 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 4/3/2007 8:05 PM |
ICWA Demented Live March 25th, 2007 | The First ICWA Pay Per View Event of 2007 is on the horizon folks�?Just Moments, MERE MOMENTS away. The ICWA Free for All show where Greg Davidson takes you down the list of all the feuds and why they’re taking place has concluded�?And now for the millions around the world who have ordered our PPV Event, the screen goes to solid blackness�?But only Briefly�?/P> WARNING!!! Warning: UNAUTHORIZED INTERCEPTION OR RECEIPT PROHIBITED!!! This Pay Per View event is the exclusive property of the International Championship Wrestling Alliance Inc. Only by paying a fee to a cable operator or other entity authorized by ICWA INC is the viewer granted a limited license to view this pay per view program. This Pay Per View may not be recorded, rebroadcast, retransmitted or otherwise distributed in any manner whatsoever without the expressed written consent of ICWA INC. Federal Law provides for civil penalties and criminal penalties against any violators. Unauthorized Viewers Beware and be forewarned!! With that we fade into the video package for ICWA Resurrection III: Howl of the Wolf (Click on PPV Name to watch video) as "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" by Papa Roach blasts from the PA. As the video concludes we draw back into the arena, the theme song still blaring over the sound system as the pyros begin to explode�?/P> The cameras begin to pan the arena as a box appears in the higher left side of the screen�?/P> ICWA Resurrection LIVE! New York City | Busch, "WELCOME TO EYE_SEE_DUBBYA_EH RESURRECTION THREE, HOWL_OF_THE_WOLF! I’m Double B Bert Busch alongside the former CWA Heavyweight Champion, "Destructive" Jay Marshal and we WELCOME YOU to the ICWA PAY PER VIEW!" The Cameras begin to focus on the ramp as we suddenly hear the triumphant sound of trumpets, signaling the opening of the "Final Countdown" by Europe. Busch, "And folks, we ain’t wastin anytime here tonight!" The crowd begins to erupt as the numbers start to show on the Dementa-Tron, counting down along with the deep bassed announcer from the musical track�?/P> 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 red, white, and blue pyro explodes from the stage as the Dementa-Tron switches over to the entrance video. Finally "No Limits" Christian Skywalker comes from behind the curtain. Dart, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN�?The Following Contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with a THIRTY MINUTE TIME LIMIT!" Skywalker smiles and poses while the crowd gives him a tremendous ovation. Dart, "Introducing FIRST�?Making his way from Buffalo New York and weighing in this evening at 251 Pounds�?NO Limits CCCCHRISTIAAAAANNN�?SKKKKYYYYWALKER!" Skywalker continues down the ramp as Busch says, "No Limits is the longest reigning United States Champion in our company’s history with a title run of 1,056 days. He won the United States championship in a Ten Person battle royal on an episode of ICWA Demented on Wednesday the 6th of 2003 and didn’t lose that championship until Tuesday, April 26th of 2005 on the very same show he won the championship, ICWA Demented. He has the longest title reign of any champion in our company’s history. He was a month and some change away from having a three year title reign. Can ya believe that Jay?" Marshal, "Well it’s no secret that I’m not a Christian Skywalker fan, but that’s impressive no matter how ya slice it." Busch, "But it seems that every since that April night in 2005, Skywalker’s been on a bit of a downward spiral. He’s had a few wins here and there but his loss record has increased heavily and he just seems to buckle when it comes time for the big ones. Hopefully here tonight can be the start of a turn around for the Buffalo native named Christian Skywalker." Marshal, "I wouldn’t bet big money on it Bert. He’s like a Fisher Price Bulldozer going against a real brick wall Bert." Busch, "No question his adversary here tonight does not seem like a push over by any stretch of the imagination, but when Skywalker gets his focus and is on point he’s second to none." Marshal, "Perhaps, but Skywalker hasn’t been focused in a long time Bert." By this Time Skywalker has reached ringside and begins to climb the stairs. He walks halfway down the apron and then turns and poses for the crowd some more. Busch, "Well, whether he wins or losses, there’s still a lot of Liminators out there." Marshal, "Idiots." As Skywalker gets into the ring "I Walk Alone" By Saliva begins to blast over the PA Joe bursts out from the back, the electricity coursing through his veins as his knees bounce up and down. He slows down before the ramp, stops and breathes in the audience. Joe slaps his chest one by one with each fist, then raises his fists high above his head, resulting in a massive explosion of red pyro behind him. Pyro, "POP-POP-POP-POP-POP-POP-POP-POP-POP-POP" Busch, "GOOD-GAWD! What a site!" Dart, "AND THE CHALLANGER�?ALSO From Buffalo New York�?Weighing In at 273 Pound�?He is JOE_SSSSIXXXXPACK!" Joe heads down the ramp, making any gesture towards the audience to make them hate him even more. Busch, "Jay, I had the opportunity to interview this man last week on Demented and let me tell ya, I’m not a man who’s intimidated easily but this Joe 6-Pack is one intimidating man." Marshal, "When the ICWA Started up there was one big dog in the yard, one guy who could out fight anybody else and nobody wanted to cross paths with�?That was me. I was the Bully in the school yard, but this Bully never got punked by the Good guy. Now in 2007 a New force of Destruction has arisen�?A New Bully in the Yard, a new Dog running the Kennel and his name is Joe 6-pack. Make no mistake about it Bert, this guy isn’t nice, he doesn’t work a real pretty, scientific style, but he is 275 pounds of unadulterated whoop ass machine." Busch, "Well I reckon we’re fixin to find out just how bad he is." Marshal, "We already found out two weeks in a row as he man handled Christian Skywalker and anything else that wanted to get in his way." Busch, "Yeah, but in both cases it was back attacks. Now he has to face a fresh, very suspecting and prepared Christian Skywalker. It’s one thing to take a man down from behind, it’s one thing to take a man down after he’s been wrestling a grueling main event contest�?But now we see what happens when it’s one on one, no advantages, no back attacks. Just straight up wrestling." Marshal, "Well you’re wrong there Bert. I don’t forsee us seeing much, if any "wrestling" from Joe 6-Pack. We’re gonna see a straight up Fight." Busch, "That’s true, you’re absolutely right." 6-Pack has finally made it to ringside. He walks to the steps, takes in a breath, and runs up the steel steps slightly hunched over, touching every step with the tips of his fingers. He walks along the apron with his chest out, boastful. He points to an attractive woman in the audience, winks at her, and then steps through the ropes and into the ring. Skywalker’s glare never leaving the big man. Marshal, "GAH-HA! Ya see that Bert? Some lucky lady here in New York City may be goin back to the Hotel with Joe when he gets done smackin Skywalker around!" 6-Pack climbs up to the second turnbuckle, and points to his chest with both thumbs as the crowd overwhelms the arena with boos. Busch, "The fans here in New York not overly fond of Joe 6-Pack and for good reason with the actions he’s committed as of late." Marshal, "Ah, stop crying." The lights have readjusted as we see Skywalker glaring at Joe and Joe with a half a smirk on his face as a result. ICWA Official Ken Martel calls for the bell and Skywalker wastes no time as he darts out of the corner for Joe. 6Pack quickly counters with a stiff kick into the abdominal region of No Limits. Skywalker doubles over and Joe drives a hard left hand into the side of Christian’s head, making him bounce back. The Rebel of Buffalo follows that up with a hard right, then another left, then another right till he has the former US Champion backed into the corner. Busch, "Come on ref, those are blatant closed fists!" Martel seems to realize that as he gets into 6-Pack’s face. Big Joe puts his hands up as to say "Sorry man, My fault", and then Bitch slaps Skywalker across the face. The crowd boos again as Joe looks at Martel and says, "That Better?" Joe turns back to Skywalker but as he does NLCS drives forward, sweeps the legs and dives, nailing a quick spinebuster and drawing a cheer from the crowd. NLCS Maintains the hold of Joe’s legs and flips himself over so his feet are on the mat, his chest is facing the ceiling, and he still has Joe’s legs so that 6-Pack’s in a pinning situation. Martel drops down and counts ……………One�?Only one as 6-Pack powers out. Skywalker pops up and Joe rolls over to his knees and starts to get up. NLCS instantly hooks Joe by the neck and arm and then pops back, bringing the big man up and over with a quick but fluent vertical suplex. Skywalker rolls up to his feet as Joe’s on his ass, holding his back. The fighter for hire pulls himself up to his feet as Skywalker walks around and gets behind him. As 6-Pack gets to his feet Christian grabs his arm and wrenches back, placing the big man in an Abdominal stretch. The crowd is getting solidly behind the former US Champ as he holds in that Abdominal Stretch. It isn’t locked in very long though when Joe shows his bruit strength and ends up using his trapped arm and the application of his free hand pushing off his own thigh to send Skywalker up and over, landing back first on the mat. The crowd boos as Skywalker grabs his back and rolls up to his feet. Joe 6-Pack quickly grabs NLCS from behind, hoists him up, and drops back with a big back drop as the fans boo. Joe hops up and adjusts his Jeans while Skywalker sits up holding his back. Joe grabs a big fist full of the hero’s hair and pulls him up to his feet before grabbing one of his arms with his own hand and using his other hand to push Skywalker’s chest, shoving him back against the ropes. 6-Pack executes a hard Irish whip and No Limits goes zipping across the ring. The Fighter for Hire gets to the center of the ring as Skywalker bounces back off the rampside ropes. Joe catches Christian, hoists him up with his left arm around Skywalker’s thigh and his right palm on Skywalker’s chest, and then slams him down with a big Ron "Farrooq" Simmons style spinebuster. The crowd continues to boo as Joe beats his chest with his fists and then raises them up into the air. Busch, "You can see the arrogance of the new comer beginning to shine through." Marshal, "Can ya blame him Busch? He’s handed Christian Skywalker his ass." Busch, "Well we’re still awfully fresh in for that assessment to be made." Joe 6-Pack drops down with a lateral press cover, not really applying much weight across the body of Skywalker as Martel drops down and counts …………One……………Two just barely two as Skywalker kicks out. Six Pack Gets up and begins to shake about with his fists balled up before throwing his arms out ala Scott Hall, signifying the end is near. Skywalker begins pulling himself up as Joe stalks behind him. Busch, "I think Joe 6-Pack is gonna look to finish this early�? Christian pulls himself up and when he does Joe grabs him and hoists him up into the set up for a back drop�?He then spins and looks to turn it into a Rock Bottom but when he does Skywalker grabs Joe’s arm and drops down and to the side, taking the big man over with a very modified Arm drag. The crowd grows loud as Joe and NLCS both hop up. Joe comes rushing in toward the former US Champion only to take a quickly applied kick into the stomach. NLCS Immediately darts down and scoops the big man up on his shoulders as the fans are going wild. No Limits swings around and nails Joe with a big time F5. 6-Pack lands hard on his face and immediately rolls out to the floor as the fans are on their feet. Skywalker jumps up and throws his arms back ala Tommy Dreamer, letting out a loud roar and drawing a huge response from the fans. Busch, "Skywalker’s back and the fans are in large support!" Marshal, "The fans should shut their mouths! They’re distracting Joey-Six from handling his business! Come on Six-Pack, get it together big man!" On the floor Joe 6-Pack is on his feet, a look of rage on his face as Skywalker points out to him and then motions with both hands for him to "bring it". The crowd cheers the gesture as Joe can barely be heard by the camera saying, "Bring it?! BRING IT?! Alright!" Joe ducks down and reaches under the apron of the ring apron as the fans start booing. Busch, "What’s he doing here?" We don’t know, but Christian Skywalker’s no spring chicken, he knows that nothing good can come of Joe 6-Pack fishing around under the ring, so as opposed to standing around in wait like an idiot he darts to the opposite side’s ring ropes. He bounces back as Joe withdraws a lead pipe from under the ring. Just as Joe gets up right with the pipe, Christian leaps up and over�?And comes crashing down on Joe 6-Pack, who in turn launches the pipe out of his hand and sends it sailing into the ring as he himself comes crashing under Skywalker’s body on the outside floor. Busch, "Christian Skywalker risked life and limb as he went soaring into the sky and came down with that horizontal body press out of the ring!" Marshal, "�?‘Horizontal Body Press�?/FONT>?" Busch, "Well yeah�?What?" Marshal, "�?Nothing�?Just�?I’d grown kinda used to the term "Cross Body"�? Busch, "Well I’m not sure that really qualifies as a cross body press�? Marshal, "His body came down across Joe’s didn’t it?" Busch, "Well yeah, but at the angle he came from combined with the placement of the landing, I’m not sure it’d really constitute a Crossbody so much as a Horizontal body press�? Marshal, "But you’re saying the same thing, only one’s a well recognized and understood move and the other is you changing the terminology of an already established move�? Busch, "Eh�?I disagree�? Marshal sarcastically, "Um�?Okay?" Crowd: CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN�?/P> NLCS Pulls himself up on the fan barricade as the front row slaps his back and shoulders in support. Joe rolls to his knees and begins crawling toward the ring, looking to use it to support his rise to his feet. He grabs the ring skirt and begins pulling himself up to his feet. Skywalker jumps up onto the fan barricade as Joe gets to his feet, staggering slightly. Joe turns around just as Christian leaps back for a moonsault. He comes colliding with Joe, but Joe catches him, holding him now as if he’s considering an Oklahoma Slam. The Big man turns around and starts heading for the steel ring post with Skywalker but NLCS kicks and wiggles about, finally sliding down 6-Pack’s back at the last second and shoves the Rebel of Buffalo hard, making his face and shoulder bounce off the steel post. The Fighter for Hire bounces back and Skywalker grabs him by the neck and the jeans and slides him back into the ring. Skywalker hops up onto the ring apron and watches as Joe starts to pull himself up in the center of the ring�?As he gets up it kinda looks like he may have picked something up, although we can’t really tell�?Joe Staggers, his back to Skywalker as Skywalker leaps up onto the top rope�?Joe turns around as Skywalker leaps through the air, his arms high as if he’s looking for a big Axe Handle smash�?But as he descends toward 6-Pack, we see big Joe swing with a metallic object in hand and hear a "CRACK" as it collides with Skywalker’s face, making him drop on the mat like a sack of potatoes. Busch, "What the Hell?!" Referee Ken Martel instantly calls for the Bell as the fans begin to boo and Joe Stands there, his chest pumping in and out, a devilish smirk beginning to form on his face�?/P> Dart, "Your winner as a result of a DISQUALIFICATION�?No Limits�?CHRISTIAN_SKKKYYYWALKER!" Joe reaches down and grabs a fist full of Christian’s hair as Martel is bouncing around, demanding Joe stop whatever he’s thinking of doing. Busch, "Aww come on damn it! Ya already got yourself disqualified from the match with that damn lead pipe, ain’t that enough?!" Marshal, "I don’t think Joe came out here caring if he won the match Bert�?I think he came out here looking to make a very physical, destructive point�? Busch, "Well it damn well seems that way don’t it?! Come on!" Joe pulls the unconscious Skywalker up to his feet and then hoists his limp body into the air as if looking for a back drop while the fans continue to boo loudly�?Six Pack swings around and drops NLCS hard with the 6 and Rising (A Back drop into a Rock Bottom) Busch, "BAH GAWD!" Joe gets up as Martel is still in his face�?Joe just draws back and nails Martel with a huge right hand that drops him dead on the mat as "I Walk Alone" by Saliva begins to blast over the PA and Joe smirks, even lightly chuckling to himself as he heads for the ropes and the trainers and officials hesitantly enter the ring the same way Joe’s exiting. _________________________________________ Replay The Screen suddenly changes back to Joe with his back to the ropes as NLCS is standing on the outside ring canvas, holding the top rope getting ready to jump up. Busch, "Well here ya see Skywalker firmly in control, about to hit the high axe handle�? We watch NLCS Leap up and launch himself with Joe turned around�?We then see it go into slow motion as we watch Joe with the lead pip come swinging back with a huge shot across Skywalker’s face�?/P> Busch, "And that’s what finished this one, drawing the DQ on Joe�?NLCS got the win, but Joe 6-Pack did what he set out to do, and I think Christian Skywalker’s gonna need medical attention after that shot." Marshal, "Oh yeah, that probably shattered the whole side of Skywalker’s face�? _________________________________________ As the replay concludes we go back to the ring where trainer Danny Yung is checking on Skywalker�?It doesn’t take him very long before he starts waving for the medics. Busch, "ICWA Trainer Danny Yung calling for the medics for Skywalker�? Marshal, "Well with the way Joe 6-Pack hit that shot, he may have not only shattered the entire side of the man’s face, but he very well could have done damage to the neck as well. You have to keep in mind that Skywalker’s a 250 pound man�?That’s 250 pounds, with the additional force of Gravity added to his way, coming off an elevated point and having his head slamed with a very powerful shot from a lead pipe in mid air�?So essentially that doesn’t only crack the bones up in your face, but it also forces the head which was headed in one direction to not only abruptly stop, but to instantly apply pressure in a different direction. Plus if you watch the angle that Joe came at Skywalker with that pipe at, you’ll see that it collides with the face in a downward direction, thus essentially acting like a hammer, making Skywalker’s face the head of the nail and his neck the body and point of the nail. So who knows the level of damage done by that shot." Busch, "Very well put and well explained Jay. You’re absolutely right, that could be a career ending shot and if not, certainly career altering." Marshal, "No doubt." The medics enter the ring with there orange medic board and the stretcher out on the floor�? Busch, "And speaking of career altering situations�?That’s essentially what Ryan Ross has gotten himself into here tonight�? Marshal, "Could be career ending too�? Busch, "Indeed it could�?Let’s show ya how this one came to be." | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 25th, 2007 | Ryan Ross V.S. WallStreet | An ICWA Live Event �?Rochester NY �?Sunday February 25, 2007 We open to Ryan Ross standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone in hand�?/FONT> Ryan Ross, "Listen here, everyone shut up! I am here to cut a damn promo. You see, the writers backstage have given me a quick speech to come out here and give. So without further ado, here it is. The Writers called this the 'I AM A MAN' Speech. They hope you enjoy it...." Ryan Pauses, and then gets himself into character "I don't know if you realize this, but I am kind of a big deal. Let's just say, People Know me. I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany. How am I on the opener? Am I a curtain jerker? NO! I am a MAN!. Do you want to know what kind of man I am? I am the man who invented the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That's what kind of man I am. How dare you put me down to a woman’s level. How dare you put me at the level of a lady, they don't have half the talent we have, their bodies are smaller, It's science!...' Ryan stops and takes a second to recollect his dignity. Oh dear God, I apologize, you see the ICWA writers are trying to punish me, because they feel my actions backstage as of late have not been as good as they could have. But here is the truth. Last week, I had a bit of an incident with pretty much everyone backstage. I really to put it in plain English EXPLODED! You see, as most of you know, last week was the 2007 debut of the ICWA television program Demented. Now, I have been a loyal member of the ICWA family since 2003. So you would think I would be included on the show. You would think that I would get a shot to cut a promo, or maybe even get a match? but no! I didn't get a match. I didn't cut a promo, and I wasn't on television. _____________________ Ryan Ross, " So to recap: The ICWA Writing staff is a bunch of crack whores, and can't write a good promo to save their lives. I am the Rush and deserve more than I currently have." ______________________ March 7th, ICWA Demented �?Live From Albany New York We open up with Drew in the ring, SFM half way down the ramp, and Ryan Ross on the ramp with a mic in hand�?/FONT> Ross, "Ya know, it seems like the only damn way I get any air time around here, is when I open the show. I’m on the bottom of the card because somebody in the front office has a wild hair up their ass because they can’t keep me under their thumb, and because I don’t come out here every week like Drew Stevenson and go "Mwah, Mwah" to the grotesque and ample backside of these fans!" Ross paused during the peek of their boos, but now continues, " Now, I can’t even get that because you two jerkoffs want to steal the very little bit of TV time I DO Have! Do you know what it’s like to give yourself to a company as much as I have to this one, only to be left off the return show and to open two weeks in a row? And THEN, to find out that my time�?My very limited, precious time�?Is being used up by Ruby-boy’s big announcement and SFM’s gargantuan ego?!" Drew, "�? Admittedly I haven’t been here very long, so forgive me�?but umm�?Who�?Are You?" The crowd erupts as even SFM grows a smirk. Ross, however, does not appear to be nearly as amused. Ross, " Who am I?! WHO AM I?! I am RYAN FRICKIN ROSS! I AM THE MAN WHO MADE THIS COMPANY! I Am the man who brought it to the peek of GLORY! And now I’m being SHAT on by glorified noobs!" ___________________________ We suddenly hear the theme song of DVD as the scene switches to him coming out from behind the curtain and then immediately fades into him talking on the mic as Ryan Ross is a little ways down the ramp, SFM’s at the bottom of the ramp, and Drew’s still in the ring. Ross, " WHOA WHOA WHOA! HELLO! YOU-WHO! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! Is every ego and jackass in a ten mile radius just going to come out and help themselves to my time on the show?! How the Hell does somebody like me who’s done so much, merit such COMPLETE disrespect?!" David scratches his head as he says, " Obviously you know who I am but uh�?Who are you?" The crowd erupts with laughter and cheers as SFM smirks again and Drew tries to stifle a chuckle. Ross has a very Jericho-like "That’s not funny" face�?/FONT> ________________________ Ross, " One of these days when the powers that be stop protecting you and you get in the ring with Me�?I promise your doubts will be washed away as you feel the Rush�?BITCH!" Busch, " I’m not sure I’d advise calling our world champion a "Bitch"." Marshal, "Ross just laid down the punk card brotha." DVD smiles, " Bitch huh? Well feel this�? DVD Sets his title to the side and tosses the mic to the other side as he begins unbuttoning his cuffs and the crowd goes wild. David starts walking down the ramp with purpose as Ross glances from side to side looking for a way out�?Meanwhile down at the bottom of the ramp SFM slides into the ring and pops up as he and Drew begin throwing hands. Back on the ramp Ryan Ross has decided to stand his ground and when DVD arrives Ross kicks him in the knee instantly dropping him to one knee. He begins striking the side of the head of Van Dam but David wraps Ross�?legs and delivers a double leg sweep dropping him on the ramp. The crowd is going nuts. Busch, " BAH GAWD! IT’S PANDEMONIUM!" A flood of referees and security come flying down the ramp. Once they get to Ross and Van Dam the group splits in half as some continue into the ring and some stay right there and try to separate Van Dam and Ross. _______________________________ Busch, " And as a result of that, next week we have got a huge main event heading into the ICWA Resurrection Pay Per View as we’ve just found out that "The Rush" Ryan Ross will be going one on one with David Van Dam in a non title contest! Folk’s that’s gonna be huge!" Marshal, "No doubt Bert, No doubt." The promotional banner stays on the Dementa-Tron but the viewers at home switch to Ross standing in the ring, his head cocked to the side as he looks up at the graphic on the tron, further anger on his face as we can read him saying " That’s bullshit!" Busch, " Well apparently Ryan Ross isn’t too thrilled with that decision from the ICWA Executive branch." __________________________________________ We switch off to WallStreet sitting on a couch with a woman on either side of him, one of which is holding a chocolate covered strawberry�?/FONT> Strawberry girl, " Want something sweet?" WallStreet grins as he says, " Oh yeah�? She giggles as she places the strawberry in his mouth to the green park, lets him bite down, and slowly draws the stem out�?Suddenly the door comes flying open as the crowd boos the arrival of a very angry Ryan Ross. Ross looks around, " What the Hell is this?!" WallStreet, " It’s a celebration. Have some Champaign." Ross, " Aww Gee bossman, I’d really like to and all except that�?I don’t have CRAP ALL to celebrate! Do you know who I am?!" WallStreet, " You look vaguely familiar." Ross, " I look "VAGUELY" Familiar?! I should look DAMN familiar since I’ve been making you more money than anybody else in this damn place for years!" WallStreet laughs, " Get off the shrooms kid, you’re hallucinating." Ross, " Oh no Wally-World, You’re the one who’s flippin lost it! You’ve got me going one on one with David Van Dam next week?!" WallStreet, " Yeah�?So?" Ross’s eyes draw wide as he says, " So? �?SO?!" Ross reaches down, grabs the edge of the snack table and flips the whole table up and over drawing some screams from some of the women. WallStreet jumps up from his seat and gets right into Ryan Ross�?face. WallStreet, " Just WHO IN THE HELL do you think you are?!" The crowd erupts as Ross puts up his hands and backs up just a step�?/FONT> Ross, " I didn’t come here to fight." WallStreet, " Then I’d encourage you to tell me exactly what in the Hell you did come here for, and do so in a hasty fashion." Ross, " I’m tired of being disrespected. You may or may not agree with how much money I brought in�?Fine. But you can’t contest my consistency, my loyalty and the level I maintained inside of that ring. Yet all I’ve gotten for it all is crap. I got my show time diminished by SFM, Drew Stevenson and�?David Van Dam (crowd cheers)�?And further more, I’ve got James stealing my lime light�?A very reduced level of limelight that I don’t see anymore." WallStreet, " You want limelight? You want to get some kind of "lost fame" by steppin�?to the Corporate Icon? Because if that’s what you want son, I’ll make ya famous, that’s no problem." Busch, " You can cut the tension with a knife�? Ross, " Oh yeah, you’d love that. You and I fight and then I find my release in the mail. Uh-uh, not interested. What I want is verification that this company still gives a crap about one of it’s longest reigning talents�?One of the only ICWA Originals left�?The Rush Ryan Ross. What I want is a match change for next week." WallStreet, " You made your bed with David, now you lye in it. I’m not canceling your match." Ross, " Who the Hell said anything about canceling my match�?I want the steaks uped�?I want the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship on the line." The crowd pops as WallStreet says, " You want the title on the line�?Is that what you want?" Ross, " Oh yeah�? WallStreet, " Well then I’ll tell you what Ryan Ross�?I told David Van Dam his first title defense this season would be coming from Matt Matlock. So if you want David to put his title on the line then you go to David and you ask him to put the title on the line. If he agrees, then you got it. If not then I suggest you think very�?VERY long and hard before you consider coming back to me to try and change the match, Because I promise, if I change the match you WON’T enjoy it in the least. Goodbye Ryan Ross." Ross doesn’t look real satisfied with this decision, but since he knows he’s been on thin Ice lately he opts to turn around and leave. Busch, " The Rush not exactly endearing himself to our Chairman." We follow Ross as he walks out of the Corporate Dressing room and begins walking down the hallway�?/FONT> Ross, " Old bastard. I hope he chokes�? " Ryan!" Ross stops and turns around as he sees Ted Dibiase, who of course the fans boo. Ted, " You’ve had a week Ryan�?What’s the verdict?" Ryan Ross, " Ted, let me make a few things clear out of the starting gate�?I respect you. I respect you and everything you’ve done for our business. I grew up watching you in the Spectrum with the likes of Dusty Rhodes, Randy Savage, Jake Roberts, and so many others. And MJ�?MJ’s a great athlete who’s suffering the same political injustices that I am. Guys like McCallister and rest of the pompous wind bags around here who think they can hold down the raw talent that men like Ryan Ross and MJ Storm posses�?But Ted, the fact of the matter is simply this; I go to the beat of my own drummer. It’s nothing personal, and I’m not saying we can’t work together here and there, but as far as actually being a part of the Million Dollar Corporation�?I’m sorry man, I’m just not interested." __________________________________ The scene switches now to where David and Matlock are backstage, eye to eye, neither giving an inch. David nods, " Alright man, I feel ya." David extends his hand and Matlock accepts it as the two shake hands, bring each other in, and share a small embrace which draws a solid reaction from the crowd. Busch, " Oh Boy! It looks like Matlock and Van Dam are back on the same page! That doesn’t bid well for the former US Champion and our Chairman!" " Heh-hmm." David and Matlock turn around as the camera pans out and the fans begin booing upon the site of Ryan Ross. David, " What do you want?" Ross, " Some respect, some recognition, my rightfully deserved spoils for the blood and sweat I’ve left on that ICWA Canvas�?And the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship." David, " I respect ya as a fellow ICWA Ultrastar and a great in ring performer�?I recognize you and what you’ve done in the past for this great organization�?And if by spoils you mean cash, I’ll even buy your T Shirt. But as far as the ICWA World Heavyweight title is concerned�?Well that belongs to me kid. And if you want that�?(David steps closer, nose to nose as he stares straight into Ryan’s eyes) You’ll have to pry it from my cold dead fingers." The crowd erupts as Busch says, " And Bah God he means that folks!" Ross doesn’t back down a step as he says, " Ironicly David, it appears I have the opportunity to do just that. Because you see, next week on Demented I’ve been booked to meet you one on one�?And I went to Taylor and requested that you be forced to put your ICWA World Heavyweight title on the line�? David, " Oh yeah? What’d he say?" Matlock chimes in, clearly having a vested interest, as he says, " Yeah Ross, what’d he say?" Ross, " Well�?He said that it was up to you David. So what do ya say Van Dam? All that crap about being the best there is�?All the talk�?Is it just that David? Is it simply "Talk"? Or are ya willing to back it up and put that title on the line next week?" David doesn’t hesitate as he says, " Oh I’ll back it up Ryan�?I’ll back up every word. You want the championship on the line next week? YOU GOT IT!" The crowd erupts as Busch says, " WHAT?! THAT’S HUGE!" David doesn’t move his stare as he says, " But you better come with a game like you have NEVER came with before�?Because if you don’t, This won’t just be the biggest match of your career�?It’ll be the LAST." Ryan smirks, " Oh don’t you worry David�?You’ll get the best I’ve got, and in turn, I’ll get the title of being the best there is as I obtain the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship." Ryan nods as he turns (satisfied with how that worked out) and walks away. David just stares at the back of his head as Matlock is behind David, his eyes about out of his head as his head’s cocked to the side and he has a look of both shock and anger on his face as he looks at David�? ______________________________________ March 21st, ICWA Demented Live from Boston Massachusetts
 Busch, "Van Dam needs to capatlize here." Van Dam and Ross are both up to their feet. Ross goes for a punch, but it's blocked by Van Dam. Another attempted punch from Ross, and another block by Van Dam. A third punch is attempted by Ross, and this time, Van Dam ducks under it, and skirts behind Ross, quickly hitting a release German Suplex. Van Dam is up, and he roars as he pulls down the straps of his singlet. He's begging Ross to get up. The crowd is on their feet, it doesn't take anything but a couple of seconds for David Van Dam to get the victory. Ryan Ross begins to get to his feet, stumbling. Van Dam is quickly behind him, Ross' arm chicken-winging it. His other arm comes across Ross' face, and his hands lock, completeing his version of the cross-face chickenwing, named Faded Glory. Busch, "This could be it!" Ross tries to get to the ropes, but Van Dam pulls him away from them, the hold really locked in. Ross untrapped hand is flailing, when suddenly... BOOM! The crowd boo's as a solid steel chair comes in contact with the World Champion's back. Holding the chair is the challenger at Resurrection III, Matt Matlock. Matlock drops the chair and looks at Van Dam as he falls to the mat in pain. The bell begins to ring as Matlock puts the boots to the Champion. Dart, "Your winner via disqualification, and still ICWA World Heavyweight Champion, DAVID VAN DAM!" _______________________________ ICWA.com Exclusive �?Post Show Footage from the March 21st Episode of ICWA Demented�?/FONT> We see an angry Ryan Ross smashing through the curtain in the back, heading away from the Gorilla position into the backstage area after his disappointing loss to DVD. It doesn’t take him long before he sees WallStreet, Freshly showered and back in his power suit with his duffle bag over his shoulder and his roller luggage handle in hand�?/FONT> Ross, "MCCALLISTER!" WallStreet, who was talking to trainer Danny Yung, turns around as Yung rushes out of scene. WallStreet glares, "What?!" Ross, "What the Hell kind of leader are you?! You let guys like Matt Matlock run around doing whatever they damn well please! You let the damn inmates run the asylum! If I wanted that atmosphere I’d of worked for WCW before they kicked the bucket! And obviously ya can’t book a card worth a crap since it took me all damn month to get a match in the second hour of the show, let alone the main event where I should have been from show one! What exactly DO You do around here other than bring this company down?!" WallStreet’s eyes draw wide as he drops his luggage on the ground and the crowd begins to cheer�?/FONT> WallStreet, "What the Hell did you just say to me?!" Ross, "You heard me�?OooOo�?Uh-Oh, the big bad Booker-man’s pissed off! Looks like I won’t make the Pay Per View either!" WallStreet, "Oh No, you’ll make the pay per view alright�?You got such a damn chip on your shoulder over me?! Well at the Pay Per View I’m gonna knock that chip off your shoulder and shove it up your ass! (Crowd cheers) You got so many problems with ICWA management?! Well I *AM* ICWA Management! You wanta solve your lil problems?! Well then you’ve got the opportunity�?At Madison Square Garden this Sunday during ICWA Resurrection Three: Howl of the Wolf!" The footage ends on Ryan Ross and WallStreet glaring into each other’s eyes�?/FONT> | | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 25th, 2007 | Suddenly the Lights dim to almost pure darkness and the speakers begin to crackle.... When the lights go up and the game is on Are you ready for me? ‘Cause I’m ready for you When the bell rings out and the fight is on Are you ready for me? ‘Cause I’m ready for you.. The familiar tune, "Game On" by Christian Rock artists Disciple fills the arena with its pulse pounding rhythm. The Titantron flares up with images of the ICWA Superstar, Former CWA and GWC Champion, The Rush, Ryan Ross. He steps out from behind the curtain to a mixed reaction. Sparks rain down from the entranceway as he poses to the arena, showing off his beautiful new sequined ring robe, reminiscent of Ric Flair. Many of the fans are not sure what to make of him. Traditionally he is a favorite, however, lately he has been the focus of many not to pleasant backstage rumors. The fans who do not read internet rumors as cheering their hearts out, however, many who have read, and believe the rumors are booing equally as loud. Ryan ignores the crowd as he slowly walks down the ramp headed for the ring. As he reaches the bottom of the ramp, he pauses before making his way up the steel steps. He enters the ring through the second rope, and then does a fancy spin move. A few of the ladies cheer as he slowly disrobes, showing his perfectly sculpted body. A stage hand takes his robe from him. Dart, "Now in the ring, hailing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and weighing in tonight at two hundred and twenty pounds, Ryan Ross!" The crowd boo's Ryan Ross as the music changes to "Superstar II" by Saliva. The crowd is on their feet as the Dementa-Tron flashes with images of the ICWA Chief Executive Officer. With the crowd on their feet, The Boss walks out onto the stage looking like God himself manifested into a human body. No, not Christ, something more, something that has every person in Madison Square Garden looking at him. His wet hair hangs in his face as he clutches his bottle of water. He looks around at the crowd, his eyes scanning them, before he lets out a mighty roar, moving down the ring apron, his eyes flashing with rage as he stares at his opponent, the unruly employee Ryan Ross. Busch, "The boss looks like he means business tonight." Marshall, "The boss ALWAYS means business, Bert." Dart, "Making his way down the ring aisle, hailing from New York City, New York, weighing in tonight at two hundred and seventy-six pounds, "The Corporate Icon" Taylor McCallister!" McCallister climbs up the cold steel steps and onto the apron, discarding his water bottle, the boss steps into the ring and stares at his opponent. Referee Darren Thomas immediately calls for the bell. Ross and Wallstreet look at each other, they know it's time to settle their beef with each other, once and for all. Here, in front of the sold out Madison Square Garden crowd, they are going to squash it. The bell has rung, and the founder of International Championship Wrestling Alliance stares across the ring at the former two-time CWA Champion, Ryan Ross. Ross stares back at his boss, and he knows that this is his chance, his solitary chance to prove that he is a main eventer, that he belongs in the title picture, but he knows that Taylor McCallister wants to prove that questioning his decisions is not a wise career move. Busch, "This match is going to have major repercussions on the title picture, and Ryan Ross' career." Wallstreet and Ross lock up center ring, and Ross is quickly pushed back and down by the much more powerful Wallstreet. The former nWWF Champion and owner of the ICWA looks at Ross and smiles telling him to man up and get back up for another lock up. Ross is up and another lock up, and another powerful push down by the Corporate Icon. Ross slams his hands onto the mat, looking at referee Darren Thomas. Grabbing at his short hair, Ross claims that Wallstreet pulled his hair. Thomas asks Wallstreet who actually laughs and brushes the question off, moving towards Ross, who quickly rolls out of the ring, shaking his head as if he's done. Wallstreet's not going to play that game, and he's quickly out after him, unbeknownst to Ryan Ross, who has his back to popular CEO. Ross turns around and catches Wallstreet's 22 and 1/2 inch upper arm right across the upper chest and lower throat, dropping the two hundred and twenty-pound wrestler right to the ground. Street pulls Ross up and rolls him into the ring. The boss is in after him, and delivers several black boots right to the side of Ross's ego-inflated head. Busch, "Wallstreet isn't playing around, he's taking it to Ryan Ross." Marshall, "And understandably so, Ross was whining and crying about not getting respected and put into Main Events, he was saying' Street didn't know how to run his show, that's going to anger the CEO, and now, the boss is going to take it out of Ross hide." Wallstreet pulls Ross up and pushes him into a corner, delivering a heavy closed right fist right to the side of Ross face. Thomas warns Wallstreet to open up his fists, and Street responds by delivering perhaps the stiffest chop in ICWA history, the sound of it echoing to the highest part of Madison Square Garden, the whole crowd letting out a responsive 'Whooo'. Street looks at them and nails Ross with another brutal chop, this second one actually breaks skin. Street grabs Ross' left arm and steps out of the corner, powerfully whipping Ross into the turnbuckles, the force of Ross' impact actually shakes the ring as Street looks around that the crowd, who cheers on their Chief Executive Officer. Street looks down at Ross, who's gasping for breath and grapping at the small of his back in agony and shakes his head. Street's voice is picked up by the microphone on one of the cameras held by the ICWA camera men. Street, "You think I've used you wrong Ross? Come on bitch, get up. Get up and fight. Get the hell up!" Street delivers another hard boot to Ross' head. This isn't normal Wallstreet, this isn't the methodical, slowly wear you down Wallstreet. This is a vicious, brutal Wallstreet. This is a Wallstreet that warns anyone of ever crossing him. Street pulls Ross up, and quickly drives him back into the mat with a snap suplex. Street floats over into the cover, but barely gets a two count. He slaps Ross over the head and tells him to stay down, before moving into another cover, but another two count. Marshall, "I think Ryan Ross should just stay down." Busch, "The kid's got something to prove, Jay, he's not just going to stay down." Street pulls Ross up off the mat and whips him into the ropes, when Ross comes back, he's met with an Arn Anderson like spine buster that forcefully drives him into the mat. Another cover by Wallstreet, but another two count. Street looks as Referee Darren Thomas and asks him if he's sure he's counting fast enough. Thomas says yeah, it was only a two count, and Street shakes his head, moving back towards Ross. Street bends down to pick Ross up, and gets a dastardly thumb right to the eye. Street grabs at his eye as Ross stands up, his lower back killing him, but as Street turns around, boom! Ross' foot flies out from his foot and meets the side of Wallstreet's head. Wallstreet's eyes roll back in his head as he stumbles, hitting the ropes, Ross is quickly behind him, big German suplex with a bridge, but Ross barely gets a two count before Wallstreet kicks out. Street is on all fours when Ross hits the ropes and comes charging back, dropping towards that mat, Ross drives both of his boots into the side of Wallstreet's head. Busch, "Ross is beginning to fight back." Marshall, "Not wise, if you ask me." Wallstreet grabs at his head as Ross pulls him up to his knees, and boom, a Tajiri style kick right to the side of Wallstreet's head, and a pin by Ryan Ross, but only a two count for the former CWA champion. Ross shakes his head before looking at the top rope. He moves to it, still grabbing his lower back in discomfort before climbing it. Looking over his shoulder he waits until Street stands up and faces him, before launching and flipping backwards, completing a picture-perfect moonsault onto the boss. Ross stays ontop of Street for another two count. Ross sighs and slides off of Wallstreet, pulling him up to his feet. Busch, "This match has been heavy impact start to finish, these two aren't wasting time, they're just taking it to each other." Marshall, "Yeah, ass kicking." Ross kicks Street in the gut and underhooks both arms, before lifting Street up and falling backwards. Another attempted pinfall by Ross only ends in a two count again. Ross runs his hands through his sweaty hair as he pulls Wallstreet up to his feet, Kicking Wallstreet in the gut, it looks like Ryan Ross is going for a tiger driver, but Wallstreet pushes Ross off, Ross comes back, boom, kick to the gut, arms underhooked.. STOCK MARKET CRASH! Street makes the cover. One Two Three! Busch, "And that's all she wrote. Wallstreet wins!" Dart, "Your winner, the Corporate Icon, TAYLOR MCCALLISTER!" WallStreet stares down at his motionless adversary as the scene goes to a commercial for the up coming ICWA Pay Per View Event... However, since I haven't decided on the name, or the date for that event, We'll just use our imagination here ;) | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 25th, 2007 | The screen fades in show the packed arena, the crowd jumping to their feet and exploding with cheers as The opening beats to the Pussycat Doll’s "Dontcha" hit the sound system and a large base with a silver pole starts to descend slowly from the ceiling above the stage. As the music continues Hope is seen wrapping herself around the pole slowly, teasing the crowd by slightly opening her long black trench coat and leaning right over for a great cleavage shot. As she reaches the stage she throws her coat to the floor, swings around the pole and slides down with her back to the pole one last time. The chorus kicks in and a stunning Hope Cassidy in her usual wrestling gear makes her way down the ramp as the crowd chant her name. Dart, " Laaadies and Gentlemen, The following contest has no time limit�?There MUST BE A WINNER! It is scheduled for ONEFALL! Introducing first, from Boston Massachusetts�?HOPE_CASSIDY!" Hope flashes one of her winning smiles before hopping up into a sitting position on the ring apron, facing the stage. After a quick Basic Instinct style flash Hope rolls underneath the bottom rope, Hope hops up to her feet posing for the crowd as she walks to one corner, her smiling seeming to focus on the crowd only the intensity of her eyes giving away the fact that her attention lays on the match to come. Busch- Well folks, Three times these two great young athletes have paired off, and three times they’ve come to a draw. Here tonight it doesn’t matter how long it takes, it doesn’t matter how it has to happen, there MUST BE A WINNER! Marshall- And it’s a good thing because not only are they frustrated with themselves for not being able to beat each other, but the fans are frustrated about not being able to find out who the better Ultrastar really is. Marshall is cut off as "Enter Sandman" Blares over the speakers the Crowd cheering as the arena is plunged into Darkness., the lights along the ramp illuminating the smoke that slowly filters out from the curtain covering the stage and the ramp. The crowd is again on their feet as a red spotlight hits the curtain just as Jay Styles walks through to the thundering roar of the crowd. Dart, " On his way to the ring from Memphis Tennessee�?He weighs in this evening at 212 Pounds�?He is JAY_STTTTTTTTTYLES!!" He quickly makes his way down the ramp, slapping the hands of a few fans as he passes by before rolling into the ring and coming quickly to his feet the two competitors staring each other down as the crowd cheers. The Chants switching back and forth from styles to Hope as the crowd can’t seem to make up there mind. Jay Styles gives Hope Cassidy a once over. He looks at her with an eye of disgust. She begins to move in towards him. He holds out his hands challenging her to lock up. Hope Reaches in for the tie up, but Jay ducks, and kicks hope in the gut. He pulls her in for a quick belly to belly suplex. Jay Styles has gained the upper hand here in the opening seconds of this bout. Jay then taunts the crowd, flipping them off. They boo him relentlessly. Hope Cassidy quickly gets up to her feet. Jay Styles walks over to her, and hits her with a very stiff right hand, but undeterred, Hope returns the favor. The two of them exchange punches in the middle of the ring until Hope grabs the arm of Styles, and Irish whips him into the corner. She is quick to follow it up with a shoulder block. Styles slips down to the mat, leaning on the bottom turnbuckle. Hope Climbs to the second turnbuckle, and grabbing the top rope, she jumps off and swings into a dropkick right into the chest of Jay Styles. Not wanting to waste any time, Hope drags him into the center of the ring, and then quickly jumps to the top rope. She goes for the moonsault, but Jay styles Gets the knees up, and hope crashes down. Jay jumps up to his feet, and he walks over to hope. Grabbing her by the shirt, he lifts her up to her feet, and hits her with a hard elbow to the head. Hope stumbles back, and Jay quickly lands a dropkick knocking her right out of the ring. Jay Styles then runs to the ring ropes, and fakes a suicide dive. Hope laughs, mocking him for not actually diving. As she starts to slide back into the ring, Jay Styles begins to stomp right into her back. She is now lying prone in the ring as Jay Styles goes for a leg drop, but Hope rolls out of the way at the last second, and Jay slams hard to the mat. Hope jumps to her feet, and nails a stiff dropkick to the back of the head of Styles. Styles is rocked. Hope grabs his arms, and wrenches back while thrusting her knee deep into his back. Jay is in pain. But hope has the submission locked in. Jay kicks for the hopes hoping for a rope break, but he is too far. He has no where to go. He tries to lean back, but hope has a tight hold keeping him from breaking the submission. It looks as though he is going to be forced to submit. Suddenly, he pulls his knees to his chest, bringing his feet right up against his body, and jumps up, knocking Hope Cassidy back, forcing her to break the hold. Hope's head hits the canvas hard. She is reeling. Jay takes this opportunity to roll out of the ring, and ducks low so that Hope doesn't see him. Hope slowly gets to her feet. She looks confused as she looks around the ring not knowing where Jay Styles has gotten. Suddenly, she notices the top of his head sticking up just above the ring apron. She runs towards the outside, and hits a baseball slide knocking Jay Styles to the guard rail. Hope stands up, and springboards herself to the outside, landing a big splash to Jay on the Guardrail. Hope grabs Jay by the arm, and Irish Whips him into the steel ring steps. Hope wastes no time in following up by grabbing him and rolling him back into the ring. Hope slides in behind him and goes for the pin. 0ne.... two.... th... But no, Jay Kicks out. Hope looks frustrated, as she lifts him back to his feet. She goes for a German suplex, but Jay counters it into a German suplex of his own. Jay is still a little shaken from his encounter with the steel steps a moment ago, but he grabs Hope's legs setting up for the Sharpshooter. Hope is quick to kick out of the submission before Jay Styles has an opportunity to lock it in. Hope gets to her feet immediately. She and Jay Styles lock up in the middle of the ring. Jay begins to get the upper hand on this test of strength, however, Hope jumps up, and monkey flips him towards the corner. Hope runs to the corner, and jumps to the second then the third turnbuckle before hitting a moonsault reminiscent of Christopher Daniels. She goes right for the pin. One... But no, Jay Styles has grabbed the ropes. The referee alerts Hope that the pin is no longer valid, and she is furious. She goes to grab jay Styles, but he takes a handful of hair and pulls her down to the mat with a school boy roll up. One... Two... Thr... But hope kicks out. Both of the competitors get to their feet, and begin circling the ring eying each other up. The fans are cheering wildly showing their appreciation for this back and forth contest. Hope is the first to act as she runs at Jay Styles with a clothesline. However, because of the 8 inch 77 pound difference between the two competitors Jay doesn't budge. Hope tries a second time, but Jay counters with a clothesline of his own knocking Hope back against the ropes. Jay runs at her to follow up with another clothesline, but Hope ducks and pulls down the ropes. Jay goes toppling over. Hope begins clapping and shouting to the fans hyping them up. She then runs and hits a suicide dive to the outside. She nails Jay styles hard, but also slams her leg against the guardrail. The fans begin chanting wildly for Hope Cassidy. Both competitors are down on the outside as the ref begins the count. One... two... three... four... five.... The two begin to pull themselves up to their feet. Six.... seven.... Jay Styles is the first one to his feet, and he rolls into the ring stopping the count. Hope Cassidy is only a second behind as the two stare each other down. Jay then walks over to Hope as the two tie up. Jay once again gets the upper hand in this test of strength. He then pulls her tight against his chest as he hits one more belly to belly suplex to her. He follows it up with a knee drop. He tries a second time to lock in the sharpshooter, but again Hope Kicks out of it. She gets to her feet, and grabs Jay Styles pulling him in for a powerbomb, but he counters flipping her over his back and onto the mat. He quickly follows it up with a standing moonsault, and goes for the pin. One... Two... But hope kicks out. Jay Styles picks her up with a quick snap suplex planting her on the mat again, and follows it up with a quick jump up to the top rope. He dives off with the Styles go round, his version of the 450 splash. Hope manages to get partially out of the way, but Jay Styles still connects, the two of them are laying prone in the middle of the ring. The referee begins his ten count. One... Two... Three... Four... Both competitors are stirring, but Hope has a hold of the ring ropes and begins to pull herself back to standing. As Jay stumbles back to his feet, Hope catches him with her version of the side effect that she calls the Luscious Landing. Jay is down in the center of the ring. Hope follows the previous move with a devastatingly quick Lionsault. She connects beautifully and jay is reeling in the center of the ring. She wastes no time going for the pin. One... Two... Thre... She was so close, but almost as if running solely on instinct Jay Styles gets a shoulder up. Hope jumps to her feet and takes a stomp to his chest, and then ascends the turnbuckle. Jay Styles sees this, and moves out of the way. Jay slides out of the ring on the far side. Hope jumps down from the turnbuckle and follows Jay Styles out of the ring, but as she slides out of the ring, he connects with an enzugiri. Hope is lying there half in the ring half out as Jay Styles grabs her by the neck and lands a DDT to the floor outside of the ring. Hope is seemingly out cold. Jay continues by stomping away at the back of Hope Cassidy. He picks her up, and rolls her into the ring. The fans begin chanting for her hoping the show of support will give her the strength to continue the match. Jay laughs at the chanting, and simply flips off the whole arena, which garners him some major heat. Jay has not noticed that hope is beginning to stir on the inside of the ring. As he slides in, she jumps back to her feet much Like Shawn Michaels and immediately connects with a dropkick to the face of Jay Styles. He stumbles back and she grabs him for an Irish whip into the corner. She runs at Jay, but he gets a boot up and knocks her back. He follows up with another kick to Hope's midsection. He then grabs her, setting up for the Stylish Impact. But hope drops to the mat, and pulls Jay Styles' Legs right out from under him. She flips herself over him and goes for the bridge pin. But before the referee can make the one count, Jay Styles Powers out of the bridge, and lifts hope up setting up for a piledriver. He warps the arms, reminiscent of Jerry Lynn, and nails the Cradle piledriver. Hope is lying in the ring and not even moving. Jay Styles goes for the pin. The referee makes the count. One... Two... Thr.... But no, hope gets a foot up on the ropes. A moves that shows the Veteran status of ICWA's only Female World Heavyweight Champion. Jay Styles jumps up in anger and gets right into the face of the referee. He must be wondering what it will take to put this ICWA veteran away. Meanwhile as he is arguing with the referee about the speed of his count, Hope Cassidy jumps up, and gets right behind Jay Styles. She jumps up, and nails Styles with a backcracker. Jay is reeling, but manages to get back to his feet quickly. He is favoring his back. Hope uses her quick speed to bounce off the ropes, and nails Jay Styles in the back with a hard shoulder block. She knows his back is sore, and she intends to exploit that fact. She follows it up with a dropkick right into the small of his back. It knocks him don to the ropes. Hope continues the assault on Jay Styles back, and lands an Elbow drop into the back. Hope is unrelenting, she springboards to the second rope and then nails a double footed stomp right into the back of her opponent. This causes him to bounce back into the center of the ring. Hope goes for a quick pin. One... Two... Thre... Jay styles just barely gets the shoulder up. Hope is shocked. She had honestly believed that she had this match won. Hope Takes a second to breathe while Jay is still down on the mat before she grabs him and lifts him up. She Irish whips him into the ropes and as he bounces back she lands a quick drop toe hold. Almost as soon as Styles hits the mat, she rolls over and locks in a dragon sleeper, completing her patented finishing maneuver, the lights out! Jay struggles towards the ropes but it is to no avail, Hope Cassidy leans back in the sleeper wrenching on the neck and back of her opponent. He reaches for the ropes, but there is about three inches separating him from ropes. He screams out in pain refusing to tap. Hope, however simply wrenches back even further on the neck and more importantly the back of Jay Styles. The sleeper is beginning to have an effect. The referee grabs Jay Styles' arm and lifts it. It quickly drops to the mat. The referee tries a second time with the same result. The Referee grabs the arm for a third time, and lets it fall, but Jay Styles manages to hold his arm up. Hope is furious, having believed it was over once more. This causes Hope Cassidy to wrench back even further leaving Jay Styles no resort. He is forced to tap, and he does. He taps out. The Referee calls for the bell. Kevin Dart: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match at 21:49 as a result of a submission, HOPE CASSSSSSIDY! Busch, "BAH GAWD what a match! Hope Cassidy has finally done it! We’ve finally found a winner!" Jay Seems frustrated as he stands up, holding his hips and shaking his head. Hope walks over and extends her hand as the crowd cheers�?Jay looks at it briefly, hesitating, but he soon nods and shakes her hand drawing a great reaction from the New York fans�?/P> Busch, "And that’s what ya pay to see right there�?Two great athletes giving it all they got and then displaying true sportsmanship, congratulating each other and shaking hands after the bout. That’s truly great." Marshal, "Well I’ll tell ya what’s not gonna be great�? Marshal, "DSL’s face after she steps into the ring with Jimmy Stryker for the final time in a New York City Street fight!" Busch, "Three years in the making but finally this long time feud’s gonna come to a head�?And folks, While we don’t have access to the three years of footage from various promotions all across the globe, let’s take ya back and show ya how this one’s come along here in the ICWA�? | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 25th, 2007 | *STRYKER/DSL FOOTAGE* Busch: Well folks, it may not have started here in the ICWA, But I reckon it’s fixing to be finished here tonight at ICWA Resurrection III: Howl of the Wolf. For all you folks at home, you’re about to take part in a true piece of history as this epic feud finds it’s conclusion.... Marshall: Yeah and what a finish it will be I am sure..... Dart: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a New York City Street Fight. The Rules, are No Holds Barred, falls count anywhere in New York City, and it is for the ICWA United States Championship!!!! "Perfect Insanity" by Disturbed hits as the lights flash off quickly. The fans start going nuts and some start too scream for there favorite wrestler.. The lights slowly fade on as purple smoke begins too rise all around in the ring and along the ramp. On the titatron the words "I'm here, You better run" appear. As the lights go black again blue in the ring appears Da Sweet Lunatic as she raises her arms. She looks around as the fans continue to boo her. She then makes her way down the steel rampway, as the cheers pick up, as she then slides into the ring, as Kevin Dart is ready to welcome her into the ring. Dart: In the ring, from the back streets of New York City, weighing One hundred and thirty five pounds.......DA SWEET LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNATIC!!!!!!!!!! The crowd is really riled up with cheers, as DSL looks out among her people here in Madison Square Garden as some fans get exicted. She seems ready to go, as a smile comes across her face, until a frown takes its place...... "Right Now" by Korn hits as black, white and blue spotlights flicker all over the area. Out from the guillera curtains, walks the Legendary Jimmy Stryker. He is seen dressed in black jeans, boots, and a white t-shirt on. Jimmy then looks around at the crowd, who continues to let him feel the heat that they generate towards him. Jimmy then smiles, as he soaks in the hatred. He then makes his way down the steel rampway, as he then quickly slides to the inside of the ring, where he then is seen making his way to each corner of the ring, as he raises a smile on his face, while on each corner as the fans continue to feed him boo's. He is watching DSL closely as Jimmy then drops to the mat, and kisses the necklace that is around his neck, and he then bends over watching his opponent, with pure intent. Dart: In the ring, From Las Vegas, Nevada....weighing Two hundred and ninety pounds....The Legendary Icon....JIMMY STRYKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Busch: Here we go folks, I dont know what the hell is going to happen here tonight, but it will surely be a fight no matter what!! Marshall: Well with anything goes what do you expect Bert!! These two are ready to stomp the hell out of each other. DING DING DING!! DSL comes charging towards Jimmy, as he smiles and drops down sliding out of the ring. He the looks up at DSL who just shoots him to most anger filled look he has ever seen. He smiles at her as He then drops to one knee as he looks underneath the ring, getting himself what seems to be some sort of weapon. He then tosses in a trash can, a singapore cane, and many other objects that he can find. As he does go to slide back into the ring. DSL is right there with a huge baseball slide, as Jimmy flies back into the announcers table. His back crashing into the table hard as he now is on his ass. DSL slides to the outside of the ring, as the hatred between the two has just boiled up inside of her as she then begins to pound the living daylights out of the head of Stryker. She then turns around, grabbing the singapore cane, and wrapping it around the head of Jimmy not once, not twice, but three times, as Stryker falls onto his side, as DSL stands over him. The fans in New York are seen cheering for her, as she then raises the cane one more time nailing Stryker across the side, and cracking the cane in half over his body. DSL grabs Jimmy by the head, as she leads him over to the guardrail she bends him over the guardrail, and then climbs up onto the announcers table about 5 feet away, and launches herself through the air, landing a legdrop across his neck as he flips over the railing into the crowd. Busch: Holy hell, look at DSL, she is like a woman possessed!! Marshall: Yeah indeed Bert!! Stryker is taking a hard beating right now at her hands. But he will come back from this I know it Bert!! Jimmy now trying to get himself back to his feet, as the fans in New York are seen pushing him off of them. He then smiles a wicked smile, as he then is seen standing in front of a row of blonde women, who are seen grabbing Jimmy holding him back distracting him, as they have their hands all over him being seductive. Jimmy gives them a pissed off look as he blows them off staring them down, as DSL comes at Jimmy. DSL then cuts through the crowd, as Jimmy is then greeted by a boot to the head of DSL who sends Jimmy back into the group of women at ringside. Jimmy now getting up, again as he then looks over at DSL who now has a chair in hand. The fans are seen clearing away from that certain area, as Jimmy is met with one of the chairs of those fans to the head, as he then staggers backwards spilling beer all over another fan. Jimmy then gets his way back on his feet standing tall, as he then waits for DSL to try something else. DSL now finding anything that she can to use, as Jimmy is now walking towards her. She then looks up and finds Jimmy coming at her, even after the abuse she just laid out on him. DSL now finding something to use as she then stands up, but in time to be met with a right and a left hand of Jimmy Stryker, and then a hard kick to the back of the head, sending DSL into the handrail hooked to the stairs. Jimmy then grabs DSL as he then sends a knee to her gut, as Jimmy then rams the head of DSL into the handrail a good few times. Jimmy then picks DSL up over his shoulder, as he then carries her up the steps. She begins to fight back, but Jimmy tosses her up into the air with his upper body strength, as she lands throat first across the handrail., a few steps up from where they were before. Busch: DSL now in trouble, as Jimmy is all over her. Marshall: We all knew that would happen. A few moments later DSL and Jimmy are seen up the top of the stairs leading out into the foyer of Madison Square Garden. DSL is seen being tossed out from the arena area, as Jimmy is right there following. The concessions, are seen filled with people getting their beer, and food, as they begins loud cheers, as the fight of the match has now taken place right in front of them, as Jimmy then picks DSL up, and whips her into a neary metal trash can head first. Jimmy then begins an all out assault on DSL dropping to his knees, as he then sends shots to her head, and lower body. DSL smiling her psychotic smile. Jimmy picks up DSL, as he drags her through the crowd. Jimmy then finds a cart that is serving cotton candy as he then slams the body of DSL into the cart, as she still has the smile on her face but holding her side. Jimmy not surprised with her actions as he then picks her up as he then walks her over to where there is a fire extiguisher hanging from the wall. Jimmy goes to ram the head of DSL into it, but she sends a back kick to the gut of Jimmy instead, and ramming his head into the glass, as the glass has cut the top of his head open. Jimmy drops to one knee, as DSL is seen climbing on top of a concession area, jumping off, and nailing Stryker with a dropkick, sending him falling onto his back onto the hard cement. DSL then comes back for Jimmy only to have his legs sweep hers out from underneath her, as Jimmy then grabs her legs, as he wraps his legs around her body, putting her into some sort of body scissor attempt. DSL then starts fighting her way out of the hold, but Jimmy is right there to send a foot to her head, knocking her back down to the floor. At this time the fans are seen getting into the match, as they arent even paying attention to the concession people any longer. Jimmy then grabs DSL, as he then drags her into the womens bathroom. Jimmy not sure of which bathroom however, as he then backs DSL up against the sinks and whips her straight into one of the stall doors. Jimmy then swings open one of the stall doors, as a younger woman was inside using the bathroom. Jimmy then is seen slamming DSL's head with the door over and over, as the woman was trying to finish and get the hell out of harms way. As she was finished, She then comes towards Jimmy and DSL who are still fighting, as she then sends a hard shot to the gut of Stryker, who just falls backwards onto his ass, as she then lays one hell of a right hand to his face. She is screaming at him, due to him seeing her practically naked, as Jimmy smiles laughing at her. Jimmy then gets up and wraps his hand around the neck of this same woman, as DSL is seen coming to. DSL comes charging at Stryker to keep the person safe. Jimmy moves the woman in front of the oncoming DSL as she spears the fan to the ground, as Jimmy then begins an all out viscious assault on DSL. DSL is then picked up to her feet, as she is the rammed head first into the sink, and then into the mirror which is only a foot up from the sink itself. Jimmy then smiles, as he then picks up the woman leaving DSL there on the floor, recovering as he leaves the bathroom area, with the woman, dropping her off at the medical facility in the arena, only just right around the corner from the bathroom. Jimmy then goes back into the bathroom, as DSL seems to be nowhere to be found. Jimmy then begins to check every stall, until one flies open and out comes DSL, nailing Stryker with the stall door. Busch: Holy crap this has went into the womens bathroom. Wow what is next? Marshall: I didnt mind that scene!! Busch: I bet you didnt Jay!! Marshall: I bet that is the first woman you have seen naked in a long time huh Bert!! Jimmy then trying to keep himself in line, as DSL then is seen taking Jimmy towards the fan packed concession area, as She is seen ramming Jimmy's head into the wall a couple times, as she drags him out of the restroom. DSL then finds a location with a glass, window. She then takes Jimmy and with all of her strength, whips him and sends him towards the glass. Jimmy now with it knows to stop, as finally DSL comes up from behind him, with a huge kick to the back of the head, sending Jimmy crashing through the glass as it shatters all around him. Jimmy then falls to the mat, as DSL is right there to make the cover. Ref: 1..............2................Kickout by Jimmy!! DSL then grabs the pants of Stryker pulling him back and leveling his lower back with forearm after forearm. DSL then turns Jimmy around, as DSL the tosses a hand at him. He blocks the right hand, as he lifts DSL up and over his shoulder. He then walks towards the exit of the building, with DSL. Once he gets to the outside, he then tosses her off his shoulder and onto the cement, with a huge sidewalk slam. DSL now in pain as she then rolls over holding her back, as he then smiles at the damage he has done to her. With his head still bleeding, he has become weaker that before. The glass window before was adding another huge cut to his forehead. Now with them both being outside, he smiles. Jimmy then takes DSL over to where there is a brick wall standing tall. He then rams her head into it, a few good times, as he then watches her fall. Jimmy then helps himself up to the top of the wall, where he then leaps off landing a huge leg drop across the neck, lifting DSL up and off the concrete, as Jimmy then begins wrapping his huge fists across her head over and over again. DSL not moving now, as Jimmy then hoists her up over his shoulders carrying her down the long walkway. The crowd on the outside are seen smoking their cigarettes, and crowding around the match that is currently happening. Not far away is oncoming traffic, as Jimmy smirks. Jimmy smiles, as he wraps up DSL, dropping her into a version of the Celtic Cross onto the concrete, as we hear the voices of Busch and Marshall from the inside of the arena. Busch: Holy hell, concrete is a bad thing to be laid out on Jay!! Marshall: Your not kidding Bert. DSL is just laying there, look at the blood gushing not only from her head, but from the mouth. Busch: Can DSL make it out of this match alive? Jimmy picks up DSL taking her towards the traffic of New York City. Jimmy then smiles, as he then stands her up and looks into her eyes, screaming at her. Jimmy then sets DSL down onto her feet, as he then whips her into the oncoming traffic but DSL is right there somehow turning it all around, and whipping Jimmy into a oncoming car, slamming right into him sending him up onto the hood and into the windshield, as the car comes to a screeching halt. Jimmy then falling to the cement in the middle of the street, as he is bleeding profusely, from the head, mouth, and even his body. Jimmy then is seen stirring around, as DSL then grabs the body of Jimmy Stryker, ramming his head into the hood of the car over and over. Jimmy not able to take much more, then elbows her in the gut, and then slamming her head into the car himself. The blood of both competitors are seen not only all over each other, but on the hood of the car as well. Jimmy then pulls himself over to the drivers side of the vehicle, opening the door throwing out the person who was driving the vehicle. He then opens the trunk of the car, but as he does, another vehicle comes speeding up watching the whole thing not paying attention to the road ahead of them hitting his brakes sliding into the door, sending the opened car door into the head of Stryker throwing him forward sternim first into the car, as he falls backward to his back in the middle of traffic in New York City. The referee not knowing what else to do, since this match is a no holds barred matchup. DSL then gets to her feet wobbling all over the place, as she then tosses Jimmy onto the hood of the car. She then helps herself up, as she picks Jimmy back up and to his feet. DSL then is seen bending Stryker over, as she then wraps her arm around his neck lifting him slightly into the air, pushing him forward, dropping Stryker spine first into the hood of the vehicle. Jimmy now lying on the hood of the car is seen lying there not moving a muscle, as DSL makes the cover. Ref: 1................2.................Thr...NO kickout by Stryker!!! Busch: How in the hell does he have what it took to kick out!! WOW!!! Marshall: I agree Bert, after all of that I am surprised both of them can still stand let alone walk. DSL and Stryker are seen both down in the middle of the road, Jimmy not sure of what has just happened now realizes the blood that is dripping onto the ground is of his own. He then gets the fire in his eyes, as the ardrenaline rages through his body. Jimmy then is seen grabbing DSL, as he then bends her head first towards the car door, as he then grabs her by the hair, slamming the door into her head over and over again. DSL then backs away, as Jimmy then Charges for her, as she then sends a knee into the gut of Stryker. Stryker now hunched over, but falling to his knees, as he then tries to find a way out of the predicament he is in. DSL then comes over to Stryker as he then elbows her in the gut, as he then stands up, picking her up over his shoulder, as he then drops her head first into a tombstone pile driver. DSL's neck is seen snapping back as Jimmy is seen making the cover. Ref: 1..................2...................3!!!! DING DING DING!! Dart: (Inside the arena) HEre is your winner and NEW.....ICWA UNITED STATES CHAMPION......JIMMY STRYKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just as Jimmy is seen not moving, someone from inside is seen delivering the US title as the ref is seen placing it over the bloody fallen body of Jimmy Stryker raising his hand as he is declared the winner of the matchup. Busch: Oh My God this match was completly brutal. But Jimmy Stryker is now a two time United States Champion!!! Marshall: I told you all along that he would win the US title one more time. Busch: There are the paramedics, on the scene checking on DSL, and Jimmy Stryker, as Jimmy seems able to stand on his own somewhat, as DSL is seen being carted out on a stretcher. She is seen with a neckbrace around her head, after Jimmy dropped her hard onto her head. Marshall: Jimmy then fell over, as the paramedics, also place him on a stretcher, as his body collapses in a heap. As he lies on the stretcher, the US title is placed on his stomach as he holds on tight. Jimmy is seen being wheeled away, he holds the US title high in the air�?/FONT> | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 25th, 2007 | The Resurrection III cameras cut backstage to show the challenger for the World Heavyweight Championship, Matt Matlock in his locker room. Matlock is in his dark jeans and sleevless t-shirt: customary ring attire for the challenger. There is no talking going on in the locker room as Matlock wraps whtie athletic tape around his thick wrists. Busch, "Matt Matlock has wanted to be World Heavyweight Champion his entire life. It was his childhood dream, to be the guy in a wrestling company. He grew up an ordinary child in an ordinary family, he didn't stand out in any way, but now, at ICWA's Resurrection III he will stand out. He will have his chance to live his dream. He's an unlikely superstar, he doesn't look like the normal wrestler. He's a little more hairy, with a different build and a different style, but no one can question his passion. Will tonight be his night?" The cameras cut out of Matlock's locker room and cut right into the World Heavyweight Champion, David Van Dam's locker room. The World Champion is standing on his feet dressed in his wrestling singlet with a David Van Dam t-shirt over the top of it. His arms are spread out wide as several trainers work on massaging the tension out of his muscles, while there's a trainer at each wrist, making sure to tape them well. Busch, "Here is the World Champion, arguably the finest wrestler on the planet. He has held that World Championship since December twentieth, two thousand and six when he made Nic E Dangerously tap out in a steel cage. David Van Dam is at the top of his game, he's supremely confident, and he has all rights to be: he achieved his dream of being World Champion, and he refuses to step back and let someone else have his dream. Tonight, he steps into the ring as World Heavyweight Champion, but when he leaves, will he still be called that?" The cameras fade back to the ring for the next match. Busch, "That world title match is coming a little later tonight and I can’t wait for that. The emotions are high, the steaks are higher�?But much like the Main Event, It's just about time for another one of the matches I've REALLY been looking forward to, Jay." Marshall, "What, the women's match is up next?" Busch, "No. The Tag Team Title Match pitting Remorseless Storm and Drew Stevenson and Whysper." Marshall, "Oh, that one." Busch, "Yeah, that one..." The arena lights shut off, and the crowd rises to their feet as Madison Square Garden is filled with the sounds of Back in Black by AC/DC. The crowd boo's heavily as it plays through while MJ Storm runs out onto the stage, bouncing up and down while looking at the ring. Back and Black changes into King of Kings by Motorhead. The boo's increase as the former ICWA World Heavyweight Champion Sean Frost Mann walks onto the stage. The duo begins to walk down the ramp, ignoring the heavy boo's from the crowd. Busch, "New York doesen't seem very receptive to Remorseless Storm." Marshall, "New York's always been a very hostile environment for anyone, good or bad." Remorseless Storm slides into the ring and move to their corner as their music ends and the sound of "The Truth" by Limp Bizkit. The crowd cheers as the newcommer Whysper comes out on stage, bobbing his head, his dread locks rocking. He moves down the ramp some, waiting on Drew Stevenson. The music transitions into "Burning Bright" by Shinedown, and here comes the Emerald himself. He pats his partner on the back and they move down the ramp quickly, much to the crowd's joy. Busch, "The crowd is already behind the team of Drew Stevenson and Whysper." Marshall, "That doesn't matter, they're a new team in ICWA, while Remorseless Storm has a couple of team matches under their belt." Whysper and Drew enter the ring and take their corner while Kevin Dart steps to the center of the ring. Dart, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a sixty minute time limit and is to decide the NEW International Championship Wrestling Alliance World Tag Team Titles. Introducing first, the team in the corner to my right." The camera looks at Remorseless Storm. Dart, "They weigh in tonight at a total combined weight of four hundred and ninety-four pounds, the team of MJ Storm and Sean Frost Mann, REMORSELESS STORM!" MJ and SFM stand their with a very arrogant smirk on their faces as the crowd boo's them. Dart continues. Dart, "And their opponents, in the corner to my left, at a total combined weight of four hundred and forty pounds, Whysper and Drew STEVENSON!" The crowd cheers as Whysper does a luchadore style taunt in tribute of his Mexican heritage, while Drew just nods his head- there's nothing fancy about Drew Stevenson. As Vice Senior Referee Shawn Cain shows each team the ICWA World Tag Team Titles. Busch, "There's really a clash of styles in this match. Drew Stevenson is a pure wrestler, Whysper is a luchadore who likes to use quick offense, and loves to use the ropes. While MJ Storm and Sean Frost Mann have a blend of styles, but use quick, powerful offense for the most part." Marshall, "It should be a good contest, all four of these athletes are highly capable and very talented, it'll be good to see them beat the holy hell out of each other to win those Tag Team Titles." Shawn Caine raises the Tag Team Titles high above his head for all of the fans cramming into Madison Square Garden to see ICWA Resurrection III. Whysper and Sean Frost Mann get out of the ring, leaving Drew Stevenson and MJ Storm to start it off as Shawn Caine calls for the bell to officially start this tag team match. Busch, "Here we go!" Stevenson and MJ Storm waste no time locking up in the standard collar-elbow tie up, probably not a good idea for MJ Storm to try to wrestle with the Pure Wrestling Machine Drew Stevenson. Stevenson quickly breaks the lock up and takes MJ into a sideheadlock. Stevenson takes MJ Storm over so MJ is now on the mat, Stevenson now with a seated side head lock on. MJ slams his boot into the mat out of frustration from being taken down so seriously. MJ Storm reaches up and grabs a handful of Drew's long hair, pulling on his head, MJ raises his legs and wrap them around Drew's head. Referee Shawn Cain warns MJ to keep it out of the hair, while MJ plays innocent, saying that he didn't grab the hair, it was all legal. Shawn Caine holds his ground, but allows MJ Storm to keep the hold locked in. Drew Stevenson shows incredible athleticism as he does a variation of the nip up, landing on his feet. MJ looks at him with his eyes wide in shock as he quickly gets to his feet and lunges at Drew, only to be taken down with a deep arm drag takedown, followed up by a seated arm bar. The crowd cheers as Drew really locks the arm bar in, working it in tightly. Marshall, "Look at the pressure Drew Stevenson applies with that deadly arm bar. He doesn't do it like most people, who just kind of lock it in but don't work it, Drew Stevenson wants to make MJ Storm tap out, and tap out fast to the arm bar." MJ Storm grits his teeth and rolls on his side and then to his knees. Showing an incredible amount of ability and flexibility, MJ Storm places his free hand flat on the mat and lifts himself up in a hand stand, pushing himself back, he lands on his feet on the canvas. He shakes his arms several times as the incredible grappler Drew Stevenson quickly grabs MJ by the left arm and whips him into the corner where Whysper is. Stevenson charges into the corner and leaves his feet, a big knee coming to the side of MJ's head. Stevenson hits MJ with so much force he goes over the rope, but the Hardcore Luchador makes the tag, holding onto the top rope, he leaps into the ring, turning, he places his boots into MJ's hips, his arms wrapping around MJ's head, Whysper monkey flips him out of the corner. Busch, "Fast paced action from The Silent One." Marshall, "I don't get that moniker, The Silent One." Busch, "Why not?" Marshall, "Because he talks." Whysper springs back up to his feet and looks around at the crowd. He nods his head to them, his dreadlocks moving as he peels his shirt off of his body and tosses it to some eager females in the third row, who squeal with delight to touch the ICWA's superstar's shirt. Storm gets to his feet and catches a shin to the midsection, before Whysper takes off, hitting a set of neutral ropes and coming bouncing back, he grabs MJ's head and swings through with a swinging DDT. Storm grabs his skull as Whysper goes for the cover. One Tw.. Storm gets his shoulder off the mat before the two count is completed. Whysper shrugs and pulls Storm up by his head. Sending Storm into the neutral ropes, Whysper hits the opposite set of ropes, they both come charging towards each other, and Whysper takes a running leap into the air, flipping over Storm for a powerful flipping neckbreaker. Storm grabs at his neck as Whysper goes for another cover, but this one is broken up by the former ICWA World Champion, Sean Frost Mann. Referee Shawn Cain demands Sean Frost Mann exits the ring, and while he's occupied with the former World Heavyweight Champion, MJ Storm delivers a huge low blow to the Silent One, dropping him hard. The crowd boo's heavily as Frost Mann takes his spot on the apron as Cain turns around to see Storm dragging himself over to the corner to make the crowd. SFM comes in, much to the displeasure of the crowd. He looks at them with an arrogant smirk. Marshall, "Smart strategy from Remorseless Storm." Busch, "You mean, they cheated." Marshall, "Was there a disqualification by referee Shawn Cain?" Busch, "No." Marshall, "Then they didn't cheat." SFM delivers several quick boots to the side of Whysper's head to keep him down. SFm hits the ropes and comes charging back, acting like he's going for a big elbow drop, but instead, he delivers a very insulting face wash to Whysper. Whysper growls and springs to his feet in frustration, charging towards SFM, who quickly backs into a corner and leans through the ropes, which causes Shawn Cain tries to push Whysper back and seperate him from SFM. SFM grins and thumbs Whysper in the eye, much to the displeasure of the fans. Whysper grabs at his eye as Sean Frost Mann pleads his innocence with refere Shawn Cain, before moving towards Whysper, grabbing him by the dreadlocks, he pulls Whysper to him in a DDT position, which is actually what happens. Whysper grabs at the top of his head while SFM moves into a lateral press. One T. Whysper kicks out ather quickly, getting his shoulder off the ground before he really has to worry about being defeated. SFM looks at Shawn Cain and shakes his head, as SFM pulls Whysper up to his feet. SFM nails Whysper with several hard forearms to the side of the head, followed up by a big irish whip. Whysper nails the corner where MJ Storm is hard with his back, SFM doesn't follow him in though, instead, SFM sucker punches Drew Stevenson, bringing him into the ring, which causes Stevenson to enter the ring. This gets Shawn Cain's attention, who holds Stevenson back, while MJ Storm wraps the tag rope around Whysper's throat, trying to choke the life out of him, while SFM moves over and positions him self between the referee Shawn Cain, so they can choke Whysper for longer. Shawn Cain comes closer and MJ releases the choke while SFM raises Whysper onto the top rope. SFM climbs up to the top rope and tags MJ, while superplexing the smaller wrestler. MJ holds onto the top rope, and uses it to vault himself over the ropes, sitting out into a legdrop. MJ goes right into a cover. One Two Th. Whysper gets his shoulder up off the mat a little slower this time. Busch, "Great team work from Remorseless Storm, whether or not I agree with all their tactics." Marshall, "They're working so well as a team because they've been teaming for several weeks, Stevenson and Whysper haven't teamed in the ICWA until now." Busch, "That's a good point to make." MJ pulls Whysper up, and hits him with a snap suplex. MJ grins and moves to the corner, crouching. Everyone knows what he is planning. He's planning the spear, he's planning to drive his shoulder into Whysper's gut and tear through him. He's going for the spear. MJ Storm comes running towards Whysper, Whysper moves out of the way, and MJ slows himself to a stop, when MJ turns around, he's given a hard kick to the gut and then a DDT. Whysper lays on the mat before leaping to his feet, looking around at the crowd, who is now behind him as he moves towards Stevenson and tags him in. Stevenson enters the ring, Whysper looks out of it. Stevenson hits the now standing MJ Storm with a heavy European Uppercut. SFM comes back into the ring, and gets a hard European Uppercut. Forearm for MJ, forearm for SFM. Stevenson grabs MJ and hits him with a quick Side-Belly-To-Bely Suplex. Drew turns around and gets kicked in the gut by SFM. Shawn Cain is letting the action go as SFM whips Stevenson into the ropes. Stevenson hits the ropes, comes back, and catches the bent over SFM with a big gut wrench suplex. Stevenson has cleaned house, and the whole crowd is behind him. Stevenson goes to pick MJ up, but gets a dreaded eye rake for his trouble. SFM has also gotten back up. Stevenson turns around and catches a huge superkick from SFM. Stevenson is spun right around into MJ Storm, and into a Storm Chaser Slam. MJ goes for the cover, grabbing a fist full of tights, while SFM dives at Whysper. Busch, "MJ’s got the tights!" One Two Three Dart, "Your winners, and NEEEEWWWWWWW Tag Team Champions, REMORSELESS STORM!" Busch, "Well, By hook or by crook Remorseless Storm has just won the ICWA Tag Team Championships!" Marshal, "After that Storm Chaser I think the tights grab was just an extra insurance policy, Drew wasn’t getting up from that." Busch, "God, can ya imagine what these guys egos are gonna be like now that they’ve added the ICWA Tag Team championships to their Resume?" Marshal, " SFM’s an ICWA Hall of Famer and has done a lot here, but this is his first time as an ICWA Tag Team champion and MJ Storm’s been wildly successful all over the world but March 25th, 2007 marks the day that MJ Storm wins his very first championship here in the ICWA in the form of the ICWA World Tag Team championship!" Back in the ring we see MJ raising his title high as SFM’s in the opposite corner pointing to the title and himself while trash talking the fans�?/P> The "Back In Black" / "King of Kings" remix is playing over the PA as the new tag team champions celebrate there win�?The cameras then go to the back where we find ICWA Announcer Greg Davidson�?/P> | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 25th, 2007 | 
| Davidson, "Ladies and Gentlemen, there’s been an interesting story unfolding here in the ICWA�?It started on December 20th of 2006 when David Van Dam (crowd cheers) won the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship with an impressive submission victory inside of a steel cage�?It was right after that, however, that one of his best friends and longest running buddy, Matt Matlock (crowd grows loud with a mixed reaction, but surprisingly seemingly more cheers than boos) came and let his intentions be known�?Those intentions? To contest for the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship himself. Van Dam cordially accepted and every since there seems to have been a high level of friction between the Champion and the Contender�?Once Great friends, now there friendship is all but decimated as a result of one man’s quest to prove he’s the greatest champion of all time and another man’s quest to prove he’s the main event quality athlete that everyone has underestimated and over looked. Now all day long both men have refused interview and stayed to themselves. They both arrived here at Madison Square Garden exceptionally early this morning and it should be noted that often times they travel together�?Not today. Van Dam arrived by himself around ten AM and Matlock wasn’t far behind as he arrived with his fiance�?Jessie Winters at quarter after ten this morning. Since that time both Matt and David have isolated themselves from everyone and thing else, including Miss Winters and Miss Cassidy. But, finally, the ICWA has gotten to speak with Matlock and Van Dam and both men have agreed to meet me for an exclusive interview here tonight. So I will have exclusive ICWA Interviews with the two men comprising our main event just a little bit later on here tonight." The camera fades from Davidson to the live crowd as�?/P> Busch says, "Thank you Greg�?It seems we’re gonna be hearing from both the Champion and the contender before night’s end�?
"It's All About the Benjamins" rushes through the PA and Angelina walks out to the stage. She stops, holds her arms out to her sides and twists her hips with a seductive smile.
Dart: This match is a bra and panties match for the Women's Championship�?In order to win you must be the first competitor to strip your opponent down to her Bra and PANTIES! ....Introducing first, the challenger. From Beverly Hills, Califorina...Angelina Saaantaaanaaa!!!! Busch, "Well, speaking of Champions and contenders, it looks like it’s time for our ICWA Women’s title match�?
Marshal: Good GOD look at her! How could such a stooge like Whysper get somebody like THAT?
Busch: She probably likes guys with personality, Jay.
Marshal: Well, YOU'RE screwed!
She then proceeds to walk to the ring, greeting the fans and blowing kisses to them. Once she gets to the ring, she stops at the apron, and puts her hands upon it. Then, Angelina proceeds to twist and gyrate her hips in a seductive motion. She puts one leg up, and caresses it. Then, she puts the other leg up, sitting spread-eagle on the apron. She then ducks under the bottom rope and crawls into the ring. After that, Angelina stands up and gives the 'rock on' taunt. She then walks to the ropes and bounces on the second rope, giving the 'rock on' taunt again. After that, Angelina hops off the rope and walks to the center of the ring.
As "Hot in Here" by Nelly plays, Summer steps out from behind the curtain and holds up the ICWA Women's Championship high above her head in both hands.
Dart :"Making her way to the ring from Toronto, Ontario, Canada please welcome....ICWA Women's Champion Summer Stratus!"
She lowers the championship while walking down the ramp with a smile on her face as she hears the cheers from the crowd.
Busch: Summer Stratus looking captivating as she makes her way to the ring.
Marshal: Now, THIS is a champion. She's beautiful, she's tough, and she knows how to wrestle.
As she reaches the bottom of the ramp, she slides the title into the ring, and then slides in the ring under the bottom rope as well. As she gets to her feet, she walks over and picks up the title before going over to the ropes. She raises the title in one hand and points out into the crowd with the other as cameras flash. She does this on the opposite side of the ring as well before her music cuts and she paces the ring.
The two women circle each other as the ref signals for the bell to ring. Summer and Angelina instantly lock up. They both try and force each other to give way, but it's simply a stalemate. Instantly, Summer whips Angelina into the ropes. Angelina comes off with a clothesline, but Summer ducks as Angelina turns around. Summer uncorks a high dropkick that drops Angelina instantly. Summer goes for Angelina's top as the crowd cheers their approval.
Marshal: Yes! I do love this match!
Busch: Summer, looking to take control of this match early.
It's to no avail as Angelina is able to kick her off with both feet. Summer stumbles back and Angelina is able to flatten her with a clothesline. Angelina picks Summer up, and unleashes a nasty back chop to Summer's chest. The crowd lets out an enthusiastic 'woo!' Angelina does it again, and as she tries a third time, Summer grabs Angelina's arm, twists it back into a hammer lock, takes Angelina's head, and jerks it back, letting Angelina's back drive viciously into Summer's waiting knee. Angelina bounces off of Summer's knee, holding her back. Summer, like a shark smelling blood, goes for Angelina's top. Angelina struggles, holding on to it, but Summer fires a stiff punch to Angelina's forehead that sends the SoCal native's head bouncing off the canvas. Summer is able to rip off Angelina's top as the male portion of the audience roars it's approval as they applaud Angelina's black bra.
Marshal: Ma-ma-CITA, those are nice!
Busch: It looks like Whysper got his wish that Angelina get her top ripped off. If she wants to win this match, she can't let the other half go.
Angelina is half-dazed as Summer lifts her up. Summer fires a stiff back chop as Angelina yelps, covering up her half-naked chest. Angelina blocks another back chop. Summer twists into a short, hard clothesline. Angelina is covering her head as Summer picks her up, and whips her into the ropes. Angelina bounces off the ropes and flips over Summer, attempting a Sunset flip.
Busch: What's this?! Angelina's got a hold of Summer's top!
Marshal: Did I mention to you how much I love these women's matches?
Angelina indeed has Summer's top over head, as the women's champ struggles mightily to pull it down. Angelina instantly makes a hard tug and the top is ripped off, revealing a nice, lacey red bra. Again, the male, and maybe some female roar their approval. Angelina swings the top around her head tauntingly as she wears a giant smirk on her face. Summer tries to cover herself with her arms, wearing a fearful grimace. As Angelina, with her back to Summer, throws Summer's top to the crowd Summer unleashes a superkick to the back of the challenger's head. Angelina goes sprawling to the canvas.
Busch: Stratusfaction Guaranteed! She layed Angelina out!
Marshal: We are a move away from seeing Angelina totally, and utterly embarassed. And you know what?! Her pain is my pleasure.
Busch: Would you stop?
Angelina is writhing in pain as she grabs the back of her head, laying in the fetal position. Summer jerks Angelina up by her hair. She goes behind Angelina and wraps her up.
Busch: Summer Breeze! She hits this one, it could be all over!
Immediately, Summer throws Angelina backward, but Angelina is able to wrap her legs around Summer's neck. She spins 360 degrees and hits a DDT, flattening Summer who lays sprawled out on the mat.
Marshal: What the?! Where did that come from!
Busch: She calls that the SoCal Stunner and it just layed out Summer! We could be looking at a new women's champion.
Angelina wasts no time tugging on Summer's shorts, struggling mightily to get the shorts over the champ's boots. She tugs on them with one pant leg to go. With one last pull, the shorts come off, as Angelina stumbles backward, falling on her behind.
Busch: She's done it! She's done it! Angelina Santana has upset Summer Stratus in what supposed to be an easy match for the women's champ!
Angelina scrambles to her feet and walks over to the ref who raises her hand.
Dart: Your winner and NEEEEWWW ICWA Women's Champion.....Angelina Saaantaaanaaa!!!!
Angelina raises a fist in the air as the crowd applauds the surprising win. The ref lowers Angelina's arm as Angelina climbs a turnbuckle and gives the rock on taunt, and jabbing another fist in the air triumphantly. She even wipes a tear away from her eye. Angelilna climbs down as the ref presents Angelina with the Women's title belt. Angelina, shades of Shawn Michaels, takes the title in both hands, kneels down, and buries her face in the gold.
Busch: Obviously an emotional moment for our new Women's Chamipion who was not supposed to win this match.
Marshal: I'm utterly shocked. I was sure Summer would wipe the floor with this chick.
Angelina is shown climbing a turnbuckle and holding the title aloft with one hand as the scene fades to the back where once again we find Greg Davidson... | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 25th, 2007 | Davidson, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?I am standing here tonight with the number one contender to the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship�?He is the Cornered Animal, and at one time the best friend of David Van Dam�?Matt Matlock." The scene pans out to show Matlock as again the crowd grows loud, but the wise-guy fans from New York seem more behind Matlock then not�?/P> Greg, "Matt Matlock�?We are but one match away from seeing the epic confrontation between you and ICWA World Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam that’s been 3 months in the making�?You’ve never been the heavyweight champion here before, never been the heavyweight champion anywhere that’s highly recognized on MSN or in Sports Entertainment as a whole�?Now as David Van Dam aptly said it last week on ICWA Demented, You are in the "Pressure Cooker"�?How are you dealing with that pressure?" Matt, "Well let me tell ya Greg�?You’re wrong about one thing. This match hasn’t been 3 months in the making�?It’s been years in the making. Ya see, Van Dam and I have been friends a long time, we’ve been partners and allies a long time, but the whole time there’s always been one question on the tip of the tongue of any fan I come across�?That’s simply "Don’t ya feel a little over shadowed by Van Dam?" And for so long I said "Nah, David’s my friend, my allie�?He and I are equals, we share common ground"�?And when I first started saying that I believed it, I meant it. But over time it became a façade, something I’d grown so used to saying, I just stuck with it. As time passed and more and more people asked me that one very basic question, I started to realize that they were right�?Pure Perfection was never about Matt and David, David and Matt�?It was about David Van Dam and his desire to put another title on his gold covered resume. He didn’t team with me because he felt I was his equal, but much the contrary, because he felt I was subpar to him. There’s a reason that as close as he and WallStreet are, as much as he publicly acknowledges his respect for WallStreet, they never teamed up. WallStreet was too big a name�?Had David teamed with him everyone would have said "Well yeah, you were tag champs, but WallStreet carried ya to it"�?He didn’t want to risk that, he didn’t want to risk not being the center of attention�?So what he did was he picked me because he felt I wasn’t that "over"�?He felt that he could do to me what any other top star would have done to him and have people saying "Well yeah, Matlock was a tag champ, but only because Van Dam carried him"�?And what pisses me off isn’t that it worked �?Which yes, admittedly it did-�?What pisses me off is that the man became my friend and still let it happen. What PISSES ME OFF�?Greg Davidson�?Is that I looked up to David, I admired David�?And as an in ring competitor I still do, but as a human being�?Well I just don’t know anymore." Greg, "So it would seem that things between you and David are unreparable�? Matt, "I don’t know Greg�?I do know this, the games are over�?The cat and mouse is over�?Tonight it’s David Van Dam and Matt Matlock one on one for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship of the World�?Tonight I’m going in with one goal, win. And it’s not going to be pretty�?I’m not going to exsert a lot of energy trying to out wrestle David because frankly, I’m not sure there’s a man alive who can out "wrestle" David Van Dam�?What I’m going to do is I’m going to out fight him. I’m going to get him on the floor and I’m going to grab whatever I can the second that Ref’s back is turned and I’m gonna wrap it upside David’s head. I’m gonna use closed fists, I’m going to choke, bite, scratch, and kick�?I’m gonna Low blow, I’m gonna use every trick in the book; Because while I know I can’t out "wrestle" David Van Dam, I can damn sure out fight him. And you can say it’s dirty, you can say it’s cheap, it’s unfare, it’s a lame way to try and win the title�?But I’m not trying to hide my game plan, I’m not standing here claiming I’m going to wrestle clean and win it with scientific holds�?I know David’s watching, so David�?This is what you’re in for. There’s no surprise. I don’t know how I feel about you as a person anymore, but as a competitor I still respect the Hell out of you, which is why I’m being as straight forward and honest as I’ve ever been with anyone I’ve wrestled�?I’m going to cheat, lie, and if given the opportunity, Steal this championship. But come Hell or High water, I WILL win by Any Means Necessary. Look at the show banner, it says ICWA Resurrection Three: Howl of the Wolf�?Tonight the Lone Wolf howls in victory." Davidson, "Well folks, there ya have it�?Matt Matlock, good luck here tonight in what’s undoubtedly the biggest match in your young career." Matt nods his head as the cameras fade to the ring�?/P> Busch, "Some very strong words from the World title contender�?That’s gonna be huge a little later on here tonight�?But folks, now it is time for the Barbwire Cage match�?There you see the ominous steel cage hovering above the ring, about to entrap three great competitors in one sadistic steel structure for an elimination battle that will surely be a true barn burner." [The cameras pan back to the ring area as we see a cage being lowered to the ground; not to mention a thick weave of barbed wire stretched across the top of the cage eliminating any chance of an easy victory by escaping over the top. The camera heads towards the bell as the ring announcer prepares for the match introduction] Kevin Dart: The following contest is a Triple Threat Elimination Barbed Wire Cage Match. A person can only be eliminated by pinfall or submission. [The lights begin to flicker in the arena. The crowd gets really loud and cheers because they think that ICWA is having electricity problems but little do they know who is coming out. All the lights shut off, and half the crowd that smokes pulls out a lighter and lights it up. Then a guitar solo comes onto the PA System.. then in comes the drums.. the music really gets flowing. THEN theirs someone screaming in the song.. as the lyrics play out.] "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I WATCHED YOU WALK AWAY.. RUTHLESS.. WITH NOTHING TO SAY.. SO I OPENED BY EYES.. HOPING TO SEE YOU AGAIN THIS ... IS .. MY... CURSE!" [A loud bang can be heard echoing through the arena as all the fans jump to their feet and then the theme music continues as all the fans continue to cheer right up until Dark Child walks out on the ramp. Their tone changes from cheers to a low roar of booing. Dark Child begins to walk down the ramp flipping the entire crowd off. Not caring about what they think or what they do. As you look around there are some signs that are cheering for Dark Child and some that are negative towards Dark Child. He happens to walk by a person with a negative sign towards him, he then takes it away and rips it up right infront of them. He grins from ear to ear, he then walks to the apron and jump on it. He runs around and SPITS water everywhere something like Triple H usually did but didnt take as long to do so. He grins some more and then gets into the ring. He walk over to a rope and jumps onto the ropes.] Dart: Making his way to the ring from New York City, New York! Weighing in at 220 pounds.. DARK CHILLLLLLLLLLLLD! [As Dark Child jumps on the ropes he flips off the entire crowd once again. He then jumps off the ropes and then goes to a corner and takes his chains and shirt off. He then goes and turns around, he waits patiently for the bell to sound.] Dart: From Philiadelphia, Pennslyvania weighing in at 225 pounds, The Original Sadist, James! [The sound of an organ blasts through the speakers as the lights in the area go out. only the stage lights sending any light at all as slowly a smoke begins to float off the stage and down the ramp, bathing the area in a mist. four blue flames slowly begin to build on that stage, forming a square as slowly the James begins to rise up from below the stage, his head bowed and his hands held infront of him as slowly the stage rises, his head lifting as he looks out over the crowd and grinning at them. the flames going out as James makes his way slowly down the ramp, his hands rubbing together slowly as he gets to the ring, rolling in under the bottom rope and slowly getting to his feet, his hands raised high into the air.] Dart: And from Toronto, Ontario weighing in at 246 pounds, Raymond Brothers... Flipside! [The words FLIPSIDE appear on the sceen in gold letters as the music hits] Thank you, thank you, thank you, you're far too kind
Now can I get an encore, do you want more Cookin raw with the Brooklyn boy So for one last time I need y'all to roar
Now what the hell are you waitin for After me, there shall be no more So for one last time, nigga make some noise
Get em Jay [Flipside comes out as the fans go crazy chanting FLIP...SIDE...FLIP...SIDE. He slowly makes his way down the ramp slapping some hands and smiling at the younger audience. Flipside gets to the bottom of the ramp, looks around, raises his arms, and the fans once again go nuts.] I've become so numb I can't feel you there I've become so tired so much more aware I'm becoming this all I want to do Is be more like me and be less like you
I've become so numb Can I get an encore, do you want more (more...) I've become so numb So for one last time I need y'all to roar One last time I need y'all to roar. [Flipside slides into the ring, climbs the to top of the turnbuckle and raises his arms to the hands. He is ready for anything...] Jay Marshal: Looks like Raymond is figured out of this equation; he is the only real nice guy in this formula. I can see Dark Child and James taking him out of the picture quite early. Bert Busch: I wouldn't underestimate Raymond that easily. He has the heart of a lion, and will do whatever it takes. Not to mention wanting to take care of these other two bozos in the match. [The ref closes the door as all three opponents enter the ring. He uses a couple of chains and a padlock making sure there is no way to escape the cage. The ref looks over to the bell table and calls for the bell.] DING....DING.....DING Busch: And the match is underway. It looks as though all three don't know where to start, but Raymond seems to be making his way over the James trying to tell him something. Marshal: What the hell is he doing? This is a three-way dance; don't turn your back on anyone. He is ignoring Atkins and saying something to James. [James nods in the direction of Raymond, as they both turn to Dark Child. They both rush at him nailing him with a hard double-clothesline. He falls to the ground hard as he looks a bit confused as two of the bitter enemies are seeming to team up to get rid of Atkins. Raymond climbs to the top rope, looks to the fans as they cheer and yell, and he drops a hard leg across the sternum of Dark Child. Raymond picks up Dark Child, and hits him with a hard uppercut. Raymond than drops an elbow across the neck of him making Dark Child grab at his neck in pain. Raymond smiles as the crowd chants the usual FLIP...SIDE...FLIP...SIDE. Raymond grabs one of Dark Child's legs, and drops a leg to his groin area instilling some more pain to his long-time enemy. Raymond allows Dark Child to get to his feet before he grabs him and hits him with a rough T-Bone Suplex. Dark Child seems to land wrong and is visibly in pain, holding his back.] Marshal: What an attack! James and Raymond seem to want to duke it out alone, and so they are trying to eliminate Dark Child early. Busch: But... this is not a team match! They are opponents- Marshal: Hey, opponents have to team up some of the time. [James stand back letting Raymond take over at his aim of Dark Child.] Busch: These two have a long history, and this isn't the first time they have squared off in a cage. They fought each other in a separate company which ended with a Raymond victory. There is plenty of back story and behind the scenes hatred that another Raymond victory over Dark Child would seal the deal. Marshal: And James is just going to LET this happen? Come on. Get real. There is no way James is going to stand by and let Raymond build and take this match over. He is much smarter than that. [Raymond picks Dark Child up and irish wips him into the ropes. Dark Child bounces off of the ropes and gets hit with a hard spine buster from Raymond. James smirks a bit as he sits on the turnbuckle with his arms crossed. Raymond mouthes to James that Dark Child "is mine". The fans are cheering and yelling for Raymond as he picks Dark Child up and throws his arms around Dark Child's waist as he hits a German Release Suplex. Dark Child seems to be a bit out of it as he tries to pull himself up using the ropes. Raymond makes his way over to the ropes, and throws Dark Child down hard onto his back. Raymond points to James, grabs Dark Child's legs, and catapults him into the hard cage. Raymond laughs as Dark Child hits the cage hard, and falls back onto his side as blood is now gushing from his forehead.] Busch: Oh my- Dark Child is bleeding profusely from his head. This is it, this is game over for Dark Child. Raymond really has dished it out to his old tag partner. Marshal: And still.... James is LETTING this all happen? [James hops down off of the ropes, and seeing that by Dark Child is just about eliminated. He makes his way over towards Raymond from behind and goes for the Slip-Trip, but instead gets hit with a hard back elbow and gets thrown back towards the corner opposite of Dark Child. Raymond sees this is his opening and looks over towards Dark Child.] Busch: James isn't letting this happen; Raymond is. Marshal: Whatever Bert. Just watch. [Raymond sees how badly Dark Child is bleeding and nods knowing it is time to finish him off. Raymond picks up Dark Child, lifts him to his shoulders, and falls back hard Samoan Dropping Dark Child to the mat. Raymond climbs the ropes, looks around, and jumps nailing him with The Flipside. Dark Child looks as though he is unconcious and his eyes are glazed over. Raymond grabs his legs, and locks in the Texas Cloverleaf and the ref inside of the cage goes to check to see if Dark Child is tapping.] Busch: It looks like Dark Child is out... he is not even struggling. I think he is done. [The ref realizes of no struggling and begins to lift Dark Child's arm to count] One... Two.... [Raymond pulls back harded on Dark Child's legs as there still is no visible movement from him] Three.... DING....DING....DING Busch: Dark Child is eliminated. It is down to James and Raymond. Marshal: And now, James won't LET Raymond get the best of him again. [The ref drags Dark Child's motionless body towards the cage door as James begins to hit Raymond with some European Uppercuts with the sounds echoing in the arena. James took the opening of Raymond getting a little too cocky by eliminating Dark Child, and pounds away with some hard punches as Raymond is completely open to them. James whips Raymond hard to the ropes but he reverses it as James bounces off of the ropes and instead nails Raymond with a hard shoulder block sending Raymond hard to the mat. James backs off, and gains his breath as somehow Raymond makes his way to his feet. James not wanting to let his guard down, as he then picks up Flipside. Flipside trying to fight back with shots to the gut, as James simply knees him in the chest and bodyslams Raymond.] Marshal: James has taken this match over. Busch: And Dark Child has been taken to a local hospital. We will update you as soon as we know anything on that. Marshal: Eyes on the match, Bert. We still have a match to call. [James picks up Raymond as he starts to swing at James' midsection. He connects a couple of times allowing a quick second for Raymond to get to his feel and nail James with a dropkick. Raymond sees this as another opening and a chance to seal the deal as he again climbs the ropes, waits a little bit of time, and tries for The Flipside but James moves at the last minute. Raymond grabs his back in pain as James gets to his feet and makes his way over to Raymond. He tries to grab Raymond's head but instead gets pushed back by Raymond's right arm. James gets frustrated and goes back over towards Raymond who is now on one knee. James kicks Raymond hard on the side of his head sending Raymond back to the ground. James realizing this is his chance to end the match, he yanks Raymond up by his hair, kicks him in the guy, and goes for Fracture, but instead is pushed off into the cage as both opponents fall to the ground. The ref walks over to check both opponents to make sure they are alright, and yells to them to get up.] Busch: This match is draining energy out of the both of them. Marshal: Raymond seems to be almost done; all James needs to do is to regroup, and finish him off. Busch: Why are you so anti-Raymond? Marshal: Why are you so fruit-tacular? [Busch shakes his head and concentrates back on the match as Raymond finally gets back to one knee as James bounces off of the ropes again and nails Raymond with a hard knee smash. James looks around, and picks a corner to climb to the second rope, and jumps towards Raymond nailing him with an axe handle smash. Raymond, seeming dazed and quite confused, gets thrown to the corner and gets nailed with a hard clothelines from James. He than lifts Raymond up and sits him on the top turnbuckle. He turns and reaches back taking Raymond's arms and snaps forward throwing Raymond to the mat landing in a sitting position. Raymond hit so hard, he snapped back almost to his feet as James locked in the Lights Out around his neck and tries to get the body scissors on but struggle to do so.] Marshal: This is it. Lights out is almost fully locked in. [The ref moves over to James, and grabs Raymonds arm and begins to lift it as James has his head and neck already locked in.] One.... [Raymond seems to be blacking out] Two.... [Somehow Raymond snaps his arm up as he begins to fight it. He tosses his weight backwards throwing James backwards, but James counters it by running Raymond right into the corner. Instead of running at the corner, Raymond jumps and uses the corner to flip backwards trying to nail an inverted DDT on James. Raymond jumps off of the top turnbuckle but instead of flipping James throws him backwards hard to the ground.] Busch: Wow, Raymond almost countered James' submission. Marshal: But instead ended up hard on his back and in pain no less. Busch: What a great match! Marshal: And it is about to be over. [James walks over to Raymond, lifts him up and kicks him hard in the gut.] Busch: We seen this before. [James goes for Fractured again, but this time nails it. He smirks and drops for the pin. He wraps Raymond's legs for a pin.] One... Two... Three.... DING...DING...DING... Dart: Your winner, The Original Sadist, James! Busch: What a great match. Marshal: And like I said, James is NOT going to LET Raymond win. James was too much for Raymond. [The cage raises as Raymond remains laid out and James makes his way back up the entraceway] Busch, "What a brutal contest�?Well folks, let’s take ya backstage one last time as Greg Davidson is again standing by�? We go back to the backstage area where Greg Davidson is. Greg, "Thank you Bert�?Well folks, you saw me earlier with the number one contender, Matt Matlock�?Now I’m here with the Heavyweight Wrestling Champion of the World�?He is the most accomplished professional wrestler of all time, David Van Dam�? The crowd erupts as the scene pans out and we see Van Dam�?/P> Greg, "Tonight you face your former best friend and he says he’s putting it all out there�?He won’t be pulling any shots�?What do ya say to that?" David, "Good, I wouldn’t want it any other way." And with that simple line the champion walks off Greg Davidson, "Few words, but enough said... Ladies and Gentlemen, this contest is just moments away, But let's take a look back at what got us to this point." | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 25th, 2007 | Matt Matlock V.S David Van Dam - ICWA World Championship | ICWA Holiday Spectacular, December 20th, 2006 �?Live from Manhattan New York We open up on David Van Dam with the Crossface Chickenwing locked in on Nic Dangerously in the middle of the steel cage surrounded ring�?/P> Busch, "REVERSE INTO A CROSSFACE CHICKENWING! VAN DAM HAS THE CHICKENWING AND DANGEROUSLY AIN’T GOT NO WHERE TO GO!" Image, "David Van Dam applies that move in a way that only Bob Backlund could ever contest!" Busch, "DANGEROUSLY! Dangerously�?He’s�?He’s tryin not to tap but what choice does he have! That arm’s been turned ta Jella�?and there ain’t no way in Hell he’s escapin�?the way Van Dam has that locked on�? They’re in the middle of the ring, Dangerously trying so hard to resist�?But finally he uses his free arm and taps the mat repeatedly as we hear the bell sound and Van Dam release the hold. "Cult of Personality" Begins to blast over the PA as the crowd is on their feet, erupting. Busch, "VAN DAM! VAN DAM! DAVID VAN DAM HAS JUST WON THE EYE_SEE_DUBBYA_EH CHAMPIONSHIP!" Dart, "YOUR WINNER�?and the NEW INTERNATIONAL Championship WRRRESTLING Alliance HHHHHHHHHEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION of the WORRRLDD�?DAVID_VAN_DAM!" The crowd is going absolutely nuts as the cage is raising and Tim White’s at the time keepers side of the table awaiting the ICWA Title. Busch, "Going into this venue we had no idea the ICWA Title would even be defended�?On this Night, Wednesday December Twentieth, two thousand six, David Van Dam has won the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship! Only his second match inside of this company and he has won the World Heavyweight Championship! BAH GAWD Does it get any Bigger Than THIS?!" Finally the cage is raised and Dangerously has rolled out of the ring and exited as Tim White hands David Van Dam the ICWA Heavyweight championship. 
| Busch, "That right there says it all! Through all the Hell, through all the criticisms�?If there was ever any question, the question is answered now�?Yes, 2006 has OFFICIALLY Been stamped "Property Of David Van Dam"! By God this is unbelievable�?What an Unbelievable night�?/P> Suddenly the so familiar cords hit the PA as "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" By Papa Roach blasts over the PA. Much to everyone’s surpise the Hammerstein Ballroom actually blows up with cheers as Matt Matlock’s tron begins flashing�?/P> "Fed-up, Tired, Sick and twisted One-man army I'm enlisted Trust yourself trust no one else Fuck a hero be yourself" Busch, " That’s the theme song of Matt Matlock�?Matt Matlock’s David Van Dam’s long time tag team partner, but I’m not sure what he wants here�? Marshal, "Obviously he’s coming out here to congratulate Van Dam on his win�? "I don't need your lousy hand-out Clinched fists I'll fight my way out Fighting my way out Find my way out" As the music is playing Van Dam’s standing in the center of the ring, the championship over his shoulder as he stands, looking only slightly fatigued while he looks up at the stage, curious. Busch, "Matlock of course beat Ryan Ross earlier here tonight in a ladder match to cement his place as one of the greatest nWWF-CWA Champions ever�?
"People wake up and sing aloooooong I trust no one My trust is gooooone
Born with nothing (Born With Nothing) Die with everything Born with nothing (Born With Nothing) Die with everything Yeah!" Suddenly the curtain moves and the Hammerstein Ballroom goes crazy for The Man�?/P> Busch, "THERE HE IS! Matt Matlock!" The music continues to play as Matlock stands on the stage and points down to David Van Dam in the ring. Matlock nods and begins to applaud. Busch, "Looks like Matlock’s applauding the new ICWA Champion�? David smiles and nods as if to say "Thank you"�?Then Matlock points to David�?David tilts his head�?Matlock gets an evil grin as he brings his hands down to his waist and makes his hands go over an invisible title belt, using the universal taunt to insinuate that he’s looking to take Van Dam’s belt. The crowd goes absolutely nuts�?/P> Busch, "WHAT?! YOU DON’T THINK?! IS�?IS MATLOCK CALLING OUT VAN DAM FOR THE TITLE?!" Marshal, "That’s what it looks like to me!" Van Dam laughs slightly, but his face instantly goes serious as he points to Matlock with his index finger, then back to himself with his thumb, then slaps the ICWA Title and nods his head, drawing yet another huge reaction from the fans as Matlock’s theme continues playing�?/P> Busch, "HE DID! AND VAN DAM JUST ACCEPTED! BAH GAWD! WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION! WE HAVE A NEW CONTENDER! OH! MAH! GAWD!... Folks.. I don’t know when we’re comin back, But when we do�?BAH GAWD What a match we have set up! Van DAM! MATLOCK! The EYE SEE DUBBYA EH CHAMPIONSHIP!" The cameras fade on a panned back shot showing Matlock applauding on the stage and DVD staring him down from the ring�?/P> Born with nothing (Born With Nothing) Die with everything Born with nothing (Born With Nothing) Die with everything�?/P> Born with nothing (Born With Nothing) Die with EV-ERY-THING! _______________________________ ICWA Demented February 21st, 2007 �?Live from Cleveland Ohio ICWA World Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam watching the show from his lockeroom. As David’s watching the victor of the previous match in the ring, we hear a door draw open as the camera pans back and we see Matt Matlock walk into the room, drawing a mix reaction from the crowd. Matlock, "Hey man." DVD Stands up and flicks off the TV as he says, "Hey. Where ya been?" Matlock, "My Girlfriend’s here. I was spending sometime with her before the show." DVD feigns shock as he says, "Why Mr. Matlock! Is it possible that my schovanistic pig of a partner’s maintaining a steady relationship?" Matlock, "Shhhh! If anybody found out I’d be ruined!" Both DVD and Matlock look at the camera with a very straight face before looking back at each other. DVD, "Alright. You ready for the main event?" Matlock, "Of course." DVD, "Good, because I’ve never seen Street as on fire as he’s been this week. That’s gonna be a tough World title match when the time comes." Matlock, "Yeah it is�?But I think I can handle it." DVD, "Eh, I don’t know man. But it doesn’t matter, you won’t have too. I’m gonna be the guy having to try and beat the crazy bastard." Matlock laughs, "Well he promised he’d wait till after Resurrection, so you should be in the clear." DVD chuckles, "Aww�?That’s cute. You really think your gonna win our match." DVD laughs and shakes his head as pats Matlock on the shoulder. DVD, "Alright man, I’m gotta go see Angelica in Wardrobe. She’s supposed to be making some alterations to my Robe for the match. I’ll catch ya before match time." With that David walks out of his lockeroom as Matlock stands there, looking annoyed. ________________________________ ICWA Demented February 28th, 2007 �?ICWA Demented live from Buffalo New York Busch, "Tonight Matt Matlock’s gonna go one on one with a former ICWA Heavyweight Champion although nobody, Matlock included, knows which one yet�? Busch, "One of these men will face the Cornered Animal, providng Matlock an opportunity to show he can hang with ICWA World Title caliber athletes and to let the world know he belongs in the main event with Van Dam�? ___________________________ We see now Matlock (W/Jessie Winters) and Van Dam standing, staring at the Television monitor as we can hear WallStreet’s voice say, "Next week in this very ring Christian Skywalker, you and I will rematch Pure Perfection, David Van Dam and Matt Matlock in another main event tag team match�? David, " I’m thinking this time we need to send a message and pin WallStreet." Matlock nods, "That’s true. When I pin him after pinning a former champion tonight and Skywalker last week, any doubt people may have about me going for the title will be erased." David laughs, not snidely, but softly, "Well, that’s a nice goal. But if we’re going to get a pinfall over McCallister, I’m sure it’ll come when I’m in the ring." Matlock seems a little annoyed as he says, "Ya know David�?All due respect, I’m getting a little fed up with your ego lately." David laughs softly and smacks Matt on the back, "Aww lighten up kid, I’m just messing around. I’m sure you’ll get in your licks. Besides, it’s a tag match, regardless of who gets the pin, the team wins, not the individual. But never the less, you have a match to get ready for and I’m going to go grab a quick bite to eat before I go down and call the commentary for it. Good luck pal." David nods and he and Monica walk out of the scene as Matlock seems to be even more peeved. Girl, �?/FONT>What’s wrong baby?" Matlock, "Did you hear him? "Lighten up kid"�?Is that all he thinks of me? All anybody around here thinks of me? That I’m just some�?Some�?KID?! Yeah, I may be young Jessie, but I’m just as capable and just as good in that ring as anybody else. And I’ll prove it next week when *I*, Not David, *I* Pin WallStreet, and I’ll prove it this week when I pin whatever ICWA Champion is making their return!" ______________________________ From there we switch to highlights of the Matlock/X Bomb main event, where Van Dam called special guest commentary�?After various scenes we see the finish and go from there�?/P> David, "That was impressive. Matt really turned it up in the forth quarter and showed exactly why he is the number one contender to the most prestigious championship in the world today, the ICWA World Heavyweight championship." Busch, "Absolutely. X Bomb looked as good as he’s ever looked, but Matlock looked that much better and champ, I think you’re fixin to have a real challenge on your hands at ICWA Resurrection III: Howl of the wolf." David, "No question Bert. Matt’s going to come and he’s going to come hard. It’s gonna be a match for the ages." Back in the ring X Bomb suddenly rushes up from behind and drives a hard double axe handle into the back of Matlock, dropping him in the center of the ring. The crowd starts to boo as Matlock’s theme fades and the bell begins to sound. X Bomb doesn’t seem to care though as he starts laying in hard boots to the upper torso of Matlock. Busch, "AWW COME ON!" We suddenly hear a head set hit the commentary table. It’s not long after that we see DVD shoot into the ring under the bottom rope. David runs up behind X Bomb, hooks a rear waist lock, and pops back nailing a huge German suplex. The crowd erupts as X Bomb pulls himself up and runs back at David Van Dam looking for a big clothesline. The champion ducks under, spins around and hooks the arm and leg before popping up and nailing a huge Last Chance (Olympic Slam). Busch, "YES! The champion went in and made the save!" David pulls off his sweet shirt and tosses it to the side before he reaches down, grabs X Bomb’s ankle, and begins to twist drawing a huge pop from the crowd. Busch, "ANKLE LOCK! ANKLE LOCK! DAVID VAN DAM’S GOT X BOMB IN THE ANKLE LOCK!" He holds it momentarily before he finally releases, making his point, and lets X Bomb roll to the floor holding his ankle. David glares down toward X Bomb for a minute before he turns around to see Matlock pulling himself up on the opposite of the ring. David walks back over as Matlock heads toward center ring as well. David, "You alright?" Matlock shoves David, drawing a small bit of boos. Busch, "What the�? Matlock, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" David seems confused, "What was what?" Matlock, "YOU KNOW WHAT! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" David puts his hands up, showing that he doesn’t understand what Matlock’s talking about. Matlock balls up his right hand and nails a huge fist to the jaw of Van Dam, dropping him hard on his ass as the crowd boos. David holds his jaw and looks up at Matlock like he must have lost his mind. Matlock just seems pissed off as he shakes his head, drops down, and rolls out of the ring. "Born with Nothing, Die With Everything" blasts over the PA as the crowd is booing. David, still sitting, puts out his arms as to say "What the fuck dude". Busch, "What the Hell was that?! What’s going on with Pure Perfection?!" Matlock turns around and looks at David, Shaking his head in disgust before turning back around and heading up the ramp. Busch, "David doesn’t seem to understand�?I don’t understand�?What the�?I�?Well�?Next week they’ve gotta team up against WallStreet and Skywalker�?How in the Hell�?I don’t know�? The cameras fade on Van Dam’s misunderstanding look as he’s on his ass in the ring. _______________________________ | | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 25th, 2007 | Matt Matlock V.S David Van Dam - ICWA World Championship | ICWA Demented, March 7th, 2007 �?Live from Albany New York We open up seeing Van Dam and Matlock face to face, expressionless�?/P> The crowd pops but neither Matt nor David seem real ecstatic. Busch, "This is the first time these two have seen each other since their encounter last week�? David, "We need to talk." Matt looks at his girl, then at David�?He releases her hand and nods, "Yeah." David turns and starts to walk away as Matt gives the girl a kiss on the cheek and says, "I’ll be back soon Jessie." The woman, who we’ve realized is named Jessie, smiles and nods as Matt walks the same way as David and the cameras fade to the ring. Busch, "Well hopefully those two great performers are gonna get themselves back on track as a team, and more importantly, as friends." Marshal, "They can be best buds if they want, but come March 25th at Madison Square Garden there are no friends, there are no "pals", "Buddies", Whatever�?There’s simply the ICWA Undisputed Heavyweight Wrestling Championship of the World." ______________________________ The cameras switch to the back as the fans cheer the site of their heavyweight champion David Van Dam and their number one contender Matt Matlock. David and Matlock are eye to eye, neither giving an inch. Busch, "There’s Pure Perfection�?They are of course slated to take on Christian Skywalker and Mr. McCallister in that huge return tonight�? David nods, "Alright man, I feel ya." David extends his hand and Matlock accepts it as the two shake hands, bring each other in, and share a small embrace which draws a solid reaction from the crowd. Busch, "Oh Boy! It looks like Matlock and Van Dam are back on the same page! That doesn’t bid well for the former US Champion and our Chairman!" "Heh-hmm." David and Matlock turn around as the camera pans out and the fans begin booing upon the site of Ryan Ross. David, "What do you want?" Ross, "Some respect, some recognition, my rightfully deserved spoils for the blood and sweat I’ve left on that ICWA Canvas�?And the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship." David, "I respect ya as a fellow ICWA Ultrastar and a great in ring performer�?I recognize you and what you’ve done in the past for this great organization�?And if by spoils you mean cash, I’ll even buy your T Shirt. But as far as the ICWA World Heavyweight title is concerned�?Well that belongs to me kid. And if you want that�?(David steps closer, nose to nose as he stares straight into Ryan’s eyes) You’ll have to pry it from my cold dead fingers." The crowd erupts as Busch says, "And Bah God he means that folks!" Ross doesn’t back down a step as he says, "Ironicly David, it appears I have the opportunity to do just that. Because you see, next week on Demented I’ve been booked to meet you one on one�?And I went to Taylor and requested that you be forced to put your ICWA World Heavyweight title on the line�? David, "Oh yeah? What’d he say?" Matlock chimes in, clearly having a vested interest, as he says, "Yeah Ross, what’d he say?" Ross, "Well�?He said that it was up to you David. So what do ya say Van Dam? All that crap about being the best there is�?All the talk�?Is it just that David? Is it simply "Talk"? Or are ya willing to back it up and put that title on the line next week?" David doesn’t hesitate as he says, "Oh I’ll back it up Ryan�?I’ll back up every word. You want the championship on the line next week? YOU GOT IT!" The crowd erupts as Busch says, "WHAT?! THAT’S HUGE!" David doesn’t move his stare as he says, "But you better come with a game like you have NEVER came with before�?Because if you don’t, This won’t just be the biggest match of your career�?It’ll be the LAST." Ryan smirks, "Oh don’t you worry David�?You’ll get the best I’ve got, and in turn, I’ll get the title of being the best there is as I obtain the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship." Ryan nods as he turns (satisfied with how that worked out) and walks away. David just stares at the back of his head as Matlock is behind David, his eyes about out of his head as his head’s cocked to the side and he has a look of both shock and anger on his face as he looks at David�? ________________________________ The cameras fade to the back as we see Matt Matlock sitting on a steal chair in the back, tipping it back on it’s hind legs as he has his feet up on a table and is drinking a cold Mountain Dew (the label easy to see). Jessie gets behind him and leans down, putting her arms around his big chest as he reaches up with his right hand and rubs her forearm. Jessie, "What’s wrong baby?" Matt sighs, "David. We spent fifteen minutes talking about respect and friendship, and then in a single moment he pisses on his whole hypocritical speech." Jessie, "What happened?" Matt, "Ryan Ross." Matt, "He comes to David and says "Well WallStreet said that you could decide to put the title on the line against me next week" and David actually did it. He just completely disrespected me by giving Ryan Ross the title match. That was my title match. I am the number one contender for the title. Now what? If Ryan Ross wins next week then what happens? David becomes the number one contender, and then ol Matt Matlock gets bumped back as they build for the big money rematch between Ross and David. Then if David wins that match, Ryan Ross becomes the contender and gets a rematch�?I may never even see my match. I’m just gonna get bumped to the side and forgotten. Well screw that. I’ve done my time, I’ve waited as long as I’m going to wait and I’m sick and damn tired of people thinking that Matt Matlock’s just some guy to pushed to the side when something "better" comes along. I beat the crap out of Ryan Ross. Ryan Ross has never beaten me. Yet he gets a shot before me? And who do ya blame? It’s not like WallStreet forced David to defend the title. He left the decision up to David and David said "Oh, well piss on Matt, I’ll defend the title next week." Jessie, "Baby, you’re talking about your own partner. The man who you have to share the ring with in just a few minutes�? Matt, "Yeah well, I’ll go out there and do what I need to do because I want to beat WallStreet and Skywalker again. But David’s going to find out real soon that I’m not playing nice anymore." _______________________________ We see a few clips of the tag team action in the contest, but quickly find our way to the finish�?/P> We open up with NLCS holding a rear waistlock on Matt Matlock. In an attempt to escape Matlock charges backward, thus forcing NLCS to run backwards as well�?Both men heading toward the corner. Tim White notices them coming toward the corner but doesn’t notice in time and is squashed as the two big athletes come barreling into the corner. Busch, " Oh! ICWA Senior Referee Tim White was just the victim of a big-time collision!" Christian released the waist lock after the collision. Matlock pulls him out and hooks a vertical suplex grapple, probably looking for a vertical suplex. He goes to pull up Skywalker but Skywalker blocks the take over. He tries it again, but gets the same result. Skywalker suddenly delivers a hard right hand into the ribs of the number one contender and then he ends up hoisting Matlock into the air and taking him over with a vertical suplex of his own. The crowd is getting rowdy as Skywalker shines that million dollar smiles of his. Suddenly from the commentary side of the ring we see somebody slide in�?He’s got a lead pipe in hand and is wearing Blue Jeans and a black T Shirt and has long black hair. Skywalker turns around and as he does he’s leveled with the pipe. WallStreet’s eyes draw wide as he enters the ring between the ropes. WallStreet rushes in and charges the big man, but he springs toward WallStreet and levels him with a big clothesline. Busch, " Who the Hell is this and what’s he doing here?!" WallStreet rolls out of the ring holding his neck as the big man grabs two fist fulls of Skywalker’s hair and pulls him up to his feet as the crowd boos loudly. Matlock’s pulled himself up and David’s entered the ring, both men looking confused. The big black haired man hoists Skywalker up in the air as if going for a back drop, but then swings around and drops Skywalker hard with a modified Rock Bottom. Busch, " Good GOD! What a move! But�?Who the Hell is this guy and why’s he here?!" Marshal, "I don’t know who he is but he’s dismantling Christian Skywalker. I like him already." David walks up and grabs the big man by the shoulder, swinging him around as the crowd is on their feet with anticipation�?/P> David, " What the Hell are you doing?!" The big man, " Stay out of my way David�? The big man starts stomping away on the upper torso of an unconscious Christian Skywalker but David Van Dam quickly shoves him off. The Bradshaw looking fella doesn’t hesitate as he instantly springs foreward and nails a big time lariat on the champion. Matlock’s over in the corner and is seemingly considering getting involved now but he hesitates�?And then opts to simply stay where he’s at. _______________________________ "When The Lights Go Up And The Game Is On Is You Ready for Me? Cause I’m Ready For you When The Bell Rings Out And The Fight Is On Is You Ready For Me? Cause I’m Ready For Yooouuu" The crowd is booing even more so as "Game On" by Disciple blasts from the PA and the curtain flies to the side�?/P> Ryan Ross comes running down the ramp as David’s reaching up to the ropes to climb back into the ring, not even noticing that Ross is coming down. Ryan Ross slams his forearm right inbetween David’s Shoulder blades making him release the rope and drive against the ring. Van Dam turns around and Ryan Ross delivers a stiff kick between his legs, catching him completely off guard and dropping him hard on the floor as the fans continue booing. Busch, " Aww come on! For God sakes!" Ryan mounts the champion and begins dropping unrelentless rights and lefts as in the ring the big black haired man is pummeling Skywalker down in the corner. Matt Matlock looks around and just smirks as he walks to the rampside ropes and exits the ring. He looks at Ross pummeling David and just keeps walking up the ramp as the fans boo. Busch, " Matt Matlock’s�?He’s just leaving his partner at the hands of Ryan Ross�?/FONT>" We pan back so we can see the Bradshaw looking guy beating on Skywalker, we can see Ross beating on Van Dam on the floor, and we can see Matlock standing half way up the ramp just watching�?/P> ______________________________ ICWA Demented March 21st, 2007 �?Live from Boston Massachusetts Busch: Holy crap, what a way to start out Demented!!! Marshall: Your not a kidding!! What is going to come next!! Busch: I dont know Jay, but with other blockbuster matches here tonight, you can just imagine!!! Flipside now gets back to his feet, as does Matlock. Both men wanting to get the other, as Matlock gets himself closer, Flipside not happy as he kicks Matlock in the gut, lifting him into the air and over his shoulder, Matlock then reverses in by sliding behind Flipside flips him around nailing him with the Animal Instincts as Flipside lays motionless in the middle of the ring. Busch, " ANIMAL INSTINCTS! Matlock just got the Animal Instincts and ya gotta believe this one is just about over!" " So How have ya been?" Matlock cocks his head to the side as he walks over toward the ramp and looks upward in that direction. We see that the Dementa-Tron has kicked on and David Van Dam is approaching Hope Cassidy who’s sitting on a crate backstage. The crowd erupts for the site of the ICWA Hall of Famer and the current champion. Busch, " Well I’m�?I’m not sure what this is�? Hope, " Ah you know, it’s been hard with everything that’s been going on. I’m a little frustrated with this situation with Jay, I can’t believe we drew two weeks in a row. I also can’t believe how little recognition I’ve gotten lately." DVD, " Well, it’ll get better. You just have to get over this rut with Jay." Hope, " Well hopefully I can do that tonight. Then I want to get moving on. I’m tired of doing the same thing in the same spot on the card every week." DVD, " Of course�?Ya know, speaking of doing something different�?How about dinner tonight?" Hope grins, " Why Mr. Van Dam, are you trying to pick me up?" DVD laughs, " Nah, just figured we could get a bite�?You know, as friends." Hope looks at him suspectingly as she says, " Friends eh? Uh-huh." David rubs the back of his head as he says, " No, really�?I mean Taylor and I went out the other night�?Same thing here." Hope, " Except Taylor doesn’t have blonde hair, blue eyes, and luscious curves." David laughs, " Well no�?But what do ya say?" Hope, " Well, I’ll let ya know when "later tonight" gets here." Hope sticks out her tongue before declaring, " But, I’ve gotta go get ready for my match." She slips off the crate and gets on her tippy toes, hugging the champ before turning around and walking off. David smiles softly as he shakes his head and scratches the back of his head�?/P> Busch, " I think Hope and David may be a bit smitten with each other." The cameras switch back to the ring where Matlock’s looking up at the Dementa-Tron in awe�?/P> Marshal, " Who cares! There was a match going on here!" Suddenly we see Matlock fall back and realize that Flipside’s recovered from the Animal Instincts and has just scooped a very unsuspecting Matlock up with a school boy. Darren Thomas drops down and counts ………………One……………Two………………THREE! Matlock kicks out but he’s a hair too late as he was taken by the shock and the "Numb/Encore" remix done by Jay Z and Linken park begins blasting over the PA as Flipside instantly rolls out of the ring to a great ovation. Dart, " Your Winner... FLIIIPSIDE!" Busch, " BAH GAWD! Matlock was distracted by that footage of Van Dam and Cassidy backstage and Flipside caught him and got the win!" Darren raises Flipside’s hand on the outside as Flipside slaps some hands and accepts some embraces from some ringside fans. Back in the ring Matlock’s on his knees, his jaw open and dropped a bit as he can’t seem to believe what’s just happened. Busch, " I think Matt Matlock may still be in shock." Matlock slams his hand down on the mat and we hear him yell " SON OF A BITCH!" Busch, " Matlock clearly unpleased with that." Marshal, "Of course he is Bert! What the Hell was that?! Why are we getting footage of David Van Dam and Hope Cassidy acting like high school kids looking for a prom date in the middle of a live wrestling match?! That’s horse crap! Van Dam’s ego’s inflated so high that he’s cutting into matches now?! Give me a friggin break Bert!" Busch, "Well I doubt very much that it was David’s idea to interrupt Matlock’s match with Van Dam and Cassidy’s conversation�? __________________________________ The cameras come back from commercial much the same as they left; focused on the door of the champ. The door draws open and Matlock comes out breathing a little heavy (not from exhaustion but anger). He walks off and the camera heads into the locker room. As we do we see Van Dam’s duffle bag has been thrown about, all of his clothes all over the place. We see a white button up shirt that’s been ripped in half, a torn pair of black dress slacks�?We see that his monitor has been knocked on the floor and shards of glass are around it, the coffee table’s been thrown upside down and there’s a cheese and fruit platter spilled all over the floor. Busch, " Bah Gawd, Matlock’s a mad man!" Marshal, "This is what happens when ya make a career out of shoving a highly talented guy like Matt Matlock into your shadow." Busch, "Are you actually suggesting David Van Dam deserves this destruction of his property and his lockeroom?" _____________________________________ We switch over to Greg Davidson interviewing David Van Dam�?/P> Greg, " Matt Matlock is your tag team partner and man you most recently called "friend". What’s it going to be like to enter the main event against your partner and friend in such a high steaks situation?" David, " Well ya know Greg, this wouldn’t be the first time Matt and I have ever squared off against each other. But lately�?I don’t know. He’s not the Matt Matlock I once knew. And I get that he’s frustrated and he’s got his eye on my title, but it’s like he’s a totally different person�?It’s almost as if someone’s gotten in his head or something. But regardless of what his malfunction is, this Sunday it’ll get sorted out and fixed One way�?Or another." __________________________________ | | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 25th, 2007 | With that the cameras draw out wide over the arena before switching to the first row where we see a familiar woman standing, waving at the camera�?She’s wearing a Matt Matlock T Shirt tied at the bottom to expose her stomach, and a pair of hip huggers. A box comes up in the center, lower end of the screen�?/P> Fiancée of Matt Matlock Jessica Winters | Busch, "Matt Matlock’s fiancée in attendance here tonight for what will undoubtedly be her future husband’s biggest match to date�? The cameras fade up into the ring to Kevin Dart as the bell sounds Once�?Twice�?Three times�?/P> Kevin Dart announces, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?The following contest is the MAIN EVENT! It is Scheduled for ONEFALL and there is NO TIME LIMIT�?This Bout IS FOR The ICWA HHHHHHHEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP of the WORLD�? As the world titles disappear from the hover shot on the arena, we start to fade down toward the ramp as we see two wolves walking out from backstage�?As they walk out we see they’re on leashes, held by Men wearing black Jeans and Orange "Matt Matlock" T Shirts�?Two by Two more wolves come out till there’s six (three on either side of the entrance way on the stage)�?They all sit on command as the fans are buzzing in there seats�? Busch, "What a collection of magnificent, but deadly animals�? Marshal, "Ironicly, the same animal that Matt Matlock compares himself too�?We’re just moments away from finding out if he too is magnificent but deadly, or if he’s just a lot of bark with no bite." Then we hear the howling of a wolf, which in turn makes the Wolves on the stage howl into the heavens before "Born with Nothing, Die With Everything" kicks in (the same way the song plays on the PPV Video on youtube). The entire arena waits in silence. The opening guitar chords of "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" hit the speakers. Eight seconds later, the song kicks into full gear Although the normal pyro doesn’t go off as a result of safety issues for the Wolves on stage.! Fed up tired, Sick & twisted One man army I'm enlisted Trust yourself trust no one else Fuck a hero just be yourself It's at this point when Matt Matlock steps out from behind the curtains, dressed in his jeans and a muscle shirt and wearing a pair of sunglasses. He stands there looking out over the crowd with a grin as the song continues�?Meanwhile, The Wolves surround Matt, Making a circle around him. And I don't need your lousy handouts With clenched fists I'll fight my way out Fight my way out, find my way out As the Wolves have Matt encircled, he drops down on his kness ala Shawn Michaels, does the championship taunt around his waist and then looks to the sky, leading the Wolves in another loud howl�?/P> People wake up and sing along I trust no one, all my trust is gone! At this moment Matt looks skyward and points up to the roof as loud pyros suddenly explode on both sides of the ramp, starting at the top and repeatedly exploding all the way down the sides of the ramp. Born with nothing (born with nothing) Die with everything! Born with nothing (born with nothing) Die with everything, yeah! Now as the pyros subside and the song continues, Matt stands up and begins his walk down the ramp while the Wolves disappear back to the back. Most of the crowd is cheering as he does so, a lot of fans have their hands out for him, and he slaps hands with them as he passes by. Busch, "Well folks, there he is�?The number one contender to the ICWA World Heavyweight Champion�?His One goal�?His whole career everyone’s said he didn’t want it enough, he wasn’t ambitious enough, he wasn’t built well enough�?Now he has the opportunity to prove em all wrong�?Or perhaps�?Prove em right. His destiny is in his own hands tonight." Marshal, "Well, to a point you’re right�?But let’s not forget that it’s also in David Van Dam’s hands, and while Matlock may want it pretty bad, that doesn’t mean Van Dam’s gonna hand it over." Busch, "That’s absolutely true. One thing’s for sure, Matlock’s guaranteed it’s not gonna be pretty, it’s not gonna be a scientific clinic�?Folks, it’s gonna be broken down into a down and dirty fight, at least if Matlock has anything to say about it, it will." Dart: Ladies and Gentlemen, Introducing first�?The Challanger�?hailing from Cape Breton Island, Canada and weighing in at two hundred and seventy-one and three quarter pounds on this particular evening�?the recognized, greatest CWA/nWWF Champion ever, he is "The Cornered Animal"....MATT....MAT-LOOOOOCK! Matlock walks around the side of the ring to where Jessie is standing at front row and shares a small embrace with his wife to be�?/P> Busch, "Matt Matlock sharing a warm embrace with his Fiancée�?Quite probably the last bit of warmth he’s going to receive here tonight�? Marshal, "Ya know�?I noticed The Dartman announce Matlock as the greatest CWA-nWWF Champion of all time�?And having worked for both companies and being the guy who brought the CWA Title to the ICWA to begin with, I’ll admit that he very well maybe�?But, being the greatest CWA-nWWF Champion in this match still makes ya second best. Tonight it’s put up or shut up. He’s been talking about being the greatest CWA-nWWF Champion for a while, but after tonight that’ll never be the same. Either he’ll have a new accomplishment, one that over shadows any other he could ever have, The Undisputed ICWA World Heavyweight Championship�?Or he’ll of proven that quite simply, he can NOT hang on that top tier here in the ICWA, which will in turn essentially make the CWA-nWWF Title run he’s so proud of –And rightfully proud of- mean a combination of Jack and Crap because the world knows he can’t get anything beyond that�?Tonight all eyes are on Matlock, he truly and genuinely is in the Pressure Cooker�?And while this match alone would be a huge pressure spot for any young contender�?He’s in the pressure spot on a Pay Per View named and themed after him, in the worlds most famous sporting arena and the true Home-arena for the ICWA in Madison Square Garden�?The only way this could be ANY bigger is if it was at Thunderstruck, but quite honestly, this is Thunderstruck level pressure and frankly, You’re getting Thunderstruck level quality out of the main event here tonight." Busch, "Absolutely Jay, there’s no question about it at all�?And you’re right Jay, the question here tonight quite simply is, can Matt Matlock over come it all, over come the pressure cooker spot, or will his shoulders fold under the weight causing him to once again drop the ball when he gets to the big one? Only time will tell." Marshal, "Well there’s not much time before we’re told Bert�? During Bert and Marshal’s chatter Matt jumped about a lil ala Brock Lesnar, trying to loosen up and gain some level of control over his adrenaline�?Unlike most nights Matlock’s not playing to the crowd, he’s clearly in the zone... Finally Matt spins around and leaps onto the second rope, where he stands for a moment before stretching his arms to the side. The moment he does so a flurry of pyros erupts in the center of the ring behind him, HBK-style pyros. They shoot off rapidly for a few seconds until he lowers his arms and they stop. It's at this point where Matt hands his sunglasses off to the ref as he steps down and then looks up towards the stage a look of clear focus on his face as his music fades and the cameras pan back, focusing on the ring, ramp, stage, and Dementa Tron�?/P> Busch, "The anticipation level is off the charts here in New York City tonight folks�? The lights cut completely, which is custom for a lot of entrances. The crowd turns their attention to the ramp as "Heart of a Champion" by Nelly begins to play over the public address system. A shower of golden sparks begins to fall as a golden spotlight shines on the stage. The crowd is going nuts as we pan back and see Matlock’s gaze staying trapped on the golden spark flooded entrance way�?/FONT> Busch, "I’ve Got goosebumps right now�? Finally as the song picks up, Walking through the sparks is ICWA World Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam. Busch, "THERE HE IS! The MAN! The ICWA Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Of The WORLD! DAVID VAN DAM!" David stands in front of the sparks, his arms spread wide, the Championship in clear site�?/FONT> Kevin Dart: "And Finally�?Making his way from Indianapolis, Indiana and weighing in tonight at 245 pounds. He is the most decorated professional wrestler in the history of our sport�?And He IS�?The Defending INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP WrrrrrrrrrESTLING ALLIANCE Hhhhhhhhhheavyweight Champion of the WOOOOOOOOORRRRRRLDDDDD�?nbsp;DAVID...VAN...DAM..." The crowd is going wild as we pan the audience, seeing various signs in support of both David and Matt Matlock�?/P> Busch, "The fans are divided�?Matt Matlock is crude, rude, and crass�?But he’s the embodiment of the average blue collar fella�?He ain’t the reflection of perfection, he doesn’t drive the fanciest car in the parking lot, he hasn’t been with super models and celebrities�?He’s Not larger than life, but simply another player in the game of Life�?Another Squirrel trying to get his nut so to speak. Here tonight he’s aiming for the End All and Be All Acorn, but DVD’s one Helluva tree to try and climb." DVD climbs up the solid steel steps and walks down the apron. He wipes his feet off before stepping into the ring. His eyes never leave Matlock’s eyes�?There’s intensity, confliction, pride�?What an emotion driven gaze these two men hold down. On paper this match is a very basic story�?Contender Verses Champion�?Friend turned Foe over the pursuit of Wrestling Glory�?But nothing could be further from the truth. The complexity of the emotion between these two gladiators is unexplainable. Never in Matlock’s life has he wanted something so bad, NEEDED it so bad�?It’s do or die�?Yet, for David Van Dam it’s much the same. Always the center of Glory, yet always doubted. Van Dam has the world on his shoulders and has had for quite sometime�?Tonight he’s got two options, lift it up unto his palms and show the world that he’s as mighty as the Greek Titan Atlas, or collapse under it’s weight as the Cornered Animal catches it and begins carrying it upon his shoulders. So much to prove from both men�?Pride, Glory, Immortality�?All things that are on the line here tonight, and yet so much more. A Friendship could be destroyed. Will it be worth it? For one of these two men it will be worth that and so much more�?But for the other, it will fall amongst a large pile of things sacrificed for no gain. This is how our business works�?It’s a constant "all in" gamble. One man loses everything, One man wins the world, but No man’s luck withstands the ultimate test of time. Van Dam un-straps his ICWA World Heavyweight Championship, his eyes never going away from Matlock’s eyes as he hands the championship off to ICWA Senior Referee Tim White. Tim White raises the title high into the air, letting the world know exactly what it’s all about. Busch, "There it is folks�?The physical embodiment of what this entire business is all about�?The single richest prize in our business, the International Championship Wrestling Alliance Heavyweight Wrestling Championship of the World�?Folks, it does not any bigger than this. The steaks could not be any higher, the passionate, the desire, the dedication�?These two fine athletes personify it all." Tim White finally hands the strap off to Kevin Dart on the Outside and calls for the bell, signifying the start of this grand contest. Busch, "Alright folks, here we go�?It’s gonna be a long, wild ride but we’re gonna be here for the whole thing�? David and Matlock slowly draw nearer and nearer, neither man wanting to slip up and make that first and critical mistake�?/FONT> Busch, "Both competitors being extra cautious�?It could very well come down to a mere error in judgment before this is all said and done. Neither man can afford to make a mistake and they clearly know that." Marshal, "No doubt Bert. We’ve been talking all night about being in the "Pressure Cooker" or as David likes to say, the "Pressure Spot". Well Both of these guys are there right now and I think it’s setting in as 20,107 pairs of eyes are on em here live and millions are watching around the world�?It’s crunch time fellas. Despite what Matlock said earlier, this one’s going to be a lot more strategic and methodical then he wants us and David to believe�?And of course David’s never without a game plan. These aren’t luchadors, they aren’t spot monkies�?Yes, I just said Spot Monkies on the air�?It’s a genuine grappler and street fighter who’s began to adopt a grappling ability that he never truly had before�?This will not be fast paced, but it’s gonna damn well be exciting." Matlock and David both have solid wrestling stances, circling each other slowly, there hands brushing each other and occasionally slapping each other away�?Finally they both shoot in and hook up in a collar and elbow grapple. The two push and pull, trying to bully each other around but neither man seems to wanta give an inch. Finally Matlock charges ahead and ends up driving Van Dam into the corner back first, but neither man releases the grapple. Tim White rushes in and demands a break, but not only does he not get it, Van Dam pivots and spins it around, shoving Matlock’s back into the corner while they maintain the grapple. Tim White again demands the break and Van Dam and Matlock slowly and cautiously begin to break as Tim White puts an arm in to try and back Van Dam up a little�?As soon as the grapple’s broke however, Van Dam grabs a hold of Matlock by the neck and the arm, He plants his leg so his hip sticks way out there, and he takes Matlock up and over out of the corner with a Judo based toss to the mat. Van Dam waists no time as he grabs Matlock’s right arm and applies a modified wristlock. Matlock’s been Van Dam’s partner for a long time and he’s been on the opposite side of Van Dam so he knows that the last place on the planet he wants to be with David Van Dam is down on the mat. He immediately jumps to his feet, although his forehead and arm are still down on the mat, making him look much like an Ostrage with his head in the ground, only his legs are spread much wider apart to provide a stronger base making it harder for Van Dam to try and force the Canadian Ultrastar back down to the mat. Busch, "Van Dam showing some of that global experience with that Judo throw, and then following it up with an proficiently applied wristlock. Matlock wisely trying to get back to a vertical base." Marshal, "Well ya gotta keep in mind that these two men know each other better than anybody else. So Van Dam knows the key to beating Matlock is keeping this a ground based, honest Wrestling match�?Likewise, Matlock knows that the last place he wants to be is on the mat and the last thing he wants to do is get forced into a hold for hold, lock for lock bout with the World Champion�?Matlock’s gotta turn this into a fight and Van Dam’s gotta keep it a wrestling a match. They both know that and they both know that the other knows that, so this should be an interesting contest to say the least." Matlock uses his size and strength to start to force himself up off the mat, although to Van Dam’s credit, while he’s rising up with Matlock, he’s still got that Wristlock locked in. They’re up to a vertical base now but Van Dam still has the Wrist lock applied. David Starts to press hard, making Matlock start to slowly bridge back as Van Dam’s relentlessly putting the pressure on that Wristlock. Matlock realizes he’s heading back toward the mat, exactly where he doesn’t wanta be, so he swings his left arm out and manages to find his mark as he gets a thumb into the eye socket of the Heavyweight champion, and then rake it down. Van Dam instantly releases the Wristlock and grabs his eye as the fans surprisingly don’t give Matt much heat. Busch, "I’m not sure I agree with that, although I can’t argue it’s effectiveness." Marshal, "Well he told us all from the word go that he was throwing the rule book out the window and getting it done by any means necessary. It’s not like Van Dam didn’t have fair warning." Busch, "That’s true�? Matt Grabs David by the neck and singlet and runs forward, driving him shoulder first into the turnbuckle pad. David bounces back and spins so his back is leaning against the corner. Matlock pulls back and delivers a hard chop along the chest of Van Dam, drawing a loud "WHOO" from the fans. Matlock Pulls back and delivers a second chop, and then a third, both drawing loud whoos. The challenger hooks the Champion ala a Vertical Suplex and pulls him up, hoisting him into the air and sitting him on the steel piece that connects from the steel ring post to the top ropes. The crowd are on their feet as Matlock climbs up to the second rope and starts to deliver a couple of closes right hands to the face of Van Dam as Tim White demands not only that the punches cease, but that Matlock get his happy ass down off the ropes. Tim White doesn’t draw a response from the Cornered Animal so he starts to apply a count. But our focus is more on Matlock with that series of Right hands. Matlock stops the rights to try and climb up onto the top rope with Van Dam, but as he does Van Dam uses both hands and shoves Matt Matlock’s chest, making him fly back and land hard on the mat. The crowd boos, clearly wanting to see where that was going. David Pays it no mind as he hops down off the turnbuckles and comes after his challenger who’s on all fours, pushing himself up to his feet. Busch, "Matt Matlock was looking for something big off that top rope but the Champion was prime and ready." Matt Stands up and Van Dam instantly hooks his arms around the waist of the young Nova Scotia native, applying a tight rear waist lock. Van Dam pops back and drives Matlock Neck and shoulders first into the mat with a hard German Suplex. Van Dam maintains the bridge as Tim White drops down and counts ……………One……………Two Just two as Matlock kicks out with authority. Busch, "Van Dam hits the German Suplex and maintains the bridge for a two count here in the early going of this main event contest." Marshal, "Well ya gotta remember Bert, There’s one goal here; win. David Van Dam’s known as the "Sixty Minute Man" because he has a tendency of wrestling a longer, more drawn out contest. But just because he CAN wrestle all night, doesn’t mean he WANTS to wrestle all night. Every minute that passes in this match is another minute that he’s just three seconds away from losing his coveted ICWA World Heavyweight Championship, so the sooner he can put this away the better. Nothing beneficial can come out of a long match for a Defending champion. The only plus to a longer match in this case is that it’s safe to say Van Dam’s got a much better physical conditioning than Matt Matlock, and thus probably has a higher endurance level and much more stamina than his contender. But that doesn’t change the fact that the sooner he can get the pinfall, the sooner his championship’s safely secured around his waist till his next challenger." That being said Both Matlock and Van Dam are back on their feet, right back where they started as the fans seem drawn into the bout despite the fact that it hasn’t been a spot fest or a high speed flippy-jumpy bout. Van Dam and Matlock are both looking at each other, Jaw jacking a little bit as they draw closer and closer. Finally they end up face to face, neither man giving an inch�?/FONT> The fans are on their feet as Busch says, "Oh Boy�?The tension is thick and these two are about to explode�? Matlock suddenly shoots for a right hand but Van Dam catches his arm, wraps his own arm around it and drops to a knee taking his challenger over with a quickly applied fireman’s carry as the fans pop. Van Dam Quickly wraps up Matlock’s head in a side headlock but Matlock doesn’t hesitate to make it up to his feet before Van Dam can lock it in tight and keep his Canadian adversary on the mat. Now both man are on their feet, Van Dam holding the side headlock but still not having it completely synched in as Matlock got a hand in between Van Dam’s arms and his own neck. Matlock Charges forward and uses his free palm to press the small of the back of Van Dam�?After a couple of steps Van Dam has no choice but to go with the momentum, release the headlock, and dart for the ropes. Matlock instantly runs back the opposite way and both men hit their respective set of ropes about the same time. They both come running back at each other but Matlock stiffens up and leads with his shoulder, thus knocking the champion down with a hard shoulder block. Matlock looks down at the fallen Champion and then runs to the side ropes. Van Dam’s a seasoned vet so he wastes no time getting off his back as he rolls to his chest about the same time as Matlock hits the ropes. Matlock runs back and sees Van Dam’s switched to his chest so he leaps over the heavyweight champion and continues running across the ring. David Van Dam gets up to his feet and darts back, bouncing off the ropes opposite of Matlock. Both men come off the ropes about the same time. This time it’s Van Dam who stiffens up and leads with his shoulder, knocking Matlock down with a big time shoulder block. The crowd is solidly behind the upgrade in pace as Van Dam rushes toward the ropes�?Matlock however, doesn’t flip to his side, but rushes up to his feet and darts for the champion. David hits the ropes as Matlock’s coming toward him with an arm extended for the Clothesline. David Van Dam ducks down and darts under Matlock, making Matlock spin around with his back now against the ropes. Van Dam quickly wraps him up with a front waist lock, does a half spin ala Scott Steiner as Van Dam’s back is now against the ropes. Matlock’s hands grab the top rope as Van Dam pops up and sends Matlock flying up and over the top rope to the floor below with a big Belly to Belly suplex drawing a huge reaction from the sold out Madison Square Garden. Busch, "GOOD GOD! Matt Matlock just got LAUNCHED over that top rope to the outside floor!" In the higher left hand side of the screen a box pops up showing a replay of the Belly to Belly that sent Matlock over the top rope. Meanwhile in the live feed box Van Dam has stepped back into the center of the ring at Tim White’s request and is adjusting his singlet straps while Matlock is on all fours on the floor. Tim White Walks over to the ropes, watching Matlock as he begins to apply the ten count ……………………One………………Two�?Matt crawls over to the fan barricade, one hand nursing his back as the other grabs the fan barricade to help him pull himself up. ………………………Three………………Four Matt gets up to his feet as the fans all pat him and embrace him. Meanwhile in the ring Van Dam darts for the opposite side of the ring and hits the ropes. ……………………Five Matlock takes a couple of steps back, still a little loopy. Once he turns around he sees Van Dam dropping and heading his way with an attempted baseball slide attack. Matlock however sees it coming and not only side steps, but grabs Van Dam’s leg and singlet and grabs him, forcing him to slide all the way out to the floor. Van Dam of course lands on his feet, but he’s instantly met with a bit right hand from the Rabid Lonewolf. Matlock hits a second, then a third and then hooks Van Dam by the neck and the leg and snaps back with a Fisherman suplex release on the floor, drawing a solid reaction from the fans. Tim White has stopped his count and is on the floor trying to encourage the athletes to take it back into the ring. Busch, "Tim White being lenient with his count here�?He knows that the fans don’t want to see a double count out here, they want a winner�?They want a true champion. Ya gotta give a lot of credit to Senior Official Tim White on this call." Marshal, "No doubt�?In my opinion a referee’s job should be quite simply to shut up, watch the match and count when the man’s shoulders are on the mat or call a submission when the man taps out. Period, the end." Busch, "Well, I’d have to agree to a point. I do believe that in most cases it should be left to the Ultrastars, but then again, a certain level of law and order does need to be invoked." Marshal, "Nah, Marshal Law’s the best Law. No Pun intended." Back on the floor Matlock’s gotten to his feet and he’s dragging Van Dam up by his neck. Matlock gets the champion up and looks over at the steel stairs�?The Cornered Animal grabs the Wrestling Icon by the wrist and goes for a big Irish whip but Van Dam swings around with a reversal and Matlock goes darting across the floor and collides hard, back first against the steel steps making a sickening smashing sound. | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 25th, 2007 | Busch, "Bah Gawd! That’s flesh on steel!" Marshal, "My favorite sound Berty-boy!" Van Dam glances over his shoulder and sees Jessie standing there with her hands over her mouth and nose, her eyes wide as she’s clearly concerned with the way her fiancée connected with those stairs. David smirks and extends his arms to his sides, cocking a very sarcastic smile�?The same taunts Matlock uses only his grin is genuinely arrogant and not so sarcastic. The fans actually boo a little as Jessie seems surprised an offended by David’s gesture. Busch, "Van Dam mocking Matlock to his own Fiancee�?I’m not sure that’s really necessary." Marshal, "Well ya gotta bare in mind Bert, the fans have been split. Van Dam’s not used to the fans getting behind his challenger and riding his ass a little, so I think he’s just giving it back. Obviously Jessie’s a Matlock fan, so that’s who got the blunt of the punishment for everyone here in New York cheering on the Cornered Animal." Busch, "Perhaps, but I still don’t see why that was necessary. She’s just an innocent by standard cheering for her soon to be husband." Van Damn walks over toward Matlock who’s on his ass against the stairs, holding his back in pain. The Champ grabs his challenger with both hands by the neck, raising him up to his feet, and then uses one of those hands to grab a fist full of Matlock’s pants as he forces Matlock back into the ring, under the ropes. Tim White slides back into the ring as Van Damn climbs the very stairs Matlock had just collided with, and re-enters the ring between the second and third ropes as Matlock’s rolling to his hips, holding his back still. Van Dam delivers a solid kick into the back of Matlock, followed by a second, and then a third as the Lonewolf rolls to his knees and starts to pull himself up on the ropes. DVD shows no hesitation as he darts forward, wraps the rear waistlock on Matty Matlock, pushes forward so Matt’s chest pushes the ropes forward and then drops and rolls back, bringing the contender with him and rolling through so Matlock’s weight is on his shoulders and Van Dam’s kinda squatting over him, his hands on the lower back of Matlock. Tim White drops down and counts …………………One………………Two Busch, "Van Dam with the roll up, looking for the pin�?One, Two, No, Only two! Matlock kicks out!" You heard the man, Matlock kicked out at about two and a half. Van Dam kinda leans on the ropes, but looks more like a stalking hunter waiting for his prey to get into position as he watches Matlock pushing himself up to his feet. Matlock gets to his feet and David Bounces off the ropes adding a little speed to the few steps he takes and drives the back of his forearm into the lower back of the number one contender. Matlock stumbles a bit grabbing his back and Van Dam waists no time as he wraps his arm around Matlock’s waist, picks him up as if contemplating a big Kevin Nash style Sidewalk Slam, only to drop to a knee and bring Matlock’s spine crashing across that very knee with a back breaker. Matlock rolls of the knee of the Champion holding his back as Van Dam rolls him over to his shoulders and hooks the far leg. Tim White drops down and counts ………………………One…………………Two……………………Thr�?Matlock just kicks out before the three. Van Dam slams his palm down on the mat and yells out "THREE TIM! THE NEXT NUMBER WAS THREE!" Busch, "Van Dam was just a half-a-hiccup away on that one and is clearly a lil frustrated�? Marshal, "Can ya blame him? Where’d Tim White learn to count?!" Matlock sits up holding his back with the pain clearly etched on his face. Van Dam gets up, bounces back off the ropes, takes those couple of steps back to Van Dam, and drops down to a knee, driving a knee deep into the back of Matlock. Matlock’s arms shoot out as he lets out a roar in pain. Van Dam being the wise in-ring performer he is grabs both of Matt Matlock’s wrists and keeps his arms extended, pulling them back as he keeps that one knee deep in the back of Matlock. Tim White is right down in Matlock’s face, asking him if he wants to call it quits but he shakes his head emphatically screaming "NOOO!" with that deep Canadian voice of his. Busch, "The Heavyweight Champion’s really working over the back of Matt Matlock�? Marshal, "That’s a real smart strategy on the part of the champ. Like I said earlier, Van Dam knows Matlock better than anybody�?So he knows that Matt Matlock’s got way too much heart and wants this title way to much to tap out. So instead of focusing on the neck and shoulder like he might if he was aiming for a Crossface Chickenwing, he’s working over the back so that his Last Chance slam is twice as effective when he pulls it off. His hope here isn’t so much to make Matlock tap�?Don’t get me wrong, he’ll take the submission if he can get it, but it’s more so to put Matt in such a state that once his back is driven into that mat with the Last Chance, it’ll be momentarily paralyzing and thus guaranteed victory." Busch, "Not to mention that it’s gonna be hard for Matlock to use any moves that requires him to lift the champion with his back in such a weakened state�? Marshal, "I was gettin�?to that if you’d of kept your mouth shut and let me finish." Matlock’s been struggling in that submission of Van Dam’s for a little while, the fans growing louder and louder as they’ve began to clap�?There claps start slow but consistant�?Over time they pick up pace and grow louder and more rapid�?As that happens Matt grits his teeth, his eyes lids shut so tight they could probably crack a walnut. Matt starts to rock from side to side, trying to get momentum behind his wait as Van Dam continues wrenching back on his arms, shaking his head as his way of refusing to relinquish the hold. The challenger successfully rocks his way to his hips, thus forcing Van Dam’s knee away. He starts to rise up, making Van Dam rise with him, still behind him holding his arms abroad. The fans are loud, clearly behind Matlock’s recovery. The Applauding reaches it’s climax as both men are on their feet. Matlock ducks and darts back with enough speed and momentum to force Van Dam to release the arms of his challenger. Matlock ends up with his body behind Van Dam’s, but bent over. He swings one arm around the back of Van Dam’s waist, another one reaches down and sweeps behind the knee of Van Dam as he hoists the heavyweight champion up high in the air, stalls only briefly, and then snaps back dropping Van Dam hard on his back with a big back drop. Both men are down breathing heaving, Van Dam on his back and Matt Matlock on his back. Tim White checks on em both and doesn’t get much of a reaction other than their squints in pain. So seeing no other choice he slowly embarks on his ten count as the capacity crowd is on their feet, rallying behind these two incredible Ultrastars. Busch, "David Van Dam was in control but Matt Matlock forced him to switch gears and come to a halt with that big back drop. Now both men are on the mat, there bodies truly taking a toll from this contest." ……………………One…………………Two……………………Three Both men are still down, Van Dam’s chest moving up and down quite clearly and Matlock’s back doing the same. Busch, "What a shame it’d be if this contest ended on a double count out�? Marshal, "Shame isn’t the word Bert, it’d be a crime, Plain and simple." Busch, "I’d tend to agree." ………………………Four………………………Five Matlock’s hand has found his back, his other hand going through his sweating hair, clearly trying to collect himself as Van Dam’s slowly rolling to his side. The crowd is growing louder and louder, getting behind both Ultrastars. …………………………Six………………………Seven Van Dam flops over to his chest, one leg fully extended, another one brought up and bent at the knee. His forehead is down on the canvas but he appears to know where he is and his body language tells us he wants to head to make the couple of inches over to the ropes to use them as a make shift ladder back to his feet. Not far from DVD, Matlock’s body looks much the same except his face is up off the mat, looking ahead to analyze how far he is from the other set of ropes to try and do the same. Both men start crawling�?/FONT> ……………………………Eight Both men grab the ropes nearest them and start to pull themselves up. Busch, "The fans are solidly behind the Champion and the contender as they both try and beat this ten count�? …………………………………Nine They both get to their feet, although they both seem pretty wobbly. ………………………………�?/FONT> Tim White’s considering the ten, neither man’s really all together despite being on their feet�?But he looks out to the raging sea of humanity surrounding him and he just can’t bring himself to do it, so he declares both men on their feet drawing a unanimous cheer from the Madison Square Garden fans. They both have their backs turned to each other, but they stagger around about the same time. Matlock swings wide and hard with a big right hand that makes David stagger back and bounce off the ropes. Van Dam returns and hits an open palm strike across the jaw of Matlock, making Matt stagger back a couple steps. David Grabs Matt by the Wrist, pulls him back and presses him against the rampside ropes, then pulls back and goes to launch his challenger across the ring with an Irish Whip, however the Cornered Animal whips around and reverses with an Irish Whip of his own, forcing the Champion to dart across the ring. As DVD takes off Matlock doesn’t hesitate to give chase. David’s back bounces against the ropes and when it does Matlock jumps and drives his arm across the higher chest of the champion, driving both performers up and over the top rope to the floor on the commentary side of the ring. Busch, "Big clothesline bringing both Ultrastars over the top rope in front of us." Matlock crawls over and grabs a hold of the ring skirt, using it to pull himself up to his feet. He takes a minute and stays leaned over, placing his weight on the ring as his arm comes around to his back again�?Clearly he’s still feeling the pain from Van Dam’s extensive back based assault. Behind Matlock, David Van Dam’s crawled over to the time keeper’s table and using that to assist him up to his feet. David glances over his shoulder and sees that Matt’s holding his back, bent over at the ring. DVD staggers slightly, trying to regain his footing. He starts to walk away from the time keeper’s table but his foot catches in some cables, nearly tripping the champion. Van Dam catches himself on the commentary table. David just ignores it and grabs the black protective cover with the ICWA logo from the Commentary table, ripping it off and throwing it to the side as it almost hits Spanish commentator Carlos Colon. Busch, "What-a-ya doin David?" David grabs the handle ontop of Bert’s monitor and yanks it up out of the commentary table, setting it on the floor on the side. He then walks over and grabs Marshal’s Monitor, yanking that out and placing it to the side as well�?/P> Marshal, "We kinda need those champ�? Van Dam takes a couple of steps back and turns around, when he does he takes a kick to the gut from his challenger. Matt grabs Van Dam by the back of the neck and slams him face first into the ring. The crowd is growing loud as Matlock then turns Van Dam around so Van Dam’s back is leaning against the ring, reaches back, and then delivers a hard knife edge chop across the chest of the heavyweight champion. Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOO Matlock draws back and nails the chops again�?/FONT> Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOO Matlock grabs David’s chin with his left hand and brings his face up, setting it right where he wants it as he balls up his right hand and draws back�?But Van Dam suddenly brings both thumbs into the eye sockets of his challenger and does a double eye rake as Matt staggers back holding his eyes as the crowd starts to give Van Dam a little a heat. Busch, "The crowd getting on Van Dam’s case for the eye rake, although I’m not entirely sure I understand that as they didn’t seem as bothered by it earlier in the night when Matlock did the same." Marshal, "Matlock said he was going to do the same. They expect that sort of thing from Matlock. David, however, they expect to try and keep this as a wrestling match. I’m not saying the fans are right to get on Van Dam’s case, but I get why they’re on his case." Matlock’s staggered over to the time keeper’s table, stealing time keeper Mike Marks�?bottle of water and trying to flush his eyes. As he does that David bends down, grabs a hold of the black protective mats and rips it up as we hear the sound of the Velcro separating when the mat comes up. Busch, "What’s David doing here?!" Van Dam lifts the mat way up and pushes it off to the side�?/FONT> Busch, "David Van Dam’s exposing that concrete floor�?This has nowhere but bad to go." David walks over and grabs a hold of the back of the neck of Matt Matlock, bringing him over to the exposed floor. He grabs Matt in a vertical suplex grapple and goes to hoist his challenger up with a vertical suplex but the Canadian Ultrastar blocks by snaking his leg around David’s. David attempts the vertical a second time but again to no avail�?/FONT> Busch, "Van Dam’s looking for that vertical suplex�?This would absolutely finish Matt’s back�? Matt apparently senses that as he begins delivering hard right hands into the ribs of the heavyweight champion. After a series of shots Matt maintains the suplex grapple and actually hoists Van Dam into the air�?The fans are on their feet as Matlock’s squinting in pain, holding Van Dam in the air as he takes a couple of steps forward onto the exposed floor, spins and drops down driving the heavyweight champion head first into that exposed concrete floor with a spinning brainbuster as the crowd erupts. Busch, "MATLOCK-GO-ROUND-OH-3, OH MAH GAWD! HE JUST DROVE DAVID VAN DAM SKULL FIRST INTO THAT EXPOSED CONCRETE WITH THE MATLOCK-GO-ROUND-OH-THREE!!!" Crowd: MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK�?/P> Both men are down, David’s body actually rolled over so he’s on his chest with his head and hands under the ring apron, hidden from the world. Matt’s on his back, squinting and gritting his teeth in pain as his hand is under his body, probably nursing his back. Busch, "BAH GOD! That could be all she wrote but�?But�?What did that take out of Matlock?! Can he capitalize?!" The screen splits into too boxes with the PPV logo underneath the left one as a reply begins to show on the left side�?We watch David attempt the vertical again, then see the reverse, see Matlock walk onto the concrete, and then slam down into that massive brain buster. Busch, "Bah God�?What an incredible match this is!" Marshal, "Absolutely Bert�?No matter who wins, there’s no question that both these guys put it all out there." Busch, "A lot of credit has to go to senior official Tim White as well�?He’s in the ring and he hasn’t counted these men out, he hasn’t called the disqualification from the use of the floor�?He’s just lettin�?these two great athletes go and decide a winner between themselves. I think that’s great�? Marshal, "No doubt, No Doubt, No Doubt." Back on the floor we see Matlock slowly rolling to his chest and crawling for the ring�?Matlock grabs the ring apron and pulls himself up to his feet, staggering back and almost falling back down. He looks out to the crowd and they go wild as they see his face reflecting the pain his body is in. Matt straightens his body, looks up with his eyes closed and grabs his back with both hands. Busch, "Well ya gotta imagine that the level of pain Matt Matlock’s in at this point is interminable." Marshal, "No doubt about it. I’ve been there before, and when ya get your back taken out it makes everything ten times as difficult. Ya don’t really realize how much you use your back till it’s in excruciating pain. Not just for lifts and slams either, but just to get up off the mat and to support yourself in an upright position. The only reason Matlock’s walking right now is because of the adrenaline ya get when you’re out in that ring with so much on the line." Matlock finally releases his back and slowly bends over, reaching under the ring and grabbing David by the neck (we assume, we can’t really see that well) and pulling him up. As he gets Van Dam to his feet we see that he’s been busted open across the skull from that big brain buster on the floor. This draws a strong reaction from the crowd. Busch, "David’s been busted open from that brain buster on the exposed concrete." Matlock walks a possibly concussed David Van Dam over to the matted area near the stairs, bends over, picks him up and slams him on the black wrestling mat with a very basic scoop slam. Matt grabs his back as he climbs up the stairs and then starts to climb up the ropes. The fans are still on their feet, their cameras in hand and flashes already starting to go off�?/FONT> Busch, "What’s Matlock thinking here?" Matlock climbs up to the top and is crouched down holding the top ropes with his back to the fans�?David suddenly jumps up, leaps onto the ring, runs up the outside ropes just as Matt’s standing up, gets on the top rope and without a second of hesitation, hooks the leg and arm of the cornered animal�?/FONT> Busch, "Oh My God�?Oh My God�? David Leaps in a diagonal direction with Matlock on his shoulders and the two go soaring through the air as the arena lights up with camera flashes from the time they leave the time ropes till they come crashing through the commentary table with a HUGE Angle Slam. Busch, "OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!" Crowd: HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! Busch, "I CAN’T BELIEVE MY EYES! LAST CHANCE! LAST CHANCE! LAST CHANCE FROM THE TOP ROPE THROUGH OUR ANNOUNCE TABLE! HOLY HELL!" The screen instantly switches back to Matlock up on top. It shows the replay of Van Dam jumping up, darting up on the ring and rushing up the ropes with great agility before delivering the most incredible angle slam of all time from the top rope through the previously cleared off American announce table. The replay concludes and we zoom in on Matt Matlock and David Van Dam who are both on the floor, the only signs of life coming from there chests moving to their shallow breaths. Busch, "That is the most incredible thing I think I’ve ever seen! But BAH GOD�?Their careers may have just ended! They�?They�?Jay’s lost his audio from the impact�?I�?I’m just�?I’m flabbergasted�?I absolutely can’t believe what I just saw�? From there we switch over to Matt’s fiancée Jessica Winters being restrained from jumping the barricade by security, literally weeping for her boyfriend. The crowd around her is trying to console her and are giving the security guard Hell for not letting her hop over and check on her boyfriend. Busch, "Jessica Winters clearly deeply concerned for her husband too be and who can blame her after what he just went through�? Again they go to the replay. This time when the replay concludes we see Tim White on the floor checking on both guys and calling to the back for help. ICWA Trainers Danny Yung and Anoop Kaushik both rush down the ramp with latex gloves on. Busch, "Trainers Danny Yung and Anoop Kaushik coming down to check on the Champion and the contender�?I think the probability of this match being over is very high�?David Van Dam just jumped up on an adrenaline rush from hell and grabbed Matlock without a thought and took that huge leap of faith and while he put down his opponent, he put himself down as well and it wouldn’t surprise me if this match is the last for both these incredible ultrastars�?I hope I’m wrong but after that, I just don’t know�? The fans are on watching the Dementa-Tron and the floor intently, hoping the Ultrastars are alright. The trainers arrive and start to check the vital signs of the two athletes. Danny Yung kneels down by the Champion and Anoop Kaushik kneels down next to Matlock. Busch, "I still�?I’m still in absolute shock at what we saw. Jay’s still trying to get back on the air with us�?I just�?I mean�?My God." Danny and Anoop both look less than optimistic as they look at each other and Danny says, "I think we’re gonna need to get em stretchered outta here." Anoop nods, "Agreed." Danny and Anoop both look to the back and start to wave on the medics which makes the fans boo. As they do we see Matlock’s hand come up and grab Anoop by the shirt, clearly catching the trainer off guard. The fans seeing this on the Dementa-Tron erupt as Matlock’s eyes stay closed but he’s got a fist full of the chest of Anoop’s shirt�?Matlock’s other comes up a little bit, waving Anoop to draw his head down closer to Matlock. Anoop bends his neck down a little bit as the medics are starting to head down the ramp with two stretchers. Matlock continues to wave Anoop down, telling him to come closer. As he does the camera gets right close, hoping the mic on it can pick up whatever Matt might be about to say�?/FONT> Anoop’s ear finally get’s right close to Matlock’s mouth, his eyes still not open as he says, "You tell those sons-a-bitches to get the fu__ out of her�?This match ain’t ending this way. If I’m not leaving here champion it’s not gonna be because I didn’t finish the match." Anoop, "Mr. Matlock�?You may have sever neck and spinal damage�?One wrong move and you could be looking at permanent paralysis�? Matt, "Then I won’t do one wrong move�? Anoop, "Just standing up could�? Matt’s eyes finally open, an obvious fire in them making the crowd go wild as he says, "Shut the f__k up and keep those pricks away from me!" Matlock shoves Anoop away with the hand that had hold of his shirt, making Anoop fall on his ass. Danny shakes his head and says, "Well he can stay if he wants, we’re getting David out of here�? "No you’re not." Danny looks down as for the first time since the Last Chance off the top we see a part of Van Dam’s face move. David, "You heard the kid�?We’ve got a match to finish." Busch, "Bah�?God. This�?This is insanity. I’ve never respected two athletes as much as I respect David Van Dam and Matt Matlock right now, but�?there comes a time when ya gotta say when and I believe Matt and David have reached that time�?Two lesser men wouldn’t be alive right now�?These guys wanta finish the match. What heart." David and Matt slowly start to try and roll to their chests as Danny Yung and Anoop Kaushik both stand up shaking their heads. The medics start to make their way around either side of the ring as Danny and Anoop separate and head opposite ways shaking their heads and motioning for the medics to go back. The medics seem quizzical and on either side the trainers say, "They don’t want medical attention, they think they can finish the match." The crowd cheers hearing this at ringside and the rest of the crowd follows suit seeing the medics heading back to where they came from. Busch, "Unbelievable�? Matlock and DVD pull themselves toward each other, the tops of their heads against each other’s shoulders. They stay like that only momentarily before they start trying to pull themselves to their knees. Crowd: DVD, MAT-LOCK, DVD, MAT-LOCK, DVD, MAT-LOCK, DVD-MAT-LOCK, DVD-MAT-LOCK�?EYE-SEE-DUB-EH, EYE-SEE-DUB-EH, EYE-SEE-DUB-EH, EYE-SEE-DUB-EH, EYE-SEE-DUB-EH, EYE-SEE-DUB-EYE�?/P> Busch, "This capacity crowd is on their feet, overwhelmed as these two�?these two�?I don’t even know what to call em�?These Modern day Warriors, make their way up to their feet�? David and Matt use each other to pull each other up to their feet�?They get to their feet and as soon as they do the crowd goes absolutely ballistic. They both stagger about, some blood on David’s head, both men seeming dazed and confused. Matt staggers over to the ring and rolls in under the bottom rope. David follows suite. Matt crawls to the ropes and starts to pull himself up again, one hand on his throbbing back. David goes to the opposite set of ropes and starts pulling himself up�?Both men make it to their feet and hug the top rope, trying to use it to aid them in collecting their footing�?David turns around first and puts his hands on his knees as he looks across at DVD with a look of exhaustion, but also a look of readiness�?The look of a champion�?/FONT> | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 25th, 2007 | Matt staggers back and Van Dam shoots in, grabs the leg and the wrist and hoists the Lone Wolf up�?/FONT> Busch, "HE’S GOING FOR ANOTHER LAST CHANCE!" Matt Kicks and wiggles though and slides down David’s back. David spins around and Matlock hooks his neck and head and hoists him up into the air�?Matlock lets out a loud groan, clearly his back is feeling this big time. Matlock hooks the other leg, and then drops back with what basically looks like a double leg-hooked fisherman suplex release without a bridge, or for the 2 TNA fans, Samoa Joe’s Muscle Buster. Busch, "MATLOCK-GO-ROUND-OH-SIX! IT’S OVER! WE HAVE A NEW EYE SEE DUBBYA EH CHAMPION!" Matlock sits up, pain deeply etched on his face as he holds his back before rolling over and laying ontop of David Van Dam. Senior referee Tim White drops down as the crowd counts with him�?/FONT> Crowd & Ref: ……………………ONE! ………………………TWO! Busch, "WHAT A GREAT MATCH THIS WAS!" Crowd & Ref: ……………………………THREE! Busch, "IT’S OVER!" But wait�?The Crowd counted three but Tim White stopped�?He points to the ropes where we see Van Dam’s foot draped atop of the bottom rope, and signifies that it was just two. Matlock’s eyes are wide as he grabs two fist fulls of his own hair and drops his forehead to the mat in blatant frustration. Busch, "BAH GOD! SO CLOSE! SO CLOSE! MATT MATLOCK WAS SO CLOSE!" Marshal, "Am I back on?!" Busch, "We got ya!" Marshal, "I can’t believe that Bert! For one, how the Hell are these guys STILL going?! And for two, David just got out of the Matlock Go Round 2006!" Busch, "I know! It’s unbelievable!" Matlock pulls himself out, his eyes are actually teary from the pain in his back right now�?Matt grabs on to the top rope with both hands, wincing in pain as he tries to get to a point where he can support himself. Meanwhile David has rolled to his knees and is trying to crawl to the ropes to pull himself up as well�?Both men are sweaty and exhausted. David pulls himself up on the ropes as Matt uses the rope as a hand rail to guide him over by DVD. David gets up and Matt starts heading his way but David drives into him, pushing him back first into the corner. David delivers a hard European Uppercut, followed by a second, and then a third before he grabs Matlock via the Vertical suplex grapple and hoists him up onto the top turnbuckle. David Climbs up top with Matlock and pulls Matlock up, hooking him for the superplex�?/FONT> Busch, "These guys are in no man’s land with no where but down to go�? David wants that superplex but before he can launche Matlock delivers a couple of stiff rights into his ribs, breaks the Vertical suplex grapple and forces David’s head between the Canadian thighs of the contender�?/FONT> Busch, "MATLOCK REVERSES�? Matlock hooks the arms and leaps out, nailing Van Dam with a sitout pedigree that makes the fans go nuts�?/FONT> Busch, "BAH GOD! SIT OUT STOCK MARKET CRASH! SIT OUT STOCK MARKET CRASH! WHAT A REVERSAL! THAT HAS TO BE IT!" Matlock rolls back holding his back in pain. Busch, "Matlock’s in SO MUCH pain he can’t capitalize off that huge move!" Marshal, "Crawl! Scrape! Do something! Just get David on his shoulders with your body over his!" Busch, "You’re pulling for Matlock?!" Marshal, "I’m pulling for em both! They deserve it!" Busch, "I’ve never agreed with you more!" Matlock rolls to his forehead and knees, kicking his feet as he lets out a scream from the pain he’s in. He starts dragging himself over toward David as the capacity crowd is chanting his name�?/FONT> Crowd: MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! Matlock finally gets to David, brings his arm under David’s and gets his hand cuped over David’s neck, essentially applying a half nelson. Matlock uses that Half nelson to roll David over to his back and hooks the far leg as Tim White drops down and the crowd once again joins him in his count�?/FONT> Crowd & White: ……………………ONE Busch, "Middle of the ring, no where to go�?This HAS to be it!" Crowd & White: …………………………TWO…………………………THRE…�?/FONT> Tim White’s hand is literally about to graze the mat when David shoots his shoulder up making the crowd gasp in shock. Busch, "BAH GOD! HOW THE HELL DOES HE DO THAT?! David Van Dam may very well be the most resilient champion in the history of our business!" Marshal, "I’ve been here for every champion from X Bomb to Van Dam and I can’t think of one of em that’d of gotten their shoulder up after that!" Busch, "NO WHERE ELSE! No Where else in the WORLD are ya gonna find two athletes as incredible as the ones you’re seeing right here! NO Where else are ya gonna see a World Title match contested between two men in singles competition that’s at this level! You are watching the ICWA do Pay Per View like NOBODY ELSE Can! You are watching David Van Dam�?The Man everyone said was too hard to work with, too self consumed�?Said was over rated and under talented�?You’re watching him fight in a way we’ve never seen! You’re watching Matt Matlock�?The man everyone said couldn’t, the man everyone wrote off, called a hack, called a lazy piece of s**t�? Marshal, "Easy Bert�? Busch, "NO! These ICWA Competitors haven’t done anything "Easy" tonight and Damn it I won’t do them the disservice of taking it easy when they’re putting it all on the line! You’re watching Matt Matlock fight with more heart than any of them critical ASSH*LES out there that wanted to write him off! DAMN IT WHAT A MATCH! DAMN IT What a pair of true, blue, Genuine MEN! I didn’t know they still existed in our business but BAH GOD they do and they’re right here before you!" Back in the ring Matlock’s leaning back on his knees, looking to the heavens as he holds his back. Surely he’s preying for something, anything, whatever it takes to win this match. Matlock tries to push himself up off the mat but he instantly grabs his back and realizes there isn’t an ice cube’s chance in Hell he’s standing up on his own power. So much like an infant who hasn’t yet learn to walk, Matt begins crawling toward the ropes. Busch, "Matlock’s back has endured so much he literally can not stand on his own power! He has to crawl to the ropes like a�?like a�?like an infant learning to walk!" Marshal, "In most cases that’d be humiliating, but here it’s a testament to his will and to everything he and David have gone through up to this point." Matt grabs the ropes and one rope at a time he starts pulling himself up as David rolls to his knees and palms and starts to push himself up very slowly. David’s exhausted but his back isn’t nearly as shot as Matlock’s so he can still get up without the ropes, although it’s heavily straining him. Matlock gets up and staggers back away from the ropes and when he does, Van Dam is waiting. David grabs his arm and goes for the Crossface Chickenwing as the crowd erupts�?/P> Busch, "He’s looking for Faded Glory!" But Matlock resists and runs back driving DVD back first against the turnbuckles. The crowd is on their feet going wild. DVD hammers his forearm across the shoulder blades of Matlock and then hops up onto the second ropes. David leans over looking to hook Matt’s head for a tornado reverse DDT, But Matt reaches out and gets his hands cupped under David’s armpits as David’s eyes grow wide�? Busch, "David looking for some sort of a reverse DDT or a Blockbuster but Matlock’s hooked him�? Matlock lets out a might roar as he lifts David only slightly, runs out with David held up like an outsider’s edge only with David’s back facing the ceiling instead of his chest�?Matt gets to about center ring and tosses David up about an inch so he’s no longer holding David’s armpits�?He comes out, reaches up, and brings David crashing down with a Diamond cutter, thus the inadvtered Tommyhawk�?/P> Busch, "ANIMAL INSTINCTS! ANIMAL INSTINCTS! BAH GOD!" David flops over to his back as Matlock is sitting up rocking back and forth, so much pain on his face as he holds his back�?He Knows he doesn’t have time to hurt though, so he puts one hand on the canvas, uses it to pop him into the air as he lunges across David’s body, and hooks the far leg�? Tim White and the Crowd counts: …………………………ONE Busch, "I’D say this is it but David’s kicked out of so much!" White & Crowd: ……………………………TWO! Busch, "IS THIS�? White & Crowd: …………………………………THREE! Tim White jumps up and makes the call as the bell starts to sound and the crowd goes absolutely nuts... "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" blasting over the PA. Kevin Dart, "YOUR WINNER�?and the NEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ALLIANCE HHHHHEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WWWWWWWWORLD�?MATT MAAAAAAATTTTTTTLOCK!!!" Busch, "HE DID IT! HE DID IT! BAH GOD MATT MATLOCK HAS DONE IT! HE’S PROVEN ALL THE DETESTERS WRONG! HE HAS JUST MADE IT TO THE NEXT TEIR! HE IS THE ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT WRESTLING CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!!!" Marshal, "And Holy Hell does he deserve it after that!" Busch, "BOTH MEN�?BOTH MEN�?Both Men poured EVERYTHING into that match! BOTH MEN Deserve so much credit�?BAH GOD! Crowd: THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap)... Busch, "These fans showing their appreciation for what these two incredible athletes just did and so rightfully so�?Thank You Matt Matlock�?Thank You David Van Dam. Thank You." Marshal, "73 Minutes and 27 Seconds Bert�?That’s how long this match was. The Longest singles match in our company’s history, and the longest championship match of any sort in our company’s history. Matt Matlock and David Van Dam just made history." Back in the ring Matlock’s on his knees, almost awe struck by the response. Senior referee Tim White has grabbed the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship from ringside and is seen handing it down to Matlock, who has literally began to weep�?/FONT> Busch, "What an incredible moment Jay�?Four years�?For Four Years Matt Matlock has scrapped and clawed with only one desire�?To reach the pinnicle of our business. Here tonight he has done that. Matt Matlock is the ICWA World Heavyweight Champion." Matlock asks the official to Help him up so Tim White drops to a knee and gets his shoulder under Matlock’s arm put, wraps his arms around Matlock’s waist, and on a three count they both rise up to their feet, Matlock’s face showing the pain in his back. The crowd is still on their feet, applauding and going wild as confetti begins dropping from the sky. Busch, "I’m so proud�?So proud to be a part of this very moment Jay." Marshal, "No doubt Bert, we’re witnessing true history here tonight." Matt hobbles over to the corner and climbs up onto the second rope, raising his belt high in the sky as he screams out, "I DID IT! JESSIE! I DID IT!" Busch, "Oh Yes you did Matt�?Yes You did!" The camera pans out so we can see Jessie at ringside who’s also crying, a big smile on her face as she’s wiping her tears with her hands and looking up at Matt shaking her head and saying "Yes you did baby�?Yes you did!" Back in the ring David’s rolled up to his knees and is shaking his head in disappointment. Busch, "David Van Dam has just lost the ICWA World championship but he has NOTHING to be ashamed of here tonight�? Marshal, "Absolutely not Bert�?What we just saw was truly incredible." Matlock steps down off the ropes and sees David pulling himself up off the mat. Matt walks over, the title in his left hand as he comes face to face with Van Dam in the middle of the ring. Matlock’s music fades away as the confetti is still floating around. Crowd: THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap)... In the middle of the ring we see Matlock standing there, tear soaked eyes as he simply nods to the crowd’s statement, extends his right hand and says, "Thank You." Busch, "Oh that’s great�?I mean really�? David sighs, but then nods his head and accepts Matlock’s hand as the crowd goes nuts. Busch, "YES! That’s what it’s all about! I can’t believe the show we’ve seen here tonight! Awesome! Simply Awesome!" David Raises Matt’s arm in the air as "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" Blasts over the PA. The capacity crowd is going wild. Busch, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?It’s been a true privilege to be in your homes tonight calling the action for this historic event�?I’m Bert Busch along side�? Suddenly David swoops down, hooks the leg and wrist of Matlock, pops up and slams him down hard on the mat with the last chance, making the crowd go silent for a brief second as they’re actually in shock�?/P> Busch, �?FONT color=#ffff00>WHAT THE HELL ?!" The crowd starts erupting with boos as David gets up, a look of rage on his face. Busch, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" David looks down at Matlock pulls his neck back, and then LITERALY spits on Matlock’s chest as he lyes there motionless. Busch, "WHAT A LOW LIFE SON OF A BITCH! I DON’T UNDERSTAND THIS BUT BAH GOD DOES IT MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL! We�?We Gotta Go�?We’ll see ya next Wednesday on FX for Demented�?What the HELL?!" 
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ICWA Demented Live March 25th, 2007 |  ::The Following Footage Takes Place after the cameras turned off and the PPV went off the air. This is an ICWA.com Exclusive:: David shakes his head and exits the ring, heading up the ramp way to a chorus of boos as Matlock lyes unconscious in the ring. Once again Security is preventing Jessie from jumping the barricade. Matlock slowly rolls over, gripping his ICWA Heavyweight Championship as "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" begins to blast over the PA again�?DVD’s disappeared to the back but the curtain moves and out from behind it steps WallStreet. WallStreet behind him is the dominate portion of the lockeroom, although I won’t mention any names so that anyone who doesn’t want to be involved won’t be. The crowd is in an uproar as they come down the ramp and Matlock’s on his knees in the ring with the title. WallStreet walks up the stairs as X Bomb, who was right behind him, walks around to ringside where Jessie is located. Jessie backs off, but X bomb offers his hand out. Jessica takes it and X bomb reaches under her, lifts her up and swings her over the barricade. She gives him a small hug and then rushes into the ring as X Bomb just gives the security guard a dirty look before heading for the ring himself. Even Jay Marshal and Bert Busch have headed into the ring. Inside the ring Scott Jensen and Jimmy Stryker have helped Matlock up to his feet�?Matlocks holding the strap as WallStreet looks at him�?WallStreet has a mic in hand, although Matt’s theme never goes off the PA�?/P> WallStreet, "�?FONT color=#00ff00>Mat-lock�?Mat-Lock�?Mat-Lock �? Crowd: MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK�?/EM> The chat continues as WallStreet tosses the mic outside and shakes his head while saying "You crazy bastard, ya really did it." WallStreet laughs and Matt immediately reaches out and gives the Boss a hug. WallStreet nods and hugs him back. The cameras don’t pick it up but in Matlock’s ear WallStreet whispers, "You’re the man now Matt�?No one can ever take this moment away from you, milk it for all it’s worth." Matt nods, understanding what he hears as he looks over and sees X-Bomb. It’s no secret that X Bomb and Matlock have had some real heat backstage. A couple weeks ago they had a match and Matlock accidentally hit a stiff headbut on X Bomb, so X Bomb potatoed Matlock and busted his eye open�?Both men have had head with each other backstage every since. X Bomb nods with a genuine look of respect as he extends his hand. The fans who read the internet forums mark out as Matlock accepts X Bomb’s hand and they share a small hug as well. But then he turns and sees Jessie standing in wait. Matt wraps his arms around her waist, picks her up and swings her around before giving her a big kiss. That didn’t help his back but he has a whole new adrenaline rush now so he’s not feeling anything but excitement and joy right now. Matt Matlock�?The New ICWA Heavyweight Champion. Congratulations. | |
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ICWA Resurrection III: Howl Of The Wolf Credits & Quick Match Results Quick Match Results Demented Matches NLCS Def. Joe 6-Pack Via DQ Taylor McCallister Def. Ryan Ross via Pinfall Hope Cassidy Def. Jay Styles via Submission Jimmy Stryker Def. DSL via Pinfall *Congrats to the new US Champion Remorseless Storm Def. Drew Stevenson & Whysper via Pinfall (MJ Storm over Drew Stevenson) *Congrats To the New Tag Team Champions Angelina Def. Summer Stratus via Stripping of Clothes *Congrats to the New Women's Champion James Def. Flipside & DC via Pinfall Elimination Matt Matlock Def. David Van Dam via Pinfall *Congrats to the new ICWA World Heavyweight Champion Credits
Match 1 Singles NLCS V.S. Joe 6-Pack Written by: Taylor AKA WallStreet Match 2 Singles WallStreet V.S. Ryan Ross Written by: David AKA David Van Dam Match 3 Jay Styles V.S. Hope Cassidy Written by: Matt AKA Ryan Ross Match 4 United States Title Match New York City Street Fight Jimmy Stryker V.S. DSL Written by: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Match 5 Tag Team Title Match Remorseless Storm V.S. Drew & Whysper Written By: David AKA David Van Dam Match 6 Bra & Panties Women's Title Angelina Santana V.S. Summer Stratus Written By: Josh AKA Whysper MAtch 7 Triple Threat Elimination - Barbwire Cage James V.S. Flipside V.S. Dark Child Written by: Steve AKA Flipside Main Event ICWA World Heavyweight Championship Singles Matt Matlock V.S. David Van Dam Written by: Taylor AKA WallStreet Segment Between Match Four and Match Five written by David Van Dam. Parts of the Ross/WallStreet lead up footage provided curtosey of a Ryan Ross role play Winners Selected by Management Thanks to everyone who rped this week. great job.Also, Huge Ups to all the writters who really stepped up and saved the day. Ya'll are appreciated. 
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