to five other men in an Elimination Chamber match to become the ICWA Champion for 2005. A title he’d maintain until the conclusion of the season." Nic E. Dangerously. "In 2006 Nic Dangerously had the opportunity to become the first champion of the 2006 season when he entered a One Night Tournament on Demented for the title. He defeated a injured Jimmy Stryker (who’d broken his ankle the previous week but chose to still compete) and went on to draw that night against Christian Skywalker. He’d go on to face Skywalker again for contendership to the title the following week, and showing his inability to win the big one, he drew again. Finally at ICWA Resurrection, in a best of five falls Triple Threat match (which went all five falls), and against a flu ridden Skywalker and a not quite prime Bobby Johnson, Dangerously, albeit barely, captured the title. He’d draw the following week on Demented in his first Defense and suffer defeat via submission at the hands of our current champion, David Van Dam in December." "This concludes our look back at the heavyweight champions of the ICWA." | With that the cameras come back to ringside with Bert Busch, Destructive Jay Marshal, and Image Johnson. We see Bert is in front of a lap top. Busch, "Well folks, we’ve had a poll going all night long, asking you who you think might be the challenger for tonight’s main event and here is what you’ve said�?/P> Busch, "Clearly you think that Brock Lesnar is the most logical choice, although not far behind Lesnar is Mystical, Jacob Mitchell, Hope Cassidy, and Jimmy Stryker." The camera comes off of the graph and back onto the three commentators at ringside. Busch, "So with that in mind guys, who do you think the pick is going to be to fight Matlock here tonight?" Marshal, "Well Bert, I’ve gone up and down this list all week thinking of who it could possibly be. After thinking it through and thinking it through, My thoughts were this�?SFM Has to wrestle in a six man tag match tonight, and not far from the main event�? Busch, "That match coming up next folks." Marshal, "Then we have Hope Cassidy who had to wrestle Jay Styles earlier, and really, wasn’t in any kind of a mental state to work one match, let alone two. Nic Dangerously had his pride bitch slapped away when Van Dam made him tap more than Hedi Flice�?Jimmy Stryker’s in a huge tag team contest against DSL and Flipside tonight which is scheduled to take place immediately pending the Pay Per View. I don’t see them having him work two straight. So that right there eliminates four of the eleven possibilities in my mind. So my guess of the remaining 11 is Mystical." Busch, "Really?" Marshal nods, "WallStreet was clearly pissed off that Matlock and Van Dam won last week. And if anybody can get under your skin with a win, it’s Matt Matlock. He’ll be talking about this win for the next six months at least, I mean he still talks about a DRAW with McCallister from a year ago. So Mr. McCallister wants to punish Matlock –in my opinion -, and what better way to do that then the amoral beast himself, Mystical. This guy’s a destructive monster who’d rather eat your flesh then pin you�?Exactly the kind of torture I want to see." Busch nods, "How about you Mrs. Johnson?" Image, "Much like our colleague, I too think that SFM, Jimmy Stryker, Hope Cassidy, and Nic Dangerously are out for the same reasons he gave. Now baring in mind that unlike Jay, who’s been here since the day X Bomb became the very first champion in 2002 straight through till today, I just arrived last year and was only actually here for two champions �?DVD and Nic -, I’m saying either Shane McMahon or Brock Lesnar." Busch seems curious, "What brought you to that conclusion if I may ask?" Marshal, "Dude, lay off. She’s a chick, she just looked at the pictures on ICWA.com and came up with something. Don’t waste our time with her making up some reason." Image, "Actually jack-off, I do have very logical reasons for both selections. WallStreet recently competed in Chicago’s Ultimate Domain and became very close business associates with Stephanie McMahon �?Margera. They put on a fraudulent feud and faked a McMahon family war putting Vince with WallStreet and Shane with Stephanie. In the long run it was all one big swerve to increase ratings. Not only was it a swerve from Stephanie and Taylor, but Shane and Vince were in on it the whole time too. So this means that Taylor still communicates with the McMahons and is still in good with the McMahon family. As a result, it wouldn’t take much more than a phone call to have Shane McMahon here tonight and ready to go. As for Brock Lesnar�?Brock Lesnar’s still on our roster, he’s still under contract to the ICWA. The man’s a beast, and since his last official match in the ICWA was the shortest match in ICWA’s recorded history �?A 7 second contest and a roll up victory from yours truly for the ICWA Women’s championship last year �?he’s probably just a little anxious to put together a better "final memory" for the fans. Thus a main event with the number one contender for the ICWA Championship." Busch nods, "Very well put. I believe both of you have very possible picks." Image, "So who’d you pick then?" Busch, "Much like yourself Image, I too was only here for last year and this year. But I do my homework and I’ve been watching the ICWA for a long time. With that in mind, Image, you made mention of there being a "façade", if you will, in BUD�?I know that there was a façade here in the ICWA as well. That façade was when former ICWA Champion Jacob Mitchell walked out on the ICWA. That was designed to set up for something in Michigan between Mitchell and McCallister later on. Now that never came to be and since then Jacob’s stated that the conclusion of the 2005 season was pre-planned between he and McCallister. I’m sure, just like you mention for Brock, Image, that Jacob Mitchell too would like to offer the ICWA a better parting memory of him then simply being the guy to throw a fit over who he had to wrestle and walking out. So I believe that Jacob Mitchell will return for one night only to face off against Matt Matlock later on here tonight." Image, "Oh boy, wouldn’t that be huge�? Marshal seems confused, "Who?" With that the cameras go to the back as the crowd begins booing upon seeing Ted Dibiase, Dustin Rhodes, SFM, and MJ Storm. Dibiase, "The time has come�?The time to go and show these lower class fools why everything worth having has a price�?Even success�?A Price that we’ve paid. And a price that they’ll pay in their own blood, but with no return. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA�? SFM, "Yeah dude�?Whatever." SFM rolls his eyes and exits the locker room first, followed by Dustin, who also rolls his eyes. Ted and MJ look back and forth at each other�?/P> Ted, "I thought that bit was solid. I got a great reaction in the late 80s and early 90s with it." He frowns as MJ pats him on the shoulder, "Hey man, I still think the Million Dollar man stuff is gold. But then again, I’ve always been a Goldust mark too." MJ shrugs and heads out the door as Dibiase sighs, "Perhaps in a world where baseball players make a hundred million dollars a season, the Million Dollar Man bit doesn’t still work�?But then again�?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The scene fades to Drew Stevenson, Bobby Johnson, and The American Dream in a locker room. Dream, "Ya know, I’ve been doin�?this a long time, ya understand�?I’ve been up and down the roads with everybody worth mentioning in pro-wrestling�?Hogan, Flair, Race, Murdoch, Austin, Michaels, Taker�?Dusty Rhodes has been up and down with all of em�?Daddy�?Dusty Rhodes has seen a million SFMs, a million MJ Stawms�?They ain’t nothin�?new and nothin�?special. And tonight Daddy, we’re fixin to get real funky with em, ya understand. We’re fixin to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee�?We’re gonna get loose and we gonna get wreckloose�?We gonna fight the good fight, show off our might, and I GAURANTEE we show em they bit more than they could BITE! Can’t nobody WRESTLE like Drew Stevenson�?Ya Understand? Can’t nobody WRESTLE�?Like Bobby Johnson�?Ya Understand? And Can’t NOBODY�?CAN’T NOBODY�?Get�?Fun-ky�?Like the American Dream Dusty Rhodes. Now let’s get us some, and let’s get Funky, Daddy." Drew nods as Bobby says, "Damn straight Playa�?Damn Straight." And with that we see team American Dream head for their lockeroom door as "Straight Out Of Line" by Godsmack begins to play in the background�?/P> Busch, "Well folks when we come back�?Remorseless Storm as joined by Dustin Rhodes meets The Emerald Drew Stevenson, The United States Champion Bobby Johnson, and the American Dream Dusty Rhodes in six man tag team action! Next!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 28th, 2006 | The ICWA cameras settle on the entrance stage as the opening to "Back in Black" by AC/DC blares over the speakersr. The crowd boos as the Million Dollar Champion, MJ Storm, walks onto the stage accompanied by Ted DiBase and one of his partners, Dustin Rhodes. The three men stand on the stage as MJ bounces up and down, the boos increase as Dustin Rhodes raises his powerful arms. The music changes to "King of Kings" by Motorhead as former ICWA World Heavyweight Champion Sean Frost Mann walks onto the stage joining his two tag team partners and their manager. They begin to walk to the ring. Dart, "Making their way down the ring aisle, being accompanied by The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBase, weighing in at a total combined weight of 760 pounds, the team of MJ Storm, Sean Frost Mann, and Dustin Rhodes!" The boo's increase as the trio get in the ring while Ted DiBase moves to the corner, standing still, not giving the crowd the satisfaction of raddling him. The other three begin to discuss stratey. Marshall, "What a team! Three superb athletes." Busch, "I don't like their methods, but they are great athletes." Marshall, "They don't care whether or not you like them, their still superb." The music changes from SFM's theme to "Burning Bright" by Shinedown, and out walks The Emerald himself, Drew Stevenson. Stevensonn has on his mixed-martial arts style shorts as the music changes to "The G.O.A.T." by LL Cool J as the reigning United States Champion comes jumping out on stage. The crowd cheers one of their perennial fan favorite as his music fades out, and the crowd is treated to. "The Americannnnnnnnnnn Dreeeeaaaaammmmmm........ He's just a common man! Workin' hard with his hands." The cheers raise to an incredible ammount as The American Dream himself comes out on the stage, Dusty looks around at the crowd and nods his head, but it's clear that the normal jovial legend is focused on the task at him. Dart, "Making their way down the ring aisle, at a total combined weight of 807 pounds, The Emerald Drew Stevenson, the reigning United States Champion Bobby Johnson, and The American Dream, Dusty Rhodes!" The crowd is all cheers as Bobby and Drew roll into the ring while Dusty takes the steps- hey, he's in his sixties, he's not rolling anywhere these days. MJ, SFM, and Dustin are quickly out of the ring. Drew, Bobby, and Dusty beg them to get back int the ring as the crowd taunts the three men out of the ring. Busch, "You can tell Dusty Rhodes wants to get his hands on his son! I hope he beats him like a four year old child caught lying!" Image, "Aren't you supposed to be impartial?" Busch, "I'm trying, but it's hard for me to be impartial to an ungrateful punk kid who low blowed his own father!" MJ, SFM, and Dustin demand that Bobby, Drew, and Dusty are held back. The three men in the ring back off as the three outside climb onto the apron. They look at each other, and the arrogant Sean Frost Mann climbs into the ring, where the United States Champion is already waiting. The bell rings, and Bobby is immediately on the attack. His large knee comes right into SFM's gut, a forearm to the back followed up by a big irish whip. SFM hits the ropes, comes back, and gets caught with a release overhead belly to belly suplex. The crowd is all cheers as Frost Mann rolls out of the ring, clutching his back and neck as MJ and Dustin Rhodes drop down to check on him. Busch, "Bobby Johnson starting off fast, no sizing up from the United States Champion." Marshall, "It's clear that Bobby wants to get down to business." The referee demands that SFM gets back in the ring. He asks for a time out, and the referee shakes his head, beginning the ten count. SFM sighs and rolls into the ring, and goes to roll out, but he's grabbed by Bobby Johnson who pulls him into the center of the ring. SFM begs Bobby to let him go, but Bobby just smirks as he nails a hard forearm, then a second one, then a third, rattling the former World Champion with his powerful forearms. Busch, "The United States Champion is full of intensity tonight." Bobby brings one of his big knees up into SFM's gut and whips him into the corner where Dusty Rhodes and Drew Stevenson are. Bobby takes off running and leaps into the air, his chiseled torso crashing into SFM's chest. SFM grabs at his ribs as Bobby holds him by the head, tagging in Drew Stevenson, who climbs up to the middle rope, jumps off, and drives his knee-pad covered left knee into the side of SFM's face. SFM grabs at his face as Stevenson drags him to the center of the ring and hits him with a snap suplex. Stevenson is up, off the ropes, he leaps into the air and drives a Ric Flair style knee into SFM's face. SFM grabs at his face as Stevenson goes for the cover but doesn't even get a one count. Stevenson immediately locks in a rear seated chin lock, really locking it in. Busch, "Thus far, Sean Frost Mann hasn't been able to really mount any offensive attacks." With Sean Frost Mann trapped in the rear chin lock, MJ Storm enters illegally and drives his boot right into Stevenson's back. This causes Bobby Johnson to enter the ring and comes charging towards MJ Storm but referee Darren Thomas catches him and holds him back. This allows MJ Storm to deliver several more kicks to Drew Stevenson's upper back and neck as SFM rolls out of the ring. MJ Storm raises his hands and slaps them together to indicate a tag as he pulls Stevenson up and delivers a big kick to the gut before hitting the ropes and coming back. He raises his knee and drives it into Stevenson's face with a running knee lift courtesy of old school Jake Roberts pre DDT era. Marshall, "That's what I call tag team wrestling! Ha Ha!" Busch, "That's what I call cheating!" Marshall, "It's not cheating, it's smart!" Image, "Yeaaahhh..." Marshall, "Woman...' MJ Storm has Stevenson up again and delivers a stalling vertical suplex. The cocky look on MJ Storm's face let's the crowd know he really thinks he's in control. He pulls Drew Stevenson up who gives a shot right to MJ Storm's abdomen, but MJ drives his elbow into Stevenson's head in response before tagging in The All-Star Dustin Rhodes. The crowd boo's loudly as Dustin Rhodes climbs in the ring. MJ holds Stevenson's arms back as Dustin delivers one big right hand, then a second, then a third. The crowd is booing louder as Dustin mimmicks his father's famous routine before delivering the big bionic elbow. The crowd boo's as Dustin Rhodes taunts them. Marshall, "What an athlete that Dustin Rhodes is, did you see his big elbow? Perfect delivery." Dustin Rhodes lifts Drew Stevenson straight into the air, holding him upside down, letting all the blood run to his head before falling straight back with a huge suplex Stevenson grabs at his back as Rhodes makes the cover, his forearm digging into Stevenson's face. Stevenson kicks out after the one, and Rhodes pulls him up, throwing him in the corner, he moves to taunt Bobby and Dusty, Bobby comes in the ring but is again stopped by Darren Thomas who tells him he has to wait for the tag. While the referee is distracted, MJ Storm has the tag rope wrapped around Drew's throat, choking the life out of him, SFM is holding his arms back to allow Dustin unrestricted body shots at the modern day Rocky or Dusty Rhodes. Dustin's big rights and lefts land on the torso of Drew Stevenson as MJ and SFM quickly release their grips on Stevenson. Thomas turns around to see Dustin Rhodes tag in Sean Frost Mann. Busch, "What cheap team tactics! Referee Darren Thomas needs to get control of this match." Marshall, "It's not cheap, it's completely fair! It's all about winning, Berty." SFM nails a couple of boxing style jabs to Stevenson's jaw before hitting Drew with a snap suplex, followed up by locking Drew in a Rear-Seated Chin Lock with his eyes staring at his own corner, where Bobby and Dusty's hands are outstretched, begging for the tag. The crowd is trying to get Drew to fight back and get in tag. Frost Mann changes the chin lock into a seated sleeper, and Thomas is there as Stevenson begins to fade. His arm is raised once and dropped, a second time and dropped, it's raised a third, but Stevenson stops it before the third time. He pumps his arms and gets to his feet, one elbow to SFM's gut, a second elbow, on the third elbow SFM's grip is broken. Stevenson leaps up and delivers a huge enzugari to the back of SFM's head, dropping him. Stevenson hits the mat and begins to crawl towards his corner for the tag. Image, "Come on! Tag in Bobby!" Stevenson is about to make the tag when MJ Storm comes in the ring, getting Thomas' attention, and taking it from the tag. Thomas demands MJ exits the ring, and MJ does so after Stevenson tags in Bobby much to the crowd's approval. Thomas sees Bobby entering the ring and stops him, saying he saw no tag. Image, "Aw come on! He was tagged in!" Marshall, "The ref didn't see it." MJ Storm enters the ring again and drags Stevenson away from his corner, as SFM rolls out of the ring. MJ locks in a seated sleeper, trying to take Drew out of it now. After arguing with Bobby Johnson, and convincing him to get out of the ring, Darren Thomas turns around. Image, "There was no tag there!!" Marshall, "So?" Image, "You have double standards." Marshall, "Woman, don't question me." While the sleeper hold is locked in, Bobby can't take anymore and gets in the ring, delivering a huge kick to MJ Storm's face. The crowd cheers as Bobby is forced back out of the ring while Dustin Rhodes hops into the ring and pulls Stevenson up. Dustin looks like he's setting Drew up for another suplex, but it's blocked. Rhodes tries again, but again it's blocked. Drew pops his hips and brings Dustin over with a big snap suplex, but Drew doesn't have the energy to caputalize. Busch, "Drew really needs to make the tag here." With Drew down and Dustin down, Bobby and Dustin begin to clap to get the crowd to get behind Drew. Drew lays on the mat for a few minutes before knipping up. The crowd explodes as Drew dives into the corner and reaches out for the tag. He doesn't tag in Bobby though, he takes in The American Dream and the crowd explodes. Dustin Rhodes eyes go wide as his daddy comes in the ring motioning for Dustin to bring it. Dustin is up, and Dusty moves for him, but Dustin quickly tags out to MJ Storm. MJ looks nervous as he comes in and charges the living legend. Dusty hits MJ with a big elbow, and then catches the entering SFM with a big elbow. MJ's up again, and a scoop slam from the legend. Another elbow to SFM as he turns back towards Dustin. Dustin has his hands up, and is on his knees in the corner, begging his father not to hit him. Busch, "Hit him! Hit that bratty kid! Get 'em Dusty!" Dusty wags his finger at his oldest son and rears back as Dustin cowers. Before Dusty can strike his son, MJ and SFM nail him from behind with big forearms to the large back of Dusty. Dusty stumbles and this brings in Bobby and an emotionally recharged Drew. Bobby pairs off with SFM and MJ with Drew, each pair brawling to the outside of the ring, leaving Dusty and Dustin in the ring. Dustin grins at his father who's showing an incredible amount of pain from the forearms. Dustin stands up and winds back for a punch, but Dusty blocks it, and Dustin's face flashes with fear as Dusty shakes his head, delivering a big shot to his son. The crowd roars as Dusty follows with a second one, then a third one. An irish whip from Dusty Rhodes sends his son into the ropes. Dustin comes charging back and gets a big back body drop. Dustin hits the mat and grimaces as he gets back to his feet, only to be dropped with the biggest bionic elbow in ICWA history. Dusty falls ontop of his son as Darren Thomas makes the count. One Two Three! The bell sounds as Dusty gets up and Dustin rolls out of the ring. "Ammerrrrricannnn Dreaammmmmmm" The crowd is going wild as Dart announces, "YOUR WINNERS�?Bobby Johnson�?Drew Stevenson�?And the AMERICAN DREAM�?DUSTY RHODES!" Ted Dibiase seems in disbelief as he aids Dustin up on the floor and watches as Bobby and Drew have brawled their ways to the top of the ramp with MJ and SFM. The continue right up until they end up knocking SFM and MJ both behind the curtains. Bobby and Drew then turn around and start heading down the ramp as they see Ted Dibiase slide into the ring and head toward Dusty. Ted comes running after Dusty but Dusty raises his leg and hits a stiff kick to the gut of the Million dollar man, making the crowd erupts. Busch, "Million Dollar man looking for the attack, but Dusty cut him short!" He hits a hesitated right hand drawing a pop�?Followed by a second�?Then a third�?Then he whirls and twirls and raises his right arm high in the air and BAM! Bionic elbow into the forehead of the Million Dollar man knocking him to the mat and making him roll out to the floor as Bobby and Drew both slide in. Busch, "ANOTHER BIG BIONIC ELBOW!" Dustin helps pull up the Million Dollar man at ringside and starts walking him around as we focus on the ring where Bobby grabs one of Dream’s hands, Drew grabs the other, and they raise their arms into the air drawing a huge pop from the crowd. Busch, "What a great site and what a great moment for This team, even if they’re only a team for one night!" The cameras shoot to the press box where we see Leaky Format standing in a white suite, applauding. Busch, "Leaky Format joining us this week from the Press Box, apparently pleased with what he just saw from team Dream." Marshal, "Good for him... I guess." *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 28th, 2006 | Male Narrator, "The ICWA Presents the Nike Re-Run�? Nike Re-Run | We open up on Jimmy Stryker in the ring after DSL had just won her bout verses Dark Atkins. Referee Darren Thomas gets in his face, demanding he leave. Jimmy puts his huge hand over the official’s face and pie faces him down to the mat. DSL stands in the middle of the ring looking at Jimmy with a look of Distain. Suddenly Jimmy shoots forward and nails a huge big boot, dropping DSL hard on the mat as the crowd boos. The crowd erupts with boos as Jimmy grabs two fist fulls of DSL’s top, hoists her up, and throws her into the corner. He begins unloading heavy right hands on her as the Bell is flaring in the background. Busch, "Aww come on damn it! She just wrestled a full match! What the Hell is this for!?" Marshal, "It’s for three years of being a pain in that man’s ass! It’s for the aggravation, the annoyance, the way she produced suicidal thoughts�? Busch, "I don’t think she got to Jimmy Stryker on that level." Marshal, "I meant me damn it! Do you know how many of her interviews I’ve had to sit through with protective coverings on my wrists!?" Jimmy stretches out, grabbing the top rope as he places his foot across DSL’s throat in the corner, choking her. We can see blood trickling from her forehead, showing us that Jimmy busted her open with those big soup bones of his. Finally we see Agents and referees clear the back and dart down the ramp, flooding the ring. Jimmy releases the foot choke and gets right in on her, grabbing her throat with both hands as the officials and Agents are trying to get him back. The camera zooms in and picks up Jimmy saying, " It’s over Jazmine�?Three years is coming to an end�?A bloody end. And when it does, you mark my words you little bitch! When it does, the whole worlds going to see a Jimmy Stryker they’ll wish they’d left locked in obscurity�?You�?Will wish he stayed locked in obscurity." With that he lets her go and she sinks down to her ass in the corner, basically unconscious as the agents and refs try to guide Jimmy out of the ring. ____________________________________ All of the Agents and refs are on the floor now in front of Jimmy, urging him to go back up the ramp. Jimmy’s being fairly cooperative as he turns to start walking up the ramp�?Suddenly he spins back around, runs, and believe it or not, at almost seven feet tall and three hundred pounds, he actually leaps over the sea of Officials and ends up flying into the ring just over the bottom rope. He begins pummeling on DSL again as the crowd is going wild with boos. Busch, " OH FOR PETE’S SAKE COME ON ALREADY! HAVEN’T YA DONE ENOUGH?!" Marshal, "Obviously not." _____________________________________ Busch, " Somebody’s gotta stop this! Jimmy Stryker’s a crazy man!" The curtain flies and out from behind it darts�?/P> Busch, " Wait That’s�?That’s Raymond Brothers�?FLIPSIDE! But what’s he doing in the ICWA?!" Sure enough Flipside is there and appears to be sizing up the situation. Finally he sores down the ramp. Not knowing what else to do the agents and officials move out of the way and Flipside slides under the bottom rope as Stryker is holding the top rope to keep his balance as he continues putting the boots to DSL. Flipside grabs Stryker by the shoulder and swings him around. Before Stryker can figure out who it is and what’s going on he takes a stinging right hand, followed by a second, then a third, forth, and then the wind up and BAM! Big Haymaker from Flipside sending Stryker up and over the top rope, landing on his feet at ringside. Busch, " YES! YES! FLIPSIDE! FLIPSIDE! THE MAN KNOWN AS FLIPSIDE HAS DONE JUST THAT AND FLIPED THE SIDES ON JIMMY STRYKER!" Marshal, "What the Hell business is this of Flipside’s?!" Busch, "I don’t know but thank God he made it his business!" "Pain" restarts over the PA as Jimmy Looks at Flipside quizzically, clearly not sure why he’s in the ICWA and more importantly, why he’s interfering in Stryker’s assault on DSL. Stryker doesn’t seem like he’s going to react physically yet though. He just looks on, slightly confused as he starts walking backwards up the ramp while Flipside stairs him down from the ring. Busch, " FLIPSIDE! Flipside has come to the EYE_SEE_DUBBYA_EH! I don’t know why! I don’t know How! And I don’t know when! But by God am I glad he’s here!" ___________________________________________________________ "This has been the Nike Re-Run�?Nike �?JUST DO IT!" 
|  Busch, "That was one week ago and now we’re set for what looks to be a very emotionally charged tag team contest as a result." Kevin Dart: “The following is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall. Introducing first…from Toronto, Ontario, Canada…weighing in at 246 pounds…Flipsideeeee!!!�?/P> "Pain" by Three Days Graces begins to play as the words "FLIPSIDE" appear on the screen. Flipside walks out slowly, stops at the top of the ramp, nods his head towards the fans, and slowly walks towards the ring. He slaps a few hands, and smiles at some of the fans. Upon reaching the ring, and rolls in under the bottom rope, stands up, crosses his arms, and smiles while nodding once again at the fans. Kevin Dart: “And his partner…from the back streets of New York City…weighing in at 135 pounds…she is Da Sweet Lunatic…D…S…L!!�?/P> Perfect Insanity" by Disturbed hits as the lights flash off quickly. The fans start too boo and some start too scream for there favorite wrestler.. The lights slowly fade on as purple smoke begins too rise all around in the ring and along the ramp. On the titatron the words "I'm here, You better run" appear. As the lights go black again blue in the ring appears Da Sweet Lunatic as she raises her arms. She looks around as the fans continue to boo her. Kevin Dart: “And their opponents�?from Las Vegas, Nevada…weighing in at 290 pounds…he is the Legendary Icon�?Jimmy Stryker!�?/P> "Right Now" by Korn hits as black, white and blue spotlights flicker all over the area. Out from the guillera curtains, walks the Legendary Jimmy Stryker. He is seen dressed in black jeans, boots, and a white t-shirt on. Jimmy then looks around at the crowd, who continues to let him feel the heat that they generate towards him. Jimmy then smiles, as he soaks in the hatred. He then makes his way down the steel rampway, as he then quickly slides to the inside of the ring, where he then is seen making his way to each corner of the ring, as he raises a smile on his face, while on each corner as the fans continue to feed him boo's. Jimmy then drops to the mat, and kisses the necklace that is around his neck, and he then bends over watching his opponent, with pure intent. Kevin Dart: “And his partner…hailing from Philladelphia, Pennsylvania…weighing in at 225 pounds…THE Original Sadist…Jammmesss!�?/P> The sound of an organ blasts through the speakers as the lights in the area go out. only the stage lights sending any light at all as slowly a smoke begins to float off the stage and down the ramp, bathing the area in a mist. four blue flames slowly begin to build on that stage, forming a square as slowly the James begins to rise up from below the stage, his head bowed and his hands held infront of him as slowly the stage rises, his head lifting as he looks out over the crowd and grinning at them. the flames going out as James makes his way slowly down the ramp, his hands rubbing together slowly as he gets to the ring, rolling in under the bottom rope and slowly getting to his feet, his hands raised high into the air. Referee Chris Martin signals for the bell to ring. Busch: “And here we go, ladies and gentlemen! The match is now officially underway.�?/P> Marshal: “Not that it matters much…this one outta be over before it even gets started.�?/P> Starting things off, it’s DSL versus Jimmy Stryker. Da Sweet Lunatic doesn’t waste any time; right away, she goes to work on Jimmy Stryker. She nails him with a swift kick to the midsection, followed by a Chopblock then a hard Dropkick to the Knee. Busch: “DSL isn’t wasting any time, is she? She’s not waiting around for the odds to be stacked against her. She’jumping right in there with an attack on The Legendary Icon’s knees.�?/P> Marshal: “She should consider spending a little time on her knees; maybe that’ll even out the odds a bit.�?/P> Image looks over at Marshal, disgusted. Image: “You are pathetic!�?/P> Marshal: “No, I’m honest.�?/P> DSL is still laying into Stryker. She laughs sadistically, then hits him with a Throat Thrust. Busch: “That HAD to have hurt!�?/P> Marshal: “She’s digging her own grave with little pot shots like that, Bertie Boy. Sooner or later, Stryker’s gonna get enough of her crap and level her ass.�?/P> Image: “Let’s keep in mind that this isn’t a singles match between DSL and Stryker. This is, in fact, a tag match that includes not only the two of them, but Raymond “Flipside�?Brothers and James as well.�?/P> Busch: “You’re absolutely right, Image. DSL and Jimmy Stryker aren’t the only two factors in this matchup.�?/P> Marshal: “Let’s be real for a moment, shall we? DSL and Flipside aren’t ANY sort of factors in this matchup. Stryker and James are gonna crucify these two.�?BR> Seemingly fed up with DSL’s assault, Jimmy Stryker grabs her fist in mid blow and holds it there in mid air for a moment. Then, without another thought, Stryker slams DSL to the mat. Collecting her from the mat, Stryker raises her over his shoulders and almost breaks her in half with a Backbreaker. He allows her limp body to crumple to the mat, smiling as she lies there motionless. Busch: “He damn near snapped Da Sweet Lunatic’s back in two with that brutal Backbreaker!�?/P> Marshal: “We should be so lucky, Bert.�?/P> Image: “Nah…it wasn’t as brutal as he’d like us to believe. He’s toying with DSL; he’s having some fun with her.�?/P> Not wanting to grow tired of all the fun he’s having, Stryker decides to let James in on the action. They make the tag, and in comes James. He’s ready for a little fun of his own; as DSL tries to catch her breath, James rushes up from behind and levels her with a Slip-Trip. DSL goes down hard. Busch: “It looks like Stryker and James are hellbent on making Da Sweet Lunatic suffer a little.�?/P> Marshal: “Can’t say I blame them, really. DSL’s a trouble maker, Bert; she needs to be taught a lesson.�?/P> Image: “And what lesson might that be, Jay?�?/P> Marshal: “Um…well…it doesn’t matter, really.�?/P> Image smirks. Image: “Yeah, I figured as much.�?/P> Back in their corner, a well-rested Flipside is yelling for DSL to get up. He’s got his arm stretched out as far as it will go; he’s doing what he can to get her to tag him in. James waits for DSL to get back up on her feet before starting in on her again. He nails her with a Headbutt, which causes her to stumble backwards. Then he Irish Whips her off of the ropes and levels her with a Shortarm Clothesline. DSL lands with a thud. Busch: “What a Shortarm Clothesline by James! DSL is in a whole lotta trouble.�?BR> Marshal: “She doesn’t stand a chance, Bert. She never stood a chance.�?/P> Image: “Give her some credit, Jay. She’s more than capable of holding her own in the ring.�?/P> James toys with her for a bit. He helps her to her feet, then makes a point of laughing in her face. Drawing strength from her anger, Da Sweet Lunatic surprises James with a fierce Low Blow. James doubles over from the impact, and DSL Irish Whips herself off of the ropes and delivers a Running and Flying Cross Body to James. He goes down hard, giving DSL enough time to make her way back to her corner. Still waiting for his turn, Flipside yells for DSL to tag him in. Happy to oblige, she slaps his hand . Hopping over the ropes, Flipside leaps into action. As James rushes towards him, Flipside grabs him and raises him over his shoulders before delivering a Tilt-a-Whirl-Backbreaker. James lies on the mat, writhing in pain. Flipside scoops him up and lands a beautiful Northern Lights Suplex. Trying to end the match, Flipside goes for the cover. One�?/P> Two�?/P> Th- kickout by James! Busch: “A last minute kickout there by James. Flipside was sure he had this won right here.�?/P> Marshal: “That’s nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of Flipflop, Bert.�?/P> Image: “It’s ‘Flipside�? Jay. Not ‘Flipflop�?�?/P> Marshal: “Whatever.�?/P> Clearly frustrated, Flipside bends over to yank James back up on his feet. James, however, catches him off guard with a vicious Headbutt, followed by a Front Facelock. Flipside crumples to the mat, unable to move. James crawls back to his corner and tags in Stryker. Having got his second wind, Stryker rushes over to an injured Flipside and drills him with a Sidewalk Slam. Busch: “That’s one hell of a Sidewalk Slam, courtesy of the Legendary Icon!�?/P> Marshal: “That’s how a REAL man does business, Bert.�?/P> Image: “This might end here, guys. Not many people can recover from a hit like that.�?/P> Adding insult to injury, Stryker lifts Flipside back up on his feet, then gets him with a Gorilla Press into a Powerslam. Rather sure of himself, Stryker goes for the cover. One�?/P> Two�?/P> Thr-kickout by Flipside! Amused by his opponent’s will to hang on, Stryker stands up, pulling Flipside up with him. Still unable to defend himself, Flipside finds himself on the receiving end of an Inverted DDT. Stryker throws his head back in laughter as Flipside lies lies motionless at his feet. Unable to contain herself any longer, DSL rushes to her partner’s aid. She nails Stryker in the back of the head with a Missile Dropkick. Stryker falls forward, face first into the mat. Now it’s James who rushes to his partner’s rescue. He spins Da Sweet Lunatic around and lands one European Upper Cut after another. She stumbles backwards, then falls to the mat. James goes for the cover, but is reminded by Referee Chris Martin that Stryker and Flipside are the legal men in the ring. James helps Stryker up, then joins him in kicking the everloving crap out of a wounded Flipside. When they grow tired of that, James grabs DSL by the arm and drags her out of the ring so that Stryker can finish Flipside off. Stryker looks around at the crowd, and they all know what’s coming. He lets out a primitave-like yell, then scoops Flipside up and delivers the final nail in the coffin. Busch: “Here we go, folks! This one’s over right here, right now.�?/P> Marshal: “You bet your sweet ass, Bert!�?/P> Right on cue, Stryker finishes him off with a Supreme Killing. Flipside lies perfectly still, possibly unconscious. Jimmy Stryker throws his arm over his victim, smiling sadistically as the referee makes the count. One�?/P> Two�?/P> Three�?/P> Pinfall!! The bell sounds, signaling the end of the match. James rushes in to congratulate his partner, and they throw their arms up in victory. Kevin Dart: “Here are your winners�?James and Jimmy Stryker!�?BR> They look down at Flipside, who’s still out on the mat, then slide out of the ring and head backstage. Busch: “This one’s in the books…we’ll be right back!�?/P> **Commercial Break** | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 28th, 2006 | The bell sounds three times�?/P> Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?The following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL�?There is a sixty minute Time Limit and it IS The ICWA Demented MAIN EVENT!" The Triumphent trumpets begin blasting over the PA�?/P> We soon hear someone working out hard as we hear Nelly�?/P> "Ya Gotta work, Gotta Work, Come on�?Push It�?Come on man Push It�?Five more, five more, you can do it�?Come on baby�? "Heart of a Champion" by Nelly begins to take off as the crowd is growing loud and the curtain moves�?/P> The crowd erupts as we hear Dart announce, "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome�?From Indianapolis Indiana�?He is the special GUEST COMMENTATOR for this contest and�?The International Championship Wrestling Alliance HhhhhhhEAVYWEIGHT WRESTLING CHAMPION OF THE WOOOORLLLDDDDD�?DAVID_VAN_DAM!" David proceeds down the ramp, slapping hands as he does. Busch, "There he is folks. The Undisputed ICWA Heavyweight wrestling champion of the world. It does not get any better than David Van Dam. But in just a few weeks Matt Matlock’s fixin to prove that he is infact the exception�?He is just one pinch better than our current champion. The question on everybody’s mind is, can he do it? Can he do what so many have said he never would and become ICWA Heavyweight Wrestling champion of the World? I don’t know, but I think we could get a good idea based on the way he performs here tonight." Marshal, "Ya know, I’ve always kind of liked Matlock. But do I think he’s better than David Van Dam? Ehhh�?I wouldn’t press it that far. But I do think he’s better than he’s given credit for. And I’m anxious to see who he’s got here tonight." David continues slapping and shaking hands as he makes it to ringside and begins walking around the ring to the left hand side. Busch, "Well folks, this portion of our show is being brought to you curtosy of Burger King. Have It your way!" Image, "Emm�?Burger King�? The entire arena waits in silence. The opening guitar chords of "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" hit the speakers. Eight seconds later, the song kicks into full gear as pyro erupts from the stage in a loud BOOM! Fed up tired, Sick & twisted One man army I'm enlisted Trust yourself trust no one else Fuck a hero just be yourself Busch, "Ho-boy! Well folks, at this time let us welcome ICWA World Heavyweight champion, David Van Dam, to the commentary booth. A pleasure to have you champ." David, "The pleasure is all mine Mr. Busch." Busch, "Please, call me Bert." It's at this point when Matt Matlock steps out from behind the curtains, dressed in his jeans and a muscle shirt and wearing a pair of sunglasses. He stands there looking out over the crowd with a grin as the song continues. And I don't need your lousy handouts With clenched fists I'll fight my way out Fight my way out, find my way out Busch, "In just a few weeks you meet this man one on one for your ICWA Heavyweight championship. How ya feeling at this point?" David, "I’m feeling good Bert. Matt Matlock’s a Hell of an opponent. I’ve got my work cut out for me, but it’s going to be a lot of fun to get into the main event with one of my best friends and tear the house down." Matt stands still for a moment, his arms at his sides. People wake up and sing along I trust no one, all my trust is gone! At this moment Matt looks skyward and points up to the roof as loud pyros suddenly explode on both sides of the ramp, starting at the top and repeatedly exploding all the way down past him towards the bottom. Born with nothing (born with nothing) Die with everything! Born with nothing (born with nothing) Die with everything, yeah! Now as the pyros subside and the song continues, Matt continues his walk down the ramp. The crowd is quite mixed as he does so, but some fans have their hands out for him, and he slaps hands with them as he passes by. He reaches the ring and slides underneath the rope as Kevin Dart takes the mic. Dart: And now in the ring, hailing from Cape Breton Island, Canada and weighing in at two hundred and seventy pounds, he is "The Cornered Animal"....MATT....MAT-LOOOOOCK! While Kevin is doing the introductions Matt leaned over the ropes on both sides of the ring facing the crowd, talking trash at those are booing him. Matt then heads up the top turnbuckle, where he stands for a moment before stretching his arms to the side. The moment he does so a flurry of pyros erupts in the center of the ring behind him, HBK-style pyros. They shoot off rapidly for a few seconds until he lowers his arms and they stop. It's at this point where Matt hands his sunglasses off to the ref as he steps down and then looks up towards the stage as he awaits the arrival of his opponent. Matlock’s music slowly draws to a finish as Matt’s looking up the ramp in wait and Kevin Dart is standing to the side. Busch, "Well folks�?Now it’s time to find out who the opponent is, now it’s time to find out who Matt Matlock’s going to face�?Right after our very last commercial break of the night." *Commercial Break �?During this commercial break Matlock cut a promo just for the fans in Buffalo�?They dug it�?Sucka.* | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 28th, 2006 | The cameras return from commercial as we see Matlock pacing the ring in wait�?/P> "ARGH ARGH!" "Yeah�?Uh�?Yeah�?Uh�?/EM> Yo�?Don’t get it twisted�?This Wrestlin s**t is mine�?BR>Motherf___ker! It’s not, a f____in game F___ What you heard�? Busch, "I know that theme�?You don’t think�? "It’s what you hearin�?what you hearin It’s what you hearin –Listen It’s what you hearin –Listen It’s what you hearin –Listen X Gonna Give it to ya F__k waitin for you to get it on your own X Gonna deliver to ya Knock-Knock, open up the door it’s real With the non-stop Pop-pop Stainless steel�? Suddenly a series of pyros explode from the stage making the crowd pop as the certain flies from the side and out from behind it steps�?/P> Busch, "IT IS! X �?BOMB! THE VERY FIRST ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! AND BAH GAWD HE LOOKS BETTER THAN EVER!" Image, "And will ya look at that, he has on his commemorative ICWA Championship belt!" Kevin Dart, "AND THE CHALLANGER�?Making his way from NEW YORK CITY�?He weighs in at 311 Pounds�?He is the VERY FIRST EYE SEE DOUBLE-YOU EH HEAVEYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORRRRLD�?HE IS�?XXXXXXXXX-BOMB!" The old school ICWA fans are going wild and the newer fans are still impressed as X �?Bomb, who was always in good shape anyway, is in magnificent shape. It looks like his pecks grew pecks. David, "I think it’s safe to say Kenny Master’s hasn’t seen much of this guy recently. He said on ICWA Cyber Radio that X Bomb was probably out of shape and it wouldn’t mean as much to beat him but judging by what I see in front of me, I beg to differ." "Break Bread with the Enemy No Matter how many cats I break bread with I’ll BREAK who you sendin me You motherf____rs never wanted nothing but your life saved BITCH And that’s on a light day" X �?Bomb let’s out a roar making the crowd pop some more as he slowly saunters down the ramp. We can see Matlock pacing in the ring, clearly not ecstatic about facing a 6�?1", 311 pound beast. But then again, he doesn’t look frightened either. Slightly intimidated, but very focused. Marshal, "Well let me tell ya, X Bomb came to this company very shortly before I did. So he and I basically came up together. I was there at the then Gunds Arena in Cleveland Ohio on August the forth of 2002 when he decimated Jeffery Nero Hardy to become the very first ICWA World Heavyweight champion. He and I were the top tier as I was the CWA Champion. And let me tell ya, he was intense, he was in shape, he was a monster�?But, I don’t EVER�?EVER remember seeing him look this well tuned and this pumped up. I wouldn’t want to be Matt Matlock tonight." "First we gonna Rock, Then we Gonna Roll Then We let it POP, Go Let It Go X Gonna give it to ya, He gonna give it to ya X gonna give it to ya, He gonna give it to ya First we gonna Rock, Then we Gonna Roll Then We let it POP, Go Let It Go X Gonna give it to ya, He gonna give it to ya X gonna give it to ya, He gonna give it to ya" X Bomb points to the crowd and yells, "WHO DA MAN?!" Crowd: YOU DA MAN!" X Bomb points to the otherside of fans, "WHO DA MAN?!" Crowd: YOU DA MAN!" X Bomb beats his chest a couple of times with his fist and then raises his fist in the air, drawing a huge pop as he stands on the center of the floor right at the bottom of the ramp and just before the ringside wrestling mats. Busch, "He certainly is. X Bomb making his return to the ICWA and David, this could spell trouble for your tag team partner and future adversary." David, "No question, X Bomb an intimidating force and a man with all the credentials. But don’t under estimate Matt Matlock. The man’s got a lot of heart and a lot of underrated skill. Obviously, I mean he’s made it this far. It can’t just be blind luck at this point." X Bomb reaches up and grabs the ropes, climbing up from the floor to the canvas and then climbing up and over the top rope. Matlock gets in his corner as X Bomb climbs the nearest corner and then raises his arms ala Steve Austin. When he does a couple pyros shoot from the top of the arena. Just clear blasts kind of like Bigshow’s pyro. X Bomb drops down and takes off his championship belt as the music slowly draws to a fade. He hands the belt to the official and then takes off his leather vest, also handing that to the official. Senior referee Tim White takes the belt and the vest around to the commentary side of the ring and hands it down to Kevin Dart who takes it over with him to the Time Keeper’s table. X Bomb and Matlock both come to center ring as Tim White starts laying down the law. Busch, "This is going to be a trying contest for the number one contender." David, "Well, not necessarily." Busch, "Oh?" David, "Bomb has the clear height and weight advantage, that goes without saying. But if Matlock can successfully shoot for the legs and take the base from the big man, then the size advantage goes out the window. Matlock’s primary focus should be the legs in this contest, Not only to neutralize the size differential, but also to eliminate X Bomb’s ability to apply that devastating X Bomb –Not the man but the man’s finishing move-. Being the student of the game and wrestling historian I am, I know that X Bomb’s patented finishing move has been a power bomb from the top rope which he refers to simply as the "X Bomb". In order to apply this devastating maneuver, X is going to have to support both his weight and Matt’s on those tree-like legs of his. Not only that, but he has to support that weight on the ropes, which is even more difficult because standing on the ropes stretches your calves and applies more pressure to your knees. So if Matlock’s done his homework �?And he and I have been studying tape of the former ICWA Champions via the ICWA Video library all week �?then he’ll work over the knees and even the calves. Because strain to the calf muscles or so much as a bad cramp, and the X Bomb is also neutralized, which means now that X Bomb would have to completely remodel his plan of attack and come up with a completely different way to try and put Matlock away. Because he’s been away from the business so long, I don’t like his odds of doing that." Marshal, "Away from the business or not, X Bomb was always business 24-7. I doubt very much that he stoped watching tape and stopped learning just because he left the ring. And clearly he hasn’t stopped training." David, "Watching, and actually sharpening your mental prowess through being put in these kinds of situations regularly and recently, are two very different areas." Finally the bell sounds as Matlock and X Bomb slowly, slowly, circle each other. Each man sizing up the other. Finally Matlock shoots in looking for a single leg take down but X Bomb drops down with a double axehandle across the spine. The crowd pops as X Bomb grabs Matlock by the arm pits and literally throws him back into the corner. X Bomb runs in and raises his arm, clearly looking for a big elbow but Matlock quickly darts out of the corner, making the former heavyweight champion slam hard against the turnbuckles. Matlock spins around and starts delivering hard, open right hands. One, two, three, four, five�?BAM! X Bomb disrupts the flurry of right hands with a hard throat thrust. Matlock grabs his throat and spins around, gasping for air as X Bomb scoops him from the side, stalls briefly, and then drops him down hard, dropping Matlock’s spine over the right knee of the big man. Matlock rolls off his leg and hits his back again on the mat, holding it in pain. X Bomb grabs the far wrist and covers with a basic lateral press as Tim White drops down and counts ………………One………………Two just two as Matlock kicks out to the exclamation of the crowd. X Bomb pulls himself up as Matlock rolls to a knee, his hand over his back, clearly still feeling the effects of that big back breaker from the original headliner. Busch, "Matlock just able to kick out from that big backbreaker." David, "Smart move by the big man. Start working that back, making that X Bomb of his twice as devastating if he’s given the opportunity to hit it. But don’t force yourself to finish the match that way. If you noticed, the back breaker was the first solid move of the match, but X Bomb immediately went for the cover. The goal of the match �?And I think a lot of guys in our sport today forget this �?isn’t too show off for thirty minutes, it’s too win the match. If it takes an hour it takes an hour, but if you can finish it in thirty seconds then finish it in thirty seconds. Your goal in that ring should always be to pick up the win and to do so as quickly as possible. The longer you go, the more fatigued to get, and thus the better the chances are for your adversary to pick up the win." Busch, "Ya know I never invested much thought into that, but you’re absolutely correct." David, "I have, and that’s why I’m the champ." X Bomb grabs Matlock by the head with his left hand and then buries a huge right hand into his skull with such force that Matlock actually snaps back and takes a hard bump on his back. Matlock rolls up to his feet quickly but looks a little dazed. The Big man again grabs the head of Matlock, and again sinks a stiff right hand with the same result as before. Matlock gets up quick again, but his eyes are glossed over. X Bomb grabs the Contender’s wrist and uses his own shoulder to shove the Canadian Ultrastar into the corner. X Bomb pushes him just a little further, actually pushing the turnbuckles back a little bit before he swings out and delivers a powerful Irish whip making Matlock dart across the ring, leap and slam hard, back first against the turnbuckles. The big man measures him up and then runs across the ring and turns to his side as he gets to the corner, drawing his thigh and knee into the ribs of the Cornered Animal. The crowd pops as Matlock staggers out. X Bomb simply watches as he staggers, and then drops to his face drawing another pop ala Ric Flair. David, "That hard shot to the ribs from the big man really rocked Matlock’s world. I like this X Bomb. He’s not just a big muscle head, he’s got a brain. Everything he’s done thus far appears to be aiding toward the effect of that nasty X Bomb finish of his." Matlock starts pulling himself up as X Bomb grabs him by the neck, aiding with the process. X Bomb hooks the Canadian Contender in the Vertical suplex grapple, and then hoists him up, holding him there in the middle of the air as the fans are on their feet. X Bomb then leaps into the air and flies back, adding extra elevation onto the huge stalling vertical suplex. The crowd pops as X Bomb floats over and hooks the far wrist again. Senior referee Tim White counts ………………ONE…………………TWO………�?Just a little after two and Matlock kicks out, although certainly not as emphatically as he had earlier on in the contest. Seeing that Matlock didn’t kick out with authority, he maintains the hold on Lock’s wrist and forces his shoulders back down. …………………One………………Two…………�?Again only two. Bomb forces the shoulders back down again ………………………One……………………Two…………………�?Matlock gets it up one more time. Busch, "X Bomb keeping with the pinfall attempt." David, "Very smart on the part of the big man. He noticed Matlock display a very limited level of exhaustion when attempting to kick out after that vertical, so he followed it right back up. And based on the way X Bomb’s distributed his weight across the shoulders of Matlock, this forces Matlock to use his lower body to actually, physically, kick out in order to get that shoulder up, which in turn makes him exert more energy and reduces his odds of being able to kick out each time. Not to mention, tires him and reduces his ability to try and reverse or fight back from whatever X Bomb may have in store next." X Bomb pulls himself up and raises his arms as he yells out "WHO DA MAN?!" That particular crowd section: YOU DA MAN! X Bomb turns to the otherside of the ring "WHO DA MAN?!" That particular crowd section: YOU DA MAN! X Bomb nods and turns back around as Matlock’s on his knees. Matlock finishes pulling himself up and X Bomb hooks him and takes him over with a big hip toss. Matlock hits his back and quickly pops up to his ass, holding his back as he lets out a grunt of pain. The Canadian Ultrastar starts to pull himself up but X Bomb grabs him by the jaw and skull and helps him to his feet. He then bends over, hoists Matlock up, and drops him in the center of the ring with a hard bodyslam. The crowd pops as X Bomb heads to the ropes, bounces off, runs back and leaps up�?/FONT> And nails a big leg drop across the chest of the contender. X Bomb spins around and again hooks the far wrist as Tim White drops down and counts …………………One……………………Two…………………�?Matlock just manages to kick out before the three. Busch, "Nearly a three off that big leg drop, and it looks like the number one contender might be in some trouble here." David, "Well thus far this contest has been all Big Man. Matlock started out with the right idea as he shot in for that single leg take down in the early going, but he wasn’t successful and since then X Bomb’s pretty much dictated the pace and ruled this bout." X Bomb gets up and raises his arms over his head making an X at the wrists, which draws a huge reaction. Busch, "Oh boy�?I think business is fixin to pick up!" Marshal, "He’s getting ready to pull the ol�?X Bomb out the closet and dust that some-bitch off!" David, "With as much damage as Matlock’s back has taken thus far, I can guarantee that’d be all she wrote for the Cornered Animal." X Bomb bends down to grab Matlock’s head but Matlock snaps up, delivering a hard headbutt into the bridge of the nose of X Bomb. X Bomb snaps up holding his face in pain as he rushes over to the corner. An outside camera zooms in and we can see blood trailing down X Bomb’s hands which are holding his nose as the crowd is on their feet cheering. Busch, "Bah gawd�?I think Matlock may have just busted the proboscis of X Bomb." David, "This could be the moment Matlock needed if he can capitalize." Matlock pulls himself up, a fire in his eyes as he still holds his back. Matlock rushes over and spins X Bomb around as X Bomb’s hands drop down and we see the blood all over his face from his nose. Matlock delivers a stiff forearm into the already damaged face, followed by a second, then a third, and then a kick to the gut�?Another kick�?A third, forth, fifth, another forearm. X Bomb’s slowly sliding down the turnbuckles till he hits his ass. Matlock continues laying in the boots as Tim White gets into the corner and demands a break. Busch, "He’s stompin a mudhole and walkin�?it dry!" Matlock delivers one last hard kick and Power struts away. He isn’t gone long though as he comes running back and drops down while raising his knee, driving his knee into the face of X Bomb ala Mick Foley. Crowd: GO-MATT-GO, GO-MATT-GO, GO-MATT-GO, GO-MATT-GO, GO-MATT-GO, GO-MATT-GO�?/EM> David, "GO MATT GO!" Matlock reaches down and pulls X bomb back up to his feet. The Canadian contender grabs the wrist of the ICWA Legend and pushes him hard against the turnbuckles. He then springs out and Irish whips him across the ring to the opposing corner. Matlock darts across the ring and leaps up, nailing a high body avalanche (stinger splash) across the chest of the Big man. X Bomb staggers out of the corner and Matt Matlock darts behind him and hops up onto the second rope. X Bomb turns around and Matlock leaps off, hooking X Bomb’s head and driving him down with a flying reverse Bulldog. The crowd is going wild as Matlock hooks the far leg and Tim White counts ……………………ONE……………………TWO... X Bomb powers out. Matlock seems frustrated as he gets up, holding his back as he’s clearly still feeling the effects of the earlier assault. Matlock yells down to X Bomb "GET UP YA BIG BITCH!" Busch, "Matlock very passionate." David, "His pride’s on the line Bert. You don’t get much more passionate then that." X Bomb pulls himself up as Matlock runs and delivers a hard right forearm. Matlock kicks him in the gut and underhooks the arms as the crowd jumps up�?/FONT> Busch, "HE’S LOOKING FOR THE ANIMAL INSTINCTS�? X Bomb suddenly breaks the underhook and violently shoves Matlock with such force that he goes flying and nails his back hard against the turnbuckles. X Bomb darts after him and clubs him with a huge closeline across the chest that make a huge "SMACK" Sound despite Matlock wearing a shirt. X Bomb grabs a hold of the collar of Matlock’s shirt and physically rips it, snapping the neck line and ripping half way down the shirt. Marshal, "Ugh-oh! That must have cost four or five bucks at Wal Mart!" X Bomb raises his huge hand in the sky and drops it down hard over Matlock’s chest ala the Bigshow, leaving his huge hand print on Matlock’s chest. He then draws bag and nails a huge right hand into the eye of Matlock, causing instant swelling around the eye of Matlock. Busch, "………�?/FONT>" David, "………�?/FONT>" X Bomb pulls his arm back and then slams his huge elbow into Matlock’s mouth, instantly making blood spew from his mouth. Busch, "……�?X Bomb getting very�?Aggressive." X Bomb then wraps his huge hand around Matlock’s throat and leans in, choking him, and placing his mouth close to Matlock’s ear. Of course the camera instantly switches angles so we can’t tell if he ends up saying anything to Matlock or not. Tim White gets in there and demands the break as he begins to count ……………One…………Two……………Three………Four……�?BREAK IT DAMN IT! X Bomb releases the choke and steps back with his hands up. He then delivers a hard big boot-style kick to the face of Matlock. He wipes his face, wiping the blood from his clearly swollen nose. He then grabs Matlock and pulls him out of the corner by the neck. X Bomb hops up, sitting on the top rope before he stands up on the second rope and reaches down, wrapping his arms around Matlock’s waist. X Bomb hoists him up as the fans are on their feet taking pictures�?/FONT> Busch, "HE’S GONNA HIT THE X BOMB!" X Bomb leaps off the second rope but in mid air Matlock pushes himself over X Bomb, drops behind X Bomb while hooking his arms around X Bomb’s waist and shifts the momentum in the air, delivering a modified sunset flip and essentially hitting a sitdown powerbomb of his own to X Bomb which draws a huge pop. Busch, "BAH GAWD!" Matlock maintains the sitdown powerbomb position as Tim White drops down and counts …………………ONE………………TWO…………�?X Bomb kicks out! Busch, "HE KICKED OUT! X BOMB KICKED OUT!" X Bomb and Matlock both pop up. X Bomb darts for Matlock looking for a spear but Matlock side steps, hooks the biceps and drops down nailing an inadverted Double Arm DDT. Busch, "ANIMAL INSTINCTS! ANIMAL INSTINCTS! BAH GAWD!" The crowd is going wild as Matlock rolls him over and hooks the far leg and Tim White drops down and counts�?/P> Crowd & White: ONE…………………TWO………………THREE! The bell sounds as "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" blasts over the PA. Dart, "YOUR WINNER�?MAAAAAAAAAATT MAT-LOCKKKKKKKK!" The crowd erupts as Tim White raises Matlock’s arm in the air. David, "That was impressive. Matt really turned it up in the forth quarter and showed exactly why he is the number one contender to the most prestigious championship in the world today, the ICWA World Heavyweight championship." Busch, "Absolutely. X Bomb looked as good as he’s ever looked, but Matlock looked that much better and champ, I think you’re fixin to have a real challenge on your hands at ICWA Resurrection III: Howl of the wolf." David, "No question Bert. Matt’s going to come and he’s going to come hard. It’s gonna be a match for the ages." Back in the ring X Bomb suddenly rushes up from behind and drives a hard double axe handle into the back of Matlock, dropping him in the center of the ring. The crowd starts to boo as Matlock’s theme fades and the bell begins to sound. X Bomb doesn’t seem to care though as he starts laying in hard boots to the upper torso of Matlock. Busch, "AWW COME ON!" We suddenly hear a head set hit the commentary table. It’s not long after that we see DVD shoot into the ring under the bottom rope. David runs up behind X Bomb, hooks a rear waist lock, and pops back nailing a huge German suplex. The crowd erupts as X Bomb pulls himself up and runs back at David Van Dam looking for a big clothesline. The champion ducks under, spins around and hooks the arm and leg before popping up and nailing a huge Last Chance (Olympic Slam). Busch, "YES! The champion went in and made the save!" David pulls off his sweet shirt and tosses it to the side before he reaches down, grabs X Bomb’s ankle, and begins to twist drawing a huge pop from the crowd. Busch, "ANKLE LOCK! ANKLE LOCK! DAVID VAN DAM’S GOT X BOMB IN THE ANKLE LOCK!" He holds it momentarily before he finally releases, making his point, and lets X Bomb roll to the floor holding his ankle. David glares down toward X Bomb for a minute before he turns around to see Matlock pulling himself up on the opposite of the ring. David walks back over as Matlock heads toward center ring as well. David, "You alright?" Matlock shoves David, drawing a small bit of boos. Busch, "What the�? Matlock, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" David seems confused, "What was what?" Matlock, "YOU KNOW WHAT! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" David puts his hands up, showing that he doesn’t understand what Matlock’s talking about. Matlock balls up his right hand and nails a huge fist to the jaw of Van Dam, dropping him hard on his ass as the crowd boos. David holds his jaw and looks up at Matlock like he must have lost his mind. Matlock just seems pissed off as he shakes his head, drops down, and rolls out of the ring. "Born with Nothing, Die With Everything" blasts over the PA as the crowd is booing. David, still sitting, puts out his arms as to say "What the fuck dude". Busch, "What the Hell was that?! What’s going on with Pure Perfection?!" Matlock turns around and looks at David, Shaking his head in disgust before turning back around and heading up the ramp. Busch, "David doesn’t seem to understand�?I don’t understand�?What the�?I�?Well�?Next week they’ve gotta team up against WallStreet and Skywalker�?How in the Hell�?I don’t know�? The cameras fade on Van Dam’s misunderstanding look as he’s on his ass in the ring. 
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ICWA Demented Credits & Quick Match Results Quick Match Results Dark Matches Brianna Chillie Def. Monica Swhear Christopher Boudreaux & Mandatory Demented Def. Blaze Inferno & Joey De'Angelo (The match was well enjoyed) Travis O'Neal Def. Steve Corino Demented Matches Dark Child Def. The Rush Ryan Ross Via Pinfall Hope Cassidy Drew w/ Jay Styles via Double Pinfall Heather McMahon Def. Ivory via Pinfall Bobby Johnson, Drew Stevenson & Dusty Rhodes Def. Remorseless Storm & Dustin Rhodes Via Pinfall (Dusty Over Dustin) Jimmy Stryker & James Def. Flipside & DSL Via Pinfall (Stryker over Flipside) Matt Matlock Def. X - Bomb via Pinfall Post Show Dark Match David Van Dam Def. Christian Skywalker via pinfall in an extremely well recieved, 10 minute bonus match. (Originally scheduled for WallStreet to face DVD, this contest was changed however to better please the Buffalo fans.) Credits
Match 1 Singles Ryan Ross V.S. Dark Child Written by: Shayne AKA Dark Child Match 2 Jay Styles V.S. Hope Cassidy Written by: Jenny AKA Image Johnson Match 3 Singles Heather McMahon V.S. Ivory Written by: Matt Matlock First Hour Main Event Segment Public Explanation: Skywalker & WallStreet Written By: Taylor AKA WallStreet Match 5 Six Man Tag Bobby, Dusty, & Drew V.S. Remorseless Storm & Dustin Written By: David AKA DVD Match 6 Tag Team Flipside & DSL V.S. Jimmy Stryker & James Written By: Jenny AKA Image Johnson Main Event Singles Matt Matlock V.S. X Bomb Written by: Taylor AKA WallStreet Winners Selected by Management Thanks to everyone who rped this week. great job. Special Thanks to Jenny, Shayne & Matt Matlock who all picked up an extra match this week. 
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